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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. 2:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers, and just now to the most important events. for the second time in a day , the russians attacked the transport and logistics infrastructure at od'. as reported,
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the defense forces of the south were hit by missiles from the occupied crimea. there is no information about the victims. the scale of the destruction is currently being investigated. the invaders struck at dawn on the same object. two employees of the enterprise were injured. and large-scale emergency shutdowns in the south of the country. due to damage to oblenergo networks , some cities and villages in kherson region and mykolaiv region were cut off. there are continuing renovations work in the morning muscovites attacked. power facilities in the southern regions damaged equipment at one of ukrenergo's substations. mykolaiv, almost half of the region remains without power. there is also no electricity in the kherson district. according to the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, the power industry is gradually repairing the networks. the bodies of a 12-year-old boy and his mother were found under the rubble of a house in kostyantynivka , donetsk region. 43'. a woman and her son were killed by
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a russian aerial bomb. after extinguishing the fire, the rescuers also found one more victim: a 60-year-old man. two more people were injured. the two-story building itself is partially destroyed. i should note that putin's terrorists dropped three cabs on the city. as a result of the attack , 10 apartment buildings and 27 private houses were damaged. an educational institution, a temple, four shops and eight trade pavilions. during the search and rescue operations , the bodies of the mother and the dead boy born in 2011 were found by the state emergency service. it is also currently established that as a result of this insidious shelling from the russian side three people of the federation were killed and two people were injured. an important goal of the armed forces of ukraine.
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the operators of the third regiment of special operations forces discovered russian equipment during reconnaissance operations in the donetsk region. special forces successfully eliminated the equipment with the help of an attack drone. the boris glebsk-2 complex is used by the enemy to suppress satellite communications of radio navigation systems and create radio interference. it was adopted by the russian army in 2013 and has been using it in the war against ukraine for 10 years. espresso tv channel has started a new collection. walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these brave warriors, we can live, work and learn. and in order to somehow thank you, let's
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close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. but every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. get involved. you can now see all the details on the screen. germany announced a new package aid to ukraine. according to a message on the website of the ministry of defense of the federal republic of germany, 6,155 millimeter shells will be sent to us. two demining machines. drones and crawlers everywhere, as well as rifles, a million small arms rounds and 500 detonators. as noted in the bundessphere, all this is provided at the expense of the supplies of the federal armed forces from the supplies of industry, financed from the funds of the federal government. in poland , the 14th anniversary of the smolensk tragedy is passing, when the plane wreckage resulted in deaths. 96 people,
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including the president of poland leg kaczyński from wife maria, high-ranking officials, representatives of the clergy and the military leadership of the state. maria chernyakhiv will tell more about it. who is with us live from warsaw, maria, i congratulate you, and you have a word. greetings iryna, today poland has a number of state-level events planned, the country's president was already in krakow in the morning, now he is expected at the cathedral in warsaw, where the commemoration of the victims of this tragedy will continue, then the president will go to the polish military cemetery, then will lay flowers to... monuments erected in connection with this tragedy. let me remind you that on this day in 2010 , a huge polish delegation on a plane landed near the russian city of smolensk. the delegation was on its way to the memorial complex in russia to
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honor the memory of the victims, poles, victims of the repressions of the soviet union. after this tragedy, there were many investigations, both poland and russia investigated. and foreign experts were also involved, there were different versions, these were bad weather conditions, and the error of the pilots and the error of the controllers who landed the plane, there was also a version of the intentional error of the controllers, not so long ago poland renewed the investigation of this tragedy, in 2022 the commission that carried it out presented to the public a report, which said that before the plane began to land before it crashed into a tree, in the left wing there was an explosion, then there was another explosion, and the presence of explosive substances on board the plane, according to the commission, indicates a russian trace, this is particularly due to
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the fact that the plane was serviced by a russian company, in fact, after this report anyway there were a lot of disputes about... what were the real causes of this tragedy, there were also journalistic investigations, and certain questions regarding the commission's work and this report, so in 2023 the commission's activities were terminated. that's all i have, irina, you have my word. maria, thank you, it was our correspondent maria chernyakhivska from warsaw about the 14th anniversary of the smolensk tragedy, and we are moving on. and damage. the building of the enterprise, the project of the scheme made public satellite images of the russian avizavod in borysoglipsk. he flew there not recently ukrainian drone. according to gur , the main production facilities of the plant, which produces components for missiles, were hit. and according to the information from the photos,
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the roof collapsed on one of the buildings. the enemy ministry of defense reported that all drones had been shot down. details about the liquidated russian rotorcraft. the k-27 multi-purpose helicopter was destroyed in the chornomorsky region of the occupied crimea. it happened at dawn - said dmytro pletenchuk, the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine. fate crew members are still unknown. from the available information, we can say that there was an explosion of this car in the air. the reasons have not yet been established. at least for now i am not ready to provide verified information on this matter, the search operation was ongoing, other helicopters were involved, the raptor boat was involved, regarding the fate of the crew, there is no information yet, all this happened not far
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from the black sea, meanwhile in the ministry of defense the aggressor countries stated that at 6 a.m. during a scheduled flight over the black sea. the mi-24 helicopter crashed due to failure aircraft and about the spring vodopillia in russia. the regional center of orenburg is beginning to disappear under water. the water level there has risen by a meter and continues to rise. the private sector is completely flooded, high-rise buildings are under threat. the local authorities urged the population to evacuate urgently. kazakhstan blamed the flooding. putin's plenipotentiary representative in the urals, vladimir yakushev, says that... allegedly, the official astana did not agree with them on the amount of water that can be discharged into their own rivers. the country of agresorka has been struggling with the elements for the sixth time day. as a result of the destruction of the dam on the ural river , hundreds of settlements in three regions were flooded. such were the news at that time. we
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will see you at 3:00 p.m. our team works to ensure that you are the first to learn about all the latest news in a timely manner. more can. read on our website espresso tv, and also follow us on social networks and watch on youtube, then meet my colleagues marta olyarnyk and vasyl zyma on espresso. informational marathon of the tv channel in rozpal itself, in these coming hours in this studio vasyl zima and marta oliarnyk will work for you and we will actually involve our ater. professional people in order to deal with everything that is happening around us, there are a lot of events, as always, so there is something to discuss,
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well, but traditionally we remind you that the collection that we are conducting in order to purchase fprons, 2 million hryvnias need to be collected, now we are counting on your support more than ever, and we know that with joint efforts we have already closed more than one collection with you, and this collection as well, we hope with your help we will also close them, we need them... we need a lot of them, so actually our needs, the needs of our armed forces, our defense forces, they are what they are, well yes, unfortunately, we understand that all these things that concern and projectile moments, yes, it is necessary to cover the whole thing with fpv drones, because they have shown themselves effectively, and in fact, we hope that you have the opportunity due to your own capabilities , donate for taftology, support this collection, please join bank card numbers and qr. code qr codes you see now on on your screens, and vasyl and i will start, that is
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the most important thing to inform about everything, today there are really a lot of events, but i am watching, of course we are following today, well, we are following from messages, because we do not have a broadcast, the meetings of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the plenary regime, but people's elected officials supported 254 people's deputies voted in the first reading of the draft law number 10379 on strengthening the response. business, but i spoke with oleksiy goncherenko this morning, there was a possibility, the expectations are such that today they may even be until the night, if not will disagree, some deputies will consider the draft law in the second reading on mobilization, but there are already several points that, frankly, are not something that outrages, but at least require explanations. the first thing is the lack of a concept... demobilization in any way, at any time, is the first thing,
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that is, it is now a one-way ticket, you go and while the war continues there, you are there, and disabled people were allowed to demobilize, but what is important here , people with disabilities, yes, but what is important is that there should have been a conversation, since the issue of demobilization was removed or was deleted from the draft law according to the letter of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. oleksandr syrskyi, colonel-general wrote to rustem umer, minister of defense of ukraine. i understand that there may be certain moments, well, let's say, we can't demobilize everyone, because there are military personnel, let's say, who are critically important in certain areas, and therefore we, let's say, give them two months of rest, rotation, then we return them, but we need them, if we demobilize all this kig, then our army will not be so strong, they can be moments, but then come to the deputies as representatives of the people and people's representatives and explain some nuances that... so that the people at the front, first of all, those who will be demobilized today, either want to sign a contract or go as volunteers, so that they
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did not understand, but do you know how many deputies voted to summon rustem umerov to the verkhovna rada of ukraine and denys shmyhal, they also wanted to summon, to talk about other points, 134 people's deputies supported this proposal, that is, they did not support it, because 226 are needed, in to any in this case, neither the minister of defense nor the head of the government will be in the verkhovna rada, and then a question arises. how does it happen that today is actually the presidential meeting, mr. vasyl zimat, i have to correct you, but people's deputy zheleznyak said that 315 deputies, and syrsky, and bargeleevich, and well , our other high-ranking officials, voted for the relevant decision after all. they will still come, silskyi bargelevich, but not by death and not by shmegal, yes, yes, well, syrskyi will explain his position, but i was just talking about about rustem umerov and about denys shmygal, that they wanted to be invited, but they... i understand that they won't come, well, it 's good that they will come, well, it's already good that syrskyi will come, because it was syrskyi
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who initiated the the provision on demobilization has been removed from this draft law, we need to explain , i think, both to the society and the people's deputies, why it is so important now, why the head of the zsu decided to initiate such and such an idea, but let's talk about it now with our guest, ivan stupak, military expert and sbu employee since 2004 for 15 years. should be in touch with us soon, in the meantime we will continue to talk about, probably, right now, after all , people are most interested in this bill, because the military is also dissatisfied, and well... actually, i'm here i recall one of zelensky's extreme interviews, where he said that this draft law does not need to be cleaned, that is, he is still convinced that this draft law cannot be one that everyone will like, but on the other hand, the president zelensky did not voice his vision this draft law, well, actually he didn't even submit this draft law, although he should have, this is also a serious enough question for our
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commander-in-chief. ivan stopak, military expert, employee of the sbu since the 200s , should be in touch with us already. mr. ivan, welcome to spresso restaurant, glory to ukraine. congratulations, congratulations studio, thank you for inviting the heroes of fame. by the way, what i did not mention mr. zheleznyak, he is also informing today, as i understand it, from the session hall, as well as oleksiy goncharenko, and the rest of the deputies, who, well, who they want people to understand what is happening, that in the first reading of the draft law number 11079.1 of the prom was supported. well, actually, this is an important aspect, by the way, and we will talk about it, again, but let's start with this in general, mr. van, the law on mobilization, many amendments, will not be considered in one day, in your opinion, based on the fact that what we see now, and this law is designed to do something, create an army of victory, just
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at least take into account all those people who are unaccounted for today, and by the way, there are hundreds thousands of people, and why... this process is taking so long, who wants to win what, well, there is no time, in principle, there is a lot to normalize this issue, at least, well, let's have a desire to improve, to improve the existing procedure, it is clear that it will not completely radically change everything, and it will not have an impact there, and it will not be certain immediately, there will be a certain time delay, we will see, of course, how they will vote, what exactly, please do not forget that the bill that has been prepared. entered into the session hall, and voted, it can be three different draft laws, if it is considered clause by clause, then how it will look depends on each phrase, on each comma, of course, we did not want there to be only punishment, only burdened with punishments, fines, criminal liability, there should be motivation, but
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where is motivation, it is not there, there is demotivation, but there is no motivation, you just need to encourage and punish. well, you don't have to be a people's deputy to impose punishment. mr. ivan, do you think this draft law has a chance of passing in the parliament hall in the form in which it is, do you still think that a lot of deputies will clear this bill and, in principle, the work in the parliament on this bill will be long enough, well, i think it will be long, i can't say, it for a month or a week, they can insist on each amendment, each amendment, or each article will be considered, each amendment will be voted on, and then... well, what they support, that is how they will look, the main thing is that in the end it is not just such a collection of some norms, no, which ones are not correlates with each other, where there are many punishments, there is no motivation and there is protection for the deputies, for their assistants, for different sections of the population, but there today a well-known
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member of parliament made a proposal, let us have people who have more than two cars, then we will be there to mobilize, well, listen, well, it should all be regulated, this is not a competition with us, but as i say, a competition for the best legislative proposal, it should be regulated and balanced with us, i hate the military sniper olena bilozerska, these posts are important to read, yesterday i asked the military about the law on the air, he says that we are not really interested in principle, because it is politics, work needs to be done here and these are political games, political... is it olena bilzerska writes about the fact that it will not be possible to wait, and the later people will go to the army, the less time they will have for training, well, to be honest, i know a story when they are called up for the army, and they do not go too late, and swing an ax for two weeks, live in the forest, and then to get to the frontline, that is also there, so here it is really worth saying, they do not train everyone and not a lot and not strongly and not often, so
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this question is open, no matter when you go, they will definitely prepare you well, it's just it's just reality. and there about the fact that demobilization may not happen, because during the war they fight either to death or to mutilation. well, i will not comment here, because i am not at the front, i am not a military man, i just processed this thought, but i read what a person who thinks or does not think like it must react, and what should be the government's message, well, there should be a clear, understandable message from the government, why are you going to war, what do we want to achieve, what can we actually achieve, and again, as oleksiy said today honcharenko, we can mobilize 500,000, the enemy can mobilize. it's just that we have five or six times more people than them, and here you have to understand why, how, how much, when, a person must understand, without understanding anything, you are a ram, and not, not a warrior, who right well, listen, i'm more i lean towards justice, which should be justice, and - the promises made by
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the authorities, they must fully fulfill, then maybe we can break the situation, because there are many examples, hundreds, maybe thousands of examples, when the military, who are actually on the front lines , but according to the documents, they are counted somewhere in a remote part of the body, and accordingly this affects the payment for... his labor, it is labor, his war, it is labor, he fights, he must receive money for it, receives many times less in in case of his mutilation, he will not receive that the amount that was promised to him when he joined the army, ah, in case of death, god forbid, his family will spend years, his family, i mean relatives, years to prove that he died on the front line, not as according to the documents, that he was somewhere there, i don't know, he fell from a ladder there, broke his leg and died from it. well, there must be justice in this, i.e. iron and concrete, a person at the front clearly receives his money, a wounded person clearly receives money, plus the rest of the motivational measures, well, a motivational package, i don’t know whether
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can you call it that, training, loans, it should all work automatically, not in manual mode, yes, mr. ivan, we agree, let’s talk about the situation at the front, it is not easy, we understand that now the main point of gravity of the times... , but not only him, because the enemy has now intensified his efforts in the southern direction, and actually the situation near the worker is very tense, and actually the situation near the temporal ravine. how do you currently assess the overall situation on the battlefield and does the enemy actually have the resources to enter the admin border? luhansk region and donetsk region, because we understand that this is the minimum plan that they want to implement in the near future? but the resource is there, our military is another matter. they do not give a creeping attack, it is from village to village, from suburbs to suburbs, through planting, through wastelands, and unfortunately, they advance, somewhere there 100-200
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m, but they advance, there are cases when they advanced 200 m forward, then they rolled back 150 and tried to advance again, i.e. creeping offensive, he is all along the front line, he is, maybe i guess, that’s all is differentiated depending on how quickly the russian command delivers heavy equipment to certain directions. equipment and thus allows, for example, in the southern direction, all the equipment was set on fire, now they are waiting for it to arrive from other directions, until there is a redistribution, so they attack exclusively with people, exclusively with manpower, and so on. by the way, the information is interesting that the european union lifted sanctions against the russian oligarchs avan and friedman, is this some kind of warming, or are these simply financial issues that do not relate to politics, or well... we know that friedman and aven are some of putin's closest associates in his in his, well, in fact, the war in ukraine, because everyone who is putin's associate, is an associate in the war
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against ukraine, no matter how you are step explained? look, i'm explaining, you need to look at the situation from a different angle. yes, of course, for ordinary ukrainians, when sanctions are introduced against russian oligarchs, cheers, class, now you won't buy a bentley, no, they will buy a bentley, they will. to overpay for it there is not 300 thousand dollars, and i don't know there 370-400 thousand for delivery, for, let's say, invoices, consumables, invoices, but they will buy, such a step, on the contrary, is correct, it is necessary to pull out people from putin's entourage, allow them to jump outside the borders of the russian federation, if, of course, they do not involved in the war, in the conduct, in the resolution of the war, in the financing of the war, that is... in this way, when the european union restricts there, let's not say for these oligarchs, the movement of russian citizens there on the territory of the european union, it forces them to unite around putin, on the contrary, it is necessary
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to allow everyone who is not involved in this war to jump out of the russian federation, to take their money, that is, to allow money to be taken out of the russian federation, to finance their european economies, but to forbid the return of money to the russian federation, takes academicians, scientists. and those who work at the military industry, to allow them to jump out and thus reduce the scientific and industrial power of the russian federation, and in this way we just do the opposite, we force the russians to unite around putin and not allow them to jump out if they have such a desire, and here's the last thing, look, once every six months, the cia posts a video on the telegram channel saying that if you have information, share it with us and we'll help you leave it. move to the west and spend your money there, that's how we should work, let everyone who is not involved in this war jump out, pay a fine, maybe, i don't know,
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the oligarchs, if they are willing to give half of the fortune for, to jump out of the russian federation, and then spend this half of the money, for example, on helping ukraine. why not, i'm sure there are many who will agree and look, are we talking about people who just shut up about war, or are we talking about people who say that war is bad and condemn it, because those are slightly different things, when people, for example, just everyone looks at it with tacit consent, and there are people, perhaps, who somehow openly protest against this war, so it is probably still... about those others who openly say that they are against it, then maybe these people really are some, well, a little different attitude, look, you have to pick people up, which are important for the russian federation, now we are still pushing them all there, okay, we like it, they are all under sanctions, but , on the contrary, putin has money, on the contrary, motivation, what you see in the west, they threw you, as usual, we said, that the defense will abandon you, the anglo-saxons will abandon you, here, on the contrary, it is necessary to show that
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there is another... if you are not involved in the war, if you have an anti-ukrainian, or, excuse me, anti-russian position, but you cannot express it, and once again you do not involved in no criminal offences, then ok, come on to take him away, the less people around putin, the more his entourage will see that there are other ways out of erefi than walking forward and in a coffin, the weaker that regime will be, i also wanted to ask about this story that happened from the guide. information security commissar of the sbu illeya vityuk, whom the head of the security service of ukraine, general vasyl malyuk, removed from his duties and decided to send him to the front, this is a person who was asked by journalists about his fortune, which had no explanation, and actually then there was surveillance of journalists , sent by the tsc, and subpoenas were forcibly served there, there is nothing wrong with it, subpoenas were served, this happens every day to hundreds of people, but it was a deliberate story,
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persecution, as a punishment, as they say, a subpoena, well, how do you explain this story , and would it be worth conducting an investigation in this case, or does it look like we sent him to the front, as if he was punished, so then everyone thinks, and so the front is a punishment, well, that is, it is the same message, such to society goes, well, look, i congratulate such actions of the head of the security service of ukraine, he reacted, it was important for me to hear his reaction, well, at least the service, from the entire service, there was really such a warning that they would be silent, they would keep silent, well, okay, well, there was such an unpleasant incident, so what, that is it was not possible to keep quiet, they didn’t want to, they didn’t keep quiet, the person was removed from his position, once again, he was not fired, he went on a business trip to conduct active activities in the structure as part of the alpha special unit, and we are the eyes, or rather, i expect that the official investigation, which will be completed soon weeks, and i predict that in the case
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of the existence of a criminal offense, then... the sbi should open criminal proceedings and investigate this leader, the brigadier general, by the way, criminal proceedings, i don't know whether there will be actual data or not, but the procedure should be like this, well , let's see, let's give the investigation a couple of weeks to study all the materials and make our vision. thank you, mr. ivan, we will wait for the results and will actually follow this topic, ivan stupak, military expert and an employee of the sbu was in direct contact with us from 2004 to 15, now there is a short pause, after it we will continue our broadcast, stay with espresso, there is still a lot of interesting information ahead. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is
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