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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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we have a boiling cauldron here. well, let's now pass the floor to our colleagues. iryna koval is ready to inform us about all the most important events. iro, we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, in this issue, about the fact that the convicts are planned to be sent to the front, about the meeting of the president of ukraine with the minister of defense of lithuania, and also about the 14th anniversary of the smolensk tragedy, that is. wait for more details in a moment, it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, issue 16 is for your attention it's time, i apologize for bringing to your attention a news broadcast on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, congratulations. all viewers. convicted
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ukrainians are planned to be sent to the front. the verkhovna rada adopted the relevant draft law in the first reading. the document was supported by 281 deputies, people's deputy from the voice faction yaroslav zheleznyak said in his telegram channel. the initiative provides that the court can conditionally release a person from prison for military service. this does not apply to those who have committed serious crimes, including murder with... to discuss edits senior management was also invited. the number of victims increased, a 14-year-old girl and two women were killed by russians in the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region. also, a 16-year-old boy and... a three-year-old local resident were injured there,
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a pharmacy and a store were burned. debris analysis is ongoing. the occupiers also hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs. they destroyed the polyclinic there. as of now, we know of one victim, reports the head of the region oleg sinigubov. emergency services are working everywhere at the places of hits. and for the second time, in six months, the russians used a submarine a boat for launching missiles over ukraine - said the spokesman of the naval forces, dmytro. he noted that the aggressor country is looking for ways to use missile carriers at sea, but so that it is safe for their ships. currently, the occupiers have three such submarines in the black sea fleet. according to the ukrainian navy, recently russia almost does not send its ships on duty in the black sea. this is due to successful ukrainian attacks on enemy ships. for the second time
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in a day, the russians attacked the transport and logistics infrastructure at odeshchina as reported, the defense forces of the south were hit by missiles from the occupied crimea. there is no information about the victims. the scale of the destruction is currently being investigated. the invaders struck at dawn on the same object. two employees of the enterprise were injured. large-scale emergency shutdowns in the south of the country due to damage in oblenergo networks cut off power in some cities. villages in kherson region and mykolaiv region. restoration work is ongoing there. in the morning, muscovites attacked energy facilities in the southern regions. equipment was damaged at one of ukrenergo's substations. mykolaiv and almost half of the region remained without power. there is also no electricity in the kherson district. according to the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, energy companies are gradually repairing the networks. and the body of a 12-year-old. the boy and his mother were found under
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the rubble of a house in kostyantynka, donetsk region. a 43-year-old woman and her son were killed by a russian aerial bomb. after extinguishing the fire , the rescuers also found another victim - a 60-year-old man. two people are injured. the two-story building itself is partially destroyed. i should note that putin's terrorists dropped on the city three cabs. as a result of the attack, 10 apartment buildings and 27 private houses were damaged. educational institution, temple. hatred of russians can and should be converted into donations. espresso tv channel has started a new collection. walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to these courageous soldiers, we can live, work and study, and so that at least i... can somehow
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thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible, the goal is ambitious - uah 720,000, but each of your hryvnia is of great importance, join, you can see all the details now. on the screen $30,000 bribe in the dnipropetrovsk region, the mayor and the secretary of the city council were arrested. the information was confirmed in the office of the prosecutor general. earlier, the media reported that it was about the mayor of novomoskovsk, serhii ryeznik, and the secretary of the novomoskovsk city council. officials demanded money from an entrepreneur who wanted to set up a hostel for displaced people in the city. officials promised to help with the lease. the building is unfinished school with an area of ​​45 m2. later, the businessman would be able to buy this building. currently, the issue of selecting a preventive measure for bribers is being resolved. the president of ukraine met with the minister
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of national defense of lithuania larinas kaschunas. this is the official's first visit to kyiv after his recent appointment. as volodymyr zelenskyy said, they discussed with kaschunas. the importance of lithuania's further leadership in the international demining coalition, cooperation in the field of defense industry and work on security guarantees. the lithuanian minister commented local media announced an increase in support for ukraine. three migrants died near the greek island of chios. as reported by the reuters agency, a boat with refugees from neighboring turkey hit a rock. and began to sink, the coast guard was able to save 19 migrants, including eight children. rescuers reported at least three people missing from their boat. later, their bodies were found on the shore. poland is celebrating the 14th
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anniversary of the smolensk tragedy. then 96 people died as a result of the plane crash. among them is the president of poland leg kaczyński and his wife maria high-ranking officials, representatives of the clergy and the military leadership of the state. maria chernyakhivska, who is with us live from warsaw, will tell more about this. maria, i congratulate you and you have a word. greetings, iryna, and we are now in the square in the center of warsaw, next to the monument to the president of poland, lech kaczyński, who died in the plane crash. there is also a memorial here dedicated to the victims of this tragedy, from minute to... minute the president of poland andrzej duda will be here, he will lay flowers and honor the memory of the dead. let me remind you that the tragedy happened today day of 2010, when the presidential plane, on board of which was a huge polish
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delegation, landed at the airfield near the russian smolensk. the polish delegation was heading to the memorial to honor the memory of the poles. victims of the repressions of the soviet union, after this tragedy there were many years of investigations, many versions were put forward as to why it happened, they talked about the weather conditions, and about the error of the plane's crew, they also talked about the mistakes of the dispatchers, or the deliberate mistakes of the dispatchers. after some time , poland renewed the investigation, and in 2022 the commission presented. his report, which said that before the plane landed, before it hit the tree, an explosive device exploded in the left wing, and there were two explosions in total, according to the commission's estimates, all of these explosives that
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the commission believes that they were on board the plane, is connected with the russian trail, because the plane was serviced at a russian enterprise. after this report, discussions about the causes of the tragedy did not subside, there were again disputes and different versions, and there were a lot of questions about the work of the commission, about this report, there were journalistic investigations, so against the background of all this, in the 23rd year, the activity of the commission was suspended. that's all i have, irina, you have my word. thank you, maria, it was maria chernyakhivska from warsaw. and free trade between ukraine and canada, verkhovna rada. people's elected official yaroslav zhelezniak informs. the initiative was supported by 317 deputies. this agreement will open up new opportunities for ukrainian business. in this way, ukrainian manufacturers will be able to expand the sales market and develop and modernize their own production. workers
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ukrainian companies that will provide services in canada will be able to make business trips to the country under simplified conditions. that was all the news for this time, look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live ether broadcasts, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here, also short. videos on hot topics in the shorts section, spread them, comment to us, our opinion is very important, your opinion, and then marta oliarnyk and vasyl zima, we will see you at 5 p.m. well, let's continue. to tell you about everything the most important thing, and actually right now ivan
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karachevskyi, a military expert of defense-express, will appear on our airwaves, well, but before that we will actually inform about today's agenda, so to speak, today the verkhovna rada is trying to start consideration of the draft law on settlements mobilization, but according to the reports of the deputies who are currently on the spot, approximately 80 people's deputies are present in the verkhovna rada hall, and this indicates that our people's elected officials are not in the mood for something. constructive and effective work, therefore that with 80 people's deputies in the session hall, you don't vote much, and i would like the deputies to fulfill their direct duties, actually consider the draft laws and them, initiate them in this way and analyze them and analyze them correctly, so with well-thought-out approaches to these draft laws, but by the way, a piece of news arrived that i think will be interesting, so for understanding, so... the razumkov center conducted one of its latest polls, in which they asked about
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ukrainians' belief in victory, so the majority of ukrainians believe in victory, expect her for a year or two, these are the numbers, at least the results of the razumkov center show, and actually among those who believe in victory, 22% believe that it will take place by the end of this year, but here it is important to note that in february march 23 50% believed that... the demand would come before the end of the 23rd year, that is, we understand that half of the respondents thought that the war would end before the 23rd year, but unfortunately it did not happen that way. also, 34.5% of respondents believe that the victory will not happen in 1-2 years, while in february and march of 2023, there were 26% of them. let's move on, what is considered a victory? it is very interesting here, in fact, 45.5% of those who believe in victory answered that the expulsion of russian troops from the entire territory of ukraine can be considered a victory. and restoration of borders as of january 2014, that is, when the occupation of crimea and donbas began. another 23%
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would consider the destruction of the russian army and the promotion of an uprising or disintegration within russia as a victory. 11% would consider the restoration of the status quo as of february 23, 2022 as a victory. then the numbers are even smaller: 9% respondents will consider the expulsion of russian troops from the entire territory of ukraine except crimea as a victory, and 6% (they say that they will consider the end of the war as a victory, even if russia remains in the territories it currently occupies, these are the numbers, well, you know, something to add, i just want to say one thing that you don't have to wait for victory, or think about when it will come, you have to create victory every day, at least where you are and what you can do, then we will definitely create it, victory won't come, she won't comes, we will either get it or... we won't get it, we believe that we will get it, of course, but only with joint efforts and joint involvement, at least of everyone in their
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area, this area of ​​this confrontation, this is important, so ivan kyrychevskyi, military expert of defense express already in touch with us, mr. ivan, as always, we are glad to see you and welcome to our air. good day, glad to see you again. look, here is very interesting information that a russian k-27 helicopter was landed in crimea, and i would like you to... explain to our viewers that what this k-27 anti-submarine helicopter is, how much it is, what role it plays first, and how expensive it is for the russians, let's first of all move away from the practice of calculating the cost of weapons for the russians, well, not in the context of cost, in the context of execution tasks, execution and the like, because apparently he, this k-27 as part of the naval aviation of the black sea fleet , performed search tasks. our naval drones, well, they have such helicopters, unfortunately, they still have enough, well, they can for the task of
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finding our naval drones in the naval water areas, to attract not only k-27, but also old b-12, very archaic reality planes that are formally decommissioned, actually remain in the jet and there are supplies on them that will fly until the resources are finally exhausted, they will literally start to fall apart, but here is actually an interesting question, how come... it turned out that under the control of the navy, this russian k-27 suddenly became heavier than air, what exactly made it heavier than air, and it fell , because give all these things.
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they say once, this item had cult value, but no, let's put aside the item of cult value called 16 here, that's the nuance that it should be an even more interesting option that this k-27 could do when trying to find our naval drones, heavier than air, but when it is necessary, then, let's say, there will be some announcements about this, i know, i want to ask you a question, it, i know you will answer it, but it is important for understanding. silicon valley-based skydio has sent hundreds of its best drones to ukraine to help to fight the russians, but the technology has not proven itself well, writes the wall street journal. drones went astray, lost due to russian radio electronic warfare, the company returned to the development and construction of a new fleet. in a word, they say that we were not ready, that this is how it will be in a real, real war, and
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chinese drones are much simpler, and in principle our specialists make them, and plus these drones are expensive and expensive in their . tags, then how it is composed, that the real front shows to our partners who are considered to be the technology leaders in the world, that not everything that you have that is fancy and expensive works, and why do you think it didn't work such expensive developments of cool cool professionals who make their startups, you know, i think we will not talk here now about real armed, technological things, but rather about psychology, or rather psychological problems, well , firstly... of our dear american partners, and secondly, why do we perceive their theses in this way, well, because of justice for the sake of, why did the same byraktars have such popularity, status there is already important for the people of 2022, well, because firstly, er, well, they just had time to show their practical combat value in the conditions of a real war, and secondly, well, even then
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it was already known , that these drones go astray, that they were even shot down by russian tanks in libya, but on that one they... there was a nuance that the drone, it should be sufficiently massive, simple enough, there is no need for technological weapons, which are not a pity to lose, and here at the same time the question arises, why are these american engineers for some reason thought that their drones should be so, well, invulnerable, and small, and the americans were the first to essentially pave the way for all other countries in the field of unmanned technologies, israel simply caught up there in its own way, there... other countries, the same turkey, why did they suddenly think that their drones should be completely invulnerable, if the ideology of drones is precisely that it should be a mass weapon that is either very actively wasted or actively lost, accordingly, give it to their simply psychological problems, and we should not worry about these psychological problems, because if we suddenly for some reason decided that
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the chinese drones do not burn from electronic warfare, that the russians do not shoot them down with shotguns, you know, because simply if we conduct a reduction. such that the russians started introducing their assault groups of fighters with those drone detection sensors and shotguns, then if you just start bringing out the reduction, the chinese drones can be shot down with a shotgun, so they are bad drones, but we will not go far, accordingly, let's let's leave the psychological problems of american startups to the american startups themselves, because really lavender, like lavender rafu, is their level, but the only problem here is that they gave them to us, but it was in our war against russia that they did not justify themselves, well, the plus is that what... but we turn out to be cool, because our drones fly as far as tatarstan, so by the way, there is information here that there is some new agreement between ukraine and britain, which was signed on defense cooperation, and now i am literally getting to know with this news in real time: great britain and ukraine
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signed a framework agreement to encourage co-operation at a military-industrial conference in kyiv, attended by approximately 30 british defense companies. of labor in defense and industrial matters, and this agreement is another evidence of great britain's unwavering support for ukraine's defense efforts, of our cooperation, of our collaboration with great britain, what it can actually give us at the end, if only they finally gave something, because you know, you can of course start now please tell me about different such perspectives, but britain is the one that makes systems, or systems makes the gauby 777, storm shadow and other wonderful things that we need. the barrels are there for the guns, but all these loud declarations, they go on for quite a long time, and that's where the real story begins, when we have to remove bureaucratic barriers from our side so that our defense companies can. to connect more with their western colleagues, so to speak, well, if our defense companies directly talk about it privately, for example, i don't remember exactly, but they talked
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, so there is a problem in this, and on the other hand, well, it is possible that our western partners have the right to move away from loud declarations and just finally offer something, because when the same boe systems is handing out contracts for modernization of the cv9, well, it just receives a contract for the modernization of heavy infantry fighting vehicles cv90, we have a question. about the organization of the production of these very heavy infantry fighting vehicles is pending, and so far no one is in a hurry to transfer the relevant technologies to us, well, it is better that they do without all these student memoranda, and finally they gave us what we need, let's go , i would like us to talk about the fronts, here i am yesterday, let's say, i have such a duty here for an espresso, i will read a map of the hostilities, which then everyone they watch, they listen, my colleagues are preparing it very, very professionally, and there is something that is... unsettling, well, not something that worries, there are simply certain threats and realities of the front, the advance of the enemy to the west of avdiyivka, there is the capture of some or other settlements, well, sometimes there is a separate
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story, then the bahamian direction, but we will talk about the avvidka, are there still those areas where the enemy will have to rely on defense and some natural obstacles, in particular water, water areas, does he have enough forces and means now and... he sat down, the most important thing is to push further and where he will push, where can be the point where the russians will say, here we will take a break and think about how we can move on to somewhere else, well, there on the pokrov, or to or where they want to move on, please, in such cases i prefer not to talk about capabilities of the russians, and about the fact that as our military in conditions of a complete shortage of resources, even in under such conditions, they manage to effectively detain the enemy, well, regardless of where they may be now... there may actually be russians there, who can be confirmed there separately, other resources separately, after all, they ended up there a week, maybe or even months later, than the plans
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of the russian army originally envisaged, of course there is not much need to rely on some geographical boundaries, because if there are no objective means of defense, at least a sufficient number of anti-tank mines, sooner or later the russians will pass somewhere and find a hole, here the question is simply that everything is equal even for three enemies a day in these conditions, this is already an unconditional feat of our military, moreover, by the way, if we talk about who will survive there, which western weapons, how they survived the stress test, it is very surprising that no one writes that, in fact , the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle withstood the stress test in the conditions of defensive battles very well in the hands of our soldiers, in fact , abrams, even if there is very specific information, well, about, let's say, certain problems that arose from the fence precisely by the formation of the armed forces, saudi arabia is hostile during the fighting. the quiet ones who were there in slippers with old baby anti-tank missiles lost much more on the same place, not to mention the americans themselves during the battles there in
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iraq after 2003, but in this case it is better to pay attention to exactly this, that having an objective shortage of resources, our military is still delaying the advance to the russians, because as far as i remember, they have various points like there byrds or the like, they literally had it the third day of the beginning of the battle for avdiyuka. to take these points, i am mr. ivan, you absolutely correctly focused attention on the efforts and heroism of the armed forces of ukraine, i am simply saying, i was leading to the point that there was some enemy goal here, but what about the state, you correctly said that it does not matter , what deopstate writes there, it is important what is really happening on the battlefield, because i have, well, i am proud to call them my friends, on the front, they are there in the krasnohorivka area, and i talked yesterday about the deopstate there where did the russians come in, and people say that... and he says: yes, we are here, and the situation there is not the same as described in certain resources, so here again it is a question of trusting or not trusting this or that information, i, let's say, do not have friends and
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acquaintances in all areas of the front, i cannot do everything to check, but i perfectly understand, i agree with you here that what is in reality and what is presented somewhere, either by the institute for the study of war, or deepstate, or some other, or bilt, there is a lot written about it now, there are they have this hole that always reveals what is happening at the front, but you can even see it you guys, well, it’s not funny, of course, but ah... literally one minute of time, well, here, let’s say, it’s difficult to add something, so you know, when it comes to, by the way, some alarm messages from our military, you know, the best thing we can do is not to panic, first of all we should thank them for the fact that they brought such a difficult service, because if you know, hunt for the humanitarian components of our any education there, clean there cult, any military the cult assumes that after you leave the battle, the enemy seems to you to be objectively stronger, but... well, more difficult, not more victorious, accordingly, in this case, when there are precisely signals from different areas of the front, then this is exactly how we must react, that
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our military there endured very difficult service that's how you put the emphasis, that our military there performed a very difficult service with integrity, and not that the russians are advancing somewhere there, the orcs have their own orcs, who have to tell them about it, our task, as people who are there everyone is engaged in their own place, to highlight exactly this segment that what a difficult service they carry there somewhere, well, ryobky, ryobky, i think that he knows how to fight even better than budesver, not to mention the prize, that's why he causes such a reaction just in case. thank you, mr. ivan, ivan karychevsky, military expert. we were in direct contact, we are going now for a short break, after it we will return to the espresso studio, stay with us attention, move from unpack tv: sofa cape covers with a discount of only uah 599. your sofa is dirty, sofa cape covers, the upholstery is torn, sofa cape covers, on the ugly color, sofa cape covers, one move, and
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format of ukraine in the evening prime. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all most importantly, every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv speaks, on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, switch on and switch on , the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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premi. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, we continue to work for you in the espresso studio marta oliernyk and vasyl zyma, and actually, now we will wait for the opportunity to turn on oleg sanyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, to ask him about what is happening in the parliament hall today, that's why. .. that the people's elected officials planned to gather to start consideration in the second reading of the draft law on strengthening mobilization, the day before, let's recall, the profile committee actually voted for to submit this draft law for consideration in the session hall, well, there are many questions about this draft law, and people's deputies and ukrainians are asking just as many questions, because an important moment, and this is precisely what is being said about...


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