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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, we continue to work for you in the espresso studio, marta uliernyk and vasyl zyma, and in fact, now we will wait for the opportunity to turn on oleg senyutka, the people's deputy of ukraine, to ask him about what ... is happening in the hall today parliament, because the people's elected officials planned to gather to begin consideration in the second reading of the draft law on strengthening mobilization. the day before, let's remind, the profile committee actually voted to bring this one out the bill is already under consideration in the session hall. well, there are a lot of questions about this draft law, and people's deputies and ukrainians have just as many questions, because the important point is about...
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demobilization, unfortunately, this is the provision in this draft law, in this version , which are proposed to be considered in the session hall, there is no, that is, demobilization is planned to be considered by a separate bill, and such an initiative was put forward by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, this is oleksandr syrskyi, and supported by the minister of defense rustem umyerov, here is the actual we will try to understand what is happening today, and there, by the way, we were supposed to listen to syrsky in person, before... proceeding directly to the consideration of this draft law, well, but was it possible to listen to syrsky, did syrsky come to the meeting, and was there people's deputies have such an opportunity, we will actually also find out, and at the moment we do not have direct direct contact with people's deputies in the session hall and on the sidelines of the parliament, because we remind you that journalists are currently not allowed to work in parliament, and this is a big problem, because we do not have access to... the hall and the verkhovna
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rada and to the sidelines of the parliament in order to be able to quickly collect this information on the spot, so we have to actually monitor the telegram channels of the people's deputies , their official pages in social networks to find out at least some information, is oleg senyutka with us yet, he is not there at the moment, very not too bad, but what can you do, we will wait and hope that oleg senyutka is with us we will be on... we will be in touch continue to inform you then, and by the way , today in kyiv with an official visit the newly appointed minister of defense of lithuania as part of his first foreign visit, among other things, they discussed the training of ukrainian military personnel and the implementation of rehabilitation programs for wounded defenders, the president's office reports, the head of state thanked for the comprehensive lithuania's help and readiness to support ukraine. before the victory, zelenskyi
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emphasized the importance of lithuania's further leadership in the international mine clearance coalition and the development of cooperation in the field of the defense industry, this is the information, we will move on, so now we have the opportunity to watch the story while we are trying to contact oleg synyutka, we will talk about about, we will talk about renaming, i would like us to actually talk about this topic, because now the profile committee is also working very... very hard on decommunization, many people do not like some of the new names, but sheptytskyi, brovary, sivorsko-donetsk and port anen tal, the profile committee supported the decision to rename more than 150 settlements that fall under the law on decolonization, such changes caused a lot of discussion in society, in particular in chervonograd, in the lviv region, whether local residents support the name change, our colleague found out. kateryna oliynyk. the head of
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the chervonograd branch of the museum of the history of religion, halyna hrynnyk, is holding a copy of the decree on the exchange of territories between poland and the ussr. in 1951 , the soviet authorities renamed the ukrainian city of krystynopil to chervonograd. already here newspapers that we have from the 70s and 80s, that is, they are organs of the city communist party. of our city, then here is an explanation of what this city was named after, in honor of the blood shed for the country of the soviets, in honor of the great october revolution, it was named, the soviet name of the mining town of chervonograd has been trying to be changed since the beginning of the 90s, in the fall of 2023 , the city authorities consulted with the public regarding renaming by january 27. the residents of chervonohrad had to propose... a new name and vote
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for it from 14 toponyms, residents chose all the same chervonograd. many residents suggested no renaming or renaming. chervonograd for chervonograd, which was actually formulated in the draft decision prepared by a special working group, but again, this draft decision did not receive a sufficient number of votes from city council members. powers regarding renaming passed to the supreme council. chervonograd should become sheptytskyi. such a decision was adopted two weeks ago by the state government committee for local self-government, regional development and urban planning, the new name is in honor of metropolitan andrey shepta. andriy sheptytskyi is connected with our city, but he is connected, of course, not with montenegro, he is connected with krystynopole, and such important events in his life were reflected here. the renaming of the city does not threaten additional inconveniences for residents, - assures the deputy mayor of
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chervonograd taras tyrko. changing the name of the settlement is not a change of the place of registration, that is, people will not have to run to change all the documents at once. i want to warn right away, there are no plans there spending millions from the local budget, we will have to change, there are no plans to spend millions from the local budget, we will have to change several signs for entering and exiting the city, signs on administrative buildings, seals, the ukrainian institute of national memory recognized the name of chervonograd as a symbol of russian imperial policy, the residents themselves have different attitudes to renaming. chervonograd, it would be better if you didn't change it, but what they came up with, let them rename it for their own money, not for ours. i vote yes. enough as much as possible to be under the power, to beautify as many settlements as possible in our state, and this is an important work that they should
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carry out, even if someone does not like it, because to leave the old names, well , well, it is wrong, in my opinion. let's move on now, we will now have the opportunity to talk with oleg synyutko and the people's deputy of ukraine, who should appear on the air with us soon, so that we can ask him about the situation in the verkhovna rada. mr. oleg, we don't have much time with you, but we will try very quickly, you know communicate dynamically. in short, what is happening in the parliament now, has it been possible to start consideration of the draft law on strengthening mobilization in the second reading. voting is going on right now, i'm considering. these are amendments, but none of these amendments have a chance to be supported, because there are only 40-60 servants of the people left in the hall, without their presence, who today have unilateralism, of course it will be simply
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impossible to pass any bill , and this is simply the kind of work of the parliament that will definitely not bring today result, in general today it was very strange when the deputies... of european solidarity proposed to invite the president to the parliament, to invite the head of the government, unfortunately, the servants of the people did not support, and this is a strange situation, because it seems to me that such a bill should unite absolutely everyone, and this draft law should really help everyone understand that there is nothing more important than supporting the ukrainian army, but unfortunately, the servants of the people excluded from the draft of this law, which will obviously be voted on tomorrow, everything... to strengthen the army and everything to motivated ukrainians to serve in the army, and first of all, it is the question of demobilization, it was thrown out of the draft law, well, the question of rotation, the question of supporting military personnel, in the draft law there were additional motivational payments, they were also
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taken away, that is, unfortunately, it seems to me that from this draft law , which we thought was bad before the first reading, made it even worse, the assyrian... went to parliament? it is obvious that syrskyi will be in the parliament tomorrow, today the parliament supported the invitation of his boss general staff and the head of the joint operations forces, i understand that they will be present in the parliament tomorrow before the vote. it is a pity that today the rada did not support the invitation of the supreme commander-in-chief, the rada did not support the invitation of the head of the government, because i believe that this is the draft law that should... unite everyone and demonstrate to society everyone's co-responsibility . i'm just clarifying here , you know, it looks like the colonel general of syria will answer now the general staff will be responsible, and well, that is
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, the minister and the commander-in-chief are now being removed from political statements, so let it be the responsibility of the deputies who will shine in this story and the generals who should too. and then this whole decision for mobilization, it cannot be popular, it is clear to everyone, it will lie on the deputies and generals, and there are no others here, we were not here at all, that is what the problem is, i think you know half the trouble, if it were. just the responsibility that someone would take propida in the fact that this the bill will not motivate the ukrainian military, because the things that i hear when talking to the guys on the front lines, they concern, please tell me what specific period we should be in, 36-48, but this is very important for every person, those today, who are potential mobilized, they also talk about, and if we go to serve in the army, to what extent? time we will go for a year, for two, for three, that is , this is a question that is really very important from
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a motivational point of view, this question is a question of justice, because you know when today i looked at the list of those who will have armor, well, i can't explain it, it seems like it was about banning only half of the law enforcement officers , the security forces, they know how to shoot, they are trained, armor remains in this bill again for everyone 100% pravohooro. the impression is that the authorities are afraid of losing some levers of control and influence here, but the levers of control and influence are not in violence, your control and influence are in the unification of all people. very briefly, mr. oleg, do you think there will be any today effective work, or most likely there will be none, because we have seen that very few deputies are present in the hall, there will be no effective work, because the monomajority has fled in order to escape. from some such external emotions, the speaker of the parliament specially after that, when they entered
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the bill, announced a break, and during this 30 -minute break, all the people's servants simply ran away. thank you, mr. oleg, for the opportunity to quickly join our broadcast, oleg synyutka, people's deputy of ukraine, unfortunately, very briefly, because we have to pass the floor to our colleagues, for today vasyl zima and i, well , at least in our tandem, we are saying goodbye, vasyl zima will still lead the evening. big broadcast, yes, that's why it's 6:10 p.m., well, now we're here, and i 'll announce that in just a minute you 'll watch vitaly portnikov's interview with the american director alex garland. already tomorrow, his dystopian action movie uprising of the states will be released in ukrainian cinemas. according to the plot, a political crisis befalls the usa, and later a civil war breaks out in a dictatorship. to things, this is far from the first tape that turns this country into a place of the apocalypse. you will find out what else the director said after no. long pause, stay with us,
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from the ukrainian manufacturer. champions league quarter-finals only on maygo. real- man city and psg garcelona. these matches will shake the entire football world. turn on april 9 and 10. exclusively. try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. premium sponsor of the national team represents united become stronger together with football, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect
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your own, the result of their work is our safety and yours, they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can... be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with the brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. stand up to ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. congratulations, mr. garland, and let's begin with the plot of your new film and the script. 19 states seceded. the united states army is ramping up the intensity. the white house warns both western powers and the florida alliance. the president, elected for a third term, promises to quickly put down the rebellion. want to
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try something on? and you are aware that there is a real civil war going on all over america. we are out. politics, judging by the news, this will be the best. civil war in the united states. many who says that this is another utopia, however, the plot itself is superimposed on the fierce political struggle that we have all witnessed in recent years. were you trying to create a utopia, or were you just afraid of the future that the world and the united states would soon face. the action of the film takes place in the usa, because america is the most powerful country in the world, but the problems highlighted in the film can apply not only to america, but also to many other countries of the world. for example,
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extremism is among these problems. schism and populist politics, which also exist in in my country, they are common in many societies in europe, asia and south america, so yes, it is definitely a global problem that the film is talking about. i would like to understand how you yourself feel about how... viewers of this film, do you want to warn them, or do you just want to state the reality in which they almost already find themselves? the problem we're dealing with is partly a lack of communication, i think the problem with the lack
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of communication is what people are getting. from others about what to think instead of taking part in open discussions, instead of conversations , lectures often take place, so i don't want to contribute actually by lecturing someone, of which there are already too many in the world, instead i hope to facilitate a two-way communication with the film audience, me. .. i ask this question because i just want to understand how you perceive this prophecy in art, as a statement of reality that can definitely happen, or as a warning that allows you to somehow stop destructive processes in society? no country is immune from
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terrible events one of the biggest mistakes that countries can make is to believe that they are exceptional, that they will not be affected by the problems that others are currently experiencing. such complacency is false, extremism is something that requires constant vigilance and protection from it. throughout. and you can ask why you decided to turn to the actual plot. all your previous scripts were, let's say. such a fantastic picture of the distant future, and this film is rather an appeal to an almost actual political one
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reality, why you decided to, shall we say, come down from heaven to earth, i don't know, it's a story i've been dying to share ever since i wrote it. that is, for almost four years, in fact , i described what was happening, and it seemed to me completely scary, disturbing and dangerous. the truth is that even fantastic stories often stem from something real. this may be due to a breakthrough in the field of artificial.
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that such a plot is not suitable for the creation of a science fiction film. that's all. one of your previous films is about contact with artificial intelligence, which did not exist as a reality then, today we have actually come close to this reality, how do you imagine worlds with artificial intelligence in general, do you think that art can give an answer to this question? that's a good question, i'd be an idiot if i said i knew the answer. frankly, i don't know, but i will tell you what i think, the process has already been started, such a process has already been observed by mankind, i mean nuclear
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energy or nuclear weapons, as soon as it became clear that it was possible, it already meant that it will inevitably happen, so will artificial intelligence, people, journalists, filmmakers, or just ordinary citizens can spend a lot of time thinking about it worrying. so the question is not whether we can stop it, but what we will do when the new age comes. if you look at nuclear weapons, in some ways we've dealt with them both well and badly, badly, because nuclear weapons have spread all over the world, and at some point in the future, it could easily turn around. disaster, on the other hand we did well because nuclear weapons haven't been used in conflict since wwii, so it's kind of a mix, i can imagine
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something similar will happen with ai. a large part of the problems that we are experiencing today, which you raise by and large, it is still connected with the thinking of the person himself, and you can say that... this is such a comic book thinking, thinking in fragments, small, fragments of reality, and you are a human being , which created this comic book mindset, you grew up in a comic book environment, creating your own comics like for a person to remain whole in such a fragmented way of thinking that dominates the world today. everything is interesting, i really grew up on comics, my father was an animator, i
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don't have a concrete answer to this question, but i can say that there is a certain connection between comics and movies, because it is a sequence of images that are connected to each other and tell the same story, often when i'm writing a movie script, i'll... sort of see it as a comic book, see a sequence of images or frames that are very similar to the images in the comic book, does that affect anything else, no sure, maybe it doesn't affect it, but it's something that lives in me since childhood, one of your halo scripts, i'll dedicate it. such a clash of worlds that cannot find common ground among themselves, there are people there, there are its covenants, remember, this is good, it is
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essentially... a theocratic empire, and we in ukraine also very often perceive our own war, as a clash of civilizations. you imagine how civilizations can co-exist when they have completely different values, how to prevent this constant conflict. in my opinion, it is certainly better that there is no civilization at all faced any collision usually has bad consequences. one of these consequences is disrespect, so it is better that civilizations, instead of clashing, treat each other neighborly, with proper human kindness. one of your screenplays was written based on a famous novel, one can say by my favorite writer kaji shiguro
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and... this novel, like his other works, was essentially devoted to the issue of the lack of humanity, we can say that we also see this in your new film this nostalgia for humanity, but the question arises how to restore it is this feeling now in the 21st century? i hope i understood the question correctly. i think the point of ishiguro's work is how quickly people can slide into inhumane acts. if they do not think properly and act fairly and intelligently. these actions can be absolutely ethically and morally
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wrong. the lesson i learned from his writings, and from life in general, is the importance of acting rationally and caringly. after all, by giving up basic values, decency and respect, people are very quickly able to drive themselves into the open total madness. unfortunately, some people or it takes very little time for states to reach this level of insanity. thank you, mr. alex, everything.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. a one-year-old girl and two women were killed by russians in the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region. three more people were also injured there. among them is a 16-year-old boy, informed the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine ihor klymenko. as a result of the impact , a pharmacy and a store caught fire. sorting of debris continues the occupiers also hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs. houses and farm buildings were damaged there. wounded sentinel.
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a 54-year-old man was injured when an explosive was dropped from a drone on... the bus


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