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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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can be brought immediately and unloaded somewhere, because it will be vulnerable for us, well, for us, we will immediately launch more rockets there so that it falls out, so these should be small such warehouses and they should be constantly replenished, for this there should be a railway and just roads, with which you can quickly bring something and constantly transfer it to the line to the front line, it is most convenient to do it in the eastern direction, in the south it is quite possible, even there... they have almost completed another railway, the third such a logistical artery, but it is still a big logistical shoulder and you can’t get a ride quickly, during the offensive you need to be very fast, and the northern direction, it is not known whether there will be offensive actions from that side, because after all, it is from belarus, with lukashenko there i understand that the russians, even putin, have certain difficulties there, let's say so, so it remains quite logical from a military point of view that they will try to advance and... what exactly will these
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directions be? well, i think that this offensive has already begun, and it will, well, it won't be like that at the end of may there, as the bell rang for class and they started offensive actions, most likely they will simply reinforce them, they are mobilizing, many more people are planning to mobilize, they are trying to create at least two more armies, not including other brigades or corps that they planned to create, their minister of defense shaigu said so, so i am sure that... it will be simple, as long as they are forming it, these hostilities, especially during the time of yara, the kupinsky direction, rather than the all-dar direction, it will continue and not, some like a click and great forces have passed and gone, no, they will just constantly press and strengthen, well, they are already using such tactics, so it is believed that they will do something like this, well, why, so far this brings little success, but they have local successes, and from their logic, from their... yes, only from
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their combat statutes, it is simply necessary to increase the pressure and then the advance will be more significant, most likely they will do so, therefore, i believe that these offensive actions in june will result in peak, not peak, that is this will be the maximum pressure from their side, but they will not start immediately at the end of may, they will be constantly strengthened from today, depending on how much the russians manage to mobilize people and add more equipment, because... well, all that is necessary for offensive, most likely this will happen. i can assume that kyrylo budanov, when he made his forecast, assumed that there is a redeployment of certain russian units there, there is some movement of them there, and from here more or less it is clear what they are aiming at, and the second question, this is probably what can now be called their actions, is an attempt to reach some certain boundaries from which they could, well, there... more or less there
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, make some throws to some certain cities , but most likely, maybe that’s how it should be, yes, well , i didn’t say it, but it’s obvious, it seemed to me that it’s obvious, of course, including that they strengthen offensive actions where they have the greatest concentration of manpower, well, forces and means, people and equipment, it is to hide a large number of troops, well, it happened before it's extremely difficult now with space evolution, well , it's almost impossible, so we know very well how they move. where are they trying to concentrate, well, that's why mr. budanov made conclusions based on the information he has, whether it can change, yes , they learned what the russians do more or less well, which is to move a relatively large number of troops along the front line, that is, they can transfer from city to city, and what you say is that they want to purchase some kind of bridgehead, well, a conditional bridgehead, from which they can continue to do offensive actions, when a large number of mobilized people will join, well, this is also from the point of view of the military, right, yes, this is usually
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done, during offensive actions, that is , a certain, certain place is obtained, where you can then quickly pull up forces and means and continue to try to advance further. well , by the way, you said an interesting thing about the fact that the russians were somehow able to move a certain number of troops along the front line quite successfully, and on the one hand, we constantly see such stories when the russians gather a certain amount there armored vehicles, they... they are trying to advance somewhere in some direction, they break something, sometimes they manage to advance, but the very fact that they manage to gather this armored vehicle near the front line and start an offensive with it means that they somehow or our drones, which do not see this cluster and accordingly, do not destroy them in the place of this cluster, well, or we simply have nothing to... well, destroy it, because,
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for example, let's look at such things, there were our statements, but we were there just recently destroyed near some gas station. their powerful rebovsky complex seems to have refueled right there, and we destroyed it, which means that we at least saw it. on the other hand, the russians also said that they managed to destroy them as far as kharkov district, also when our complex stopped, and they aimed there, and it is obvious that this was not the work of the agency, but rather the interaction of an unmanned reconnaissance drone and their artillery, and here is the question, and... "how come , why don't we destroy these shock fists, well, there are still some, what is your answer to this, but here it is obvious, again, the question is almost rhetorical, because they are at a distance where we cannot finish our artillery, or mlrs, rocket, it is
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not with drones option, yes, no, well, with drones, drones are already destroying tanks, well, armor already not far from the front line, which is mostly "operator, he is far from it, he cannot fly beyond 100 km, well, he simply bends it behind the horizon line, simply put, the signal, well, it just won't be visible and the operator will not be able to control, so these buckets are a very good thing, but it is, but still, we need artillery in any case, without it, nothing is possible , technology in the laws of physics is simply, well , it is impossible to look into electromagnetic fields of certain frequencies perished blue horizon, well, this is a blind zone, the so-called, this or that mountain, the mountain, so that it bypasses, well , you are right, blind zones and there for us there, where there is a large concentration of equipment, well, a relatively large concentration of equipment, but we we know it's there, and they begin to move accordingly
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of their battle statutes, they move in a column, right before the battle they deploy, they deploy there in a certain battle order, and we, when they approach the fields, where we can strike at... all the latest news, how many columns we destroyed, i have i don't mean the beginning of the war, but a week ago, two weeks ago, we, when they come close to where we can get them, we destroy them, and the fact that they gather there, we know perfectly well, it's not here no one should be scared that we will miss a cluster of wasps somewhere, no, this, it is visible, and it is visible from the satellite, information from which we receive, it is impossible to hide it, let 's pass the ravine for a little while, as it were, then we will return to it, but i still want to ask you... right now, in the area there, well, actually near avdiyivka, it was captured by the russian occupation forces pervomaiske in the donetsk region, well , that is, they are advancing further, and this is how they are advancing in the direction of karlivka, well , that is, it seems to me that at least these places should
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be more or less familiar to you, and let's say this, this is the road to pokrovsk, and that's what what budanov was talking about, danger. for pokrovsky, as in general, this zone after, well, the capture of avdiyivka and their attempts to advance there, that is , what, what, what is emerging there now from your point of view, it was obvious that they will advance there, the fact is that we, they are advancing there, in fact, they have not yet reached our defense line, which should be there, there should be a defense line 10 kilometers west of avdiivka, because avdiivka is a commanding height and accordingly. what, well, it's good that you show the map, if there was a map where you can see the topography of the area, then we will see that the next hills, something, it is located 5-7 km from yavdiivka, where there is already a little lake, well, you see, there, there is a sense to build a line of defense, because we use the topography of the area, this is how
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a line of defense is usually made , fortification is not built in a pit, but where there are dominant heights or simply heights, fortification is built there, build. in the pit, well , no one does it, it is not a credit to a student who would tell such a thing at some military training, so we assumed that they would advance there, in order for us to complete these lines, in order to pull up what is needed there to hold the defense, of course we conducted combat operations, but from the very beginning it was quite clear that they would advance further beyond avdiivka, because there is a lowland there, if the dominant force prevails, then , of course, there are no dominant heights around, but up to those lines that you just... saw on the map, the maximum they will be able to reach, there we will already meet them in such a way that their advance there is 100 by 200 m in them it won't happen, here it's just us, we're just leaving in an organized way, there's no point there, once again, it's not a defeat, this is not a bad thing, we simply withdraw to
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more convenient positions, and withdraw disrupt and hold the enemy, do not allow him to advance quickly to their cities, where we have already built or complete our fortification using again. area, and there i am sure that the enemy's chances of advancing into it will be, will, will be minimal. well, if we combine the fact that they also became more active in the district. marenka won, then, in principle, all this is like a kind of preparation for the attack on ughledar, judging by everything, yes, yes, i wanted to say, marenka is a little different, maryanka is already an attempt to get to ughledar from the north, ughledar is a very convenient position for us, it is again panim height and here are the columns that came there from the east, we were there several times, they suffered great losses in equipment, well, in manpower as well, that's why they are unable to take in... they are not capable, that's why they are trying to enter through maryanka from the north, well, let's see how they
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will succeed, i think they will not succeed, thanks oleksiy hetman, thank you for joining us, well then we have to go on a break, after the break we'll talk more substantively about what's happening in the temporal ravine area, so wait for that moment, goddamn climbers. the great danes don't walk anymore, wait, i'm suffocating, there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so until i tried gerovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ - good health, active life. the novelty of herovital energy. even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear, yes place. this is bravery no matter what anyone says, but bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud
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tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. so, let's return to the review of combat operations, and mykola raptor, the chief... sergeant of the intelligence platoon of the rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine, joined us. i congratulate you, mr. mykola. greetings from the studio, greetings from the audience. well, i want to say that the government. you are currently in the bahamian direction, i am calling on you to help your unit with equipment for night work for scouts of the rubizh brigade, we need, well, appropriate funds, and there is such an ambitious goal of uah 3,500,00, mr. mykola, we need more details will say what exactly they would like, well, what exactly would they like
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to use these donations for? look at the moments that can allow us to fight better, to do our job better, these are fpv drones, and drones of the mavic type, drones with the ability to see enemy positions at night, this is the same car repairs, which , unfortunately, go out of style . since the enemy inflicts a very strong and powerful blow, especially with his artillery along our logistics route, he blows them away and this makes our logistics too difficult for us and drags further and further to the front-line
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zones, in connection with which we have to, of course , make much more routes now. on foot, than we could do with road transport, also for ee night vision kits, for ee thermal imaging devices, ee laser pointer targets, this is very much all this equipment, all these devices, would help us very much in the performance of our task , we improved, well, we would improve... the destruction of the enemy force, well, if you look at the statistics of clashes, then the one provided by the general staff, then it can be seen there that almost half of all attacks that are recorded are in the area, well, in the area of ​​bakhmut, all this is happening around the temporal ravine, that is, your direction is now, in principle, the most active and there it is mostly
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going like a rush, well, it is from one on the one hand... on the other hand, we all understand, well , why this is happening, because, in principle, time is such a height that the enemy very much wants to capture, tell me now about the last week, that is, what marks the fact that there is more use of aviation or vice versa less what with the use of drones, i.e. what is the most relevant thing happening in your country right now. well, over the last week, the enemy has really increased his air strikes many times , he is now very heavy on his artillery, as i said earlier, breaking all the paths of our logistics routes, which
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is why, in principle, it has become a little more difficult to work, however, our soldiers, frontier brigades, we are doing everything possible, we, to some extent, may even be doing something beyond the impossible, but we are standing and we are working, fulfilling our duties, well, how to make a living, but tell me, look, i also heard such a story that it is in your direction that the enemy is using rap a lot and very actively and it's like... this caused such unpleasant stories that actually now our unmanned aviation has a very, well, such a problem, a large application, and well again well, in your same direction, on april 4 , it was possible to capture such a t-72 with a new reb, such a running machine, it was installed on the tower, in general, well
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, this kind of thing has now started, well, some kind of new tactics, when armored vehicles on... put rep, they are being released somewhere, well, in order to plant, respectively, our drones, this is how it is happening now, has the activity of ukrainian drones really decreased in this zone of yours, this is how it is at the moment in this, look, it is not that, to reduce it, we work with drones, as we used to work, as well as with fpv drones, at night, during the day, there is no difference... we have worked and will work with drones, because now there is a technological war, and in order not to... well, once again they don't put the personnel in danger, then it's better to work technologically, we will do it, we are able to do it, the enemy really uses
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a lot of reb, it has strengthened recently, maybe six months ago there was no such strong reb activity, now it has really become very difficult, but our drones , the gunner operators themselves, they... learn, they, they develop, they work on themselves, and they are still looking for a cure, where you can fly up, where you can just bypass this rep system in order to collect as much information as possible from certain areas of the enemy , and still fulfill their purpose, will reveal the enemy's forces and means, we have something a little hanging there, let's know, let's see now. we have a plot just from the area of ​​the temporal ravine, well, the russians are constantly storming there, hundreds of drones are launched at our military positions, because of this it
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is difficult enough to evacuate the wounded and here is how the volunteer soldiers of the 67th mechanized brigade duk are defending the city, let's see the plot and then we can also see something interesting there and discuss it. chasiv yar became the key in donetsk region. a focal point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut. now there heavy battles continue, the defense of the city is held by units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them - volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. as for the situation in the time gap, it is now very tense, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions and the confrontation with... is now quite aggressive, the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past few days, the enemy does not stand still, on it's a pity, and now they have such a large number of drones that our
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guys, who are already trained in combat, sometimes simply cannot for hours to move from point to point, because they are hanging, well, honestly, just hundreds, just swarms, due to the constant assaults of the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade, evacuations take place during the day and... at night , there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to pick up our comrades from the battlefield, two of our guys recently left by car to the position where they could get to where they had to get to, or rather the evacuation point, the disembarkation point and then they had to reach the position, then it is impossible to do it by car, it has to be done on foot, and simply, for you to understand that they were just walking, there were only... two of them, so it's not a group, the way we attack, it's not a technique that we attack with fp drones, they can afford to launch four drones into two people, so, for example,
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we still can't get one of these guys out, because there's just a torrential fire there, so that it would be possible to evacuate fellow soldiers of the 67th brigade at least at night, thermal imaging ponchos are needed. chasiv is a dominant height, and if you don't let it... the enemy will capture it, he will be able to move on very easily, and this is konstantinovka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, slovyansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, that is, the times - this is both strategic and tactical, and generally very important for the lives of people who live behind, that is , in those cities where there is still life, because in the time rush it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. well
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, in fact, this is the story and very clearly, well, the description describes what the ultimate goal of all this is and why it is so important for us in this time, it is said regarding the fact that there are a lot of fpvs and here it is of course interesting. how do you assess the work of our side, rebbe, because it seems that, for example, in the avdiiv direction, we somehow manage to contain the work of russian drones more, while you seem to have a somewhat more tense situation with this, this is what it looks like now, the russian drones, eh... they really interfere with our work, they set the direction where the brigade holds
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the line. we have anti-drone guns and that is why they appeared some even with what we are working, well, we will learn to work now, and little by little, something will come out, so i would not , well, there is a problem, but we will learn little by little and we will solve it in a different way, anyway, we have no choice, and what do you say now about the use of russian artillery? has their activity increased, or is it somewhere at the same level as you estimate? i apologize, there was a bad connection, i say what, what do you say about the use of russian artillery, how is its increase felt there now, or is it approximately the same activity as it was, that is, what, what you see now, i do not know personally my opinion is that i want a full-scale
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invasion first. it doesn't stop, you're already waiting for them to have this one, for when they 'll run out of these reserves, that's the impression because they're sitting there somewhere and stacking these shells, preparing them, because where they have such a supply, i don't know , i don't understand this, because the intensity does not stop and does not decrease, it is possible, they give a lull there, yes, but it is usually a lull before the storm. that is, they kept quiet a little, but then they pushed hard, now they are working more, well, during the day, at night, now specifically, how are their attempts, well , let's say, attacks, because i say, well , they record that you have the most attacks, but when, how does it happen, with what forces, on direction to the direction where our brigade is standing, then here, as a rule, they ask... aviation and
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artillery during the day, that is, at night , in principle, they behave more passively, but they have aggressive work during the day , that's why the most difficult part of the day for us today is precisely all the logistical aspects we postpone more for the night, because it is quieter and calmer there, and how do you in... in the end evaluate the enemy's forces on this stretch, i.e. what kind of unit is it, is it staff units, is it mobilized, who is it? eh, look, according to our observations, the enemy’s tactics do not change, he remains at the forefront, that is, he puts cadre military personnel at the forefront, who directly perform their task, this is
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preparation for... for offensive actions, yes, also there are diggers who come, their task is exactly that, just to dig out, that's it fall, that is, prepare positions, arrangement of positions, because this is also very important, and well, assault operations are naturally carried out by someone, they are launched, as a rule, meat, but special forces are already sent after him, but as he showed. the practice of their special forces die just as beautifully as the meat of the cannon, there is absolutely nothing different, well, let's wish them to continue to die there in greater numbers, so that there are at least a lot fewer of them, thank you very much, it was mykola raptor, the main the sergeant of the intelligence unit of the rubizh brigade, i remind you once again that you joined those meetings of ours, which are on fpv, and on development, and on everything. what we
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proposed, because now it is really now the most necessary, and what we can apply at the moment when we do not have enough artillery, fpv, unfortunately, this is what can help us the most. i 'll say goodbye to you until next week, see you in this format next week, and watch our news and, in fact, watch our broadcast. 18:00 in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to everyone
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viewers, i... correct iskander ka aerial.


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