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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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and on the development and on everything that we proposed, because now really, this is now the most, well, it is necessary, and what we can apply at the moment when we do not have enough artillery, fpv, unfortunately, it is what can help us the most. i 'll say goodbye to you until next week, see you in this format next week, and watch our news and actually watch our broadcast. 18:00 in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel in the studio. koval, welcome to all
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viewers. presumably iskander k. eastern air command reported that in the sky above a russian cruise missile was shot down in the zaporozhye region. it happened this afternoon. a 14-year-old girl and two women were killed by russians in the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region. three more people were also injured there. among them is a 16-year-old boy - informed the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine. ihor klymenko. as a result of the impact, a pharmacy and a store caught fire. debris analysis is ongoing. the occupiers also hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs. houses and farm buildings were damaged there. wounded sentinel. and they dropped explosives on the bus from the drone a 54-year-old man was injured. emergency services are working at the sites of the hits. and the bodies of a 12-year-old boy and his mother were discovered under the walls of the house in kostyantynivka,
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donetsk region. a 43-year-old woman and her son were killed by a russian aerial bomb. after extinguishing the fire, the rescuers also found another victim - a 60-year-old man. two people are injured. the two-story building itself is partially destroyed. i should note that putin's terrorists dropped three cabs on the city. as a result of the attack , 10 apartment buildings and 27 private houses were damaged. educational institution, temple, four stores and eight shopping malls. ukraine is not asking for too much, defense against russian terror requires air defense systems, fighter jets and artillery. this was stated by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi during his address to the delphi economic forum. the leaders of greece, montenegro and slovenia, as well as representatives of many other countries, are participating in the event. systems and a sufficient
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number of modern fighters, and there will be no problem of russian aircraft and bombs at all. we need artillery to push back the front and to return normal life to the land occupied by russia. and we need justice, such pressure on russia that will prevent putin from increasing his military potential. more and more sanctions against russia, confiscation of putin's assets - hatred of russians can and should be converted into donations. espresso tv channel has started a new collection. walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they fight hard for our independence. thanks to to these brave warriors we can live, work and study. and to say thank you, let's close as soon as possible. gathering. the goal
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is ambitious. 720 00 hryvnias but every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. convicted ukrainians are planned to be sent to the front. the verkhovna rada adopted the relevant draft law in the first reading. the document was supported by 281 deputies. yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy from the voice faction, said in his telegram channel. the initiative foresees. that the court can conditionally release a person from places of imprisonment for military service. this does not apply to those who have committed serious crimes, including murder, rape or treason. today , the second reading of the bill on mobilization was considered in the session hall, and the senior military leadership was invited to discuss the amendments. 30 thousand dollars bribe in dnipropetrovsk region. the mayor
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and secretary of the city council were detained. the information was confirmed in the office of the prosecutor general. earlier, the media reported that it was about the head of novomoskovsk serhii reznik and secretary of the city council. officials demanded money from an entrepreneur who wanted to set up a hostel for displaced people in the city. the officials promised to help with the lease of the premises of the unfinished school with an area of ​​45 m2. later, the businessman would be able to buy this building. currently, the issue of selecting a preventive measure for bribers is being resolved. the detainees were charged with extortion and receiving. unlawful gain in a particularly large amount, they face punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 12 years with confiscation of property. also installed the full range of persons who may be involved in the embezzlement, including information on local law enforcement officers who
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may have cooperated with officials during the extortion of bribes, is being checked. precursors, narcotics and psychotropic substances for uah 122 million. law enforcement officers. liquidated a criminal group in the kyiv region, seven dealers produced prohibited substances in drug laboratories, and also established a channel for supplying them from abroad, a 39-year-old local woman organized such a business, they set up production in their own homes. during the investigation there seized amphetamine, more than 4 thousand pills and cannabis. a woman and six men were detained and face up to 10 years in prison. their capacity allowed the perpetrators to produce more than 50 kg of precursors per month, from which they subsequently made 40 kg of amphetamine. in addition, for the purpose of the conspiracy, the evil-doers set up a warehouse for precursors at the work of one of
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the group members, namely in the market, where the latter worked for security guards. about 400 generators will be transferred to ukraine by the german company. the government made such a decision due to russian strikes on our power plants, reports the german embassy in ukraine. the agency emphasized that in this way berlin seeks to restore light to the blacked-out ukrainian cities and strengthen ukraine in its confrontation with russian aggression. more than 200 illegal immigrants tried to break through the polish border from the side of belarus. polish border guards prevented them from doing so , the press service reported. of the native department, it is noted there, a group of people tried to cross the pshevolka river, behaved aggressively, threw things in the direction of law enforcement officers and military branches and stones, the foreigners were pushed back and they returned to belarusian territory. spring
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watering in russia, the regional center of orenburg is beginning to disappear under water, the water level there has risen by a meter and continues to rise. the private sector is completely flooded, high-rise buildings are under threat. the local authorities urged the population to evacuate urgently, and blamed kazakhstan for the flooding. putin's plenipotentiary representative in the urals , vladimir yakushev, says that the official astana has not agreed with them on the amount of water that can be discharged into their own rivers. with the elements the aggressor country has been fighting for the sixth day, as a result of the destruction of the dams on the ural river , they are flooded. hundreds of settlements in three regions. russian contrasts. while orenburg is under water, kazan is hot. a woodworking factory is on fire there. thick black smoke can be seen from different parts of the city. according to
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the local ministry of emergency situations, warehouses are allegedly on fire . previously, there were no casualties. local residents claim that this is not the first time a fire has broken out at these warehouses. this happened already last summer. safety rules were ignored. a film studio came under fire in luhansk region a group of russian propagandists. it happened in the temporarily occupied city of kremina, local media reports say. at least two victims are known. one has a leg wound, the other has a contusion. our media people note that in the video published by the so-called kremlin journalists, one of them is dressed in a green fairy tale and armor. although the representatives of the press should have all this in blue . detonated for two days. the occupiers blew up their own workshop for the production of fpv drones in the occupied kherson region. video from one of the invaders published the consequences in
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social networks. he says that the incident happened due to carelessness, because of which two russians were injured. one of them was left without an arm, there were more in the equipped workshop. a lot of explosives, all the equipment used by the terrorists for production burned down. such were the news on this day. time, i'm iryna koval, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, you can read more news on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and watch us on youtube, then my colleague vasyl zama continues the broadcast. damn, stepladders, my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind
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more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear ones tv viewers, this is the big ether, me. my name is vasyl zima, my colleagues and i are with you for the next hour and 45 minutes, we will pay attention to many things today,
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of course, we will especially consider how the deputies are working on a very important bill on mobilization, we will have an inclusion on this topic, and also everything that will happen during our broadcast, we will inform you about it objectively and in time, well, we start with an announcement about the collection, espresso and the public organization base ua resistance call to support the collection of fdroprons for 90% of kholodny yar and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. these are legendary combat brigades that have been fighting the enemy on our land for a long time. own production, testing. for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, and they gave results, it is added that there will be more and more of them, the enemy was more hurt and hotter, well, we were going to our goal. our goal is 2 million hryvnias, and the big goal is victory, but these 2 million hryvnias can become a component of this
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victory, we will donate, we remember that a donation to the armed forces is an investment in... a victory in that our land was, there was no enemy on it, and we were on this land. well, now we start from that part of our great country, where today the enemy is hitting and the enemy is trying to advance further and is shelling, unfortunately, people, residential infrastructure and not only residential mykola dovbnya is in touch with us, he is a deputy i congratulate you, mr. mykola, of the drushka city council. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations to spress tv channel, congratulations to you, mr. vasyl. i think everyone has already learned the geography of donetsk region during the period of at least a full-scale war, and before that, but i will simply remind you that drushkivka is behind kostyantynivka, behind bakhmut, kostyantnivka, drushkivka is further there, but this is basically the direction that the enemy is firing at and where the enemy would dream to crawl, of course, that's why it
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's actually not far from the front line, as you know here, i don't even want to say how the day passed, how the night passed. in general, the recent situation, as it is now, is meant to be safe and humanitarian, which is also important, mr. vasyl, i now i am in the city of druzhkivka, on the central street, soborna street, you see behind me , destroyed buildings, no windows, no doors, the infrastructure is crumbling, and unfortunately, this picture is observed almost every day, if we... move down the sobornii street, we will see that all the houses without windows, all the institutions where children used to be, including the palace of sports, the dk and tyud, and the ppu, and all the factories are all destroyed, if we move in the other direction, as well we will see buildings without crosses, without windows and such and such
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other this situation, unfortunately, is observed not only. and in kostyantynivka, the sad news came that today an 11-year-old boy and his 81-year-old mother were dug up under the rubble after yesterday's shelling, so we live in such conditions, we live in such realities, and to be honest, very, very ee , we are vigilantly watching what is being done in the chasory, because you understand that the chasory... there is a key point in order to open the gates to that part of donetsk that is not captured now, so we are all very, very watchful, it is very painful to watch the events that are in the timeline, but really, as they say, this is the gate to further movement, i will not
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ask anything related to the military component, because we understand that it is very close to the front line and any... questions related to the life of military relocations are generally taboo, i will not even raise this topic, we will talk about well, mr. vasyl, allow me to interfere a little in your question, at the beginning of my interview you had a call to fund ppa drones, so here i am saying that these drones are helping it is very, very hard for our defenders to keep the time, and that is why i, as a person who is directly... near ground zero, often go out and near the watchmaker, and i went to the end, i ask people to help our guys who are at ground zero, who are suffering very much, we know that there are big problems now with funding from the states, europe is in no way swayed to provide, so let's help the guys as a group, let's defend
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our country in the way we can, it's very, very necessary for our soldiers , well, we are we are collecting for 72. i won’t say exactly where, which brigade is holding which direction now, but i know for sure that you can inquire about which groups, which military units are standing, let’s say, in the current era, you can throw money there, well, collect, but in any case, wherever you throw all these brigades, our legendary heroic ones at the front, they all need these drones, we see that now, by the way, in the last month, the ukrainians have used even more drones than the russians and have succeeded despite the fact that as the respected elders say. officers and drones are not will replace long-range artillery, but in any case, in close combat at medium range, they are very good at setting fire to russian armored vehicles and destroying the invaders on ours. regarding the humanitarian situation, of course, you have shown the picture, you understand that in those houses it is hardly possible to talk about life, in general, if we talk about water, about transporting medicines, food,
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some things that are necessary, let's say, for to make minimal repairs, well, if the windows were blown out and something flew somewhere, then you can fix it and continue to live, or this secured city of druzhkivka? as for the humanitarian component, i want to thank the military administration, you know, in the conditions in which we live now, they can be considered comfortable, because if you measure the distance from 15 km to the front line, 15-20 km, and at the present time we have water according to the schedule, we have electricity, we have gas supply, we have security, at least the windows, we close chipboard, fiberboard, osb. slabs, as far as the total destruction of property is concerned, there is a program that works well, it is a recovery program, that is, uh
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the administration is trying and keeping the situation in the city under control, as far as uh, are people leaving, yes, events like this, when there are high-powered rocket attacks, prompt people to leave, but you know, a very interesting story, that is, uh... people, today there was an explosion, people decide to leave, tomorrow they wake up in the morning, something stops them, the day after tomorrow they block the windows with devfeshkas and stay to live, everyone believes in our victory, everyone believes that we, that our cities will not be surrendered, and one more interesting thing observation, i went to karitsk this week, and saw how agricultural workers work, that is, on our farms. you know, very interesting information, you go to toretsk, near turytsk, you see overgrown fields, our fertile lands, which are not cleared, because now
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drones are demining, petals are scattered and so on, near kostyantynivka the fields are already more or less overgrown, drushkivka and beyond druzhkivka to pokrovsk, our ukrainian fields are green and beautiful, emerald green, grow in winter, and you know ... tractors drive, weed, sow, and this warms the soul, that is, people believe that today they will plant and reap the harvest, such are our people, so hardworking, they believe in our victory, thank you, thank you very much, mr. mykola, thank you that despite the fact that you are not far from front line, and the enemy, of course, is increasing efforts to break through further, but your positivity, it is transmitted, in fact, we support the armed forces of ukraine, we support those people who today remain in those places, very close to the front mykola dobnya, deputy of drushkivska city advice let me remind you that bahmud chas'iv, kostyantynivka, drushkkivka - these are all one after the other, and this is all very close to the
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place where the fierce battles are now taking place, meaning the time of yar. i hope that sergits, maybe we will talk more about this today, but for now i will call you to do the right thing, in particular, find espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because ateru's live broadcasts are there, all news releases, programs are ours there the special projects that are being worked on are actually quite numerous and difficult, but my colleagues are working, this is what is being done in order for you to know more, for you to understand more, for you to have analytics, to have access to different opinions, to different information that you do not always find yourself on the network, therefore - you can also see this only with us, a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, and also share, comment, so that we go in the top views and in the top ... suggestions, because we don't need to listen to even good russians, we need to listen to those people who are the first to say real things about what is happening and real threats are voiced, but in that
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at the same time, they support us and say, let's do this so that nothing bad happens, so that we still pass over the abyss and do not fall into this abyss, always, once again, we must tell the truth, we must tell different options, what can happen, but to say what should be done to make it the way we want it to be, well, that's exactly what protekanal is all about. the press, and drawing castles in the air is good, but these castles in the air do not always turn into stone, and on the other hand, as henry thoreau said, the most painful thing to hit the head is the fragments of broken illusions, so of course let's not have illusions, but move towards our victory together, and besides, your opinion is important to us, so please write comments on youtube, during live broadcasts, during broadcasts, watching our videos, this is important, again well, because when you open it on youtube and see. here i am, i'm looking at different people, uh, well, mostly the teachings of our experts, again, different, more effective, less effective, more informed, less
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informed, well, but everyone has a... maybe some such opinion that i did not know about, or some such information, it can be checked, it is true or false, but always in the top , for some reason, people who speak russian are very often, and yes, you know, you feel some kind of wrong spirit in with those words, supposedly everything is true, supposedly everything is the way it is, but there is no hope, and there is always some all-powerful putin somewhere who, in principle, will always decide everything, we clearly understand that there is an all-powerful ukrainian people, the armed forces of ukraine, and our own life and our... further history depends primarily on us, even when such a situation arises, where partners do not work as they promised to work at the beginning of a full-scale tuesday or before it, somewhere something does not come that should come, well, there is always an opportunity to do something, and influence it, speak, act , let's say there is a delay in aid in the united states, there is a lot of talk about it now, degradation, american democracy is not degradation, it's just a struggle to win the elections, it's just that trump owes putin something
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or he doesn't. just a million thoughts, and here it is important to understand, of course, that vitaliy portnikov or mykola versen, or olga len, or antin torkovskyi would appear conditionally and together with their guests there in the studio, they would tell how it could be, how it is closest to the truth, and because all we certainly don't know the truth, but even throughout history you can see that estonia appears, the czech republic appears, lithuania appears and says, we will give you one million, 600 thousand shells, we will find a million shells, and when someone big scratching the back of his head. and thinks, what is my benefit here, or tells us that you do not attack russian refineries, because russia is suffering from this, nothing, that we have been suffering for 10 years, and in the last two years we have been suffering extremely, we have tens of thousands of dead, military, civilians, destroyed cities, destroyed houses, destroyed energy, destroyed ecology, destroyed dams, well, that is, no, no, no, no, of course it is important, well, you better hit the concentration of enemy troops somewhere there, but do not hit the refinery, it means that they are
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in pain, but ... all this must be understood, all must be known, so be with espresso on youtube, now we will talk with valentina shults, a deputy of the odesa district council, mrs. valentina, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, today is the first day of the liberation of odessa from the german-nazi invaders, as they were called there, but we have others, they did not become invaders, luckily they don't like odesa, but today they decided to prove and remind us that they actually are... the consequences and the explosions continue, that is, the enemy is reminding us who he is all day today, details please from what can be said without naming any details that are not is it worth mentioning, please, nothing, well, unfortunately, an explosion was just heard,
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the connection was lost, i hope that... ms. valentina is fine, but we understand that the network can be affected, it is mobile communication and storm waves , they are far apart, and therefore here we only wish, of course, that this explosion does not cause irreparable damage, the alarm continues and shelling continues in odessa, the war today, let me remind you, is hitting, hitting the city all day, we are now, now one second, i , i... i will open myself and my colleagues will show the map, here you see now the south, partially the center of ukraine, there is the kirovohrad region, we see, well, the southern regions, in addition to the northeast, and of course the east of ukraine is constantly there, especially, well, we see donetsk region, we see luhansk region, kharkiv region, sumy region, there, if i'm not mistaken, poltava region, and so on. .. yes,
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vadym vasylchuk is in touch with us, a deputy of the kyiv city council. yes, mr. vadim, i congratulate you. yes, good afternoon. yes, the verkhovna rada is considering the law on mobilization in the second reading, plus there are also certain bills that one way or another concern and solve certain separate issues. well, let's in general, i will ask you this, what do you expect, or yes? what society expects and the front expects from this draft law, so that it will effectively influence the course of events, strengthen the army, perhaps strengthen the economy, finally in some way transfer to military rails and give us what we currently lack so much in this war , resources and opportunities, please, well, in my opinion, both the front and society expect certainty, that is, clear
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rules of the game and... understanding of all parameters are very important here.


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