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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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strengthens the body. herovital plus: good health, active life. the herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes. herovital energy - reception once a day. the war continues. and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are busy. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. tuesday thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict from serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important. topics, even more top
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guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium sponsor. represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's go back to conversations, and now we will talk about how we perceive the war, life, ourselves, victory, what we believe in, what we don't believe in, what we fainted at, actually, what? is happening to us,
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sociologists are working for this, who publish this or that information on the basis of our answers, well, they actually do sociological work. oleksiy geran is with us, professor of political science at the kilian academy, scientific director of the ilko kucheriv foundation for democratic initiatives. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. good day. well , therefore, the assessment of the situation in the country, the trust for to social institutions, faith in victory. attitude to the elections, all those topics that ukrainians also think about every day, the results of the poll, which was conducted from march 21 to 27 by the sociological service of the razumkov center, well, actually this year, let's give a general, general assessment, if we talk about all these points little by little, ukrainians now have more positives, a balanced plus-minus situation, or more negatives, if we talk globally in relation to everything.
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and threatening trends, i would just like on began to say that today i participated in the presentation of these results together with the razumkov center at a press conference, and in one or two weeks we will hold two presentations, these will already be deminitiatives, which we also did with the razumkov center, but this is our research, so i hope that we can also discuss this study, now i am commenting on the data of the razumkov center, that's what i said to be academic. well, look, if we take, for example, faith in victory, well, 83% believe in victory, that is, in principle, this figure, it stable enough, so far with different data, with previous data, with data from other
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centers, but here it is important to say that the time space, so to speak, when we can think about this victory, has changed, because... the share is falling those who think it will happen by the end of this year, well, and i think it's absolutely clear, it's 22%, well , super optimistic, i would say, instead, there is a growing share of those who think it will happen in 1-2 years , or even there from three to five years, so some, well, i would say here that the ukrainians are obviously reacting to... these problems that we have on the battlefield and are connected with the supply, with the supply of weapons to ukraine. well, here it is interesting, you can say, let's see, we asked what these people will consider
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a victory. well, i will say that 45% is the complete restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, another 23% is. this is the destruction of the russian army and promotion of the uprising, the collapse of russia, well , i also call this category super-optimists 23%, but in total it is 50-58%, so that is, well, these are those who see the victory of ukraine that way, yes, that is, the way out to the borders of 1991 and the return and... and the radical weakening of russia itself, and some 26% are those who believe that we will still have to give up something and, at the same time, they also consider it a victory, yes, what we will,
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let's say, retain our status as a sovereign independent state, but we will have to give up something, such 26%, this figure, this figure somewhat... which has increased somewhat, but in general, well, we see that the belief in victory, well, it remains more - less stable, you know, mr. oleksiy, it's also interesting, well, it's not that there is much it is important, but it is important, it is important, the level of satisfaction with life, ukrainians, as i understand it, this is both the material condition and satisfaction with life, as a phenomenon, for sure, that is alive at all, it is also actually during the war for... satisfaction, because when air alarms , and somewhere they don’t shut up, well, you live too, that ’s the satisfaction of life, but the numbers are also interesting here, well, you know, it’s difficult here, here in principle, if the fluctuations weren’t very big, here according to the point estimate, yes, that is, let's say it was
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there before the war there was 5.2, yes, now it is 4.9, yes, so it's not that big. let's say, a decrease, well, especially considering these, well, these problems, the blood that we see, the destruction of our, our homes, victims, so, that is, here i would say that look, i would say yes, cautiously, optimistically, i would pay attention to who believes that the actions in the country are going in the right direction, the country is going in the right direction, and who is not... right, because now these indicators have equalized, they are the same, that is, there is a fall in those who think , which goes in the right direction and the ratio is now 38 to 39, but what is important is that it is still twice as high as those who
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believe than it was before the war, this is a paradox, because before the war only 20% believed, then this figure jumped sharply up, ukrainians began to believe there under. .. 70%, or even more, that we are moving in the right direction, and then this figure gradually began to decrease, well, that is also, as it were, understandable. yes, because we evaluate it to a large extent and the situation on the battlefield, but what is interesting, you know, when we talk about trust in social institutions, in principle, the ratio here is not has changed, that is, relatively speaking, 70% plus up to the armed forces of ukraine 96% trust volunteers there 85. the national guard of ukraine 80%, to the president of ukraine 59, that is, it is gradually
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decreasing, although 59% is a sufficiently large figure, so i say that everything is not lost here, because it is very important, no matter how we feel about president zelensky, but he is the commander-in-chief, and of course, if there is no trust in the president of the country, then it is bad, that is, for now he remains great. and i would like it to remain high, but here there is one, one event, on which one must think, why did it happen, look, if we are talking about the balance of trust and mistrust, then it is now +26 for the president, well, that is, it is taken the balance of trust is 59%, minus the balance of mistrust, and so the result is a plus in... the president + 26%, but in january, the president had +36, that is, the balance of trust and distrust was
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36% in january, in march it fell to 26%, that is , we must explain why this happened, well , i think that, in principle, if we understand why it is happened because there were some things, there were scandals, there were... there was a misunderstanding of why they are changing the good man, there were scandals inside the country related to corruption, i think that this affects whether it can please the opposition, which is falling in the rating of the president, well, here we are not here, but the rumzkov center in this case asked the question whether see the respondents now among the political forces, those that are. those who can be trusted with power in the post-
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war period, that is, people look at these parties, both the government and the opposition, and the answer is only 25%, they say that there are such forces that can be trusted with power in the post-war period, in july 23- th year there were 39% of them, that is, there was a noticeable, that is , a noticeable drop, so they should think about it. politicians, and the politicians are different, yes, and those who belong to the pro-government camp and those who belong to the opposition camp, there is also an interesting opinion here, we have, i don’t know, literally a few minutes there, maybe even less, but from what environment on your the opinion may be a political force to which you could entrust the military power, what you were talking about, because my friends there often ask me, or which of the journalists or not, they say: who would you like to see as president, and if it were a woman, who would you like to see as president, i always call someone that, or
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say roughly what kind of person it should be, but i never thought from what background, well, the most, and we see that from the background of the military well, look, this is about political power, yes, that is, it is not about a specific personality, but about political power, that is, relatively speaking, here is a new political power, a new political party that will emerge from among you. by the way, this number also decreased, i.e. it was in the previous measurement was 51%, and well , you know, i would be cautious about this, because yes, there is a high level of trust in the armed forces of ukraine, but we have to understand that to be successful in the military is not necessarily to become successful politicians, that is, for sure we can say that when the elections are held in... after the end of the war, we will see the military in different lists of different political
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forces, yes, because they are trusted, but can we say that the party is the base which the military is, i don't think, and after all we had an example of 2014, when a lot of military personnel appeared, even in camouflage , demonstratively in the verkhovna rada, among parliamentarians, so what, and most of them did not cope with their functions, got into... far and it turned out that a - ah, the high authorities captured them, and well, in the end, they moved away from the ideals with which they went to the elections, so i... treated it, treated it so a little cautiously, you know, for what reason, maybe i would like to emphasize, 30 seconds, unfortunately, mr. oleksiy, because serhiy rudenko is waiting for us, before the national elections, which means that the majority rejects the idea of ​​these elections until the end of the war, but the share of those who believe that elections should be held has increased slightly, again
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the majority rejects, but the share of those who are in favor of elections, that is, for change. for the attempted change of power, it is growing somewhat, that is, i do not rule out that this trend may deepen further, we will monitor, and you will definitely monitor, i also think that after a while we will talk about your research, oleksiy garan, professor of political science, academic director of the kyiv-magyar academy of the ilko kuchrev dim foundation was in touch with us, we talked about the research of the razumkov center, this is who we are, this is how we live, this is what we believe in, this is what we fear, but, as mr. oleksiy says, there is still more positivity, than negativity in... we already have the third year of the war, the 777th day of the full-scale invasion, and what serhii rudenko will talk about with his guests on this day, now we will actually ask him, the verdict program starts at 8 p.m., serhii already with us, sergey, congratulations, please, congratulations to vasyl, today is quite difficult and it is an important day in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, in the second reading the parliament begins to consider the bill on mobilization, or rather the law,
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which was adopted in the first reading, the verkhovna rada is considering. the text of the law and amendments, there are more than 400 amendments, why demobilization and rotation were excluded from the project, what will be the final version of this law, and most importantly, what rules will the country live by in the next few years, and not only in the next few years, but also in the next several decades because the mobilization law will affect every person in this the country of every man who is conscripted, and of every family, respectively. we will talk about all this on our broadcast, starting at 20:00. our guest will be people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, who is currently in the verkhovna rada of ukraine and is participating in the voting for this draft law. well, in addition,
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the executive director of the institute of educational policy yevhen magda and the diplomat oleksandr hara will be visiting us, or things. our western partners insisted that the verkhovna rada adopt it quite quickly the law on mobilization, what is currently happening with the preparation for the global peace summit in switzerland, and how russia is trying to influence the course of the upcoming summit by negotiating with beijing, and what are the results of these changes, of course, remains the top topic for our discussion, this about how putin is trying to hang a tarot in kroc city hall on ukraine, in particular on the head of the security service of ukraine , vasyl malyuk, he is and remains the number
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one target for putin, and so that all this conspiracy theory about the involvement of... ukrainians before the terrorist attack in the crocus city hall looked plausible, the russians have already brought the burizma company, which works on the ukrainian market and is related to the son of the president of the united states of america, joseph biden, hunter, to this. we will talk about all this with magda and hara, so at 20:00 we will start with the first part of our program, at 21:15 there will be two political experts oleksa akyan and... viktor boberenko, we will talk about the consequences for ukraine , for the society after the adoption of the law on mobilization, about who and how is now booking conscripts and tries to protect its employees from mobilization, and most importantly, the actual
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sociological analysis of whether ukrainians believe that the war will end. quickly and what will be the result, what will be the result of this war, we will talk about it all for the next two hours, we start at 8:00 p.m., vasyl zema's big broadcast continues, vasyl, you have the floor, thank you serhiy, serhiy rudenko at 8 p.m. - that, let's wait, and now the news of sports, in fact, thundered yesterday, well, we have a war in ukraine, in europe, the tribunes are thundering where the matches are taking place... a soccer thriller with six goals. real madrid and manchester city did not decide the winner at the santiago bernabéu in the first
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match of the quarter-final duel of the uefa champions league. the visitors opened the scoring in the second minute of the game after a mistake by madrid goalkeeper andrii lunin. however, at the break, the teams went for the advantages of real. ruben diyash scored an own goal. and rodrigo put the hosts ahead. in the second half, phil fowden and josko guardiol brilliant strikes. from mid -range gave city back the lead, however federico valverde put an end to the match with an equally elegant shot. 3:3. for carlo ancelotti, we bet yesterday's match in the champions league. vershkovy's mentor is the first coach to reach this mark. it was a good match, a great match for us. it was an even and competitive game. we even had enough strength to put pressure on them, so that the opponents felt uncomfortable. and we managed it well. started when they conceded a goal, but after that the team played and settled well, especially in their own half. we won the ball a lot, we counterattacked.
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now it's a small disadvantage for us that the second match is away from home, but we are confident that we can repeat the match we played here. in a week we will be in manchester with our people. full stands will help us score one goal, we will do the rest. and we'll try again, you know, to get to the semi-finals, it's just the team that wins will go to the semi-finals. the return match on the field of the english team will take place on april 17. another match on tuesday ended in a draw. arsenal and bayern played 2-2 at the emirate stadium in london. bukai osaka and leandro trosar stood out as part of the gunners. serge gnabry and harry kane scored for bayern. the fate of the winner. duels will be decided in a week in munich. two more quarterfinal matches will be held today. paris saint-germain will host barcelona in paris. it will be
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quite difficult for barca to catch up with real in the spanish championship, so the team can save the season with success in the european arena. however, blago grannas do not look like the favorites of the tournament. a barrier in the form of psgg luis enrique, the former mentor of barcelona can become for catalans a serious obstacle on the way to the semi-finals. at the stage. barca is playing in the quarterfinals of the champions league for the first time in four years. in the other match of the evening, atletico madrid will face borussia dortmund at home. both games will start at 10 p.m. kyiv time. oleksandr gvozdyk will fight for the title of world champion for the first time since 2019. the next opponent of the ukrainian boxer will be the undefeated american david benevides. in social networks, gvozdyk announced that the fight will take place on june 22. duel. will have the american houston, the train will be at stake interim world champion of the wbc in the light heavyweight category, its owner will receive the right to a mandatory match with the regular
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champion of the organization artur beterbiev. it was after the defeat by betarbiev in october 2019 that gvozdyk decided to suspend his professional career for more than three years. well, that's sports news, and you know when josep guardiol says we're the team to win, in sports it's very often the other way around when you're coming up against real madrid and any other team more or less equal to you, no need to say that you will win as long as you don't win, then probably beautiful football, well, we need my victory, i 'll just remind briefly, we will donate to the zsu, what those fees offered by the espresso tv channels, in particular our fighters, and we are only... intermediaries , in this we do not forget about it, because we are going to the only victory that really matters for us today, this victory is equal to our survival and development, as a nation, as a country, as a state,
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and, well, it affects our lives a lot and at events, by the way, the weather is also at the front, but what will the weather be like in ukraine tomorrow? natalka didenko will tell, let's listen and see. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, we are talking about the upcoming weather for the next day, for the next day, and for now , in connection with such a blooming, wonderful spring, we will talk about things, well, let's say, less comfortable, about seasonal specifically spring allergy, so, well, first of all, what is this... a disease specifically for pollen, for flowers , spring, pollinosis, or autumn, or, oh, autumn, i say pollinosis, or hay fever, well,
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from the word hay, of course . well, in general april, that is, the beginning of may, and maybe the whole of may is not quite such a comfortable time for people with allergies, because, well, grass, flowers, blossoms, all this increases the amount of pollen in the air , and here comes this real pollen fever, people of absolutely different ages , they say that such allergic manifestations do not depend on age at all, affects the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, er, well, actively blooming trees and shrubs. hazel, alder, birch, hornbeam, oak, beech, elm and many others, well, i really like it, many others. by according to statistics, hypersensitivity to pollen is present in approximately 10-20% of people, well, by the way, this is quite a lot, and if such an allergy is not treated, or at least not maintained in such an anti-allergic state, with the help of doctors, the quality of life can significantly
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decrease , unfortunately, it reduces. attention, working capacity, and this seasonal renite, by the way, has been proven to be the cause of a significant loss of academic performance among students, and can lead to accidents on the roads, well, we do not need a loss of academic performance of students, because may is just such a, well, important month especially for learning, so please, whoever manifests and discovers this polyno in himself, contact specialists exclusively, and, of course, to fully admire. charms and beauty of spring, we go further and talk about magnetic storms, magnetic storms tomorrow, well, to be honest, they are unlikely to threaten the well-being of people in any way, because the fluctuations will be small, not significant, and most likely, for example, people with allergies will suffer more of flowers, than her magneto-dependent people from magnetic struggles, therefore we just calmly move on to the weather, and
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here... there is already a lot to tell, because the sons were able to relax for a few days, we already have to work here, because the weather is expected to change, we are starting from the western regions, tomorrow in the west of ukraine in connection with the movement of the cold atmospheric front will decrease the air temperature and the maximum air temperature will be from 17 to 19°, after +15-16 in the high carpathians it will be even lower and only in transcarpathia it will be warm to 22-25°. dry weather will also prevail in the north of ukraine, but the atmospheric front and the north it will touch tomorrow, it will not rain, it will be mostly even sunny, but in zhytomyr region, kyiv region and chernihiv region , the air temperature will drop to 18-21°, in sumy region it will still be very warm to 25. in the east of ukraine, there will be no precipitation, summer will be held, anti-cyclonic character weather +24 +28. in
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the central part of ukraine in vinnytsia will have fresher weather, finally +22 +25°, and everywhere in the central part of ukraine dry, sunny air mass will prevail. it will also be sunny in southern ukraine, in southern ukraine, without precipitation, dry weather, increased fire danger, and 23-28° above zero. in kyiv tomorrow, although significant precipitation is not expected, however... the capital tomorrow will also be behind the atmospheric cold front, so it will not be as hot as today, in kyiv tomorrow around 19-20° of heat is expected, precipitation unlikely, such a decrease in air temperature will cover almost the entire territory of ukraine by saturday, of course it will not be cold, it will just be fresher air and the air temperature will be more appropriate seasonal value, watch carefully. always according to
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our updated forecasts on the espresso channel, information about the weather, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:15, then the verdict by serhiy rudenko, stay with us, it will be interesting, good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. the bill of the year. the verkhovna rada is considering the text of the law on mobilization in second reading why was
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demobilization excluded from the project and...


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