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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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in the speedy adoption of this very bill, and in his last interview the president even scolded the deputies, saying that they are delaying the process, and it will be surprising if after such a statement zelensky himself does not quickly sign the document, well, at least zelensky repeatedly said that he expects from the law on the mobilization of justice, mobilization in ukraine is primarily a question of justice, he stated in his january interview, listen to this fragment: the question of mobilization first of all, i still... i would like to adhere to the very understanding of what it is for different sections of society? first of all, this is a question of justice, because there are people who have been at war since the first day, and the fact that they do not complain does not mean that there should not be an opportunity for people to, ah, replace them, let them...
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rest , more to have, and opportunities for those who won back, all these months, the most powerful and the most difficult, and therefore the law on mobilization is important, reasonable and fair, that is , it is necessary for the military, and you can’t just say, well, their army is enough for them there, it’s unfair to bypass when someone dies or gives their life for you, and rightly so a person must know where he is going, how much. oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy from european solidarity, joined our broadcast. oleksii, good evening. good evening, a person should know where he is going and how much. literally in january , the president spoke, he spoke about justice. tell me, please, will the mobilization law comply with the principles of justice? no. why? because the rule on the length of service, the key one, which just answered the president's question, about those soldiers who have been serving for two years and have right to know that's all, all this has been completely
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removed, and, well, i submitted a bill a year ago, my bill was the first to determine the term of service, i proposed 18 months then, for a long time it was all ignored, but then the government itself, i will remind give you a story, when the first version of this mobilization bill was submitted, it was on christmas night last year, that is, at the end of december, then the government proposed to define the term of service at 36 months, which means that after... 36 months of service , a serviceman gets the right , right, no duty, he wants to continue to serve, thank you, but he wants to resign, he will get such a right, it was already a proposal of the government, i said then that 36 months is a long time, well, but it was already something, and i guess, this was a positive norm , then the government withdrew that version, it was passed already in january, a new norm has already appeared there, 36 months, then according to a separate rate decision, well, it's already obvious. that it is not quite the same, because whether
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there will be this decision of the bet, when it will be and so on, well, but still, at least some number sounded there, and in the end, the final option, in general, everything is removed, there is no 36 months, nor any term at all, it’s just that everything is turned off, crossed out, you showed the letter, they refer to the letter from syrskyi to umerov, he died for a sneak, a sneak for stefanchuk, well , i’m sorry, grandmother for a child, a child for a bug , a bug for... and in the end nobody goes anywhere, and that's the main issue, determining the length of service and giving the right to the guys to go home, those who are exhausted, all that is removed, but there has to be some logic, some explanation, well syrsky suggests that in the next draft law it should be considered there introduce some demobilization norms, do you understand this logic, maybe they are simple, if in 6 months they will expose the front,
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there will be no one to defend ukraine, or at least there should be some explanation, well, let’s start from the first part, well… firstly, i want to say right away that i will not vote for it in such a version, because it is unfair, dishonest, secondly, when i hear that sirskyi really wrote this in his letter, i do not want to offend sirskyi in any way, i i respect all the military, from the soldier to the commander-in-chief, but i don't believe in it, no believe me, now there is a law in which... you can determine the length of service, there is a law in which you can legislate rotation, and we have presented several possible options for this, and they are not going to do anything about it, they are not going to do anything about it, you know, therefore , to believe that now, when it was possible to adopt this law, then even then there would have been many more votes for this law, and i think there would have been more support, but they put it away and say, well, somewhere we will return to this, i don't believe in it, in fact, this topic is simply... hidden, now
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why? yes, i think the reason is that really, it's not that easy to replace people, and it's obvious that these people, especially those, we 're talking about volunteers, these are people... demotivated, already with combat experience, i don't i argue with this, but you can’t , i’m sorry, use these people to the last, well , erase them to zero, well, it’s wrong from all points of view, both from a moral point of view, and from a pragmatic point of view, from the point of view of the future, it is wrong from any point of view. well, actually, oleksiy, and then one more question, it is more general, i i understand that we will already discuss the bill in detail when it, when it becomes law, when it... is voted on, but now what it provides, in particular with regard to punishment for people who evade, or with regard to motivation, the motivational part, which the draft law now provides for, or i remember there, it was said about the confiscation of property there, cars from civilians, so maybe you can name
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some such points, provisions, which will definitely be included in this draft bill, well, i still don't nostradamus, i think that in in what form it is now carried out. so he will either be voted on tomorrow, which is most likely, or there, because we saw today in another vote on fines, there is a coalition, opzzh, servants, part of the vote, they vote for it, and they will have enough votes, i think, tomorrow , most likely, but we will see, the draft law really came from some idea, well, the first government draft, it had some idea of ​​balance, it was completely lost, now it is a punitive draft law, well, there are restrictions on driving a car. ah, so the limitation, well, the actual, provision consular services to those who are abroad, i absolutely do not want to protect those who crossed the tisza, you understand, but on the other hand, there are people living there now, well, we are actually pushing a certain number of people out of ukrainian citizenship, well, now those teenagers who
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are there will simply take the citizenship of poland, germany, the czech republic, that's all, well, we are losing people, those people who will rebuild and build ukraine in the future. who should continue to carry this torch of ukraine and ukrainianism, but we just have some of them now we will still lose the number, so i am in favor of that, i am constantly, you can’t act only with a whip, you can’t only use a whip, it must be if the fathers are some kind of gingerbread, well, there are no gingerbread, the only gingerbread that, well, from a positive point of view is to give the right to discharge to servicemen with disabilities , this is an important topic, i have also been pursuing it for a long time, well, at least that, and also to give an opportunity to be freed. to those who were captured, again, many colleagues asked this question, well, i hope that we will bring it to the end, in principle, well, what about the motivation of the mortgage, which is still the cabinet of ministers will write, well, but in principle this is the right norm, of course, it is optimal there , that roughly speaking, a military man goes to serve, he
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understands that upon leaving he has an apartment, roughly speaking, well, this is the right approach, but there are certain certificates on a car for contractors, well, but we'll see it all there. that how it will work, well , actually, this is what is there today. thank you very much for joining the broadcast, oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy from the european solidarity faction, we were talking about the bill on mobilization, well, me too i would like to add that by and large this draft law is also called, you know, a test for the parliament, which must confirm the presence or absence of a political crisis in the parliament itself, if the deputies vote, there is supposedly no crisis, or it is not so ... so serious, well if they do not vote, then it is serious and the measures may go beyond the boundaries of the parliament. ihor reiterovych, political scientist, candidate of political sciences, joins our broadcast. igor, good evening. good evening. will the bill on mobilization be passed or not? how do you think? well, i think that the issue will be approved only in
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time and in the version in which it will be approved, because i think that many amendments will be made there. and i, by the way, will not be surprised by the scenario, he, he is probable, according to which president. for example, this draft law will be sealed and returned to the verkhovna rada, well , there will be several very odious such provisions that will not be accepted by society at all, and here, you know, as in the old joke, the president comes out in all white and says: i will sign this i won't, i'm returning it, finalize it, supreme the council will finalize it, i apologize, so what are some conscious components of the political game being laid now, or will it just happen by itself? this is one of the scenarios, you just have to take this scenario into account, you know, when they say that as soon as the verkhovna rada adopts this bill, the president will immediately sign it, but that is far from a fact, because we do not yet know in which version it will be adopted and in general, what will be the public perception of this draft law, we know what it is now, but you imagine what it will be,
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when they vote for him, do you have to or, in general, the process of voting for him will take place and many others, yes? it is necessary to see how they will vote, in which edition and so on, so it is not exclusive that the president will take advantage of the opportunity to improve something, for example, his image, the rating of trust in himself, making promises, saying that certain things must be made. he just said mr. oleksiy, he said a lot of correct things, in fact, which lie on the surface, i listened to some of what he said, but in principle i know the ideas with which he speaks out, but they will not be in the draft law, and the president will say later: and one idea should be added, to pay more money to the military, or to make the vacation longer, but time is lost, the president accuses the deputies so much that they consider the draft bill for a very long time, there is also the president will delay him with proposals, so time is wasted, the situation at the front does not improve from this, but... you understand, well, let's be fair, if the president wanted the draft law to be quickly adopted, then
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maybe he would first join the process submission of this bill and would say , please support the bill that was submitted, submitted by the cabinet of ministers, submitted by the minister of defense, i fully support it, and i am asking or demanding from the deputies to urgently vote for it and so on, but the president did not do this , the president transferred all responsibility to the people's deputies, they act, we like everything, or? do not like, according to the parliamentary procedure, they have the right and they have reasons to consider this bill for a long enough time, so it may be that in a week it is already it will not be critical to appear to someone there, based on political motives, well, i only noted, i hope that such a scenario will not happen, that they will bring this bill to its logical conclusion, resolve all controversial issues, vote for it and the president will promptly sign it , but well, the scenarios may be different, should we take this into account? there may be such a scenario when either they will not vote, or they simply will not put it to the vote
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, given the fact that there are no votes, they count before that whether there are votes or not, and then this will really indicate some very deep political crisis, well, we already have a parliamentary crisis today, and indeed the voting for this bill will be, you know, a stage to a certain extent, whether the parliament will continue to exist in this form or not, it may be that they will vote for this bill. and they will vote, but , let's say, this will not solve the problems that exist in the verkhovna rada, and it may really be that the situation there will drag on for a week or more, because they simply do not gather the necessary number of votes, but look, the point here is that even if they vote for him, it does not mean that work will return to the direction in which it was there in the 22nd and, for example, the first half of the 23rd year there, problems in the parliament still remained, and as far as i know, during this period, when various consultations took place between the office of... the president, various parliamentary groups, parliamentary groups, groups within the same monomajority, they
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have not yet reached any final agreement, so it may be , that the mobilization bill will pass smoothly or will not even develop into a full-fledged parliamentary crisis, in which it is necessary to change the composition of the coalition in some way, well , to reformat the coalition in essence, since in addition to this there are already many other laws that will have to be voted on promptly, so this is a test to some extent, it is important enough history. but i would not judge so far solely on the vote for this draft law, it can be voted on, then the most interesting will begin, i have one last question, because we literally have a minute, look, we now know that there will be no demobilization at least within the scope of this draft law, do you see what political consequences such an innovation can have as of now and for whom? well, first of all, for those who will make this decision, that is, the ministry of defense, the verkhovna rada, the cabinet of ministers, the president of ukraine. and somewhere indirectly, well , maybe if the general staff, the commander-in-chief were there, but well, it will lead to
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a drop in the rating simply, the military will be very disappointed, the members of their families will be very disappointed, and this it is absolutely understandable, because people need to be shown some kind of perspective, and this perspective is not there, and the statement that we will develop a new draft law on demobilization in 8 months will not please anyone, so we will see in a month, for example, the following there are sociological polls, it seems to me that many people will not like the picture that will be there. already now, we just started the program with the fact that i read sociology, as of january, more than 60% of ukrainians said that they were demotivated by the factor of the lack of clear terms of service and therefore they don't want to join the army. thank you very much, ihor reiterovych, a political scientist and candidate of political sciences, was on radio liberty. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty website. like this broadcast to show your support. our work, and comments, remarks, wishes, write what you think about mobilization and demobilization, you can also
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chat under the broadcast, see you tomorrow. a real dictatorship reigns in the fictional country. turn on hbo's new satirical series on soft, regime. can her tyranny lead to freedom? see in ukrainian in the megogo subscription there are 15% discounts on kvayt in travel memory and savings pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now
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, yuriy fizar, yuriy good evening, will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. be please, you have the word. two hours to be... up to date with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. see this week in the program judicial control stetya. shustrova judges in the service of the kremlin. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis? oleksandr babakov. this is putin's confidant. but what violations did the board of the northern court of appeal commit, handing over the poltava gzk to the russian raiders? decision are adopted as an absolutely corrupt component. on thursday, april 11, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on. in the new two-hour format, there is even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to
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22 for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i know that the boy lived in the city of lysychansk in the luhansk region. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the full-scale war. little oleksandr lived with his old great-grandmother, she was the one who took care of the child, as i understand it, she contacted her relatives from time to time, but about a year ago she died and the boy was allegedly taken to social services. after that, the whereabouts of sashko hrytsenko unknown whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied territory, or whether the boy was taken to
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russia, it has not yet been possible to find out. sasha is now trying to find his father. which is in the territory controlled by ukraine. the man, of course, turned to the police, but at the moment there is no clue to find out where his six-year-old son is. that is why your help is very important. i appeal to everyone who sees this video, especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of the child. the guy looks on 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free,
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if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram . this is just one story of a missing child. in general, since the beginning of the war we have already received more than 3,000 requests for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many still remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, everyone can help find the missing children, give just a minute of yours. and go to the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and help in the end to find i also want to remind you that the search for nine-year-old nikita nikolaev is still ongoing. the boy is also from luhansk region, from the city of rubizhne. the settlement has been occupied since
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may 2022, but nikita disappeared on may 23. and in fact, nothing is known about the boy's fate for almost a year. it is quite likely that the child could be taken to russia, but not a fact. perhaps nikita is still temporarily there. occupied territories. therefore, i really hope that thanks to your concern , the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo again and remember the face of nikita nikolaev. he has blue eyes and light blond hair. he looks like a nine-year-old boy. if suddenly someone has seen nikita or knows something about his possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial from any mobile operator. the number of the magnolia children's search service is 11630. calls are free, if you suddenly cannot call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in
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telegram. i will also remind you that the search for 15-year-old ilya polishchuk from mariupol is still ongoing. imagine, nothing is known about the fate of this guy since the beginning of a full-scale war. the connection was broken by the potion on february 24, and where could he be now? no one knows, so i am appealing to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo: he looks 14-15 years old, he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, don't delay and call us on the magnolia children's helpline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram,
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any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the crime. you are watching the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time. i am natalia leonova. congratulations. legislators of the us congress are active discuss the plan of further actions regarding. package of additional financing for ukraine. this statement was made by the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, during a press conference on wednesday. it was the speaker's first conversation with reporters
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after american lawmakers returned from a two-week break. meanwhile , representatives of the pentagon declare a critical shortage of ammunition and projectiles for air defense of ukraine. this was announced by the representatives of the us ministry of defense during the hearings in the armed forces committee of the house of representatives. according to these and others events observed my colleague kateryna lisonova, she is with us now on the line from capitol hill, congratulations katya, congratulations natalie, katya, i know that today you managed to speak with both speaker johnson and the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives, so, what is the plan of legislators to help ukraine. in fact, there are several plans, both from democrats and republicans, and this is the main problem, because there is no single light at the end of the tunnel regarding future assistance to ukraine. so today answer are engaged in solving this package and
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solving the future of this package of assistance for ukraine. i suggest you listen to what he said today. regarding the supplemental funding package, members of the house of representatives continue to actively debate our options. further actions. as you know, there are many different ideas about this. this is a very difficult issue at a very difficult time. time is of the essence, and everyone here feels the urgency of this decision. but it is necessary that we reach a consensus on this issue. and that's what we're working on. after the press conference, i separately approached the speaker and asked a clarifying question whether there are any deadlines, any dates when we can actually expect progress on the issue of aid to ukraine. he did not give. clear answer to that question and said that in general it is being worked on right now as we speak, but noted that speaker johnson himself is now under the threat of possible
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dismissal as well, and i also spoke with democratic leaders today and asked them , whether they are willing to save the speaker in exchange for what he will bring to the vote aid to ukraine, but even here there was no clear answer, in particular, the leaders of the democrats said that the speaker should himself come to the leadership of the democrats and make such a request for help to save him from dismissal in exchange for some legislative progress, in particular possible aid to ukraine, i suggest you listen : if... they try to release him, the democrats can save him in exchange for the fact that he will put aid to ukraine to a vote. is such an option really considered within the democratic party? if the speaker wants to talk about it with house democratic leader jeffries, they have to talk about it among themselves. house members want the speaker to do the right thing, congressional democrats do.
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for the speaker to bring this bill to a vote in the house of representatives, so that we can send it to the president, so that we can deliver important aid to ukraine, that's what we want to see done. we must provide assistance as soon as possible. the senate bill is a bipartisan bill with 70 votes in favor senators, this is the fastest way to do it, this is a bill that we have to bring to a vote in the. in the house of representatives, approve it and immediately send it to the president for signature. we have repeatedly called for its adoption. the speaker must put this bill to a vote. she was also present at today's hearings in the armed forces committee of the house of representatives regarding national security in europe. how critical is the lack of defense assistance for ukraine at the moment from the point of view of the american command. in particular, christopher cavoli,
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commander of the armed forces. of the united states of america in europe said that the shortage of defense, ammunition, directly projectiles and air defense in ukraine is critical, that it is approaching the probable end and the terms when it can end, he said that he can announce to the legislators in closed mode, not during the open part of these hearings, and that this could put at risk the probability of ukraine's preservation of statehood and the continuation and then further extension of russian to other states, he noted that now the european states and nato, in particular, and ukraine itself is working to increase its own production of defense equipment, specifically shells, and, nevertheless, despite the fact that ukraine has now increased its production of shells to 11 thousand artillery shells per year, as in ukraine, as well as in europe, currently lacks the power to replace the aid that came from the united states of america, and at least this year, ukraine
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is critically dependent on aid to ukraine, and that now, despite the fact that they are working over the fact that in to further increase its own production, both in europe and in ukraine itself, but at this moment ukraine needs to be provided with assistance as soon as possible so that it lasts this year and can continue to produce the necessary amount of defense weapons by its own forces and by the forces of its european partners. i suggest you listen to what he actually said. if we don't continue to support ukraine, they will run out of artillery shells and anti-aircraft missiles pretty quickly. based on my experience of more than 37 years of service in to the us military, if one side can shoot and the other can't, then the side that can't fire back is the one that loses. so the stakes are very high. currently, we are the main supplier of ground -based air defense and artillery ammunition for ukraine. it is important to note
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that our allies are building up. own production, but at the moment they just can't get everything under their control, they just don't have the right stocks. currently, there are talks about possible negotiations with by russia and the freezing of the conflict in return for the fact that kyiv will give up the territories of crimea and donbas previously seized by russia. katya how does the us ministry of defense react to such a scenario of development of events. answering this question, the assistant to the minister of defense for international security. as slepvalander noted that everything actually depends on ukraine, whether they will be ready to enter into such negotiations in exchange for part of their territories, but she noted that according to the position of the pentagon, russia does not need separate territories ukraine, neither donbas, nor crimea, they need all of ukraine, and that it should not be expected that after the surrender of certain territories, it will somehow reduce the russian one.


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