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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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the law on mobilization, there are a lot of questions about certain provisions that remain in the law, and a lot of questions about those amendments that were introduced by the people's deputies of ukraine between the first and second readings, and accordingly, the majority of the people's deputies of ukraine are asking questions about that all the amendments that were introduced, that were proposed by them were voted on, although, judging by the number of people who are now in the session hall of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there are not enough votes to pass any amendments, the political circles say that the main amendments that were passed by the national security, defense and intelligence committee will be voted on tomorrow, and most of
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the amendments, simply because they are not on the ... hall will simply be ignored. today, the people's deputies of ukraine invited the top military leadership of ukraine to speak in the session hall of the verkhovna rada regarding the draft law. and the relevant decision was supported by 315 people's deputies during the parliament session. and they called from the rostrum of the council to express his opinion on this law of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, oleksandr syrsky, the chief. general staff anataliy bargilevich and the head of the united forces yury sodal. at the same time , parliamentarians failed to vote on the invitation of prime minister denys shmyhal and defense minister rustam umerov. there were not enough votes. obviously, we will hear the comments and opinions of our leaders of the ukrainian army already during the final decision-making, that is, tomorrow, and tomorrow.
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there will be some specific comments regarding the very content of the draft law or law already adopted people's deputy of ukraine solomiya bobrovska noted in the espresso interview that the responsibility for the mobilization process lies with the government and the prime minister, and yesterday she explained how the cabinet of ministers ignores its direct responsibilities and does not participate in the discussion of these amendments. and the content of those amendments that were proposed to the law on mobilization, let's listen to what solomiya bobrovska said. and i would like to remind you what kind of mobilization, in addition to the supreme commander-in-chief, we have the government itself is also responsible, and first of all the prime minister, and i would very much like the prime minister to come, in particular, to the committee or to the heads of factions and explain how the entire collective body of the cabinet of ministers should decide. about the entire mobilization,
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because mobilization is not only about entering the army, enlistment, training, uniform, mobilization of the pcc people, it is in particular the ministry of health, which takes care of these issues of health care, it is the ministry of health, it is the ministry of security , it's the economy, it's finance, it's just it's mass of all directions, which today have not even been grouped together, we should be contacted by people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, a member of the verkhovna rada's committee on issues. of humanitarian and information policy, mr. mykola, good evening, thank you for joining our broadcast, good evening, thank you for the invitation, well, first of all, please tell us what is currently happening in the parliament with the law on mobilization, since the information is that amendments are voted on, there are not enough deputies in the session hall, and the main ones the amendments will be voted on only tomorrow , april 11, well, that's not quite the case.
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because it is obvious that if the majority does not want to vote for the amendments, then it does not come to the halls, that is why there are not enough votes, because we have a monomajority, all of this text, it was actually approved somewhere either in the cabinet of ministers or in the office of the president, so that there were a number of points that were initially approved by the committee, for example, that those servicemen who served 36 months were released from military service, discussed the option of 48 months, as compromise, there were some other norms, such as increasing the wages of military personnel, and those who are on the front line and those who are in the corps, but one per 10 thousand, one per 70 00. this norm was also in the draft law, then it disappeared from him, but it is already alleged, as i understand it, that the state leadership has approved everything that is there, and the servants do not want to participate in the voting of amendments, that is why they do not go to the hall, and that is why when the opposition... announces them, and some
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representatives servants who came directly from the hall, there are simply not enough votes for it, the procedure is such that the amendments will be passed, they are supposedly not approved, but it is clear that they cannot be... approved, because the majority did not come to the hall, and then it will be necessary to vote on the bill as a whole, and it must become a law. yesterday it became known that the provisions on demobilization and rotation of servicemen were excluded from the draft law, and today the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazutkiv explained that the regulations on demobilization were decided to be transferred to a separate draft law at the request of the general staff in order not to adopt, as he says, populist decisions against the background of existing threats and risks. at the front, later there was information that the draft law on demobilization will be developed for eight months, is this fair for those who are currently in the armed forces? well, you see, what is the problem here, we really don't have enough people, and
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the military is afraid that if there is a demobilization, after 36 months, and we remember that in the first days, the most people left, volunteers, only... urged, then in principle no one will fight, but people want to know some limits, or that's all life, or for how long, and when they began to discuss these 36 months, the authorities themselves proposed and introduced this clause, and then they changed their minds, and then they took this clause from there, and already the military, who are in the army, they hoped that it will be, and then the authorities themselves canceled it, said, we didn't think, we are taking a risk, we may not have enough people, and of course the establishment... towards military personnel, this is a bit rude and disrespectful, by the way, in relation to those new persons who will be mobilized, because we should somehow encourage people to they wanted to mobilize, and when you are taken away by force and there are many repressive methods in the law and it is not known to what extent,
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many people naturally have a question and do not have a great desire to go serve, which is very bad, because it is vital for us, your colleague '. andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine from voice, says that it looks like about 80 percent of the proposed amendments to the mobilization legislation could have been approved a long time ago without the involvement of the verkhovna rada, do you agree with this opinion? well, look, first of all, mobilization in our country continues now, the law makes changes to the current legislation in order for its mechanism to work. obviously, well, you see, when in... the government wants to ban travel abroad or women, for example, who are deputies of local councils, they do it without any laws, they simply follow the government's order, it's obvious that everything, what is in this law could be decided by government order, without any questions, and if it were to be done by law, then
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the president as supreme commander should have to come to the hall and say about it, but they understand that it will not be popular among part of the population, and therefore they are remote. from this, turn to the verkhovna rada, so that those who are dissatisfied with this situation criticize the verkhovna rada, and not the president and the government, that is, they, although the verkhovna rada is also them, because their majority is the majority in the verkhovna rada, who will vote for it, these are basically people who were brought there by president volodymyr zelensky, as well as the government they all elected, it's all one power, but people's consciousness, it is formed somewhat differently, and all this is very unfortunate, because mobilization is really necessary, firstly, it continues, secondly, it mobile, well, but we see that no one is going to mobilize these military pensioners there, the dbr has full armor, like the police there, like many other bodies, well, at least some of them could leave, and there are as many of them as and the army is located in our country, instead we want
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to call up graduate students there, people want justice, and there is a very difficult balance here, with on the one hand, we need to protect the country and there are not enough people, on the other hand, this law is simply unfair, and it is such a very difficult... very difficult situation. mr. mykola, you mentioned the reservation and the fact that some of the conscript men are now under the reservation, the day before yesterday it was quite active, everyone discussed the decision that the employees of the tv channels, which are part of the single telethon, representatives of church organizations, there are some cultural organizations. do you understand by what criteria? generally it happens determining who is significant for the economy, for the critical infrastructure of ukraine, and who is not, does this still require additional clarification and explanation in order for the justice you are talking about to still exist in ukrainian
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society during mobilization, well, first of all, everyone started talking about it just like that yesterday, but nothing new happened, ministries and departments and... military servicemen and the mass media had the right to do it for a long time, they are just booking there 5%, and others 50, and some at all they don't look at percentages, and here of course. there is a problem, but today i voiced an amendment to defer military service to the artistic staff of national groups, there are 1,500 of these people throughout the country, but when petliura once generously sent the košice choir on tour in europe and the united states of america in order to they promoted ukraine, collected funds for the ukrainian army, supported the ukrainian army, there are not many of them, unfortunately, the authorities refuse to protect us in any way. well, actually ukrainian geniuses, a they could bring a lot of benefit to ukraine, and they will have no effect, because 1,500 people
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are not something that will change the situation at the front. instead, they did not listen to this amendment of mine, and the representatives of some mass media, which, to put it mildly, are not engaged in art, but in propaganda, but they have such an opportunity, it is of course, of course unfair, and by the way, about propaganda and the role of the media in including in the coverage of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, strangely enough, but... two smartphones and streams of honcharenko during consideration of the law on mobilization is done much more than the entire rada tv channel, which is included in the pool of the united telethon, that is, does it make sense to spend budget funds on something where a people's deputy can simply show ukrainians much more than the large staff of the rada tv channel. well, it’s just that the deputy wants to show, and the tv channel rada wants to show the opinion
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of the representatives of the authorities, not what happens in the parliament, they have different wishes, and everyone implements them, and goncharenko implements them , receiving only his salary, and the tv channel rada, receiving these millions and billions which go to a single telethon for propaganda. obviously, from this point of view, goncharenko is more productive for society than the rada tv channel, i will not argue with that, and these allocated funds would be better... really spent on drones and our faction constantly talks about it, because it is also just a direct violation of justice and common sense logic, people should see this discussion, because now people will again start to wonder why one voted like that, one voted like that, what this law is about, they don’t understand and don’t understand, you know, if we sent this law for a repeated second reading and conscripted half of the law enforcement officers, who in kyiv wipe their pants and we see, follow journalists, start on... on the mass media, so they should be conscripted into the army, not
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graduate students or young people, although, of course, the army should not be a punishment, the army should be a voluntary thing like that, and the fact that the president does not present this bill, does not take responsibility, does not explain to the people, what is actually not in the bill recruiting is encouraged, this is all very bad, because we cannot drive people to the front with arson, because the effectiveness of such people will not be high. the efficiency is much higher if these are people who consciously go to defend the homeland, understand that it is honorable, understand that the state will take care of them, and the state cannot do without them, but for this you need to talk to these people as partners, not as with slaves, as our ukrainian authorities are used to, and a very short question at the very end about the tv channel dom-2, which is going to create in ukraine, what kind of tv channel is it and is there money for it and does it make any sense? oh, well, these are just another whims, as i understand it, or
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tools to steal money from the authorities. at first, they created one house supposedly for the occupied territories, but then it became not for the occupied territories, but for the whole country, budgets are allocated there, representatives of pro-government structures, former showmen from the famous comedy quarter, let's say, they work there, but for the occupied territories it is has nothing to do with how or where. occupied while the russians, on it's a pity, mass newspapers are published there, telegram works massively through this world, they created a television platform that broadcasts both russian central channels and newly created regional television channels, and films, and all this is free, they install tuners for free, that is, this is such a propagandist, very harmful work for ukraine, ukraine, which should be effective, fulfills the whims of petty officials who think how to make money from it, and not how to really convey ukrainian. word on the occupied territories, house-2 is from the same series, they created a house one, then we changed our minds, let's create
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dom2, we will change our minds and build a holding for ourselves at the expense of the state, well, it looks flexible. thank you, mr. mykola, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. today, during our broadcast, we ask you about the following: do you support mass mobilization in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. either yes or no, if you have any opinion of your own, please write in the comments below video, it is important for us to know your opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or tv. phones and vote if you support mass mobilization in ukraine 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free. next, we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. serhiy, glory
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to ukraine. glory to heroes. today is a rather busy day in the verkhovna rada, it begins. consideration of the big mobilization law, which should put an end to the process, the main process that is now in ukraine, the mobilization process, obviously, this adoption of this law and these norms of this law will affect not only society, but every family in the present time , and in the future, because the future of ukraine will depend on mobilization, on who will fall under mobilization, who will fall into... war and under what conditions and to what extent, zelenskyi said that this mobilization, and about this mobilization to him western partners are constantly talking about the need to adopt such a law, when you have dealt with this mobilization there, could our western partners, in your
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opinion, propose to ukraine? any conditions regarding the fact that ukraine should mobilize more people, that this law must be passed, that zelensky should also be responsible for the fact that mobilization and the mobilization law should work in ukraine? i don't think that such demands sounded directly, but i am aware of how the political system works as a whole, that is, so that we can. about to say something, to demand something from our partners, we need to demonstrate that we have something to brag about, we have something to show our partners. for more than 770 days of the large-scale russian invasion, the verkhovna rada
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has not turned into, you know, such a conveyor belt that issues laws. ukraine needs them in wartime, sometimes ahead of schedule, and the fate of the mobilization law in this case is very telling. i would not like to comment on its regulations before they have been finalized, but i think the frustration with it will be significant enough in society, but the problem is that you will have to live and work and carry out mobilization under it until... and well, to be honest, i don't quite understand the logic of why
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they actually broke up the issue of mobilization and demobilization at the last moment? i understand that the experienced military journalist dmytro lazutkin, who speaks as the press secretary of the ministry of defense about the need for more eight months for the development of the law on the demobilization bill, he is voicing his own position, however, it is simply a matter of communication, waging war from the moment of this... there is already a lot of fuss around the resignation of the meritorious officer, well, i am afraid to make a mistake, but a good four, maybe five months, and this is in the conditions of war, this is a huge term, it is simply put somewhere on the margins, that is, there is an opinion that it is not worth talking about, there is an opinion
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that these are not topics that... can be touched, for which, to which you can to judge the quality of the president, and accordingly, this creates a problem, because the president is the commander-in-chief, i have not heard words from the biggest critics of zelensky that let him grab the machine guns and run somewhere to the front, although there was no such thing anywhere, but neither the president nor the minister of defense. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, they must constantly communicate with citizens, hyphen, voters, hyphen. potential, mobilized, that is, we either say that we need to create a wartime economy,
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create a sufficiently militarized state, you just say right away that you are showing footage of the first days of a large-scale invasion, yes, yes, that now the situation is somewhat different, and... accordingly, we have to create a system that works in the interests of the state. we all have one ukrainian state, and it should not have any political priorities, any political games. the question of mobilization, in my opinion... it is very important to show transparency and uniformity, because if there is mobilization,
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conditionally for the poor and avoidance for the wealthy, we will create a serious social problem within the state, absolutely accurately and honestly, and there are many, many questions regarding the process itself, especially in recent times, the process of law-making and decision-making, it is not only about this law on mobilization, because there were decisions about the limited suitability, are taken away, there will be fit, unfit, in what way will it all happen, when people, well, according to the decision of the military medical commissions, were recognized as such that they... cannot be moved to the category of fit, because they were only fit for that purpose, then questions regarding reservation criteria, who
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falls under these e criteria, who does not, that is, there are a lot of questions, and you rightly said that there was not enough communication and there is not this communication, but in this situation i understand that the leader this process should be... supreme commander of the armed forces, president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, do i understand you correctly? well, of course, it is logical, the mobilization is announced by the president, it is a rule of law, it is not a fiction, and when we see the process, uh, well, how to put it more correctly, shifting the arrows when trying to... understand and show that anyone is involved in this process , deputies, the minister of defense,
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but not the supreme commander-in-chief, it looks ridiculous, because in the conditions of war there is objective strengthening of authoritarian tendencies, this is what i can say as a political scientist, because... it is necessary in decision-making, it is becoming more intense, and many things that seemed normal yesterday, they are a little strange today, for me, what is strange is more than 4,000 rules the bill on mobilization to the second reading, that is, it means that... the deputy corps, in which the coalition created by the servant of the people faction still exists, or the monomajority created by the servant
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of the people faction, is playing hot potato, shifting responsibility, shifting this the bill from one hand to the other, let's go, let's go, let's go, maybe we can pass something, military experts will correct me. but, judging by the timing, we currently have problems with replenishing the ranks of the armed forces and receiving new servicemen. the decision is long on reducing the mobilization age from 27 to 25 years. and now the lengthy consideration of the draft law on mobilization, unfortunately, they will objectively not contribute to the strengthening
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of ukraine's defense capability. well, tomorrow we are waiting for the actual decision to be made, as they say, it will obviously be april 11 tomorrow, let's see if the parliament will still vote, because there are committee amendments, and the committee amendments, i understand, will be supported, all the other 400 amendments now vote, but they do not dial the appropriate one number of votes, let's talk more about the signal that came in quite important. eloquent, in my opinion, from the united states of america, from the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, who warned kyiv against attacks on russia's oil refining industry, he says that ukraine's attacks on oil refineries in russia could affect global energy markets and called on ukraine to focus on attacks on military targets, this statement,
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frankly, well... i think it gives the full answer as to why congress does not vote for aid to ukraine, why everything is happening as it should happen, and why the ukrainians are not getting enough weapons from our western partners, in particular from the americans, because they are not considering the option of strikes by the ukrainian military on those enterprises that help the russian army. wage an aggressive war against ukraine. austin says to focus exclusively on military objectives, but again, that requires attacks and some pretty serious weapons. is this statement from the secretary of defense of the united states america, well, it is iconic and does it give an understanding, and what does the united states of america want next? of course it is iconic. and you know, i
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'm glad that it came out, although later austin said that ukraine has a chance to preserve its independence and so on, but please forgive me, our western partners stopped being idiots, they directly called things by their names, isn't it profitable for them , although refineries produce gasoline, and ukraine does not have the opportunity to do so. drinking from oil rigs, it is true, but what is the point here, i want to remind you, i want to remind you of the words that sounded about of ukraine, ukrainian military personnel, before, when the transfer of the patriot to ukraine was discussed, you remember, we were told that the ukrainians are not sufficiently prepared to quickly
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take control of petra. ukrainians are not sufficiently prepared to quickly master the heimat. we're hearing now that ukrainian pilots, for a long time we've been hearing that ukrainian pilots are not trained enough to master the f-16. yes, we are returning to the times when we can talk about the burden of the overseas person, well, i can't say white because austin is black. that is, we again have the military of the first category, american and lower category, all others, well, the logic is approximately the same, right? and so, well, i think it shows that western politicians haven't learned the
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lesson. world war ii and the front of world war ii, they did not draw conclusions from what was called the munich conspiracy. today is the anniversary of the anschluss of austria, the accession of austria, they did not draw conclusions from this. they think that pacifying the aggressor is suitable i do not idealize the state of ukraine. well... i live in this country, just like you, like millions of our fellow citizens and millions of our viewers, but that doesn't mean that we should be made into sycophants just because western politicians are simply afraid of putin and are afraid to even admit it with...


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