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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EEST

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after passing the initial military training in the training center, i was not able to take engineers to me, people who are worth a million dollars there each, will perform different tasks than those that are drawn for them by god and profession, unfortunately, yes, so without radical changes , without introducing any real instruments for inviting people to join the army. without involving us, as middle-ranking commanders, in this process, without giving us powers, we have all the powers, except to attract people to us, it is not clear how it happened, maybe we you you ask us, what do we need in order for us to appear, i have more than 100 vacancies, what should i do, i can't do them, i can't guarantee any person right now that they are like an engineer with high experience or an it specialist or an operator drones or the operator of automated systems will fall. unit according to their
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profession that they had in civilian life, no guarantees, moreover, i can ensure with greater confidence that they will not end up in my unit, how should i then train, where should i take engineers, to take drivers from aurora and train them as engineers, starting with the law of wmd, i don’t know, of course i am responsible for technical mobilization, not for human mobilization, but without people we will not be able to fight and... and without the inclusion of us commanders, on whom everything lies, all responsibility lies here, and the process - personnel centers, personnel management, super personnel management, super, super personnel management, everyone who wants to be involved, even training centers have the right to distribute people, we do not influence anything, well, i don't know, it might end someday, so we are changing the legislation in a revolutionary way, rewriting it... under a volunteer army,
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encouraging people to join the army, if not, restricting them in certain rights, this is the vision, mr. pavle, but we understand that tomorrow's parliament will start considering amendments to this draft law, and the general framework of this draft law, it has already been formed, and it looks so insufficient, let's say so, on the one hand, conditionally radical, and on the other hand, it does not give the spirit that we were counting on, precisely the interaction with military units, interaction with society and the creation of such a new foundation for the creation of a new defense system, so far this is not happening, as it means that the consequences will be so difficult, because the people will start again, so to speak, to try to evade instead of looking for service options , for example, in your unit, there was a conversation with several of our guys, we are going to serve there to the cather, i say i do not know, i do not guarantee that pavlo. guarantees
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that you will be there to do things related to technological activities? no guarantees, mr. sergey, moreover, consideration of such bills without the participation of business, without the participation of the economy, without the people who form our added value, our products within the state, it is impossible, well, we do not understand how you can take away from the economy and say that economy, let's keep working, it can... the state will start with itself, i repeated this thesis several times. we have several dozen state bodies, including central executive bodies, which can be quietly disbanded during a war. it is necessary for this special law for two weeks in order to reform and close these subdivisions, central bodies of executive power, adopt this law, maybe we should start with this, maybe we should mobilize all men 25-60 who are... in
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the authorities and local self-government bodies? yes, it will take a certain period of time, there is a year and a half, okay, give this year and a half and exchange them for people who are not subject to mobilization, let them perform these functions, do you think that if we prepare militarily in three months in order to he went to die, then it is possible, p to prepare a person for a state authority or a local self-government body in three months, we cannot, and all these people, i am sure, will have a higher education. for some reason there is a gap in society, only questions to the army, we can do everything, only questions to the authorities, i say that i apologize to the ministry of internal affairs, but it should also set a date for itself and say that in two years there or in one and a half people who work now in the system of the ministry of internal affairs should go and do military service, including in combat units, and it cannot be that some are fighting and... others
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are sitting, they adopted the right law, in my opinion, the right law on the involvement of people serving sentences for minor crimes, super, reread, forgot people who... and who still don't have a court decision on their criminal cases, it's like a nuance, but this nuance concerns 10 thousand of our men, most of them are so abroad, but they are ready to return, offer them something that you scare them away, what's the benefit of the state, that they are there without returning to ukraine, having knowledge, skills, abilities and, most importantly, the desire to conduct hostilities with the russian invaders, and... there are many such nuances, the government must definitely start with itself, start with itself - this is to announce, that men who are subject to mobilization will not work in state authorities, we will not invite them there from may 1 either to state authorities or to local self-government bodies, during
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such and such a time we will send all men who have an obligation to age and condition health, we will send you for military service to... units, this will be an offer, but what did you say to the military that you lowered the conscription age to 25 years, well, some kind of reform, they made an electronic military card, no, they did not, clarification , well, it's a half-hearted decision, but if you make a normal reform, fyodorov will provide you with a real register and a real electronic summons, to which there will be no legal objections, do it normally. make the offer for people who left, including illegally, normal restrictions, prescribe for people who do not want to go to serve, paneha, one more extremely important issue, tomorrow, i hope, syrsky will speak in the parliament, he will have a number of questions, one of the questions will definitely
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concern the demobilization of those soldiers who have been at the forefront for a long time, this item was excluded from the draft law, it was hardly worth doing, because conditionally speaking, to write down... these requirements are the same, well, it is necessary in the draft law, when we will still find time for another new draft law, so that these the issues that concern the military there, decide what you think about this, my dear people, well, we don't have another army, here's who, oleksandr syrsky looks at everything, well, he's mega sober and sees all these circumstances, we don't have of the second army to replace those at the front, we have time for preparations. those whom even we will attract through mobilization, well, it is long enough, preparation, well, that is, to let a qualified person go, and then not get a qualified person back, well, this reduces my capabilities as a unit, and
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he does not ask such questions easily, he does not come from a good life and he is forced to say this not from a good life, so listen to him tomorrow ... pay attention to the fact that we are asking for radical changes to the law of ukraine on mobilization, and without really drastic changes in this process, nothing will happen, well , nothing, well, we are trying to change this with some brushstrokes, what will it change, and liquidate the tsk, leave the medical commission in charge of the bodies there only with the control of the military, who in... have already passed the front and have, for example , any lesions or missing limbs, well, that is, there are such possibilities, these people are definitely not unmotivated in any way, well, they do not have corruption-related risks, stimulate them with a normal
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salary, let them conduct this medical commission and let the commanders form their teams, we are ready to carry out combat tasks with those people , which we know, which we... are preparing, which we are sure that they will not be extinguished when given, but yes, what is the reform, lower the age and everything, introduced this electronic summons, no, they did not introduce something like that, well, well, you can't half solve it, and again i say, syrsky's decision, it is unpopular, but it is mega-important for us to be able to maintain combat capability, mr. pavle, thank you very much for your... direct, clear, as always, explanations, let me remind you that it was pavlo kishkar, a major of the armed forces, the chief of staff, the deputy battalion commander, who says that , first of all, it is necessary to give, including to the military, to form their units, this is an equally important component of increasing combat capability, well, we will watch the consideration
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of the bill in the parliament, an extremely important bill for the survival of our countries, for making decisions that are directly related to the combat capability of the armed forces and the combat capability of the transition and society itself. to stricter rails regarding the implementation of the defense of our country. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zema's broadcast too. stay tuned to the espresso channel. i thank serhiy tshorets, i thank his guest. these were the military results of the day. next, we have the second hour of veliky teru, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you. first we will have an inclusion today, we will have an inclusion from moldova, there is a conversation, how was the conversation, and today our correspondent will tell about the consequences, too . a conversation with a political scientist, regarding the assessment of sociological data regarding
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the mood in the country, what is actually happening to us, what we believe in, what we don't believe in, what we want, what we don't want, and also news from yuri fisera, international events, and sports and weather from natalka didenko. now about the most important news: a 14-year-old girl and two women were killed by russians in the village of liptsi in kharkiv oblast, also there three more people were injured. among them is a 16-year-old boy, the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko, informed about this. as a result of the impact , a pharmacy and a store caught fire. debris clearance continues, the occupiers hit vovchansk with two guided aerial bombs, damaging houses and farm buildings there. a wounded security guard dropped explosives on the bus from a drone. a 54-year-old man was injured, emergency services are working at the scene of the shooting. for the second time in six months, the russians used a submarine to launch missiles at
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the territory of our country, dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, said. he noted that the aggressor country is looking for ways to use missiles at sea, but to do so safely for their ships. currently , the occupiers have three such submarines in the black sea fleet. according to the ukrainian navy, recently russia almost does not... take its ships on duty in the black sea. this is connected with successful ukrainian attacks on enemy ships. convicted ukrainians are planned to be sent to front. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the corresponding draft law in the first reading. the document was supported by 281. yaroslav zholeznyak, a people's deputy told the people's deput from the voice faction in his telegram channel. the initiative provides that the court may grant conditional early release. a person from places of deprivation of liberty to serve in the army, this does not apply to those who have committed serious crimes, in particular murder,
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rape or treason, the session hall today also took up consideration in the second reading of the bill on mobilization. they were invited to discuss the amendments and higher military leadership, who must appear before the session hall. the security rules were ignored in the luhansk region , the film crew of the russian pro. it happened in the temporarily occupied city of kremina. the local public writes that this information is known about at least two victims, one with a leg wound, the other with a contusion. our media people note that in the video released by the so-called kremlin journalists, one of them is dressed in a green fairy tale and a bulletproof vest, although the representatives of the press should have all this only blue color 30 thousand dollars bribe. in the dnipropetrovsk region, the mayor and the secretary of the city council were detained. the information was confirmed in
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the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine. earlier, the media reported that it was about the mayor of novomoskovsk, serhii ryeznyk, and the secretary of the novomoskovsk city council. officials demanded money from an entrepreneur who wanted to set up a hostel for displaced people in the city. the officials promised to help with the lease of the premises of the unfinished school with an area of ​​45 m2. later, a businessman. could buy this building, they are currently deciding the question of choosing a preventive measure for bribe-takers. detainees were charged with extorting and obtaining illegal benefits in a particularly large amount. they face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. the full circle of persons who may be involved in the arrangement is also established, including those who are checked. information about local law enforcement officers who could cooperate with officials when demanding bribes.
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precursors, drugs and psychotropic substances worth uah 122 million were liquidated by law enforcement officers groups in the kyiv region, seven sections produced prohibited substances in drug laboratories, and also established a channel for the supply of drugs from abroad, a 39-year-old local resident organized the drug business, and set up production in their own homes. during the investigation , amphetamine, more than 4,000 powerful pills and cannabis were seized from them. a woman and six men were detained and face up to 10 years behind bars. their capacities allowed the attackers to produce more than 50 kg of precursors per month, from which in the future they made 40 kg of amphetamine. in addition, for the purpose of the conspiracy, the perpetrators set up a warehouse for precursors at the workplace of one of
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the group members, namely in the market, where the latter worked as a security guard. ukraine is not about... it is too much to defend against russian terror, air defense systems, combat aircraft and artillery are needed, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy stated this during his address to the delphi economic forum, the event was attended by the leaders of greece, montenegro and of slovenia, as well as representatives of many others countries a few dozen systems and a sufficient number of modern fighters, and there will be no problem of russian aircraft and bombs at all. we need artillery to push back the front and restore normal life to the land occupied by russia, and we need justice, the kind of pressure on russia that will not allow putin to increase his military potential, more and more sanctions against russia, confiscation of putin's assets and zero tolerance for
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russian misinformation northern european and baltic countries will collect. experts to to help ukraine on its way to the european union, said the minister of foreign affairs of sweden, tobias bilström. according to him, this initiative will facilitate the european integration of ukraine. also, the head of the swedish foreign ministry believes that it is necessary to strengthen the role of nato in providing assistance to the ukrainian army, it is about improving the coordination of military support and the supply of equipment. free trade between ukraine and canada, the verkhovna rada of ratification. forged a corresponding agreement, informs people's representative yaroslav zheleznyak. the initiative was supported by 317 people's deputies. this agreement will open up new opportunities for ukrainian business. thus, ukrainian manufacturers will be able to expand the sales market and develop and modernize their own production, employees of ukrainian companies that will provide services in canada will be able to work in the country in
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support of the security of ukraine under simplified conditions. just like... ukraine, moldova hopes to start negotiations with the eu by the end of june, but are the country's residents ready to become members of the european community's european family? currently, our company works in the capital of moldova, chisinau correspondent kateryna halka, she is in touch with us live. katya, congratulations, did you manage to find out the mood of the townspeople and what the officials say? please. i congratulate vasyly, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. in fact, chisinau is still trying to understand and decide whether it will eventually become the capital of a future european state. in order to hold a referendum and ask citizens about it, first you need to make amendments to the constitution, such a request has already been sent to the constitutional court, what is a referendum with the question: do they want citizens of moldova to become members of the european
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union, they plan to hold it already in the fall, however, according to recent surveys... not half of them still believe that european integration will not be useful for the state, we also conducted such a small survey in the center of kishenevo , and the answers were quite different and not always unambiguous, let's hear them right now. i support the referendum because i believe that our future, the future as a country, moldova, is only exceptional in the european union. that's right, you need to go to europe, in europe upcoming a single family, in fact the eu now unites all nations, i.e. movement without borders, there is an association with ukraine, the improvements are obviously noticeable, moldova should move in the same direction. honestly, i'm still in favor of moldova being an independent country, most likely, i'm not in favor of integration.
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for development, so that everything is good in our country, and so that everything is cultural, as in europe. i don't think about anything and i don't even want to beat my head. stay at home and don't seek integration because you see what is happening in europe, poor people. so, let me remind you that moldova started its official path to the european union at the same time as ukraine on june 23, 2022. however, when it will still be possible to cross the so-called... european threshold is still not known for sure, everyone expects a significant expansion of the eu by 2030. today we had the opportunity to talk with the head of the eu representation in the republic. year is very ambitious, however, it is necessary to continue and keep up the speed of the implementation of reforms, besides
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, the issue with transnistria remains open, and the answer to it, let's hear it directly now. we have one negotiating partner, and that is the government of keşeneu, and we are working with the republic of moldova within its internationally recognized borders, and this is... the starting point of everything, we prefer the republic of moldova to join the eu together with a reintegrated transnistria. yam, but at the same time we do not want the country to become a hostage of political settlement, because it should not be responsible for what it cannot influence. so it's quiet in the pocket now, and moldovalo. even in the face of resistance from a certain part of society, it continues to move exactly according to the european vector. already tomorrow , the fifth international summit of mayors will be held in moldova.
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the mayors of ukrainian cities, in particular lviv, khmelnytskyi and mykolaiv, will come to it, discuss various innovative solutions, talk with colleagues, show their achievements, and possibly sign new partnership agreements. we will definitely visit there tomorrow too and will... tell you all the most interesting things. this is all the information as of now, so vasyl, i pass ether to you. thank you, thank you very much, our correspondent kateryna galko, she is from moldova. well, actually, this is how they think about european prospects in moldova, but in any case, you know, if there is a decision to start a conversation and move, then you have to move. not always all people completely agree, not always everyone understands everything, that's exactly why there are mass media, the elite of society, state authorities, which have to explain. convince and then there can be some joint decisions, because actually joint decisions are a big european family that can protect itself and can provide for itself, that's the most important thing. well, now we will talk
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about events outside ukraine. yuriy fizar is next to me: the world about ukraine. yuri, good evening, please. good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who has joined us since then. about this: china does not provide military aid to russia, the white house says so. great britain and the united states. the americans agreed, found some options, how to give frozen russian assets to ukraine, well, the ural sea appears in russia, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, i'll start with the united states of america from the united nations. secretary general of this structure is antonio gutierrez. wants the war, the russian war in ukraine to end according to the un charter. well, this means respecting the territorial integrity of ukraine, that is, for russia to give
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us all the territories. this was stated by un official representative stefan dzujarik during the briefing. yes, he answered the journalist's question about what the un thinks about the recent statement of the 45th president of the united states of america, donald trump, in which he said that in the future... re-election will seek territorial concessions from kyiv to end the war. well, i'm glad that at least something was said in the united nations, because lately they've been silent about ukraine, they're talking about israel, about the gas sector, well, a lot of things, about others, about ukraine, yes, between to others, they remember, forget, probably, and here such a statement, it pleases, but if... they continue to be passive about it, well , well, they will be passive, then questions will continue to be raised about then, do we need the organization of the united
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nations in the format in which it exists now. the stakes are rising, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, plans to personally come to switzerland for an international conference on finding ways to end the russian war in ukraine peacefully. this was reported by the swiss. publication nooyatsyursaitung with reference to own sources. according to the published information, the current head of the white house will come in mid- june to the summit of the heads of state, the so-called group of seven, which we used to call the big seven, he will come to italy and from there move to switzerland. the tentative date for this peace conference is june 16-17 at the white house. joe biden's participation in it was not confirmed, but it was not... denied, and the fact that joe biden himself is going to this conference already testifies to how
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important it can be. for all of us, there will be representatives of the global south, in particular saudi arabia will be there, and it's very interesting, joe biden will be there, there will be, in the end there will be representatives of the civilized world, the western world, one in short, we have to wait, it is not yet known whether a representative of china will be there, that is, they do not object, but they announced the day before that they want someone to represent russia at this conference as well, because they say..." well , how can such conferences be held without russia, how can we seek peace without that country, which, well, just sneered at this peace more than two years ago, peace in europe and started the biggest war in europe after the second world war, well, let's see, and that's why it's not yet known what, whether there will be russia and whether there will be china in the end, because if there is no russia, then i think that china will not be either, and by the way, two more words about switzerland and about its neutrality
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in switzerland." and said when they can get rid of their neutrality, and this will happen in the event that the kraid is attacked from outside, about this was said the day before by the president of the country , viola amhert, and she said this during the press conference, vasyl, you know, one thing is interesting here, they will get rid of sovereignty and will be allies to try to somehow fight back against that, neutrality, neutrality, and fight back against whoever will on her on them attack. that is, it is not too late, you will already know then, and on the other hand, switzerland has such a good geographical location that it is necessary to get there in any case, even if in switzerland there has already been talk about the fact that they are ready to join the only closed sky in europe, that is, if they at all they are talking about this, a country that even the second world, well, roughly speaking, has bypassed, this means that there are certainly reasons to talk about it, well, there are 100% reasons, so
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a few more words about the president of the united states... joe biden's america. if he wins the november presidential elections in this country, donald trump will demand serious territorial concessions from ukraine to end the war. the current host of the white house, joe biden, said this during a speech at a fundraising event for his election campaign in chicago, illinois. according to biden, the 45th president of the united states, donald trump, is already refusing to... help ukraine by blocking through his people the allocation of additional funding in the amount of 60 billion dollars, all because, says the president of the united states states of america that trump does not want to offend president putin. well, somehow, interesting, there will be a few months before the presidential elections and eventually the last few, probably the last week, the last few days before the presidential elections,
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and they, i will remind you once again, are planned. in the united states of america on november 5, they always take place, according to the constitution, on the first tuesday of november. i just want, well, i wish success, of course, if donald trump were to wake up the usa, so that it would be a state consistent with its principles, yes, but with on the other hand, when you make concessions in another country, in order to please putin, you can collectively feed putin to the point that he wants to return alaska, say, or some or some centration. theirs, i don't remember whether in the upper or lower house, or in the duma, or in the federation council, they already spoke a few weeks ago, someone spoke about how the united states of america will behave so brazenly , then let them think about the fact that alaska can be the russian part of california, like they believe that ford was also there, that is, they always have a lot of complaints against everyone, so you have to be very careful when you say that, but they have to remember that china also has complaints against russia, russia. so
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here it is. a little more about the united states of america and about china, which i have already mentioned. china does not provide direct military assistance to russia for the so-called special military operation, but supports the military-industrial complex of the terrorist country. the advisor said this during a briefing at the white house of the president of the united states of america on matters of national security, jake sullivan. this is how he responded to the journalist's request to comment on the visit. of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov to the celestial empire. according to adviser mr. sullivan, official washington now has no evidence of direct aid to china, but all other russian-chinese cooperation is on guard. well, that's right, a rocket for rocket fuel.


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