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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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to everyone, so here you have to be very careful when you say that, but they have to remember that china also has claims to russia, to russia, so here it is, a little more about the united states of america and about china, about which i have already mentioned, china does not provide direct military assistance to russia for the so-called special military operation, but supports the military-industrial complex of the terrorist country, an adviser to the president of the united states said this during a briefing in the white house. of america on matters of national security jake sullivan. this is how he responded to a journalist's request to comment on the visit of russian foreign minister sergei lavrov to the celestial empire. according to adviser mr. sullivan, official washington now has no evidence of direct aid to china, but all other russian-chinese cooperation is alarming. well, that's right, a rocket for rocket fuel. a lot of all kinds
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of electronics that the russians use in their missiles, well, that is, is it indirect military aid, well, it is indirect military aid, but still it it is used in military goods , and that's why, well, let china do what it wants, but they are still related to helping the aggressor country, there is a shift, great britain and the united states have found ways. the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine, this was said during a joint press conference with his american colleague antony blinken in washington, said the minister of foreign affairs of the united kingdom, david cameron. according to him, the teams that worked on solving this issue managed to find options on how to withdraw these funds. however , the head of the british foreign policy department did not provide details, although... he emphasized that all information will
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be presented at the summit of the leaders of the so- called group of seven countries, which will be held in italy in june. well, that is, he said that they have found ways to withdraw this money, but since they have already found it, they will probably very easily find a way to transfer it to ukraine so that we can use it, well , to fight against russian aggression. the european union began to work on preparation the 14th package of anti-russian sanctions, vice president of the european commission valdis dombrovskis announced this the day before at a seminar on the effectiveness of restrictions in brussels, in berlin, i apologize, according to him , the new package should be agreed before the end of spring, and in it , as in the previous one, the emphasis will be on closing loopholes for the possibility of bypassing the restrictions already introduced by russia, in particular, says mr. dombrovskyi, the eu wants to prevent moscow
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from violating price restrictions on the export of its crude oil. a short quote follows vice president of the european commission. the available space for the adoption of new sanctions is becoming increasingly limited. then, as discussions between eu members on this issue become more and more serious. well, yes, because someone there does not want to introduce sanctions against rosatom. someone does not want to introduce sanctions against. russian diamonds, because they make money from it, and we already have them, which, as they said, the space is narrowing, unfortunately, well, now it seems to me, well, the most important thing now is to really close these holes so that it does not happen that we forbid trade with russia, but they still find channels how to do it and get around it, and by the way, since february 2022, according to the same vice president of the european commission, valdis dombrovskis, ukraine has received from the european union ee... more than 88 billion
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euros, valdis dombrowski said this at this seminar, which i mentioned and emphasized that aid was allocated at all levels, political, financial, humanitarian and military. when will it be possible to say that the russian war is in ukraine finished? such a question was put to the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, the day before during the hearings in the committee. from the armed forces of the us senate, congress. during his speech , the head of the pentagon said that ukraine is capable of winning over russia. at the same time, he explained what he meant by ukraine's preservation of ukraine as a sovereign and independent state. and when one of the senators asked him to clarify how he sees this victory, minister austin answered. quote: we have said from the very beginning that we want ukraine to remain a sovereign, independent and democratic state, which with... can defend its own
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territory and deter aggression, this was our goal from the very beginning, and it remains our goal from now on, and yes, they, that is , the ukrainians, can to... achieve success, at the same time, how exactly minister loyt austin, to his great regret, did not specify, well, of course, military troops, in a military manner, but he did not specify what exactly to do, and here vasyl, you know, i really want to tell our viewers, i have already several i have been reading the memoirs of the prime minister of israel, gold maire, for months in a row i really read it for several months in a row, because you cannot sit down and read this book in one night. you have to read this book little by little in order to remember it, and there she said a very good phrase, it was: "it's easy to understand that you've lost, it's hard to understand when you've won." and this is the answer to the question that was asked to lloyd austin, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, when
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will ukraine win? when will ukraine win? well, when we expel the damned aggressors from our territory and return all, ah... our territories, but whether that's all is unknown. well, let's go further. russia cannot be trusted, especially in the matter of a possible armistice. about this in an interview with the lbc radio station - said the deputy, lbc - i'm sorry, said the deputy secretary general of nato, mircea zhuana. according to him, the decision to start negotiations with russia will be made by ukraine independently, and now the leadership of the north atlantic alliance has the moral and legal responsibility to do so. to help ukraine with everything necessary to fight against russian aggression. below is a short quote from nato deputy secretary general mircha dzhuana. even if they sooner or later they will start talking about peace, then it will not be about peace as such, but about a truce for rearmament and further return. it is very important for us to ensure that
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ukraine becomes closer to nato and the european union. after all, the best guarantees would be if ukraine became a member. nato, but we all understand very well that we will not be accepted until the end of the war in ukraine. well, the gradual and such confident departure from moscow continues in armenia. relations between armenia and russia are not going through the best of times. he said this during the session of the parliament today prime minister nikol pashinyan. at the same time, he emphasized that it was not the fault of the official yerevan. the armenian government, says its leader. did not take any wrong steps in this aspect and fulfilled all the bilateral commitments made, although, mr. pashinyan says, there were many non-fulfilments on the part of russia, further - a quote from the prime minister of armenia: i want to emphasize that we we don't want to argue with the russian
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federation not because we can't or don't have the opportunity, but because we appreciate the enormous positive that was and is in our relationship. we appreciate that huge positive, but still , armenian-russian relations are not going through the best times, and maybe even one of the worst, because russian border guards were asked from yerevan international airport, zvarnots, it seems that's what it's called, russian border guards, russian peacekeepers, so-called peacekeepers , they are generally asked why they are there now in the territory that once called itself the nagorno-karabakh republic, very there are many questions in armenia to the csto, the long-term organization of collective security, in a word, we will see whether it will continue, and finally, in orenburg, the water level in the ural river rose by half a meter overnight and has already reached a mark of 10
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m. at the same time, a dangerous mark in 9 m 30 cm, the water level in the urals exceeded even in the evening. the day before, the city administration reported this with reference to the russian hydrometeorological center, according to forecasts, the water in orenburg will continue to rise today, as of 9 am, more was flooded 2,300, almost 2,400 homesteads and more than 1,900 houses, this was reported in the orenburg city hall, 58 people, including 22 children, are in temporary accommodation, and the authorities called on all residents who are still... in the flooding zone to leave their homes urgently houses, and when you look at footage taken from quadcopters or helicopters, you see what it is, yes, the ural sea can appear in the urals. well,
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that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our future ether, so you don't switch. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations, friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other ukrainian cities, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly. portnikov and guests of the project, us boring, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand
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the present and predict the future, for the world a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's go. the best roads will be even better with us, a special view of events in ukraine,
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there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news story reports about them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. let's get back to the conversation, and now we'll talk about... "how we perceive war, life, ourselves, victory, what we believe in, what we don't
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believe in, what we've lost hope in, actually what's happening to us, that's what sociologists work for , which issue one or another information on the database of our answers, well, he actually does sociological work. oleksiy geran, with us, professor of political science at the kymohylian academy, scientific director of the democratic initiatives foundation named after ilko kuchaliv. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you. good day. so, the assessment of the situation in the country, trust in social institutions, belief in victory, attitude to the elections, all those topics that ukrainians actually think about every day, the result of the poll, which was conducted from march 21 to 27 by the sociological service of the razumkov center, well, actually this year. let us in general, in general, the assessment, if we talk about all these points little by little, is more positive. of ukrainians, is there now a balanced situation , plus or minus, or is it more negative, if in
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relation to everything, speaking globally , look at people's moods? short answer, not all is lost, yes, some answers are quite optimistic, although we also see threatening trends, i would just like to say at the beginning that today i participated in the presentation of these results together with centro. razumkova at the press conference, and for in one or two weeks we will hold two presentations, these will already be demo initiatives, which we also did with the razumkov center, but this is our research, so i hope that we can also discuss this research, now i am commenting on the data of the razumkov center, that's me said to be academically correct, because this is very, very important, so, well, look, if we take, for example, belief in victory, well, 83% of... this victory, that is, in principle, this number, it is quite stable, yes , and this
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is still with different data, with previous data, with data from other centers, but here it is important to say that something has changed, so to speak, the time frame when we can think about this victory, because the share of those who believe that it will happen before the end of this year is falling, well i i think it's absolutely... it's clear, it's 22%, well, super-optimistic, i would say, on the other hand, the share of those who believe that it will happen in 1-2 years is growing, so uh. or even there from three to five years, so some, well, i would say here that the ukrainians are obviously responding to these problems that we have both on the battlefield and related to supply, with supply of weapons to ukraine, well here it is interesting, you can say, let's see, we asked, and what will these people consider
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a victory, well, i will say that... that 45% is the complete restoration of the territorial integrity of ukraine, another 23% - this is the destruction of the russian army and the promotion of the uprising, the disintegration of russia, well , i also call this category, so to speak , super-optimists 23%, but in total - it is, in total , it is 50 and 58%, yes, that is, well, these are those who ... this is how they see the victory of ukraine, yes, that is, the exit to the borders of 1991 and the return and the radical weakening of russia itself, and somewhere 26% are those who believe that we will still have to give up something and, at
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the same time, they also consider it a victory, yes, that we will, let's say, retain our sovereign status. an independent state, but something will have to be given up, such 26%, this figure, this figure has somewhat increased, but in general, well, we see that the belief in victory, well, it remains more or less stable, you know, mr. oleksiy, it is also interesting, well, it is not something that is very important there, but it is important, important, for ukrainians, as i understand it, it is both material condition and satisfaction with life as a phenomenon, for sure that you alive at all, it’s also actually a pleasure during the war, because when the air alarms, and somewhere they don’t stop, well, the fact that you’re alive is already the satisfaction of life, but the numbers are also interesting here, well, you know, it’s hard here, here in principle, if the fluctuations were not very big, here
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according to the score, yes, that is, let's say it was there before the war. and there was 5.2, yes, now it's 4.9, yes, that is, it's not that big, let's say, ah, a decrease, well, especially, considering these, ah, well, these problems, that blood, which we see, the destruction of ours, ours homes, sacrifices, that is, here i would say that, well, look, i would say yes, cautiously, optimistically, i would pay attention. maybe on who believes that the actions in the country are going in the right direction, the country is going in the right direction and who is in the wrong one, because now these indicators have equalized, they are the same, that is , there is a fall in those who think that it is going in the right direction and the ratio now 38 to 39, but what is important is that it is still
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twice as high as those who believe than it was before the war, that's the order. because before the war i only considered 20%, then this figure jumped sharply up, ukrainians began to believe there under 80%, or even more, that we are moving in the right direction, and then this figure gradually began to decrease, well, that would also be understandable, yes, because we we evaluate the situation on the battlefield to a large extent, so what is interesting to the mind? when we talk about trust in social institutions, in principle the ratio here has not changed, that is, relatively speaking, 70% plus up to the armed forces of ukraine 96% trust volunteers there 85%, the national guard of ukraine 80%,
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the president of ukraine 59, that is, gradually decreases though. and 59% is a large enough indicator, so i say that not everything is lost here, because it is very important, no matter how we feel about president zelensky, but he is the commander-in-chief, and of course, if there is no trust in the president of the country, then it is bad, that is, for the time being it remains high, and i would like it to remain high, but there is one, one fall to ponder over, why did it happen? look, if we are talking about the balance of trust and distrust, then for the president, it is now +26, well that is it takes the balance of trust is 59% minus the balance of mistrust, which means that the president has a plus of + 26%, but in january the president had + 36,
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that is, the balance of trust and distrust was 36% in january, in march it fell to 26%, that is, this also needs to be explained , why did it happen, well , i think that in principle, if... we understand why it happened, because there were some things, there were scandals, there were, there was a misunderstanding of why they were changing the veteran, there were scandals inside the country related to corruption, i think it affects whether it can please the opposition that the president's rating is falling, well, here we are not here, but the rumzkov center in this case has become. is this a question, do the respondents now see among the political forces, those that are, those that can be entrusted with power in the post-war
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period, that is, people look at these parties, both the government and the opposition, and the answer is only 25%, they say, that there are forces that can be entrusted with power in the post-war period, in july 23 there were such forces. 39%, that is, there was a noticeable, that is , a noticeable drop, yes, and politicians should think about this, and politicians are different, yes, and who belong to the pro-government camp, and who belong to the opposition camp, here is another interesting opinion, we have, i don't know, literally a few minutes, maybe even less, but from what environment do you think a political force can emerge. to whom you could entrust power during the war period , what exactly were you talking about, because my friends there often even ask me, or which of the journalists or not, they say, who would you like to see as president, but if it were a woman, who would
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you wanted to see as the president, i always call someone that, or say, roughly, what it is it was supposed to be a person, but i never thought from what environment, well, most of all, and we see that the environment of the military is precisely, well, look, this is about political power, so it is not about any specific person. we are talking about a political force, that is, relatively speaking, a new political force, a new political party that will emerge from the military environment. by the way, this number has also decreased, that is, it was 51% in the previous measurement, and i would, you know, be cautious about this, because yes, there is a high level of trust in the armed forces of ukraine, but we must understand what it takes to be successful. military personnel, it is not necessary to become successful politicians, that is, for sure we can say that when the elections are held after the end of the war,
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we will see military personnel on different lists of different political forces, yes, because they are trusted, but can we say , i don't think that a party whose base is the military, and after all, we had an example in 2014, when many military appeared, even in camouflage, demonstratively in... council among parliamentarians, so what, and most of them not coped with their functions, got into scandals and it turned out that they were taken over by the high authorities, and well, in the end, they moved away from the ideals with which they went to the elections, so i would treat it, treat it a little bit cautiously, you know, on why would i like to emphasize, 30 seconds, unfortunately, mr. oleksiy, before the national elections, which means that the majority rejects the idea of ​​these elections until the end of the war, but the share
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of those who believe that the elections should be held once again has increased somewhat , most reject, but the share of those who are in favor of elections, i.e. for a change, for an attempt to change the government, it is increasing somewhat, that is, i do not rule out that this trend may deepen further, we will monitor, and you will definitely... monitor, i think, after a while let's talk about your research oksii garan, professor of political science, kiyomogylian academy, scientific director of the dim fund of the kuchrev initiative, was in touch with us, we talked about the research of the razomkov center, this is who we are, this is how we live, this is what we believe , we are afraid of that, but how says mr. oleksiy, after all, we have more positives than negatives, already in the third year of the war, the 777th day of the full-scale invasion. six-goal football thriller. real madrid and manchester city did not decide the winner at the santiago bernabéu in the first leg of the quarter-final duel of the
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uefa champions league. opened the scoring in the second minute of the game after a mistake by madrid goalkeeper andrii lunin, but at halftime the teams went to the advantage of real. ruben diyash scored an own goal, and rodrigo put the hosts ahead. in the second half, phil fowden and joshka guardiol brilliant shots from the middle distance returned city leadership. however, federico valverde put an end to the match with an equally elegant shot. 3:3. for carlo ancelotti, we bet yesterday's match in the champions league. vershkovy's mentor. the first coach to reach this mark. it was a good match, a great match for us, it was an even and competitive game. we even had enough strength to put pressure on them, so that the opponents felt uncomfortable, and we did it well. we had a very bad start when we conceded a goal, but after that the team played well got along, especially in her half of the field. we won the ball a lot, we counterattacked. now the slight disadvantage for us is that
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the second match... we are playing away from home, but we are confident that we can repeat the match that we played here. in a week we will be in manchester with our men, the packed stands will help us score one goal, we will do the rest. and we'll try again, you know, to get to the semi-finals, it's just the team that wins will go to the semi-finals. the return match on the field of the english team will be held on april 17. another match on tuesday ended in a draw. arsenal and bayern played 2:2 at the emirates stadium in london. bukayo saka and leandro trossard stood out as part of the canons. serge gnabry and harry kane scored for bayern. the fate of the winner of the duel will be determined in a week in munich. two more quarterfinal matches will be held today. paris saint-germain will host barcelona in paris. it will be quite difficult for barca to catch up with real in
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the spanish championship. the team can save the season with success in the euro arena. however , blagogranas do not look like the favorites of the tournament. a barrier in the form of psg's luis enrique, the former coach of barcelona, ​​can become a serious obstacle for the catalans on the way to the semi-finals. barca is playing in the champions league quarter-finals for the first time in four years. in the other match of the evening, atletico madrid will face borussia dortmund at home. both games will start at 10 p.m. kyiv time. oleksandr gvozdyk will fight for the title of world champion for the first time since 2019. the next opponent of the ukrainian boxer will be the undefeated american david benevides. in social networks, gvozdyk announced that the fight will be held on june 22. the american houston will host the match. at stake will be the train of the interim wbc world champion in the light heavyweight category. its owner will receive the right to a mandatory match with the regular
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champion of the organization, artur. betarbiev. it was after the defeat by betarbiev in october 2019 that gvozdyk decided to suspend his professional career for more than 3 years. well, that's the sports news. and here you know when josep guardiol says: we are the team that will win. in sports, the opposite is often the case. when you go against real madrid, and against any other team more or less equal to you. it is not necessary to say that you will win until you have won, that is why football is beautiful. well, we need my victory, i will only briefly remind, we will donate to the armed forces, what is proposed by those meetings proposed by the espresso tv channel, in particular our fighters, and we are only intermediaries, in this we do not forget about it, because we are going to the only the victory that really matters to us today, this victory is equal to our survival and development, as nations, as countries, as states, and, well,
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many. affects our life and events, by the way, the weather is also at the front, but natalka didenko will tell us what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's listen and see, synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, we are talking about the future the weather for... the next day, the next day, and for now , in connection with such a blooming, wonderful spring, we will talk about things, well, let's say, less comfortable, about seasonal spring allergies, so, first, what is this allergic i will get sick from pollen, from spring flowers, pollinosis or autumn or oh, autumn i mean pollinosis or hay fever, well, from the word hay it is clear, well
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, april in general... the beginning of may, and maybe all of may is not quite the same.


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