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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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the front is also the weather, but natalka didenko will tell us what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's listen and see, synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, you and i are talking about the upcoming weather for the next day, for the next day, and for now. .. that we will talk in connection with such a blooming, wonderful spring about things, well, let's say, less comfortable, about seasonal spring allergies, so, well, first of all, what is this allergic disease, a disease specifically for pollen, for spring flowers, pollinosis or autumn, or oh, autumn, i mean, hay fever or hay fever, well, from the word hay, it's clear, and in general it's april, but the beginning of may, and maybe not quite all of may. such a comfortable time for
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people with allergies, because, well, grass, flowers, blossoms, all of this increases the amount of pollen in the air, and here comes this hay fever, people of absolutely different ages, they say that such allergic manifestations do not depend on age at all, it is amazing mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, well, actively blooming trees and shrubs, hazel, alder, birch, hornbeam, oak, elm and many others, well, this i really like it, many others. according to statistics, hypersensitivity to pollen is present in approximately 10-20% of people, well, by the way, this is quite a lot, and if such an allergy is not treated, or at least not maintained in such an anti-allergic state with the help of doctors, the quality of life can significantly decrease. unfortunately, it reduces attention, working capacity, and this seasonal rhinitis, by the way. it has been proven that it is the cause of a significant loss
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of academic performance among students and can lead to emergency situations on the roads, well, we do not need a loss of academic performance of students, because may is just such a month , it is especially important for learning, so please, whoever shows it and discovers this pollinosis in himself, contact specialists exclusively, and of course, to fully admire the delights and beauty of spring, we are going let's talk further. about magnetic storms, magnetic storms tomorrow, well, to be honest, they are unlikely to threaten the well-being of people in any way, because the fluctuations will be small, insignificant, and most likely, for example, those allergic to flowers will suffer more than her magneto-dependent people from magnetic storms, so we just calmly move on to the weather, and here there is already something to tell, because they could still lie down for a few days. it is already necessary
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to work here, because the weather is expected to change. let's start with the western regions. tomorrow in the west of ukraine due to the movement of a cold atmospheric front , the air temperature will decrease and the maximum air temperature will be from 17 to 19°. after codes +15-16 on vysokya gora carpathians there is still nothing and only in transcarpathia it will be warm to 2-2-25°. on dry weather will also prevail in the north of ukraine. mm, but the atmospheric front will touch the north tomorrow, it will not rain, er, it will be mostly even sunny, but the air temperature will drop to 18-21° in zhytomyr region, kyiv region and chernihiv region. in sumy oblast, it will still be very warm up to 25. in the east of ukraine, there is no precipitation, summer is on hold, the weather is anti-cyclonic, +24, +28. in the central part of ukraine, in the vinnytsia region, the weather will finally be fresher. +22
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+25°, and everywhere in the central part of ukraine dry, sunny, airy weather will prevail mass. in southern ukraine, in southern ukraine, in the south of ukraine, it will also be sunny, without precipitation, dry weather, increased fire danger, and 23-28° above zero. although significant precipitation is not expected in kyiv tomorrow, the capital will also be in the background of atmospheric cold tomorrow afternoon. front, therefore, such a heat as today will practically not be observed, temperatures of around 19-20° are expected in kyiv tomorrow, precipitation is unlikely, such a decrease in air temperature will cover almost the entire territory of ukraine by saturday, of course it will not be cold, the air will simply be fresher and the air temperature will be more in line with seasonal values. always keep a close eye on our updated predictions on the espresso channel.
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sorry about the weather, i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:15. good evening, we are from ukraine. 32-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years. he has lived in lviv for seven years and helps people with similar injuries, he says that the city of lviv has become more convenient for people with limited mobility during this time. however, there are still many barriers, and we decided to protest together, how accessible lviv is to people in wheelchairs. this way is for the dovzhenka center to be considered accessible. there should already be normal coverage, normal coverage for a person to be able to reach it to this length, because now what we use special skills to move these slabs and these ee gaps between these slabs, it's like our superskills, but there are
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a lot of people who do not have these super skills, and there should already be a normal coverage, and then the dovzhanka center can count accessible, then now i would already say that it is not accessible, well, let's see that everything... the essence of the ramp is that it should not be so gentle, there are certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the climb, which you have to go up, the longer the ramp should be and it should be so gentle that a person in a wheelchair who moves can go up on their own, that is , any ramps with a large slope, and where a person cannot go up on their own, it is not a ramp . well, that is, it is not an element of architectural accessibility, it is so-so the barrier itself, as if there were just steps, ivan, for example, was climbing now with the help of a handrail, and this is often
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used by people, for example, who have lesions on one side, and in them, for example, the left hand does not work well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves up there, well... but it will be difficult for people with visual impairment to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible movement signs and the stairs are in the way, opening the door can also be a difficult task. if we are talking, for example, about ivan and me, then we we can now open this door and enter without hindrance. if we talk about a person in whom the upper ones would also be affected. tsivok, then she would not have been able to do it accordingly, and therefore, of course, a good door is a door that can slide apart automatically, we understand, yes, that it is not possible to achieve this everywhere, and then the door has at least to open with a light effort, and so that
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the handle can be caught easily with the brush of the hand, even if your fingers do not work, well, we can check this now. well, that's it you see, i just put my hand and, for example, if my fingers didn't even work, i can pull the door and open it, even in this way. in order to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, you must first get a key from the employees of the institution, here they admitted that they have not yet had visitors in wheelchairs, karina did not have any difficulties with access to the restroom, but she says that she can easily not be for everyone. okay, i'm going inside. i can, i can, i can turn on and off the light myself, that's it here's the good thing, the good thing is that the mirror is lowered, it's good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well, here, in principle, you can
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use it to wash your hands, it is not inclusive, this, if it were, a washbasin, but that's it, you know, it's okay, there is no handrail, as you can see, there must be a handrail, it must be from where. it should be at a distance of 70 cm from the center of the toilet, as far as i know, but it is almost impossible to get to the shelter, there are no signs of a bomb shelter either, such an institution, according to karina, is not friendly to all categories of people, but the lviv one transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population, the worst thing is with trams, because there are only 20 of them... if our heroes managed to get into the tram, then getting out of it became a problem, because the call button did not work, we had to ask the tram driver to lower the ramp manually, and people like that won't go out, won't miss often, you just have to, well, if we just try
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to calculate every step in advance and know when to turn back, when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt one way or another. necessary create all the conditions so that people can realize themselves, work and pay taxes, and not sit conditionally on if, well, only on there on... for example or something like that in all that is happening, and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it, not everywhere ramps are installed, and where they are, they are not accessible at all , karina says, the state should not randomly place ramps and consult only with experts on low mobility issues, because the same ramps should be convenient for different types of wheelchairs. appropriate slope and material. the situation is the same with stairs made of tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubber
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strips on them to help prevent slipping. well, look, this is a non-standard ramp, because it has two grooves, but they are not universal. all people have wheelchairs of different widths and, accordingly, the wheels may not simply fit into these grooves. first, secondly, it has a non-normative bias. that is, it is more than necessary and you cannot climb it yourself, well, the handrails too, accordingly, are not normative, they do not have a normal height, and their thickness is not allows you to get a good grip. the space of lviv , with its old narrow streets, stone steps and curbs, is difficult to adapt for people in wheelchairs, but perhaps more and more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming friendly to people with disabilities and adapting. businesses, karina notes that she plans her route in advance, looks for establishments with
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an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, accordingly, leave money there. but if we are talking about inclusion in general, then it is the same the process is not only the removal of these physical barriers, yes, it is also the process of removal of mental barriers, including communication barriers, and... there is also a certain problem in this, because people still have various stereotypes about a person , for example, in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly feel superficially treated, for example, in terms of my financial capabilities there, or in terms of my mental capabilities, simply because i use a chair wheeled, this is of course unacceptable, it shouldn't be like that. karina says that a person's limited mobility should not deprive him of feeling. her dignity and the opportunity to return to her life, now everything has changed very, very much
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after the full-scale invasion, of course people have realized that disability will now be everywhere in us, well, yes, it is present as a phenomenon, and that something needs to be changed, and of course the rhetoric is very has changed, politics has changed a lot, and now i personally feel such, you know, excessive even attention and... excessive desire to help, we don't need excessive attention, we don't we need them to run after us and bring us ramps, yes, we need them to just let us live peacefully, use their services, work and not pay too much attention, well, it is not necessary, so that guests and residents of lviv can easily and quickly find barrier-free locations, the lviv tourist office has created a map, the city is accessible, more than 100 restaurants have already been marked on the map. theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity. natalya
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old law, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. greetings, good evening, i'm myroslav obarchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of tv channel uso and the ukrainian pen club. today we will talk about oleksandr dovzhenko. dovzhenko, well, for me, at least, this is perhaps the most significant and, at the same time, the most controversial figure of ukrainian soviet culture. on the one hand, this is a volunteer in the unr army in petlyurivets, and on the other hand, this is a person who glorifies the january uprising at the arsenal plant. on the one hand, he is a ukrainian, and this can be seen in in his films, on the other hand, he is a fascinating man. and maybe even friends with joseph stalin, at least he considers stalin
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his savior. today we will talk about these paradoxes, about this discontinuity of dovzhenka, with my guest olena honcharuk, head of dovzhenka center. greetings olena, thank you for coming to talk. thank you, you know, it seems to me that the topic is very, very important, because... i think that we have not yet developed the language of such an honest narrative, like dovzhenko. we are together recently and pen were in dovzhenko's homeland in the village of sosnytsia in... chernihiv oblast, we were in his house and the museum staff told us a short story of his life, and here's what i notice, and the story is this, to put it briefly: dovzhenko was born, there was such a family , 14 children, two children survived, then he studies, then he works, then
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he becomes a volunteer in petliur. army and suddenly once, and already in warsaw, he is campaigning for emigrants to return to soviet ukraine, in warsaw and berlin, what happened, we understand what happened, yes, we understand arrest, we understand there that he was saved by ivan blakytny, so that he had some problems with the soviets and the bolsheviks, but what happened in... inside dovzhenko, that he suddenly changed himself after a few years, gave up himself, or what happened to him? well, it was the time of his youth, and dovzhenko was actively searching, and he is a person who is very open to everything that
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is happening around him, he got to europe, he is from. the whole other world, he mastered, he studied art there, yes, he learned to draw, in general dovzhenko was extremely talented in various arts, and he wrote, he painted, although it is not so, very popular, but it was just one of the first steps in cinema, it was just movie posters, very witty and so very funny, dovzhenko later became. that is, i think that europe fascinated him very much, and he had this contrast of rural life, which you mentioned earlier, and well , the burdens of people in villages, provinces, he was extremely sensitive to this, if there were two children left in the family with 14, it is obvious that
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they were very unhappy, but dovzhenko had a very... desire for beauty, he was extremely sensitive to it, and somewhere it may have been brought up by the nature in which he grew up, and i think europe intensified it, that is, you now, you are now talking about what the soviet authorities gave him , as if she brought him into the european world, gave him the opportunity to get this education, and he sincerely, being a petlyurite at first, yes, but he sincerely believed. in the soviet government and started working for the soviet government, right? well, i wouldn't say that the soviet authorities gave him this, after all, he himself had these opportunities took advantage, and these were his natural abilities, but, the soviet government is actually an amazing construct, i think that for us, even now, it is important for us
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to deconstruct and understand this architecture, uh, which allowed... to mislead very a large number of thinking intelligent people, because my opinion is that the artists sincerely believed in the ideas that the soviet government proposed, it was a sincere faith in industrialization, in industrial progress, in the victory of machines, and the avant-garde was very technological and futuristic, and that is why the artists really... this as if some kind of delusion is such that it really fascinates and pulls, and that's why dovzhenko really, he was one of those who believed in reality and constructed, ugh, that is, uh, but for this he had to give up his identity, because on the one hand on the one hand it was like, i understand about progressiveness, yes, what you
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're talking about and some kind of perspective that this ideology opened up for people, but on the other hand it was... it was clearly about identity, so it was hostile to his identity , i will now quote the diary to you, which are very famous words, this is a dialogue with my father, he says, he asks who we are, dad, we are not russians, no, not russians, who are we, who are we, son, kakhlymi, those who process bread, and dovzhenko writes, we were the only people in europe who did not know who he was , that is, dovzhenko understands very clearly, yes, about identity and about the hostility of this world. in what year are these diaries, this is a memory of, i understand that it is in the glukhiv gymnasium or school, this is an old memory, the diary was already written later, that is, well, that is, the fact that dovzhenko is ukrainian, we see all the time, yes , he is even at his worst
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times he himself, he tries to lay down these ukrainian narratives somewhere, yes, that is, it seems to me that when he says that i entered the revolution from the wrong door, it was through the wrong door, so what is this, was it sincere? was it such a simple lifeline? well, from the quote you read, you can see his sense of shame, as if this is the only country or nation that is backward, that is, there is this, well, the shame of what you are, and this is also in his films duality is felt, and on the one hand something so new beautiful which is looming and where you have to strive, and on the other hand, these simpletons in embroidered shirts, from which you came out, and for
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whom you have a very great love and sentiment, but this is a shame, that is, it is something that you grow up with, it is colonial, absolutely , by the way, yesterday i read about dovzhenko, and i saw that he, he was already close to... he is vaplite, when in this kharkiv period and the kyiv period, and he writes there about vaplite and hart about that , that these people are very ethnographic, very archaic, uncultured, and this is what he says for a moment about the waveman, about the current, that is, about all these people, and he says that it seems to me that sometimes i come to the evening, and i think that i am at parties, that it is all very ethnographic, so... it is about the fact that you are talking about this feeling of ethnography, as archaic, as one's own culture, as something archaic, or am i mistaken,
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m, i think that we dealt with this in our childhood or youth, these are the 80s and 90s - those when, well, you feel that you are a provincial, as it were, that the world is already somewhere far away, and uh... well, we can observe, living in the provinces, that something is happening in moscow, something is happening in kyiv, they are very far from you, what is happening abroad, it is just another planet in general, and i think that with his, well, after all, his genius and his talent, he really, well, he wanted something more, but he didn't just, i think, want it for himself, but he wanted it back, well, so that it would help the society he actually came from, he... still not could sever his connection with him, therefore, from the top, i will start with this film, dovzhenko shoots from the top,
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screenwriters mike yohansyn and the famous otaman yurko tyutyunnyk, and this is still the 29th year, even before the repressions, and it is either happening or will be from... i understand the process over ieds in kharkiv, and dovzhenko films such a colossal multi-layered fundamental a story about 2 years of the history of ukraine and here we actually see that it works and his ukrainian identity is revealed.
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how do you watch this film today, what is it about, what is it to us from those times, says dovzhenko, how do you
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watch it today? and i would say that this particular film, i understand that you have decided to take the trilogy, so his stellar tapes, first of all it is a very interesting artistic and technical experiment, because in this film in zvenihor dovzhenko used a lot of such camera and editing techniques, which were innovative, because there were combined shootings, because... . after all, he tells a myth, and it is a little like a fairy tale, and this fairy tale, it is probably characteristic of many films about ukraine, like a certain mythical territory, detached from reality, in which, for which it is necessary to create a new world and bring it from the outside, huh,
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because it... is already preparing us for the fact that in the films of dovzhenko and many of his contemporaries, kavaleridze, for example, or kordyuma, will appear in this space, well, the way to find a ukrainian, but he is no longer quite a ukrainian, but this is already a soviet person who comes in his place, that is, he is the original ukrainian whom we see in the film, he is ashamed, as it were, and he does not... in fact, he begins to model some new reality, that is, it is a function of cinema, which is peculiar to the soviet, soviet space, and this film, despite the fact that this rebirth seems to be visible, it is the same, it was repressed and also banned, both because of mike
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jugansen and yurk. i understand correctly yes or yes he and and plus he was already at least the 27th year this is still the period vovku e vuvku ceased to exist in the 30th year, that is, by the 30th year we have to explain to the audience what vuvk v vuvku is - this all-ukrainian photo cinema is the easiest way to define it as ukrainian hollywood, and it won't be. an understatement, because all-ukrainian the photo film management absorbed all the infrastructure necessary for the creation and existence of cinema, i.e. there were its three film studios, there were its film schools and later the film institute appeared, there were its publications, its authors and people who worked within the uvuk, eh, they it was part of kharkiv's cultural elite, they grew out of
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the literary elite. theater tradition, because les kurbes actively cooperated with vovku. that is, in literally eight years, from the 22nd to the 30th, it was a very progressive institution that developed on the go. but in in the 30th year, it was banned, and ukraine-film appeared, which was already completely subordinated to moscow. the uniqueness of vevku lies in the fact that it acted autonomously, that is, politics. filmmaking was determined locally in ukraine, in odessa, in kyiv, and therefore, in principle, the outstanding names of film artists are connected precisely with the all-ukrainian photocinema management, and when the working atmosphere in moscow became unbearable, the brothers kaufman and dzegavertov fled here, ugh , and they continued their activities here, which of course, well, wolf.
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was enriched at the expense of very extraordinary personalities, it cooperated with foreign directors and cameramen, and dovzhenko really liked to work with josef rona, a german cameraman who, in principle, became his right-hand man in many projects. and then, and then it was banned because of what? due to the fact that the so-called came into force, the main producer of sovietsky stepped in. stalin himself had already begun to define the union, so i was struck by how much he was, how much he was tangential, how active he was in, so to speak, in producing and commissioning films, and that's what it really is, well, what still needs some kind of very complex research, like who, who was this producer of the creation of the wolf in the first place, what is it...


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