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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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museum workers or archivists, film archivists, this is a very specific category of people who for some reason protect what does not essentially belong to them, we protect what belongs to the country, and if the country does not need its own film fund, then i have a question, for what, why that we are fighting, but my colleagues who are currently working in the center, they understand their responsibility and their importance very well. in working with the films that we keep, this is actually the largest collection, the only one of ukrainian cinema that exists in ukraine, and here the connection with dovzhenko is also direct, i believe because he had an idea even when he worked at vovk, he had the idea that ukrainian films needed a film archive or a fund where they would be stored, because the films were treated so carelessly, they burned easily, spoiled . and he had the idea
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of ​​creating a film archive where the films would be stored, but in the 1930s ukrainian cinema basically all left for russia, maybe something remained in the film studios, but at a very high risk, because it was not allowed, and actually in until 1994, ukraine did not have its own film archive or cinematheque, only thanks to the efforts of some very wise people, among whom were... mr. yakovyna and ivan dzyuba and yuriyenko. mykola yakovyna was the deputy and acting minister of culture, so there was a period, because he was developing the charter of the center itself, then these people understood that we well, we have a museum, but we don't have our own film museum or film fund, that is, our film memory is in another state from which we are now, as it were, independent. and so
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began a very long process of collecting film and returning it to ukraine, that is, 30 years collected films, and we believe that it is now formal, there is no need to transfer the films to any other institutions, to normalize the activities of the center, to ensure it in terms of sustainability, so that we can preserve the life of films, and in a period when everything is threatened, i... i think that this is the primary function of the state, but since it does not really want to deal with it, but switched to industry, accordingly , the film archive in their eyes looks like ballast and something unnecessary, and to protect it apart from ourselves and our society has no one, well it's good that here our tasks seem to coincide, so we continue to work and fight, although we would like
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to focus more on the topics that you raise today, because it is very important for us how we will treat our own cultural heritage, how we will understand it, how we will talk about it, because now there are extremely many scandals surrounding each personality, and it is obvious that we have very little knowledge about our own cinema or our own art, i also consider myself one of those people which are not very good knowledgeable, i am just lucky to work with those who do this, who do good research, and there are also people who remember history, but we, we are very synchronous here with dovzhenko, that is, we, we are part of the same society, where from one on the one hand, we want russian funds, and on the other hand, we are threatened and they are our enemy, and we cannot figure out who our hero is, who we need to surrender and... this is the work of cultural institutions.
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anyway, i thank you, i thank you, thank you to your team, and thank you to the communities that support you, because you are doing a tremendous work, even without funding, you are doing perhaps the main work of preserving cultural heritage, thank you, thank you for this effort. thank you, because you are also among those who support us, thank you. olena honcharuk, head of the dovzhenko center, was our guest, these are their own names, we will see you in a week. thank you. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for vacant positions in courts. why did the wife of the ex-chairman of the ukrainian people's liberation army decide to become a judge? based on this fact, nazk conducted an inspection. but who will take the vacated seat head of the vkks? none of the members of the commission has nominated his candidacy yet. hello, you are watching judicial review. i am tatyana shustrova. there is an acute
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shortage of judges in ukraine. the judicial system is overloaded. today, the shortage of servants of themis is about 2.5 thousand. the higher qualification commission is working. stop to fill vacant seats as soon as possible. competitions for the constitutional court, appeals, and local judges are in full swing. we continue to introduce you to the candidates, but first to the news. higher qualification the commission of judges could not elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous chairman , roman ignatov. among the members of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine , there were no people willing to take up the vacant position. arose unexpectedly for all of us, officially none of the members of the commission has yet nominated their candidacy. we will remind you that on march 27, the previous head of the higher qualification commission, roman ignatov, resigned of his own free will. in december of last year , information appeared in zma that ignatov allegedly has
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russian citizenship. he himself denied it. at the beginning of this year at vkks came to a conclusion to establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. quite impossible. currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. the scandal regarding the alleged russian citizenship of the judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv does not subside. the sixth court of appeals has begun consideration of the case on lviv's reinstatement as a judge. earlier, the court of first instance satisfied his claim and decided not only to renew the position, but also to pay the salary. payment for forced absenteeism. the supreme court did not agree with this and filed an appeal. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to the journalists of the scheme project, he received his russian passport back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and in
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2012, at the age of 45, he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already on to the last at the meeting, the representative of the security service of ukraine reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers that russian citizenship of lviv exists, but now it is impossible to neither prove nor disprove information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan lviv continues to assure that there is no passport of the aggressor country. on june 11, the supreme court of ukraine will begin consideration of a cassation appeal against the verdict of the judge of the mukachevo city district court of zakarpattia oblast, mykhailo pak. he was sentenced to five years in prison. with the confiscation of property, naboo detectives exposed the judge for bribery 200 hryvnias in 2017, you know, at least two or three dollars, hryvnias. according to the investigation materials, mykhailo pak made the necessary decision for money in the case of the department of social protection of the mukachevo administration. anya,
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come here, ivan, the presentation satisfies what he wants there. and what is that, and maybe there? says that maybe in 2019 the higher anti-corruption court sentenced mykhailo pak to seven years of imprisonment. this sentence was overturned by appeal, but the supreme court sent the case back for a new trial, and only then, in december, the appellate chamber of the higher anti-corruption court finally put an end to mykhailo pak's case, but he filed a cassation appeal. update is underway in ukraine. system is in the midst of contests to the constitutional court, appeals, and local courts. for the first time, all these competitions are held as transparently and openly as possible. we see live the interviews, how the unscrupulous candidates are trying to manipulate the facts
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and how they are trying to hide the blemishes in their biography. for me, this is a conscious choice. this is lawyer oksana ovsienko. she claims to the position of a judge of the kovel city district court of the volyn region. the questions are not difficult for me, i have absolutely nothing to hide, i have logical explanations for all the questions presented here, she is also the wife of the former member and head of the supreme council of justice andriy ovsienko, who resigned in the 21st year. this is the property that is indicated in my declaration, my declaration is identical to my husband's declaration, this property was acquired during the time of the joint property of the spouses. a few years ago, oksana ovsienko managed to privatize. land a plot of land with an area of ​​320 m2 in a picturesque place near the lake. my husband and i planned to build a small vacation home there, this is a village, but there is a small lake in the village, but soon the plans changed. we
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decided that we will not live in this area, we will move to the city of lutsk to live. at the same time, in a conversation with my colleague titiva. kostyantyn kostyantynov, he asked me in a conversation to sell him this plot of land, as he said that he found out from the cadastral maps that this plot of land... borders his father's plot of land. i wonder why colleague ovsienko was looking at where she has land? nevertheless, according to the candidate , the appraised value of the land was allegedly small, so much so that she simply gave it away. in addition, my husband and konstantin were classmates and they were, well, they were acquaintances. but the story is a bit more interesting. three weeks after receiving the gift, the brother of colleague ovsienko. kostyantina titivalova, roman, judge of the torii district court of the volyn region, announced the decision in the case
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in favor of ovsienko's client. interesting coincidence, isn't it? and what would have happened if you had not given or sold this plot of land to a relative of the judge, yes, obviously he could have been offended by you, well, theoretically. i don't think so, i believe that directly, for example, the judge and his brother are... completely two different families, they do not live together, that is, they do not have common rights and obligations as family members . it is interesting that, according to avtomaidan , from 2015 to 2017, the candidate represented the parties in as many as 15 cases heard by this particular judge. eventually, when ovsienko's husband became a member of the high council of justice, judge roman titivalov was appointed as a judge indefinitely, and in 2019 , when ovsienko held the position. of the head of the ukrainian people's republic of ukraine, the council helped titivalov avoid punishment for the traffic accident he caused
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while driving his audi while under the influence of heavy alcohol. i know that nazk conducted an inspection based on this fact, the family of the candidate for the position of judge and former head of the supreme council of justice lives in a house of 124 m2 and has 15 acres of land under it. oksana ovsienko also succeeded to receive and privatize for free: this plot of land was acquired by me in the process of privatization, on this plot of land, our land house is located, the value, why i did not indicate, because there was no need, we had no desire not to sell, that is, there was no need to evaluate this plot, as it was purchased free of charge. we admire the character of oksana ovsienko in acquiring land for free, but it did not help. she has an interview. the commission was not satisfied with the explanation of the dubious property schemes. and this is judge oktyabrskyi
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hanna andrienko of poltava district court, and she has very poor immunity. he fails her every time on the eve of the qualifying assessment. andrienko did not come to the interview for the fourth time because she fell ill. in fact, we have every reason to suspect that in this way the judge is banally trying to catch up. to resign before the interview, because if, after the qualification assessment, the commission finds her unfit for the position of a judge, she will be dismissed, but the resignation will allow her to retain all her judicial privileges and considerable lifelong financial support from the state. there are reasons to worry. according to the conclusion of the public integrity council, judge andrienko closed at least 49 cases related to drunken driving after the expiry of the time limits. the public council of integrity draws attention to the fact that the judge's omissions
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of the deadlines for bringing persons to justice under article 130 of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses are systematic, there is insufficient justification in the motivational part of the decisions to explain why the judge missed the deadline in such a case number of cases. a disciplinary complaint against andrije is currently under consideration in the supreme council of justice. from the foundation. it refers to the fact that the judge could submit forged documents to the vrp in order to avoid disciplinary action. the result of considering just this complaint may be the dismissal of andrienko, which she is trying so hard to avoid. therefore, the illness did not prevent the judge from submitting an application for resignation to the higher council of justice and an application to the higher qualifications commission for the termination of qualification evaluation in relation to her. judge for his time. she would also sometimes appear at other meetings, but she never made it to the evaluation. we hope that
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soon the supreme council of justice will stop this manipulative attraction of cleverness and cunning. for today, i have everything, it was the program judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you have information about unscrupulous judges and facts of corruption in the judicial system, let me know on facebook or by email. mail, the address of which you now see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. together, veraver, we are talking about crimea, which is currently occupied, we hope not for long, and the problems of reintegration of the temporarily occupied
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peninsula. and today i am very pleased to introduce you to the person who is picking up the ethereal baton. dera muzhdabaeva and maybe even from me for the near future, and this is gulsum khalilova. gulsum, welcome to the project, to the team. thank you, congratulations, congratulations to everyone, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel and the viewers of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr, and indeed i i am very glad to be here today, to be a participant in this beraber together project, because this is a word for the crimean tatars, for us, it is not just a word, it is an action, it is... a factor of unity and a factor of our preservation, the preservation of the crimean-tatar identity, the crimean people, and this is indeed a word that, as i think, has a very powerful meaning and many connotations for the crimean tatars and for ukrainians today. well, imagine today, april 6, april 17, 1937
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, stalin's repressive regime killed all crimean tatars. intelligentsia, all the crimean tatar elite, crimean tatar scientists, writers, people who knew 10 languages, such as bekerchoban-zade. then in 1944, the deportation, the stalinist regime deported the crimean tatar people to central asia and the urals, and for almost 50 years, the crimean tatars could not return to their homeland in the crimea, but were able to preserve it. cities of reference were able to preserve their language, their traditions, their identity, their political nation, their political people, their culture, their songs, and at the beginning of the 90s , the crimean tatars began to return to crimea and they didn't know where they would live, they just drove,
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drove home, because they knew that there in the territory of crimea there are crimean... tatars are crimean tatar families who arrived earlier, and if they do not find a home, they will simply come to any crimean tatars, but they will invite them home, and so crimean tatars simply came to crimea, because they knew that there were their own there and they knew that they would find a place to stay in any case, this unity that helped. the crimean tatars will be saved. this unity and cohesion of the crimean tatar people helped us in 2014 during the occupation of the peninsula. there, crimean tatars rallied with ukrainians under the walls, under the building of the verkhovna rada of crimea, and demonstrated their unity and support
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for the territorial integrity of ukraine. this is what helps us today against... the russian repressive machine against the russian totalitarian regime, this is that today this unity, this bereberlik helps our political prisoners, who no matter what, today in the courts they say that we must unite , yes we are here, yes we are in the cells of the fsb, yes we are in prison, but we are united, we are united with ukraine, we crimean tatars, today we are defeating the enemy, we are here with mrs. khrystyna, we are winning, we are trying to defeat the enemy on the information front, there, on the military front, our soldiers, volunteers, are defeating the enemy with all our forces, and we must support them, and not in words, but i would say in pennies, this is simply the sacred duty of every ukrainian
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citizen, of any origin, and when we talk about the liberation of the temporarily occupied peninsula, we cannot... imagine it without representatives of the crimean tatar people and other ethnic groups, national minorities, indigenous peoples of our country, who join this holy cause, and please join us, we traditionally collect for the needs of the 48th shab named after noman chilibihan, so now our guys need fpf drones, and we now we are collecting drones for fpf, so you can support the 48th... b of the name of noman chilibikhan by this qr code that you see on your screens now. we are very grateful to all those who support us and continue to support us 48. so now we can demonstrate this unity also with the support of our to the boys well, we are already happy to include in our
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conversation vladyslav seleznyov, a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and previously the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. vlad, congratulations, glory to ukraine. salam aleikum. i welcome you ladies, in fact i am very happy to join, join your hon. well, let's start with the question of what is currently happening in the temporarily occupied peninsula, purely from a military point of view, we understand that in the south of our country the defense forces continue their combat work and the russians do not manage to eliminate the bridgeheads on the left bank of the kherson region, just as they do not manage to somehow stabilize the situation in the water area of ​​the black sea and the sea of ​​azov, in fact, if we are talking about... how actively the russian logistics capabilities this week at least worked in the direction of the peninsula, and maybe from the territory of the peninsula,
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because it is also important? and yes, of course, it is very important to understand what exactly is imported into crimea, and what exactly is exported? certain equipment is exported for encryption documents, certain archives are exported, but appropriate military equipment continues to be imported to the territory of kryvyi. materials and personnel, because in fact now crimea is a huge logistics hub through which a lot of military weapons, equipment, ammunition, and other assets that provide the combat bridge of the russian army, in particular such units operating in the south of kherson and in the south, pass through zaporizhzhia regions, and the enemy uses several routes to carry out this logistics, the first route is, of course, the same the kerch bridge, which everyone is begging... i hope that from this 24th year we will finally destroy it, to the point that the enemy will not be able to restore it, then the enemy also actively used
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the ferry crossing for transportation with the help of railway wagons, the enemy tries from time to time, but recently such intervals between the movement of large landing ships have been significantly reduced, i use... large landing ships and other ships to supply logistical means to the party water areas on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol. similarly, vorok actively uses the component of the military transport aviation of the military space forces of the russian federation to carry out the same transports. that is, crimea is a huge logistics base. crimea is a center for the repair of equipment and machinery that was damaged due to hostilities in the south of our country. crimea is... a huge hospital and rehabilitation center where russian soldiers who have been injured are undergoing rehabilitation and treatment, wounds, traumas during hostilities, and de facto crimea is a front-line
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territory, because the dulna, which often sounds thickly in its various corners, testifies to the fact that it is a territory, crimea is a territory where hostilities take place, and in fact, here it is worth mentioning the statement of president volodymyr zelenskyi, who clearly stated at the beginning of this year that on the 24th, the special attention of the ukrainian defense forces is focused precisely on the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol, so that the enemy feels, so that the enemy understands that it is on someone else's land, and if so, that land will literally be hell under his feet. mr. vladyslav, but this figure of 25,000 russian military personnel on the territory of the military, on the territory of the occupied peninsula, is this figure stable or changing? this figure is quite dynamic, well, first of all, there is a kind of skeleton basis. the unit or association is called the crimean defense force, but de facto a part of them is also involved in the south of our country, in particular in the south
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of the kherson region, they are also related to the hostilities on the left bank of the dnieper, against of our desperadoes, who are holding several long-lost ones on the left bank of the dnieper, south of the kherson region, but nevertheless, as far as the changing personnel is concerned, they are military personnel. educational centers and relevant military educational institutions in crimea, in the future they are already sent to what remains of them is not completely destroyed, returns to crimea for recovery, for treatment, for rehabilitation, that is, the process is dynamic, so to talk about some permanent figure regarding the personnel of the enemy contender is probably not very dynamic situation, and this dynamic directly depends on the intensity. the conduct of hostilities, well, for example, now there is a serious dynamic in the direction of robot, then, accordingly , by transit with the help of railway connections, all cargo of military importance, just as it was decided with the personnel
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, is directed to... through dzhankoy, for example , the russian occupiers are sent to the side in the south of the kherson region, performing certain missions, as well as in the south of the zaporizhia region, i.e., dzhamkoi still plays the key role of a transport and logistics hub, through which the left part of echelons with the personnel of the enemy army, equipment, ammunition and others move. mr. vladyslav, what is the effectiveness of the task, in particular the strikes on power... capacities in crimea, i would like to remind you that according to some ukrainian media in sevastopol, literally on april 2, representatives of ukrainian intelligence participated in disabling an electrical substation, and i would just like to understand, this has more of a situational and psychological effect, does it really affect energy capabilities, well, for example provide the black sea fleet with everything it needs? ms. khrystyna, in crimea there are...
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several power generation facilities, in particular two facilities where the german machine seems work, we remember the stormy history associated with the illegal movement of this high-tech equipment, installations, in order to so that they do not work, providing electricity to the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol, there are several more thermal stations in simferopol, which will also provide electricity to the occupied crimea and work primarily in the interests. russian aggressors, all these objects are legitimate targets, i think that it is a matter of time when they will be turned into a pile of scrap metal, into a pile of new equipment, this is about justice, the destruction of power generation facilities, the destruction of critical energy infrastructure facilities is absolutely rational approach to the fact that the enemy feels that he is on someone else's land, he has nothing to do, and together with military
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objects, objects of military infrastructure, about the defense and industrial complex of the russian federation, as well objects of critical energy infrastructure, they are legitimate targets. yes, for now our pilots who use missiles of the sky and storm shadow type are mainly targeting military objects, crimea, with the same missiles, but the time will come, and when it is most appropriate, i think that such work will be carried out. american general benhodge claims that, in principle , the ukrainian army is capable of liberating crimea in a fairly short period of time. and using, well, a relatively small amount of resources, but for that we need to implement a number of missions, the first mission is the complete organization of the kerch bridge, the second mission is the system and methodical organization of military units, units, objects of military importance on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol, our colleagues from novosvydna counted 232 such objects in crimea, maybe there are a few more, and therefore they are all legitimate targets, i hope that the time will come when we turn them into a pile
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of scrap metal. the best conclusion, result and course of action for them is to run away from the territory of crimea and sir vladyslav, we mentioned the black sea fleet of the russian federation here, we know that since the beginning of russia's large-scale invasion of ukraine, and they are for... 13, if i'm not mistaken, large amphibious ships against ukraine, but now of them, if, how they say in the navy of ukraine, there are only five left, which russia, as we can see, will hide in the bays of novorossiysk, they have now signed a contract there with abkhazia, and with the occupying power of abkhazia, to hide their ships there too, and so on, that is, if we see that russia is using
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a lot of effort to save. here are the remnants of the black sea fleet, shouldn't we take advantage of this and just hit the city of kerch, is it possible to do it this way? certainly, at one time the russians deployed 13 large amphibious ships in the waters of the black sea, just like that, they tried to carry out a large-scale amphibious landing on the territory of the odesa region of the city of odesa, but the russians did not succeed in this in february, in march, then we part of the ships from ... then we took up this business more diligently, and in fact five ships, the russians have a large dozen of ships left, and not all of them are in combat condition, some of them need repair, as for the plans of putin's army, i do not exclude that they may dare to make such an adventure with an attempt to land an amphibious assault or then on the coast of odesa or


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