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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EEST

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from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region, these are snizhana almagambetova, georgy burskyi and sofiy kavaschenko. snowyna is only 11 years old and nothing is known about her since february 24 , 2022. a girl disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region in the city of gola prystan. and just 20 km from the bare wharf in the city of oleshki in the kherson region , this man lived before the war. a year-old boy, his name is george burskyi. please look carefully, in his face the teenager is missing , and maybe you will recognize him and help him find him. yes, as well as snow white and at the very beginning of the war , nine-year-old sofiyka vashchenko disappeared in the kherson region. the girl was last seen in the village of chaplinka, in the kakhovsky district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhan.
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george and sofiyka, and above all, the search is, of course, complicated by the fact that children have disappeared in the occupied territory. and, by the way, it is precisely in such situations that there is great hope for witnesses, who, in particular, can see our videos about the search in the occupied territories on social networks, so i am appealing first of all to the residents of the occupied part kherson region. if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, yaaburskyi and sofia kuvashchenko, please let us know immediately by calling the hotline number 11630. if you are unable to call at any time, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot, child tracing services in telegram. of course, children can stay both in the occupation and in the territory controlled by ukraine or even abroad. therefore, if, for example, you live in one of the european countries. and there to see
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any of the children we are looking for, or not god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, don't delay and call 11630. 11630 is the only european missing children hotline that works in 28 european countries, so remember, better write this number down, so you never need it , but it is necessary to know it just in case. i told just one of the many difficult stories of missing children. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. here are photos of children who are missing and need our help, so please don't be indifferent, look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, hotline number.
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search for children 116/3. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. one thing is clear: now the vast majority of the children we are trying to find have gone missing due to circumstances one way or another connected to the war, in the occupation, in front-line towns or villages, or during evacuation, but at the same time as before a full-scale invasion, children often disappear by running away from home. this is mostly resorted to... boys and girls in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different. conflicts in the family, insufficient or vice versa, excessive, parental attention, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you should do to prevent a child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive to yours
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child there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and adolescents that indicate that they need to be taken care of more. we need to take more care of them. what could it be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock and gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be a depressed state, when the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of him. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, or productivity, this is it it can also be evidence that she has some strong negative experiences, if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes her happy, this is also a reason to take care of her, have some kind of warm and trusting conversation with her, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer with help to a psychologist or other specialists.
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league quarter-finals. who will advance, who will leave all hopes on the field, find out on april 16 and 17 exclusively on megogo! big ether of vasyl zima, this is big ether, my name is vasyl, it is winter, and we are starting two hours of air time, hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, sergey zgurets with us and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy dobrovecher, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to
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talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us , oleksandr, congratulations, please laska, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much, the weather for the day i will come, and also dear natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search
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solutions the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must. finish and we must win. all the most important things are said every thursday at 21:15 in the project by velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipbuilding district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, i'm olga len, this is a chronicle of military operations, and first of all, let me remind you about our large espresso community collection. organization baza ua urges you to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhia brigade. both combat brigades are constantly on the front line and, in principle, they are one of our best brigades. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are. join in so that they become more and more, our goal, i repeat, is 2 million hryvnias, remember that a donation to the armed forces is your investment in our victory, look, you can see here both private mono and qr codes, and we will show them during the broadcast, so
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join in, donate, any of your donations are very important and be - which drone is currently on the battlefield is also a mega-important thing, well, let's see what happened on the battlefield. for the last week, because the events are very, very dynamic and, let's just say, very hot. map of hostilities for the period april 3-10, 2024. a new strategy of the war for the sky and the threatening advance of the enemy. on in donetsk, the russians concentrated more troops than they had at the time of the invasion of ukraine. it gives its results. they continue to advance in the kurakhiv and pokrovsky directions. a breakthrough to the temporal ravine. the russians have concentrated not only significant human resources in the eastern outskirts of the city, which are trying to break through at the same time in... several areas, they have also brought in a powerful air group for the assault, which is mass-dropping
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both the front and the rear positions. twice during the week, the invaders carried out attacks using more than 30 units of armored vehicles. at the end of the week, the occupiers managed to break through the northern road of bahmud chasiv yar-0506 to the first houses on the outskirts of the city. it is still too early to talk about urban battles, but this breakthrough created a su'. a threat to the defense forces in bohdanivka, which found themselves under the target fire of the enemy. therefore, our troops gradually began to withdraw from this village, the russians occupied part of it in order to continue the breakthrough to kalynyvka and hryhorivka. in this way, they try to perform their standard maneuver of covering the city from different sides, although the assault on kalynyvka is significantly complicated by the fact that it is located on a hill. however, the rashists will try to climb there under the cover of a forester. syvu, which stretches from kalynyvka to the northeastern outskirts of chasovoy yar.
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at the same time, the russians want to make their way to the city via the southern road from bakhmut. the village of ivanivske, which stood on the barrier, is currently occupied by approximately half, in particular its southern and eastern parts. in addition, the rashists made their way deep into the forest to the north of the village, making it even more difficult his defense the ukrainian armed forces blew up a bridge across the canal last week to stop the advance. enemy, so it is likely that in the coming days we will see a controlled withdrawal of our troops to more advantageous positions, closer to the city. in fact, the new line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine will be built in two forests on the outskirts of chasovoy yar, as well as along the severodonetsk canal. an important element of the defense will be the prevention of a breakthrough to the rear of the defense forces, which are fighting on strategically important heights in klishchiivka. avdiivsko-pokrovsky attack. remok after the occupation of avdiyivka, the russians without pauses, as was the case in other occupations, continued the movement to the west in order to use
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the window of opportunity to break through to pokrovsk as much as possible. the most threatening is the small bridgehead that the rashists are trying to organize on the western bank of the durna river between the villages of orlivka and se semenivka. this bridgehead will actually give them the opportunity to wedge into the main line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine on the indicated section of the front. at the moment , it is impossible to talk about... about a full-fledged entrenchment of the russians on the right bank, fierce battles are ongoing to prevent this. a little further south the invaders advance with battles to umansky. it was here during the week that their biggest breakthrough took place to a depth of almost 1.5 km. at the same time, these battles are still taking place on the approaches to the main line of defense, which runs along umansky through the other bank of the river. in the area of ​​the village of pervomayskyi , battles were fought on its western side all week. in the vicinity here , the defense forces managed to restrain the enemy, instead, the armed
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forces of the russian federation advanced several hundred meters to the north through the reservoir in the direction of the village of netaylove. in the north of the avdiiv front in a week, the russians completely captured berdychi, and also intensified their attacks in the direction of the village of ocheretne, which is important for the ukrainian armed forces. to the north of krasnohorivka, the occupiers managed to cross the railway track and approach the southern outskirts of the village of novokalynove. the ughledar-kurakhov direction. for more than six months, the rashists have not been able to capture the almost destroyed novomykhaliivka. during the week, they occupied several more streets in the central part of the village, and also occupied several of our positions north of it. in the end, the enemy managed to gain a foothold in the village of pabeda. true, nothing remained of the village, which already had a dozen houses. in addition, the russians renewed their attack on the town of krasnohorivka, north of maryinka. a few weeks ago they already did. the first breakthrough to the southern outskirts of the city, but then the third assault brigade helped to drive them out of there. now we
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see a second attempt to enter the city from the southern side, while constant pressure is exerted on the defenders of the city from the east, where the front line has been built since the anti-terrorist operation. the armed forces are changing the strategy of the war for the sky. the best for a mass attack by drones on the russian airfields in viysk, morozovsk and engels became the news of ukraine. currently, there is no detailed information about the losses of the occupiers, but according to preliminary data, we managed to destroy or significantly damage 14 bombers and six. fighters, taking into account the fact that ukraine will not soon be given the necessary amount of air defense equipment that would be able to completely cover the sky, and the f-16 will solve this problem only partially, the armed forces have changed their strategy. now we destroy the missile carriers. unlike the missiles themselves, bombers in russia does not have many, a little more than 300 units, of all types, which can launch
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long-range missiles. the regular destruction of the strategic strike aircraft of the occupiers from... will force them to constantly hide and flee far beyond the urals, which will significantly complicate the task of missile strikes on ukraine. in addition, as it became known, our allies, the british and the germans, are already testing a new secret technology of launching drones, which will allow not only to carry out mass attacks 300 km deep into russia, but also make these drones less vulnerable to enemy air defense. such prospects allow the armed forces to plan for... not only the destruction of russian aviation, but also factories engaged in the manufacture and restoration of long-range missiles. the first swallow of this strategy was an attack on an aircraft repair plant in the city of borysoglipsk, voronet region, which was involved in the restoration of kha-55 and kh-555 missiles, as well as kh-22. we win daily, death to enemies. well, remember about our
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fee for fpv drones. and we will talk in more detail about exactly what is happening on the front line with oleksiy hetman, major a reserve of nsu, a veteran of the ukrainian-russian war. i congratulate you, oleksii. good day. well, let's start right from the end of what was said about these drone strikes on three airfields. eisk, engels and morozivsk. well, in principle, i see. honey, that's a good thing, but for it to actually work, because we can't say if there were really as many planes damaged as we would like, because after all, a drone, well, that's the kind of thing, i would said, not very accurate, there they do not have the opportunity to adjust them at the last moment,
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how should these strikes on these airfields be so that they were real. effective and have resulted in fewer bombers in our skies, at least? the answer to your question is almost obvious: it is necessary to increase the number of drones that can attack these lithuanians, where russian bombers and fighters are stored, they correctly say that it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the cause, that is, not with the bombs that are already flying, which were dropped by the plane, and with planes, and it is desirable... to do this even before they took off, what we produce longer range drones that can add 300 km distance, it's very good, it's most likely prorel 3300, it's very similar in appearance to gray rel, the drone of the united states, i think we 've learned a lot from it, will it be it
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is invulnerable to anti-aircraft defense, well, for that, for that , it is necessary... that it, uh, was built according to the stels system, that is, an stealth aircraft, well , it will be very expensive, and in order to fly such a large number like 300 km it must be big why big because you need a lot of fuel to get there, it 's not a rocket, and there's fuel there too, but it's calculated a little differently, there should be, it's an airplane, in the main, an unmanned aerial vehicle, there are wings and there are... the lifting force of the wing is so-called, which makes it possible to stay in the air, so in order to keep a large amount of explosives and a large amount of fuel in the air, the wing must be large, that is, it must be about the size of a small one, well small, i think they are about as big as f16, to put it simply, that is, it is serious, it is
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a serious weapon, but to say that it is less vulnerable than a small drone, well, this is a question of discussion. it is possible to make it less vulnerable, but for this you need to use stealth technology, and is it realistic to achieve such a disorganization of the work of these airfields and this aviation, which is based there only with the use of drones without the use of missiles, is it not so well waiting a little bit well , it's unreal, well, it's a rocket, if it's rockets again, what kind of rockets, rockets that fly on... at a distance of 300, 400, 500, maybe 600 km, well here, yes, here you can look with a compass, draw where we can shoot, and missiles, of course, it is more accurate, it is controlled, it can be at the end. at the end of the final section of the flight, it can be adjusted and hit more accurately. well, drones too, they fly according to an inertial system, that is
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, according to a prescribed program, but this program, if it deviates from the course due to a change in temperature or air or humidity, then there is a system inside gyroscopes, no less, which aligns it to the direction in which it should move. therefore, the inertial system. yes, it is not so accurate, but it is also impossible to say that it is not accurate at all, well, we shaheds see how they fly, more or less, so if you launch 30-40, there are 50 at a time, then the chances are there are no russian planes to save, and the main thing is to do it regularly, that is, often, of course, you are very apt , you said very aptly, very key, you know how there are key words, but you said the key word, no destruction, disorganization, about destruction. air, aerospace forces, as they call themselves, the russian federation most likely does not see the language, and disorganization is quite possible from our side. well then, let's
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take a look at the front line and just walk there literally from north to south, well, let me remind you, first of all, the words of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, who literally said this week, kyrylo budanov, that ukraine will wait. .. that russia will step up offensive actions at the end spring at the beginning of summer, and as the main goals of these actions, he called it what they would advance in donetsk, first of all, in the donetsk region, first of all, in the direction of the temporal ravine and then in the direction of the city of pokrovsk, he called such goals, and keeping this in mind, let's see what actually happened, well , first of all, if we take... the kupyan direction, the enemy has clearly become more active there in the last few days, that is, there was such a calm, calm, calm, and now there have been renewed
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attempts at offensives, their fixed, well, in particular , they tried to advance near the thorns, so far it seems that it was not successful, but here is the question, well, we all understood the goal there , kupiyans-klileman, but how would you assess the goal of these offensives... is it the goal of ensuring your offensive actions in the donetsk region, or is it still after all, what russian propaganda is trying to say now, that kharkiv, kharkiv, it’s all aimed at kharkiv, how would you rate it, they can say whatever they want, and what mr. budanov and president zelenskyi said about that it is possible that offensive actions will be precisely from the east of the east, east of from the east from... from the russian side, then this they had to say this, because many publications, analytical publications of our partners are abroad, they
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are constantly talking about it, these are things that seem to be completely true, most likely it will happen there, and therefore, well, people who oversee, well, civil servants , military personnel who oversee serious structures, they should say it out loud so that we all hear it, and not... not only look for information from various sources from various analysts, even if it is respectable publications, and they are abroad, so what you said is quite understandable, is there an exclusively political goal to seize donetsk and luhansk regions, will it come to the administrative borders, the borders of these regions of ours, well, some part is politically present, but most likely it is, after all, a military component, because it is not... more convenient to advance from exactly these directions, because it is the shortest, it is the shortest logistical path, that is, to deliver for the advancing army, you must constantly deliver something, constantly deliver ammunition, ammunition,
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fuel bridges, it cannot be brought immediately and unloaded somewhere, because it will be vulnerable for, well, for us, the mattress , we will launch more rockets there, so that it falls, so these must be small such warehouses and they must be constantly replenished, for this there must be a railway and just roads along which you can transport something quickly and constantly. to transfer it to the zero to the line to the front line, it is most convenient to do it precisely in the eastern direction, in the south it is quite possible, they even almost completed another one there the railway, the third such a logistical artery, but it is still a big logistical shoulder and you can't get it up quickly, during the offensive you need to be very fast, and the northern direction, it is not known whether there will be offensive actions from that side, because after all... with belarus , with lukashenko, there are, as i understand it, the russians, even putin, have certain difficulties there, let's put it this way, so it remains quite logical from a military point of view that they will
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try to advance. it's going to be directions, well i think this offensive has already started, and it won't happen that at the end of may , it's like a lesson learned there, and they've started an offensive, most likely they 'll just reinforce them, they're mobilizing, many more people are planning to mobilize, they're trying to create at least two more armies , not counting the other brigades or corps that they planned to create there, their defense minister shaigu said so, so i'm sure that there will be... just as long as they are forming it, these hostilities, especially during the kupinsky direction, most likely in the hoidar direction, it will be to continue and not, like a click and the big forces moved and left, no, they will just constantly press and strengthen, well, they already use such tactics, so to think that they will do something like this, well, why, this brings success so far they have small, but local successes,
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and from their logic, from their so... from their combat statutes, it is simply necessary to increase the pressure, then the promotion will be more significant, most likely they will do so, so i think that these offensive actions will not work in june peak, not peak, that is, it will already be the maximum pressure from their side, but they will not start immediately at the end of may, they will constantly intensify from today , depending on how much the russians manage to mobilize people and add more equipment and ammunition. well, everything that is necessary for the offensive, most likely, will happen that way. i can assume that kyrylo budanov, when he made his forecast, assumed that there is a redeployment of certain russian units there, there is some movement of them there, and from here more or less it is clear what they are aiming at, and the second question, this is probably what can now be called their actions, is an attempt to reach some certain boundaries from which
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they could, well, there... more or less there , make some throws to some certain cities , but most likely, maybe that’s how it should be, yes, well , i didn’t say that, well, it’s obvious, it seemed to me, it’s obvious, of course, including that they strengthen offensive actions where they have the largest concentration of manpower, well forces and means, people and equipment, it is to hide a large number of troops, well, even before it was extreme it's difficult, and now with space intelligence, well, it 's almost impossible, so we still don't know how they move, they try to concentrate, well, that's why mr. budanov made conclusions based on the information he has, whether it can change, yes, what they have learned to do more or less well, russians, is to move a relatively large number of troops along the front line, that is, they can transfer from city to city, and what you say, that they want to capture some bridgehead, well, a conditional bridgehead, from which they can continue to do offensive actions, when a large number of mobilized people will join, well, this is also
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quite from the military point of view... that's right, yes, this is usually done during offensive actions, that is, a certain, certain city is obtained, where you can then quickly pull forces and means and continue , try to advance further. well , by the way, you said an interesting thing about the fact that the russians were somehow able to move a certain number of troops quite successfully along the front line, and on the one hand, we constantly see such stories when the russians they collect a certain amount of armored vehicles there, they... they try to advance somewhere in a certain direction, they break something, sometimes they manage to advance, but the very fact that they manage to collect this armored vehicle near the front line and start an offensive with it means that they are somehow jamming our drones, which do not see this cluster and , accordingly, they do not destroy them even in the place of this cluster, or we simply have nothing
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to... destroy it, because, for example, let's look at such things were our statements, that is just recently we destroyed their powerful rebovsky complex there near some gas station, it seems that he was refueling there and we destroyed it, which means that we at least saw it, on the other hand, the russians also said that they managed to reach kharkiv district to destroy also when our complex stopped and they aimed there. and it is obvious that this was not the work of the agency, but rather the interaction of an unmanned reconnaissance drone of some kind and their artillery, and here is the question, but why do we not destroy they are these shock fists, well, there are some, what is your answer to this, well, here it is obvious, again the question...


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