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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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they didn't succeed, that's how sumy region held its defense two years ago at the beginning of the great invasion, further in our story. columns of russian heavy equipment crossed the border and entered sumy oblast around 5 am on february 24, 2022. first, the russians shelled the border settlements with hailstones, and then went with tanks and military equipment along the entire length of the border, which separates the sumy region of ukraine from russia. sumyshchyna has 564 kilometers of border with the aggressor country, and this imposes such a military imprint, because border, it is actually conditional, it is the same border that is on the contact line today. local residents and teroboron were the first to resist the enemy with molotov cocktails and small arms. the fiercest battles in the region were fought for okhta. due to the strategic
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location of the city, its capture was very important for the russian command. in the event of occupation, a direct route to poltava, myrhorod, gadyach and further to kyiv, as well as to kharkiv, was opened. lebedyn was bombed in the first days, but the biggest destruction was precisely that aerial bombing, at the beginning of the war, at the beginning of hostilities. artillery, when there were battles for trostyanets, seriously. trostyanets suffered, because there were just artillery duels there, there were artillery battles, and there are many objects in the konotop district. for 30 days, the russian occupying forces bombarded residential areas of the region with heavy artillery and dropped bombs on them. hundreds of buildings were damaged and destroyed, dozens of critical infrastructure facilities were destroyed, but sumy region survived.
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they fired at a kindergarten and another regular one civil infrastructure, when the occupier collected and took away the lives of our people, here the heart of ukraine felt pain, because for which sumy oblast, ukrainians chose protection. on april 7, the vast majority of russian forces left the territory. which region for some time, small groups of russian servicemen were still in the liberated territories, hiding or trying to cross the border on their own. on april 11, units of the fifth border detachment restored control over previously uncontrolled sections of the state border of ukraine in the sumy region. well, here are the two-year anniversaries that... to sumy oblast, by the way,
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as we will now speak there with the commander of the third company of the eighth voluntary formation of the territorial community and the deputy chairman of the sumy district council. volodymyr bitsak is in touch with our studio. mr. volodymyr, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, as always, the north-eastern outpost of our state's defense welcomes you. but how does it look for you in the last few days, because we saw that they just want to make some ruined, ruined, gray area along. the russian border, how has the number of these attacks, where they wanted and used heavy aerial bombs, decreased now, or is everything the same as it was? well, at the present time, it ’s all relative, as if on april 8 there was a rocket-bombing attack on the city of bilopyllu in the center for the current two days, if without these shellings, that is, without guided... bombs, but
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there were about 117 explosions over the past day in sumy oblast, what to expect from these mad neighbors, it’s hard to say, they are firing mortars from artillery, what is this is flying in, which means that now, at the moment, it is our own information that barrel artillery is now hitting the city of bilopyl, there are flights over the city itself, again over the second populated area. there is also the dropping of vogs from half of the drones, there are also mortar attacks, so they, they are of the same type, well, they are different, but the same type every day, the only thing that maximally, let’s say, causes people to panic a little, is aerial bombs, which i have repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to ask our partners for weapons to shoot down planes on the territory of russia, and by the way, the president of ukraine yesterday it... proclaimed, appealed to partners
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with a request, a demand to provide these weapons, and we are talking about these f16s, which are the only ones that can shoot down planes on approach before they launch. these soviet winged bombs, but unfortunately, so far it's all in the form of promises, appeals, although they promised for spring, and the spring turned out to be hot, look, i even have an update from the energy company detek, here are two more thermal power plant objects for the morning , the heat generation was destroyed, but yesterday i saw that in velika pyserivka, where it arrived, yes... my god, they partially restored something there, even in terms of electricity, how are you doing with that, i have such information, really, if it wasn’t for this, it sounded kind of strange, but the people in the great scribe are now returning, the power supply is being restored, and not only
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this is already a big paperwork, we also have such a border community of yunokivska, there was also no electricity, no water, no internet for 10 days, and on that... a week after the ten-day, shall we say, blackout, the power supply was connected , that's why we, well, the electricians, thanks to them, the energy industry, restore what the rashists are doing, yes, but especially where the volunteer russian anti-putin units worked, it was the hottest there, that’s why i’m actually asking how it is there in bilopilla, opposite my aunt, how is the decoration... in nopilla the situation looks like, well, you big bitch have already mentioned, because it is opposite the gray voron, that is, there are very clear places where the rdk worked, where the legion of freedom of russia worked, they were beaten there the most, and
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accordingly we were surprised when we were told that even in such conditions, where there is actually recommended be sure to bring out people through this zone, where do we start to sow and plow in the gardens, that farmers really work even in this border zone? no, agrarians, unfortunately, do not work in this five-kilometer zone, they are not allowed to do so, and people who own their own, let's say, in their own yards, how can you forbid them, let's say, to plow their plot, so there are also... scribes, as i said, and in bilopilla, where, let's say, where the rdk worked in that direction, people in ryzhik also, although there is no light there, and it is practically impossible to repair it, because ryzyk divides the border is divided in half by the half-ukrainian village of roshiyskyi, that's why people are really
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returning, but i have information for you from ryzhivki, the village of tyotkina, i read their publications, russian ones, then there they are from u... nothing to be surprised about, the sumy cossacks are about 100 m away and there, respectively, the country of the masters a country of slaves, and this is amazing, because in fact you say that the border separates one village, and how big is the gap between those people, even though the slaves raised riots, but
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the herd cannot raise a riot, so they are there , gurgling in orsk, even bowing to the minister in the same way, and putin asks, well, such and such nature. this, this people of the horde, mr. volodymyr, have a peaceful day, thank you for the morning, heroes, glory, volodymyr bitsak, commander of the third company of the eighth voluntary formation of the territorial community and at the same time the deputy chairman of the sumy district council on the situation on the border on the russian-ukrainian sumyshchyna and what's going on at sea now, let's try to ask a little about the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces. forces of ukraine dmytro pletenchuk in contact with our studio, captain of the third rank, mr. captain, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations studio, i congratulate the audience, well, they decided today, first with mopeds, and then with all types of missiles, in this case,
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the black sea water area, well, except for the classic departure of the southern shaheds, was dangerous, they have something there to hit from the south. now all the circumstances of the night's events are being clarified, we can state the presence of one project 636 submarine in the sea, this is the warsaw. "she is a carrier of cruise missiles, and it is possible that she was also used at night, at least she is now at sea, if this information is confirmed, then we can to state that the enemy has decided on a tactic, in principle it was expected, and as we can see, this tactic boils down to the use of submarines, but for now it is too early to draw conclusions, it is for now..." another assumption, in fact one unit in the sea, there is nothing in azov, we will
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follow the development of events during the day. mr. dmitry, but we have something, well, with their surface cruisers and other ships, logically we have, as we know and know how, and with submarines we have something , what to fight, any submarine. does not live under water, it's not spongebob, it's still going to go back to base, it's still going to be there, and the rostov on the bottom, the submarine, was destroyed just above the surface during the repair, so of course tactically it's a difficult target, of course however, she still won't go anywhere in the atlantic. after that, it will remain in the water area of ​​the azov-black sea region,
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they will not be able to leave the water area quietly, for example, through the bosphorus, because it is prohibited by international conventions and technically it will also be very difficult, so anyway they remain here and in case of which one should not forget that they are quite vulnerable at such moments. mr. dmytro, the divers are asking to keep these submarines for them in the future as well as the moscow cruiser, so let's hope that you will hear the voice of our divers in the near future, but i also wanted to ask you about crimea, where their launchers are chasing we more or less understand where these shaheds fly from, we see that we can work in the air over, i don't know whether it is over the crimea or over the sea, but this... 1 k27, why did they become impudent and flew
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closer to us, do we have anything to impress now these rotorcraft, well, it is most likely that it was another friendly fire, yes, which is always accurate, as they say, so in principle, given that , that recently they did the same with the plane, there is no reason to be surprised. because we generally said that it was never impossible, because there are at least civilians, they heard about the recognition system for this, their foreign uncle putin , this system is foreign, it can never happen, but it happened with the plane, and now it can happen with with this helicopter, is this system invented or does it work poorly? i will explain why when this system is activated. in fact, on all monitoring systems, this object
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starts flashing like a christmas tree, because it accordingly transmits this information, who he is, where he is, and of course the military simply turns it off periodically and that's all, and the frightened crimean ppooshniks, they either really want a medal or don't really want to figure out later what they missed, so they talk about... a helicopter, it was opposite chornomorskyi, let's say this, it's quite far from us, and again, i will not claim that it was the russians themselves who did it, because later it may turn out that it was not, but i can only state the fact that there was an explosion in the air, and after that it turned out to be heavier than air, ugh then the second part drowned, so they turn them off periodically
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so that no one sees them, well , accordingly, the result is this, mr. dmitry, look, everything is already on, as they say, in the palm of your hand , everything is obvious, i am talking about extreme shelling, for example , there, who was from the crimea to ochakov, and all the things they create at night, the logic is the same as in... sumy region and kharkiv region, well, that is, to make such an area unfit for life, taking the lives of the people of mykolaiv, kherson and odesa out of the infrastructure. survival, but in this case, looking even at this extreme shelling of ochakov, we have the opportunity to conduct, well, let's say this, at such a short distance , a counter-battery response such that they shut up and no longer terrorize the shore, so they shut up, the problem is that that those
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who are suffocated are simply taken out in packages and brought in others, and that's it, they get the answer to... on kinburn constantly, constantly have losses there, as well, this is an ordinary positional war, yes, unfortunately, kinburg, kinburg, i apologize, unfortunately, ochakiv suffers from the use of various types of weapons, especially skinburn, but nevertheless no one is sitting silently and they are also suffering losses, so, unfortunately, until this territory is cleared, they will have. such an opportunity using conventional, so to speak, short-range artillery systems. well, yes, that is, they actually go to the spit, this is a one-way ticket side, i understand correctly, for our artillerymen, it is not a difficult target, even phividrons actually work there, that is, the distance there allows
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the use of such types of weapons from both sides, so... again, this situation is the same as, for example, with the left bank, there is basically nothing new here. thank you for the prompt information, captain of the third rank dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman of the naval forces from the armed forces, was with us, we will take a short break, try to get more recent information from odesa, it was difficult and hot there yesterday, and... tonight, as of this morning, we will find out in a few minutes, be with espresso, but even if you are running to work, remember that we are in your pocket, we are in youtube, and therefore in your gadgets 24x7, everything you need, and our programs and our guests, and that, these stories, video plots that we show you, all this is available to you on youtube,
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stronger together. and we're back, thanks for watching and good morning to those who joined aiterespresso. we already have updated operational information, specifically from the southern regions of ukraine. there, combat work lasted for 5 hours and a massive attack continued during the day regions, initially there were a lot of drones, 21 drones were destroyed in the course of the combat work of air defense forces, seven in odesa region, eight in mykolaiv region, three were shot down in kherson and dnipropetrovsk regions, respectively, but in odesa the fragments of downed drones fell, there was a fire on the territory of one of the energy facilities, the fire was extinguished, no people were injured there, in the mykolaiv region, fragments of downed drones fell in an open area, and there is no information about the destruction at all. but in the morning the enemy attacked en masse with various types rockets were different there, but we were talking about zaporizhzhia a few minutes ago, there were guided missile bombs
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and missiles fired from tactical aircraft, two missiles were destroyed by air defense forces, it is true that there was a hit, and one of them was damaged in the zaporizhia district objects of the energy infrastructure, we still do not know the extent of damage there, but absolutely on the same objects... after all, they were pounding and pounding in odesa this night, no exception. a deputy of the odesa city council is in touch with us petro obukhov. mr. peter, congratulations. glory to ukraine. glory, congratulations. unfortunately, in odesa with the injured, unfortunately, victims, and unfortunately, again, a child, 10, a 10-year-old girl. well, i understand that these are missiles, that's the situation here, but as far as it was not. expected, or people did not have time to hide, or simply ignored? well, as far as i understand, it happened in an open area, in the region,
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near, near the gas station, well, that is, i think that there are no storage facilities there, well, in principle, this is impossible in the entire region, all open spaces to cover with vaults, and to be honest, i don't know exactly what was behind it, because i was still talking in the morning. that this gas station is still burning, that is, that is where they died, look, we are not informed, but they posted photos, well , official ones, in which you can see the cars and the truck, so you can see it, so you can, you can think about it, well i think that this is exactly the gas station, i think that it just doesn't make any sense and it's not clear where people could hide in principle. it is clear, but it made some sense for them to hit there, there is something for they are interested in whether it is just that, well, they hit it there, and it flew there, well, as far as i
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have seen, we have one in odessa, more precisely, in telegram there is such a public, which is run by russians, which is dedicated to odessa, called typical odessa, and well, they are very pro-russian there, they report on all arrivals. some, well, i don't know how to say it, just greedy, these send them photos, and thanks to this, you can see what happened there, unfortunately, after each hit, some such bastard sends photos there and you can see what happened hitting railway tracks and a railway train, i.e. they are aiming at transport, of course, they want to cut off, probably somehow... some kind of railway connection, mr. peter, you mentioned it, i immediately remember the heated discussions about telegram and we see that all kinds of some kind of junk or some other telegram.
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there are enough channels, but in this case it is already about security from the point of view of providing information to the russians, you did not aim there, adjust the strike there, because in fact it is an adjustment, and that is exactly what happened, because they were hitting this city somewhere three times yesterday by ballistic missiles, and this public published photos after each hit and you can see how the destruction is increasing there, and cyber cyber threats... security services can't calculate all these greedy adjusters? they periodically arrest some people, they show this correspondence with the fsb, where these people report, here we saw the military there, here almost every day such news, it just doesn't fit in my head. and many more of these people, i remember them, these aggressive , stubborn people who ran with the mayors, from markovo. and
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any other, you know, we, we have yesterday, we have three such dates in the city, uh, which are often used by pro-russian forces, yesterday was april 10, the day of the liberation of odessa from the fascist invaders during the second world war, well on may 9 and may 2, and yesterday, and every april 10, we lay flowers on the walk of fame and on the monument... on the square on april 10 and yesterday there were police, there were frames, and people were allowed in, but very, very few people came, all of them are those who are waiting for russian peace, they behave very quietly, they do not are showing, this is the last news that there was, that they detained two representatives of the caucasian state, they do not say which one, who came here to spy, they were photographed directly, they were piled up right next to our headquarters there.
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of the active command, as they photographed it, well, that is, maybe the local ones are already running out, and russia has to send foreigners here. and what is the effect, actually, because you mentioned that for russia, for the russian-fascist invaders, it’s something like this, these chekists love symbolism, but the 80th anniversary of liberation from german-fascist invaders, and what are we going to do, let's fire a lot of rockets. and here these hungry people go as if to lay flowers against the invaders, rockets fly at them, what is the effect? well, in fact, after the beginning of the invasion in odessa, there were radical changes in public opinion, and a very large number, a very large percentage of people who had pro-russian views, they changed them, and this is shown by sociological surveys, and also the attitude of people, and even
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can be heard more often. ukrainian is spoken on the streets, that is, in fact, the majority of people understood who the enemy is, well, yes, and you, accordingly, we still have literally one minute, i wanted to ask you now, it is so safe, even during an air raid , the odessans behave, because the people of kharkiv, the odessans are the same, and there is a lot of chatter, and they play football they play, lay down after the explosion, got up and ran again, it was like in kharkiv, you know, after we... a month ago, 12 people died, including four children, so you can see many more people in the parking lot, well , that is, but some of the odessa residents, unfortunately, left from the city, that is, it can be said that it is already reacting, it is reacting like this more than before, of course, mr. peter, at least today is a peaceful day, otherwise the russian-fascist invaders decided to celebrate with rocket strikes on odesa... actions
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allies back in the second world war, now it's time to hand over the baton to khrystyna paroba and the team of journalists, they quickly gathered information for you while we were communicating with the regions. khrystyna, so the information is updated, as of this morning, you have my word. congratulations, roman, thank you, yes, about the russian consequences, the consequences of the russian attack, i will tell you in the issue, as well as the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment. espresso news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. energy infrastructure is targeted once again in a massive attack at night and dawn. russian terrorists hit
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the objects. and transmission systems in kharkiv.


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