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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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plus drones hit the energy facility of the infrastructure of the lviv region, namely the gas distribution infrastructure - this is a stryshchyna they hit from three sides, and the substation in the chervonograd district, this is what the lviv regional military administration said, and now a moment of silence for all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war . let's observe a moment of silence. memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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at night and in the morning, i again attacked energy facilities in four ukrainian cities regions, these are kharkiv, lviv, lviv and zaporizhzhia. during the night, the regions attacked the uav; in the morning, the bombers fired missiles. they worked even at night, but not all people's deputies in the session hall during the second reading considered part of the amendments to the bill on mobilization. we will talk about this in more detail with representatives of the people's servants, and we will also ask under what conditions the convicts will be mobilized. yesterday, in the first reading, the council approved such a bill. anton ptushkin's film: we, our pets and the war collected. uah 2,300 for
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the first weekend - writes forbes. this is a record for a documentary film. why did the tape appeal to ukrainians so much? we will also discuss. in the comments, write where you are watching us from, what is the situation in your city, especially if it is kharkiv oblast. according to preliminary data, the situation with electricity supply is difficult there, so write us what is the security situation in your region, as of now. tonight under... in the morning, russian troops attacked ukrainian energy facilities with attack drones, cruise missiles and air-ballistic missiles dagger. the minister of energy of ukraine, herman galushchenko, reported that generation facilities and transmission systems in the kharkiv, zaporizhzhya, lviv, and kyiv regions were attacked. the energy company dtek clarified that their two thermal power plants came under fire, and the company's equipment was seriously damaged. in lviv oblast, cruise missiles and uavs attacked a gas distribution facility. structures in
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the stryi district and the electric substation in chervonohradskiy were reported to the lviv regional military administration. fires they quickly extinguished it, there are no victims, they say. well, a critical infrastructure object was also attacked in kyiv region, said ruslan kravchenko, head of the kyiv regional military administration. in the comments , i remind you that you have the opportunity to write what the situation is in your region and, in particular, what the situation was with shelters, this is an important topic that we constantly raise here on svoboda broadcasts. in order to understand how security is in ukrainian cities during the recent missile attacks , in particular according to the ukrainian authorities energy infrastructure, and this morning is no exception to this, at least four oblasts, i remind you, according to preliminary data , suffered as a result of attacks on energy facilities, these are zaporizhzhia, lviv region, kyiv region, as well as kharkiv region, the situation in kharkiv is very difficult, this has been repeatedly mentioned all the representatives declared. and the kharkiv
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authorities, and they have also stated this repeatedly in kharkiv itself , a radio liberty correspondent in kharkiv is now joining our broadcast in kharkiv, as of 5:30 a.m. at least 10 strikes specifically on critical infrastructure, ova claimed. anna chernenko is already in touch with us. anya, i congratulate you, tell me what the current situation is and whether more than 200,000 subscribers in the kharkiv region are really without electricity? so. congratulations, we officially have such data as of this morning, in fact, without exaggeration, the whole of kharkiv woke up at 5 a.m., because we were hit by more than a dozen strikes, these were previously s-300s, they were the ones who hit, they hit the energy infrastructure, our energy, but again we have damage, which is surrounded by, let's say, residential buildings, full losses are still being calculated, and our energy workers, our... rescuers are still working on the ground, so accordingly, due to
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security reasons, we cannot show this process, i want to say what about disconnections, indeed, the first reports are 200,000 subscribers without power in kharkivska. oblast, what about the city, the first thing we felt, around 5:30 in the morning, was the mayor of kharkiv igor terikhov, he announced that the subway would not work, according to his information, let's say, the next few hours, what's next, we'll wait, now the subway is not working and it's only working in shelter mode, that is, i remind people who want to avoid alarms, or hear explosions, they can go down to the subway and wait there for ... all this, let's say yes, it is a difficult time, regarding blackouts in kharkiv, we are waiting for information, for example, in my district, there is still light in it, in fact, it is with bated breath, we all waited after each strike to see if the light would turn off, or if the water would disappear, until regarding water supply and
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electricity, updated data from kharkivska of the city council and energy experts, we are still waiting, now the main thing that was affected by this strike is the metro, and... in addition to kharkiv, i want to say that, unfortunately, we had more than a dozen settlements under the strikes, and of them seven - these are airstrikes, and in particular , three people were killed by airstrikes in july yesterday, two women and a 14-year-old girl, a child, in addition, there were strikes on vovchansk, a hospital there was destroyed, i also want to say that with regard to energy, we cannot fully assess the state of the sphere we can, because the previous ones are just as much big... there were blows and it all overlapped one another, let's say. hanna, thank you, keep it up, that's all we can say. hanna chernenko, rfe/rl correspondent from kharkiv, about the security situation there. well, i remind you that in the comments, write to us from where you see us, what is the situation in your
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region in terms of energy infrastructure, russian forces this morning, as well as during the night, struck the territory of ukraine, we are talking about different ukrainian regions, but for example zaporizhzhia, kharkiv, lviv region, kyiv region, these are for the money. those of power the regions that were affected and where the hits of various types of own weapons used by the russian army were recorded, we are talking about both missiles and drones. nataliya gumenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the southern defense forces, is joining our broadcast at this moment, ms. natalya, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations to you, glory to the heroes, thank you for finding the opportunity to join, please tell me , what are the results of the night and morning attack specifically in the south of ukraine, what can we say as of now and to what extent... it was the energy infrastructure that was affected, so you absolutely correctly noted that the enemy's attack was also aimed at energy facilities in our operational zone, mainly mykolayiv region, odesa region, this is the most concentrated direction on the part
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of the russians to destroy the potential of these regions, in odesa region, it was possible to shoot down seven drones, unfortunately, with fragments of one. knocked down, caused by ignition at the power plant, the fire has already been extinguished, the consequences are being clarified, fortunately, people were not injured and there was no disconnection of subscribers, in the mykolaiv region eight drones were destroyed, debris fell in an open area, fortunately there were no casualties or destruction, three more drones were destroyed in kherson oblast and dnipropetrovsk oblast, here without... sad consequences, but the attack did not end there, in fact, everyone watched it , that after the shahed waves, the enemy directed strategic aviation planes, as well as tactical aviation planes from the equator of the sea of ​​azov, were
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directed at zaporizhzhia, guided air missiles damaged the object in the zaporizhzhia district of energy, although the air defense forces managed to launch two missiles. shot down, information about the victims was also not received, firefighting is still ongoing, energy throughout the country, in principle , suffered during the strikes, the enemy also had the goal of weakening our air defense, because during the repulse of the drone attack , an anti-radar missile x was directed at odeshchyna -31, it lost its combat capability over the black sea, but the enemy's intention is absolutely clear. well, what has already become such a main feature is that before with a massive attack, the enemy puts the carrier rocket on combat duty and yesterday evening the submarine reappeared in the black sea, not far from the demarcation lines,
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although we did not record the use of missiles. panitali, if i may briefly conclude, this tactic, if you can call it that new, used by the russian army, in fact, when first the drones are launched, then the bomb is lifted into the air. to what extent it is effective or not, and the ukrainian side, the ukrainian air defense, have already learned to understand how it works in practice, and understood, actually, i don't know how, there to overcome all those rockets in the air. and all those air targets that the russian army launches. yes, actually, we understood, and one more thing, the fact that the enemy includes ballistics in such attacks, just emphasizes the fact that they understand that our effective work will not satisfy them, and therefore they need ballistics that will be more effective, will what to report to the military-political leadership. thank you very much, ms. natalya, for finding the opportunity to get involved. natalia humenyuk, head of the united of the coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, colonel, the guest of our broadcast, we talked about southern ukraine, which today
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also suffered as a result of a missile attack by russian forces. well, let's go to a topic that is also of interest to ukrainians, the topic of mobilization, amendments to the bill on mobilization were considered until late at night in the verkhovna rada, there were more than 4 thousand of them. people's deputies discussed the amendments for 11 hours. if the proceedings were started from the full hall of parliament, only three remained before the end of the proceedings in the hall. people's deputies yaroslav zheleznyak, people's elector wrote in his telegram. although for the adoption of any amendments, there must be 226 votes. the final consideration of the draft law should take place today. the council will vote for 31 amendments from the specialized committee and after that will put the law to a vote in the hall as a whole. people's deputy solomiya bobrovska from the national security, defense and intelligence committee noted on her own facebook that people's deputies had no right to continue the meeting at all , given the empty hall and no amendment from dep'. had no chance of passing, i know that there are a lot of different opinions about this
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bill, i am very sorry that it really did not become what the military would like to see, would it be about demobilization, that it is about the absence of motivation, i hope that we can at least the question of motivation, but it is a shame that we actually allowed such a story in principle. from what is currently known about the text of the draft law, the committee on national security and defense excluded the provision on the demobilization of the rotation of servicemen from of the government's own draft law on mobilization, allegedly at the request of commander syrskyi, the government insists that the issue of demobilization and rotation should be included in a separate draft law. fedir venislavskyi, member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, representative of the servant of the people. joins our broadcast, mr. fedor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, thank you for joining, i understand that
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the day before yesterday, people's deputies who sat until late at night, there were more than 30 of them, still went through all 4 thousand edits, are there any which rejected, which supported, please tell us about it, well, all the legislative amendments that the committee took into account in its conclusion will be considered today at the plenary session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, those that the committee rejected, people's deputies yesterday, colleagues who introduced them , had the opportunity to put it to a vote, and accordingly, none of those amendments that were rejected by the committee found support in the room, i think that the colleagues studied the conclusion of the committee in advance, studied the comparative table that was given to them yesterday and could form their point of view, what to vote for, what not to vote for, respectively, those amendments that applied yesterday to 2 o'clock in the morning until today. by today's 2 o'clock in the morning and afternoon, they did not find support in the hall,
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accordingly, they were all rejected. and how could they find support in the hall, if there were not even the necessary number of deputies so that this support in the hall could be in case of something, well, your colleagues on the committee, in particular solomiya bobrovska, we have already quoted her video, which she wrote down and she says that the hall was basically empty, and there was no way that even those amendments proposed by the people's deputies could have support in the hall, you know, the people's deputies of ukraine. can familiarize themselves with those proposals, if they believe that they should be supported, they would come and support them, it was probably already clear that i do not have these, these amendments that were put to the vote, which, let's say, destroy the concept of the law, which in the final version , after actually three months of daily work , a committee was created, but there was no point in them to support, that's why, you know, i don't see any problems with this, although i agree that the law, which is the law, is so important. which is aimed at improving the legislation on mobilization, on military military service, on local
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self-government, on the legal regime of martial law, on local state administrations, on military-civilian administrations and so on, they should be, you know, more present in the hall and to discuss, at least to defend one or another position, but the committee was represented on the parliamentary rostrum, three speakers were selected in turn, we took turns standing on the podium and answering questions about why... it was the committee that made this or that decision, i think that in principle everyone was satisfied with the committee's answer and the work of the committee, because this, by the way, was noted by many speakers, including those who do not share. the concept of the law, but everyone noted that the committee approached this bill very professionally. mr. fedor, please explain what's next, well, yesterday the deputies actually considered the amendments, they supported did not find it, but still went through all the amendments made by the deputies. what will happen today and will there be a final vote on the bill on mobilization today and what will it look like? well, yesterday
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the parliament decided to invite the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, the chief of the general staff, to the parliamentary hall. commander of the joint operations forces, today the parliament will give them the opportunity to speak, to convey their point of view, but coming back to what to what you talked about, here it is necessary to legally, purely legally, clearly explain that the legal subject of the legislative initiative introduced by this draft law was the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, and the day before yesterday the cabinet of ministers of ukraine sent to cancel those provisions that in this case will be regulated by separate laws, therefore this is the area of ​​responsibility of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, the committee listened to these recommendations. as for today, after the speeches representatives of the military top military leadership of the armed forces, the parliament will proceed to continue consideration of this draft law, we are left with those legislative amendments that are balanced, coherent, systematic, which, let's say,
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were finally formulated by the committee, and today there will be an opportunity for those who wish to submit these amendments for confirmation , if they are supported, then there will be a final vote on the bill, and it has every chance of becoming a law today. you say that they expect someone to come to the hall today commander-in-chief, you, as a deputy, actually from the specialized committee, i don't know how often you manage to communicate, in particular with representatives of the general staff and the chief of staff, do you have any questions about this bill that you would like to ask him in the hall? personally, i don't have any questions, because in the process of considering these issues related to the draft law... in the committee, we held a whole round of closed meetings, where we were told in secret, secret reports and the information that convinced us that exactly such a concept of the draft law, which was requested in the final version, today it will ensure the preservation of our state, statehood, independence and adequate repulsion of the enemy, because it must be understood that we
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certainly cannot compete on a human level with the enemy, but when... the enemy every month 200,300,400 thousand people are calling for their armed forces there, and i think somewhere by the end of the summer , this number is likely to reach another 500,000, and against this background, we have some opportunities for discharge from military service, but we do not have replenishment mechanisms these released, so i think you know here, the question, the question between a difficult and a very difficult choice, because on the one hand we understand that militarily... soldiers who are at the front, they really get tired morally, physically, psychologically , and on the other hand, we understand that the enemy did not get his intentions to destroy us as a state, and we have to resist it and be ready for it. mr. fedor, briefly, if i may, if we understood correctly yesterday the spokesman of the ministry of defense, he said that the new draft law on mobilization, precisely on the instructions of the committee on national security, defense and
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intelligence, it will be 8 months to work it out, how much is the required period of 8 months and how much is it... for those soldiers who are actually in positions for two years, three years, that for another 8 months this issue will actually be considered. well, unfortunately, the quote that was given above, well, again, it does not correspond to the actual reality either in the first or in the other case. i really wonder why representatives of the ministry of defense, speakers of the ministry of defense do not know what the leadership of the ministry of defense says at the committee, because on the one hand, the committee is not on the issue. of national security, defense and intelligence gives a mandate to the cabinet of ministers, in this law , in the transitional provisions, we give a mandate to the cabinet of ministers of ukraine to develop a model for the release from military service of military personnel who have served a certain period of military service, and secondly, a period of eight months in our recommendation, which will be there are no transitional provisions, i.e. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, as soon as it is ready to submit this
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draft law to the parliament for consideration, as soon as it develops a concept, a model and presents it in the form of a text, it will be... considered by the parliament, there is no deadline of eight months, tell me also, please, thank you, it is important that you clarified, because it is on the network, different information appears, and you need to understand what it is about, one more nuance that was spread across telegram channels yesterday, about the fact that employers allegedly oblige they will deliver workers to the assembly points of territorial picking centers, and the amendment that could remove this norm there was allegedly rejected, in particular, nardepnyak wrote about this, what is it about, please explain how it will look in practice, is it really there by force? the employer must take the employee and bring him to the tsc, if he understands that he is obliged to serve in the military, this is how it will look, so that it is also clearly understood and various misinformation about this is not spread , well, look, as of today, the draft law on mobilizations. preparation and mobilization, mobilization measures are a complex of systemic, interconnected actions of many subjects, including local self-government bodies, local executive bodies, enterprises, institutions,
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organizations, educational, social protection, medical institutions, and so on , but in practice, since there are no mechanisms for the implementation of this duty, the representatives of the tsc de facto remain one-on-one with the tasks set before them by the state, therefore, in this draft law, we returned, let's say, common sense and clearly defined the respective duties of the relevant bodies in the processes of mobilization promotion, therefore enterprises, institutions, organizations, and local self-government bodies, local state administrations and other subjects, they are obliged to ensure the implementation of certain mobilization measures, accordingly, they must ensure in including the appearance of employees at the territorial center for the selection of social support to update their personal data, or through electronic offices, if they want to... create them, that is, we are now, see, for in order to avoid any speculation, it must be clearly understood, this law is not about how to capture the maximum number of people now there and from there and take them to the army, the main
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conceptual goal of this law is for the state to clearly understand which of the conscripts can to be mobilized, who has the right to a deferment from the draft, who is reserved, in order, for example, not to waste human, material, or time resources for... handing out a summons or the need to update personal data in someone who has the right to postponement, that is why we have now established the obligation within 60 days for everyone, for me, for you, for any military person obliged to clarify their military personal data, and then the state will clearly understand that if a person is abroad, this is a question of why it is necessary to clarify the data for citizens living abroad, so that we do not send them summonses and do not physically go to those places of their registration where... they have not physically lived there for a year, two, three years, so conceptual the goal is to put order in military accounting, further the state will be in accordance with those legal grounds that allow or do not allow
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to mobilize, or on the contrary not to mobilize certain categories of persons. finally , very briefly, yesterday telegram channels also began to publish information on a very large scale that allegedly citizens who will not even be at the address indicated in the tsc and will not physically receive the summons, then it will be considered served on them, according to the reception with the project that will be considered by the parliament that will vote. is it true or not? see about subpoena, this is definitely not the case, because we aim to clearly understand that we need, as i said, to update all the personal data of all conscripts, since we set a 60-week period in the law, then this is already a mechanism, if a person does not fulfilled her duty, at the address where she lives, a message was received that she should appear, either through the electronic office or through the center for providing administrative services, to clarify the data, but she does not do this. then, and everyone knows that the law came into force in 60 days if there is, then it is absolutely natural that it can be considered that the person is properly informed, he has already failed to fulfill the requirement, and accordingly,
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certain negative consequences may be applied to him. thank you very much, mr. fedor, for joining in and clarifying what will happen with the bill on mobilization in the future. fedir vienislavskyi, member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, representative of the servant of the people faction, guest of our broadcast. well, how do ukrainians evaluate the government's actions regarding mobilization rules? we asked the residents about the new draft law kyiv, chernihiv and kropyvnytskyi, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that these polls are not sociological research, so they may not reflect the objective situation, but this is what those who were asked by our correspondents answered? dragged out very much, that is , it's not just done on time and with quality, it 's just done so that it's done as it were, there are always some improvements, corrections, uncorrected works are constantly being introduced, bills that are just vague. are not clearly expressed, and no one knows anything, what to feel fully. if not demobilization, that means they don't prepare a mobilization reserve, if they don't prepare a mobilization reserve, then we won't win
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the war, the actions of the authorities are manifested in the tcc, yes, the tcc takes people off the street, in general, i just don't like this model of the army, i like the model an army that is built on a volunteer basis needs to provide motivational appeal to make people want to go, and for that you need what. command staff, high-quality training, patronage service, so that when a fighter is injured, to follow him looked, watched, i think that in most cases the law is correct, but someone has to defend our country, every young person, every man must go to war, defend, they will come here if we do not defend, it is very unfair that , that they do not remobilize those men who already... my nephew has served for two years and more, he has been serving since march 22nd, well, i personally do not like the way they are delaying the adoption
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of the law, so i would like , so that this from... happened earlier, because the process of mobilization, he is long and requires time to prepare the reserve, accordingly, the later we accept it, the less chance that it will be successful. unsatisfactory assessment, because in fact the law on mobilization needed changes in the first year of the war, literally, because it was necessary to immediately think strategically and prepare reserves for our for our defenders, and now... they are actually exhausted and do not have the ability to rotate, precisely due to the fact that this draft law and in general this law-making activity was completely failed. tonight, the russian forces the federations launched a combined strike with missiles of various types and warheads. the main direction of the attack was lviv region - the air force of the armed forces of ukraine reported. air defense forces of ukraine managed to destroy 57 air targets, 18 missiles and 39 attack drones. in these
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minutes before the broadcast. the morning is joined by ilya yevlash, the spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. ilya, good morning. greetings, glory to ukraine studio. kudos to the heroes, thank you for joining. what are the consequences of a morning attack and a night attack, actually by russian forces on the territory ukraine, from where, what did the russian army aim at, and to what extent is it a common tactic of using, in particular, daggers during these attacks? well, unfortunately, we once again witnessed missile terror from the russian federation. literally from 10 in the evening, yesterday, until almost 6 in the morning. today's enemy continued to terrorize our civilian population using missiles, attack uavs and other weapons at his disposal. in addition, the enemy used its missiles, hypersonic dagger kh-47, with which it tried to hit the objects of our fuel and energy infrastructure. also, at the same time as the mass, combined attack was taking place, the enemy was cynically hitting kharkiv with its s-300 and
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s-400 missiles. of all missiles were used on our kharkov, unfortunately, the s-300 is a rather powerful weapon that has been reprogrammed from the ground-to-air class, ground-to-ground overlay, so they use them as ballistic missiles, it is quite difficult to intercept them, so the enemy tries take advantage of the proximity to kharkiv and deliver powerful strikes with these large powerful missiles, in addition, also the enemy also used its strategic aircraft tu-95 ms. from the alenihorsk region , these nine strategic bombers came out, which from the saratov region launched x101 missiles at us, also at our fuel and critical infrastructure, only 20 such missiles were fired, we managed to destroy 16 missiles, quite a good result, of course, that we still have
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a lot to strive for, to knock down... all 100%, so that our people do not suffer, our critical infrastructure does not suffer, but we are working at the limit of possibilities, the enemy also used and 40 attack uavs of the shahed type, which perform rather complex maneuvers, mainly they perform a distracting role when the enemy attacks with various types of their missiles, that is how four x-59 type missiles, guided air missiles, were also used. two of which we managed to destroy, also several more drones were landed by our electronic warfare forces, so they will be sent for further study and to find out more about their tactical and technical characteristics. ilya, but this route, over which russian missiles and drones fly, is theirs maneuvers, how much more difficult it has become to shoot down both drones and missiles, and how effective these combined attacks, which the russian federation has been using recently, in particular on the energy infrastructure, are quite often for them, well, let's
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say, the result... and effective, that's how you can evaluate ? well, they realized that ballistics is the most effective option for them, as we can see, even the use of these hypersonic missiles, the enemy today used six types of daggers, yes, unfortunately, they are quite difficult to shoot down, so there is a problem with this, we also we see the reformatting of s-300 anti-aircraft missiles, and which they use from front-line areas and inflict damage on them, now the main task is to increase the number of air defense, echeloned air defense, which can operate at short, medium and long distances , each link of which will perform its task, because, for example, for smaller targets like tam shahed, of course, it is more effective to use anti-aircraft guns, such as the cheetah type, and not the patriot, so we have a very large...


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