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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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killing in ukraine, that is, it fits very well with what we read in the washington post recently about his plan to pressure ukraine into giving up some of our territory in exchange for, who knows, what. well, the second point is also eloquent, it means that cameron was going to meet with the speaker of the house of representatives in order to convince of the need, both for the united states and for europe, for america to help ukraine. but such a meeting. did not happen, and it is clear, clear such, you know, a rather bold hint, i am not talking about the existence of one of the key trumpians in the house of representatives, margery taylor green, who is threatening the speaker with removal from office, and actually the coven that is happening now, if you read the twitter accounts of these mages, that is, these trumpians, how they oppose, by the way, very good the financial times article, where... it is actually said that
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the republican party, well, is actually pro-russian, it has become not only just broadcasting the propaganda theses of the kremlin, but actually protecting the interests of the kremlin, so in these conditions, it is not that the administration does not wants, on the contrary, she wants to accept that this bill is adopted and is even trying to find some kind of understanding, because it is clear that the congressmen are not going to vote. the same law that was voted on in the senate a few months ago, and now we are waiting for an option, there is an option of brian fitzpatrick, a little less defense aid, and there is no economic aid to ukraine, there are two competing bills that made it possible to put to a vote a bill that was voted in the senate, and mike johnson himself says about trump's brilliant idea, about a loan to ukraine, and... actually, this means that someone has to write
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this bill, so far it has not been submitted to the committees for consideration, nor , of course, to the floor, which means that this process is being delayed even more don't know how much, but on the other hand, well, time is actually running out for these delays, and a decision will have to be made, mike johnson, whether to hold on to his position and actually go down in history as a person who helped the aggressor country, who blocked the aid that on whose conscience is partly there the death of ukrainians, will he find some kind of compromise, fighting with a part of the trumpians in the house of representatives in order to unblock this process, well , by and large, the majority of votes will be found there, of course, democrats, plus there are republicans who, despite the pressure of trump, the pressure of the trumpians , they support ukraine and are ready... to vote for such
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a bill. at the same time, mr. oleksandr, information appeared in the washington post about the details of trump's so-called peace plan, which allegedly involves the transfer of crimea and donbas under the control of russia. trump's election campaign adviser, jason miller , called this news fake. but in an interview with a politician, president zelensky criticized the statements of the candidate for the presidency of the united states. the idea of ​​handing over ukrainian territories to russia in exchange for an end to the war by america's donald trump. to quote mr. zelensky: if the agreement is that we simply give up our territories, and that is the idea, then this is a very primitive idea, i need very strong arguments: i do not need a fantastic idea, i a real idea is needed because people's lives are at stake. at the same time, zelensky noted that he seeks to build a constructive partnership with trump. and he reminded that... he invited him to
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ukraine so that he would convey messages to trump. zelenskyi has a long history of communication with trump. we remember how in 2019 they talked on the phone, the result of which was the investigation and the beginning of the impeachment procedure of the then president trump, which did not reach a logical conclusion, but judging by today's rhetoric. and trump and of zelenskyi's answers, is it possible to predict what trump will be like in his second presidency, and whether they will find a common language with zelenskyi, and whether the united states of america under trump will find a common language with ukraine, which does not want to cede territories to russia? well, you know, i probably agree with the trump representatives that this is not the plan. trump for the simple reason that i
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'm sure trump doesn't have a plan, he has approaches, and we saw that in his first term as he tried to solve the north korean issue. he thought that with the power of his charisma, with some, you know, doormats, he can discourage kimchin-in, and more precisely, move away from his own interest in the survival of this regime and the possibility of threats, well, first of all, to the neighbors, but also to the same united states, and it seems to me , that this is trump's plan, to pressure and be unpredictable, and of course that in the case of the russian federation, ukraine, it is unlikely that... he can achieve any success by pressuring putin, so in his head, most likely he will try to do it with zelensky, but not me i think that it can be very strong for him for a simple reason, well, first of all, zelenskyi constantly repeats about his own peace formula and the fact that we cannot give up
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our own territories, this is absolutely clear, but the second point is that that the vast majority of ukrainians are not ready for such concessions, since we understand that this will be a pause before the offensive ... stage of the war, it will definitely not be peace at all, especially what we can get in return: membership in nato and the european union , well, it is clear that this is impossible in the short term, if this will be in the long run, well, let's imagine this way, i 'm not saying that we have to agree to any territorial claims, but just imagine, we agree, and what can give us, how can the united states guarantee us security, provide nuclear weapons actually use, so that we can deter russian aggression in the rest of... if they prepare us otaku solid bitter pill, that's why i
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i don't think it's realistic, i think ukraine should prepare for pressure from trump if he becomes president. and then, when he sees that, on the one hand, the ukrainians do not make such so-called compromises, and that the europeans, i hope that in the end the europeans will wake up and understand that we are fighting for their interests as well, and therefore they will to support even if the united states stops giving such support, because here there is a moment of ukraine as a principle, and the second moment is ukraine as a country that destroys aggressive potential of the russian federation. and gives time to the europeans to prepare for a possible war with the russian federation in order to preempt it, in conditions where trump can reduce american commitments to nato, that is, they can remain alone with the russian federation, under a possible trump administration, and therefore the importance
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ukraine is growing even more. i understand that there is a dilemma, how much to give ukraine ammunition for weapons and other things that are needed for us to continue fighting and how much to invest. own armed forces, here, but these two things are connected and you cannot, let's say, give everything to ukraine and remain defenseless, unprotected, and you also cannot allow putin to win in ukraine, meanwhile try to concretize on your own on your own defense capabilities, well even more so that xi jinping and other authoritarian, totalitarian leaders in the world are watching and it is clear that the loss of ukraine will actually be a semi-loss for taiwan, it is not for nothing that the minister of foreign affairs of taiwan said that not supporting ukraine would be a mistake on the part of the united states, and there very well understand that our success is both the success of that and a guarantee that the west as a whole, the states,
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in particular, will come to the rescue. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr khara, a diplomat, an expert on foreign and security policy, the center for defense strategies, friends, in the meantime. we are conducting a survey on the air, today we are asking you about this, do you support mass mobilization in ukraine, yes no, now let's look at the interim results of our survey on the air, 66% support mass mobilization, 34% do not, on youtube the results are almost identical, 63% support mass mobilization, 37% do not, the same survey will be in... part of our program, which will start in 15 minutes, political experts oleksa akyan and viktor boberenko will be on our air, we will talk about mobilization , about who is trying to reserve from mobilization and in what way, tired of heavy and bulky
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possibility without expensive delivery. check with consultants. casper ortolight from matrac tv experts. call watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judges serving in crimea. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis? alexander babakov is putin's confidant. but what violations did the board of the northern appellate economic court commit, handing over the poltava gzk to russian raiders. the decision is made by an absolutely corrupt component. watch the program on thursday, april 11 at 5:45 p.m judicial control with tetyana shustrova on espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to
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keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united football is stronger together, congratulations, friends , live on the tv channel, the second part of the program , the verdict is in the program today. the passion for mobilization, the equality of ukrainians before
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the law and the inequality of those in power, will ukraine receive effective mobilization legislation? booking without speculation and manipulation. shmyhal instructed the government to develop a fair system of postponements from mobilization. what should be justice? the west's indecision in the confrontation with russia. ukraine's partners will be afraid of escalation with putin, what will delay lead to? friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there now, please join our platforms and participate in our vote, today we ask you , do you support mass mobilization in ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no. on write your comment under the video, if you watch us on tv, take an expensive smartphone or phone and
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vote if you support mass mobilization in ukraine 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. today , political scientists oleh sahakyan, head of the united coordination platform, are on our air. center, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, congratulations, glad to see, hear, and viktor boberenko, expert of the political analysis bureau, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, thank you for being here today. with us, good health to you, well, since we are asking our tv viewers about mobilization, gentlemen, i will also ask you about do you support mass mobilization in ukraine? mr. olezh, please, i will tell you honestly, i do not fully understand what is meant by sub-mass mobilization in ukraine, in
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ukraine from the first day there was a large-scale insurrection, the mobilization has been going on all this time, to call it mass, no, it is all-encompassing. it concerns the whole of ukraine, therefore, in fact , it may be massive in this case, if we talk about a new wave of mobilization, then at the moment we are not talking about it, because mobilization is happening all the time, that is, if we talk about it as an all-encompassing phenomenon, of course , i support the all-ukrainian mobilization, it is the only mechanism to ensure justice in terms of mobilization, considering what our state apparatus is for and how the mobilization mechanisms are arranged. they do not cope with it, they showed their low efficiency, if not to say that their actions actually led to the discrediting of mobilization, the perception of mobilization in ukrainian society, but next to that, there are no such phenomena as partial mobilization in the country, or some separate, or individual territories, as it happens in of russia, therefore any of them, by definition, is
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mass. thank you, mr. olezh, mr. viktor, i also agree with my colleague. about the fact that there is mass mobilization, what is it, that mass is from a few, from a thousand, from 10 thousand, 100 thousand, if we speak, that is to specify oneself, yes, then i am in favor of really lowering the mobilization threshold from 27 to 25 years old, i am for the fact that we should at least adequately respond to measures for russian youths, where... russian youths will now bring 150,000, not in these, to conscripts, but experience shows that half of them after six months already will be contract workers, yes, because there the soldier is driven around the barracks until he signs the contract, and they are gathering somewhere, well, they themselves declare that
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they are going to call up 300 to 400 thousand for the contract. accordingly, we also need to call up some number, in our country, when syrskyi said that no, we do not need 500,000, it is clear that this was under the direction of the president's office, it was clear that it would mitigate any electoral threats to the president there. yes, but if there are not 500,000, then maybe 300-4000 there, and accordingly this during... it's not immediately in a month, it's 3,000 , we don't have any training grounds, and there won't be enough in europe to digest such a number of recruits, but to increase mobilization, conditionally yes, we need to recruit 300 + thousand new soldiers there this year. thank you, mr. viktor, today, gentlemen, the verkhovna rada
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of ukraine has begun consideration of the second reading of the bill on mobilization. on mobilizing over 400 amendments, and judging by what is happening now in the session hall of parliament, obviously the draft, the original draft that was from the government, plus some amendments from the committee, this will actually be a new law on mobilization, now we see that during the voting in the hall there are several dozen people's deputies of ukraine. the representatives of the majority obviously already understand what norms should be included in this law, and the formal procedure of voting for this law is just going on, but we must say and admit that the adoption of this law will, in principle, affect the future of ukraine, the future of society, the future of how
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this society will develop, who is in which the method will be mobilized. who will end up in the war and when, and actually, well, this is what it is, i would call it a small small constitution, probably of the war, of the current war, it is this law on mobilization, because it is all regulated, why, mr. oleg, in your opinion, but in this process there is not one absolutely clear leader of the process, i.e. the leader of the process who is leading it, because zelensky before considering this law. of the draft in the second reading said: we will convince the parliament to do something there, syrsky was invited today to speak and explain, and what he wants in this law. formally, this law was submitted by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, if this law is so important for the country, why, why is there not one clear leader who
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must lead this process, well, in this case , the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, because it implies responsibility, and today, all departments are turning on each other. the very logic of submitting such bills is built as follows: the general staff compiles the numbers. prepares data, forms its needs, transfers them to the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense adds there a part that concerns provisioning, logistics, comparing it with other issues that are on the border of civil and military, then it is transferred to the government, and in the government, it would seem, other ministries, other bodies should familiarize themselves with this data, add those moments that are important to them, compare it with their own programs and action strategies, calculate the numbers accordingly, the ministry of economy, other ministries, see how it will affect agriculture, how it will affect macroeconomic stability, different areas, ending with humanitarian
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policy, and ultimately then the government bill goes to parliament, of course it has to be under the leadership of the supreme commander, because it deals with military issues, and ultimately there has to be a closed debate in committee, and then an open debate in parliament already with additional amendments ideally. it is because of this that such a route is built so that at the finish line there is already a draft law in the parliament, with which the entire system is familiar and takes responsibility, at every stage, all bodies they cannot say that we did not know, it happened without us, or we did not think, or something else, they all share responsibility, in ukrainian conditions, with our state apparatus, which in 30 years has degraded from the soviet one and so did not build a european one. the following is happening in our country : at each stage, each institution withdraws and tries to distance itself from the draft law in every possible way. thus, having gone through all the chains, each of
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the bodies can now say: we are not responsible for this. that's what they came up with they made corrections after us. and that's how it gets to the parliament, in the parliament where the deputies are sitting, today there are serious problems with voting with the number of deputies to ensure a vote. parliament. the deputies say: yes, so now you want to say that the responsibility for this frankenstein will now be borne exclusively by the deputies, they have found fools, no, we also wash our hands and then we will work, and with scissors on this bill, cutting out from the gutter everything that can cast a shadow on us. in this way, the draft law, on the one hand , is emasculated, and on the other hand, it becomes torn in itself, from the last, which we have already seen changes. at mr. syrskyi's request, the demobilization of this draft law was removed, so
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i, for example, would not undertake to say at the moment that this law on mobilization will be able to fundamentally change the situation with mobilization. of course, we leave a window to see what it will be like at the finish line, because the voice can still be removed and edited, a lot can still happen with it, and the final document, in the end we will see it only after it is voted on in... the parliament, moreover, the intrigue with the possibility of voting, with the availability of votes remains the same, most likely there will be votes, at least everything is being done to ensure that they are, but again, the ukrainian parliament in this case and against the background of the confrontation that we see inside under the dome, this is also not guaranteed, and in the end, what pressing questions are there regarding mobilization in society, demobilization, that is, how long does the service in army, and this is not only a demoralizing fact. for the military, but also for civilians who can potentially change, replace those who are currently at the front. one of the key questions that potential
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recruits declare is, tell us how much we put our lives at the disposal of the state, one year, two, three, four, give certainty, shoot, do not shoot. the second point, certainty about material support, and starting from salary, will complete. or payments for injuries, provision of injured veterans in the post-war period, meaning, after demobilization, demobilization, etc., social programs, other support, prosthetics, this bill brings clarity, i don't think that clarity will appear especially there, it will continue as it was, who has acquaintances, who has opportunities , to whom the funds paid attention, to whom they did not, who were targeted by natives in order to knock them out of the state. which must be paid for treatment and recovery, etc., will be there, others will not, that is, the game will still remain with
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many. at odds with the state. third moment: the issue of the vlk and non-profanation of the physical and physical state and moral state of the recruits and their capabilities, assessment of their professionalism, their coefficient of effectiveness in one direction or another. we can see that the methodology from the recruiting system is implemented here, which is currently deployed in several divisions. i also did not see this in the draft law, at least in the initial draft and in those amendments that were submitted. accordingly, most likely at the exit we will not have an answer to the question that everyone who goes to defend will know whether his will be evaluated according to his qualities and capabilities, he will find himself in the direction where he can be most effective. next, the issue of the vlk, the question of all other injustices, when it comes to,
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the vlk is meant when they are set up in 20 minutes. to a person that he is fit for service, or grabbing in the streets and all other abuses. we have heard during this time the harsh, harsh response of the authorities to all these abuses, we have seen the public flogging of those who did it with the demonstration that now there is a hotline , now where you can go or relatives, or the military themselves, that there are mechanisms of prosecution, that all those who did this, they are now sitting in the butchery and... accordingly, they are a demonstrative example to others that this cannot be done, i.e. guaranteeing those who undergo mobilization, that they, giving control over their lives to the state, receive in return transparent rules of the game, in which they will not be humiliated, in which the state treats them accordingly, will receive this according to the results of the bill, i also doubt whether i can continue this a number, but i won't state in order not to waste air time, but coming back to you... a word
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about how this is a small constitution for wartime in terms of mobilization, really, and that bill, or rather, that law and those mobilization norms that existed, we can say, they are bad, they are not bad, they correspond to reality or not , i believe that they do not correspond, they are post-soviet, but were they observed, no, they were often abused, where are the guarantees that and these norms will not be abused depending on whether there is a need for it. whether there will be a need for it, no guarantees are given, accordingly, i do not think that this draft law, it will dramatically change the situation after its adoption, although certain positive moments after it in terms of digitalization, optimization of certain processes will, of course , occur, but this draft law is for officials, not for society, for society there will be almost no response, well, for society the most important thing in mobilization, i think, is
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justice. well, that is, to what extent fair mobilization is generally possible under the conditions war and in the conditions of a corrupt state, that is , how fair can this mobilization be, and of course a fair reservation system, because we see that this reservation exists, that it works in some way, and now only prime minister denys shmyhal, who deyura is the leader of the adoption process. of the law on mobilization instructed the government to develop a fair reservation system, that is, it was, but now we will make it fair so that in the future there will be no speculation on this topic. let's listen to what he said shmigel. our military defends ukraine on the front lines, but a working economy and infrastructure are needed to support them. one of the key issues in this direction is the fair and rational reservation
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of conscripts. employees of enterprises that are really critical. there should be no speculation or manipulation. therefore, i am instructing the relevant ministry to introduce an updated, fairer resolution on reservations in the near future and to define an exhaustive list of objects and enterprises of critical infrastructure. clear and understandable criteria are needed so that neither the military nor the public have any questions as to why certain people are reserved in our state. mr. viktor, can there be a fair mobilization under the current conditions? no, they can't, because justice is generally a relative concept, because somewhere, well, a century ago, there or maybe 150 years ago, somewhere in papua guinea, it was fair to eat one's enemies, and even there, all of them are either.


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