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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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reservation of conscripts, employees of enterprises that are really critical. there should be no speculation or manipulation. therefore, i am instructing the relevant ministries to introduce an updated, fairer resolution on reservations in the near future and to define an exhaustive list of critical infrastructure facilities and enterprises. clear and understandable criteria are needed so that neither the military nor the society has any questions as to why certain people are banned. mr. viktor, can there be a fair mobilization under the current conditions conditions? no, they can't, because justice is generally a relative concept, because somewhere, well , a century ago, there or maybe 150 years ago , somewhere in papua guinea, it was fair to eat one's enemies, and that's where they all are.
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why did the aborigines settle the kuk, it was fair, to eat the enemy, what now who and whose mother thinks, one mother thinks, it is unfair that my son has been fighting there for more than two years, he should be justly demobilized, and another mother thinks, no, let those who know how to fight fight, it is right not to let my son go to war, let those who who have been fighting for two years and already know how to fight, they are on... it turns out, they can be two mothers of neighbors, but they live in the same place there or in the same house, and they have completely different opinions about justice, and justice in the ukrainian version, it is impossible a priori, and it is also necessary to know that the basis of the mentality of ukrainians is justice for ukrainians. is higher than the law, if, after all, for
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western society, the law is the main thing, yes there, if the standard is written like this, like this, like this, like that, yes, then we all act there, who cares it seems fair, to some it's unfair, but that's how it's written, the law is strictly the law, yes , it's been there since ancient times, yes, it was, and this is a european rule, our rule, the law is like breathing. as you return, it turned out that way, this is our mental right, and that is why we believe that justice is higher than law, because the law can be implemented in different ways , therefore there is absolutely no justice in the world, yes, because even well people are born unequal there in different families, some are majors, some are from working families, yes with different properties there. i would like to be
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a world champion in football, but god did not give me fast feet or a cool voice, the world is unfair, but in ukraine it is unfair also because it happens that in our country, at least, i think , that most people, 99%, would agree that it would be fair for yevhen koshovoy, for example, to go to war, he is from... the 95th quarter, thank god, he is not in the circus, yes, the circus people already banned him , but he is probably not a journalist, because the ministry of culture booked everyone there from a single marathon, by the way, nothing is said about the espresso tv channel, and they can take away from espresso, from the fifth, from the direct, but from the pluses, well , we know the pluses, it is the most honest channel, yes, that is why someone thinks that it is fair, don't take away the pluses, but... take away healthy
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men and it's all normal, it seems to some, at least in the president's office, i 'm sure that for some it's a very fair norm, but even so, there won't be relative justice, so yes. thank you, mr. viktor, against this background, zelensky is trying to convince our people western partners that more aid should be given to ukraine. he says that if russia wins, hundreds will become victims. uh, thousands of people, he gave an interview to the german tabloid bild about this, and in principle he says that there are not enough air defense systems in ukraine, putin understands only force - says zelensky, he feels like an animal if he cannot defend himself , he will destroy even more his desire to seize the whole of ukraine, well, in principle , the president is doing the right thing. that he communicates
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with the western audience and with the leaders of the western world, but whether the communication within ukraine is sufficient, it is absolutely clear that it is not easy. times are ahead in ukraine and in the next few months, because we only see how the president speaks, these are western audiences, that russia is gathering 300,000 people to mobilize, that there will be a big offensive, that there is a threat to kharkiv, that putin is an animal and something it is necessary to do with this animal, but is it necessary, mr. oleg, such internal motivation, maintenance of internal motivation for ukrainians, so that... ukrainians understand what awaits us, and whether we need an adult conversation, not just a conversation that we will be in sevastopol in august, and there will be a concert of some ukrainian band, and how to constantly tell children something, but then to pass
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a bill that takes men away from families, in these families, they say, well, we were already told that it will be completely different when this stage... maturity in discussion, in communication with society will be on the part of representatives of the ukrainian authorities. if you answer this seriously, leaving, let's say, from our political discourse and internal political battles, then in fact it is a two-way process, and unfortunately, we see that as a society there is room to move in the awareness of its role and subjectivity in the ukrainian state, as well as the authorities, for example, in my a recent discussion was about the role of society in relation to the government, and one of the subscribers of the thesis said that it is necessary to go out, it is necessary to rally, even if there is no specific reason, it may not be fair, but for the sake of prevention, which was very important to me
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seriously, society should not see the government as an enemy, society should, on the one hand , control the government, which means controlling the steps and... actions of the government, and on the other hand , support where it concerns the national interest, cooperate in some matters, where it is for the benefit, in other things, to beat the hands, it is not possible for prevention, or simply because of dislike for a particular surname, to smear everything is one color, and this was very well demonstrated on the international arena, that ukrainian society from the very beginning of a full-scale war very seriously and in an adult manner treated external communications in... the country and even when we saw attacks by the russian authorities or pro-russian forces, in contrast to the ukrainian authorities abroad, we saw that the ukrainian society said that no, maybe our government can be whatever it is, but only we can criticize it and control it, we are definitely not
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russians and definitely not from abroad to order and tell others what and how, let us learn this internally, separate the important from the trivial, the authorities in turn necessary. to learn how to communicate specifically with ukrainian society, because there is quite specific communication with the external audience, dosed, there is not much of it, it is clear that this has its own specifics of communication, on the internal communication there is much more, there are daily appeals, there is a whole series of speakers and announcers from the office the president to the lowest level of officials. but they do not speak with one voice, and they speak very much and very rarely concretely: the government lacks systematic, concrete and clear communication with society, which would would answer the key questions that exist in society, would not inform about the whole world,
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gloating about the main thing, and the conversation should be about the main thing, as it often happens in the external media, and if we talk about... messages for our partners abroad, we are actually hostages of the internal political crisis in the united states, and this crisis has its own logic. currently, unfortunately, support for ukraine is a matter perpendicular to both the electoral interest of the democrats and the electoral interest of the republicans. we after all, they turned into a ball for electoral support between both teams, and the issue of supporting ukraine actually. is bracketed as one on which electoral dividends are obtained, and not one that relates to a question of national and state interest of the united states. to put it very simply, the actual national interest and the foreign policy, statesmanship
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position of the united states have been eaten up by electoral logic and narrowly selfish party interests on both sides. this can be seen in different statements, in different steps. in trump's case. this is a situation of blocking any decisions that could be a victory for biden. in the case of biden's team, this is the blocking of any decisive steps, and a kind of guaranteed indecision in matters of support for ukraine. and of course, what with... there are some rationalizations in all of this, i.e., an attempt to rationalize the united states' own indecision and its own position today, talking about the fact that putin can strike with nuclear weapons, or there may be an escalation and a third world war, or if we if i take these steps now, voters will not come to the polling station, then trump will come and there will be a terrible horror, or worse than if we do not help now, and from the republicans on the contrary, if this continues, then there will be a terrible horror, it is necessary to change at any cost... biden in the position of the head of the white house and elect accordingly a new president, and everything is now going in favor
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of this scumbag, only later, when we take power into our own hands, then we will deal with all the problems, and we are now forced to exist in this reality, fortunately , we see that in europe there is more determination with a coalition is being built, already both france and britain are talking about the revival of the entente, and we actually see that such a... eurocentric view and leadership in the mid-north atlantic alliance can now find its place to appear. against this background, of course, there will be other geopolitical stories, in particular, china is moving now, india is developing its own story, and in ukraine it is very important now to follow all these trends and work with a wide audience, but very segmented, with an understanding of what strategies are pursued by different players, defending their own interest. and for that in order to... have a strong position for this, and for this communication, for these actions, you need
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to be united within the state, for this you need a serious conversation with ukrainian society, and such a conversation requires answers, and answers require the presence of certain steps and actions. it is very difficult to ensure effective communication when there is a whole series of problems in which decisions are not made in principle and on which the diametrically opposite is done than society expects. and with logic, communications, conversations, things can never be replaced, you can for a certain time anesthesia of words can be used, attention can be diverted, but it is impossible to replace, and in this there is a second discrepancy, in that words must correspond to actions, and verbs. there is no doubt, mr. olezh, that the verkhovna rada of ukraine should also work, and not, well, give a certain result, and not like the congress. of the united states of america, from which we expect some decisions and complain
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constantly, but the verkhovna rada of the model of 2019, when it worked in the mode of a crazy printer, the parliament and the current parliament, they are different, and that is, for me, for example, it is a mystery why now in a time of war, when there are so many pressing issues, and not only the law on mobilization, but also other issues that need to be discussed. it is necessary to adopt and work in a non-stop mode, why does the parliament not work in a non-stop mode, and why do we, complaining about our western partners, actually periodically do not look at ourselves in the mirror and do not see what is happening there, i have in mind and the internal big front, the corruption front that exists, it has not gone anywhere, and we see that the decisions should obviously be made uh... faster in the parliament, and in the end we have to tell the truth that we
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also have a parliamentary crisis, and well, this is also a step towards a political crisis, which, which could be in ukraine , because if the laws on such laws as on mobilization continue in this way, there will be no leaders in the process, then this is also a political crisis when there is a monopoly, but it cannot assume sole responsibility or... share monopoly on others and get the same responsibility also from others. mr. viktor, why actually in this situation, what is missing, what element is needed for the authorities to be responsible, i mean all the powerful state institutions in ukraine, the temporary ones we live in now, so that everyone understands that there is a war going on, that the parliament has 24 hours a day work and make all the decisions that are necessary for the government. i also understood that it is necessary to work more effectively so that all anti-corruption
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agencies make the most of what they have and arrest all the corrupt, because you cannot steal such time, you cannot be idle and you cannot waste time when the enemy is literally on the threshold, what can i say, we have such a situation that the main problem is the lack of dialogue between the government and society and the government with other branches of government, we actually have a problem in that no other branches of power do not exist, everything has been usurped by the office of the president, and he is now a hostage of his, well, conditional omnipotence, yes, we are so used to saying that yermak controls not only zelensky, where he was saddled, according to the same zelensky, five or six people who
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make decisions, but successful ones managers, according to our... president, everyone is used to the fact that yermak seems to control everything, here we see the front in the parliament, which means that it turns out that he does not control everything, yes, and now the vote for the bill on mobilization will be for him , well, not the biggest since the appointment of such an exam, will he be able to continue to control the parliament, and so, what we have, why is it not working and not working? there is no dialogue with society, because in normal countries, someone specifically makes the decision and takes responsibility, but when the decision is accepted, everything is clear there, yes, the order to execute the report, especially in the conditions of a state of emergency, in the conditions of a warring country,
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but the process of preparing decisions and making decisions must not just go along with the process. and at least at the first stage of preparation of decisions , many, many different opinions must be heard , some alternatives must be worked out, there is an alternative, well, the very first alternative will leave everything unchanged, yes, there is the status quo, and then there is alternative one, alternative two , three, and so on and so on and so on and so on a decision is chosen, again it is necessary to make a decision were chosen unpopular, no, well, we understand that our president is electorally dependent, but here we have to stand up to our own song and make decisions, not those that, as the focus group shows, our basic electorate likes or dislikes, but what the country needs now for survival,
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again there is no such dialogue, that is, alternative solutions are not considered from the word go. at all, they are once again working hard somewhere in a narrow circle, and this is bad, and this is because there is no dialogue with society, we have a monologue through the only news, through outposts zelenskyi, where in fact ukraine is, and ukraine is a country that fights for european values, does not correspond to these values, why, because there is actually no dialogue with society, there is a monologue, there are standoffs, that’s how zelenskyi is used to being on stage, you are in hall, and your right is only to applaud - to applaud, only to applaud and shout, bravo, that's all, you should not have other functions, and it's very bad, it's very bad, and there is only a prompter, a prompter is a fair conditionally, yes there for example, there is the author of the script, there are those who wrote this play and that's all, and we are with you
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in the role of spectators, this is not how it works in europe, and this is our problem, the biggest problem, the biggest problem, because oleg said that the law, if it is adopted, will be adopted emasculated, yes, to please the electoral groups, and not only that, we are still talking with you now, and whether it will be accepted, well, i think that it will be accepted, but they have already removed such controversial sketches from it themselves, and about mobiliza , about demobilization. even earlier, he accepted that he reduced the conscription age there to 25 years, that's what we have, and that's all from the fact that we do not have independent branches of government, we are used to everything being under the office of the president, but it turns out that there may be a riot in the parliament, and this is the situation that
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was created, that is, this fronde was created precisely by the breakdown of the system that took place, when... zelenskyi came to power and when he realized that he can control everything, it turns out that after all, yes, in war , an authoritarian style of leadership is probably better, but directly in the troops, there cannot be democracy, that let's vote there, who is there now, sahakyan, rudenko, or boberenko will go to break from tank to tank, here as the commander ordered, there he said "viktor, run and break, yes, that's all, there is an order to execute a report, then it is only in the troops, and when preparing decisions in a democratic country, it is necessary to have a discussion, which no. and not only that, she, she dismisses herself with contempt, and this is so that we know that you are sitting in kyiv, i am in the region,
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so they are aping everything from the central authorities, that is, the same thing is happening at the level of the regional military administration exactly, who are you there, let's say goodbye, there is a type there my two opinions are incorrect, this is how the servants operate in the regions, and this is their opinion. they have built such a system, i hope it is a temporary system, but it is a system that leads us to failure, yes. thank you, mr. viktor, mr. oleg, but how can we avoid this system, well, it is clear that there will be elections someday, and we will not have a monopoly, and obviously there will be no longer a monopoly, and, but we, we will live with this monopoly until until the end of the war, and it was not understood. how many of these steps that mr. viktor is talking about, what about decisions, when there is only one decision, and it is correct, all other proposals are
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just proposals, they, and they are wrong, how long can the state function in such a regime and what is the safeguard so that there is no abuse this, i think so, i think so, and no one else is interested in this, i am not interested in everything else. well, the entrance is really where there is an exit, since democracy involves procedures, on the one hand, and on the other hand , democracy is always built on building consensus. yes, in the conditions of an electorally functioning democracy, it takes over blanket decision-making from the position of the majority, well, that is, by the right of the winner. for a classic stable democracy this is unacceptable, but for democracies that are just passing through. there is an establishment where there are problems with the rule of law, where the culture is also specific legal, the legal culture is specific, then in them this phenomenon is like
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decision-making from the position of a simple majority, but we will do what we want by the right of the winner, it is inherent and in conditions when there are functioning electoral cycles, society can clench its teeth, at first it is sugary period, after which the drop in level begins. then, as a result , the government fights to keep the crumbs of this trust, and accordingly, on the last trajectory of its tenure, the society itself waits with clenched teeth for the election to come, and accordingly, the election is the decision that now this right of the majority ends. in the conditions of war, when there is no clear horizon of the election period, society explodes from within with injustice even earlier, due to the fact that they do not understand, and when it will end, and the decisions that are accepted from the position. this majority in such a case cease to be acceptable to society, and this should be replaced by the principle of decision-making based on consensus, efforts to build consensus.
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it is clear that you will never be able to find a common denominator in 9 out of 10 people, in 90+, but in the majority, in two thirds, you can always find and construct some constructions of the proposal that will not cause at least objections. it will be soft. support, hard, passive support, any, but it will be, and it is now necessary to build for the authorities mechanisms, institutional and legal in order to move into the mode of consensus building, efforts to form decisions as consensual, for this, dialogue and inclusion are necessary, accordingly, the decision, if we speak already in political language, it consists in consultative and deliberative so-called practices, i.e. .. these by society and the inclusion of society and broad sections of society in the formation and decision-making is mandatory, despite the fact that the authorities in wartime have the opportunity to implement these
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decisions according to a simplified procedure. we have to end, thank you gentlemen for participating in the program, oleg sahakyan, viktor boberenko were guests of our program today, during the entire broadcast we conducted a poll, friends, we asked you about the following: do you support mass mobilization in ukraine, the result of... a television poll 67% yes, 33% - no, on youtube we have a ratio of 61% yes, 39% no, this is the verdict program today, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place bravery no matter what he says, bravery
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is not the absence of fear. bahmu this is the adventure that will stay with us until the end. our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherninka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. exclusive interview with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. is the world ready to stop russia? will ukraine have
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united by football, stronger together. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, and repairs. kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. from now on, in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front,
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society, and the reverse. communication, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. 2 p.m. in ukraine. news time on the tv channel espresso. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. russians killed four people in mykolaiv. five more were wounded. the enemy hit the city with ballistics in the middle of the day. damaged industrial facilities, penivychyna, residential buildings in the private sector and cars - reported the defense forces of the south.


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