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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey. the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day from 20 to 22. 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and just now to the most important events. the russians killed four people in mykolaiv, another five were wounded, the enemy hit the city with ballistic missiles, damaged industrial facilities, semi-detached houses, residential buildings in the private sector and cars, the pivni defense force said. meanwhile
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, the death toll has increased to five as a result of yesterday's attack on odesa , a man who received serious injuries died in the hospital, the prosecutor general's office said. thirteen people were injured, including a four-year-old child with a shrapnel wound to her back and a contusion. russian terrorists shelled the odesa district with ballistics, damaged the transport infrastructure, also targeted a gas station, vandalized shops, warehouses premises, administrative buildings. and private houses. in the afternoon , the metro in kharkiv started working after the russian shelling, but due to a lack of electricity, the interval of train movement is at least 20 minutes, says mayor ihor terekhov. about 240,000 subscribers in the region remain without electricity. objects of the social and medical spheres work in regular mode due to alternative power supply. let me remind you that in the morning the enemy delivered... at least 10 strikes on
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the critical infrastructure of the kharkiv region. the russians attacked with ballistic missiles. by the russian attack destroyed the entire center-energo generation. the company called this day black. as noted in the energy center , a large-scale fire in the turbine shop occurred as a result of the hits to the trypil thermal power plant. now they are trying to contain the fire. all those who were on shift during the shelling are alive. the scale of the destruction cannot be estimated with money, the energy center added. at the same time, ukrenergo calls for saving electricity in the evening hours. the previous evening, due to a deficit in the energy system, poland provided assistance in the total amount of 200 mw/h. payments will grow the verkhovna rada adopted a resolution on the additional payment to defenders at zero. that is, in addition to salary and combat, the military. they still need
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to receive uah 70,000, people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko said. the mechanism should be developed by the cabinet of ministers. the people's deputies also obliged the government to develop a draft law on the rotation of the military, their release from service, and medical and social rehabilitation. lithuania will hand over equipment to restore the energy infrastructure to ukraine. this was reported by the minister of energy of the country. lithuanians will send. from the inactive vilnius tets, a as well as part of the equipment from the ignalina as and warehouses of energy companies. i would like to note that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, arrived in lithuania today on a visit. he will take part in the trimore summit and hold talks with the heads of the partner states. they have to sign a new bilateral security agreement. meanwhile, the prime minister of ukraine, denys sh'. arrived on a visit to slovakia,
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where he plans to hold consultations with prime minister fico's government. on the agenda, cooperation in the field of energy, logistics and trade, zelenskyi's peace formula should also be discussed. following the consultations , the leaders plan to sign a number of bilateral documents. ukraine is expanding its diplomatic presence in africa in the democratic republic of the congo, the embassy of ukraine has started work. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. according to him, the embassy is located in the diplomatic quarter of kinshasa. his work will promote cooperation with partners, in particular in trade, agriculture, industry, energy, education and information technologies. the minister reminded that the democratic republic of congo supported the territorial integrity of ukraine with its votes in the un. a trip to ukraine will not be appropriate,
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the us presidential candidate from the republican party, donald trump, said. the politician explained that at the moment he is not an official person before that... according to trump , there was allegedly no invitation from zelensky, although earlier the president of ukraine stated in an interview with one of the foreign publications that he had invited the ex-president of the usa to ukraine. zelensky would like to hear trump's ideas for a quick end to the war, which he has repeatedly mentioned in his speeches. they promote ukrainian traditions. on the eve of the easter holidays, public activists in the lviv region. they paint easter eggs and teach others to do so, who are the prozarki and what else do they do, my colleagues will tell. a pen, wax and inspiration - that's all roksolana koreniuk needs to paint an easter egg. currently,
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a schoolgirl creates an easter egg with a lviv ornament. i wrote the first easter egg, it was a polka dot, it was yellow, black and white, then i was about... about 3-4 years old, yes, if i remember so well, and then later i started writing easter cards, i had unsuccessful, successful easter cards, and i have about 30 of them, but an experienced craftswoman, lilia gudym, paints an egg using a different technique, with the help of a special pin the woman recreates the lemki pattern, i write the lemki pysanka, the lemki pysanka is very common in our region. and it lends itself very well to writing, because it is created with the help of such tears. easter eggs are created by members of the independent women's association prozerok. in in 2007, this organization was founded by yuliya burko, a pysankarka from chervonograd. the name
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was not chosen by chance. prozerok is the dialect name of snowdrop, the first spring flower - explains the head of the society, nadiya pashchuk. prozerchanka she is unusual, self-sacrificing, gentle, hard-working, merciful, who thinks of her friends first. we don't have such a thing in society, for example, who will do it? in our company, everyone says: i can do it, and i will do it . there are 12 members in the prozerok women's society, they support and promote folk customs and traditions, such as mondays. products of local craftsmen and conduct educational events for children. we are invited to school, to the lyceum, we hold various festivals, where we hold master classes on making pysanka, traditional lemki, krapanka.
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pysanka is the code of our nation, like a lullaby, like a vyshyvanka, like a ukrainian song, it is our tradition. this is the basis of our ukrainian culture. in memory of taras horodetsky, a pysankar from chervonograd. prozarks created svetlytsia museum. here they keep a collection of easter eggs, ukrainian attributes, clay and ceramic products. the real easter eggs of taras horodetskyi and yulia mykolaivna borko are kept in the light house. you can examine them, they are very interesting and colorful. we have ceramics by various masters who live in chervonograd, such as andrii ulyanitskyi, lida ulyanitska, and serhii ivashkiv. independent women's society prozerok, exists for organizational contributions and charitable donations. the participants want to open
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an art center named after yulia in chervonohrad burko to hold exhibitions and workshops in this space. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamart, espresso tv channel. we have a new collection, walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. let's not delay, the war continues, the help of each of you is very important, every hryvnia is of great importance. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news for this time, our team is working so that you can see the updated news release at 3 p.m., literally in a moment meet my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and oksana vysochanska, who will continue the broadcast of the tv channel.
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good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, the information marathon on the espresso tv channel is in full swing. today very much. many events, we will try as much as possible, yes, we will analyze each of these events together with our guests, who will join our broadcast in the next few hours, oksana will work for you in the studio vysochanska and marta oliyarnyk, and in fact we are ready to add our first guest to our broadcast, this is petro chernyk, military expert and colonel of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. peter, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, let's talk about the night attack, daggers, shahedis. cruise missiles flew at lviv oblast, especially so, lviv oblast was under
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a combined attack, for you this attack was no different from the previous ones, so we actually see that the enemy is purposefully trying to destroy the energy structure of our state, as you why do you think the enemy is resorting to this terror now? in terms of the use of missiles , there was nothing new and there will not be anything new, here i have to emphasize, the russians are at the... peak of their missile potential, they used absolutely all missile technology against us, well , all that was left were the rs24 yars strategic warheads and, let's say, underwater basing, such like r-30 bulava and r-29 sineva, which are based on strategic missile carriers of the dolphin class and the borei class, but this is me rather, i am rather ironic, and than it is possible in nature at all, because these are all nuclear weapons, as far as conventional offensives are concerned. systems , absolutely everything is applied. now, regarding the impact on our gas structure,
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what does it mean and how should it be read. there is an awareness by the enemy that he cannot eliminate our statehood, an awareness that he will not return ukraine back to his geopolitical bosom, and therefore it is necessary to destroy what in the long run can give ukraine enormous profits. europe is shifting the focus of gas transportation, now it is being refocused on norwegian gas, and also for liquefied gas and the united states of america, considering that we have almost the largest underground storage in europe, in the long run these can be very, very profitable projects, but the opponents are trying to eliminate them as such, although i am sure that sooner or later we will rebuild everything, penetrate into it to a depth of hundreds of meters, where we actually have these huge natural caves, only nuclear weapons are capable, well, that's what you mean... the actual critical infrastructure object in stryshchyna, which is in lviv oblast, but it is also known that the enemy
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targeted the chervonograd district today, this is a critical energy infrastructure, and there is also information that the trypilska tes in kyiv region was 100% destroyed, the energy center informs about this and actually says about that essentially all generating capacity is destroyed, that is, if we are talking about electricity, why is it that the enemy is also trying to destroy our power system right now? the same philosophy, to cause us the greatest and pre-school harm, we understand that everything 99.9% of the economy is electric traction, that is , all goods and services that are produced are produced by electric traction, well, of course , under the influence of agriculture, because everything is processed with the help of special agricultural machinery, everything is powered by an internal combustion engine, this blow to economy, but again let's be very sober and try to be objective. let's recall the so-called dark half-year of october 2022, april 2023,
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that's how i personally identify it, and i also call it the buzzing half-year generators, well, now there is no mass buzzing of generators, then absolutely everything worked, every street, shop, enterprise and the like, electricity was turned off on the scale of the entire country several times a day, and we then survived, that is, from the point of view of scalability, then ... that half-year was much more active in terms of missile strikes, they did not overcome the indicator of 236 missiles for december 2022, now the monthly indicators of january, february and march are a little more than 100 missiles, well, it is a little more than half from the fact that they applied then, and i will remind you that most of our generating power is still nuclear power plants, i do not think that they will dare to hit the casings of the reactors themselves, actually about...scaling, mr. peter, i want to inquire further, because we are deploying such
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the trend: first, shaheds flew over those energy facilities, gas facilities, then there was, for example, one shahed and one rocket, then there were more missiles, and if, for example, we take the story from stryi, then there are already many more there tonight flew, can they actually increase the number of missiles, shaheds, everything they have, that's right... one object at a time, what they still have in stock, can they start mass beating with the same daggers, then here and there throughout the country, massively no. can kenzhels are produced in small quantities, if they can produce 10 of them a month, then this is a very good indicator for them, collectively at this moment the russian federation has frozen at the point of production of all classes of missiles 120-130, so far there is no analytical evidence that they can raise this production somewhere , well, at least to 150 to 160 missiles, in fact, in order
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to really seriously change something in the philosophy of strikes, they need to raise these indicators to 300. a package per month, i have no idea how they can do it to do, because the issue is not only in the rockets themselves, the microelectronics to it, which they mostly obtain on world markets, the issue is also in explosive substances, carefully analyzed this topic for themselves, they managed to increase the production of gunpowder to 30%, the production of aluminum powder, saltpeter, sulfuric acid and the like, but they cannot go beyond this indicator, they have limitations on technological resources and the most important thing: in terms of personnel, you are engaged in, these are quite serious and complex production cycles, so in my opinion, they and and they will keep missile terror in ukraine until the end of this war and until the last day they will strike in a cycle of one and a half to two months, well , maybe there will be another strike tonight, they have two lines of missile carriers, 26 machines in working
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order, yesterday there were nine in the air 'yat, therefore theoretically, theoretically still a car. 17 they can apply, then we understand, mr. peter, that it is you who are warning our viewers to be careful and actually not to neglect, if there was an air alarm, to be in shelter and not to delay, yes 100%, yes i emphasize once again, missile terror will last until the last day of this war, such a concept as undermining the production potential of russia is not yet visible so that they stop producing missiles. it is necessary to hit factories that produce rockets. if this is not done, then the enemy will endlessly produce them in the range of 120-130 per month. mr. peter, let me also ask you about our response, let's say this, our resources that allow us to destroy the bombers and fighters of the enemy, in fact, which are the carriers of those missiles that
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then fly over us and over our state, and now we see attempts our special... services still do this work due to the capabilities we have, however, we receive not very positive feedback from our partners, in particular from the united states, about the fact that they do not want us to do it, relying on the fact that it can shake the economic markets of the world, well, actually, not giving us the very long-range missiles that we are asking for, which would significantly facilitate our ability to inflict the enemy of irreparable losses, they offer us military facilities to harvest, but how do you generally perceive the position of the states regarding our work on the territory of the enemy? their reflection is quite logical, let's find out why exactly this is happening, everything is happening in the part that concerns the caspian pipe, that is, about pumping almost 30 million tons, almost 30 million
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tons of oil per year from the western tengiz, i.e. from kazakhstan, this is a big... the pipeline is 500 km and the most important thing is that the american companies moby and chevron operate there only last year, they made a profit from these deposits more than 600 billion dollars and this crazy money is not incredibly large and i am more than sure that the russians are blackmailing the americans that we will either interfere in the extraction process, there is no problem doing it, or we will damage the oil pipeline itself and lose such huge money, they cannot in... we inform you that the money does not smell, plus , indeed, americans are afraid of fire, especially the biden administration, the price of gasoline in america, at least by a few cents, and conditionally removing this oil pipeline from full operation is really will affect the growth of oil and, accordingly, the price. such is the harsh reality, but at the same time, if we have felt a sore point, which
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our enemy himself reflects on and our main ally reflects on, then it is necessary to continue this until the moment until the ally... does not break himself and will not provide us with the necessary high-quality weapons to change the philosophy of striking the depths of the russian federation for the liberation of our lands. mr. peter, if we talk about the front line, we have heard the statement that the russians are now planning to enter the operational space to attack en masse along the entire front, they simply do not have the strength, although they constantly declare that they are raising reserves, mobilizing , they have there... hundreds of thousands of contract workers who want to fight, but all the experts agree that they don't they will give advice to march simultaneously on a wide front, but the avdiyiv, bakhmut direction, the southern direction... they call it a little more, but where there may be danger, eh, do you see a threat, that they can break through, that they can actively start and move quickly to
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pokrovsk, in particular, well, quickly - this is a very difficult question, they passed the avdia for 14 years, i emphasize, 14 years, and they occupied or conquered a small pakhmut for more than 10 months, so here speed is a very, very conditional phenomenon, but for the enemy, everything is for ... remains unchanged and will not be unchanged, as long as they either realize this goal, or we ultimately thwart it, to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region and luhansk region, and from this point of view we look at the hostilities on the eastern bridgehead every day, nothing in their strategic plan will change, if, for example, , of course we don't want that, but if it happened that they would get there, then they are ready to stop, in my opinion, yes, putin can use very... such satanic tactics, i have completed a special military operation, that's what he can do , convince your bydlumas, that everything was planned just for the sake of it, no liquidation
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of ukrainian statehood was set as a goal, they hit kyiv only to divert forces and means, but here we are in donbash, there donbass or whatever you want to call them, you decided to be part of the russian federation, and i'm finally ready to negotiate, because we got ours, that's all, let's sit down at the negotiating table, really very satanic... logic, because really, i guarantee, i guarantee, there will be many countries in the world that will be ready to push for such a scenario ukraine, starting from china and the alleged ally of turkey, to the entire huge, so-called global south, and this is the majority of the planet earth, there are 6 billion people, it is incredibly many in contrast to the north, globally, moreover, the summit will now be held in switzerland on the ukrainian issue, yes what will they do, they will look for a formula to get out of this war, that's... such a harsh reality, we need to recapture as many of our territories as possible in the cycle of dry weather, but again, unsolvable taciturnity, american help, without it any. and if she is not there,
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mr. petar, at the expense of what resources can we hold the front, we understand that frontification needs to be significantly strengthened, this work is currently ongoing, mobilization, for example, today the deputies adopted a draft law in the second reading, zelenskyy has to... sign it, that is enough tough bill, we would actually like to ask you about mobilization, so in general, what do you think about this bill that was passed, well, in principle , about our resources with which we can operate in the event that, if the states do not give us help, in my opinion there will be help, i will defend my position, the question is in what form and when, most likely, it will still reach the loan, but it is all the same help, sooner or later this difficult point will still be the americans... passed, this is the first point, the second point that you touched on in the mobilization part, no one but us will fight, i emphasize, no one, a war of existential order, we are fighting for our
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survival, and they are fighting for their empire, in their there is no other identity since the time of ivan the terrible, we remember that the ascent the muscovite empire began with the absorption of ukraine, without ukrainians they cannot be in charge of the state, here you can read a few lectures, in the part that concerns mobilization and rigidity, forgive me, i will be a hundred. my principled point of view, it is very unpopular, i do not consider this law to be harsh, it is far, very far from the harshness of the mobilization laws that, say, the same usa had during the second world war, so i emphasize again, no one but us there will be no war, there is a law, we will see how it will work, and if we think that we able to immediately write a perfect document, then it does not happen, there will be mistakes, as the great scholar churchill said, war is a catalog of mistakes. mr. peter, in your opinion, was it actually worth so much time to talk about this bill, about the law on mobilization, to submit a huge number of documents,
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to consider whether something will change now after the announcement, what was voted, what was adopted in the second reading , and in fact the issue of demobilization remains open, that is, separately, probably for several months, well, until next year there is definitely time until those 30. months from the start of the full-scale invasion to accept it, will there be any significant changes now, compared to what we've had so far, we haven't had anything serious for the most part, well let's be honest, we did not deal with our defense plan for 30 years, everything that happened since the 22nd year, especially the full-scale invasion, everything happened in an empirical-spontaneous mode, this is the reality in terms of demobilization, well, what can it be... talk about demobilization in hot phase of the war, especially in the high tone that is currently taking place on the front line, therefore the suspension of this
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consideration is quite logical from the point of view. defense of the state, and in order to reach the point of demobilization of those people who will potentially have already served there for three or six months as of next year, then the war must go into some more subdued mode, until then this is an incompetent and even harmful conversation, is it necessary to discuss this issue, study it, think about how to replace those people, definitely yes, that is, conditionally, i am at the level somewhere not even a military expert, but an ordinary citizen, i support that such... mechanisms should work, but under one condition, under one condition, that there will be a full compensation of the human potential of those people who will be replaced, but first all this must be studied, to understand how we call up, who we call up, for what term we call up, and only then make a decision, and really, in this sense, from the point of view of strict state security, the step is correct, thank you, petro chernyk, military
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expert. the colonel of the armed forces of ukraine was in etherii espresso, they talked about the actual last attack of the enemy, which took place that night, they also talked about the law on strengthening mobilization, this is not a law about mobilization, mobilization is ongoing in our country, it is a law about strengthening mobilization, it is important to clarify this. let's move on, after a short pause we will add serhiy tsekhotsko, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, who is currently in the avdiyiv direction, to our team. what is happening there, how dangerous is the situation there now, we will try to find out with mr. sergey in just a few minutes, so stay with espresso. tired of heavy hoses that constantly get tangled up and create chaos on the site. unpack tv presents hose maxi at a good price, only from uah 299. the hose
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war, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda, russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia, we are countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project. thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday, friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day for help.


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