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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the project. chronicles of the information war with olga len tuesday -thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day... with the help of a telephone survey,
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turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football, together with... stronger. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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we are back and, as promised, we are adding to our conversation serhiy tsykhodskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. congratulations. mr. serhiy from the avdiiv district, we will talk about this later, and actually i would like to return to the conversation we had a few minutes ago, we talked with peter chernyk, according to his forecasts, the russians will move, will try to attack donetsk region, which is still small. the territories of luhansk region, which are now under the control of kyiv, in order to go to the administrative borders of these regions and then say that they have all implemented their operation, their plan. how do you see it, mr. serhiy, on the spot, does it really seem to you that they are ready to continue moving to the border of donetsk region, luhansk region, and then stop, or at least they themselves, at least the soldiers, commanders, know what their final goal is . goal,
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well, probably only this putin knows the final goal, but most likely, the soldiers, the officers don’t know this for sure, and probably the generals don’t know either, because to lay down such a large number of your own manpower, i’m not talking about the equipment, well, it’s necessary to have a mind and one must have at least some, well, moral values, upbringing in childhood and so on, nothing. putin did not have this, but at the moment i want to say that the enemy tries almost every day to break through our defenses in one place or another, to enter our positions there and still does not stop his attempts, but yesterday, for example, they massively, let's say, in a large number of infantry went to pervomaysk, they even managed
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to stick their tricolor there on the outskirts of pervomaisk and shout to the whole world that may day already theirs. there were a lot of information publications about this yesterday. well, let's say, the commander of our brigade reacted very quickly and went after the russian ship.
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mr. sergey, allow me to ask one more question, and in fact, i will quote kirill budanov here, most importantly, the head of the main intelligence department, he says that russia will advance on pokrovsk or chasiv, the russian army will start a new one. the offensive in donbas at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer this year, says budanov, and he says that the enemy may be advancing in the direction of vdyiv in the direction of pokrovsk, is there a possible increase in their reconnaissance uavs, which indicates that the enemy is trying to find out in every way as much information as possible about what is happening on the other side of the defense line, and actually, is there any information about what has the enemy already determined... in the priority directions? well, the enemy is constantly conducting reconnaissance in the sky with their reconnaissance drones, well, a very large number every day, and this is not only now, we have been observing there for the last six months, apparently very actively, the whole
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sky is practically always covered with their reconnaissance drones, they were even so cases when their eagles flew over pokrovsk, so, let's say so for... this, we are countering it, we are now working very actively to improve our rep stations, we are working to to deliver various of their uavs, this collection, which we constantly announce, helps us, that's why we ask people to join donatstva, but the enemy is also not sitting still and they are also doing countermeasures, but at the moment we are watching very actively, they have increased. the number of their employees, these employees install heavy vehicles and armored vehicles on the equipment and thereby hinder the work of our fpvi, this is the kind of countermeasures, this anti-drone fight is constantly continuing, who is who, well,
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the situation is actually very difficult, in fact difficult, but it is under control, we do everything possible in order to establish ourselves in that. in distant positions in order to prevent the enemy from fulfilling their dreams, which are stuck in their heads for today. mr. sergey, when there are so many rebs, i am not talking about theirs, but about ours, we understand that each brigade can have its own, and along the front line too, civilians can use some rebs for protection, is there any such one systematized one. when one common system and you see that it there are our drones, that these are our slaves, let it not be so, but with this friendly fire, let it not be so, that we do not know what it is flying and whose it is flying, have we already managed
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to establish cooperation in this direction, so, cooperation between, between those who produce these slaves, cooperation between those who complete them, including reshaping... reshaping and adapting to needs those that are constantly arising today, and this is also between military units, and our civilian engineers, we are constantly in contact, we are constantly looking for mechanisms, various inventions we do in order to, let's say, predict all the enemy's efforts, everything they do, but they also do not sit still, they also... constantly produce something new, so one single system against various modifications of unmanned systems, it is not fits, they are on different frequencies, channels, and so on, that is, there are completely different modifications, and
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they need completely different the same stations, the same anti-drone guns, and so on, so our specialists are constantly working on this, we understand that ... is needed a huge number of air defense systems in order to protect the entire sky in ukraine, to cover all cities, all important facilities and the front line, well , we understand that there will definitely not be enough patriots for everyone, but there are other schemes, actually the same mobile groups too are working, what does it look like for you in the front line, can you say that it is not enough, but it is tolerable to the extent and you can live with it, is it necessary to do more, now with... now i want to say that thanks to the donations, by the way, we are practically the last ones for more than a week their wing-type drones, we shoot down all detected ones, we shoot them down, we deactivate them, that’s a plus
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in terms of percentage in relation to their fpvs, we also deactivate more than 60% of them, it’s by our own... means that we have, but we have to to understand that the enemy also uses rap, and our soldiers also encounter the same problem that exists today and... such, well, we slightly outnumbered them, but in number, in the quality of work, but now it turns out, now gender can you hear me, yes, yes, we hear you, mr. serhiy, yes, and now it turns out that such, well, they break out all the time, they all the time, well, considering that they start it at such an industrial, state level, they have no more problems, not to build these dams, bridges, roads and so on, they have to... weapons in order to kill ukrainians, and here i want to appeal to ukrainians who today
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consider themselves, well, let's say that it will not affect them in any way, it will not happen, it must be understood that in order to win in this war, in our country, first of all in our country, there should be no one indifferent to the fact that happens, to any request of the military, which is asked today, be it for a child. whether it's for the repair of the same car, you have to respond, otherwise there will be trouble, otherwise the enemy, they, they are everything now, it's like a wounded animal, it must be either killed or let everything go, let it do what it wants and wait, until he dies somewhere, but we have to defeat them, we deserve it, we have been waiting for it for a long time, this time has come, we must understand this and not be indifferent, i repeat, this qr code, which is for... you see on the screen, this is actually a collection for the unit for the 59th
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separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk, served by serhii tsehotskyi. please donate, we need to collect uah 3 million, which you yourself just heard, so let's help our defenders, in fact, we will not help, we will help ourselves, because this is our part of the common cause, please scan and donate, whoever can, how much , and mr. serhiy, if you will allow me one last time. would like your reaction and that of your comrades, perhaps we have already exchanged opinions about the law on strengthening mobilization, which parliamentarians adopted today in the second reading, it does not differ practically from the version that was proposed at the beginning of last year at the end of last year, but there is a specific provision that cancels demobilization, and how exactly do you react to the fact that at the last moment this did you remove the norm? eh, you know, i will say that we, and here we are, i speak for myself, for my brothers, i constantly talk about this topic, in our country, how can we demobilize when there is
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a war going on in our country, well, really, and this is practically no one, people even after injuries, but not even no want to pass the vlk, i am a separate category of people there so that, god forbid, they are not written off to the reserve, but, but, at the same time, those people who have the right by law... this is what i say directly in our brigade, very very you hear me carefully yes yes we hear we don't see but we hear please continue very carefully treat each case personally and therefore in this regard the law works the law itself so far we haven't seen it we haven't read it so probably the comments will be a little late. thank you, serhii tsehotskyi, officer of the 59th separate unit
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of the motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk of the zavdiyiv direction was in direct contact with us, we are going for a short break and after it we will return, be with espress. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it's so. it is convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and order, there is a possibility of free deliveries, check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes with even thick branches, once it is ready, and unlike the standard. pollen, it is so convenient to use it in hard-to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key
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by football, stronger together. well, the tv channel's informational marathon is in full swing. now we will have the opportunity to talk with anna markevich, reproductive specialist, doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist of the lviv regional of the prenatal center, ms. anna and i will talk about the reproductive health of ukrainians and, in fact, how the state will try to help ukrainians in this matter from this year. ms. anna, we welcome you to ours. i congratulate you. let me start by explaining to our viewers that this year the ministry of finance of ukraine decided to finance for the first time an extracorporeal fertilization program for ukrainians, for those couples who may have problems conceiving a child, and for these services of reproductive technologies. this year the state decided
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allocate almost uah 2 billion. currently, there are 15 security institutions in ukraine. health centers in kyiv, lviv, dnipro, chernivtsi, rivne, odesa, and ivano-frankivsk, which can actually provide these services free of charge, and the state will pay for them, and in lviv, in particular, this is the lviv prenatal center , we would like to ask you exactly what this program looks like, who can use it and actually what is required for this, let's first talk about who has the right to use this opportunity, eh? actually, you said everything correctly, just this year, the state really contributed to the improvement of the reproductive health of the population and allocated funds for the implementation of this program in the form of a package of services for auxiliary reproductive technologies. who can use this service? this service
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can be used by couples. who have a diagnosis of infertility, and the only, let's say, restriction that is currently on the package of services is the age of the woman, that is, any couples whose age does not exceed 40 years of age can use this program, and who has diagnose a couple, that is, it must be diagnosed with infertility, either in a man or in a woman, or for example something else that affects impotence. to conceive a child and actually, who is this person, or who is this doctor, who has such a conclusion to give? if you look at our perinatal center, we have created a multi. a disciplinary council consisting of several specialists, who actually claim that the diagnosis of infertility, and i
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decide to provide treatment according to this program, is the so-called, what is this multidisciplinary a council consisting of at least three specialists, and it does not matter whether it is infertility, say, female infertility. type or male, a decision is made regarding the implementation of treatment under this project. how popular has this program already become among patients, do they trust or not, do they come, do you have hype or do you need to spread the word so that those who want to become parents, but for some reason cannot, come forward? in fact, this topic of infertility, infertility treatment today is not only... relevant in in ukraine, in general, in the world, er, every fourth couple needs infertility treatment in one way or another, in fact, infertility treatment
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with auxiliary technologies, this is one of the most effective types of infertility treatment, and today we really have a lot of requests, and we er, we are trying to help everyone and we are trying to start treatment for everyone as quickly as possible, there are many requests. and i hope that we have sufficient potential and technical base, and we will be able to provide treatment to everyone, without exception, who needs it. ms. anna, we know about that it is in the lviv perinatal center that this department of reproductive technologies exists, it has existed not so long ago, but if we are talking about this period, when exactly this department exists, or is there a greater number now? applications, for example, than there was at the very beginning, as soon as the department was opened, and actually we would like to understand what influences your opinion now on the possibility of not conceiving
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a child in ukraine, because you said that every fourth couple faces this problem , and this, in my opinion, is enough a high indicator, yes, let's say, even before the start of the implementation of this package of services, which are currently guaranteed by the state this year, services for the treatment of insomnia. by the method of auxiliary technologies, they were provided only in private clinics, they are very expensive, in their own way, in their own way, and not every couple could, let's say, afford to start that treatment when they want it and, accordingly, first sorted out the financial aspects and then just applied for treatment, so today, when the state... guarantees us free services, it has become easier for the patient, the patient, despite, say, such a difficult time, the patient
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comes, the patient applies, and actually in the treatment of infertility, time is important, so we are very happy that we can provide patients on time, not postponing it will help, and if we start the treatment in time, accordingly, the effectiveness of it will be... higher, and if we talk about the number of couples who have already applied and who have actually gone through this stage from planning the very extracorporeal fertilization to the birth of the child, how many couples were there in general, who came, who applied, and are there actually results of these efforts of doctors in the form of the birth of children? there is still no result for the state guarantee program, because only four months have passed. yes, but couples who have been waiting for a pregnancy for a long time have already partially received it, it still takes a little time before the birth, is the request for such services, actually, for
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such treatment, it is only among the residents of lviv, lviv oblast, the western region, or do they also come to you can get such services from those regions where it is hotter now, in particular from kharkiv oblast, possibly from the south, from kherson oblast, mykola. yes, we have patients from all regions of ukraine, including kyiv region, dnipro, odesa, chernivtsi, and transcarpathia, that is, we are ready to provide services to anyone from all over ukraine who just needs it to increase the birth rate. i also wanted to clarify with you, ms. anna, how long this path to dream parenthood can last. i understand that cases, most likely. each one is individual, yes, but on average, how long does this period last, when conditionally speaking, the couple dares to go for extracorporeal entanglement, and accordingly
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everyone must pass. these stages of this process, how long can it last? er, if a couple applies for er fertility treatment in time, yes, this stage, let's say, before expected motherhood, it will be short-lived, but if a couple applies in the late reproductive age and ee treatment, which took place before that, this stage , it can be before the birth of a child. it can last for six months, a year, or two years, each has its moments, so do not delay, apply, and the sooner, the the earlier we start the treatment, the faster you will get the desired result. madam, we remember that at the beginning of the full-scale invasion in lviv, in particular , there was a frenzy in the perinatal center, a lot of idp women, many women from the east, from the center of the country came to lviv precisely for the purpose of... giving birth
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in a safer place, because we understand that lviv is still a little further from the zone of constant shelling, and we also know that there are shelters in lviv medical institutions, is this agitation just as powerful now, or the number of women who come to lviv to give birth is decreasing, perhaps you know, so that we are with an institution that is in the lead again this year. and in terms of the number of births, the number of births is high, the number of births is not decreasing, a lot of people want to come to us and give birth in safe conditions, by the way , we just opened a new state-of-the-art facility, yes, we have an unstable zak with ms. anna, but i will definitely add , because in fact, they also recently read this information about the fact that in lviv
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a prenatal center opened... a modern a shelter where you can give birth, where there is appropriate equipment, where there is also equipment with which you can give help in case of some non-standard situations to both the mother and the child, newborn babies, and women in labor, and those , who are just waiting to give birth, that is , the lviv prenatal clinic actually works in the direction that it is really safe to give birth there and that it is possible. accept more women, is anna markevich in touch with us now, can we include her, we would like to they say to ask right now, yes, mrs. ana, can you hear us, we have a minute and a half, but there is an important question, now, now, now, you, if you can hear us, yes, look, we have a minute and a half, but i want , so you could say, delayed parenthood, or roughly speaking, people who, who want
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to become...parents, but for example, they're not ready now, or for example, a prenatal center gives them that option in the form of storing their biomaterials in order to so that they could realize themselves as parents later, yes, unfortunately, we don't hear, but if i don't was wrong, then the answer was yes, but , unfortunately, due to bad communication, we did not hear, well, it is important that it is, that is, if you are interested in this topic, then you will actually understand that you can contact this topic . anna markevich, reproductive specialist, doctor, kosher, gynecologist, of the lviv regional perinatal center was in direct contact with us. well, at espresso, meanwhile , it's news time, so our colleagues are ready to share all the important information with you. iryna koval is ready to tell us about it. iro, we welcome you, we are glad to see you. we pass
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now it's your turn, and we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in return, i am also glad to see you, we have such a female trinity today. well, unfortunately, i won't be able to tell you anything good, because for now the missile danger remains for kharkiv and donetsk regions, the enemy continues shelling these cities, the head of the regional military administration previously reported about the launch of lancets in the mykolaiv region. i will tell you more about everything in the issue, so wait, it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the tv channel espresso, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all
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the viewers and just now to the most important ones. the russians killed four people in


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