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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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congratulations, we are glad to see you, we give you the floor right now and ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in return, i am also glad to see you, we have such a female trinity today. well, unfortunately, i will not be able to tell you anything good, because at the moment the missile danger remains for the kharkiv and donetsk regions, the enemy continues shelling these cities, and earlier the head of the regional military administration reported about... the launch of lancets in the mykolaiv region, i will tell you more about everything in release so wait it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, all the viewers
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and now to the most important events: the russians killed four people in mykolaiv, all civilians who happened to be at the point of impact at the time of the shelling, - noted the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. five people were injured, among them a teenage girl who does not require hospitalization, one man is in a serious condition in the operating room, the enemy hit the city with ballistics in the middle of the day, damaged industrial facilities and private houses, in several high-rise buildings have broken windows and broken doors. and roofs, as well as damaged contact network of street lighting. and russian terrorists are shelling kharkiv again. several explosions rang out in the city, mayor ihor terekhov said. the consequences of the night attacks were eliminated and the subway started working in the afternoon, but due to the lack of electricity, the interval of trains is at least 20 minutes. about 240,000 subscribers in the region remain without electricity. objects of the social and
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medical spheres work in regular mode due to alternative power supply. i remind you in the morning, the enemy delivered at least 10 strikes on the critical infrastructure of the kharkiv region. the russians attacked with ballistic missiles. lithuania will hand over equipment to restore the energy infrastructure to ukraine. this was reported by the minister of energy of the country. the lithuanians will send equipment from the non-operational vilnius thermal power plant. as well as part of the equipment from the ignalina as and warehouses of energy companies. i would like to note that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, arrived in lithuania today on a visit. he will take part in the trimore summit and conduct negotiations with the heads of partner states. they have to sign a new bilateral security agreement. ukraine signed a security agreement with latvia. they signed their signatures in the document . in the agreement, latvia undertook to help
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our country with recovery and reconstruction, as well as with the protection of critical infrastructure, demining, unmanned technologies and cyber security. the country will provide defense support for 25% of its gdp each year. and black day at center-energo. the russians destroyed the entire generation of the organization. as the energy center was informed that a large-scale fire occurred in the turpin shop as a result of hits at the trypil thermal power plant. they are trying to contain the fire. all those who were on shift during shelling are alive. the scale of destruction cannot be measured with money, added the energy center. at the same time, ukrenergo calls for saving electricity in the evening hours. the night before, due to a deficit in the polish power system. provided assistance
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with a total volume of 200 mw/h. the training of ukrainian pilots on f-16 fighters in denmark and the usa is already in its final stage stage this was reported to ukrinform by the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash. he noted that our pilots are already honing their skills on the tasks that will be set before them in ukraine. in particular, they will work out. strikes against small-sized targets, including such as shahed and such as cruise and guided air missiles. we should not talk about the terms of f-16 deliveries to ukraine yet, yevlash added. our partners are not verbose, as you can see, everything that happens, everything that concerns the f-16, it is held behind closed doors, rather without many words, and here mainly about...
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i would not talk about the terms, because it is a certain advantage, a certain strategic uncertainty, it gives us a moment for suddenness and the unexpected. the prime minister of ukraine, denys shmagal, arrived on a visit to slovakia, where he plans to hold consultations with prime minister fico's government. cooperation in the field of energy, logistics and trade is on the agenda. zelenskyi's peace formula should also be discussed. according to the results of the consultation, the leaders plan to sign a series bilateral documents. effective solutions. partnership and innovation, the fifth international summit of mayors has started in denshchina, where our correspondent kateryna galko currently works. katya, i congratulate you, tell me, please, which of the heads of ukrainian cities have you already managed to see and what results
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are expected from this meeting? i congratulate iro, i congratulate the viewers of the espres tv channel. so, the summit in... has already started, it has been going on since the morning, it gathered mayors from the mayors of ukrainian cities, mayors from moldova, as well as mayors of cities and other countries of the world, they have already seen the mayor of lviv, the mayor of mykolaiv, trostyanets, chortkov, etc., also, representatives of business, the public and international organizations have also come here. it is no less important that the summit in moldova is being held with the support of maisand, so of course we took the opportunity and talked a little bit with the president and the representative of the united states of america and asked them about what, of course, particularly worries us about supporting ukraine, and the answers, let's hear them right now. we continue to support ukraine, and we believe in the victory
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of ukraine and peace in ukraine. we are very grateful, because ukraine is currently keeping the peace in moldova. we will continue to do everything we can to help ours. ukrainian friends. we are working to ensure accountability for russia's atrocities. this work takes many forms. our ukrainian partners have a very active and competent judicial system in which they have demonstrated a very good ability to prosecute war crimes, how they have suffered at the hands of russian forces, and their international bodies. the united states is actively working around the world, of course, with our ukrainian partners to... help gather evidence, analyze that evidence, preserve it and make it available to various international bodies, including the international criminal court, the international court, just to facilitate this accountability process. so i would like to point out
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that ukraine and moldova started their path to the european union at the same time, so we definitely have something to share with each other. now the mayors have already presented. various innovative solutions that are being implemented, and also shared how specific problems are being solved on the ground, discussed how they can be adapted and integrated in both our countries, with a special emphasis on digitization and digital transformation. let's hear more about the purpose of the summit from its founder. this is where the first very important contact between the ukrainian and moldovan mayors takes place. some of them are already communicating, but some are not yet, so it is very important to really show them how important these horizontal connections are role in building a safe, secure platform, how they can move towards
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the eu together. so from what we have heard, special attention is being paid today at the summit to the revival of the city. also how to make them more attractive for human capital, how to develop economically, as well as how to make cities safe and convenient, comfortable for residents, actually after the completion of the panels today will take place, probably this is the main goal of this summit, we expect the signing of new partnership agreements between ukrainian cities and cities of moldova or poland, we will learn more about this after the panels are finished, how many such... partnership agreements will be signed is not yet known, however, we are sure that this will definitely have an important impact on the development and maintenance of stability in ukrainian cities. we will follow everything and let you know. that's all i got for now, iro, so i'm giving the ether to you. katya, thank you, it was our
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correspondent kateryna galko from moldova, talking about the fifth international summit of mayors. and we are moving on to the next news, they asked. to drink water and robbed u mykolaiv police officers detained three women who stole uah 70,000 from a pensioner. the woman let strangers into the apartment, went to get a glass of water. at this time, one of the guests began to simulate an epileptic attack, but after a few minutes, the woman allegedly felt better and they left the house. later, the pensioner discovered that all her savings had disappeared from her stash. she turned to the police, the suspects were detained a few hours later. the police established that two of the defendants had previously been held criminally liable for committing property crimes. all of them. natives of donetsk region and close relatives among themselves and tour the country for the purpose of earning.
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the money was withdrawn. all three face up to eight years in prison. such were the news at that time. you can see the next issue already at 4 p.m. you can read more on our website "espresso tv". follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. literally in a moment , my colleagues oksana vysochanska and marta poliarnyk will continue the ether. we are coming back, thank you to iryna kovola and everyone news editors for their work and we want to add a little, tell about an actually unprecedented event that concerns the european parliament, more than 500 deputies supported and only 62 did not want to, it is said. about the fact that the european parliament refused to approve the financing of the council of europe until
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new patriots are given to ukraine, that is , a great idea, a great initiative, marta and i also fully support it, you think so too, and we are waiting for the transfer, so we are waiting for the transfer to us additional air defense systems, because our diplomats are already calling for me it seems that for several months now they have been intensively urging... our allies and partners to still find opportunities to transfer more air defense to us, well, maybe such levers of influence, they will be more effective than various kinds of appeals, as well as the speeches of our diplomats at various venues in the world . oleksandr chyzhesky will be with us soon on the air, mr. oleksandr and i will talk about the fate of the scandalous draft law on the city of construction, for which the head of the servant of the people party, olena, was actually denounced. president oleksandr chezhevsky of the national union of architects of ukraine is already in touch with us.
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mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. good day. well, the fate of the scandalous draft law 5655 is as follows: the "clone" resolution was again submitted to the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers. at least this is evidenced by the sources of the mirror of the week in the government. this is a resolution on the implementation of experimental projects in the field of urban planning. that is, we understand what is new under the sauce, as it were. of the new resolution, they want to regurgitate the same old story that you generally know about the matter at what stage this document is now, and in fact, whether this document really contains all these risky norms that were prescribed in this law, this regulation prescribes the norms that were provided for in draft law 5655. in law 56- 55 was at least such a wrapper at first. it was very modern, er, digitalization is a trend with you, and under the guise of such total
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digitalization, in particular in the construction industry, a law was passed that was positioned as urban planning reform, er, we did not immediately understand that it was scandalous , we spent a significant amount of time, our professional expert environment. to the desire to cooperate with the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada, we tried to carry out precisely those points that do not relate to the single electronic system, which we warmly supported and support today, but it did not succeed, because of that, we, our colleagues, aptly called that this law is the city of rape, because the law is still about... brought up very actively, and i must say that we checked our position, communicating with
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our international partners, our colleagues on various forums and here , first of all, there we received such principled support for our position from the world union of architects, we received the same laudatory position of ours. if for the better the urban planning present of your country and the future from the association of european singers, well, and a detachment of national unions - it was not a task to collect, but i want to end this brief overview of these supports with what, in particular, they wrote swedish architects, their leadership, they wrote, that this law contains provisions that can lead to upheaval in society, that is, such, you know, very delicate, diplomatically worded, and in fact a number of provisions, they were contrary to the trend
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that emerged in our country after the revolution of dignity, decentralization, search . among democratic ways of solving the problem , participation has become a fashionable word in our country, that is , community representatives, leaders, developers of documentation, urban planners, other specialists meet with each other, that is , we considered all this as what should be next to develop, and we have to move and then put it already in electrification, so that there are no doubts, nevertheless, they did not want to hear us, they refused us such a conscious improvement, and the law was adopted in the second reading, although in the period when it was accepted, it turned out that we have a very large number of our supporters, those who support us, if we started alone, a union of architects, well
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, the fact is that an architect starts a building, he designs it, he creates it from nothing, something he must see and the legislative field, and the position of the local community and so on, that 's why we were the first, and then it turned out that we were joined by more than 40 organizations, in particular the association of cities and then a lot of different movements, villages realized that the law would not pass, it was suspended by the president and that's all , then this version of it was invented through the cabinet of ministers, through resolutions, there are several of them, there are m... four of them were called that this is an experiment, and when we got to know it carefully, our colleagues, we have a large part of people who care, patriotic, not only by in relation to the profession, first of all to the country, we saw that it is the same, only here there is no longer this electro-visual
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wrapper, there is simply a naked such a paradigmatic approach, where all the same provisions of the city are implemented. rapes, which were, at the moment, it is all in the bowels of the cabinet of ministers, but - next to us and not only us, but a large number, so to speak, of public organizations spoke out against this, and what is interesting and positive, that the negative expert the conclusion was given by the national agency for the prevention of corruption, i really i expect that when these ee... fragments of law 565 will be further improved in the form of a cabin ordinance, i hope that they will not be adopted at all, but if they are adopted, then at least taking into account the requirements of the national academy of sciences, and they will significantly smooth it out, so it would say this implementation of lobbyists, big developers, their desire not to pay attention to
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the position of the professional public, or the public in general, please clarify here for us... in fact, the threat is that now the builders, we are talking about large companies, about large developers, not about some small ones, in fact, will be able to do and build what they want, where they want, despite some general plan, zoning, according to the community, as you already said, that's right, we understand, yes, there are many elements that allow they should not look at the current local documentation, which you call the master plan, not pay attention to the position of the local authorities, get it themselves, do the work, pass the examination themselves, get a construction permit with their structures, build, these structures do technical supervision, if e architects resist, then you can take away the copyright from them
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, transfer it to technical supervision engineers, put it into operation by your own structures and other structures. and register property rights, sell, realize these apartments and go away in peace, leaving the local authorities with their problems that always arise, either due to the conflict that there are not enough social facilities nearby, or due to the fact that the downtrodden are overloaded engineering networks, or there is simply not enough territory for the residence of such a large number of citizens and so on, absolutely right, you said everything correctly, mr. oleksand. i would also like to ask you about ilya vityuk, the head of the cyber security department of the security service of ukraine, who became a figure in the investigation of journalists. they discovered in him the property of an elderly man in pechersk, which he could not explain where he got it from, well, actually you
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wrote about the fact that he is a key figure of pressure on the national union of architects of ukraine itself, this is an important statement and we would like to ask you to explain , how vytyuk relates to actual pressure to of this union, i will say when... our efforts to improve the draft law 56-55 have come to an end, we received clear threats at the meeting of the specialized committee that your activities will be checked with the involvement of law enforcement agencies, well, we do not understand what can be done to check the public organization, but it doesn't matter, after a while - the checks appeared, they came to us with searches dressed in, so to speak, with sbu markings, but the searches were
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early in the morning like criminals in brutal uniforms and so on, then there was - we went to interrogations criminal proceedings were opened, and as a result of all the searches, there were no violations. we didn't find a financial plan, so there was only one invented version, so to speak, that we illegally entered the unified electronic system in the summer of 22 and exchanged information about or data about certified architects, uh, initiated this, so to speak, this case, well, we know, we have seen two letters signed by ilya vityuk, so... from his submission, it was - further entrusted to the main investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs, conduct an investigation with us, the investigation was serious, that is, in the 22nd year
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there was a war on the streets, but a lot of people were engaged in the union of architects, er, approximately, well, maybe in 10, maybe 12 cities of ukraine , there were interrogations of other architects who took the exams, did they, did they really take them, were they there and so on, well, but ilya avityu initiated it. and the key thing, immediately on the second day after the search , a briefing was held, at which the head of the department of cyber security management, and our minister of digitalization , mykhailo fedorov, spoke, and they said that there is the mythical high-ranking official of the union of architects, it is meant, probably me, who makes billion-dollar devices, and gives fake ones. executioners and buildings can fall and so on, well, all this, all this is an absolute fake, all this is completely scrambled, but the initiator of this was illyavik, that is, he
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provided services for law enforcement agencies to fulfill orders for pressing, say, the union of architects, as a professional community that turned out to be not so lenient in formulating its position, we did not expect that all this maybe... we have such a turnover that such a number of, let's say , sbu police officers deal with us, that this is all extremely important, and we have courts now, and again, a lot of people are dealing with this in the courts already in general, it turns out that every time white says it's black, well , it's shorter, but let's go and give it to you, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr. chyzhevsky, the president of the national union of architects of ukraine, was on espresso. we actually talked about the scandalous bill 56-55 on urban planning, and
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in fact, as it turned out, the head of the cyber ​​department of the sbu, who is now a suspect in the investigation of the journalists of slidstva info, who was sent by vasyl malyuk, the head of the sbu, to perform his duties at the front, also became a suspect. lit up even in this story, which actually, well, well, such a story. in the meantime , the energy center was informed that they already know how much time they need to overcome the consequences of the destruction of the trypil thesis, which the russians actually destroyed today. they do not name these terms for obvious reasons and add that in fact, despite all this, the situation in the power system remains stable. year in august , the destruction was somewhat different, but in general , the global picture was similar, so our energy experts know how to work further. actually, we will talk about energy
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