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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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the word in the issue will be about the situation in the energy sector, once again i am talking about what is happening in kharkiv region and mykolaiv region, so please wait. 4 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and let's start with the situation in mykolaiv, the russians killed four people. all civilians, who at the time of the shelling, happened to be at the place of the hit - noted the mayor oleksandr sinkevich. five people were injured, among them a teenage girl who did not need it hospitalization. one man is currently in hospital in serious condition. the enemy hit the city with ballistics in the middle of the day. industrial
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facilities and private houses were damaged, in several high-rise buildings, windows were broken, doors and roofs were mutilated, and the contact network of street lighting was also damaged. russian terrorists are shelling kharkiv again. several explosions rang out in the city, mayor ihor terekhov said. the consequences of the night attacks were eliminated in the city. in the afternoon , the metro started working, but due to the lack of electricity, the interval of trains is at least 20 minutes about 240,000 subscribers of the region remain without electricity. objects of the social and medical spheres work in regular mode due to alternative power supply. let me remind you that during the morning attack, the enemy struck at least 10 attacks on the critical infrastructure of the kharkiv region. the russians attacked with ballistic missiles. black day at the center-energo company. the russians destroyed. the entire generation
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of the organization, as noted in the center-energo , as a result of the hits in the trypil thermal power plant, a large-scale fire occurred in the turbine generator, they are trying to put out the fire to localize, all those who were on shift during the shelling are alive, the extent of the destruction cannot be estimated with money, added the central energy. at the same time , ukrenergo calls for saving electricity in the evening hours. the previous evening, due to a deficit in the energy system, poland provided up to... assistance with a total volume of 200 mvv/h. lithuania will hand over equipment to restore the energy infrastructure to ukraine. this was reported by the minister of energy of the country. the lithuanians will send equipment from the inactive vilnius tets, as well as part of the equipment from ignalina as and warehouses of energy companies. i note that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, arrived in lithuania today on a visit. he will take part in the summit of the three seas and. will hold talks with
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the heads of partner states, should sign a new bilateral security agreement. the european parliament refused to implement the council's budget until the european council decides to support ukraine with additional patriot anti-missile systems. the former prime minister of belgium proposed to remove the approval of the budget of the european council from agenda until member states... can find the seven patriot systems that ukraine now needs. he recalled the words of josep borel that european countries have a hundred patriot systems, and at the same time are unable to help ukrainians with seven. the decision was supported by 515 meps, against - 62. prime minister of ukraine denys shmagal arrived on a visit to slovakia, where he plans to hold consultations with the prime minister's government. on
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the agenda, cooperation in the field of energy, logistics and trade should also be discussed zelensky's peace formula. following the consultation, the leaders plan to sign a number of bilateral documents. the new mobilization rules will enter into force a month after the signing by the president of ukraine. today, the people's deputies adopted the law as a whole. among the main provisions are new rules for the disabled. they have to pass the medical examination again, this also applies to conscripts who received the second and third disability groups after the start of the full-scale war. all citizens of draft age must update their data within 60 days tcc at the same time, the rights of evaders to drive a car are limited. first , the commander of the united forces yuriy sodol spoke before the people's deputies, and then the document was approved. he noted the number.
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in the third year of the full-scale war, the number of combat personnel of the armed forces of ukraine is decreasing. the enemy exceeds us by 7-10. times, we have a shortage of personnel, we are holding the defense to the last strength, to create the main strike group, which will allow the commander-in-chief to restore the territory of our country in the future, accept this law and the armed forces will not let you down, not only you, but also the entire ukrainian people. the training of ukrainian pilots on f-16 fighters in denmark and the united states of america is already at the final stage. this was reported to ukrinform by the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash. he noted that our pilots are already honing their skills on the tasks that will be
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set before them in ukraine. in particular , strikes against small-sized targets, including such as shaheds and such as cruise and guided air missiles, are practiced. about the terms of delivery of f-16 to ukraine should not be discussed yet, - yevlash added. our partners are not verbose, as you can see, everything that happens, everything that concerns the f-16, is done behind closed doors. it's quite short, and i wouldn't talk about terms here, because it gives us a certain advantage, a certain strategic uncertainty. a moment for suddenness and an unexpected blow. rehabilitation of veterans through sports. in lviv, patients of the rehabilitation center attended a powerlifting master class. this sport helps to develop strength abilities after
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injury. my colleagues will tell you what impressions the training participants received. we take a breath with you and lower the riser. fixed, again repeated another repetition. a powerlifting trainer corrects the technique of military man andriy dashkevich, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, the man defended the country as part of the 107th separate brigade of the tro forces, fought in the kharkiv and donetsk directions. last july, the shooter received multiple injuries. this is the chest, pneumothorax, broken ribs, there was also a punctured leg. it was such an urgent amputation, he had already been there on the battlefield for a day, he had already been lying down, and the leg had already, well, not shown signs of life there for a long time, it had to be amputated as soon as possible. andriy is one of the patients
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of the superhumans center. this specialized clinic organizes sports master classes for military and civilians who are waiting for prosthetics or are still undergoing rehabilitation. i practice at the rehabilitation center, as an extra, when there is time after my main classes directed to prosthetics, if there is still time, i add strength strength training, well, in general, i like sports, it helps to stay in a good mood, in good shape. another military man who is engaged in powerlifting, konstantin kashula with the call sign yeger, he defended our borders as part of the fifth assault brigade in... 2023 konstantin was injured by a mine explosion, his leg had to be amputated, already with a prosthesis, the man performs barbells lying down . the impressions are very positive, because today i showed several warm-up exercises that
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can be done, i was very interested in them and showed how to work with a barbell correctly, there are many nuances that i did not know before. or the so-called power triathlon, helps to comprehensively develop muscles, increase strength, improve endurance and coordination of movements, understand the theory and correct technique, the honored coach of ukraine, maria rostorgui, helped the military: whether to move even in wheelchairs, you need to have sufficiently developed muscles and have a high level of strength development, powerlifting can be used in the rehabilitation process, and immediately after the rehabilitation is over, the guys can continue in... within the limits of the city program, military personnel can visit gyms in lviv free of charge. this option is available in 13 sports centers. this program, as it concerns free visits to sports clubs, centers for
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military personnel, combatants and family members of the dead, it can operate in any city of our country, and we encourage and are ready to share experiences like this implement the program in other cities. to get a free pass to the hall, defenders only need to submit the relevant documents to the sports department of the lviv city council. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about the collection of the espresso tv channel. walkie-talkies and armor plates are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles in the eastern direction. and they give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. we will not delay the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours has a huge value. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time.
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wait for the updated issue already at 5 p.m., literally in a moment. ater is continued by my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and oksana vysochanska. well, we continue to inform you about all the most important events of today and analyze them together with our guests, whom we try to include in our ether. well, now we will actually involve valery ryabykh, a military expert and director, on ether director of development of the information and consulting company defense express. in fact, there are many events that require explanation, and we actually ask mr. valery to help us figure this whole thing out. congratulations, mr. valery, to eteriso, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations to
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the beautiful studio, congratulations to the dear viewers. mr. valery, look, today ukraine experienced another massive combined attack by the enemy, daggers were used, in particular, and we understand that some of these daggers flew to the lviv region, where it was obviously not practical chances to shoot them down, but some of the missiles also flew to the kyiv region, and here it actually appears in parallel with... this is the statement of bildu military expert julian ryobke that he believes that ukraine has already exhausted its stockpile of missiles for the patriot and airis systems t. i will even quote what he said: ukraine has run out of patriot and airis t missiles, and most of the other reserves of air defense equipment have also been depleted or destroyed, despite the fact that we have hundreds of systems and thousands of missiles in our warehouses, there are no words, just anger. that's how he wrote. in their social networks, would like you has it been commented on? well, this is quite such
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an emotional assessment, and in principle, it has the right to exist, especially since the same thing is currently, well , the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine is speaking on all international platforms, trying to reach partners against the background of this very genocide, which... is reinforced by russian criminals, and it should be noted that all this is happening, well , because of the impunity of those criminals who have already been recognized, including by the international criminal court in gaza, and in particular i want to remind you that for similar crimes er for the organization of attacks on the ukrainian energy infrastructure in the period from... october 10, 22, to march 9, 23, the international court of justice in the hague
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indicted the commander of the long-range aviation of the russian federation and the commander of the black sea fleet, who gave orders to destroy the energy infrastructure of ukraine. now we see that since march. the enemy's attacks on the energy infrastructure have intensified, and we see that these actions are carried out in a targeted manner, again on the orders of the highest military leadership of the russian federation and with the direct participation of a large number of russian criminals who will be recognized as such, and it should be noted that these crimes do not have a statute of limitations. regarding the number of missiles, the president of ukraine also spoke about it when in his speech
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in february on the second anniversary of the first large-scale invasion of the russian federation, and then observers spoke about it in march, including for telegraph, wrote that well, if the issue of air defense is not resolved, with the provision of new... batches of missiles, then by the end of the month, by the end of march, by the beginning of april, these missiles were supposed to be finished, so in essence we have to... such an inadequate situation, inadequate to the threats from russian terrorists and inadequate from the in terms of the reaction of the international community, and our partners, the only thing we have is that last week a decision was made there with the united states, regarding the provision of, let's say,
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the sale of services for 138 million in total. hulk systems, this is one of the few that we are we have in the field of air defense systems. mr. valery, the defense expert writes that today we shot down 89% of what could be shot down, that is, we declare that there is still something that we cannot shoot down, we understand that the patriot is there to close the whole of ukraine impossible, but a patriot. this is actually the most powerful air defense system that we currently have in ukraine, what we can’t shoot down, where we can’t shoot down, if it can be voiced, of course, well, today these statistics are voiced by the air force, and you can understand that we just can't shoot down ballistic targets, they include 12 anti-aircraft guided
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missiles s300, which most likely just hit the energy infrastructure in cities that are close to the contact line, it could be kharkiv and objects in the kharkiv region, or the same objects in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region, it was also not shot down by six kh-47 m2 kinzhal air-ballistic missiles, and none of them were shot down for obvious reasons, because the russian aggressors already understand. goes, you can use these preschool rockets with impunity and direct, direct them to the very place where, according to their estimates, there are no patriots, well, or sumpts, and this is exactly what they use for those delays on the part of our partners, well, for the calls of the same
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ukraine, to urgently transfer to seven petrut air defense systems, which are in they, well, what can i say, fall to dust against the background of the fact that these missiles bring suffering and death to ukrainians every day. mr. valery, look, if we're talking about, i'm not talking about the number, because it's not just the missiles themselves, the number is important here, the number is also important here their carriers, yes, actually, what the enemy launches them with, if we talk about missiles and carriers, yes, then we understand that there are certain... ballistic missiles that have a shorter range , and there are missiles that have a longer range actions, these are, for example, daggers and zircons. if we are talking about long-range ballistics, such as zircons and such as daggers, how many of them the enemy has and how often can he afford to use them, but the enemy has accumulated similar means and has certain rates
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of production, and here it is impossible to say, what... we will destroy all the missiles and the enemy will run out of them, this is a process of confrontation, in which the one who keeps the fastest pace will win, of course, our pace here depends primarily on the help of our partners, well, regarding the same dagger missiles, then well, according to the evidence of the intelligence there at a certain point, the last data that was available, it was in their reserves until 80'. er missiles of this type, six aerial ballistic missiles were used today, and the approximate production rate is somewhere between three and five of these missiles per month, that is the enemy can make them, despite
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the fact that they also had a problem with their maintenance. western components have also been found, currently we have just that weak, weak effect of sanctions and the possibility of the enemy using individual elements in order to make their missiles modern. currently, we also have procrastination on the part of partners with the transfer of funds that could oppose these funds, well, at the moment we have, in addition to this, still unclear calls not to hit the same infrastructure. structural objects of the russian federation on against the background of the fact that these strikes on ukraine's energy infrastructure cannot be left unpunished... for this, ukraine uses the available means, these are long-range combat drones, which, having small, let's say, combat units, can confidently inflict, let's say, strikes on exactly the same
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objects of the oil and gas infrastructure and thereby significantly reducing the potential of the enemy and his ability to accumulate funds for the continuation of this war, well, there are many other targets besides the oil refinery, we are not talking about them with marta today, about the fact that the enterprises , where they are making everything with which they attack us, because the enterprise in tatarstan has already been blown up, but there are many objects, intelligence officers say that there is something to hit, how far, how deep, as of now we can hit our legitimate targets, because we talked at first about several hundred kilometers, then about a thousand. now we are talking about much more, and when will our rockets fly there? there are also different estimates here, and in principle we see that just
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after the strikes that were carried out in march, at the beginning of april this year, that geography such strikes are expanding, and in particular, such a transitional period was precisely the strikes on objects on the territory of tatarstan, and this is the free economy. the alabuga zone, where the production of those shaheds that terrorize ukrainians every night is located, is also one of the objects of the oil and gas industry of the russian federation, and this already means that the ukrainian strikes, and they are targeted and accurate, which may indicate that special means are used to indicate similar. they are located at distances of about 1,300 km, which in principle with the conditions and
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the need to bypass air defense units there can speak about the range of these objects at a distance of up to 1,500 km, well, in addition, the western press reported last week that there are already drones developed in ukraine that... can fly there at a distance of up to 2, 5 e to 3 00 km, produce similar targets, even beyond the arctic circle, where there are also many similar objects for destruction, and of course, the effectiveness of the strikes is also shown, including, for example, recently a couple of days ago on april 9 a military facility in borys was hit hlibsk, precisely the objects of the military infrastructure that are involved in maintaining the operational condition of the aircraft of the tactical aviation
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of the russian federation, as well as the repair and maintenance of missiles of various classes for the same aviation, including those and primarily those that are used to strike at ... the infrastructure of ukraine, this x-555 and x-22, and a number of other missiles, in addition, all tactical aviation, just this plant that was attacked by boris hlibska, according to the testimony of experts, it is used for the maintenance of tactical aviation, which operates in the direction of ukraine, and it is key, so we hope that after such strikes... let's say, the enemy's ability to strike on the territory of ukraine will decrease. mr. valery, thank you for participating in our broadcast for your answers,
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valery ryabikh, a military expert and director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, was with us. and now we will show you a photo, a frame, now look, please, and try to guess who it is, for a second, here, please look. if you do not recognize this the man's name is henry marsh, he is an outstanding, incredibly popular and professional doctor, he performs a huge number of neurosurgeon operations all over the world, he often came to ukraine for many, almost three decades, and often performed operations for free, consulted ukrainian doctors to help ukrainian patients , it started in the 90s, when we generally had... halepa with anything with equipment and medicine did not know in which direction to move, what is he doing now, now he is in great britain at home and weaving
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camouflage nets for our armed forces, we can do it too, but we always have a choice, we can either weave such nets, or we can donate, by the way , the qr code has appeared and the card number, you copy or bring your smartphones to yourself, scan them right away and donate as much as you can, it’s for a good cause, it’s for fpv drones for two brigades, for the cold ravine and for the black zaporozhians, don’t regret it, that’s as much as you spend a day on coffee, some kind of pleasure, entertainment something that is not vitally necessary, so much should be transferred to this account as well, to bring our victory closer together. we will talk about other ways of helping, about volunteers who help locals in kharkiv, in a few minutes, after a short pause, wait. warning. unpack tv. sofa
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in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. continues war, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga len tuesday thursday at 5:15 p.m., repeat tuesday friday at 10 p.m. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and...
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