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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world , the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy in the morning, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. premium sponsor. represents united by football, stronger together. we are returning and we have a message from the air force about a missile in the direction of myrhorod x-59, on the map poltavshchyna, sumyshchyna, also red, also kharkiv region, so please do not ignore the air warning signals. well , in sums too. there was also an explosion, this
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was reported by the public, and before that the air force warned about the activity of enemy tactical aviation in the northeast and the threat of using air weapons , meanwhile, in kharkiv , mayor ihor terekhov says that the occupiers shelled tets, which feeds kharkiv, as a result of today's strikes, which took place at night and in the morning. we will find out more about the situation in kharkiv, yevgena bilova, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, yevhen is already in touch with us, mr. yevhen, welcome to espresso vets. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. mr. yevgeny, can you actually add something to this information about the extensive damage, the destruction in the city, here is the heat that powers the city, the completely destroyed transformer substation, can you ...
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something about the consequences and how difficult it will be difficult situation with electricity supply in the near future, or those schedules that have been operating recently only in kharkiv, should they be tougher now? and yes, tonight at around 5 a.m. the enemy hit the critical infrastructure, there were hits in the power system, and unfortunately, it disabled it, part of the city is currently without light, and... utilities and energy workers are working to to correct this whole story and restore garbage, the first task is to restore public transport, the metro and all the electric transport that works in kharkiv, it has already been partly restored, but still there are problems with light and electricity supply in some areas of the city, and please tell us more about how the local population, how people cope, or? are stocking up on some
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generators, or maybe someone, since the heat has finally become more stable in ukraine, maybe they are moving outside the city, somewhere a little easier, actually with the most basic needs, and of course a certain number of people leave if it is uncomfortable for them to be in a place under shelling, but a large number of people, an overwhelmingly large number of people remain and they are already... adapting to the conditions of such and such such a life, unfortunately, ah, there were reports that there would be no water supply for some time, so there were recommendations to make a supply of drinking and household water, that’s why kharkiv adapts to such conditions, everyone understands, yes there are blackout schedules, now they will be slightly changed, because now the story is with energy in kharkiv itself, with electricity supply, so... and
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i hope the people of kharkiv are ready for this, no panic and such, maybe some kind of evacuation, like the russian one everything disperses, such a story there is no right now, but do the people of kharkiv need anything right now, you are the head of a volunteer organization, what kind of requests and needs do they address to you, are there any requests for orders, what is critically needed now and then, maybe from other parts of our country can people go... help? of course, if there is no water or electricity, there are issues with hot food, heating water and cooking food. these are also the volunteers who are in the volunteer kitchen and the donor who sponsors us in order to provide all the necessary people with hot food. food, this is also carried out, and we are engaged in, we have another profile - this is the blocking of windows, this is the closing of contours, therefore... and the operational
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teams that deal with this issue, they try to close this issue when it is so necessary, therefore , there are no such direct requests yet, there are questions about a... we have points in nazlanki that work, if there is no electricity, you can come there and get a phone there and make an internet connection there, you can use it there , and people in general have been beaten to such mini-power plants that can yawn at least to charge the phone or power some equipment in the apartment, but this is such a larger scale, and you have to get the materials from where, or the local administration provides you somewhere, usually. e.e. donors who provide materials, they provide places of arrival, there are either volunteer organizations that negotiate directly with them, they bring the material, or if it is not available, then you can make a request to the city, utility companies, they have their own material and also you can join them in order to take material and
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close fast, mr. yevgeny, look, i am just now i'm trying to look for a video in real time that actually shows in... the whole of kharkiv, its indomitability, and i mean now the video in which the football players, i understand, they were some local guys, just what were playing football, because the weather was beautiful outside, and these shots have already flown all over the network, but actually we now have the opportunity to see them, this is a game, so in the middle of the day, the boys are playing football and hear the first explosion, you see now is an opportunity, one of football'. crouched down and fell on the football surface, well and now there will be a second flight, where the guys actually all lay down on the ground in order to protect themselves from the debris, well, that is, this video, it absolutely demonstrates all the indomitability of kharkiv and the fact that people are trying
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to live for themselves even in such difficult conditions, well, plus -minus some kind of psychologically healthy life so as not to go crazy from all the things that happen around them, but how would you describe the life of the kharkivs? yes, as far as you personally are concerned, even in the current difficult conditions, you still try to leave something of the normal life, it is conditional to go for a walk in the park or play football there, because, well, for us, for example, people who do not live in kharkiv, who do not live in the frontline cities, it is probably difficult to understand how people can stay in such dangerous conditions for so long, and with all this they are still trying... life, i will tell you more, in this video are my friends and also volunteers from our partner organizations, and he is there in the video, so i know this whole story personally, i should also be, was a spectator to be at this game, but in
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i had slightly different volunteer tasks there, these are our boys, our friends, a championship is being held there, some kind of football championship in kharkiv, there were many teams there. and so there was an arrival near the central park, but over residential areas, where there are residential buildings, therefore, but in this video you can see the correct reaction to the arrival and passage of the rocket, you must first lie down, cover your head, and only then make some decision about moving to a shelter, kharkiv is constantly under eight from the beginning of a full-scale invasion. almost every day, for sure, every day, every week, so kharkiv residents, those who stayed in kharkiv, they, they are morally and physically adapted to it, those people who return to kharkiv, we try to spend with them, well no , of course, not with all of them,
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but we try to encourage them to take courses in tactical medicine, orientation, what to do, training is also constantly conducted by the state emergency service, and information is given through tv and mass media on what to do during constant shelling, such as you have to react, get out of the windows, that's why in fact, people simply began to adapt to such life events or life during the war, that is why kharkiv in general is not famous, there is no panic, evacuation, everything is different, so let him ... live, live a full life, new businesses are launched, opened new institutions are working, old ones are starting up that did not work before, that is why kharkiv lives and tries to live even during such full-scale large-scale shelling, institutions, coffee, football or any other manifestations of this festival
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of life you can name in kharkiv, what else people they do, in fact, i want to show a bit of this and positivity that the city... er, does not get upset, does not break down and continues to live, so that the whole of ukraine learns about this, and not only about the shelling. well, you see, one of the examples is this football championship, he's running. they are already held constantly one after the other, and the boys are taking part in this championship for the third time, so the sports competition as much as possible, they are taking place, recently there was a table tennis competition among volunteers and public organizations, so we also participated there at the level we can, that's why mass events, of course, they are not held because of security issues, but in some groups. can organize such moments and, of course, asking about security issues,
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what i told you, that new institutions are opening and or those that have already been opened, are being restored after shelling, we have so many examples when some institution was bombed there, he recovered after this destruction, thank you, mr. yevgeny, yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh free kharkiv, and by the way, i just want to call on... ukrainians, yes, who use some kind of deliveries, order for themselves, maybe some with children from another 47 front-line settlements, this is important, because this is the first issue, the issue of security, the second issue assistance to the armed forces. at this point, we will take a short break, then we will return and talk further about security and defense issues. the new kemelight metroplus mattress is made in
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of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is... also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade. dsu, protect yours! the result of their work is this our safety with you. they, the boys from volyn,
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there is still a lot to collect before 2 million for fpv drones, the matter is... watchful, because, well, we have heard more than once from our defenders that fpv drones are the thing now can have a very significant impact on the front line. fpvi drones are not just about neutralizing the enemy, meaning infantry, it is also about neutralizing their heavy equipment. more than once we have seen a video of fpv flying over a tank, and there is no tank. so please get involved. and we, in the meantime, will add our next guest, iryna friz, to the ether. people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee. of the national security, defense and intelligence council, mrs. iryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, we will talk about the bill on mobilization, 283 votes in favor, the president will sign it and it will take effect in a month, you are personally satisfied with what did you vote for? deputies, but i know that juryna friz did not vote, yes,
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european solidarity abstained from voting for this bill because it does not contain... a key provision that concerns exemption from military service during martial law, the way in which it was effectively whipped out of this bill in advance, before it was brought to the session hall, in my view shows yet another failure of the government to take political leadership on a key issue that is important for the future of our country, i am convinced that the need... to introduce clear terms of military service during martial law is an urgent need, which will also affect the issue of mobilization, because what scares is not the mobilization, but the lack of understanding of how people will have the right to be released. that is why, after the decision of the committee, european solidarity immediately
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left the initiative and registered draft law 11160. which contains only one provision, it is very concise, this provision concerns that after the introduction of martial law on february 24, 2022 by decree of president zelenskyi, servicemen who have continuous experience of 36 months of military service, of which 18 months are under combat orders, will be entitled to... release, we believe that this is a clear position and a responsible position in relation to both our defenders, their families, and all those conscripts who may be mobilized in the future. ms. irina, we will redial you now, because we can see you, but we hear you a little bad, so
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we hope that in just a few seconds, our directors will be able to redial you, so that in our... the audience can hear you better, i will remind you that today people's deputies voted on the draft law on strengthening mobilization, which was promised for the second reading it is good to finalize, but in the final result, these are mostly servants of the people, they voted for that draft law in the version that was practically at the very beginning, when this draft law went to the parliament on the initiative of the government, and actually, let me remind you that... already today this is what iryna friz actually said, about the fact that the council instructed the government to pay the military 70,000 extra per month at zero, but here i would actually like to talk more about motivation, because the draft law has certain, very powerful effects on people who avoid mobilization , with on the other hand, we understand that not knowing how much you are being mobilized and not
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understanding how the state will help you and your family in case something happens to you? it's important, right? mrs. irina, we are already joining you again, actually, i said that how to make it clear to a conscript who may be mobilized that, if he is called up, that the state will take care of him and his family, because it is very important, many men actually do not want to go because they are afraid that if something happens to them, their family will be left with nothing, and this is actually a serious situation. regarding the motivational factors , you say, yes, well, in particular, today the verkhovna rada also adopted resolutions, yes, ms. iryna, we hear you... it seems that we do not hear and do not see, i will actually add to the fact that while the deputies made the appropriate
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decision, in the meantime, in various divisions, in various brigades, and now also in the tsk, they are also working in the direction and popularization of mobilization and generally clarifying what mobilization is, what if you were mobilized. if you have joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, this does not mean that today you received a document, and tomorrow you are already storming some positions, this is actually an explanation of the fact that everyone can take their place, their niche, and in this way the brigades call, maybe in this way they are also looking for new recruits, looking for those who can join them, because we understand that we need more and more soldiers, because the russians will also increase. his army, and on the other hand, someone must replace those defenders who have long since begun a full-scale invasion have been there for many months and are fighting,
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that is, we are working in two directions, on the one hand, the deputies who pass the relevant legislation, on the other hand, there is such a gentle, delicate mobilization, when simply through information and through the popularization of this... phenomenon, it is possible to involve new people to the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine? well, we are currently trying to restore contact with iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, but we will gradually inform about the main provisions of this law, which provides for increased mobilization, so yesterday was the day, which was actually aimed at the deputies considering amendments to this draft law, there were more than 400 of them, the meeting dragged on until late. night, by the end of it there were only a few dozen people's deputies, so no changes were made, it was obvious because there was no quorum. today , about 30 committee amendments were approved and all of them received
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the majority of votes. there was an amendment on the verge of removing the provision on demobilization from the draft, but it was supported by 227 deputies. well, actually it is about the fact that the new law on the strengthening of mobilization will take effect a month after. how it will be signed by volodymyr zelenskyi, the document provides for new duties for conscripted ukrainians, the process of mobilization in a new way , punishment for evaders, and so on, for example, as regards demobilization, we have already talked about the fact that this item was removed and a new draft law should be developed, which will provide for this issue separately, on the other hand, former prisoners and military personnel who received disability, it's... important, servicemen with disabilities of all groups are also eligible for exemption, but until the end of 2024, all men aged 25 to 55, who after
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february 24, 22, had a disability of the second and third groups, they must to come to the re-commission for suitability for service, but this does not apply to those who became disabled of the second and third groups after illness or injury during the defense of ukraine, and women will be able to be released due to pregnancy or leave to care for... a child , parents with many children, single parents and other categories, here are the provisions regarding actually people with disabilities and so on, is there an opportunity for us to add now, no, fine, then we will continue, but i have an urgent message, actually a bunch of information, we remember that the air force and the local administration was informed about the explosions in sumy, about the air raid both in sumy and in the sumy region and in the poltava region, so it is already known at this point that the russians. the russian army struck the critical infrastructure of the city of sumy with mortars, hit the local etets, previously people were not injured, they say in the local military administration, the consequences of the attack
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are being clarified, so the bomb fell on sumy, but previously they always hit kharkiv, recently sumy and chernihiv are also suffering, and let me remind you that , as we already know, tet was damaged by night shelling , which supplies the whole of kharkiv, completely... they destroyed the transformer substation in the city and now they are trying to somehow fix the electricity supply there, there are also interruptions with the water supply. well, if we return to the topic of the new law, which was adopted today in session room, then he anticipates that once this law goes into effect, it goes into effect one month after the president signs it, which will obviously happen most likely in the next few days, within 60 days all military personnel will have to attend. their territorial picking centers to clarify credentials. it can also be done remotely, through an electronic cabinet. actually, the electronic cabinet was voted on in
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another draft law. and it is not mandatory, it is important to note that it is not there is a mandatory option, it is a voluntary option, conditionally speaking, if a man, a military conscript, wants to clarify his data, he can do it not by going to the tcc, but can actually do it by filling in this or that information about myself in this office, the situation is also different for military conscription, the law abolishes conscription and replaces it with the introduction of basic service for ukrainians aged 18 to 25, it is assumed that they will be able to take, choose the year and period of service until they reach the age of 24 , term to five months in peacetime and three months in wartime, expanding the powers of the tcc and punishing evaders, this is the point, at the request of the head of the tcc, the police will carry out administrative detention of conscripts who do not appear before the military headquarters on a summons, before that they could
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to detain... them for three hours, during which the utc protocol was already drawn up. if the police cannot find a conscript, the head of the tsc sends him a request to appear by registered letter, if ignored, and this, in relation to the petitioner the restrictions procedure is launched, and it, by the way, provides for a temporary ban on driving a vehicle. it is assumed that if the evader has not appeared before the tcc within 10 days, the warden asks the court to suspend the validity of the driver's license, that is, as i understand it, he will be detained by the police or other law enforcement officers and will be asked for documents, yes, and it will be a driver vehicle, then, accordingly, his driver's license can be revoked, well , we will ask the lawyers in more detail about all this, well, a lot of people in fact now the question that worries and confuses is why this element regarding demobilization was taken away from this law, and experts already explain
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that... in fact, the issue here is very important and extensive and requires a separate approach, a separate consideration, complex from all sides and actually adoption of a separate law on demobilization, they say that in fact the main question is that it is about these 36 months on the front line in the army and after that mobilization of demobilization could be possible, that in fact this norm, this part will remain and... in fact , the legislators still have about eight months to adopt, consider, adopt the law and to comply with this issue, when everyone is actually counting on three years and it is possible to mobilize so that the law is adopted by that time, and it enters entered into force. yes, and actually we would also like to point out that they have significantly limited the number of people who can apply for permanent care, there are a lot of
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nuances, if you... fall under this norm, then i recommend that you check this matter yourself, go to website of the verkhovna rada, or read the main provisions of this draft law in the media in open access, and there you can actually find out who will now lose the right to this deferment, who will have it in the future. well , we got such a short story, unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce the main provisions. connection with iryna friz, let's hope that by the next broadcasts there will actually be an opportunity for a colleague during this evening, because the espresso broadcasts will continue, they will tell more, talk with other experts, and you will get the actual picture mother completely, so now we actually allow our colleagues to continue their work, and marta and i say goodbye to you, we wish you a peaceful and safe evening.


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