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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EEST

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i recommend that you check this matter yourself, go to the website of the verkhovna rada or read it yourself in the media in public access, there are also the main provisions of this draft law, and there you can actually find out who will now lose the right to this deferment, who will have it in the future . well, we got such a short story, about the main provisions, unfortunately, we were not able to restore contact with irina friz, let's hope that before... the next broadcasts, there will actually be an opportunity for a colleague during this evening, because the espresso broadcasts will continue, they will tell you more, they will talk with other experts, and you will have a complete picture, so now we actually allow our colleagues to continue their work, and marta and i say goodbye to you, we wish you a peaceful and safe evening.
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news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers and now to the most important thing. the new mobilization rules will enter into force a month after the signing by the president of ukraine. today, people's deputies passed the law as a whole. among the main provisions are new rules for those with limited fitness, they must re -pass the property commission. this also applies to conscripts who, after the start of a full-scale war, received the second and third groups of disabilities. all citizens of draft age must update their data in the tcc within 60 days. at the same time, the rights of evaders to drive a car are limited. the bill was supported by 283 deputies. our
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claims, which make the law adopted on mobilization extremely dangerous for the country and the army, the absence of clear legislative guarantees of timely release for military personnel who have served 36 months, 18 of them in the first line, the second is the rotation that has to take place, i for ... everyone who is berky on the front line. fourth, this is a guaranteed position, so that 50% of the security forces, which are now causing business nightmares and destroying the economy, will finally go to the defense front. black day at
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centerenergo. the russians destroyed the entire generation of the organization. as noted, a large-scale fire occurred in the turbine shop at the energy center as a result of hits at the trypil thermal power station. they are trying to make a fire localize. all those who were on shift during the shelling are alive. the scale of destruction cannot be measured with money, added the energy center. my colleague dmytro didora is at the scene. live with us now, dimo, i congratulate you, and tell me, please, dimo, can you hear me? tell us, please, what is the current situation near trypilska, our viewers, yes iro, congratulations, congratulations to our viewers, now we are in the kyiv region, in the city of ukrainka, here it is impossible to drive or approach...
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it is currently impossible to get to trypilska tets, there it is are guarded by law enforcement officers and report that work is still ongoing there at this power plant, and i suggest that you immediately listen to the energy supply and water supply in the place, everything is in principle now in normal working order, there were small interruptions in the power supply in the morning, we switched to generator electricity supply , now everything has stabilized, there is water, sewage is working. local residents say that they heard about three explosions, they were in the morning, today we were near one of the places where people collect water, we did not see queues, but even there weather gives water. but, however, the locals say
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that it has always been like this, they also told us that the elevators do not work in the place, they, their activities were limited, because they are disconnected. emergency shutdown, so that people do not get stuck in the elevators, and let's hear what kind of explosions were heard in the morning, well, somewhere after five, the explosions were very strong, that everything shook, well, these explosions, people were scared, it was scary, well, at 5- and at 5:20 there were explosions, loud explosions. there were several explosions, after which there was no hot or cold water. mayor says that the city has prepared for
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power outages, they prepared even before winter, they also prepared generators, and until now there will be unbreakable points that will work around the clock, there people will be able to ... charge gadgets, and also get help, because he says that it is possible that they will be applied emergency shutdowns in the city. he also informed us that today at the session of the city council , the deputies decided that, if necessary, temporary boiler houses will be prepared in the city for the heating season, which will enable the city to be heated. as of this wait a minute, that's all the information i have, iro. dimo, tell me, please, or? management say, does the company say anything about the recovery of the trypil test, or will they do it at all? they say that now it is necessary to first analyze everything that happened there, these and those
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rubbles, and only then it will be possible to assess what is on the trypilskaya tets, however, as reported by the energy center, it was completely destroyed. thank you, thank you. it was our correspondent dmytro didora, and he was talking about the consequences of the attack on trypilsk tetsa, we are moving on. the european parliament refused to fulfill the council's budget until the european council decides on supporting ukraine with additional patriot anti-missile systems. the former prime minister of belgium proposed to remove the approval of the budget of the european council from the agenda until the member states can. find the seven patriot systems that ukraine needs right now. he recalled the words of joseph borel that european countries have a hundred patriot systems, and at the same time are unable to help ukrainians with seven. the decision was supported by 515 meps against 62. it seems to me
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it is scandalous that the european council, while saying that it is opening doors for ukraine, at the same time is not even capable of such. there are a total of 100 such systems, they are asking for seven to protect their cities. the world is moving towards geopolitical changes, and the defense industry will play an increasingly important role, french president emmanuel macron said during a visit to an explosives factory. he noted that the defense is currently being built up. industry is an important issue for all of europe. the world we're talking about won't end if the war ends tomorrow because there has been a massive rearmament in russia recently, and because across europe, you can see increases in military spending
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and orders, and geopolitics are changing around the world. the german government has approved a plan for the reconstruction of ukraine, to restore the destroyed. with russian aggression, the national economy is planned at the expense of private investments in the ukrainian economy, as well as at the expense of funds from philanthropists and various foundations. they want to allocate 7 billion euros from the european union fund to improve investment conditions created to help ukraine. according to world bank estimates , at least 486 billion dollars will be needed for the post-war reconstruction of ukraine. in april, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the draft law on mobilization as a whole, what does this document provide and when will it come into effect, what changes should we expect? this and much more will be discussed today in the talk show, says velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel.
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andriy didovedyuk, the journalist of the project, is with us live. andrei, i congratulate you and i am waiting for more information from you about what kind planning ether today. i congratulate irina. greetings viewers of the espresso tv channel. in fact , today we have many important topics for analysis in our studio, we will start by discussing the draft law on strengthening mobilization, as it was adopted today in the verkhovna rada, in particular, we will discuss its main provisions and wonder whether this document will be able to solve the problems that exist in the ukrainian of the army, because the issue of mobilization, and in particular this draft law , has been actively discussed in society in recent months, and it is no less long-term the issue of demobilization is also being discussed in society, it is worth noting that this... item was removed from this document, which was voted by the parliament today, it
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will be voted on as a separate draft law. in fact, it is also worth noting that the issue of demobilization in our studio will not be discussed with politicians, but with the military, and we will be able to find out firsthand what the military themselves think about the issue of demobilization and what , in their opinion, it should be. we can... bring up the topic of massive rockets as well strikes on ukraine, in particular, we will wonder why putin has become so active, and why he is in such a hurry, because we see that recently missile strikes on ukraine have become more frequent, in particular on lviv oblast, the enemy army is striking, in particular on critical infrastructure, already traditionally in our social networks, the project will start with a big conversation with vitaly kortnikov, we will discuss the current issue with him. the situation on the international arena and we will answer what trap
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putin is preparing for ukraine. directly already in our program we will also discuss urgent issues with the military, people's deputies and political experts, so 21:15, the project says velikiy lviv will start on the espresso tv channel, don't miss it and i'll pass the word on in the studio. thank you andrei. andriy didovodyuk, journalist of the project says velikiy lviv was with us live, so don't miss the show at 21:15 on the espresso tv channel. for now, that was all the news, our team is working so that you will see the updated issue already at 6 p.m. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matro
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this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. judges in the service of the kremlin. who found an approach to the ukrainian themis? alexander babakov is putin's confidant. but what violations did the board of the northern commercial court of appeal commit? handing over poltava gzk to russian raiders. the decision is made by an absolutely corrupt component. watch the program on thursday, april 11 at 5:45 p.m judicial control with tatyana shustro. on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two
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hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in... the premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football, together stronger, congratulations. furnace floods, that covered the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, slightly distracted russian propagandists from ukraine. i won't say, something strong, they continue in their spirit, but somehow i had to pay attention to it, because first the flood went, the town with the symbolic name of orsk went, then, in principle, the larger
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city of orenburg began to go under water, where 600,000 people still live there, and that's... quite a lot, they cut off water, electricity in high-rise buildings, that is, in fact, the city is, well, absolutely, not unusable now for life, well, you know, i noticed such a direct dependence, as soon as russian propagandists start spouting some such pseudo-religious delusion about the punishment of heaven in relation to ukrainians or americans or someone else, as immediately on the russian girl... natural disasters of an epic scale fell a disaster, then a fire, then a flood, then they just turn off the heat en masse. last year, well , there was exactly such a story, as soon as the propagandists began to be angry with the storms in the united states, how half of russia was first washed away, and then burned. now the situation is repeating itself, and again the black-haired evening marasmatics
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snarled at solov'ov, and it was literally on the second or third of april and it sounded like this: he was signing the law, a sandstorm fell on kyiv at the same moment that zelensky sand from the sahara, like 10 egyptian executioners, remember? egyptian punishments fell on the city captured by satanists. this is what is happening in kyiv now. here the sahara desert came to this city, betrayed. trampled and humiliated by its inhabitants. satanists seized power and rule the bar. literally two days passed, and then it happened.
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39 russian regions are in the flood zone, more than 10 thousand houses are flooded. heavy water is expected in the tyumen and kurgan regions, the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, the water continues there, the flood is expected already on wednesday, hundreds have been affected, the water level in the ural river has exceeded 10 m, it is 70 cm above the safe level, the water has already started rise to high-rise buildings, almost 13,000 residential buildings were flooded in the region due to flooding, more than 7,500 people were evacuated, water continues to remain in the kurgan region 30 cm, the current flood may break that record, the water level in tobol may exceed 11 m, there have never been such values, i will probably be there in an hour, i will go upstairs to gather,
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i will sit somewhere in the entrance, if the neighbors open the door, i will go to someone from neighbors in general, i don’t understand at all, i even think that they didn’t tell me something, well, what can i tell you, it’s called the lord would regret what the russian created, and he was saddened in his heart, the lord decided, shaking the earth of these things that i created, from humans to animals because i regret that i created them, and a flood fell on russia, well, you know, it would not make sense to talk about all this at all, if... well , you know, really, what can i say, well , first of all, it did not cover all of russia, yes, secondly, well, it will end, it won’t be standing there all the time, and not even 33 years ago, but there are a lot of such interesting things, well, they definitely don’t agree on something, because they were told that it will subside, here it suddenly
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turns out that no, it is not subsided, so far, at least for sure, and until today this flood continues, today there were reports of the fact that the pickups, if not behind, then the urals are retreating, here is now essentially information that... refutes these data. at first they said that the flood peak could come on the 10th-12th, and today there is already information that the orsk peak has passed, but, well, we hope that it is so, but until, from the moment the water recedes zorska, it will take more than one week, because there is a lot of water, a huge mirror of the spill, large areas are now under water, and after... houses are under water,
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this is not just a zone, a zone of damage, it is the real flood, well, this one, you know, the real flood, in principle, also showed such an interesting thing that, actually, what happened the way it happened is... already the result of the war that putin is waging with ukraine, because just such a large flow, the first thing is that it started with the fact that the dam broke, which was basically managed during the war with ukraine, and both how it was built and how it was broken, this is all basically also the result of such, you know, putin's kind of agreement with his population. which says that we provide you your majesty, well, you can sort it out as you want inside the country yourself, and here’s how it looked, well
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, first let’s talk about this lady, i’ll say it again, it was built already during practically the war with ukraine, at least it was built exactly when and all the plans were to fight with ukraine, and all the money was thrown at ukraine, and everything in general was completely done. in order to fight and the russian government completely focused on the war, but all this rest was done according to the residual principle, and therefore what was built, well, you know, even already russian propagandists somehow begin to guess that something is not being done there, when some money seems to be allocated, someone is building something, and as a result, it is flooded, a gravel pit several kilometers long in... ors was launched in 2018 , in 2014, it is not considered a hydrotechnical structure, its key task is to protect
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the highway, which leads in kazakhstan to strengthen, shout hurray one after another. the cost of the object is almost 932 million rubles. the dam was designed for a level of 5.5 m. now there is water exceeded the mark of nine. returning to the orenburg region and the settlement. in the year 7 m, there would still be a flood, so that is, even if there was even a question like before in the past, why did we build it at 5.5 m, if there is always seven, i have another question, it was built for 900 million. this is clearly money not local, these are the funds of the federation or the region. it 's just called that, it's a sandy earth mound, it wasn't even filled with concrete. the water rose and washed the hell out of this structure, which
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was called the dam, and which with the name of the dam, someone smart spent almost a billion, but now we won't throw around labels, there is an investigation, we assume that they will definitely find out, they definitely won't find out, because the first thing they started... who built this dam to tell that they built it all right, but it was literally gnawed by rats. serhiy vasyliovych, and if the dam survived, but it began to be washed from below, probably prematurely, what is the problem here? it's a mystery to me, but there must be some factors involved. it is either a human factor, someone by car... but since the failure occurred in
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in such a place, this factor disappeared. how is this even possible? wait, i understand, wait, there is a great temptation to say, of course, how much money was allocated for this dam. once again, friends, this is not concrete, where you can check the quality of concrete, it's just pouring the earth, pouring, pouring, pouring, compacting, it's not reinforced concrete, there's nothing to dig into,
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so you have to pour it in a different way. in fact , of course, well, it is a usual story for russia, someone stole something, as a result, they built something that was not supposed to be built, but now russian propaganda is also trying to do it to justify and generally tell that no, everything was built perfectly, but these are those who used it. somehow it was not used that way, and this is on the main federal channel, well, the first one, they literally tell in direct text, that is, if you say so, well, quite primitively, well, in principle, they piss in the eyes of the russians, telling them that it is not their fault, that this dam you have went somewhere wrong there and that it simply disappeared under water, regarding the dam, there are different,
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in particular exotic versions, beavers, gophers, rats, someone else, a bad project, unworthy construction, bad materials, what is wrong with the dam, why did this happen, if there was a serious mistake in the design, then this dam would not have lasted 10 years. the second stage of the life cycle is construction. i want to confirm once again that this dam lived. and the third stage is exploitation. i would still... probably, against the background of the fact that this dam stood for 10 years, i would have complaints against the exploiting organizations. organizations and in the end, what does it all mean? well, all this is said in order to remove, well, the responsibility in general from the supreme power, that is, directly from the kremlin, therefore that this is a big, big disaster. it is clear that any country, well, not for, is not protected from the fact that a natural disaster can happen. but
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when something is done immediately in such a way where something and some big money is stolen, well, it does not happen at the local level, it is reflected at the level of large ministries, well , that is, the center of moscow, the kremlin and so on, and on the one hand, on the other hand, and what the kremlin is doing at that time is only war, that is , the only thing that putin himself is doing, all of his ministries, all of this. they do only one thing: they fight, they dispose of the russian population in the war, but in cases when this population needs to be protected from natural disasters, they are not here, moreover, they tell right away that it was supposed to be local organizations, moreover, the whole situation now it is returning in such a way that suddenly such a story has surfaced that, in principle , it turns out that the central russian government does not care at all about these russians who
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live there, who have some problems there, no, it only deals with its own embodiments of its geopolitical delusions , but that's all provides the lives of russians directly, they have long and reliably pushed it to the local level, which is simply not given money for anything, because everything goes to the war, and the deputies directly talked about it on the air, so suddenly, it is obvious. for some, perhaps not immediately obvious, but still understandable problems. so, what concerns everything related to drainage and the construction of all kinds of embankments, dumps and everything else. of course, you need to analyze. i am not an expert when it comes to orsk or orenburg region.


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