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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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because actually, why this provision on demobilization was withdrawn from this draft law, precisely because the commander-in-chief, colonel-general oleksandr silsky wrote a letter to the minister of defense rustem umerov requesting that this provision be withdrawn, revised and then adopted by a separate law, or it should be a separate document where certain points will be written down, which obviously, as far as i understand, stem from this real situation that exists today in the armed forces, at the front. mr. sergey, are you with us? please let's continue. yes, i'm with you. perfectly. so, disappointed or not disappointed or not inspired. and what are the prospects in your opinion that this law will give a result, in fact, for which it was adopted and prepared. yesterday, i was disappointed when i saw up to 20 people's deputies present in the hall until morning, who deliberately those who came tried to do more
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pr, because it was clear that there were not 226 votes in the hall, but the majority left the hall after the break of yesterday's meeting and at the end of the voting with amendments, i will remind you, i think all of ukraine knows this today, more than 4,000 units remained, that is, all key amendments related to demobilization, mine, including the people's services... in the armed forces, many aspects that could improve this law did not receive the required number of votes , today morning there was a vote on the key amendments that the majority put for confirmation, one of them could not pass, it is the key one, which concerns demobilization after 3.6 months, this is the norm that was laid down in the first reading of this draft law, which the verkhovna rada accepted back in january. oh, but it also
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passed, gaining 227 votes, i.e. undoubtedly mobilization without demobilization for the absolute majority of servicemen looks unacceptable, but we have what we have, we know the position of the commander-in-chief, we know the position of the general staff, we accept this logic, no matter how difficult it is for us was, and we hope that the government will comply with the norm of the decision. which was adopted by the national security and defense committee, that a separate bill will be introduced in the near future that will regulate the issue of demobilization. at the moment, it is better than nothing, because we all understand very well that the human resource at the front is running out, and those who voluntarily, especially in the first days of a large-scale invasion, made a conscious decision to defend the country with weapons , including me, need... replacement before
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co-optation and strengthening, in short, how did the brothers perceive this law, i think that you communicated, evaluated, at least in general terms, its, uh, the norms that are included in the draft law allow in the near future to start selecting people, this undeniable plus, minus. already said about it, this is a key norm, that there is no demobilization, but there are several norms that improve the existing state of affairs, which apply to certain categories of servicemen, which allow us to look at this problem in a different way, although still once i say, it is very difficult for me as a volunteer to evaluate this discourse from a moral and ethical point of view, because ... i belong to the number of those
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who, the first half-million, who passed the first days of a large-scale invasion, and i do not accept the situation when my colleagues, folk deputies are trying to come up with some reasoned explanations for certain categories of citizens who do not have, mr. serhiy, who were represented, i will thank you very much, thank you for participating and commenting since our time, serhiy rudyk, lieutenant colonel. people's deputy of ukraine, briefly, but in essence, regarding the law on mobilization, now we will thank him very much, mr. serhii, now we will add to the discussion, well, let's now add to the conversation viktoria votsiytska, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation issues of the fuel and energy complex of nuclear policy and nuclear security, we will talk today, how it will appear in our communication, we will talk about, well, let's talk directly, as it is said about the actual destruction of trypilska te.
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power plant, it's 51 km from kyiv, and when i looked at the distance, i thought: well, patriot should already get it, but we're not talking about that now, serhiy zgurets will talk about what hit and why it wasn't shot down. and we are talking about the consequences for the energy industry, mrs. victoria, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well, then, the consequences of an enemy attack on trypilska tet, this is actually the third thermal power plant from centerenergo, which was, i don't know if they were all destroyed, but which suffered significant destruction, and what will happen, what are the results, what are the consequences, in what perspective? we have to separate perspectives and consequences in the short term. medium and long-term perspective, in the short-term perspective, we have to understand with you that we have lost approximately 80% of the maneuvering capacity as of now, that is , these are the enterprises, these are the assets that generated
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electricity in order to provide our peak load needs are in the morning and evening, so we have quite a significant deficit. of these capacities, and this will inevitably lead to the fact that in certain regions the supply of electricity will be limited, this is the first thing, the second thing is that we must also understand that in addition to the attack on today's attack on the trypil thermal power station, there were also attacks on our gas storage facilities in the west of ukraine, that is, the enemies are still trying to target our gas storage facilities. so we have to understand that this energy genocide that is happening already during the last two years, he has set himself the goal of effectively depriving ukraine and ukrainians of the opportunity to live in conditions in which
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it is possible to at least somehow survive, so it is necessary to take the following steps urgently: first, we must... realize that there is no point in restoring old soviet objects, large ones, which are hit by the enemy, we have to move to the strategy of a thousand anthills, where the generation will be distributed across ukraine, where, for example, capacities will be installed that will work on gas, gas piston, for example, the same plants, storage units will be installed so that we can... use surplus electricity production at nuclear plants to ensure just the right balance in the power system. of course, we need what the president talked about, we need air defense, but i believe that we need
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to start talking clearly with our partners, especially the european ones, about the fact that they seriously consider the possibility of providing us with ... covering the sky with a humanitarian mission within the framework of the hundred-kilometer zone along the european border, where we actually have the main gas storage facilities in order to, firstly, protect these gas storage facilities from the destruction of the impossibility of using gas by ukraine during the next disgraceful season. second, we must understand that these gas storages were used by ours. european partners in order to ensure their european energy security, they pumped gas during the summer and then pumped it back and used it during the winter, that is, today we have to talk not only about energy security in
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ukraine, and about energy security and europe, so these are all measures, they must be implemented in parallel, we must talk with our... partners about the fact that we need appropriate equipment, and by the way, the cost of this equipment is about 5 billion dollars, and this is exactly the amount that is in the accounts of euroclear from the management of russian money, i literally have a minute of time, but an hour and a half, i will briefly ask how the citizens, well, in general, in ukraine, we say, now it is not possible to single out any region separately, how to prepare for in the near future, there will already be autumn and winter, but this thesis is simply destroyed. that's why the prospect is so far away, not really not really , what to do, buy generators, what simple things to do to prepare for the fact that when it's cold, to survive in general in the winter and even in the fall, i still don't know how the summer will be there either, prepare as we experienced in the winter
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of 2022-23, realizing that in reality it is likely to be more and worse, generators, powerben, any other means that will provide people with the necessary electricity and necessary ways, means for survival. thank you very much for joining, thank you for your professional comments. people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation on issues of the fuel and energy complex , nuclear policy and nuclear safety. and how did they hit the trypil thermal power plant, and what kind of unexpected missile was it, and why did they think that it would not reach, but it did, and why it was not possible to protect it, although it was supposedly 100% benevolent, as stated by the people who were preparing for protection was 100% protected tripoli thes. and what happened? i will talk about this in detail today. and believe me, he will surprise you, unfortunately, he also surprised me
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unpleasantly today, mr. sergey, please, good evening, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we will really talk about another missile attack by the enemy and about the details of beyond the air force report and about warfare technology on the battlefield already with our developers who make the rabe systems, more on that in a moment. at first, the details are related to another missile attack by the enemy in our country, 82 different foreign air-based missiles were used, as well as shahed strike drones. if we look at the performance statistics of our air defenses, they are quite decent as we speak. about the usual targets, in particular cruise missiles, 16 out of 20 cruise missiles were shot down,
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39 out of 40 shahedz were shot down, two k509 guided missiles were shot down, i will say something about these missiles later, but when we talk about these dagger air ballistic missiles, of which six or 12 considerable controlled ones were released s30 rockets. and which were fired at kharkov, we, of course, do not shoot down these missiles in view of the limitations of our air defense means, which are capable of fighting the enemy's ballistic missiles, the main targets of the enemy , which he aimed at on our land, were primarily objects of critical infrastructure, and most importantly, it is energy facilities in kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, and lviv. of the kyiv regions, one of the completely destroyed theses is really
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the tripoli test, which was talked about earlier, this is the kyiv region, that the test is completely destroyed, the energy center reported, as it was said that a fire broke out in the turbine shop as a result of the hits, and in fact it is necessary to assess the extent of the destruction, but the energy center reports that in fact... it is completely destroyed, but if we look there on the internet, we will look for information about this tripoli thesis, then we will find a message that it is 100% protected from physical interference, such news was somewhere three or four months ago, in fact, now it is said that it was meant that this thesis is protection from drones , which can attack this test. but we will see how the investigation regarding the defense of these theses will proceed, but literally in the evening new
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details appeared related to what exactly the enemy attacked this important energy facility. there is debris on this near this thesis and on tes itself, which suggests that borog used an x69 cruise missile. er, this is what our sources say, there is no 100% information about it yet, but in fact these sources have never let us down in terms of the reliability of such information that tells what conclusions we can draw from what is being said about the x609 missile. actually , the enemy used such a missile somewhere in the kyiv region. on february 7 or 8 of this year, then there were investigations conducted by the kyiv institute of medical expertise, where
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this missile was analyzed in detail, this missile is, in principle, a version of the kh-59 missile development, but what is the peculiarity, in fact we previously estimated that the range of this missile, which is launched there from fighters of the su-34 type , there from su-34 and su-35 bombers is within 290.300 km. there is a suspicion that this missile was fired somewhere from the line of combat with the same russian fighter jets, but this is the distance to trypilskaya theses within the limits. about 400 km, in fact, this is a subsonic cruise missile that was launched from russian aircraft and indicates that the enemy has increased its arsenal of means of striking our objects, and we can now talk not only about the kha-101 missiles, which were shot down by our anti-aircraft systems, but it must be borne in mind that
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we also have to fight with missiles of the kh-69 type. the air force report says that was shot down two kh-59 missiles, but the latest information suggests that the enemy also used, i repeat, kh-69 missiles, a modernized version of these kh59s. i think that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will know more information, but this important nuance is related to the enemy's use of precisely these means of attack on our objects and the issue of the appearance of more patriot air defense systems in our armed forces is really becoming. are urgent, what the president, the minister of secret affairs said, about what is needed at least seven more patriot batteries is an extremely urgent and urgent issue, to which our european partners must respond. i hope that after all this decision will be received, well, a positive continuation. and then we will talk about other technologies with which we argue with the enemy on the battlefield,
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we are talking about means of radio-electronic warfare, which the enemy is trying to develop, and of course. happens to be our country, our leading private companies. now we are joined by yaroslav filimonov, the founder and head of the company kvertus, which creates and manufactures systems protection of rbs, which are used against enemy uavs, and not only against uavs. mr. yaroslav, i welcome you to the channel, the espresso channel, i am glad to see and hear you. good day. i would like us to start our conversation from the previous one. analysis of what the enemy is trying to do, all our experts, probably you too, tried to analyze that super russian, relatively speaking, supertank in quotes, which used the means of reb, a bunch of equipment was stuck on top of it, which was supposed to cover both the tank itself and the group armored vehicles that moved with him, in principle,
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it seems that at some stage it worked, but i would like you to evaluate these steps against... regarding the protection of armored vehicles at the expense of such a domed reb, using the example of this sample, now we will see this video and listen to your evaluations of this russian solution, so you surely start commenting, and now ours will pull up this video, so, well, first of all , i want to note that the skill of our specialists who... work on drones is growing, skill is growing, they are learning to impress the equipment, personnel, despite even the effect of the electronic warfare means, and this is exactly what this tsar rep, which was just used on this tank, because they understand that their means are not working, and they are already trying
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to load everything they can on these tanks , if only at least i... it worked, let's be honest, our enemy, well, he is not stupid, and he understands that the initiative in means of electronic warfare is a very important thing, so they are looking for ways, they are looking for options, combinations of different means , which in they exist in order to protect their equipment, because the losses of their equipment are probably four times higher than the losses of equipment on our side, so such accumulations are another experiment that our enemy uses in order to find this is an effective solution that would protect them from our drones, but i think they won't be able to do it. yaroslav, your team is developing
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a whole line of reb tools from trench to dome, and i would like to hear if they have grown? now the order for your products and exactly which segment is currently the most popular among our customers, whether dome or trench, please tell us these details, well, the segment is relevant, the one from which our fighters on the front line are currently suffering the most, it is primarily fpv kamikaze drones that they recruit. activity in this use has been active since last year and now the enemy has a lot of semi-drones and accordingly they use them, of course, they don't count, they hit the equipment with them. medivacs and personnel, even to the point that just one person is seen and impressed, trying to impress with their fpv. therefore, the protection
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of fighters, first of all, on the battlefield, is probably something that is very important now. and it is worth noting that the enemy attacks not only soldiers, personnel and armored vehicles. the enemy is now attacking the machinery that is building. fortifications, the enemy attacks civilian infrastructure, for example, the city of nikopol suffers a lot from those cadets who come to the other bank of the dnieper, occupy the occupied territory and train simply by flying into the city and hitting fire trucks, ambulances, food trucks, etc. further, that is, they simply attack everything that they see, so our main, our main task now is to protect from fpv kamikaze drones any positions, equipment, trenches, field hospitals and so on. what you
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say trench reb - this is all in principle, all this applies to portable means of electronic warfare, they can stand in a trench, on equipment anywhere, and in this direction we work quite, quite powerfully, because we give.. .. such means that are relevant right here and now on the battlefield, and where they are needed, this applies to protection of critical, civil infrastructure, er, protection in cities, respectively, important objects, er, it is important for us to understand that we provide a really effective tool, and that is why we test it, invite benefactors, military personnel who can to open events. .. see, we do it in the kyiv region, and we show how these tools really work, how effective they are. yaroslav, i know that literally the other day you held such
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open courses where you explained which reb should be bought, which one should not be bought, is it possible now it's just a matter of telling our viewers what assessments and approaches they should make, so as not to waste money and buy things that won't actually be useful on the battlefield. yes, this is a very important topic that we have often raised recently, and we will raise it again on april 19 under the slogan of protecting the warrior from the drone. you can see such and such an invitation in our social networks and join and see for yourself. but, answering yours. question, i will say that first of all you need to be sure that the reb is working, that is, before choosing rebu, if you are a volunteer, you collect funds for rebu for fighters, on the front lines, you must
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first of all make sure that rebu is working. in this case, you should either ask for tests of this reb and give it to the military, or test it together with the manufacturer, you should make sure that there were some reports or tests. there is some technical documentation, and the most important thing is to ask if the manufacturers have a quality control department, this is probably the most important thing, because using the example of our company, i will say that we have a three-stage from quality control, the department works in such a way that, for example, the equipment arrives, the main thing is that there are modules that generate interference, and we measure them so that if we say that there is, for example, 30 w, then there was 30, what do we say that it is 50, so that there is 50, because these are modules from aliexpress that such garage guys order and make, there is usually no measuring equipment,
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and those modules give out 12-15 watts of power, and this is not enough for today, in order to effectively protect soldiers from drones, therefore the main thing is to make sure that the rep is working, to make sure that... when assembling, the power of the modules and the necessary swr of the antennas are tested and verified, and to ask for tests, er, to test this equipment, ideally, ask the manufacturer to come to the unit relatively there in combat conditions or close to combat conditions and showed how it works in the conditions in which fighters work. actually, our company does just that, we go to the front every week. employees of our company, and at different points, it can be 5-7 km from zero, closer to further, we work and show
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the military exactly how it should work... reb and exactly how drones should fall under the influence of electronic warfare means. yaroslav, what about the orders? in the beginning, there were many orders precisely because of volunteer initiatives, then the state got involved a little more, is it now, relatively speaking, that 2/3 of your products were contracted precisely because of state purchases, is there such a ratio or is it not quite like that yet? well, i can't say about... 2/3, but we are now, i'll put it another way, probably 80% of the products that we ship are bought either by the state or by military units that are allocated a budget for this, that is, i am talking about the state now, i mean all the existing power structures and the armed forces of ukraine inclusive, 20% is charitable
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foundations, volunteers and businesses that under... include, collect funds or finance, acting as donors, that is, the state at the moment, well, i can say, has significantly included in the provision of military means of electronic warfare and intelligence, the threat from lancets, about we said epidrons, but about lancets, in principle, you did research in this direction, whether it is possible to create such an effective or conditionally effective dome. to counter lancets, unfortunately, today the most effective means against lancets is still physical destruction, it is very difficult to suppress a lancet with radio-electronic jamming, so i can't boast about it at the moment, but i can assure you that we are still working on this solution, we we are looking for options, testing various other methods of suppression and...
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no one forgets about this, and we are on top of the technologies working, but i can say that fpv today, kamikaze drones are much more impressive than lancets, because fpv drone, it's cheaper, and there are many, many times more than lancets, so we focus first right on the same mass that is causing damage to... our frontline fighters and we literally have a minute, i want to ask if your quertus systems are already extreme, they are so flexible that they allow you to quickly readjust the suppression frequency according to of what the enemy is reconfiguring your operating frequencies of fpv drones, is it possible to do it on your systems, we do it just a little differently, smart reb technology is something we are working on and... i
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hope in the fall we will show this technology, but for now we are quick to respond to migration on the enemy's frequencies and offer means that overlap these frequencies as well. conventionally speaking, drones appear at frequencies of 700-800 mhz, but at frequencies of 900 they do not disappear, so we offer additional equipment that covers those frequencies that are just... watched and become are now massive, accordingly, we have a solution both in a backpack and stationary for equipment, for a trench, we have multifunctional devices for almost all frequencies that any drones use, that is, it is both resets, and barrage shells, and reconnaissance, and adjustment of fire, that is why we currently offer actual protection against those frequencies that ...
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specifically exist and are now troubling our military. mr. yaroslav, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you and your company do for our armed forces, providing of our military with modern means of rebs, which are really needed to fight the enemy's fpv drones. we hope that more and more of our military will have such systems. these were the main military results of this day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's broadcast. so. stay tuned to espresso. thanks to serhii zgurets, thanks to his guest, these were the military results of the day, the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you, well, let's start with of the most important news that happened as of this...


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