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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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of fire, therefore, that is why we currently offer actual protection against those frequencies that specifically exist and are now troubling our military. mr. yaroslav, thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you and your company are doing for our armed forces, providing our military with modern means of rebs, which are really needed to fight the fpv drones of the enemy, we hope that there will be more and more of such systems in our military and more. that's how they were. the main military results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you to serhiy zahorets, thank you to his guest, these were the military results of the day, the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you, well, we will start with the most important news that happened as of this... hour
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, we will also have inclusion on live our correspondent: the russians killed four people in mykolaiv. all civilians who happened to be at the point of impact at the time of the shelling , noted city mayor oleksandr senkevich. five people were injured, among them a teenage girl who did not require hospitalization. one man is currently in the hospital in a serious condition, the enemy hit the city of korabeliv with ballistics in the middle of the day, industrial facilities and private houses in several multi-story buildings were damaged, windows were broken. doors and roofs are damaged, and the contact network of street lighting is also damaged. russian terrorists are shelling kharkiv again. several explosions rang out in the city, mayor ihor terekhov said. the consequences of the night attacks were eliminated in the city. in the afternoon , the subway started working, but due to shortage of electricity, the train movement interval is at least 20 minutes. almost 240,000 subscribers in the region remain without electricity. objects.
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of the social and medical spheres work in regular mode at the expense of alternative power. let me remind you that in the morning the enemy struck at least 10 critical infrastructure in the kharkiv region. the russians attacked with ballistic missiles. black day at the company centroenergo. the russians destroyed the entire generation of the organization, as noted in the energy center, as a result of hitting the trypil thermal power station. it became large-scale fire. in the turbine workshop, they are trying to contain the fire, all those who were on shift during the shelling are fortunately alive, the scale of the destruction cannot be estimated with money, tsentrenergo added. my colleague is at the scene of the incident, no, this is my colleague, now we will listen to the comments of the leaders of the city mayor ukrainka and the comments of the people, please. in principle
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, everything is now in normal working order with us, there were small interruptions in the power supply, in the morning we switched to generator electricity supply, now everything has stabilized, water there is, the sewage works, well, somewhere after five , the explosions are so strong that everything shakes. well, these explosions scared people, it was scary, well, at 5.5.20 there were explosions, loud explosions, more than once, there were several explosions, after that there was no hot or cold water, well, and to other topics, the new mobilization rules will come into force one month after the signing of the law.
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president of ukraine. today, the people's elected representatives adopted the law as a whole. among the main provisions are new rules for limited fit. they must undergo a medical examination again commission this also applies to conscripts who, after the start of a full-scale war, received the second and third groups of disabilities. all citizens of conscription age must update their data at territorial recruitment centers within 60 days. at the same time, the rights of those who evade driving are limited. the bill was supported by 283 people's deputies. our claims, which make the law adopted on mobilization extremely dangerous for the country and for the army, the lack of clear legislative guarantees of timely release for servicemen who served 36 months, 18 of them in the first line. this is a rotation
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that must take place to restore the combat capability of a person and a unit. the third is financial motivation for payment. the front line , fourth, this is a guaranteed position, so that 50% of the security forces, which are now a nightmare for business, destroying the economy, finally go to the front, protecting the ukrainian state. lithuania will sell equipment for energy infrastructure restoration to ukraine. structure, the country's energy minister announced: the lithuanians will send the equipment, not with the inactive one vilnius thermal power plant, as well as part of the equipment from the ignalin power plant and warehouses of energy companies. i would like to note that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, arrived in lithuania today on a visit. he will take
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part in the summit of the three seas and will hold talks with the heads of the partner states to sign a new bilateral security agreement. the german government approved a plan for the reconstruction of ukraine to restore the national economy destroyed by russian aggression, they plan to use private investments in the ukrainian economy, as well as funds from philanthropists and various foundations. they want to allocate 7 billion euros from the european union fund, which was created to help ukraine, to improve investment conditions. according to the estimates of the world bank , at least 486 billion will be needed for the post-war reconstruction of ukraine. dollars the training of ukrainian pilots on f-16 fighters in denmark and the usa is already at the final stage. the spokesman of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yavlazh, informed okrainform about this. he noted that our pilots are already honing their
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skills on upcoming tasks placed in front of them already in the sky over ukraine. in particular, strikes on small-sized targets, including such as shahedy, are practiced. such as cruise and guided air missiles, there is no need to talk about the delivery date of the f-16 to ukraine yet, rechnyk added. our partners are not verbose, as you can see, everything that is happening, everything related to the f-16, it is being done behind closed doors, it is quite tight-lipped, and i would not talk about terms here, because it is a certain... advantage , a certain strategic uncertainty, it gives we have a moment for suddenness and an unexpected blow. the construction of a railway track connecting chop uzhgorod to europe without borders has officially begun. in the future, this
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will enable connecting cities and creating a large transport hub. trains will be able to travel to hungary and slovakia, and from there to other european countries. a similar project will also be created in lviv oblast. and chernivtsi regions, noted prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal. this project, of course, will allow not only to provide comfort to passenger traffic, but will also bring benefits to us logistics opportunities for freight transportation, will free up the automobile checkpoints, after the corresponding work at the corresponding logistics terminal is established, of course, comfort. for passengers who will travel on a narrow railway track, a railway track, it will cause a certain redistribution of passenger traffic, relieve the load from automobile checkpoints, but will certainly increase speed and comfort for our people. partnership and exchange of experience
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, the fifth international summit of mayors is coming to an end, on our correspondent, kateryna galko, works there. katya, congratulations, so what were the results of the meeting? greetings to vasyl, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, so, the last panel of the international summit of mayors ended recently, cooperation, interaction and partnership were discussed here in moldova in the very morning. i would like to note that this is the first summit of mayors that was not held in ukraine, and today more than 60 representatives from ukraine joined it here, including mayors of such large ukrainian cities. like lviv, mykolaiv and khmelnytskyi, the mayor of mykolaiv told us about its cooperation with the city of chelm, in particular about the humanitarian headquarters that operates there and which transfers aid to mykolaiv from those people who for certain reasons cannot cross the border with ukraine, but really want to help, but about
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whether mykolaiv shares with its partners , let's hear in the comments now, they are interested. primarily our work on openness, now we cooperate with the european anti-corruption initiative, which helps us in this separately for... projects aimed at optimizing processes, i.e. now we have already done the first integrity assessment, the mykolaiv vodokanal enterprise, and other large consumers of budget funds will follow. in general, the summit was very productive, the mayors of different cities probably met for the first time in their lives, got to know each other and got to know each other live. to discuss our further cooperation, here are such conversations from the sidelines, we already know that
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several communities have potentially discussed future partnerships, in particular, the solonkiv community has already found three potential partners, and the mayor of mykolaiv, for example, met for the first time with the mayor of brashev, who is in romania, about the results and significance of the summit in general, let's hear from its founder, so we talked to the participants of the event and saw that... that this is the first event between ukraine and moldova, where local self-government was at the center attention, and such measures are extremely necessary, maybe ukraine and moldova are not such a natural partner, the languages ​​are different, the prospects, or the choice is also different, but we are two countries that are moving towards the eu, so it was very important to see what opportunities open up together with the prospect of membership. so, in general , the top topics at the summit were decentralization,
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transparency and digitalization, these are exactly the topics in which ukraine has already taken significant steps forward, and this is what we are happy to share with all our friends and partners. in general , more than three hundred mayors from different countries of the world, including ukraine, moldova, romania, and poland, took part in the summit. we hope that these, as they call them, horizontal connections, will soon bear fruit, and we will see their very successful and very bright cooperation, and that these partnerships will turn out to be something very large and large-scale, that's all the information, as of now, these are the results of the fifth international summit of mayors, vasyl, i pass the ether to you, thank you very much, kateryna galko from moldova, where the summit of mayors was held, thank you for the work and thank you for the information, we will now expand... a significant, i hope so, the geography of events, what was happening there in the world, i will involve yuri fizer in the conversation,
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yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone , who joined us, will significantly expand today, in particular let me tell you about this, joe biden said, when the war in ukraine ends, the american congressmen are called, even begged, to give us help, but the ural sea in russia is expanding, my name is yuriy fizar, this world is about ukraine and i started it. in a moment, but i will start with extremely important information for ukraine: europe is not tired of the russian war, which the russians started more than two years ago. today, before lunch, the members of the european parliament voted not to consider the issue of the council's budget eu until then. until the member states of the european union give ukraine the seven patriot complexes that ukraine
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is asking for. 515 european legislators voted for it, only 62 spoke against it. it is noteworthy that this issue was not even on the agenda today, it was not until it was proposed during the meeting by a deputy from belgium, the former prime minister of this country and a very good friend, our guy verkhovstat, how he convinced his colleagues, let's hear him directly. during the last 20 days the russians are shelling ukrainian cities, hospitals, power plants, residential buildings. and i consider it a scandal that europe, which opens the door for ukraine and the european council, is not able in such a situation to make a decision to send a certain number of anti-missile systems to ukraine. there are 100 patriot complexes in europe, as mr. ukrainians ask for only seven, and we europeans invite them to the european union and the european
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council, but we cannot do it, so i propose not to consider the 55 questions of the budget until we give ukraine these systems pat. well, by the way, this proposal was later, this proposal was met with laudatory applause and... at one point, after mr. westergov said that he proposed this proposal, the chairman of... asked him: is this a rhetorical statement or is this a formal submission to the agenda? well , mr. gies said, this is a formal submission, after that the chairman asked those who support this formal submission to raise their hands, and there were more than enough of these raised hands to put it to a vote later, on a vote already
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voted, as they voted, and i emphasize, the vote was precisely with reference to providing ukraine. of the seven patriot air defenses that we're ultimately asking for, so this is very important, and well, first of all, a very cool performance actually, but i think it 's really worth mentioning here to the europeans, well, not to wait until there in america it's all in the states, it 's all going to be solved, remember these words of franklin roosevelt about the garden hose that you have to give to your neighbor so that he puts out the fire, the fire and the fire does not spread to him... territory and, well, this is actually what it can do now, well at least protect the ukrainian sky, immediately obvious things, especially since you yourself took electricity from us, you yourself take the gas that is stored there today, where the enemy is trying to aim, and indeed, and especially since there are these patriot systems, we only need seven, so why not give these seven, and by the way , there is one more important piece of information, today is
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the birthday of giev verkhov stada, he turns today 71. year, so he was congratulated during the meeting of the european parliament, we congratulate him and we thank you for all the help we received, are receiving and will be, i'm sure listen, i think he's 56 years old, well, great, god bless you, such good politicians have to work for a long time, really, let's go further, the idea of ​​organizing a high-level conference to launch the peace process received considerable support at the international level, the statement said. the royal government of the federal council, according to the information released, the conditions for the conference to stimulate the peace process, were sufficiently fulfilled, at the initial stage it is about developing a common understanding among the participating states regarding the way forward to a comprehensive, just and durable peace in ukraine, this statement says, and the federal council
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at the same time emphasizes that it is aware that in the period there will still be some left by june. unknown things. i will remind you once again that it is about a peace conference, which is already known, will be held in switzerland from june 15 and 16 in the city of bürgenstock, near lucerne, this is the very center of switzerland, it is very relaxing, recreation area, i just had a special look today, they say it's one of the most... the most scenic, the most peaceful, the most beautiful resorts in switzerland, the picturesque alps, and everything is beautiful there, i think you know when you want to talk about some drastic steps in order to resolve the war against the aggressor, well, i don't know, maybe, well, it's hard for me to understand why
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you chose this particular lounge area, maybe for security reasons, well, i honestly don't know, maybe for security reasons, but ... the main thing is that at least it will take place, and most importantly, the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland said that russia will not be present at this conference, maria zakharova, spokeswoman for the ministry of foreign affairs of our, unfortunately, neighboring country, said that we were not invited, but piskov, who is already putin's spokesman, said today that, indeed, we are also ready for negotiations, and it is a pity that we will not be there. but we are ready to join at any moment, and this same, again, the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland and the nation okasii said that quote: none the peace process cannot be carried out without russia, even if it is not present at the first meeting, and he clarified that at this first meeting something will simply be prepared, it is already possible
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that by the second this prepared thing will be offered to russia, and one more point, china is still unknown , whether china will or not. i just thought, maria zakharova obviously thought, i will end up in switzerland, in geneva, go to boutiques, somehow i will see when you still visit, well, they are not allowed to leave there, they are unlikely to get anywhere there , plus what a whole delegation can gather there, they want to go to europe, so they are told no, back home sit in the ural sea and swim, well , at least now they still have the sea, but about the ural sea a little later, it is a bad sign, so during the speech in rome said the minister of foreign affairs of italy antonio taiami tajani, this is how he commented on the information that there will be no representatives of russia at the peace conference in switzerland. according to him, this shows that... moscow does not want peace, followed by a short quote from the leader italian ministry of foreign affairs. this means that russia does not want peace, it puts itself on the wrong side, on the side where
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it is the strongest, which strangles the weakest. well, although at the same time, antonio tajani added that it will be extremely difficult to achieve peace in ukraine without russia, and therefore world leaders will have to develop a broad and common understanding, as he said, on the way to a global, just and lasting peace in ukraine. the war in ukraine will end when the leader of the house of representatives of the united states congress america, mike johnson will put to the vote a bill on unlocking additional funding for assistance to ukraine. president of the united states of america joe biden said this the day before during a joint conference with japanese prime minister fumiya kishidu in washington. yes, he answered the journalist's question at the very end of this one. press conference on a specific question: when the war in ukraine will end, according to the current owner of the white house , there is bipartisan support for this document in the lower house of the american congress,
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so, says joe biden, it just needs to be put on the ballot immediately. well, they urged mike johnson to do it the day before in various committees of the american congress. in ukraine, our strategic goal is to see su'. an independent, economically viable and democratic country that will emerge from the war with the means of deterrence and resistance to further possible aggression, but for this it is necessary to continue to provide ukraine with the necessary financial and military assistance. this statement was made by the deputy minister for the secretary of defense of the united states of america of international security, celeste wolander, at a hearing in the armed services committee. of the us house of representatives, according to her, agreeing on new us aid to ukraine is critically important, and here's why. let's listen to ms. celesta wallender in direct
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speech. i believe that there is a false opinion that putin needs territory, he does not need territory, he does not need bakhmut, avdiivka, or even odesa, he needs ukraine. and if at some point negotiations can take place. we must be prepared for what this probably does not mean, that putin will abandon his goal of conquering ukraine, and through ukraine and europe, so we need to support ukraine in negotiations if it decides to go to them, but at the same time not to deceive ourselves into thinking that this will return an era of peace and cooperation to europe , it was ms. wolander who said why... aid is so important for ukraine, but the lack of additional funding that cannot be voted on in the house of representatives can also be extremely dangerous for
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the united states of america itself. during the speech hearings in the committee of the house of representatives , this time on appropriations, the secretary of the united states of america, from the us army , christina wormuth said that first of all, the american armed forces will not have money to replenish their own reserves, that is , they gave ukraine a lot and now it is necessary replenish your own, there will be no money, there will be no replenishment, secondly, there will be no money for your own military-industrial complex, and thirdly, and thirdly, let's listen to mrs. wormuth in direct language. if we don't get additional funding, that's it in may, we will have practically no money for those units that are currently in... europe with security missions. we don't have money for transport to relocate them. we don't have the money for transport to send replacement units. we won't
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be able to sustain our involvement in things like cfor or european command training in q3 and q4. so, if we don't have these additional funds, we're going to have real problems. so, everyone understands this in the us congress, and the mind. it's trump but he has some goal that he is pursuing now, and he has not yet given permission to his people, in particular mike johnson, to put this question, the question of unblocking aid to ukraine, to a vote. the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, david cameron , convinced donald trump to give approval to his people in the american congress to pass a law on the allocation of additional funding to ukraine. to do this, he deliberately went to the estate of the 45th us president mara lago in florida. whether in... he doesn't know, since david cameron himself in response to when asked by reporters about it, he said that he should let donald trump tell it himself. at the same time, he said this to the ex-owner of the white house, who
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has a good chance of settling there for another four years, that the best way for any us president to inherit a successful situation and make history in january is to push congress to approve military aid to kyiv as soon as possible. well, again, it is not known whether he convinced, although i think not, trump listened, shook his head, i guess, and so they parted ways, and by the way, the appeals court new york was rejected the day before. the question of the former president of the united states of america, donald trump, which he submitted through his lawyers about delaying the consideration of the case for the payment of money to the porn actress stormy daniels, well, the lawyers insisted that it is not necessary to give this money to the porn actress yet, because there is still no the decision regarding the case of whether donald trump has immunity, if there was, if
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there was such a decision, then it would be possible. even then something with money should be decided, but in court yesterday they said that no, no, no, you have to pay, because there is a solution, by the way, this is not the plot or script of some hollywood film, this is about a candidate for the presidency of the united states, who either has to pay time to an actress, or does not have to pay time to an actress, well, just don't get lost in the flow, this is us about the future, maybe, maybe the future president of the most powerful country in the world and for now, we need to prepare more and talk less, president of finland alexander... called on europe to abandon bellicose words towards russia and concentrate on improving its own military potential. he said this in an interview with the british publication financial times. according to the finnish leader, european leaders should now focus on immediate assistance to kyiv and the preparation of their own armed forces for a possible conflict again with the same russia. and then alexander shtup explained what he meant. quote. i'm a bit concerned about this rather belligerent talk
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that moscow is going to protest article five, the collective defense clause of the north atlantic alliance, and that europe will be next in line. i think we should prepare for it, but i also think it's highly unlikely. oh, now it is not known what is unlikely, what is extremely unlikely, and what is in general incredible, because anything can happen, and they all understand it well, but at least we thank him for his position in support of ukraine. well, and in conclusion: not in the orsk, the only one, the water level of the third longest river in europe, the ural in the orenburg region, was 10 m 54 cm this morning, which is already 1 m 24 cm above the critical mark , while the city hall reported that the water continues to arrive, as of this morning , more than
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12,000 residential buildings have been flooded in the orenburg region. 14 more than 14,000 homesteads were annexed, the authorities evacuated almost 7,500 people, including many children. in 39 points of temporary residence , thousands of russians are also seeking refuge in the orenburg region. a state of emergency has been in effect since april 7 . it's an interesting thing, at least this time i won't tell you that it was us who broke the dam or dismantled the bags, no, they are now. the last time i heard, the mayor said that... well, a dam was needed normal construction, and not just pouring sand and that’s all, it was necessary, he didn’t explain, it was necessary to trample well, there is some kind of technology, today i read that another half a billion dollars were allocated for internal propaganda in russia, well, if it were allocated for dams, then perhaps there would be no need for propaganda, there would be no ural sea, and there , in addition to the ural sea, there will also be the siberian sea soon, the amur, kama, and yenisei seas are there, there are many places for these seas to spill, well, that’s all for me rubric world about
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ukraine everything. only for today, tomorrow will be more and more will be in our future broadcast, so don't switch. lacalot fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical. lakalu fix. if the throat is not ok, make a sneeze. do approx. choose the taste, without the pain of coffee. and talk. laugh, sing! evka lor - sweet lor. exclusively in plantain podbaunfar. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and already, and my son, something caught him. i remind you, you have dr. tice's liver bone and you get up to work again.
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