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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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herovital energy - reception once a day. the latest version of the mobilization law, what is there, will there be rotation mechanisms in the project and demobilization and what political consequences it will have. everything is most important today. at 21:15 in the project "great lviv speaks". a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, societies. and also feedback, you
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can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! let's go back, this is a big ether, we still have almost half an hour of time, and we will spend it with benefit for you, first of all for information purposes, oleksandr kraev, with us, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, so i congratulate you , good evening to you, and not so many questions about... in the united states first of
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all, but, well, let's start with that already it sounds very often lately, but i will put it again, because circumstances change from time to time, when you can count on a decision to help ukraine, joe biden, but yuriy fize told, just showed, we watched, that ukraine will win, when in the end it will be a decision has been made to provide her with assistance, this is of course a very optimistic statement, but still, what should we expect as of now. from those circumstances that, that you know about, yes, now what is being said around congress, what is basically, even american experts themselves say that the key marker of when the bailout can be voted on is the position of margery taylor green, and the position of her vote of no confidence, she has clearly said that she wants to put this vote to a vote within a week and a half, and accordingly, johnson, in order to in order to save his own position, it is necessary to give at least some kind of compromise bill to help ukraine, why for him... this is important,
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because this bill must have the support of either conservative republicans or democrats. accordingly, these people are this the bill is essentially traded for johnson's support in the event of a vote of no confidence. ago. for johnson now, the element of ukrainian aid can become one of the tools that will allow him to hold on to his position and allow him to avoid problems in the future, so we expect that within a week and a half, either marjary teller green will really overtake him and put his vote of no confidence, or johnson will - still, let's put it this way, they will take care of themselves and we will really get a certain compromise version of the budget. and another topic that has become a cold shower for many for some it is possible by shower. with some sulfuric acid, in fact, this is the statement of the head of the pentagon, which sounded after the information, which, well, was allegedly from insiders, that they allegedly advised ukraine not to hit the oil refineries in russia, but it was as if someone had heard , someone said, more or less insiders, but here it was clearly
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stated that we do not advise ukraine to strike at oil refineries, it is better to strike at certain compounds, targets on the front line or behind the front line, which can directly affect the course of combat operations. and in the theater of war actions, why do you need those refineries, it is necessary to explain why this is said and what is behind it, because as far as i understand, from what i read today, and it is a rather difficult story, it is indeed a difficult story, and yet we see that at the same time, we have received information that a third of the countries that imposed sanctions against russia do not adhere to the oil price ceiling, that in principle the urals continues to trade at fairly adequate, sometimes even pre-war prices. we also see parallel information that the americans are trying somehow agree with china on the policy regarding russian energy, because it is china that continues to be the key exporter of russian oil, not only for its own market, but also for the market of partner countries, that is, unfortunately, we see that the element of these strikes on refineries has become
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part of this geopolitical games what is the problem here, what is the change here, because, let's say, the americans directly did not approve of our strikes on the mpz before. previously, it was formulated a little... otherwise, in this case, we see in principle a change of approach. americans used to say that do not support and do not approve, but they cannot prohibit ukraine from carrying out such strikes that can deter russian aggression. and now we see a direct phrase that they do not advise to do this, because in reality these are not the goals that are needed and so on and so forth. in this case, i can still quote moshe dayan, a famous israeli general, who said in such cases that the americans give us money and weapons. and a lot of personal advice. we gladly and gratefully accept money and weapons, and we ask them to be silent with advice. you know, even here, reading the information today, it became clear that there is oil that has its
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share, or assets, certain companies, western, american, in particular, and this oil from kazakhstan is sent through these refineries. well , this story continues there, that is why it is for business, and this is a very big business, this is a business that, in principle, influences the great american politics since the 20s of the last century, i will not name these companies here, i think that everyone understands which are the most powerful oil oils in the world, and therefore yes, and here then, well, you know, and then this phrase corporations rule the world, so it doesn’t seem so strange anymore, and there is no conspiracy theory here, but right here there is a question about the fate of the country, about the fate of people. about the fate of the future of the entire continent, and can the heads of these companies influence politicians to make similar statements, understanding the entire situation at the front? let's put it this way, if it wasn't an election year, these companies would
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n't have been listened to so much, but in a year when lobbyists receive a year's salary per month, when it is determined what industry will be. will be a priority for the next president, one out of every two years, when these companies see the absolute inability of opec to negotiate, because opec has a crisis in the middle east, they see that prices are going up because of this and they don't want to bring them down, plus they don't want to increase production, that is , in addition to this game, unfortunately, on the ukrainian theme, we simultaneously see the game of large countries, large companies from opec on the topic of the war waged by israel against terrorism in the region that is, that ukraine, that israel, unfortunately, became hostages, i will not say what it was, you know how in conspiracy theories they say that all the freemasons planned everything, i am far from such predictions, but it looks like that the situation around the russian invasion, that the situation surrounding the aggression of hamas, and the big
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oil companies of america, and the big oil companies of the opec countries are making the most of it and trying to get such profits from it, which they simply could not dream of before the start of these hostilities. ot. and you remember napoleon's phrase that war is first for everything, money, money, money again, but of course, money should go to the country that first of all defends, not even that of its sovereignty, territory. the right, the right to be, independence, she defends democratic values, in which we still sincerely believe, because these values ​​were not born in america, they were born long before the united states, and actually these values ​​have existed for a long time, they are also christian values, so maybe a little modified, but these, well, these are ancient values, we defend them today, the value of human life, law, human freedom, choice of a person, not a dictatorship, not coercion, not murder, not destruction, not flattery, not the lies that russia lives by today. and you know, in the light of this, you understand, although i would very much like it to be like this, purely humanly, if
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somehow we could agree and everything would be peaceful, but it, you understand that it cannot be like that with russia, even celeste wallender said so, that any kind of, well, this is lloyd austin's deputy, that any kind of talk with russia, even some negotiations, it will not mean peace, well , peaceful peace, so i would like to hear your opinion about this summit, which will take place in switzerland, the dates given are june 14-15, i remember... that putin and biden met somewhere also in the summer of 21 on the eve of the invasion of the full-scale invasion of ukraine, what is the truth in geneva at the villa, oh my god, i forgot, i forgot , i forgot, i forgot, now i will remember, i will remember, i will say, where gorbachev and reagan once met, villa legranch, and in geneva. and please tell me what to expect and why so many countries are joining this peace summit, what can be expected, although i do not believe in peace with putin while he still has some... assets in resources at the front. well, in fact, our peace formula is precisely aimed at the fact that
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russia should join it only at the last moment, when it will be forced to sign it and simply accept the conditions that the entire civilized world will set for russia within these 10 points . why are so many countries joining it? because its flexibility, the approach that any point except the last one can be implemented at any time, the approach that any country... can be responsible for a specific direction, can work only in it, or to join others, this approach is precisely what attracts many countries, not only of the western world, but also of the global south, for what, in order to join this formula of peace. the only thing is, and here we come to the most difficult and most important. china's position both in relation to the countries of the global south and in relation to balancing with the west in relation to this peace formula is decisive. moreover, during the consultation of national security advisers, china joined only once during the meeting in jita, during the meeting in
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copenhagen, meetings in malta, china only, let's say, telegraphed its general wishes and views, and now beijing's position, unfortunately, is not very constructive for us, it says that this peace formula can only be successful with the participation russia, but at the same time, beijing fully supports what ukraine has proposed, so why do it now in order to accumulate support. of the global south is the first goal, and the second goal is to determine china's position and finally understand how much china ready either to support russia or to stop russia, because so far china has done both in parallel, the impression is that some kind of negotiations are going on somewhere, but let's not indulge in conspiracy theories again, let's ban the facts, then we'll talk about this is to say very briefly, literally for a minute, but here are at least seven patriots with missiles, as the columnist ryobka from the bilt publication said that europe has... thousands of missiles and hundreds of patriots, why can’t ukraine be given at least seven, in your
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opinion, this solution will be, well, a solution and logistics and patriots in ukraine, it can be done quickly, because we understand that putin will use the window to destroy as much as he can destroy. he is already using this window, and in fact, i can only give credit to josep borel, who today made a very correct statement, and the european council made a very correct initiative, simply to freeze the adoption of its own budget. a huge number of voters in all european countries depend on this budget, primarily in those that have these patriots, and so basically, if these politicians want to remain popular, if they don't want to remain european, then they should behave like europeans, a real european will now help ukraine, so actually, after this statement by borel, after the decision of the european council, i got back his optimism that these systems can arrive in ukraine quickly enough. thank you so much, thank you for your comments, thank you for joining. oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism, was with i will briefly remind you, again, this
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is not a criticism of anyone, it is simply the realities of life, the realities of war, at one time the netherlands actually lost or surrendered to the nazis at the beginning of the second world war, after the port in rotterdam was destroyed and bombed. ukraine today, ukraine has been bombed for two years, well more, but full-scale for two years, we continue to hold on and we do not give up, we do not raise our hands. we don't let modern nazis into our territory, racists, we say, just help us, give us something that will enable us to continue our war for the whole of europe, in fact it is... it is important. serhiy rudenko is ready to tell what will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts at 8 p.m. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. congratulations to vasyl. today, we will have a diplomat and extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, valery chaly, as our guest, we will talk about how russia is trying to destroy the energy infrastructure of ukraine, and this is a crime,
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a war crime, because under international law. destruction of civilian infrastructure and strikes on civilian infrastructure facilities are a war crime, why does the world not articulate now, why does it not raise the question of the responsibility of vladimir putin and russia for the destruction of energy infrastructure on various international platforms, first of all at the security council of the united nations, the same organization, one of the founders of which was ukraine, that's all pi'. the questions are rhetorical, but i hope that mr. chaly will give us clear answers on how ukraine can counter ukraine's missile terror, of course, the best way to counter it of terror and these shellings, these are the patriot systems and more of the air defense system, today zelensky
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spoke at the summit of the three seas initiative, the so-called trimori. in poland said that the patriot systems from the patriots are needed only temporarily, as ukraine plans to produce its own systems. in a word, the topic for conversation is quite large today with valery chal, from how to close the ukrainian sky, from russian missiles, to what the actual negotiations will be and how this process of reconciliation will take place. definition of those points that can be discussed at the global peace summit, and most importantly, how in this situation, how to make important decisions for the representatives of almost 100 countries of the world who will be at this global summit, even without the participation of the russian federation, since
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today, in parallel, another project was released to the press the so-called peace agreement, which before... provides for many clauses and the implementation of these clauses, and there are three parties to this agreement: turkey, russia and ukraine. apparently, this is the initiative of recep tayyip erdogan, the president of turkey. and among the points there is non-alignment of ukraine by 2040, referendums, holding referendums on temporarily occupied territories, no earlier than 2040. er, the accession, the possible accession of ukraine to the european union, but there are a lot of these are the norms of this agreement, i don’t know if this is the draft of the agreement that was published in the press, but there are a lot of these points that cause sincere surprise and fear that by 2040
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, russia simply expects that ukraine will disappear from the world map, what should be done? in order for ukraine to remain on the world map, what is needed for ukraine to remain an independent sovereign state, what is needed so that ukrainians are not killed by the russians, we will talk about all this for the next hour, starting at 20:00 with valery chaly, so wait, in 10 minutes we will be on the air, vasyl zima's big broadcast continues , vasyl, you have the word, thank you sergey, we are waiting for you at 20:00. program verdict, well , we have already waited for my colleague, lena chuvchenina, our art viewer, what she will talk about today, god - it's an explosion of color. this is exactly the characteristic of the icons of the famous artist anatoly kryvolap, people who seeing them for the first time, they are usually shocking. lina chechenina will now show us why and tell us whether she is shocked. lina, you have a word, good
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evening, please. good evening, vasyl, it's me. i am not shocked, because i have already seen almost all of anatoly kryvolap's works, just 20-25 minutes ago there was just a huge crowd here, thank god there are fewer people, and we will be able to show you these works. so, anatoliy kryvolap makes one of the biggest features. this is work with the structure, but now we can literally for a few seconds to show one of the works that is closest, and here it is very clear how he works with the structure, of course, well, you just have to uh... stand next to these works and look at them for a very, very long time, in general, just abstract works, they characterize the crooked paw, but
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his icons are not exactly abstract, but now we can see them, here they are, i think that many of you friends have already seen them, because they are written by an artist from the 14th, it seems, year, i have seen at least two exhibitions dedicated to them , and here you see how unusual they are in color and... in structure, if you get closer, they are very bright, so luminescent, and mr. anatoliy defines it as god is really an explosion of color, because different artists depict higher forces in different ways, and this artist decided to do it like this, by the way, he was painting a church in lypivka - it's such a small village in the kyiv region near borodyanka, and there is just the top of this church, it's such an explosive color, by the way, i'm still dreaming. to go here and i will not get there, although it is literally 20 minutes from my house, but before anatoliy kryvolap very often, but you see, there are fewer people already, but it is still difficult
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to shoot, we bump into them, here he used to be called one of the most expensive artists in ukraine, but there was almost such a stamp, if kryvolap, then he is the most expensive artist in ukraine, now i can already see that they have moved away from this tradition, he is simply a classic here, and he was here recently, lol... people just lined up to take a picture with him and get his autograph, and here in these works here are gathered 90-2000 years, if we see, we will talk already specifically about the structure, there is a whole series called structures, here we can see and it is very clear how it all intertwines with all the colors, different textures and so on and so on, he writes for 23 years such paintings, there are 90 works in this series, and you know, i really like exhibitions when you can get so close to the paintings, usually with modern
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art it all happens like that, when you can literally examine, literally get up close and, of course, touch all this is not possible, and therefore i will remind you that the exhibition the crooked paw is called prototypes, and it opened in the m17 gallery, it will continue. if you love this artist, you must come, if you want to see this explosion of color and explosion of color, like something divine, you must go to lypivka to see this amazing church. thank you very much linicheni for and... urges who has the opportunity to go and see how boxing becomes an explosion of color, at least in the works of anatoly kryvolap. in principle, art, you know,
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despite all this, it is important that art lives and does not it only lives, it evolves, reveals some new emotions, new forms, during the war we now see crowded theaters, and this is important, and the sale of books, well, top ukrainian publishing houses and the book. in shopping networks they write about what is just growing, i went to a shopping center yesterday, i see people leaving the bookstore with books, people are looking for answers, people are looking for emotions, people are looking for equivalent answers from the stage, they want to hear something, this is it very important, and here besides that, of course, we should not forget first of all, to support the armed forces of ukraine, to join the defense of the country by all possible means, but also to understand the importance of supporting each other, at least the word is sometimes important, i see many moments when people sometimes just write, strangers write to you there on facebook , how i feel bad, sad, and what do you do when you are
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sad, well, i'm just like a public person, because on tv, as they say, people think that you should know, and you spend some time just talking to a person, i do not know, whether it helps or not, but in any case , even your attention, it helps, pay attention, consider each other, support us, only together and strong will we be able to win this very long time. a very exhausting war, and about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's listen, because natalka didenko will tell us about it. synoptical hello to all, dear ukrainians, we are starting today's synoptical meeting with disaster films, of course, this is fiction, but i want to say that in these films, which consider some powerful natural normal phenomena, the main actor is very often a specialist meteorologist, so we will pay attention to them. so, one of the most famous of these films is the film after tomorrow,
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which... talks about an extreme global decrease in air temperature, when everything is covered in ice, the statue of liberty is covered with snow, and the skyscrapers of new york, and in general this global cooling engulfs the entire northern hemisphere, and there, by the way, is a specialist meteorologist. the same director, roland emmerich, did not stop there cooling, and in the film 2012 he made another film, but here he already concentrated on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and used the so-called, well, not so-called may calendar, prognostic, which said that in a certain year all the planets will be on the same line and some such terrible disaster occurs, obviously with global climate consequences, uh, the movie the flood, a colossal flood in england is about this, the thames bursts its banks and millions
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of londoners are in... just real danger to their lives, and there in marine the engineer, the hero of the film, literally stays there for several hours to save the entire city, millions of people from destruction. the role of forecasters, and hydrologists, and engineers is very important, all these professions, which are usually, well, supposedly, according to such a dubious, dubious stereotype , are not prestigious, in fact, and not only in movies, disasters, but also in real life, they are extremely useful, and of course we... know that, for example, ukrainian meteorologists and weather observers work in extremely difficult conditions, going to work every day and work around the clock, even under shelling conditions. we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. now to your prognostic diagram, here we will quickly, so to speak, manage, because the situation is calm and there is nothing so threatening, well, at least from this side for the well-being of a person, for the operation of navigation devices there should not be. well
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, actually the weather forecast, the next day , april 12, the air temperature in the west of ukraine , we traditionally start from the western regions, it will fluctuate between 15 and 20 degrees of heat, in transcarpathia it will traditionally be higher up to +23, in the north without precipitation, fresh, but warm, comfortable +16-+18°. in the eastern part of ukraine, no precipitation is expected, but in the afternoon... in donetsk region, for example, it will sometimes rain, maybe even a thunderstorm. it is hottest in the east, 24-28 above zero tomorrow. in the central part of ukraine, around +17 +22, in the dnipropetrovsk region it can be warmest up to +25 without precipitation. in the southern part of ukraine, rain may pass in zaporozhye and crimea. finally, the territory of the south is without precipitation. the air temperature is high, 23-27°
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above zero. and in kyiv. no precipitation is expected tomorrow, the air temperature will fluctuate within +17°, the north-west wind will intensify, it can be gusty, be careful, be careful. this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective, of course, keep a close eye on our updated forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you natalsa didenko, and at the end i just want to say a lot. words are needed, we need each other very much, all of us who are in ukraine, outside ukraine, the united nation, we are very needed, someone's disappointment is compensated by someone's confidence, someone's fear is compensated by someone's faith, and together we create that energy or that synergy that we need, so that you are not about those times, not very difficult, but if we stand by each other, we will definitely not fall, they, our enemies, will fall. thanks for being with us, it was a great ater. well, literally in a few moments, the verdyk program with serhii rudenko, stay with
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us, it will be interesting. good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next one we talk for hours about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory, today in the program. losses. 100% generation, the aggressor destroyed the largest thermal power plant of centerenergo. does this encourage partners to provide ukraine with more air defense? win-win cooperation. in beijing, lavrov discussed the dual opposition to western countries. how can the us respond to china for supporting russia in the war with ukraine? prospects of the global summit.


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