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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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two cars, well, the planes are successful there, we see, they can do it on planes, also on airfields, but it’s still not a missile that can hit, despite the protection, despite the large overlaps, that is, not to kill people, to damage the equipment, then give us missiles, and then we, i understand, then we will have more targets that will be affected in this way, so i think that the partner should always be ... heard, but understand that he is heard by different consumers of information, and the main thing in our relations with the us is our partnership now, and we have channels of communication that are permanent dialogue at the highest, high level, and these issues are actually resolved there, i did not hear the official position of ukraine that we fold our hands and simply look at the terrorist attacks of russia against our population, i heard the opposite statement of the president. of ukraine, volodymyr
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zelenskyi, that we will adequately respond to these threats. the fact that there is no official reaction from kyiv is very good, well , it turns out that ukraine is doing its thing, and the united states of america is doing its thing, that is, they say the way they say, and do the way they do, well, no, in we should be, obviously, we will have a daily reaction to any russian crimes, well, i mean that... that's why i say, here the authorities need to make certain adjustments, because i see how these adjustments are made in russia, and they currently have very active offensive work, informational work, diplomatic work, which involves a lot of extensive resources, it's simple, well, it's as possible in normal life.
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there to stretch, you know, man of the hour, at this moment it is necessary to concentrate the maximum forces, the maximum number of people who can do it and with an accent to an external audience, not only to those western countries or nato countries, the eu, but all the countries of the world, because they still take information from these sources, everything is the same, and this is in english , sorry, not a cooking show for the money of a single marathon , namely for such... foreign languages, or at least to use the state mechanisms that exist today, i can say that mr. padalyak is there, yes, who comments, well, constantly as, well, speaker, but this is not enough, that's for sure not enough, especially in the fields of international cooperation, absolutely, well, there are many things where we are lagging, the same is the case with the governing council of the magathe, where russia has now initiated, i see a little slacking here, because it has not taken office there yet. as i understand it, i have not yet joined
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this work in vienna at international organizations, but the ministry of energy, in my opinion, and the head of the delegation, mr. holoshchenko, well, diplomats there work for each of these systems, each country, we are in the board of governors, so there should be be a daily activity, how can the minister of energy work every day while sitting in kyiv, i don't understand this, well, who explain it to me, who can decide it, well, it was decided by the delegation and signed the decree. that is, these are not obvious things, well, it means yes, they believe that yes, i cannot do anything here, if it is considered that it is right, well , if it is right, then there must be a result, therefore there must be diplomatic activity, the russians send notes daily , statements are made daily, and in three days we have a statement to the magathe about those in charge of the attacks on those who were at the zaporizhzhia station, what they are provoking and doing, well, that is , the dynamics will simply strengthen, strengthen. dynamics,
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strengthen, well, do what we did more actively in the 22nd year, and which gave results. another event that the world, and ukraine first, is waiting for is the global peace summit, which is to be held in switzerland on june 15-16, the swiss department of foreign affairs has already confirmed this, it is expected that the summit will come from representatives from 80 to 100 countries of the world, but it is not yet known which countries will participate in this summit, and the swiss say that this event is aimed at creating a framework that will be favorable for lasting peace in ukraine, as well as a concrete road map for russia's participation in the peace process. earlier it was announced that russia, this is the position of the ukrainian side, russia will not participate in this. at the summit
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, switzerland talked about such a possibility and when it was announced that such a summit could be hosted by the swiss side, they talked about it, but russia ... now says officially that they refused to participate in the summit, because switzerland refused to be neutral, well, quite strange this is the position of the explanation of the russians, because no one is there invited, they suddenly say that we will not go to switzerland, because they say that switzerland is no longer a neutral state, we will not do anything there, but without the participation of russia, what could be the consequences and results of this summit, that is, what is it worth? to count on ukraine, when the summit was planned, there may have been other circumstances, and somewhere they saw it more realistically, there is june, well, i think that it will not bring exactly the consequences that we might have expected, that is why we need to adjust our expectations, for me, for example, it will be
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effective if russia is now together with china, by the way, where did lavrov go and agreed that... no matter if china participates and works with the countries of the global south so that they also do not participate, it will be important whether it will be possible to gather a sufficient number of countries there, just to demonstrate that russia won't be able to prevent it, that's the first thing, and the important thing here is that, as far as i know, the president of the united states, joseph biden, is going to participate in this event, so, well , that means that the level of... that you can expect, will make it possible to involve a wider range of countries with more status the fact that there, well, the issues that we want peace formulas will not be resolved, it is obvious, that china is procrastinating, well, it is clear that
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they will not take part at the highest or high level, or will take part at all, we will see, that is, i do not expect any results such huge and... this is a platform for consolidating narratives, precisely fair, truthful ones about the situation, this is a good platform, and here it is necessary, i would generally, well, go back to the basics, to talk with virtually every delegation, not just in we had 20 meetings there, no, but that each delegation received a package of information, that is, not only official, perhaps, perhaps some kind of emotional, perhaps for participation, i do not know whether it is themselves... will allow such forms, but there must be ukrainians, people who bear the burden of this war, so that these , well, the politicians have heard it, so simply in the standard version, it’s not going to pass now, we need some creative approaches,
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an understanding of how to convey the position, the information , the position to everyone, if there are any bigger solutions, there is the support of ukraine, the countries, for this kept or took such a position neither yours nor ours, then i will i can only applaud this, but for now i see that if we think that we should throw all our resources away, and i even heard that russia must somehow be dragged there, this is not the right way, absolutely, that is, it is not the stage of the war where it can really be done, but i don’t want to comment, just a photo, for us... is not enough and it is only needed to count the number of countries that participated there, that is, it is obvious, but we still need to think about another strategic issue, that here is the desire of different countries with russia, necessarily with russia, or us
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indeed, this is already the situation, and we predict that it will not change, that without the aggressor, without the one who occupied the country, it is impossible to solve anything, do we still have a plan? what is president zelenskyi's peace formula, in fact, which involves not the decision of the aggressor, but his forced, forced steps at the request of the entire world's concentrated, well, pressure, but this will not happen at this summit, and we need to think about it very seriously. you must have seen, mr. valery, this so-called draft, the turkish draft of the peace agreement, but i... i don't know how authentic it is and whether it is at all true, the new newspaper europa published, as it were, a draft agreement where there are three parties, there is turkey, there is russia, there is ukraine, and this document provides for many points, but
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most importantly, these and these in this agreement , this is the freezing of the war along the existing front line, the obligation to hold in 2004 , all-ukrainian referendums on the country's foreign policy course, as well as referendums between under international control in all ukrainian territories annexed by russia at the time of the freezing of the war. i have a guarantee the non-aligned status of ukraine until 2040, the exchange of prisoners was formalized for everyone, russia does not oppose ukraine's accession to the european union. all these points, of course, they look like a delusion, because by 2040 russia can generally do the maximum to ensure that ukraine does not exist. and this year 2040 reminds me a lot, you remember, the term. valid or the term of stay of the black sea fleet of russia was extended in 2010 in the kharkiv
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agreements until 2042, simply in this draft of the agreement, which is not clear, what with from which side did he get this new newspaper, or is he invented at all, but the impression is that it is the russians who are launching another ipso, or playing with these agreements in order to say: listen, we have an agreement, we... this peace summit it is not needed, we have our own vision, but through the mediation of turkey, we can offer the following, that you say, how likely is the authenticity of this agreement, and that such proposals can in some way reach the official kyiv, may i ask you, mr. serhiy , and the new newspaper of europe, this this is a russian publication in exile, if i am not mistaken, the time when we conducted ukrainian-turkish dialogues, prepared a study on the strategic partnership of ukraine-turkey, i
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was there in istanbul, they tried to slip this newspaper to me, i threw it in the trash, i , maybe, don't be offended by those who, even if it is turkish, i threw it in the trash, not because i don't respect journalists there, but simply because we were there then, it seemed to me that there were calls for the unity of the slavs, here and there there were such complicated things that we should... hold some kind of russian unity forum in almaty, i because of this, because of the content of this newspaper, i did it like that, now let's discuss everything that appears somewhere, for example, i saw in the kurdistan news there, well, i'll say right away, it's such a joke, and it was written there about the creation of greater kurdistan, that there are mediators that turkey wants in exchange for its membership in the european union. do you think that the official structures of turkey will comment on such a move? and why should we
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comment on it? therefore, i think that it is necessary to stop at this point and not to imagine what is not there. we know the official position of turkey not like that at all. then let's talk about china, because china, as one of the possible participants of this global peace summit, is where lavrov flew to for talks. olaf scholz is going there, and after all , sijin pin himself is going to europe in may. china is ready to cooperate with russia to develop pragmatic cooperation. this was once again stated by the spokeswoman of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china maoning. let's listen to what the chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman said. china will continue to support russia in its development and revival under the leadership of president vladimir putin. will support the russian people on a self -chosen path of development, over the past 75 years,
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which have passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and russia, sino-russian relations have come a long way, enduring the winds and rains, based on the rejection of alliances, non-confrontation and non- targeting to any third party, china and russia have committed themselves to long-term good neighborliness and friendship, deepened comprehensive strategic coordination. and formed a new paradigm of relations between major countries. obviously, it was response to anthony blinken, secretary of state of the united states of america, who met with david cameron and expressed concern about the nature of cooperation between russian time and some other countries. let's listen to blinkin. this is a constant challenge. we see weapons, we see technologies to support. defense industrial base in russia, coming from north korea, iran, china.
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this is an area of ​​particular concern not only for the united states and the united kingdom, but also for many of our allies and partners across europe. and one more detail: washington has warned that it will hold beijing responsible if moscow makes progress in ukraine amid deepening cooperation between the russian federation and china. this was stated by the deputy secretary of state of the united states of america, kurt kem. pl, here is you, mr. valery, how do you assess the current role of china and the possibilities of our western partners to incline china to... non-cooperation to military non-cooperation or not so extensive cooperation with the russian federation, since washington believes that a loss in ukraine, ukraine will mean that beijing will be responsible for this, well, we will not discuss the power of china and its
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influence in the world, yes, that is, it is clear, it believes that it is not the first and not the second already today. but soon wants to be the first, i believe that this is very optimistic, because in my opinion the united states will remain the leader in the near future, but indeed there are certain internal problems in the united states, and this russian war against ukraine, against, in fact against nato, against countries of the european union, it gives a little fuel to china's confidence that russia will somehow manage something and you won't have to be ashamed. that here we are beating, breaking, and this position of china is cynical, they see it all, unfortunately, their position is not balanced, well, i would stop there, because china is a big country with which ukraine should build relations, but it is necessary to clearly
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understand that our allies can be the united states, but definitely not... china, and this should be based on good-neighborly or whatever relations with china, and they, by the way, we still have a strategic partnership recorded so far pir, well, it's really not that there is a strategic partnership, but it will be necessary to build these relations in a new way, they will already be built based on the results of the russian war against ukraine. now regarding how to react, well, look, then mr. salevan came out, jake salevan in the white house and said that america doesn't have. confirmations of assistance from china, directly to russia, and i do not have such confirmations in my hands, that is, if we had specific confirmations, that is, well, for example, even the transfer of space images by chinese companies for the military needs of russia, this subject of conversation with the chinese side, and here
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we don't need the usa, we can talk about it on a bilateral level, that is, that is why i think that it is precisely work with china. it is necessary to understand that this is work more than diplomacy, politics, work of interests, it will be impossible to build a common understanding of values ​​with china, unfortunately, they have different approaches, they are closer to the russian ones, and this is a fact, and therefore it is also bringing countries together, well , geopolitical interests china is interested in weakening the united states, it believes that in this way, that is, by weakening the united states, by showing their inability to do something, he achieves his results, so the question for the united states is whether they have the ability to oppose such a position of china, obviously there is, obviously there is, but i do not know to what extent they will correctly understand this phasing not only in statements, but also in actions, there are 800
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billion chinese exports to the usa, this is of course a lever. such that a third of exports stop, and china will stop the economy against the background of its current crisis in the mortgage, well, there in the real estate market, that is, there sagging, the pace is not the same, and of course china needs to think about it now, so yes, it can collapse everything, and the us will experience problems in the medium term, but if you put security first, then the us has important influences. today there will be fewer of them, as time goes on, there will be fewer of them, in my opinion, in the perspective of several years, what will happen next, no one knows, but in this perspective it would be better to orientate more now, i emphasize once again, public statements are good, but some concrete steps are needed here, well the administration of the united states does this, sanctions are imposed on
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chinese companies in europe, which sold certain things to russians there. us, but still, unfortunately, this dialogue of san francisco, president biden and the leader of china xi jinping, unfortunately, he only removed some issues, mainly nuclear threats, he left many issues open, so it is very difficult, a difficult thing , and i will say this, it is impossible at the same time to try to have china there at the peace summit in geneva, and at the same time... to see what china is now negotiating with by the russians, that is, well, in my opinion, china's position is very balanced today, and this is a problem that we ourselves, ukraine, unfortunately, do not... a few more questions, mr. valery, in the context of what is happening and that , which is articulated by moscow, the ukrainian trace
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was found there a long time ago in the kroku city hall terrorist attack, this week the tracer of the russian federation already began to tie the ukrainian campaign of borism there, where, by the way, for some time, biden's son hunter was involved, and. .. now they are talking about the fact that this money i don't know if there were any payments related to burisma, jake sullivan, who you mentioned, the white house national security adviser, called these accusations, let's hear what he said, it's nonsense, russia knows that idil carried out the attack in moscow, we know that idil has carried out an attack in moscow, we have in advance ... noise, who these statements are aimed at in moscow, regarding
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the involvement of the united states of america and ukraine, exclusively for an internal audience, is there any external audience that can to believe in the delusion carried by putin, lavrov and everyone else? you know, mayachnya is good, i'll wave it off once. as from flies, but alas, these flies, they fly on, this is a whole operation, i see that they are again russia has renewed an information and psychological operation, first, secondly, a subversive operation, obviously in the usa, i very briefly i will tell you who it is aimed at, one person, donald trump, that’s all, it’s all aimed at him, that is, they, they, they are playing along with trump in this situation, well , they are actually, we are donald trump’s, and do some things for us, and we also, you see, do for you, because it will be obvious to be used again in the election campaign,
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this whole story against the current president, although this page is already closed, and they will spin it again, so there is nothing strange here for me, and what seems delusional in conscious people, in fact, in general, people are not so aware of the situation. they don't know what reports the senate intelligence committee made, i'll tell you, until now this issue is still circulating somewhere in the american media, there are all the cases, that is why they know what they are doing, this is active information work, and unfortunately, connection, well, i will say this, my subjective opinion, this is how russia is showing donald trump, take steps to stop the supply of weapons to ukraine now, and we will be very useful for you ... such actions in the future, this a clear signal, but this is, as leonid danylovych said, kuchma, this was all, and trump, and burizma, and zelensky, the conversation
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of july 2019, well, it will happen again, i know that they, you know, you can’t think of anything there supernova, they will involve ukraine again, and the most important thing for us here, by the way, few people know that there are conclusions about the 2016 campaign. what ukraine did not interfere in the campaign, and these are the conclusions of the electoral commission, where the republicans did not want to publish all this, but they were forced to do so, that is, there are already clear reports of the senate committee on intelligence that a russian operation was planned, these people are already sitting or running , you saw under the sanctions in ukraine, they hid in russia, but we all understand that this... will not stop even a false false opinion in ukraine, but now ask the average ukrainian, even commentators, such a question ask, yes, ukraine really
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planned something against trump there in the last election or intervened there, and everyone will say, yes, of course, everyone was for hillary clinton, well, you understand, stereotypes can be exploited a second time, if they are stereotypes, they can be exploited further, and russia will do it, and it will be for... as last time, secret service employees, we already know, they are already in these reports, their names are there, and i assure you, it is funny for me to watch, but i will say my own observation, that employee of the special services of russia, who sent all kinds of delusions about ukraine there for publication in various newspapers, in particular in politika, financial times, he is already included in this work again, and i would not, you know, carefully look at it all here, including on the purity of all those contacts of our official structures that will be with different people, and this does not mean that we do not need
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to work, on the contrary, we must... we must and must work with the trump team, especially after the congress in the summer, especially after the congress driving, as we did with two teams, is definitely necessary will be, because it is different here, by the way, european politicians who did not do this in the 16th year, i know communication with my colleagues, now they are doing it, because they understood that it is just to close the embassy for two months, as one did a european country, but they just closed it, well , they closed it conditionally, leaving only the administrative... personnel, and the diplomats went on vacation, because everyone really didn't expect that trump would be the president, we didn't do that, we had the first conversation between the presidents somewhere, well, the fifth is somewhere with all the world leaders, after the inauguration in the same way, at the same time, now of course we need to work first of all with the biden administration, this is a difficult period for the work of all ukrainian structures, and i will say that the way we will work actively, we cannot avoid
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problems, because if they are just... . to disappear, to sit somewhere and wait, we will lose, this requires proactive work, proactive both inside the country and from outside, and this proactive work requires, you know, very great efforts and not only psychological and professional or physical, but also such skills, skills that are not they do not come to you in one day, this is an experience that is already an experience of successes and mistakes. which gives the opportunity to do things now that are effective for the country, so i think it is very important for us to assess the situation correctly, and our narrative in america should be precisely in security issues, even if it has already become part of the bilateral election debate, it is already so, only in this aspect, who will help ukraine more, that is where all our efforts should be directed. at the very end,
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but avoid communication. for example, with opponents of the current administration, or for example, don't ask why lendlease still can't be launched now, well, this is a false policy, the very end of our conversation, a little synchronicity from lukashenka, who believes that the opposition wants to lead foreign troops into the republic of belarus and stage a terrorist attack like the one in the moscow suburbs. let's listen, we absolutely know, we absolutely know what they are doing there. they run around various decision-making centers and advisers, from america to brussels, asking for money, and most importantly, give it to me, to me, to me, to which the curators tell them: guys, to me there were, we need something hotter, like crocus city in moscow, god forbid, terrorist attacks and armed confrontation in belarus, the goal is to enter belarus and seize at least a piece of land, declare our power and call here
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foreign, well... not mercenaries, already troops, they are the government. mr. valery, literally 20 seconds, what can you say about this self-proclaimed dictator, and why is he scaring everyone again with foreign troops in the republic of belarus? well, i would, i would perceive it as one of the variants of their provocative actions, that is, we are glavits we remember, that is, if he talks about such things that seem delusional to us, it means that the kagibists themselves also work there, so, in principle, the school is one and the same, you know, you need to seriously analyze how to prevent of these provocations on his part, thank you, valery chaly, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of ukraine was on our broadcast, friends, during this broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether china is capable of forcing russia to stop the war in ukraine, 38% yes , 68%, 62%, no, these are the results of television survey, i'm putting an end to this, i wish
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everyone... health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. the law on strengthening mobilization was adopted, what are the new rules for conscripts in it, who can get a deferment and... why did the verkhovna rada vote for this law only now, we are talking about this on bbc news ukraine, live from london, i evgenia shedlovska. mobilization in ukraine has actually been going on continuously for the third year since, on the first day of the full-scale invasion of russia, president zelenskyi signed the corresponding decree and since then the parliament has continued its operation, but now the verkhovna rada has passed a law that actually aims to strengthen mobilization. the law strengthens the rules of military registration and sanctions
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against the ear. antiv, and also specifies the provisions on...


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