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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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the law on the strengthening of mobilization was adopted, what are the new rules for conscripts, who can receive a deferral and why only now has the verkhovna rada announced it. for this law, we are talking about it on the air of bbc news ukraine, live from london, i am evgenia shedlovska. mobilization in ukraine has actually been going on continuously, for the third year since president zelenskyi signed the corresponding decree on the first day of the full-scale invasion of russia, and since then the parliament has continued its operation, but now the verkhovna rada has passed a law that actually aims to increase mobilization. the law strengthens the rules of military registration and sanctions against evaders, and also specifies provisions on... postponement of mobilization. key
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changes: all male conscripts must update their data, effectively becoming visible to the military system. how and when - will be explained by my colleague olek chernych, who followed the consideration of this law in the verkhovna rada. what is new in this law? its main goal, and neither the government nor the opposition actually hides this, is to, ah, ensure mobilization more citizens to the army, to register all men aged 25 to... 60, actually, these are the basic norms that are written in this draft law, it says that from now on all men conscripted must have with their military registration documents, they must update their personal data, in particular , telephone numbers, current address of residence, e-mail, this must be done within two months after the entry into force of this law, well, in fact, during the coming summer, the coming months, if if citizens do not do this, then they will face sanctions, yesterday was... in the first reading
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, a draft law was passed, which increased, significantly increased the fines for ignoring subpoenas, for refusing to pass medical commissions, and today the already adopted law also talks about such type of punishment as deprivation of driver's license, that is, the head of the tsc will be able to oblige through the court to deprive a citizen who evades military service of his driver's license. as for other points that are prescribed in this draft law, it... defines certain ones categories of citizens who may have a deferral are officials, deputies, police officers, other law enforcement officers , as well as people with disabilities, guardians of minor children, adoptive parents, and so on. and speaking generally, consideration of this draft law in the verkhovna rada was long, between the first and second reading, the deputies submitted 400 amendments to the draft law, and the specialized committee on national security considered them for almost two months, and in the last. moment
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, the provision on demobilization, that the military can demobilize after 36 months, disappeared from the draft law service, commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi proposed to write it down in a separate bill, which the government still has to prepare, but why the provision on demobilization was removed, oleg chernysh will explain. the main surprise that occurred during the consideration and adoption of this law can be considered the exclusion of the norm on the demobilization of the military. let me remind you that the military, who have actually been at the front for more than two years, are part of the armed forces, have no idea when they can be demobilized, it is not written in any legislation, in the first version of the draft law it was assumed that they would be able to receive the right to demobilization after 36 months, that is, in fact, after three years of the war according to the decision of the supreme commander-in-chief, this was a debatable norm, many said that this was a long period, many believed , that it is insufficient, but nevertheless, but... in fact, on the eve
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of consideration in the second reading of the draft law, this norm was excluded, and today, during the adoption of the law, it was put to confirm the actual exclusion of the norm on the terms of demobilization and it was adopted with the minimum number of necessary votes, that is, 227 deputies voted to remove from this law any terms for the possible demobilization of the military, this decision caused an extremely large... resonance of opposition from the opposition, which tried to return this decision with its amendments, however did not succeed, many of the military, who, as i said earlier, have been at the front for more than two years, demanded that the authorities outline clear terms of their service, however, as stated in the ministry of defense, this is currently impossible due to extremely difficult situation at the front, no demobilization terms can be said now, it is certain... such a decision will be developed that
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a separate bill will be developed, which will establish the terms of demobilization, as well as the terms of rotation of military units that are on the front line, but it is still ... there is not even a preliminary version of it, it will be developed over the next eight months, so the actual demobilization will be found now, and as general yuriy sodel said, this is the commander of the united forces, the situation on the front itself with the personnel of the armed forces is extremely difficult, in fact he stated that the defense of ukraine is holding on to the last strength. so, to sum up, what changes regarding mobilization the new one foresees. the law is a key strengthening of military registration rules, when the law enters into force, i.e. one month after president zelensky signs it, all male citizens of ukraine between the ages of 18 and 60 will have to update their military registration data, and while martial law is in effect, must have with military registration documents, not without them it will be possible to issue a foreign passport or
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if you get consular services abroad, and the concept of an electronic account of a conscript is introduced into the legislation, anyone can open one voluntarily, but the law applies to violators. significantly increased fines and possible suspension and possible suspension through the court of driving licenses will be provided. the law also specifies who will not be drafted: those who study at universities, scientists, graduate students, adoptive parents and guardians. the reservation can be obtained by law enforcement officers, deputies, their assistants, judges, postponement of the mobilization of a person with a disability, parents of three or more minor children and those who raise a minor child independently. and about the changes in the mobilization system and how they were adopted, we are talking with a political scientist, the director of the institute of world politics, yevhen magda, is in touch with us, and we have been talking about the need for changes in the mobilization system since last year. why did this law take so long to pass? good evening, unfortunately, the adoption of this law, a matter of political
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expediency, prevailed over the issues the need to build a state system that is aimed exclusively at... the defense of ukraine, that is why we have seen delays with this draft law, that is why we have seen its emasculation to a large extent, and obviously we are watching what the reaction will be to its adoption, at least among the forces the defense of ukraine is quite complex. why would this be a complex reaction? because of what was said in your plot. the fact that there is no norm for mobilization, it was unhooked at the last moment, first thanks to oleksandr syrsky's letter, today, thanks to decision, the parliamentarians, that is, well actually
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the military personnel, including those who left voluntarily on the first day of the large-scale invasion, they do not see the prospect of demobilization, this... i think it is difficult to call it a motivating factor, although, of course, i am aware of that the fact that the situation is complicated, and a large number of people remain outside the attention of the ccc, that is, the centers for the recruitment of the armed forces. and at the same time, we heard, well, in the verkhovna rada today , representatives of the military command spoke about the fact that the situation is very difficult in... if the law on demobilization, these terms will be adopted separately, how long can this process be? it is stated that this will be carried out within eight months, obviously, during this time,
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the military and political leadership expect to carry out certain mobilization measures that will allow to form reserves and prepare them, and only then make a decision. about demobilization, that is , there is obviously a certain logic in this, and please stay in touch with us, let's hear what volodymyr zelenskyy said about the adopted new law, as he commented on it today, there are some changes to some norms that will help the military leadership, ratifications, there are questions not only about mobilizing people, there are important questions about supporting the army, which is constantly at the front. vacations, improvement of ratifications, rotations, excuse me, etc., and political scientist, director of the institute of world politics, yevhen magda is with us on the air, there is another aspect to this law, it is western support for ukraine, how the adoption of this law will give additional
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arguments to the ukrainian authorities in conversations with partners that ukraine needs more weapons? well, if you look at it in this context. the very fact of the adoption of the law on strengthening mobilization is better than its absence, but to say that thanks to one decision of the verkhovna rada, despite the fact that, say, yesterday... evening, when more than 400 amendments were considered, the session hall of the verkhovna rada was practically empty, then it is extremely difficult to count on any significant breakthrough against this background, in order to count on powerful assistance, obviously ukraine must act powerfully within themselves, within their power system and broadcast their decisions to the general public. tell your allies about them, so that they act accordingly. well,
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what does western support for ukraine primarily depend on now? western support for ukraine depends on whether western politicians can overcome their fear of putin, whether they realize the lessons of appeasement of an aggressor in the run-up to and during world war ii, and whether they realize the fact... that if ukraine is defeated, then russian soldiers will come for their washing machines and used underwear. well, if we return to this law, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada, will this law, when it starts working, affect the pace of mobilization, or will it actually normalize the process that has been going on for the third year? this process really takes place all the time, and to say that this... law contains some absolutely breakthrough norms, i will not take it at the moment,
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i believe that it will be difficult to get by with one adoption of the law, a broad media campaign is also necessary, and accordingly, measures with state state influence and in the field of recruiting, because this is now a process that is observed in many units. of the armed forces of ukraine, when they are looking for specialists with a military profile, that is , asymmetric measures are needed, since we are fighting against an enemy that not only has a large human resource, but also has created legal norms that allow foreigners to come to russia, to be naturalized there together with family, after they join the ranks of the russian armed forces, that is, russia has increased its... mobilization resource, and ukraine still has problems with this at the moment.
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well, how can ukraine increase mobilization? it is obvious that the time of adoption of this law, well, let's say so, was somewhat late, that it had to be adopted on the wave of enthusiasm of the first months after the beginning of the large-scale invasion, when the territorial centers of ko'. there were quite significant queues, now the situation has changed somewhat, and that is why the approach is necessary, where a combination of gingerbread for those who are already fighting and sanctions for those who avoid mobilization, because if we do not ensure within ukrainian society the issue of justice regarding mobilization, we risk...laying a ticking bomb on our society in
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the near future, the question of justice is exactly what sociologists record, it is that that exists in society. thank you, yevhen magda, the director of the institute of world politics was on our air, well, read more about what changes with the new law on mobilization on our website in this article, the new law on mobilization, or will he solve problems in the army? and in other texts on our website today , the verkhovna rada adopted a law that strengthens mobilization, at the same time, at the last moment , the norm on demobilization was removed from it, and you can read about all this on our website and subscribe to our pages on social networks so as not to miss the most important news. i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you.
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thursday 9:15 p.m. traditionally on the espresso tv channel, the big lviv speaks project will start, this is the biggest discussion platform of our state, and we will start already for good. tradition from our interview room, the openness room, as we call it, from a conversation with vitaly portnikov. vitaly portnikov is with us, a journalist, writer and tv presenter. mr. vitaly, volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine, in an interview with politico, criticized the ideas allegedly expressed by the us presidential candidate donald trump regarding the surrender of ukrainian territories to russia in exchange for
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an end to the war, calling them primitive, well, there were alleged refutations of these words trump, he said... he didn't say that, but earlier he said that he knows how to end this war, he will communicate with putin and zelensky, ready to present his peace plan to them. i want to ask you, because we have already talked about the help of the united states of america in our previous conversations, that it may be that they will not provide it to us even before the elections, and we are so hoping for it. who are our 100% partners now, with whom we have good relations, and what we expect from them. help in the near future, and with whom you still need to work, about the countries of the west, i am talking first of all, well, you see that even in those countries of the west, which are obvious allies of ours, there are political problems, but the united states is our ally, despite all the remarks there that we have to shoot somewhere and not shoot somewhere, the democrats, the biden administration, they all wanted
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us to get more aid, and it's not coming because the administration doesn't want it, but because it's... it's a problem for the republicans, there is germany, which is helping us very seriously, but there is a position of the federal chancellor against the tauris, a position that is not supported by a large part of the political establishment and society in germany, but at the same time it is a serious problem, and the fact that we do not have these missiles is france, which is an important ally of ours, but at the same time, on the one hand, president macron is talking about the deployment of troops, maybe nato countries on the territory of ukraine, but on the other hand... the military aid of france is less than the military aid of germany, which opposes the conduct of troops, there is great britain, which is our obvious ally and has always seriously helped us, but it also opposes the idea of ​​introducing troops into the territory of ukraine, believes that it is impossible, but at the same time great britain, like poland, say that we
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we live in a pre-war world, and with that poland, whose leader we first started talking about this pre-war world... about the importance of helping ukraine and the fact that if it loses, it will be a disaster for europe, actually cannot solve the issue of economic relations and the situation with restrictions on ukrainian products in the european market, and this is supported by france, the president of which wants us to agree with the very same thesis of the possibility of the presence of troops of nato member countries on the territory of ukraine, so there is nothing, you understand, black- white education, and this, too, should be realized by ukrainians in the future. years do not exist at all, in which democracy differs from authoritarianism in that there are different opinions, different approaches, that even a close ally can have its own interests, that we all need to work with this, because i am all the time i say to polish politicians: listen, understand that you are helping not ukraine, but your own people, but yourself, because if ukraine loses, and russian troops end up in
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uzhhorod, your own voters will carry you out, and they will vote for... who will provide them with peace and mutual understanding with moscow, even if it looks fantastic now, and therefore, if you think not even about your own, not just about your own country, but about your heritage, the future of your political forces, democratic european poland, you will understand that it is more important than immediate interests of polish agriculture, maybe you will save agriculture, god forbid, but you will not save poland, i think this is an argument, but again, when i say this, i remember ... that poland is one of the most important and loyal allies of ukraine in this struggle, when it comes to military aid and the fact that poland is telling nato member countries about the need to increase such aid, so that's it, there are allies who can take radical positions, help us and spend a lot part of your money to help us, but these are small countries, and there are
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allies that help less in terms of their own budget, but are large countries with a large budget and a large... military capability, there are not small countries that suddenly create initiatives such as the president of the czech republic, general pavel, who found shells for us, it is true, so there is a lot to tell here, and there are situations about which we do not even know, how can we say that we received a huge number of shells from south korea, or that bulgaria at the first stage of the war secretly sends us weapons, even many pro- russian bulgarian politicians were not informed about it. guidance that they did not cut off this aid, we need it so much during the first, er, first, first period of the war, i will always remind you. that one who is your close friend today may become your greatest enemy and fight for your destruction in the next phase. there is a beautiful
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illustration from the history of the state of israel, the soviet union was one of those countries that voted for its creation and even allowed the israelis to buy already socialist czechoslovakia trophy weapons, which they fought against the arab armies that tried to destroy this young jewish state, and a few years later the soviet union actually set itself up. the destruction of this state, the existence of which and the victory of which he actually helped in the first war, well, of course, all this must also be taken into account, the one who was active, helped you today, may have completely different interests tomorrow, your task is to survive and win, sir vitaly, in recent weeks, perhaps for a month or more, the russian federation has significantly activated its own offensive actions on the front line, shelling. every day, kharkiv suffers shelling of our entire state, including the west , stryshchyna, the largest in lviv oblast, suffers there, where the energy infrastructure
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is flying, flying, today about 10 rockets and daggers were flying there, both shahed and x-110 those, and x-59. let's not get into military analytics. as you can imagine, this is the activation of president putin. what is it related to? the russians are in a hurry, or have they simply accumulated such a large number of weapons that they can keep up this rhythm of shelling no longer there once a month or once every two months, but every week. i think the russians are preparing for a possible offensive. and they are trying to reduce ukraine's energy capabilities, because they believe that ukraine's energy capabilities are the capabilities of our army. well, we are not surprised, because when we come here they tell us that you are hitting the refinery, and these are civilian objects. infrastructure, we understand that, i would say, the defense capability of the russian army depends on oil, however, on oil production, on the normal operation of oil refineries, well exactly,
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the normal work of the ukrainian energy industry is also somehow related to our armed forces and our industry and our military industry, and this is what the enemy wants to de-energize ukraine, this is a completely logical approach in relations with the country that you simply want to transform to the desert and the armed forces, which you want not to give... and the opportunity to take the initiative and repel you, thank you, mr. portnikov was with us on skype at the beginning of this broadcast, and we talked, of course, about our partners, what help we get from we expect them, but obviously that the first person who can help us is ourselves, and in our studio with the guests who are already waiting for us there, we will now talk about the changes to the mobilization law that the people's deputies voted for yesterday, because they are... important, in them we need to sort it out , find out who they will concern, so stay with us, we are moving, we are moving to another studio, to our site,
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we will show you a little of our television behind-the-scenes, good evening to you, we are ready to introduce our guests, who are with us today, volodymyr rutkos. is in our studio, ambassador of the rehabilitation center anbroken, commander of the eighth mechanized company of the third battalion of the 117th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you, mr. volodymyr himself from the city of sarnina, rivne oblast was wounded during the battles in the zaporozhye direction. valery pekat, entrepreneur, teacher of the kyiv-myhylya business school and the lviv business school of the ukrainian catholic university. oleksandr yavchanka is not in our studio for the first time. the commander of the honor company of the first separate battalion of vovka da vinci. glory to heroes. andriy andreykiv, candidate of legal sciences, military-political expert, member of the aspen club of ukraine. mykola buchyt is with
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us, political scientist, professor of the national university of lviv polytechnic. good evening. oleg mytsyk, lawyer, lieutenant colonel of justice, as a deputy of the military lviv and lutsk garrison. good evening. mr. andrekiv, i will start briefly with you, today , after all, we are more. probably, we will also talk about mobilization, about the consequences of what was decided, how it was decided, how it was decided, it is also important, but today is another massive the shelling of lviv region, and maybe, if not the most, rockets landed on striyshchyna at once, there were also several shaheds, and well, this is official information, if we have this graphic, we will show that three daggers landed, a few more x101, x59 rockets and so on... they continue to attack the energy infrastructure of our entire country, it's not easy in kharkiv either, every day is not easy in kharkiv, today the subway didn't even work for half a day, but here's the question, we
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were waiting for this in the winter. now in principle, well, in principle, of course, it is difficult without energy, but it's easier than in winter, when it's minus outside, it's somehow possible to survive now, if we survived the winter long ago, and here's the question, where is the russian federation in a hurry with such shelling? and look, we are entering another phase of the war, this is the spring-summer campaign, and each phase of the war is characterized by ... a change in the forces and means by which it is waged. we talked about the fact that the russians are quite mobile and flexible in the use of certain types of weapons, they have established production, they are in cooperation with their other allies whether partners are resorting to new methods of waging war, why have they now started shelling ukraine's energy facilities. the first reason is that russia has established a systematic production of new types of weapons
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that give them... the ability to hit targets at those distances that were previously difficult to reach. the second is that russia is in a hurry, because here are all the bravado statements that they are mobilizing 300 or 500,000, that they are ready to make breakthroughs in various areas of the front, so we have an area of ​​active combatants actions, it is 900 km, even with the presence of the number of military personnel of the russian federation on the territory of ukraine, it does not give them the opportunity to carry out active actions in the entire area, therefore... the destruction of the energy structure, this is one of the means of preparation for a larger-scale operational intervention on a certain part of the front, which they will determine, probably something later. the third is that the russian federation today demonstrates to the world that it is ready to strike not only in the eastern regions, directly and in the western regions of ukraine, which border the countries that are members of the alliance, in particular nato, and these are
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the following. you are a hidden message to our allies and the western world, nevertheless, there is every reason to say that such shelling will continue, because the world today lives in conditions of three crises, the first crisis is an energy crisis, the second crisis is a financial crisis and the third the crisis is an environmental crisis, if we look at the events that are happening in our country, then in the paradigm of one of these crises, for example, they are conducting in... disabling energy facilities in ukraine, in particular in western ukraine, and at the same time, in the event of supply limits, the russians do everything to make it impossible to supply electricity from the countries of western europe, which could help us this chain, which actually the west, that is, the russians are acting pragmatically, they are systematically preparing for other challenges and new
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threats. which they will form in the near future, these shellings are nothing more than a preparatory stage, rather, i would not say a wide, there is the formation of a wide theater of military operations, but they are systematically preparing for the summer company, and therefore the energy factor of ensuring supply, ensuring the functioning of logistics chains, it is extremely important, the one who ensured high-quality and fast logistics will win, mykola buchyn, i want to add to my colleague, i agree with his thoughts, but i would also like to add two reasons in my opinion: why does russia act like this? the first is that russia has understood that this war will be long, it will be a war of attrition, and in this context, when there is a war of attrition, it is very important reduce the energy, economic, and so on, efforts of your opponent, that is why such painful blows to ukrainian energy, they will definitely affect in the medium and long term, our ability to resist,
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to keep the economy in a stable state. is to ensure the stable development of society and so on, and the second point is connected, in my opinion, with the fact that now russia has chosen a rather successful moment, when on the one hand what my colleague spoke about, when it established the production of means for effective damage, and on the other hand, this coincided well for russia with the fact that, unfortunately, the capabilities of our international partners to supply us with anti-missile defenses have now significantly decreased. defense, we are now talking about the fact that we are actually running out of opportunities or desire, well, both opportunities and desire, i would say so, and well , it is possible that the desire is faster somewhere, but also to a certain extent the opportunities, because in america it is blocked, for example, those categories of weapons that america, let's say, could supply us, it would be quite effective, for example, the same patriot weapons and systems, so accordingly in this case we are talking about the fact that in...


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