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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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to keep the economy in a stable state, to ensure the stable development of society , and so on. and the second moment is related, in my opinion, to the fact that now russia has chosen a rather successful moment, when on the one hand what my colleague spoke about, when it established the production of means for effective destruction, was combined on the one hand, and on the other hand it is good coincided for russia, good with the fact that, unfortunately, now the capabilities of our... international partners to supply us with anti-missile defense have significantly decreased, let's say, we now we are talking about the fact that we are actually running out of opportunities or desire, well, both opportunities and desire, i would say so, and well , it is possible that the desire is faster somewhere, but also to a certain extent opportunities, because in america, for example, those categories are blocked the weapons that america, let's say, could supply us, it would be quite effective, for example, the same weapons and patriot systems, so accordingly, in this case, we are talking about the fact that in fact... ukraine
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found itself in a situation where in fact our air defense is exhausted. and missile strikes, strikes of shaheds from on the part of russia and are becoming much more effective than, for example, it was six months ago. and this kind of coincidence, plus the work to explain it, in the end, plus the things that my colleague said, they give that result, why russia started hitting ukraine like that. mr. pekar, i have a question for you, here from the point of view of geopolitics, what do you think inclines us and our partners to? putin is using such strikes, such tactics, where kharkiv is simply becoming less and less livable week by week, but rockets are flying with great intensity in the west of ukraine as well. it is obvious that he is demonstrating to the world that no one can stop him, not because there is no power of means, but because there is no stability and will, and we see that today the world is not ready to give up. fighting off the aggressor, due to
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a lack of political will, due to a lack of understanding, due to many other things, but above all, today our allies and partners fear our defeat and our victory approximately equally, they fear our defeat, because the defeat of ukraine is the defeat of everything democratic education and personally those politicians who help ukraine, but they afraid of victories because they associate it with the catastrophe in russia, the collapse, the collapse, the uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear weapons, radical islamism, the rise of china, the humanitarian disaster and so on and so forth, which is actually a mistake because they are in a trap that for them moscow did, they don't see good scenarios, they only see bad scenarios, and we must first of all understand for ourselves what is our victory, and... and here i would like
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to mention the manifesto of sustainable peace, which was joined by many ukrainian intellectuals and military personnel, including mr. oleksandr and i were co-authors of this large document, which shows what is the main ukrainian strategic document, and shows the way to victory, the way to sustainable peace, does not contradict the statements of ukrainian politicians, but at the same time reveals and deepens them, and... it says very well that the victory of ukraine is when russia never threatens ukraine again, not a pause before the next war, it is when russia ceases to be an empire, when it loses its imperial status, and on its territory, the enslaved, enslaved roots of the people of russia can get independent states, the european parliament has already written about this in its resolutions on february 29, where it said that decolonization of de... russia is the only way to
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political transformation in this country, but at the same time neither the ukrainian state nor ukrainian society today is ready to actively declare that this is our goal, and we must first develop for ourselves an understanding of our victory and the way to it, to show this picture to the world, to show the world the post-war system and permanent peace, because there cannot be... peace until it is agreed upon, and to convince our partners and allies that our victory is their victory, our defeat is their defeat, and the ukrainian society is also not ready, because it is not ready to recognize the indigenous enslaved people of russia as our allies in the fight against putin. we will talk about this later, i hope. we are joining from military positions markiyan lopachak, to us, the secretary of the lviv city council and senior lieutenant of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations, mr. markian, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good evening. of course... the first question
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for you will be what is the situation in the areas where you are, because we are talking about the fact that russian missiles are flying both in the west and in the east of ukraine, now perhaps more intensively than before. well, but the military is standing, we, we understand it that way, and for that we are certainly grateful to everyone who is there, the military is standing, although in fact it has been a few extreme days, the situation is quite tense, of course, it is possible to restrain it somehow, but we are now observing, in my opinion, the beginning of another possible, attempt of another offensive. although they happen all the time, but now we see a certain, certain accumulation, a certain accumulation and a certain increase in intensity, you are speaking in the context, well, this is important to everyone, everyone is interested in this, after all , president zelenskyi said that this counteroffensive could be launched by the russian
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federation, at the end may, early june, does it follow from your words that it is possible sooner? well it's hard to say, i mean i don't have enough information in order to give some clearer forecasts, that is, but any terms, any forecasts, they are still primarily based on intelligence data and what our scouts observe, what we observe on the front line and accordingly , we analyze the actions of our enemy, maybe it will be sooner, maybe it will be later, then it depends on many points, including, it will depend on our actions, on our possible... to counter as effectively as possible and on the stability of our soldiers on the front line , it depends on so many factors, and here to say there, say, in some long period of time , it is extremely difficult to make any predictions now, modern war,
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the current war, it is extremely dynamic, it changes and adapts as quickly as possible, plus war is the art of great deception and a lot of actions are created for us too. is an adversary, in fact, to make them think differently and prepare for completely different things, so markian, in my opinion, the power of the russians is enough that they can start a counteroffensive much faster, although we can talk about the lack of the state's counteroffensive for now too, well, if it doesn't happen, because offensive attempts by the enemy offensive battles throughout the eastern direction are constantly happening, mr. markiyan, regarding, i dare say so, the long-suffering law or changes to the law on mobilization, today the deputies finally passed, many conversations, many would like to know the opinion of the military, many politicians, including
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somewhere first of all politicians who call themselves theoretically oppositional, so they talk about the fact that they say there is a problem with demobilization, what do the military think at all? about this law, about these aspects, including about this story in relation to and around demobilization, which will be finalized, well, it is difficult to say for all the military, there will probably not be a unanimous opinion here either, because there are a lot of different opinions, i can say for myself, in my personal opinion, first of all, this is too much of a politicized process that started at the end of november. and there is too much politics going on for almost six months now, when you say opposition parties, uh, opposition parties deputies, voted, did not vote, this is an extremely important, extremely critical and extremely dangerous moment, because at the time of war, at the time of such threats to lose
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statehood, er, well, in fact, it should not be in the adoption of any military laws, of any opposition deputies or opposition... parties, the issue is another - consensus and debate before the vote and the law itself. in my opinion, this law should have been discussed much sooner, we are wasting time, this law should have been voted on last year, it would have had to act, because if we are talking about the law and what was finally adopted, we can simply count how much time will pass, until all the relevant regulatory acts are signed, until all the relevant regulatory acts are amended, until the mobilization begins. it won't be some kind of fanaticism until later these people undergo the appropriate training, but we counted four-5 months until these people can start performing tasks, we don't have that much time, it's us who are losing this time and well, unfortunately , we will reap the fruits of this
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inaction and this for procrastination, which concerns the event in the verkhovna rada in general, here are these photos from yesterday, when less than 40... deputies were sitting in the hall during the consideration of the draft law, well, i just don't know, well, there are not enough words to not speak now emotionally, don't say any negative terms, that 's you. standing by the situation that there, for example, in some stabilization point on the front line, the military medics would say, we are exhausted, we are falling from our feet, we have no replacement, so we left, we are there, we are tortured, we let's come in the morning, or at some bloop at some support point, the guys also said, listen, we don't have a rotation, we 're tired here, let's go and rest for two or three days, and in general, we have saturday there, sunday is on the nose, we want to rest from... eat some barbecue, go out for beer and so on, such things do not happen, here
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the paradox is that a lot of military personnel, with whom i personally communicate among my brothers, talk a lot about their own, well then it is more correct to say, er, injustice, you can say injustice in what, for example, the unit in which i serve, it was formed, in fact, our entire unit was formed within 5-6 days on february 24, that is, 95% of the unit are people who came as volunteers in the first days of the war, these are also different people, here you can appeal to a lot of skeptics who sit and tell who should go to fight, we also have former people's deputies in the brigade, more than one employee of the current prosecutor's office serves in our brigade, we have judges, services . in brigades, we have law enforcement officers, active tax collectors, these are people who deliberately left
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their jobs, their families, and for the first 5-6 days , military mothers voluntarily came, this unit was allocated accordingly, and as of now, when they ask a simple question and do not answer it no one can answer, society in general, civil society, the state, this... if the relationship and interaction of citizens with the state, that is, the state has certain obligations to the citizens, citizens accordingly have obligations to the state, one of such obligations is stand up for the defense of one's country, because if you don't stand up for the defense of the state, the state loses any essence in general, that is, it has no right to life, why does one part of people consciously fulfill this duty, go to work 24/7, because the military actually , when they want
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to watch tv there, they work 24/7, 24 hours a day, if you have to be in touch, because the actions, the other part of society gets tired, here are the comments of the deputies. is really not a game and we are facing a great threat of losing our
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state in general, this is serious, it is not necessary to make up no stories, to invent something for yourself, you need to open a history textbook and see how such frivolity in previous centuries ended for ukraine in general, what happened to these frivolous people afterwards, how they mastered the expanses of sibyrov and... in foreign armies, on foreign lands, did not see children and so on and so on and so on. as for demobilization, it is a very debatable issue, because, in fact, all military personnel, on the one hand, are exhausted, there is a limit to human resources, physical human resources, moral human resources, of course, people want to rest, people want to be with their families, in the end, but every person ... there were also debates with guys talking about that topic, and one of my friends
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said a very, very good thing, and he says: what about us right now, the demobilization is conditional, if we don't have an adequate replacement, and how are we going to go home, and what was all that spending for, and why did we influence all these friends of ours, and why are we doing all this , we we didn't do it there for something, we did it to save our country, to be ours the children could live, so that for... the war is not for us, so that it ends for our children, if we just get up, turn around and leave, and what was it all for, what was it all for, what did i come here for , for nothing i lost two years of life, a lot of health. buried a bunch of brothers, and so i will just turn around, leave, no, i will not turn around and leave, even if there is demobilization, if i do not see that a motivated person has taken my place, if he can fully take my job, then i i'm sure i'll go home, for a period of time, if there is one the ability to rest, spend time with my family, arrange some civil matters, but if there is a need,
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i will return, but the question is what is being asked here... the question of mobilization does not even stand in the fact that some kind of law was adopted or not like that, here is the issue of demobilization, to those people who will think that someone else should fight instead of them, the readiness of society, adequate awareness of society, our entire society, including many of my acquaintances, former friends, comrades who simply do not realize how it all can end, and these are all important things that i still have to do... here is a business, or i have children here and there, and how can i not leave this, maybe one beautiful moment will come when it will all just stop by itself, thank you , markiyan lupachak, the connection is not always stable, but he said important words, we will give and let us react to the law on mobilization, first of all it is important for the military, mr. yabchanka, then rudkovsky, we just heard
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an adult. just now, what is the difference between an adult and a child, i can say this as a pediatrician once before the maidan, me worked with children, they are wonderful, but they are different, that's the key difference between a child and an adult, a child sees the world as they would like to see it, an adult sees the world as it is, so what we heard before... and the bad news is that there are not many adults in the country, and the closer a person is to the contact line, the more mature he is, here is this gentleman, whom i can call my brother, he is very well aware of what the failure of mobilization means for us, he
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understands very well , what is the rate of mobilization, because our enemy will field from 200 to 300 thousand armed soldiers in a few... months. we only passed the law in the second reading today. we can't keep up with the pace. instead, the discussion in society is about, ah, okay, about something other than survival. once again, a grown man. she said, if we lose this war, we will simply die as a country, and what is the death of the country for us, we saw it in irpin, buchi and, unfortunately, in many other places, well, what more evidence do we need, so adults people see it, children they do this, they say, but where are they, i had conversations with, well, many conversations in the rear,
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when they tell me, where are they, where will they get to lviv? and what, they will shoot from every window here, the child says, because the russians do not fight with paintball, well , i mean, with shooting battles in the city, they destroy cities, destroy, look, audio girl, does anyone think that lviv they will treat the widow somehow differently, you understand, if we are defeated... then first everything in our country will collapse, starting with freedom, dignity, justice, such concepts will simply not exist in the occupied territory, and then men of draft age, well, it will no longer be mobilization as it is now, they will simply take it, forcefully throw it into exactly what
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they fear in meat assaults, and... . and you know, a video came out today, i saw it on youtube, and it is about this, the plot is about this, one gentleman says that he has a disability of the third, the third, and another says that it is very bad for him to kill people for religious reasons and so on, and then the camera shifts and the occupier is just sitting there in ribbons and... and the next story, everyone is loaded into some transport and they say, let's go to nato, this is not a fantasy, adults understand this. children are hiding from this, so my reflection on the law on mobilization is, first of all, it is good that it was finally adopted, i will say finally,
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because it should have happened even better, last year, but for me, this law contains instruments of coercion, which drew my attention to this law, revision. a number of medical conclusions that make it possible to avoid mobilization, as for me, the story is extremely important, we are fine, listen, everyone is aware that msek is a structure related to corruption, in other words, there is a possibility that some number of these same medical conclusions are not true, it would be very good to revise them. uh, i won't go into any details now, i think, sir, well, there are people here who are better at legal points,
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i'll go back to the war, i'll go back to the fact that mobilization is absolutely necessary, i'll go back to the that we, as a society, need to grow up, we need to understand that yes, this is discomfort, an adult understands, that this is a danger, but an adult person understands that not... to go to the army now, it is a much greater danger for the person himself, and for those whom this person loves, for his family, for his loved ones. on our screens, you can now see these theses, the main changes that are in the mobilization law, they concern the fact that people with disabilities and those who received the second or third group of disabilities after february 24, 2022, in addition to military personnel, are subject to a repeated medical examination . to determine suitability for service, what mr. yabchanka talked about, you can read the rest for yourself, we will come back to these theses later, something important, something has already been discussed, and it is good that
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it will probably be in this law, mr. volodymyr, how do you perceive everything that happened around this law , because they also talked a lot, despite the fact that we had a long-term mobilization, all the same, it did not stop, let's talk about it like this, eh, look, in my opinion, first of all , i will start with the fact that for the first time in such a studio, and the first question i asked when i came here was what you can talk about it, er, it’s not about our colleagues there, it’s about the relationship to this whole story in general, because it’s built up over all this time, i ’m currently in the 10th month in... in the city of leva in rehabilitation after an injury, and believe me, during this period of time i saw a lot, a lot of injustice, although the city of leva is that
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city, and those people who live here, as of today, you need to emulate them, you need to take from them example, to adopt this experience and broadcast it to other cities, other regions, and all of ours ukrainians whose passport says ukrainian. i support everyone who spoke to me, and yabchanka said the right words about adults and children, i always broadcast it through the understanding of consciousness, conscious and unconscious, and if now, this is not a monologue, but a dialogue, that's your personal opinion , how many conscious people in our society? i want to believe that there are many, but i know that there are not that many. we had this discussion with mr. packer on the eve of this broadcast because we were recording more interviews and he also told us about infantilism ukrainian society, unfortunately,
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unfortunately, and god forbid that i may be wrong now, yes, but this is my subjective opinion and my subjective such statistics for this period of time, while i am in rehabilitation and having experience in the armed forces , and before the armed forces i was the head of the public relations department of the tsarnytsia city council there. and i also did a lot of work on social and other stories, 20%, this is the principle that exists before, it is about ukrainians, 20%, so as not to be confused, they carry everything on themselves, and 80% use the work of these 20%, i am more than sure that the 20% gathered here now will talk about what to do so that these 80%. got involved and there were more of us, because only when there are more of us will we do some work, some result, that is about mobilization. in the mass media
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, in general, in society , the concept of the word mobilization is being replaced, i saw mobilization in the first there, in the first month, i saw mobilization, the real mobilization of the nation to this trouble, volodymyr, remember your opinion , we have a short pause on espresso on youtube let's continue and we'll talk after commercials , let's get back to espresso. lakal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical. studies have proven: lacquer fix protects the gums and fixes the denture five times more reliably. lacalute fix. buy with a 30% discount at wholesale price pharmacies, 911 pharmacies and on the 911 website. there are discounts on quiet 15% at psyllium, pam and oskad pharmacies. oh, the map!
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need to unite them. and the advertisement is over, we continue the discussion here, but we give the floor to volodymyr rutkovsky, who is in lviv, to finish the opinion rehabilitation, and indeed he raised such a topic, you know, mr. volodymyr, i so want to continue this issue, after all, what you said, what is the reason for this in the context of what you see here? these conversations about mobilization, you really want to use foul language, language, look, the biggest trouble is actually, and it starts and ends with the people, what i mean, i was coming back from kyiv a week ago.


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