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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 10:30pm-10:59pm EEST

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moved on to talk about the reasons, and the reason why such an extremely important law took so long to advance, to pass, to develop, is that this law is a hot potato that everyone is throwing around, the president, the parliament, the government, the ministry of defense, the military command, which in fact, it is not supposed to develop legislation, it is the task of the relevant constitutional bodies and so on, everyone is thrown like a fire... potatoes, no one wants to take responsibility, everyone tries to make the other responsible, because they think about their ratings, because they think about the next election, and jeremy freeman clark, an american philosopher, once said that a politician differs from a statesman in that he thinks about the politician about the next election, and statesmen about the next generation, everyone is trying to overturn it the question to whom...
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else, so as not to harm our ratings, but i'm sorry, we are in a situation where we don't need to think about the next election, we need to think about victory, because there may not be another election, and if it's here, god forbid will fly the tricolor, then the elections will be roughly like elections in quotation marks, as were the recent elections of putin, and this inability to move from thinking about elections to thinking about victory. means that everyone thinks that no matter how i write down this rating, because society will not like it when we do some things to society, i will be held responsible for such a law, and society, as we have already found out, is a lot of things looks from a child's point of view, and the same story applies to everything else, the same story, why we were told about two or three weeks, why we were told, why we were created with inflated expectations, because everyone who starts talking unpleasantly. the truth loses the rating, and
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then what about the next election, and how to win the election, like you, if my rating drops, and that is, we have a lot of thinking about the election, which is not known when it will happen, because we know that the election during the war , it is impossible to carry out either from a constitutional point of view, or from a security point of view, or from a political point of view, from a politological point of view point of view, because elections first of all mean a political struggle, which has no place in a country that is at war, but... but first of all, everyone is drawn to the elections, and this applies to all political forces, in fact, because they all throw potatoes between themselves and try to make the other responsible for the adoption of a law that is not well received by a large part of society. listen, there may not be elections, let's be honest, it may happen in such a way that the next elections in ukraine will be in 100 years, if there are, if god willing, ukraine will survive. and therefore
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it seems to me that this important, this important thing has not been switched on in ukraine, but citizens, society as a whole, and political elites still continue to think about what is happening in ukraine in the categories of normal life, and normal life at a price or there will be late elections and so on, and we must understand that the situation is critical, and now we need to think about only one thing, let's forget that the people who... are in power today will ever again go to the polls and will win, will never win again, it is obvious, mr. mykola, as a political scientist, will confirm that the political leaders of the wartime will never win the elections, even if they are very good, even if they are very kind, and you have to think about something else, stay in the history textbook , so that this textbook is written in ukrainian, because if the history textbook is written in russian, none of us will be there, and none of those political leaders who are throwing cards today will be about... i want to talk about the reasons, not about
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the consequences, thank you, i'm talking about numbers, and then yavchanka, we have already heard about these 20%, but i am looking now, our survey on the youtube channel says veliky lviv in relation to mobilization, 4.4 thousand voted, 20% chose the first answer option, everyone should fight like this, 20%, we talked about this 20%, 80% chose the second answer option. it is there, it seems to me that the second option is not very representative, because we put it there, we, we will think about how to change it correctly, we put it that no, this is the law, this law is not fair, you know, that is, no no no exactly the same answer, i.e. maybe someone thinks that everyone should fight like this, but also considers the law unfair, but here is 20%, everyone should fight like this, this is what we talked about in the studio more than once today, i would like to actually to tell about live
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communication and the fact that we are actually doing it, well, er, the time that i should be spending in rehabilitation, i am currently going through vlk at the same time, and at the same time i am doing it... in the towns of lviv oblast, on sunday , by the way, with your permission, i will announce a meeting at the ukrainian catholic university in in the center of sheptytskyi, for the second hour there will be such a meeting, to have a frank chat, and this meeting is not about opening your eyes, we are not doing well, no, this is a completely different story, first of all , people who are aware of the risks come to this meeting and... there we talk about how we can deal with these risks, and people come there who ask questions, and how it is fought there, that is , people come who are looking for solutions to this problem, but the option to escape from problems,
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they obviously do not consider, because this discussion about how to win, and i have something to tell them, because i am talking about well-being. in dobrobat, there is a special relationship with each other, a special relationship with war, we have an excellent medical service, we are trained commanders and experienced commanders, and when you call a person a brother, then you feel it, we always have an aspect of innovation from the beginning of a full-scale invasion . uh, we were ahead in terms of innovation, and i guarantee that we will continue to be technologically ahead of our opponent, that's about we are talking to people, but it is not so easy for those people to come, and that is why i
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turn to you once again and emphasize, this is not about the fact that you must come to, i don't know, be scared, as things are bad now, no . we are talking about how we can deal with the threats that are now hanging over us, so please, i will be glad to meet you on sunday in the center of sheptytskyi at 2 o'clock, after all, you also have a good odotory on our air, we have volodymyr ogryska , minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, head of the russian research center, sprinkle now international topics, because it is also important, this is what is being talked about now not only in ukraine, but also in the whole world, there are several such, i dare say, negotiation trends, one trend is more ukrainian and more of ours partners, this is a meeting in switzerland, where they will discuss
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zelensky's peace plan without the participation of the russian federation, at the same time, information appears in the media, as if we do not have 100% confirmation , and there are already certain reports that it is possible that it is fake. turkey offers its peace plan, which is not entirely pleasant for ukrainian society, where the freezing of the conflict on that, on that front line that is now, the russian federation retains control over those territories that it managed to conquer, referendums will be held in 2040, it is also very difficult to imagine, after 16 years, where to hold these referendums and with whom to hold the referendums, but here we are with vitaly portnyk at the beginning of the program. made such an assumption that perhaps this is not a peace plan from turkey, but such a hint from china, which also conducts its own there will be certain negotiations, there will be a tour of europe by xi jinping, putin will go to communicate with xi jinping, what do you pay attention to in this negotiation trend,
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trends, where is the most important and where is the closest to implementation, i congratulate you, dear sir, ms. natalya, dear friends, you know, i too, like you, read this plan or pseudo-plan, and i caught myself thinking that, well, it corresponds very much to all those russian hutels, about which we have already heard more than once, and if you look at where it appeared , well, sort of, well, sort of a pseudo-democratic newspaper. although in russia now there are practically no such ones anymore, everything works like drain tanks, so it’s hard for me to imagine that this is a 100% turkish initiative, if, if it really comes
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from turkey, well, i think it really is, well, sorry for the sharpness. but this is the end of turkish foreign policy and the end of what can be considered normal relations between ukraine and turkey, because rewrite moscow's narratives and pass them off as a peace plan, and this is a capitulation plan in all respects, which we are not there analyzed then of course it should be signed in that you are not taking a neutral position, but the position of the enemy, the position of the aggressor country, of course, if you bring mr. vitaly, then your opinion that this is only the beginning, there is also a chinese plan on the horizon. i can imagine what the chinese will write to us there, because until now we
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only hear about slogans, not about the plan, and the chinese tell us all the time that the first point of recognition of territorial integrity is , well indeed, but there is no continuation, no integrity, because russia declared our occupied territories already its territory, maybe this is the... territorial integrity that china likes very much, that is, you understand, you can endlessly talk about some plans, as long as it is all hidden in slogans in some general postulates, where we cannot to understand the details, as soon as these details come out, we have seen everything now in this or pseudo-turkish plan or in the turkish plan, then immediately. it becomes clear what kind of character this so-called mediator is, whether he
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really wants to achieve a result fair, because in international law there is a concept of justice, as one of the key elements on which this international law stands, or an unjust peace, which in no way solves any issue, but is only... a certain freezing of the conflict, which will definitely break out due to a certain period of time, so something like this, i think it should be, well , everyone understands everything perfectly, and here everything rests on an elementary thing called political will, if it is there, then there are opportunities, if it is not, then they are looking for formulas, they are looking for some constructions, pseudo-constructions that do not really work, it all depends on how much... this or that country or alliance as a whole is ready to really help, if
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there is such political readiness, then everything is fine, if it is not, we we will constantly hear that they continue to discuss what they want, but cannot, that they are afraid of escalation, that moscow can have nuclear weapons, well, everything else , that we have already heard many times, and that actually makes europe, well, practically well.. . without helplessness, it is very sad to state, to things, not only europe, but also america, look at what is happening today in the washington berlin axis, i call it the axis of fear, which turns actually the whole alliance into an alliance of fear, because everyone, practically everyone is afraid, it is very good that now there was a chance for president macron to declare his, his political leadership, and if germany retreats, then you know, well, the empty place
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will always be occupied by someone, so i think that today france and britain can play this game somewhere a new entente that will lead europe in a different way, but all this will happen one day, this is just the beginning of the process, if it will still happen, and we are bleeding today, mr. volodymyr, and what can unblock aid to ukraine from spol. states of america, this financial one that we are really waiting for, and here, what is the role of our government, maybe we are not doing something, what should be done in this context, or are these political games in the united states of america, their pre-election certain processes? well, you know, i know something about the tonality of the performance, ours. minister kuleba at the last meeting the meetings of the ministers of foreign affairs
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of the nato countries, i will tell you frankly, it was a harsh tone, it was harsh wording, it was harsh assessments, and it seems to me that in this context, well, let's go, to be honest , probably you can't, because... well, all acceptable forms have been exhausted, so i think that in this context, the ukrainian authorities, well, this is just one example, are doing what can be done. well, otherwise, we can also put ourselves in a certain uncomfortable position, and what concerns, well, the topic of what is needed to add, it seems to me, and what
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could be emphasized is to explain to our partners, who to... hesitate, that they are dealing with a colossus on clay legs, a beautiful fact, all that was happening with him and around, demonstrated again and again that in russia everything is actually based on a fiction, a fictitious government, a fictitious management system, the absence of this management system, the fact that the people sit... and are simply afraid to physically express themselves, this is a country, which in fact, if the decision was positive, and ukraine received everything necessary, it would not have lasted even a few months, but this is what, unfortunately , our western partners are afraid of, because they do not want to predict what will happen next. this, in my opinion, is the key problem, why
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we do not receive appropriate means of air defense, why we are advised... not to strike at russian infrastructure and so on, because they are afraid of what will happen later, and instead of think about it, think about how not to think, that's the problem. thank you, mr. grysko, here are pro-russian oil refining facilities, such sad, but very, as for me, an appropriate meme, i found on the internet today, they say that the americans don't mind, well, they don't express such concern when... missiles fly over our tecs, over our power stations, because this will not increase the price for fuel in the united states of america, well, you know, it is both ridiculous and sinful here, mr. andreykiv, i have a question for you, after all, and then, everyone spoke somewhere summing up today’s broadcast, today actually shocked everyone,
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this one didn’t shock anymore, it can still be called by a tweet on the x network, julian. this columnist , a german military columnist, wrote about the fact that ukraine no longer has missiles for patriot, there are no missiles for rst, and in principle , air defense is very, very difficult, your assessment of this situation, you see, a colleague said that he came here with a condition don't beat yourself up, but sometimes you can't hold back anymore, they've had enough of their predictions that we have nothing, no people, no strength, no weapons, nothing, we read the news every day. tanks are knocked out, objects on their territory are also destroyed. ukraine is at war and will be fight whether the west helps us or not? we are actually a problem that has shaped new horizons, planning in the military, economic and social development of the world. unfortunately, we do this with great blood. why does the west not help us? my vision? because they now have algorithms
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for what to do in one, the other, or the third case. they cannot predict very accurately. the perspective of what will happen to their countries, what will happen to their economic, financial, energy development, there and others. in fact, i say, russia with a shaft domestic product of 2% of the world, it does not represent any significant value for the world, but at the same time, from the point of view of geopolitics, the threat of losing control over china, or in the case of the collapse of the russian federation, part of russia will go to... i ask, thus increasing its resourcefulness in the confrontation with the western world, this is possibly what is holding back the western world from actively helping ukraine, you know that i will return briefly to mobilization, we all must once again proceed from the terms and definitions, i am generally against the term mobilization, we should
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replace the term mobilization with the word organization, because society has already been mobilized since the first days of the war, it has shown that it can stand on its own, take automatic weapons, divide into fives, block crossroad and beat, beat, beat russian subversive trained subversive groups, our people have a much higher level of organization of society than the level of government organization, and this is not our peculiarity, it is typical of very different countries, because the system of democracy, it has its flaws, and, for example, it is not clear to me why in our country the law on mobilization is considered by civilians, because the verkhovna rada is an environment of civilians. and mobilization or all issues of organizing the support of the army are military issues, there are many different simple mechanisms that allow us to quickly and effectively make certain decisions at the level of, for example, the cabinet of ministers, in our country: the procedure for leaving the territory of ukraine is regulated by a resolution of the cabinet of ministers , in our case, the tanning procedure is regulated by a cabinet resolution ministers, in our country the procedure for providing the armed forces is regulated by the cabinet
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of ministers, why raise the issue of the instruments for providing the troops to the political level, understanding in advance that there will be disputes, conflicts and the clarification of political priorities in any case, let the verkhovna rada deal with a specified list of political issues , the instrument of provision of troops should be dealt with quickly. an effective mechanism, in my opinion, which is the government should be, but it should be a government of professionals, which was formed during the war, not a military one of the state, to ensure the tasks that are presented by the appropriate professionals in this wartime, because our government was formed in peacetime, the tasks are completely different now, so it must be an environment of professionals that makes decisions very quickly and efficiently, 450 deputies together two assistants each have access to very sensual things. to very sensitive information, which instantly becomes known to the enemy, the cabinet of ministers of the government has gathered, the minister of defense is there, they come, bring questions, there are several working groups, quickly and effectively made
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a decision for him, because the commander at the front, in which there are not enough people, today he has two hundred or three hundred, he is interested in only one thing: the level of support, logistics, understanding what is happening around him, that is, information about objective, timely and comprehensive and the ability to fight further, understanding what is happening in front of him and on the side, all other issues on the... praised this law on mobilization, and the economy, and labor issues, you know that this law has 80 sheets, separate position of legal the department has 38 marks, the scientific expert has another 40, that is, on each page of the bill there is a separate opinion of experts who in one way or another interpret the already adopted norms, this is absurd, now we will return to what foreigners tell us, that we are something we don't have it, we have human resources, i already say and repeat constantly, we must develop several options for the development of events and be ready... during martial law for the worst of them, what will we do if no one helps us, we must appeal to people people are our main resource in ukraine, people can develop the latest technologies, there are
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evidence of this and very good examples from lviv, from the same ground and air drones, we have sufficient scientific potential, we have a sufficient diaspora abroad, which with proper the organization may constitute such a force that in fact may be either a supplement or... the united states. mr. baker. well, i would start with what i was talking about, volodymyr grynska, hardly anyone can formulate it better than him. this fear, the fear of nuclear war, which exists today the west is experiencing, it is completely irrational. no rational arguments work here, logic does not work here. well, let us also be afraid, let us all also be afraid, get scared, run away, and then, as at one time we wanted one europe. from lisbon to vladivostok, then it will be like that, because russian tanks are going to lisbon, and it is obvious that someone must be an adult in this room, and this is not
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only about, as we have already found out, not a very large part adult ukrainian society, and in general, who is an adult in this society a large room called europe. and the second thing concerns fears about china, about all those fears that are generated by its expectation of the collapse of russia. and because of that reluctance to confront russia in order to prevent its defeat and collapse, well, the best way so that china does not receive a huge share of russian wealth, sorry, is to help declare the independence of the republic of sakha yakutia, which will be an ally of europe, ukraine and japan and the united states of america , and not an ally of china, because none of the turkic and mongolian peoples are eyes. chinese, no one they don't want them, they fear and hate them, here's a short pause, we say goodbye to all viewers of the tv channel, traditionally next
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thursday 21:15, the tv broadcast, it is always always less than we would like, so see you next week, who wants to stay on youtube, the project says velikiy lviv, we will continue literally in a moment. keep yourselves! wow, there are no potatoes, bring them, the ass has already caught something, i remind you, apply dr. tys’s comfrey and get back to work, comfrey ointment is a german ointment for pain in the joints and muscles. opa, comfrey restores movement from pain in the joints and muscles, natural comfrey ointment from dr. tys, ask
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please. two hours to be. up to date with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchenko is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together.
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greetings, this is svoboda live. the verkhovna rada adopted the law on mobilization. russia destroyed trypilsk tes with a missile attack, and ukraine is looking for additional air defense systems around the world. we are talking about this today. my name is iryna sisak, and we are starting. the verkhovna rada adopted the draft law on mobilization, a document that has been the subject of heated discussions for the past few months. in the end , 283 people's representatives voted for it. these are the servants of the people, the voice and deputy groups, in particular the former opzh. european solidarity did not give a single vote. the majority of the homeland also held out. the day before the parliament for...


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