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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together! greetings, this is svoboda live. the verkhovna rada adopted the law on mobilization. russia destroyed trypilsk tes with a missile attack, and ukraine is looking for additional air defense systems around the world. this is what we are talking about today, my name is iryna sysak, and we are starting. the verkhovna rada adopted a draft law on mobilization, a document that has been the subject of heated discussions for the past few months. in the end , 283 people's representatives voted for it. these are the servants of the people, the voice and deputy groups, in particular the former opzh. she did not vote european solidarity, the majority of the homeland also held back. the day before, the parliament
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sat until two in the morning, the deputies considered more than 4,000 amendments rejected by the committee, but none of them found support in the hall, and only 30 people's deputies remained to work in the empty session hall until the end of the night session, this was witnessed by those present in the verkhovna rada . in the morning , the military leadership of the state and commanders of combat units and brigades came to the parliament to motivate them to support the document. as the commander of the united forces, yuriy sodel called support the mobilization law? listen, the enemy exceeds us by 7-10 times. we are short of staff. i will give you a small example. we get to the brigade, mechanized, airborne, marine, any. according to the statutes, its polo is given up to 15 km front. with such staffing, a brigade can... keep
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a maximum of five, and sometimes less, so instead of one brigade, we are forced to put three brigades, and these two brigades could at that time be in the body zone, in the depths of the country, where personal the squad could rest, resupply, receive weapons, carry out normal training in order to create a sweat, or go to replace the brigade that is already defending, so that it can go out for recovery, or... create the main strike group, which will allow the commander-in-chief in the future we need to restore the territory of our country, so i am asking you very much to adopt this law, we don't need it at all, we need it very much, very much, we are maintaining our defense with the last of our strength. before the final vote, the deputies did removed the rule on the demobilization of the military 36 months after the start. services
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let me remind you, this happened from the submission of the general staff and the cabinet of ministers, who turned to the specialized committee for this purpose a day before the consideration in the session hall. the reason is the operational situation at the front, the ministry of defense explained. currently, the rule on demobilization, as you know, in the first reading, it was there after 36 months, and everyone actually saw that it was in the bill, but at the moment there were wishes from the general staff, which understands the operational situation, and understands the threats and the risks facing the state, we cannot make hasty decisions now, it is clear that there are many, many populist opinions, at the same time, we must understand that the escalation of russian aggression is ongoing, the offensive is literally along the entire front line, and for the time being we should weaken our forces defense is not possible. the norm on specific terms of service was supposed to become one of the principles of fair mobilization. which
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was promised to the citizens by the government and which, in particular, the military hoped for, which was talked about , including on our broadcasts. what then remained in draft law, how the state is going to motivate men to serve, who is granted a deferral and how they are going to fight with evaders. we have collected the key norms of the draft law on mobilization in one material, take a look. for 283 against one, 49 people's deputies abstained. this is morning approval. of the bill on mobilization, and this is night footage, the deputies considered the amendments in an almost empty session hall and without live broadcasting, so people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko from eurosolidarity estimated that at the time of closing the meeting in the hall there are about 30 people's deputies left in the parliament, his colleague from the voice faction, people's deputy solomiya bobrovska, confirmed this and showed how she looked. hall during editing. colleagues simply
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left the hall instead of constructive work. thus, no amendment has a chance to be adopted, except for the committee ones, which will be discussed tomorrow. majority. we will tell you what the deputies finally decided. men aged 18-60 are required to update their credentials within 60 days in the military, at the administrative service center or in the electronic conscript's office. and those who are abroad without these documents will not be able to issue a passport or receive consular services. in addition, those conscripted for the duration of the martial law must always carry... a military registration document and present it at the request of the police or tsk employees. those recognized as limited fit will be required to undergo a medical examination again within 12 months. and those who received the second and third groups of disability after february 24, 2022,
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in addition to military personnel, are also subject to re-examination to determine suitability for service. and now about the motivation of servicemen in the event of a settlement. of the first contract have the right to compensation of 50% of the first installment for the loan secured by the subject of the mortgage. also, according to the law, instead of conscription, the law introduces basic military training for citizens, it can be completed during studies at universities or in training centers of the armed forces. such training will begin on september 1 next year. citizens who have not completed military service or updated basic military training. not will be able to work in the civil service, in the prosecutor's office or the police. also, according to the law, post-graduate students who study on a contract, as well as those who obtain a subsequent education, which is not higher than the previous one, will not be able to receive a deferment from the service. and who will have
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the legal right to postponement? the law provides for a deferment for persons with disabilities, parents of three or more minor children, and those who raise a minor on their own. child, in addition to deferment, according to the law, citizens can get a reservation from mobilization , employees of law enforcement agencies, deputies of the verkhovna rada and their assistants, heads of ministries and their deputies, as well as heads of judicial bodies and judges, representatives of local authorities and members of the accounting chamber can get armor. people with disabilities and those released from captivity, adoptive parents, and guardians of children have the right to be released from military service. with disabilities and incapacitated persons, now have the right to both deferment and exemption from military service. and what will happen to those who decide evade mobilization? first, the draft law provides for an increase in fines for evasion. secondly, the territorial
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recruitment centers will be able to deprive them of their driver's licenses through the court, and the military commander will be able to apply to the police with a request to detain the evader. anastasia potapenko, radio liberty. now the bill on mobilization must be signed by the speaker of the verkhovna rada and handed over to the president for his signature. the document will enter into force a month after it is signed by the head of state. and what do you think about the new mobilization rules? write in comments serhiy gnyazdilov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, joins our broadcast. sergey, i congratulate you. can you hear me congratulations. yes, i hear you. sergey, first of all, what do you think about the approved mobile phone. what are the opinions and impressions of the military, what do your comrades say about this document, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada today? personally i think, i will speak for myself, and because the opinions even in the army, they are very different, i think that this is a very weak bill, and even what has become
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law, and i am sure that it needs finalization and tougher sanctions for criminals, that is, a problem. precisely because there are not enough sanctions for evaders, and by the way, at the last moment before the vote , the parliament did vote for an amendment that removed the norm on demobilization, what is your opinion on this matter? i simply understand that without normal mobilization there will be no demobilization, so first of all, as a person who knows how to think a little logically, i demand a normal mobilization law. and another issue is that the military was completely screwed by the state first of all, and unfortunately, only now we are being told that maybe in 8 months we will consider a separate bill on
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demobilization there, i suggest to the verkhovna rada, gentlemen, people's deputies, simply come during yar and hold meetings from there and... and in that case, well, i think it will go faster, everything will just be voted on, do you understand why the higher military-political leadership decided to detach the... regulations on demobilization from the main bill and vote on it later, what do you think about this? yes, then sorry, yes, because firstly y we were bewitched, of course, by populism with our electorate, which voted for the current composition of the verkhovna rada, for all this populism , we just need to stop shooting, and somehow , you know, it was thought that there might be two weeks, two or three weeks, although again with at the very beginning of the war... kovi emphasized that there would not be any two or three weeks, it would be a fierce and long war. unfortunately, the population
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was fooled, they fooled themselves, they brought it to such a state that it is really impossible to carry out demobilization now, and they continue to feed it with promises, that's all. ugh. and in which in the form of demobilization, you could possibly see how it should take place, after what time after the start of the service, or at the moment. in the situation that exists today, it is impossible to do. i am not a state official, and i am not the ministry of defense, and not even a strategist of the armed forces of ukraine, for example, they should communicate, they should order sociological and representative studies of how many people we have who have a civic duty to protect this country, and based on these data, it is necessary to go out and say to society: look, we have four, for example, millions people who can hold weapons in their hands,
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let's each give three years, and we will somehow live in a state of constant war, because unfortunately, war, and constant war, is our new reality, it does not mean that we have to give in to the enemy, it does not mean that we have to rake this victory on the same shoulders, it means that there must be justice. and equality of rights and responsibilities of all citizens of ukraine. sergei, please tell me , then, what do you think can be done to motivate the military to serve? for example, today the verkhovna rada supported the resolution, which provides for 70,000 hryvnias per month in monetary compensation for the military at zero. of course, this is still only on paper, but will such a reward add motivation? i don't think that i am personally motivated by uah 70, 100, 200,000. i am not motivated by money. in principle , they have never motivated me and i treat
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money only as a resource, so it must be motivated again by social justice, when in the end we will stop perceiving military personnel as dumb sheep on which everything can be hung, who will endure everything and keep silent about everything, when , in the end, my mother's little sun will somehow stop perceiving mine... there is a debt that i pay, not just a debt to the country, but a debt to it. as mr. president said, i do not owe anything to anyone, i owe it to the country, and i think that for these 5 years that i have been in the structure of the armed forces of ukraine, not even having 25 years left, i have paid my debt in full, i ask only for my country to change me, sounds like a captivity, so that i can uh... have the opportunity to realize, what i once put off, the, opportunity
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self-realization, an opportunity in normal education, not in extramural education, and how for nothing, we understand that the front and extramural education, even at the front, are incompatible, i have the same right to a personal life, which i do not have, in fact , it happens situationally and for a very, very short time, that is, we should not waste now those people who came well... freely just because someone there decided to evade their duty, that's all, that's my position. serhiy, thank you, it was serhii gnyazdilo, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, we they talked about the bill on mobilization. thank you. by the way, yesterday on our air oleksiy goncharenko, a people's deputy from european solidarity, called the document "punishment". and people's servant oleksandr fedienko from the national security and defense committee commented on the decision. yes, this bill on mobilization, it cannot be popular or
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unpopular, the committee, with its amendments , nevertheless introduced this bill into a corresponding norm, which the cabinet of ministers of ukraine is obliged to develop in the near future, another law, in which will already include the issue of demobilization, because there is a lot of talk about it, in many issues society does not understand informationally what is happening in the war, does not understand how... huge losses, unfortunately, of our military, as far as i know, the european solidarity has already registered, by the way, its bill, this is, by the way, as an incentive, as an impulse to the government so that they, after all, also... hurry up with others, but i want to remind you once again, look, it's not just about martial law, special period, we are talking about a full-scale war, during which we can lose our country in general, look, the main rule here is that why is society as a whole dissatisfied, because the number of schemes with the help of which citizens, who according to the constitution must
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fulfill their duty connection, she was and was evading her duty, she was so high that the representatives of the tsk could not cover even the number of conscripts that are in our country, because they were simply hiding. now, by the way, the corresponding registers will work, i want to remind you, now they will be combined with each other, diverse, that is, the guard register will be combined with other public registers, and the representatives of the central committee will see the list of military servicemen much more widely, work with them much more widely, i also want to emphasize that in this draft law . the work of local self-government bodies, there osb, others, it will already be a duty, and not a selective story, to notify military personnel, there we are talking about subpoenas and other things, the cabinet of the military also remained, but the deputies left it as not a duty, but as right, what do
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other people's deputies think about the approved draft law, we have collected the reactions of elected representatives and their opinions, listen. they took away a key norm for my brothers, those who went to the front as volunteers in the first days, a norm that at least slightly introduced certainty and deadlines for the right to demobilize, and this injustice against the background of the president's self-removal plus the council's impotence becomes even stronger, the injustice that the enemy is stopped several hundreds of thousands of civilians who care about this country, who have been forced to join the military while others sleep. council approved a mobilization law with a provision that essentially... binds the military until the end of the war. we failed to defeat the amendment, which removed the term for the possibility of termination of military service during martial law, demobilization. the national security committee did an excellent job. the servant of the people faction filigreely passed the bill, which is so necessary for the military. i believe that in the committee of the vru on national
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security, defense and intelligence, the draft law was discussed and burdened, made as soft as possible. and confused, there are a lot of postponements and reservations, but everyone, of course, everything one thing was not satisfied, and months were lost to such an extent that it became impossible, given the circumstances, to set any terms for mobilization. currently, we have received not only a bad, but also a belated law, which will not increase the mobilization of new defenders, but may well weaken the motivation of those who have been defending the country for more than a year. and vadim joins our broadcast. divchenko, people's deputy from the batkivshchyna faction, as well as a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. vadim, good evening to you, can you hear me? yes, good evening to you, i hear you. mr. vadim, what are your impressions of the final version of the bill on mobilization: you are one of the two people's deputies from batkivshchyna who voted for it, please tell me. you
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know, the impressions are twofold, on the one hand , 300,000 russians are preparing in... districts to complete their armed forces and continue the occupation of ukraine, and i really do not want the russian tsk to actually mobilize our ukrainians, as they did there in kherson , in mariupol, in berdyansk and in other ukrainian cities, so we need to stop it as much as possible to stop, and without people we can't stop, that's why this is the first feeling, and the second, of course, a... i wish there was more motivation, it's a little cut, but i wish there was more, and you know that the cabs are now behind at the insistence of the national security committee, he decided that 80,000 plus to each serviceman to be paid extra, and the motivation prescribed in the law is 100,000 for the first year, 100,000 for the second year, 150,000 for the car, for customs clearance of the car, a great
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motivation servicemen for destroying russian equipment from a tank, armored personnel carrier to aircraft. ships, that is , large sums of money, as a motivation, the relevant bill was laid, and of course, this is an obligation to the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of defense and the general staff to introduce a law on rotation as soon as possible, so these are my feelings and, accordingly, my vote for the bill , if we talk about the key provisions of this draft law, what points might you and your colleagues think of? agree, are there any such, you know, these are points that need to increase motivation, and we asked to increase it as much as possible in order to work with our internationals. neram, in order to work with non-governmental organizations, with the governments of other countries, so that we have a motivational package, so that they, if they do not send their military personnel to help us, so that they
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give us funds to motivate those who themselves want to defend the homeland , we even suggested that if you, for example, are not caught by the tcc there, you yourself came to the recruiting center and signed a contract, then your family should immediately receive 300-400 there thousand hryvnias, and there were such offers, but for now they are. in the committee with partners in order for us to submit in the next bills, that is why i say that the motivational package was cut, and secondly, the lack of rotation, the lack of rotation, and what all military personnel ask about, this is also one of the factors that prompted , i understand my colleagues and the entire opposition, why they did not vote for the relevant bill, by the way, for the exclusion of this rule on demobilization today. a critical number of people's deputies voted, 227, if only by two votes less, then this rule about demobilization would have appeared in the document, what would have happened then, was there a plan b? and you know, i'm not the government, and i
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don't know if they have a plan b, i don't even know if they have a plan a, i only know the only thing is that every deputy somehow, let's say well, accordingly, feels in his own way. everything that is happening with the war, for example, my brother died, and not even two months have passed, and we, i work in the national security committee, we work with all branches of the military, we help as much as possible with our steps, including both on the diplomatic front and on the military front, that is, with the delivery of weapons there, with the negotiation process, on production there and so on, so i feel the same way, other colleagues who... deal with other assistance to the armed forces they feel differently, so it is difficult to say here what would happen if the authorities were unable to pass
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the appropriate bill, let's say, the appropriate norm, where, for example, demobilization and rotation will remain, this question is definitely for them, not for the opposition deputies , speaking in general, how much is the law this one in your opinion... can solve the mobilization problems, how much will it strengthen the army? you know, i want and will pray for the relevant draft law to help recruit such people, including motivated people, staffed people, people who in 90 days and we wrote it into the law, will undergo training, such will do such combat coordination so that they could protect ukraine. ukrainians and their families, this is important, and i will pray for how this bill will be implemented accordingly the military of the central committee, the ministry of defense,
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let's watch together, but i will pray precisely for the fact that we have enough forces, including human potential, to resist the invader. mr. vadim, one more short question: what next, when this document can be signed by zelensky, considering that in one of the last... interviews, the president complained to the deputies that they are delaying the adoption, please answer , in short, my impression is that he should sign as soon as possible, because this is his political position in front of our international partners, that is, our international partners can unlock a lot for us, including in the united states, if they see that ukrainians are ready to fight for their territorial integrity, i think that this will be a plus to... the negotiating position of the political leader. thank you, it was vadym ivchenko, a people's deputy from the batkivshchyna faction and a member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, and
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we were talking about the bill on mobilization. thank you. we also asked men of draft age about the bill on mobilization on the streets of kyiv. what do they think about the document adopted by the council in our survey. after this law enters into force, cont. 10 days have their own military obligation to come to the tcc and clarify their data, will you come to clarify? well, i'm a student, and if not, then honestly, probably not, why? somehow yes, well, there is no answer, i understand that it is not very, but no, here for sure, why? so, why should they clarify my data, i have all the data, did you clarify them? no, but will you go to clarify the data? probably so, i was still doing it i'm studying now, and i update by coming and bringing a certificate that i 'm studying, so how, well, what do you think, i don't know, i'm asking you, well, to be honest, probably
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directly... to break down, no, if they press me, i will come, who will press, i don’t know how it happens there, well , a notification will come into effect that you go there, and will you, for example, go there, well, who is under the record, everyone and so should be accounted for, and will you follow the example , no, i really do not like these projects that were signed today, and why why won't you, there's a lot of things that i think all people don't like, regarding dodgers, for example, the tsc will be able to take away their driver's license through the court , yes, well, deprive them of the right to drive a car, for example, do you do you think that such a norm motivates, or perhaps will somehow influence the position of these people and change it? i don't think it will be a good motivation, but i don't know what alternative ways to get people to go to tck. i don't physically understand how these rights will be withdrawn, well, a person is driving, well, she did not appear, well, no one will ever stop her and take away her rights, through the court, well,
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through the court. for example, listen, i don't know, i think that with rights it's wrong, who wants to serve, he serves, who evades, he will not evade, and regarding the fact that demobilization, it should also have been taken into account in this bill, and to for example , military personnel who serve for 36 months, or 18 months in the combat zone, they had the right to demobilization, but at the last moment this norm was removed, i do not think that this is correct, but i think it's a necessity, probably because they... understand that if you completely demobilize those who were already there, yes, and take new people, then it's a completely different quality, i wouldn't say it's a positive change, so they excluded this norm, but i understand that it was most likely not done for nothing, what is missing is the lack of resources for mobilization, but what can you do, well, this is also bad, people have been at zero for two years positions, someone would like to just come, relax, see family, children and
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so on, but look, you say that you won't go to the meat grinder as... they said, but at the same time demobilization is needed, so a little collision is coming out, right? how do you see the solution to this problem? i do not see my solution, because i , well, you say that you will not go to clarify the data in tsk, and at the same time there is no one to replace people in the army, what is the way out at all? i don't know, the tripoli thesis, which was completely destroyed by a russian missile strike in the kyiv region, reported about it. black day in the history of central energy. as a result of today's massive attack, our entire generation was destroyed. the troops of the russian federation completely destroyed trypilska tes, which is in the kyiv region. it's good that all of our people, who were on shift during the shelling, are alive. but we are very hurt. as a result of the impact , a large-scale fire broke out in one of the shops, the report says. the trypil power station
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supplied electricity. kyiv, cherkasy and zhytomyr regions. last summer , centerenergo declared that trypilska tes was 100% protected from shelling. however, not from missile strikes, but only from falling debris or indirect drone attacks - she noted then the company. until this moment, trypilska tes was also the last intact state power plant. in march of this year , the russian army completely destroyed zmiiv tes in kharkiv oblast. another uglehirska station, which is on... has been occupied since july 2022. this is how residents of the city of ukrainka react to the shelling of trypilska tes. everything was heard. they heard everything. here is the house, and then the test. they had a hard time. i am an immigrant from luhansk. how do you think i survived all this? in principle, it was not inevitable, therefore somehow plus or minus all people were collected but just let me go in there, now we'll patch it up for a month or two and
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work again. so far there is light, but they will turn it off at 3 o'clock, water is still available, but they will be served according to the schedule, when it will be, when the lights will be turned on, no one knows, the elevators are turned off, what floor do you live on, eighth, eighth, we will lose weight, during the morning rocket attack, not only tripoli tes was destroyed, in addition to kyiv region, russia also hit the energy infrastructure in kharkiv region. in zaporizhzhia, odesa and lviv regions. consequences of a massive attack now liquidated. meanwhile, ukraine is actively looking for means of air defense and is even ready to borrow patriot systems from other countries. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. and today the european parliament refused to approve funding for the council of the eu until new patriots are provided to ukraine. we will ask our correspondent in brussels, elena abramovych, for more details.
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she is in direct contact with us. greetings olena, how exactly?


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