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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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there is still light, but it will be turned off at 3 o'clock, water is still available, but it will be served according to the schedule, when it will be, when the light will be turned on, no one knows, the elevators are turned off, what floor do you live on, eighth, eighth, we will lose weight, during the morning missile attack, not only trypilsk tes was destroyed, but also in kyiv region, russia hit the energy infrastructure in kharkiv, zaporizhzhya, odesa and lviv regions. the consequences of the massive attack are now being eliminated, meanwhile , ukraine is actively looking for anti-aircraft defenses of defense and is even ready to lend patriot systems to other countries. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. and today the european parliament refused to approve funding for the council of the eu until new patriots are provided to ukraine. we will ask our correspondent in brussels for more details. olena abramovych, she is in direct contact with us. greetings elena. so how exactly... parliament
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came to this decision and what do they say about the supply of the patriots? good evening, iryna, indeed today at the session of the european parliament, during this voting of documents, these documents refer to the budget of the european council for 2022. and one of the parliamentarians is gi verkhovstat, the former prime minister of belgium, made such an emotional remark, he said that until seven patriots are given to ukraine, until the council of the eu makes efforts to make it happen, a colleague suggests. to the members of the european parliament not to approve the document, which is an important point here, it concerns the funds already spent in 2022, that is, it is a revision of the budget, approval of the used budget, and not new money, that is, rather a symbolic blocking, but this is how this speech sounded. what is happening in ukraine is an unhealthy situation because, as you all have seen, in the last 20 days, there have been numerous russian attacks on ordinary cities. of ukraine: hospitals,
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power plants, apartment buildings. i consider it a scandal that europe is opening the door to ukraine, and the european council is not even able to make a decision on sending several anti-missile systems to ukraine in such an urgent situation. mr borel told us that there are a total of 100 such patriot systems in europe and they are asking for seven to defend your cities. the countries of the european union were given two weeks to resolve the issue of spetri. that is , until the next session of the european parliament , this vote was a surprise for the deputies, but the decision was supported by 85% of those present, and these days there was considerable publicity in the western media about the shelling of ukraine and the patriot newspaper, the washington post published an article in which ukrainian foreign minister dmytro koleba talked about his talks in brussels at nato headquarters last week, where he met, there was a meeting of foreign ministers and also the council of ukraine, the eu and koleb then held 15 bilateral meetings. and, as he later told
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reporters, he spoke only about patriots, and he spoke very harshly. yes, i can be hated, i can spoil relationships. another part of me says that diplomacy is a private relationship, but then i told that part to shut up and the part of me that wanted to speak up started talking, we 've tried everything and nothing seems to work. koleba also wrote on the social network that ukraine is now... the only country in the world that is actually being hit by ballistic missiles, and therefore there is currently no other patriot location. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg also said the night before that ukraine cannot wait for air defense systems, that they are needed immediately, he said that the situation on the battlefield in ukraine is difficult, delays with air defense will allow russian missiles to hit more targets and also push along front line a similar opinion was also expressed by the chief diplomat of the european union , jose borel, and the analysts i spoke with today say
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that the delays are due to the lack of patriot systems in general on the market in the world, and the mode of preparation of europe, actually for the war with russia, when some countries are afraid to remain unprotected in the future, and as one of the experts said, this is such a paradoxical situation, irina, elena, thank you for these, for this detailed story, it was olena abramovych, a correspondent of radio liberty in brussels. and joins our broadcast. hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. mr. oleksiy, can you hear me? yes, i hear, of course. good evening to you. good evening. sir oleksiy, ukraine is currently looking for anti-aircraft systems, discussions about this continue today in the european parliament. but given the situation, do you think that the air defense system will solve the problem at the moment, or will it not be a late decision until additional means appear? well, if they decide.
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quickly, and these anti-aircraft defenses will appear in the coming days, then this will significantly change the situation, because we will be able to intercept more air targets and not give the russians the opportunity to destroy ours. energy system, it's obvious, but what if it will take a few weeks or months to make a decision, then during this time the russians will be able to cause even more damage to our country, not only to energy facilities, but to other civilian facilities, well, everywhere they shoot, it seems to me that such things , they should be visible, it is surprising that it is not visible to everyone, that is, air defense systems are additional, it is never too late, i understand correctly, well no, well, it is never too late, but when... every day without those systems, well today destroyed the trypil thermal power plant, the most powerful thermal power plant in the country not in the world, but in ukraine for sure, if we were patriots, we would have intercepted these missiles, but look what happened, well, if this is not
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an argument, then the previous strikes on the bottom of the progess, what other arguments are needed, what is what, what is needed? ukraine managed to withstand the winter without large-scale damage to critical infrastructure, but here... now, in march-april, russia attacks energy facilities every time, and ukraine does not hit all targets. is it a question of russia's strategy or the capabilities of ukrainian air defense? what do you think? well, there were no such powerful attacks in winter, as they are doing now, they have accumulated missiles, and they use the tactics of strikes, massive strikes on one or two targets, and not scattered all over the country, well, that, well, we don’t have many missile complexes that can do this... there are not many enough to carry them, and we have to move them there, where at that time it is dangerous, well, the most dangerous, that is why the thesis should have been protected, but we cannot protect all energy facilities in ukraine with one complex or two or three, well, this is also, well, you know, such things, well, i
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will repeat myself , i understand, but this is obvious, for this we need complexes that exist in europe, which that is, when you hear these phrases about what you need to search for, open open google and see how many patriots there are from the patriot anti-aircraft missile systems in the world, and this is open information, you will immediately see in which country, how many patriots are in in europe, in the united states, in japan, in the middle east, well, it is not like something that you need to look for here, that you need to look for the stohisen needle, this is open information, what to look for, you need to negotiate with these countries that have these anti-aircraft missile complexes, they theoretically need them. on they may be attacked, but they are attacking us today, and they may be, may be, may be attacked, or may not be attacked, well, that's right, i think mr. kuliba said these words, give us a loan, no questions asked, we will return it, but we have nothing to defend ourselves from the ballistic rackets of the russian federation, what is the matter, what is difficult here, that's right,
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today we in the european parliament made a decision that instead of voting, if i'm not mistaken, the budget should have been approved... oh my god, the european council, a i don’t know exactly what they were supposed to teach, i can’t remember right now, but they put it in such a way that first let’s pass the patriot, and then there will be a vote, well, i just don’t want to say, and it may be wrong, what exactly they had, what decision to accept it, but what exactly was the decision they were supposed to vote on, but they postponed it, an important decision, but also on the agenda at the beginning the question of transferring at least seven of the... complexes in our country, although we need at least 25, well, that's it, yes, our correspondent i just talked about it, it was the approval of funding for the council of the eu, i was not mistaken for the council, but to speak in more detail, what is the situation today with the ukrainian air defense and its missiles, because
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the german columnist julian röbke wrote on social networks after the current attack that in ukraine has run out of missiles for the patriot and arist systems, as well as recognized or most other air defense stocks, this is a quote, do you know anything about it? well, first of all, to say that they are over is not true, they are simply decreasing, those means, others the means we used, the three-armed complex, the bukov complex, other complexes that were still from soviet times, of course we do not produce missiles for these complexes, they were produced in the soviet union, and now they are produced in the russian federation, we had warehouses, everything that was, we, we, well, we used a large number, we... took these missiles from those countries that were once in the warsaw pact, that is, they also used soviet weapons, they gave us many missiles, many anti-aircraft missiles complexes, but they are not like that high-quality, of course, like modern, american or european anti-aircraft missile complexes, so
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of course the missiles end with these complexes, we even made a hybrid complex, well, it was conventionally called frankenstein, it is not quite the correct name, but it is the old soviet bukov complex. with the same radiation stations, this is a medium-range radio , but the missiles used are not the ones that were on the gun carriage, three missiles from before, that is , those missiles that our american friends told us that there were... a sufficient number of them, very the number is large, let’s say, and they can supply us with these missiles, well, all the time, and we can use them to fight cruise missiles, ballistically, these missiles do not work, mr. oleksiy, the other day bloomberg wrote about the fact that china provides russia has satellite images for strikes on ukraine, so it is assumed that russia has the ability to hit infrastructure objects more precisely, what does this change? under such conditions, how do russia's capabilities to strike increase in general? well, not significantly,
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let's say, let's be frank, first of all, in addition to chinese satellites, there are russian satellites, and all that is located, where our energy facilities are located, they, well, this is not secret information, that secret information was located in trypilska, are there not its coordinates, well, of course it is, let's let's recall that earlier information was generally open about where each of us is located, even with geographic coordinates. therefore, to say that there is a big problem for the russians to find where our, uh, generic, well , energy objects are located, well, you know, it looks a little strange, even if you don't say that nonsense, no one knows where the thermal power plant is, well, what is it, why is it, we open wikipedia, google, read thermal power plant of ukraine, please, nuclear power plant of ukraine, please, hydroelectric power plant of ukraine, please. what, what kind, what is the help of china, what new can they tell? satellites, space,
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satellite imaging, it helps to see what is happening right now, if there is a movement of some equipment, or other, well, some such things, and you know, to say that chinese satellites helped to find out where our tets is, hess and ac, well it looks like, you know, well, it's, it's on. this is this for whom is the information, what is it? harast, today the city of kharkiv is under fire once again. after a rocket attack, the metro stopped in the city. meanwhile, the regional defense council decided on the forced evacuation of families with children in 47 front-line settlements. do you understand why? is there a critical situation? they are trying to turn kharkiv region less into a gray area, they kharkiv is located not far from the border with the russian federation, where flies short-range missiles, and some such as planning bombs, some, in some
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places, guided air bombs, and rockets , anti-aircraft missiles from the s300, s400 complex have been converted into ballistic missiles, the russians have several thousand of such missiles, 5-6 thousand of such missiles, estimated data, that is why they are able to shell kharkiv and the border area, well, the territory around kharkiv is very dense, that is why the decision was made to evacuate people forcibly. from the cities where they can fly, fly, fly something that the russians use against us, this quite the right decision, i understand how difficult it is for people, this is their home, they have lived there for many years, maybe there is an inheritance there, and they, well, it is very difficult to just leave, it is not known where, where, where, in which dormitory or in gyms or where they will be from the family, mr. oleksiy, tell me, it is psychologically very difficult for people, but it is necessary, well, what can be done. another case will just fly by, another short question, another short question, we still have a minute, can we
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predict russia's plans for kharkiv today under these conditions, well, so far there are no signs of that, that it is not going to launch an offensive, there are no signs of this, there are no logistical signs, organizational signs, military signs yet , but they can transfer troops quite quickly, as the head of the military-civilian administration of chernihiv oblast said that they calculated that the russians, in order to move a large number of troops. one, two, maximum three weeks are needed, so for the time being we should not expect anything like this, except for a provocation to the rg, but how it will be in a week or two, we still don't know. thank you, it was oleksii hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. thank you. and i encourage you to subscribe to the pages of radio liberty in social networks, as well as to our youtube channel. leave your comments below. like the video, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow, see you soon!
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there are discounts on hapargin, 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on pulmolor tablets. in pharmacies plantain pam and oskad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the tv channel espresso. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on
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kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities. of russia , an analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us figure it out everyday and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is
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mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america, too, they say, let's get better. we will have even better roads. a special look at events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv some katsaps and beyond, what a world dreams of, bro norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they are boys. from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join
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the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the search for 17-year-old student alina boshko, who mysteriously disappeared while on vacation with friends in volynskyi, has been going on for over a month. region, the situation is really difficult, but we really hope that alina will be found and most importantly, that she is alive. so, all this time the search did not stop, they continue, and we are doing everything possible to help find alina, and above all , the girl's mother, mrs. kateryna, is asking for help in the search. it is even difficult to imagine what she
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felt and experienced in the time since her daughter's disappearance. i want... help me, i don't believe that she is not among the living, she is alive, i want her to be found, i can't sleep or eat, i just don't live, i just exist, and i will remind , that alina bozhko disappeared on february 17, she was resting with friends on a meadow near the village of ugrynichi, in volynska oblast, around 2 p.m. the girl left for the forest, but did not return, leaving her mobile phone in the car. so there was no connection with her. friends began to look for her, but, unfortunately, in vain. alina was nowhere to be found. and this photo was taken a few hours before the girl's disappearance. every day , hundreds of people join the search: law enforcement officers, rescuers, soldiers, border guards, concerned citizens, specialists with quadrocopters and dog handlers.
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the search area is constantly expanding, forest strips, bushes, coastal areas and to swamp and locality. friends say it was her decision. they rested and she went in an unknown direction. then they came to their senses and began to search for her. at the moment , we cannot put forward any other versions. we work precisely in the direction of search. we work for results until there is no result, until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. and the search gave a certain result. i managed to find the girl's things. wallet with id-passport, headband. and also alina's coat, it was lying in the forest for 7 km from the place where the student was last seen. unfortunately, at the moment there are no more clues and information, while the search is on. these native girls do not lose hope and say that as long as there is even the smallest chance to find her, one should do everything possible for this. in
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turn, fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where she studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group, she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, went to classes, until the new year she lived with us in the band alina followed the rules of residence and was always at classes. it is also known that in the summer of 2023 , alina's 20-year-old fiancé died in the war with the russian invaders. after that, the girl returned to her studies and all this time tried to recover from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive, and she will be found, and in turn, we are doing everything we can for this. at the very least, what could you do to help? in this situation, it is to repost, share this video on your social networks. the more people see information about the missing girl, the more
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chances there will be to find her. and of course, please take a close look at alina's face once more. she is 17 years old, of medium build, with blonde hair and green eyes. if you know anything about alina boshko, don't delay and let us know right away. to the number 11630 , calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, you can also write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search, any little thing, any detail can be decisive, so we really hope for your help, attention and care, and please, once again, share this video. and finally, i also ask you to go to the website of the children's search service. here you can see photos of all the boys and girls we are currently trying
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to find. do not be indifferent, take just a few minutes of your time and look closely at the faces of these children. they are all missing, but with your help we can find them. if you know any information about any of them, immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service for. short number 11630 from all mobile operators in ukraine calls are free. you are watching the ukrainian voice of america program chas time. i am natalia leonova. congratulations. ukraine needs more air defense and interceptors
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to protect its people and critical infrastructure against russian missiles. white house spokeswoman karin jeanpierre said this against the backdrop of russia's latest attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure and urged republicans in the house of representatives to take immediate action to approve the national security bill. in particular, provides assistance to ukraine. overnight , russia launched another major series of airstrikes against ukraine's energy grid, as vladimir putin continues to try to break the spirit of the ukrainian people and plunge them into darkness. russia struck the largest power plant in the kyiv region, as well as energy facilities in five regions of ukraine. as president zelenskyy stated in recent days, ukraine needs more means against. defenses and interceptors to protect its people, critical infrastructure from russian missiles and iranian-supplied drones. we need the house to take
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urgent action to pass a bipartisan national security bill so we can send more air defense systems to ukraine. we need the speaker to bring this bill forward because we know that we will obviously have overwhelming support from republicans and democrats. that's why we you need to see the bill put to the vote. which have already been passed by an overwhelming majority in the senate, as well as in ukraine over the last day, is another terrible reminder that ukraine's need is critical. russian rockets completely destroyed teropilivska tets, which is a supplier of electricity in kyiv region, cherkasy region and zhytomyr region for 3 million people. it was not possible to protect the station due to a lack of ammunition for air defense, the head of the supervisory board told the voice of america briefing program. central energy andriy gota. for him in other words, if the air defense system of ukraine is not protected , the winter will be extremely difficult for ukrainians. well, old man, now this station is at zero, it is not
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working. it was completely destroyed, and it provided light and electricity to almost 3 million people in the kyiv region, in particular, this morning it was fired at by ballistic missiles, ae by supersonic missiles, and part of it was shot down, part of it was normal, the lack of anti -aircraft missiles, part of it rockets just destroyed this station, is it subject to restoration in principle, you say, she completely destroyed, and what are the expectations or assumptions here now? well, you know, i can say here that it is definitely subject to restoration, anything is subject to restoration, you know, we uh, last summer has passed, last summer we had such a similar picture, that is
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, we can restore everything, we have it very good team and a very motivated team for recovery, and of course, without international partners it will be almost impossible to do it, so we already have certain, certain promises to provide us with transformers, provide us with turbines, other equipment from european countries, but again, without a sufficient number of missiles for air defense, well, it will be a futile task, to put it mildly. certainly, mr. andrii, how will the destruction of the trypilskaya theses affect the ukrainian energy system, in particular, electricity consumers in the near future? well, you know, it's thermal generation, it's shunting generation, that is, it's mostly used during peak hours, so for now, as of now, when the situation we have, well, the weather conditions are more or less acceptable, we won't feel
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it yet. full, but, closer to summer, i think we will already feel it, there will already be some outages, maybe periodic, but we need to provide electricity, it will definitely happen in the summer, it is difficult to even imagine what will happen in the winter, because winter is the most difficult period. mr. andrii, what is the situation with the energy industry in other regions, we know that it is not only in kivyshchyna, because the russians attacked many other regions in a blow, but what? we have there for the moment, on march 22 they destroyed another of our stations, the energy center, this is a station near kharkiv, they destroyed it just as completely, in the same way the number of missiles, ballistic, supersonic missiles, completely destroyed this station, it was impossible to protect it in that region, because there they fly up to a minute and 42
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seconds, so it would be very difficult to do, there were attempts, but they were useless, unfortunately, again, the lack of air defense in these regions played a decisive role. the armed forces of ukraine may face a serious shortage of anti-aircraft missiles and artillery shells in a few weeks if the united states does not pass a bill to help ukraine , the supreme commander of the united states said nato armed forces in europe christopher cavoli. during congressional hearings on the military posture and challenges to us national security in europe. the american general said that delaying aid to ukraine already gives russia a significant advantage. the situation is extremely serious. it is best to look at it from the point of view of what specific things ukraine needs. our allies provide some of these things. for example, tanks. over 90%
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of tanks. ukraine was not given support by the united states, it was given and provided by allies. 100% of the fuel and oil products that ukraine needs have been provided allies, not the united states. but there are two points where the american contribution is decisive: artillery ammunition and interceptor missiles against air defenses. these two things are the most critical on the battlefield. if ukraine runs out of their supply, it's only because we've stopped supplying, because we supply the lion's share of it. weapons, in particular air defense interceptor missiles. russia carries out very large-scale attacks every few days. these attacks would absolutely cripple the economy and civil society, as well as the armed forces of ukraine, if they were not protected without our supplies of interceptor missiles. the russians are now firing five times more artillery shells at the ukrainians than the ukrainians can respond.


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