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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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tanks: over 90% of ukraine's tanks were not provided by the us, they were provided and supported by allies. allies, not the united states, provided 100% of the fuel and oil products that ukraine needs. but there are two points where the american contribution is decisive: artillery ammunition and interceptor missiles against air defenses. these two things are the most critical on the battlefield. if ukraine runs out of their supply, it is only because we have stopped supplying them. because we supply the lion's share of these weapons, including interceptor missiles air defense. russia carries out very large-scale attacks every few days. these attacks would have absolutely crippled the economy and civil society, as well as the armed forces of ukraine, had they not been protected without our supply of interceptor missiles. now the russians are dropping five times more artillery shells on the ukrainians than the ukrainians can respond. in a few weeks, those numbers will be 10
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to one. we're not talking about months, we 're talking about weeks, and we're not talking hypothetically. the participants of the hearings also asked the assistant us secretary of defense celeste wallender, why the us is against ukraine striking russian refineries. let me remind you that this week in congress, defense minister lloyd austin said that ukraine's attacks on oil refineries in russia could affect global energy. markets, instead he urged ukraine to focus on attacks on military targets, which was celeste wallender's argument. i am also concerned that when the ukrainians struck russian oil and gas infrastructure, the administration biden spoke out and condemned the ukrainians for attacking russian oil and gas infrastructure and advised them not to do it again. you can tell me why, while russia is attacking ukrainians, their oil and gas industry. the problem of attacks
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on critical infrastructure arises when these are civilian targets, and it worries us, because ukraine tries to adhere to the highest standards, the laws of armed conflicts, and this is one of the elements of european democracy. but the russians are attacking the oil and gas infrastructure in ukraine, right? absolutely right. if you are you going to... war, you can't sit idly by and take blows and not strike back, so why don't the ukrainians attack the oil and gas infrastructure in russia. congressman, we have concerns about strikes on civilian targets, that is a sovereign decision of ukraine, but when we support countries, we express those concerns. but this oil and gas infrastructure in russia belongs to the kremlin, right? it is not that they are owned by a private corporation that has shareholders, but private assets. they are privately owned
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citizens of russia, who are part of the putin regime, it is right. i say that it makes sense to me that we should destroy them. at the same time, george baros, a senior expert at the american institute for the study of war, says that russian refineries are a completely legitimate target, as they support russia's military machine, andriy boris spoke with him. immediate effect on the battlefield from ukrainian strikes on gas and oil terminals in russia, none the less, they are extremely important. the export of energy resources constitutes a significant part of russia's income, and the deprivation of this resource and destruction of relevant facilities is necessary to contribute to ukraine's ability to achieve its defense goals. also, in my opinion, it is very important to demonstrate that the ukrainians can strike at legitimate military targets on the territory of russia, and it does not cross. no
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imaginary red lines, it does not lead to a catastrophic russian tactical nuclear escalation, which the kremlin is using very effectively to deter washington and other western powers from helping ukraine further. i also believe that it allows ukrainians to maximize and gain a lot important experience of using drones and other strike systems for strikes on other objects in russia. you remember the recent attacks not only on the oil terminals, but also on the factory. production of drones in tatarstan and airstrikes on russian airbases. ukrainians need to break through russian air defenses, and obviously you can do this by learning from strikes on oil facilities. this will help to strike not only at economic objects, but also at military bases. ukraine calls on international partners to move from words to actions and to quickly provide more military assistance to counter russian aggression.
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some aid is needed immediately, such as anti-aircraft defenses or weapons for the front, but there is also what is called a contribution to building the future. for such contributions today... our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin at the british naval base in portsmouth. congratulations, bohdan. bohdan, the british ministry of defense allowed the filming of two ukrainian warships in its port today. what are they doing there? well, primarily these two ukrainian ships were british until january of last year. ukraine acquired them in accordance with the agreement. signed earlier, these two ships are called cherkasy and chernihiv, according to the names of the ships that russia captured when it annexed crimea in 2014, and the main task
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of these ships, they are designed to search for and destroy sea mines, and this is what the british spoke about today military now here in portsmouth they will have access to our south coast training grounds to polish their skill, and they will take part in maneuvers, including seabreeze exercises with the us and with britain, where they can improve their skills in detecting mines and protecting their ships. these ships can clear mines, as we did in the second world war, and we will probably have to do so now, so they can find, neutralize and destroy mines, this is what we do with nato countries, and we work with the norwegian military
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navy, training ukrainians in such work. bohdan, i know you also managed to communicate with ukrainian representatives, what did they tell you well, if we are actually talking about the sailors, then the ukrainian military group of journalists i was in was not allowed to film, and actually the journalists were also not allowed to board these two ukrainian military ships, obviously for security reasons, but we had the opportunity to talk with a prominent ukrainian a diplomat who now acts as an ambassador. of ukraine in great britain, this is the most visible example, i would say so, of naval aid in the form of material means, that is, ships as such, our military sailors approach they also receive training, learn new equipment for them, learn nato standards, and this is
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certainly one of the examples of collaboration in this direction. britain, together with norway , launched a coalition of naval capabilities, and this... development of all capabilities of the ukrainian navy will continue to develop in this direction together with the support of other international partners. bohdan, as you already mentioned, ukraine purchased the ships at the end of last year. when will they be part of the ukrainian fleet? as for the ships, so now the ukrainian crews are still undergoing training, and we were told that the ships are also... still being equipped, the ukrainians will have the opportunity to participate in the seabreeze exercises this summer together with the american military and with the british and other nato countries. as for when they
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will be in the hands of ukraine? currently there is a problem, these ships cannot pass through the bosphorus strait in communication. with the problem that the ukrainian temporary attorney spoke about, they are doing their work here, they are for now are mastering this technique, but there is a question about the passage of the bosphorus strait, and the passage of warships through the strait is regulated by a kind of montreux convention, and it provides for how many, which ships and... how crossings are carried out in wartime conditions , in wartime conditions, and this decision depends from turkey, well, i read such reviews that she is quite flexible, that in principle , a turkish woman, if she wanted, could go to a meeting, let's say, if she wanted,
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she could obviously go to a meeting, but then it would be pro-russian people would ask the question ships that also do not enter the black sea. let's hope for a positive decision from turkey, thank you. bohdan, for your work, our european correspondent, bohdan tsyupin, was in direct contact with us, he visited the british naval base in portsmouth, where two ukrainian warships are located. in washington, president joe biden receives japanese prime minister fumio kishchida and philippine president fernando marcos jr. the trilateral summit takes place at the white house. on thursday and aims to send a clear message to china about the need to stop its aggressive behavior against its neighbors in the south china sea. during the visit of the japanese delegation, prime minister fumio kishchida also met with american congressmen and the speaker of the house of representatives, johnson. kishchyda emphasized. the international order that the united states forged after world war ii is under threat, and the world, the world, needs
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american leadership to preserve it. north korea's provocations have gone far beyond the region, it exports its ballistics missiles to support russia's aggression against ukraine, significantly increasing the suffering of the ukrainian people. russia's unprovoked, unjust and aggressive war against ukraine continues for the third year. as i often say, today's situation in... in south asia tomorrow. russia continues to threaten with nuclear weapons, this increases the world's fears about the real possibility of another catastrophe due to the use of nuclear weapons. attacks on military personnel must be stopped. the latest attacks are a serious escalation of nuclear threats and nuclear security of ukraine. - said the general magate director rafael grossi during the magate board of governors meeting on april 11. the closed session was convened separately by ukraine and russia. grossi emphasized that attacks on nuclear
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power plants are strictly prohibited. specialists of the international atomic energy agency recorded drone strikes on the territory of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant temporarily occupied by the russians on april 7 and 9. however, how dangerous are the latest drone attacks and what does russia gain from them? oleksiy kovalenko spoke with the researcher. of energy of harvard university maryana buzherin. in light of the drone attacks on the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, how dangerous is the situation at the armed forces now? the situation at the armed forces became dangerous as early as february 24 , 2022, when russia went to war with a full-scale invasion of ukraine and then forcibly occupied the nuclear power plant, then committed. various, various things that threaten the safety of this nuclear power plant. currently,
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if we talk specifically about drones, about the arrivals over the last couple of days, since the reactors of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant have been shut down for quite some time, and they have not been operating at capacity, i believe since mid-september 2022, the immediate... danger that something like a drone could immediately cause some kind of accident, there is no such danger, and that does not mean , that the arrival of drones and the dropping of explosives and so on is what should happen at nuclear power plants, not at all, just as nuclear power plants should not be occupied by enemy armed forces, can we say that drone attacks are not can lead to such a large ... nuclear disaster, it's true, drone attacks
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now won't be able to cause a large-scale disaster, they can do some damage, but since the fuel in the reactor core is already sufficiently cooled, even if there is some significant damage, say to the reactor cooling system, it will be quite large the margin of time is somewhere around... 20 days and, well , at least a couple of weeks to react, to fix it all. the occupation authorities are now actively accusing ukraine of drone attacks. why can it be beneficial for russia? we can only guess. first, i think it is important that there have been several reports and a number of reports of torture recently. about the tortures that are taking place, have been taking place for some time already, on
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ukrainian employees of zas, both there in energodar and at and at zas. several more reports were circulated that the equipment at the air base is now in very poor condition. i think this escalation is to divert attention. russia, so that the russians could divert attention and now put ukraine in a position when on ukraine needs to defend itself against these accusations on international platforms, you now. called the situation an escalation, and that is exactly the term that magate has been using in his reports for the past several weeks, can we still call this this new escalation stage of threats at the zapovizka nuclear power plant? of course, the russians manipulate these risks from time to time and bring it to the international stage when
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it suits them, and again for their own reasons or to... to forget about some other things that are going on at the same time, or simply to transfer, let's say, the task, let's say, the protection of one's own interests, to the other side, to ukraine, well, after all, the situation there is already in such a bad state, because of the occupation, because of the way the occupiers conduct themselves, which seems to me , it's profitable for the russians now... it's all about moving the arrows to ukraine, as they say. russia is now convening an ex-wife to a meeting of the magathe, that what the russians are trying to achieve with this is to divert attention, it is to create some kind of information such negativity, in which again after all, ukraine will be forced to defend itself and will be forced to explain why, why it is not
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her, and why it is not beneficial for ukraine, informational. say, contaminated with such false accusations and statements, it seems to me that this is what the russian side needs. you noted that magat has been in place for about two years, what role does magate play in stabilizing the dangerous situation at the ads? it is generally believed that the presence of magate and their monitors there, well, that is a positive thing, but we all also know that... this mission, it is limited by what she can and when she can see, these experts, they move around the station only under the supervision of russians, yes, from certain special services and so on, their translators are also russians, and those people who give them or do not give them access to what
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they want to see and check there, this is also... a russian, by the way, i just returned from kyiv, where i was for 10 days, i talked, including with the employees of the zas, who were evacuated from zvice stories, very much echo, in the sense that these, these, members of the mgat mission, let's say, can, ah, not only to refuse, but to say, come there, see this and that system, you want to see it, come. after 3 days, we also don't know what could happen there during those three days, and accordingly, also these incidents of torture and detention of workers from the as, who may have a pro-ukrainian position, did not stop, because, well, even despite to the fact that there
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are monitors of the magat. and to american topics. former us president donald trump gathered a record crowd at an event in florida last saturday amount for his presidential campaign. more than 50 million dollars. however, analysts emphasize that money alone will not ensure victory for any potential candidate in the race for the presidential seat. at the end of march , biden's presidential election campaign announced that it had $192 million in the first... worst basket, which is more than twice the $93 million that, according to the republican national committee , donald trump had at the time. details in the story of iryna shinkarenko. donald trump's team raised a record amount for election campaigns in one event, more than $50.5 million on
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saturday during a meeting with donors in palm beach, florida. trump is the presumptive republican presidential candidate . at the meeting, he expressed full confidence in his success. people wanted to do their part to make america great again. rich people want it, poor people want it, everybody wants change. things are really not going well in the country. we have become the laughing stock of the whole world and we plan to change that very quickly. the team of president democrat joe biden, who also prepares for re-election, also published fresh data on fundraising from... the weekend , senior spokesman for the biden headquarters , kevin munoz, told voice of america on sunday that 1,600,000 americans had contributed to the campaign and explained how the headquarters will spend the collected 192. more than a hundred offices in key states, hundreds of staff in those states, a historic $30 million media campaign
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targeting asian and pacific islander, latino, and african american voters that speaks to those voters in advance and often determines the choice during voting. munoz also downplayed trump's recent fundraising achievements. joe biden's primary campaign sponsors are nurses and teachers, we're supported by workers, and that's a stark contrast to donald trump's campaign, and that's what's going to win the election. analysts note that money alone will not ensure victory in the elections for either biden or trump. the bigger challenge facing president biden right now is a series of divisions within his own party, as well as the ability to reach voters who are outside the party. in trump has a solid base of voters, enthusiastic loyalists, but i'm not sure
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the numbers show an increase in that base. trump's team did not respond to voa's request for an interview, but it is promoting a rally for trump in pennsylvania on april 13 on its website. veronika baldersias, voice of america. at this point, we will say goodbye, you watched the program of the ukrainian voice of america chaas taay. also join our daily briefings from monday to friday at 18:00 kyiv time on youtube and facebook. right there you will be able to ask your questions to our presenters yulia yarmolenko and ostap yarysh during the broadcast. thank you for trusting the ukrainian voice of america service. i am natalya leonova, good night and good morning.
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there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% in travel pharmacies. 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima. we begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to find out about... now just about the war let's talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is living and what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with
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economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about the news culture, presenters, that to many people, it was like, it's ready... to us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new,
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two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from behind border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and... every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. es soy por qué.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. loss of 100% generation. the aggressor destroyed the largest thermal power plant centerenergo. does this encourage partners to provide ukraine
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with more air defense? win-win cooperation. in beijing, lavrov discussed the dual opposition to western countries. how can the us respond to china for supporting russia in the war with ukraine. prospects for a global peace summit. switzerland gathers world leaders for a forum on ending the war in ukraine. will xi jinping be among them. about this and about other things in the next hour. we are talking with the diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine, valery chaly. however, before starting our big conversation with mr. chalay, let's watch a video of the consequences of a massive attack on trypilska tes in kyiv region. as a result of this attack, a large-scale fire occurred in the turbine shop, the station was completely destroyed. centerenergo announced the loss of 100% of generation. let's see.
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friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, if you watch us live there, please subscribe to our platforms and also take part in our survey, today we ask you the following , whether china is able to force russia to stop war in ukraine? yes, no, please vote on youtube with the appropriate button, or leave your comment under this video, if you watch us on tv, take it. background or phone and vote if you think china is capable of forcing russia to stop the war in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will tally the results of this vote. we are in touch with our guest, valery chaly, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america in 2015-19
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years, chairman of the board of the ukrainian crisis media center, mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. greetings, tv viewers, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start, mr. valery, with today's strikes, night and morning strikes by the russian federation on the energy facilities of ukraine, the russians completely destroyed the trypilskaya tes in the kyiv region. previously, zmiivska tes was completely destroyed. and occupied the ukrainian tess. it is obvious that, er, the enemy is trying to cut off the electricity completely in ukraine and create the conditions for a humanitarian catastrophe, and obviously, in this situation, ukraine would have to turn to the world and talk about violations of international law and...


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