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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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the bit goal is 3,500,000 uah, mr. mykola will tell us in more detail what exactly they would like, well , what exactly they would like to use these donations for, look, the moments that can allow us to fight better, do our work better, this includes fpv drones , and mavic type drones. drones from which it is possible to see enemy positions at night, these are also the same car repairs, which, unfortunately, fail, as the enemy inflicts a very strong and powerful blow, and especially with his artillery on our logistics routes, he spreads in the shunt and it makes us too much.
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burdens our logistics and drags us further and further to the front-line areas, in connection with which we have to, of course, do much more routes now on foot than we could do with road transport, and also for night vision kits for thermal imaging devices, a laser... a whole range of pointers, that's all very much, all this equipment, all these devices, would greatly help us in fulfilling our task and improve, well, improve the destruction of enemy forces, well, if you look at the statistics of clashes, the one provided by the general staff, it can be seen that almost half of all attacks that are recorded take place in the area, well, in the bakhmuto area. all
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this is happening around the time ravine, that is, your direction is now, in principle, the most active and there is the most like an influx, well, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, we all understand that, well, why is this happening, because, in principle , the time period - this is such a height that the enemy very much wants to capture, but tell me now , this is the last week, that is? noted that there is more use of aviation or, on the contrary , less use of drones, well, that is, what is happening in your country that is most relevant right now? well, over the last week, the enemy has really increased his air strikes several times , he is now very strong, he is spreading them on his artillery. as i said before,
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breaking up all the ways of logistics routes for us, and because of what, in principle, it became a little more difficult to work, however, our soldiers, the border brigades, we are doing our best, we are to some extent, maybe even doing something it is impossible, but we stand and we work, we fulfill our duties, well... how to make money, and tell me, look, i also heard such a story that it is in your direction that the enemy is using rap a lot and very actively, and it seems that well, it caused such unpleasant stories that actually now our unmanned aviation has such a problem of great application, and well, again, in your same direction on april 4 , it was possible to capture such a t-72 with... a new reb,
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such a run-of-the-mill launch vehicle, it was installed on the tower, in general, that's it this kind of thing has just started, well, some kind of new tactic, when armored vehicles and tanks are rapped, they are released somewhere, well , in order to plant, respectively, our drones, this is how it is happening now, has the activity of ukrainian drones really decreased in this zone yours... how is it at the moment in this, look, it is not that it will decrease, we work with drones, as we worked, the same with fpv drones, at night, during the day there is no difference, we have worked and will work with drones, because now there is a technological war, and in order not to well, they will not expose the personnel once more.
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security, it is better to work technologically, so we will do it, we can do it, indeed, the enemy uses a lot of rebs, he has recently strengthened. it is possible to say that even six months ago, there was no such strong activity of arebu, now it has really become very difficult, but our drones, the operators themselves are gunners, they learn, they, they develop, they work on themselves, and they are still looking for a cure, where you can fly up, where you can just bypass this one rebsystem to collect as much as possible. information from certain areas of the enemy and will still fulfill their purpose, will reveal the enemy's forces and means. we have something hanging there a little. come on, you know, let's see now, we have a story from the chasovoy yar area, well
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, the russians are constantly storming there, hundreds of drones are launched at our military positions, because of this it is difficult to sufficiently evacuate the wounded, and this is how the volunteer soldiers defend the city. 67th mechanized brigade duk, let's look at the plot, and then also, maybe we'll see something interesting there and discuss. chasiv in donetsk region has become a key point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut, now heavy fighting is going on there, the defense of the city is held by units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them - volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. regarding the situation. in the time gap, it is now very tense, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions, and the confrontation is now quite aggressive, the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past
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few days, the enemy is not standing still, unfortunately, and now in of them such a number of drones that it's just that our guys, who are already trained in combat , sometimes simply can't. we have to move from point to point, because they are hanging, well, honestly, just hundreds, just swarms, due to the constant assaults of the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade, evacuations take place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take our comrades from the field battle, two of our guys recently left by car to the position where they could get to where they were supposed to get to, or rather the evacuation point, the point of disembarkation and then they had to reach the position, then it is impossible to do it by car, it is necessary to do on foot and just to make you understand that they were just walking, there were only two of them, so it's not a group, how we attack, it's not a technique that we attack with fpv drones, they
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can afford to launch four drones in two people , and that's why, for example, we still can't get one of these guys out, because there's just... torrential fire. in order to be able to evacuate their comrades at least at night, the soldiers of the 67th brigade need thermal imaging ponchos. at times it is a dominant height, and if god forbid the enemy captures it, he will be able to advance very easily further, and these are konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, slovyansk, and there he will advance even easier, that is, the times - this is... both strategically and tactically, and generally very important for the lives of people who live for, that is, in those cities where there is still life, because in the time abyss it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the
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protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. well, actually, this is the story clearly, well described. what is the ultimate goal of all this and why is time so important for us ? , on the avdiivskyi direction, it is somehow more possible to restrain the work of russian drones, and you do not. well , still, the situation with this is a bit more tense, this is how it looks now, the russian drones, they really interfere with our work very much, but they
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set the direction where the brigade holds the line, we have anti-dorian cannons, and that is , they... there are even some noi that we work with, well, let's learn to work now, and little by little something will come out, eh, so... but the same activity that was, that is, what, what you see now, i don’t know, personally, my opinion
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is that i want a full-scale invasion first, it does not stop, you are already waiting for them to have this one, when they will already have these reserves, such impression, because they sit there somewhere and assemble these shells, prepare them, because where did they get such reserve, i don’t know, i don’t understand this, because the intensity does not stop and does not decrease, it is possible that they give a lull there, well, it is usually a lull before the storm, that is, they kept quiet a little, but then they pushed hard, now they work more, well, during the day, at night, but now specifically, how do these attempts, let's say, attacks take place, because i say, well, they record that... the attacks are the most, but when, how does it happen, what kind forces, in the direction,
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in the direction where our brigade is standing, here, as a rule, they attack aviation and artillery, during the day, that is, at night, in principle, they behave more passively, but they have aggressive work during the day, that is. therefore , the most difficult thing is during the day, and we postpone all logistical points to the night, because it is quieter and calmer there, and how do you ultimately assess the enemy's forces in this aspect, that is, what kind of units are these, are they personnel units, are mobilized, who is it? look, according to our observations, the enemy's tactics do not change, he leaves on the front edge, that is , on the front edge, he puts cadre military personnel, who directly
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perform their task, that is, preparation for offensive actions, yes, there are also drippers who come, their task is precisely to dig out, that is, to fall, that is, to prepare positioning positions positions, because this is also very much. it is important, and well, assault operations are naturally carried out, who? they launch, as a rule, meat, here, and special units are already sent after him, here, but, as practice has shown, their special forces die just as beautifully as cannon fodder, there is absolutely nothing different, well, let's wish them to continue to die there in greater numbers, so that there are at least a lot less of them, thank you. i remind you
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once again that you join our meetings, which are on fpv, and on reconnaissance, and on everything that we, well, offered, because now really, this is now the most, well, it is necessary and what we can apply at the moment when we do not have enough artillery, fpv, unfortunately, this is what can help us the most. i am with you goodbye until next week, see you in this format next week, and watch our news and actually, watch our broadcast, good evening, we are from ukraine, the law on mobilization, satisfied or dissatisfied, pros and cons, and when he will sign it. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. a terrible blow to ukrainian energy. trypilsk gs was actually destroyed, it must
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be rebuilt from scratch. who will be left without electricity, how will it affect the citizens and the economy of our country, and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in the countries balttia what is being agreed upon. and the european parliament sets a condition for either patriot ukraine or there will be no money for the european council. we will talk about this and other things today in the next few days. 40 minutes, this is a big ether program, my name is vasyl zema, and we start with an announcement about the collection, because in order not to happen, we are doing what we have to do, we are collecting money for the armed forces of ukraine. the war continues every minute, today, by the way, is the 778th day of the great war of ukraine against the eternal enemy of russia and the russian federation, as now. espresso and the non-governmental organization baza ua sprotiv call for support for the collective f on fprony for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. our own
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production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, join in so that there are more and more of them and , most importantly, that the enemy feels it with disadvantages for himself. our goal is ambitious, but realistic: uah 2 million. remember, a donation to the armed forces of ukraine is an investment in ours victory we have already collected for many important things, we have collected millions, tens of millions of hryvnias for the entire period of the full-scale invasion, thanks to you we will do this too. well, now we will... talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, we are contacted by galina kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mrs. galina, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, today the enemy attacked kharkiv and also the region, shooting at the energy infrastructure , also wrote about the fact that the enemy used certain maneuvers before delivering his main blow, that this was also the consequences
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enemy attacks, please, at 5 a.m. a kharkiv resident was woken up by an explosive russian alarm clock, there were about 10 explosions, the kharkiv residents counted, they were very powerful, and then the explosions were allegedly in a town a little further away, and in fact, as it turned out, they were already on another tets, because one tets was destroyed, on march 22 they hit another tets, which supplies kharkiv itself, and then they disconnected the metro, the metro did not work until almost 1:00 p.m., true. it worked for a short time, at 2:00 p.m. it was turned off again, at 3:00 p.m. only one saltiv line was turned on, well, people everyone understood what had happened, er, that is , there were problems with electricity again, according to the regional administration, 240,000 subscribers were left without electricity again, although in the past days,
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literally two or three past days , the situation improved a little after march 22, well... but again they hit, then in the afternoon at around 2:25 p.m. there were explosions again, and again quite powerful ones, i counted two of them, er, and once again the kharkiv residents are exchanging what it was, what it will be, er, and again, apparently, the energy infrastructure, well, in parallel, the regional military administration announced today about the forced evacuation of families with children from the three districts at... which are near the front are most shelled, this is the kharkiv district, and the syum district, the bogodukhiv district, not all communities are there, some communities are there, eh, this does not apply to kharkiv, it applies to kharkiv district, individual communities where there are families with children and where there is constant shelling. yesterday we had a meeting of the regional council of the session, and
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during that we had to interrupt the session, because there were all explosions and we... realized that there might be something incomprehensible, everyone heard them, interrupted, however, then the quorum was restored, everyone registered again, and i was walking around kharkiv, looking for the internet with a laptop to connect to the session, in the end i found those explosions, and we were simply at a point where the flight had already arrived, and we understood , that it is necessary to hide, although we do not completely react to air alarms, because with us everything happens the other way around, first the arrival, then the alarm, but yesterday it showed. such a situation, although the session was interesting, for the first time in my memory, more than half of the questions related to defense capability and the security situation, that is, interestingly, also they wrote that after the explosions, i won't say whether they were the first or the second, there were interruptions in the work of the kharkiv underground, and at what intervals does it work in principle, is there
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any schedule today, or it again depends on how you catch the internet in kharkov, where it is, where it is not, the world... also, it is there, it is not there, there is no guarantee that it will be, but how does it work, well, the metro first of all, is there one please, well, we have after march 22, the first days there were 20 minutes between trains, in the past days it was sometimes 15 minutes, it was lucky when it was peak time, and today the subway was simply not working for 6 hours because of those early morning shellings, and this is a big problem in such a city... people need to get to work somehow, and at the same time they let us in in case of a blackout, additional schemes have already been developed transport and in parallel for the first time allowed. two tram lines, even people are already writing to us, oh, we saw a tram for the first time, well, they just didn’t run in our country due to a lack of electricity, and they launched the two lines that are most in demand, and
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several trolleybuses launched routes and additional minibuses so that people can somehow get there, although many people walk anyway, so there are problems with the subway, they turned it off again in the afternoon, turned it on, now it’s hard to say, because the subway line near which i live, it was not there during the day was turned on, the salkivska metro was turned on, because it is difficult to say, well, we are somehow now with that light and those disconnections, we do not say when they will be turned off, we say when it is connected, we say when you were connected, even with students, teachers , when it is agreed, the class is transferred to us online training, then they agree when it will be connected both in those and those, that is, the schedule, well, we agree. we are talking among ourselves, i will ask very briefly, literally , i will ask one more question, it is calculated that in kharkiv during the period of shelling 800 buildings were damaged, is
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it possible to do some work to restore something somewhere, or are there actually no such resources and opportunities from the perspective to constant shelling, a lot of buildings are really damaged in kharkiv, but let's say in the center and in the areas adjacent to... the center it is not very noticeable, because our municipal services, they are at their best, they clean everything right away, they lay chipboards like that, but this is not noticeable, but we have these days, er , in the last two or three days, there are a lot of people in kharkiv, everyone is out on the street, everyone is out in the sun, and a lot of different volunteers there from sweden, i saw volunteers, i saw the media from belgium, we talked with them in the center, and they all say, you have something here... we came, we thought that the ruins would be here in the center, but you just have everything clean and everything is just closed chipboard, we say, we clean it up quickly, to
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put an end to that, mrs. halyna, unfortunately, thank you once again for the objective assessment of the situation, for the positive attitude you give, despite everything, halyna kuts, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was with us at communication about the situation in the city, well , the city and the region, which was again shelled by the enemy today, explosions were heard twice, well... and then we have a topic that has been in discussion for quite a long time, the time when the deputies first approved in in the first reading of the bill on mobilization, then they worked for a very long time in the committee, there were meetings, conversations, again some polylogues, amendments were made, there were almost 4,000 amendments, in the end, the deputies adopted the draft law on mobilization, and it will actually become a law finally and later. after the signature of the chairman of the verkhovna rada, ruslan stefanchuk, and then the law must be signed by the president of ukraine, it will come into force after a certain time after the signature by
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the president, we are talking about a month, i will not lie now, because, well, there is still a certain time for the law to enter into force, it will be published in the official publication of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, of course the vote of ukraine, well, obviously in the government courier, and then it will act on... of course, the most probably raised questions, or raised questions, was the norm that was not in this law, it is about the terms of demobilization for those military personnel and especially those who went as volunteers, or by conscription, and from the first, or in the first days of a full-scale invasion, or even those soldiers who also served in the anti in the anti zone... people's deputy of ukraine,
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mr. serhiy, i congratulate you. i'll start with a simple question, are you disappointed or not, or on the contrary, perhaps it is some inspiration given by the law on mobilization, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada. i was. night, you voted for the truth, let's try to type again, because we simply can't hear, the words disappear and we won't understand anything, and we will only lose time, and we don't want to lose it, we want to hear what serhii rudyk thinks about this, that's why we will now try to set up the connection once again, it is clear that some technical problems may arise, not without that, and the main one should have come to the deputies as well. commander of the armed forces of ukraine, chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and to say, because actually, why this provision on demobilization was withdrawn from this draft law, precisely
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because... that the commander-in-chief, colonel-general oleksandr silsky wrote a letter to the minister of defense rustem umerov with the , so that this norm is removed, revised and then adopted by a separate law, or it should be, well, a separate document, where certain points will be prescribed, which obviously, as far as i understand, stem from this of the real situation that exists today in the armed forces, at the front. mr. sergey, are you with us? please let's continue. yes, i'm with you. great, so, disappointed or not disappointed, or inspired, and what are the prospects in your opinion that this law, it will give the result, in fact, for what it was passed and prepared for. yesterday, i was disappointed when i saw up to 20 people's deputies present in the hall until morning, who deliberately, those who came, tried to do more pr, because it
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was. it is nice that there are not 226 votes in the hall, but the majority after the break of yesterday's meeting left the hall and at the end of the voting with the amendments, i will remind you, i think all of ukraine knows this today, more than four thousand units remained, that is, all the key amendments related to demobilization, including mine, the service of people's deputies in the armed forces, many aspects that could improve this... the law did not get the required number of votes, today morning there was a vote on the key amendments that the majority put for confirmation, one of them could not pass, it is the key one, which concerns demobilization after 36 months, this the norm that was included in the first reading of this draft law, which was adopted by the verkhovna rada back in january, but it also passed with 227 votes. that is
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, mobilization without demobilization is definitely unacceptable for the absolute majority of servicemen, but we have what we have, we know the position of the commander-in-chief, we know the position of the general staff, we accept this logic, no matter how difficult it is for us, and we hope that the government will comply with the norm , the decisions made by the national security and defense committee about what is closest from time to time... a separate bill will be introduced that will regulate the issue of demobilization. at the moment, it is better than nothing, because we all understand very well that the human resource at the front is running out, and those who voluntarily, especially in the first days of the full-scale invasion, made a conscious decision to defend the country with weapons, including me , need replacement before co-optation and strengthening. in short, how did you
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perceive this law, i think that you communicated, evaluated, at least in general terms, its, uh, norms that laid down in the draft law allow us to start recruiting people in the near future, this is an undeniable plus, minus, i have already said about it, this is a key norm that there is no demobilization, but... there are several norms that improve the existing state of affairs, which apply to certain sub of certain categories of servicemen, which allow us to look at this problem in a different way, although i say again, as a volunteer, it is very difficult for me to evaluate this discourse from a moral and ethical point of view, because i am one of those who do not know the first half-million, which passed the first days widely...
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of a large-scale invasion, and i do not accept the situation when my colleagues, people's deputies , try to come up with some reasoned explanations for certain categories of citizens who do not have, mr. serhiy, i will thank you very much, thank you for joining and commenting since our time, serhiy rudyk, lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, briefly, but essentially, regarding the law on mobilization. now we will thank you very much, mr. serhiy, now we will add to the discussion, well, we will now add to the conversation victoria votsiyska, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of the eighth convocation on issues of the fuel and energy complex, nuclear policy and nuclear safety, we will talk today, how she will appear in communication with us, we will talk about, well, let's talk directly yes, as it is said, about the actual destruction of the trypil thermal power plant, it is 51 km...


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