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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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because it is china that continues to be the key exporter of russian oil not only for its own market, but also for the market of partner countries, that is, unfortunately, we see that the element of these strikes on the refinery has become part of this geopolitical game. what is the problem here, what is the change here, because, let's say, the americans directly did not approve of our strikes on the mpz before. it used to be worded a little differently. in this case, we see a change in approach in principle. earlier, the americans said that they do not support and do not approve, but... defend ukraine from inflicting such blows that can they cannot restrain russian aggression. and now we see a direct phrase that they do not advise to do this, because in fact these are not the goals that are needed and so on and so forth. in this case, i can still quote moshe dayan, a famous israeli general, who said in such cases that the americans give us money, weapons and a lot of their own advice. we gladly and gratefully accept money and weapons, and with advice we ask them to keep quiet.
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you know, even here, reading the information today, it became clear that there is oil, to which certain companies, western, american, in particular, have their share, how about their assets, and this oil from kazakhstan is sent through these refineries, well, this story continues there, so it is for business, and this is a very big business, this business, which in principle affects a large. american politics since the 20s of the last century, i will not name these companies here, i think that everyone understands which are the most powerful oil giants in the world, and therefore yes, and here then, well, you know, and then this the phrase "corporations rule the world" no longer sounds like that so strange, and there is no conspiracy theory here, but at the same time the question is about the fate of the country, about the fate of people, about the future fate of the whole continent, and can the heads of these
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companies influence politicians to make such statements, understanding all the situation at the front? let's put it this way, if it wasn't an election year, these companies would not have been listened to so much, but in a year when lobbyists receive annual salaries in a month, in a year when it is determined which branch of industry will be a priority for the next president, one of the two, in year when these companies see absolute failure of opec. to go to negotiations, because opec has a crisis in the middle east, they see that prices are rising because of this, and they do not want to bring them down, plus they do not want to increase production, that is , here, apart from this game, unfortunately, on the ukrainian theme, we in parallel, we see the game of large countries, large companies for guardianship on the topic of the war waged by israel against terrorism in the region, that is, that ukraine, that israel, unfortunately, became hostages, i will not say what it was, you know, as they say in the theories of the language , these
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masons planned everything, i am far from such predictions, but it seems that the situation surrounding the russian invasion and the situation surrounding the aggression of hamas and the large oil companies of america and the large oil companies of the opec countries are making maximum use of it and are trying to get such profits from this that they could only dream of before the start of these hostilities could not well , you remember napoleon's phrase that war is first of all money, money and money again, but of course money also has... the country that first of all defends, not even that its sovereignty, territory, right , the right to be, independence, it stands for democratic values, in which we sincerely believe until now, because these values ​​were not born in america, they were born long before the united states, and actually these values ​​have existed for a long time, they are also christian values, so maybe they are slightly modified, but it is these are ancient values, we defend them today, the value of human life, right, human freedom, choice. of a person, not a dictatorship, not coercion,
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not murder, not extermination, not leadership, not the lies that russia lives by today, and you know, in the light of this you understand, although very i would like it like this, purely humanly, if somehow we could agree and everything would be peaceful, but it, you understand that it cannot be like that with russia, even the peasantry of wallander said that any way, well, this is lloyd austin's deputy, that any conversation with russia, even some talks, it will not mean peace, well , peaceful peace, so i would like to hear your opinion from... to this summit that will take place in switzerland, the dates 14-15 are named june, i remember that putin and biden met somewhere also in the summer of 21 on the eve of the invasion of a full-scale putin's invasion of ukraine, although in geneva at the villa, my god, i forgot, forgot, forgot, forgot, now i will remember, remember, i will say, where gorbachev and reagan once met, villa legrange and in geneva, and please tell me what should be expected and why so many countries join this peace summit, for what?
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can be counted on, although i do not believe in peace with putin, while he still has some prospects in terms of resources on the front. well, in fact, our peace formula, it is precisely aimed at the fact that russia should join it... only in the last moment when she will be forced to sign it and simply agree to the conditions that the entire civilized world will set for russia within these 10 points. why are so many countries joining it? because of its flexibility, the approach that any item, except the last one, can be implemented at any time. the approach that any country can be responsible for a specific direction, can work only in it, or join others. this approach just... attracts a lot of countries, not only the western world, but also of the global south, for what, in order to join this formula of peace. the only thing is, and here we come to the most difficult and most important. china's position both in relation to the countries of the global south and in relation to balancing with the west in relation to this
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peace formula is decisive. moreover, during the consultation of national security advisers, china joined only once during the meeting in jeddah, during the meeting in copenhagen, the meeting in malta. china only telegraphed its general wishes and views, so to speak, and now beijing's position, unfortunately, is not very constructive for us, it says that this peace formula can be successful only with the participation of russia, but at the same time, beijing fully supports what ukraine has proposed, so why do it now in order to to accumulate the support of the global south is the first goal, and the second goal is to determine china's position and finally understand to what extent china... is ready either to support russia or to stop russia, because so far china has done both in parallel. it seems like such a bargain some are going somewhere, but let's not get into conspiracy theories again, let's ban the facts, then we'll talk about it very briefly, literally for a minute, but here are at least seven patriots with rockets, as the columnist
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ryobka from the bilge publication said that europe has thousands of missiles and hundreds of patriots, why can't ukraine be given at least seven, in your opinion, this decision will be, well, a decision. and logistics and patriots in ukraine, it can be done quickly, because we understand that putin will use the window to destroy as much as he can destroy? he already is the window is used, and in fact, i can only give credit to josep borel, who today made a very correct statement, and the european council made a very correct initiative, to simply freeze the adoption of its own budget. a huge number of voters in all the countries of europe depend on this budget, first of all in those where these patriots are, and therefore in essence, if these flights... who want to remain popular, if they do not want to remain european, then they must behave like europeans, real the european will now help ukraine, so actually, after this statement by borel, after the decision of the european council, i got back my optimism that these systems can come to ukraine quickly enough. thank you
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very much, thank you for your comments, thank you for participating, oleksandr kraev, expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prizma, was with us . for some it is just like the realities of life, the realities of war, at one time the netherlands actually lost, or surrendered to the nazis at the beginning of the second world war, after the port in rotterdam was destroyed, bombed, ukraine today, ukraine has been bombed for two years, well more, but on a full scale for two years, we continue to hold on, and we do not give up, we do not raise our hands, we do not let in modern nazis to their territory, rashists, we say, just help us, give us something that will give us an opportunity. to continue our war for the entire european civilization in fact, this is important, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, i am not shocked, because i have already seen almost all the works of anatoly kryvolap, just 20-25
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minutes ago there was just a huge crowd here, thank god there are fewer people, and we will be able to show you these works. so, one of the greatest features of anatoly kryvolap's work is his work with structure, but right now , for just a few seconds, we can show you one of the works that is closest, and here you can clearly see how he works with structure, of course, well, you just have to stop near these works and for a very, very long time... consider them, in general, just abstract works, they characterize the crooked paw, but icons it's just that he doesn't have abstract ones, but now we can see them, here they are, i think that many of you friends have already seen them, because the artist has been writing them since the 14th, i think, year, i
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've seen at least two exhibitions dedicated to them , and you can see how unusual they are in color and also in structure, if you get closer, they are very bright. luminescent, and mr. anatoliy defines it as god is really an explosion of color, because different artists depict higher powers in different ways, and this artist chose to make it so, by the way, he painted... in a church in lypivka - this is such a small village in the kyiv region near borodyanka, and there, right at the top of this church , it is such an explosive color, by the way, i keep dreaming of going there and i will never make it, although it is literally 20 minutes from my house, and earlier anatoliy kryvolapa very often, you see, there are fewer people already, but it's still difficult to shoot, we bump into them, here he used to be called one of them. of the most expensive artists of ukraine, there was almost such a stamp, if crooked paw is the most expensive artist in
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ukraine. now i can already see that they have moved away from this one traditions, he is just a classic here, and here he was recently here, people just lined up to take a picture with him and get his autograph, here and in these works, the 90s-2000s are collected here, if we see it, we will talk speaking specifically about the structure, here... there is a whole series called structures, but actually here we can see and it is very clear how it all intertwines, here are all the colors, different textures and so on and so forth. he has been painting such pictures for 23 years, there are 90 works in this series, and you know, i really like it i like exhibitions when you can get so close to the paintings, usually with modern art everything happens that way, when you can examine... literally, literally , you can't get close to touch it all, so i
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will remind you that the crooked paw exhibition is called prototypes, and it opened in the m17 gallery, it will continue, if you love this artist, come, definitely, if you want to see this explosion of color and the explosion of color as something divine, you must go to lypivka look at this amazing church. thank you very much to lina chechenina for and of course i encourage anyone who has the opportunity to go see how boxing becomes an explosion of color, at least in the works of anatoly kryvolap, in principle art, you know, despite all this it is important that art lives and not only lives, it. .. evolves, reveals some new emotions, new forms during the war, we now see
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overcrowded theaters, this is important, and the sale of books, well, top ukrainian publishing houses and bookselling networks write about the fact that it is simply growing, yesterday i went to one shopping center, i see people leaving the bookstore with books, people are looking for answers, people are looking for emotions, people are looking for an equivalent answer from the stage, they want... to hear something, and this is very important, and here, in addition to that, of course, we must not forget first of all, to donate to the armed forces of ukraine, to join the defense of the country by all possible means, but also to understand the importance of supporting each other, at least the word is sometimes important, i see many moments when people sometimes just write, strangers away people write to you there on facebook, how i feel bad, sad, and what do you do when you are sad, well, i'm just like a public person, because as they say on tv, people think that you should know. and you spend some time just talking to a person, i don't know if it helps or not, but in any case
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, even your attention, it helps, pay attention, consider each other, support us, we can only win together and strong in this very long, very exhausting war, and about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's listen, because natalka didenko will tell us about it. synoptic to everyone. hello, dear ukrainians, we are starting today's synoptic meeting with disaster films, of course this is fiction, but i want to say that in these films, which consider some powerful natural anomalous phenomena, the main protagonist is very often a specialist meteorologist, so we will pay attention to them, so one of the most famous such films is the film the day after tomorrow, which tells about an extraordinary global decrease. air, when everything is covered with ice, snow covers even the statue of liberty, and
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new york skyscrapers, and in general, this global cooling absorbs the entire northern hemisphere, and there is a specialist meteorologist there, by the way. the same, sorry, director roland emmerich did not stop at the cooling, and in the film 2012 he made another film, but here he already concentrated on earthquakes and eruptions. volcanoes, tsunamis, eh, and used the so-called, well, not so-called mayan calendar, prognostic, eh, which said that in a certain year all the planets would be on the same line. some such terrible catastrophe will occur, obviously with global climatic consequences. movie flood. a colossal flood in england tells about it. the thames overflows its banks and millions of londoners find themselves in real danger to their lives, and there the marine engineer, the hero of the film, literally stays there for several hours to save the whole city,
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millions of people from destruction. the role of forecasters, hydrologists, and engineers is very important . these professions, which are usually, well, allegedly according to such a dubious, dubious stereotype unprestigious, in fact and not only in movies, disasters, but also in real life, they are extremely useful, and of course we know that, for example, ukrainian meteorologists, weather observers work in extremely difficult conditions, going to work every day and working around the clock even in conditions shelling, we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now to your prognostic chart, here we will quickly, so to speak, manage, because the situation is calm and nothing so threatening, well, at least from this side for the well-being of a person, for work there should be no navigation devices, and actually the weather forecast, the next day , april 12, the air temperature in the west of ukraine , we traditionally start from the western
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regions, it will fluctuate between 15 and 20° of heat, in transcarpathia it will traditionally be higher up to... +23 on at night without precipitation it is fresh, but warm, comfortable +16-n 18°. in the eastern part of ukraine, precipitation is not expected, but in the afternoon in donetsk region, for example, it will sometimes rain, maybe even a thunderstorm. in the east, the hottest is 24-28 above zero tomorrow. in the central part of ukraine, around +17 +22, in the dnipropetrovsk region it can be warmest up to +. 25 without precipitation, in the southern part of ukraine it may rain in zaporizhzhia and crimea, finally the southern territories without precipitation, the air temperature is high, 23-27° above zero, and in kyiv tomorrow no precipitation is expected, the air temperature will fluctuate within +17 °, the north-west wind will increase, it can be violent,
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be careful. this is the nearest synoptic ukrainian perspective, of course, keep a close eye. according to our specifications forecasts on the espresso channel. i myself thank natalsa didenko and in the end i just want to say such necessary words. we really need each other. all of us, who are in ukraine, outside of ukraine, a single nation, we are very needed. someone's disappointment is compensated by someone's confidence. someone's fear is compensated by someone's faith. and all together we create that energy, or that synergy, that we need for you now. not about those times, not very difficult, but if we are with each other, we will definitely not fall, they, our enemies, will fall, thank you were with us, it was a big one, good evening, we are from ukraine, vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what
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the world is like, two hours to be aware of economic news and sports news, two hours on the computer that many have become like, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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greetings, i'm olga len, this is a chronicle of hostilities, and first of all, i'll remind you about our large collection of espresso public or'. kholodny yar and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets. both brigades combat troops are constantly on the front line, and in principle, these are one of the best of our brigades. our own production, testing, variations for the needs of defenders, we can provide all this together by collecting 2 million hryvnias. the first successful application of fpv on the battlefield is. join in that they become more and more, our goal, i repeat 2 million hryvnias, remember that a donation to the armed forces is your investment, in our victory, look, see here and private... mono and qr-codes and we will show still live so tune in donate, any of your donations are very important, and any drone now on the battlefield is also
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a mega-important thing, well, let's see what happened on the battlefield in the last week, because the events are very, very dynamic, and let's say this directly very hot map of hostilities for the period april 3-10, 2024. a new strategy of the war for the sky and the threatening advance of the enemy. in donetsk region, the russians concentrated more troops than they had at the time of the invasion of ukraine. this gives its results, they continue to advance on kurakhivskoe and pokrovskoye directions a breakthrough to the temporal ravine. the russians have concentrated not only significant human resources in the eastern outskirts of the city, which are trying to break through at the same time in... several areas. they also engaged a powerful air group for the assault, which massively bombards both the front and rear positions. twice during the week, the zagarniks carried out offensives
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using more than 30 units of armored vehicles. at the end of the week, the occupiers managed to break through the northern road of bahmud chasiv yar 00506 to the first houses on the outskirts of the city. currently about it is still too early to talk about urban battles, but this breakthrough created a ... threat for the defense forces in bohdanivka, which found themselves under the enemy's aimed fire. therefore, our troops gradually began to withdraw from this village, the russians occupied part of it in order to continue the breakthrough to kalynyvka and hryhorivka. in this way, they are trying to perform their standard maneuver of covering the city from different sides, however, the assault on kalynyvka is significantly complicated by the fact that it is located on a hill. however, the rashists will try to get there under cover forest syvu, which stretches from kalynyvka to the northeastern outskirts of chasovoy yar. at the same time, the russians want to break into the city by the southern road from bakhmut. the village
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of ivanivske, which stood on the barrier, is currently occupied by approximately half, in particular its southern and eastern parts. in addition, the rashists made their way deep into the forest to the north of the village, making its defense even more difficult. the ukrainian armed forces blew up a bridge across the canal last week to stop the advance. enemy, so probably in the coming days we we will see the controlled withdrawal of our troops to more advantageous positions, closer to the city. in fact, the new defense line of the armed forces will be built in two forests on the outskirts of chasovoy yar, as well as along the severodonetsk canal. an important element of the defense will be the prevention of a breakthrough to the rear of the defense forces, which are fighting on strategically important heights in klishchiivka. avdiivsko-pokrovsky attack. immediately after the occupation of avdiyivka, the russians, without a pause, as was the case in other occupations, continued their movement to the west in order to use the window of opportunity to make their way to
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pokrovska the most threatening is the small bridgehead that the rashists are trying to organize on the western bank of the durna river between the villages of orlivka and semenivka. this bridgehead will actually give them the opportunity to wedge into the main line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine on the indicated section of the front. at the moment , it is impossible to talk about... a full-fledged entrenchment of the russians on the right bank, fierce battles are ongoing to prevent this. a little further south, the invaders are advancing with battles to umansky. it was here that during the week their biggest breakthrough took place to a depth of almost 1.5 km, at the same time, these battles are still taking place on the approaches to the main line of defense, which runs along umansky through the other bank of the river. in the area of ​​the village of pervomaiskyi , battles were raging all week in its western ... suburbs , the defense forces managed to restrain the enemy, instead, the armed forces of the russian federation advanced several hundred meters to the north across the reservoir in the direction of the village of
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netaylove. in the north of the avdiiv front , the russians completely captured berdychi within a week, and also intensified their attacks in the direction of the village of ocheretne, which is important for the ukrainian armed forces. north of the occupiers of krasnohorivka managed to cross the railway track and approach the southern outskirts of the village of novokalynove. the ughledar-kurakhov direction. for more than six months, the rashists have not been able to capture the almost destroyed novomykhaelivka. during the week, they occupied several more streets in the central part of the village, and also occupied several of our positions north of it. in the end, the enemy managed to gain a foothold in the village of pabeda. however, nothing remained of the village, which already had a dozen houses. in addition, the russians resumed their attack on the city of krasnohorivka, which to the north of maryinka. a few weeks ago they already did. the first breakthrough to the southern outskirts of the city, but then the third assault brigade helped to drive them out of there. now we see a second attempt to enter the city from the southern side, at the same time, constant
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pressure is exerted on the defenders of the city from the east, where the front line has been built since the anti-terrorist operation. the armed forces are changing the strategy of the war for the sky. the best news for ukraine was a mass drone attack on russian airfields in yeisk, morozovsk and engels. currently there is none detailed information about the losses of the occupiers, however, according to preliminary data, we managed to destroy or significantly damage 14 bombers and six. fighters, taking into account the fact that ukraine will not soon be given the necessary amount of air defense equipment that would be able to completely cover the sky, and the f-16 will solve this problem only partially, the armed forces have changed their strategy. now we destroy the missile carriers. unlike the missiles themselves, there are not so many bombers in russia, a little more than 300 units, of all types that can launch missiles from a long distance. regular the destruction of the strategic strike aircraft
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of the occupiers from... will force them to constantly hide and flee far beyond the urals, which will significantly complicate the task of missile strikes on ukraine. in addition, as it became known, our allies, the british and the germans, are already testing a new secret technology for launching drones, which will allow not only to carry out massive attacks 300 km deep into russia, but also make these drones less vulnerable to enemy air defense. such prospects allow the armed forces to plan for... not only the destruction of russian aviation, but also factories that engaged in the manufacture and restoration of long-range missiles. the first swallow of such a strategy was an attack on an aircraft repair plant in the city of borysoglipsk, voronezh region, which was engaged in the restoration of kha-55 and kh-555 missiles, as well as kh-22. we win daily, death to enemies. so, keep in mind our
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collection of fpv drones. and we will talk in more detail about what is actually happening on the front line with oleksiy hetman, reserve major of nsu, veteran of the russian war in ukraine. i congratulate you, oleksii. good day. well, let's start right from the end of what was said about these drone strikes on three airfields. eisk, engels and morozivsk. well, in principle, immediately. honey, that's a good thing, but for it to really work, because we can't say if there were really as many planes damaged as we'd like, because after all, a drone, well, that's the thing, i'd say , not very well-aimed, there they do not have the opportunity to adjust them at the last moment, how should there be such and such strikes on these airfields so that they were really...
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effective and gave the result that there will be fewer bombers in our skies, at least the answer is in your question, almost obviously, it is necessary to increase the number of drones that can attack these airfields where russian bombers and fighter jets are stored, they correctly say that it is necessary to fight not with the consequences, but with the cause, that is , not with the bombs that are already flying, which were dropped by the plane, but with the planes, and it is desirable ... to do this even before they rose into the air. the fact that we produce longer-range drones that can add a distance of 300 km, this is very good, this is most likely a prorel 3 300, it is very similar in appearance to the gray eagle, the united states drone, i think we have learned a lot from it, will it be invulnerable to anti-aircraft defense, well, for that, for that, for that it
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is necessary... that it should be built according to the stels system, that is, a stealth aircraft, but this, it will be very expensive, and in order to fly such a large number as 300 km, it has to be big, why big, because it takes a lot of fuel to get there, that it is not a rocket, and there is also fuel, so it is calculated a little differently, it must be a large-scale airplane, there is a wingless aircraft, there is a wing and there is... in the air, so in order to keep a large amount of explosives and a large amount of fuel in the air, the wing has to be big, that is, it has to be about the same size as a small one, well, a small one, i think they are so crazy about the size about as f16 simply put, that is, it is serious, it is a serious weapon, but to say that it is less vulnerable than a little friend.


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