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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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well, for that, for that, it needs to be built according to the steals system, that is , a stealth plane, well, it will be very expensive, and in order to fly such a large amount as 300 km, it must be big, why big, because you need a lot of fuel to get there, it's not a rocket, and there's fuel there, too, but it's calculated a little differently, there's a plane there, it must be a large plane. unmanned aerial vehicle, there are wings and there is the lift of the wing so-called, which makes it possible to stay in the air, so in order to stay in the air a large amount, well, explosives and a large amount of fuel, the wing should be large, that is, it should be about the size of the small ones, well, small ones, i think they are the bepolas, they are about the size of an f16, in simple terms, that is it is serious, it is a serious weapon, but to say that it is less vulnerable than a small one. well, this
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issue is so debatable, you can make it less vulnerable, but for this you need to use stealth technology. and whether it is realistic to achieve such a disorganization of the work of these airfields and this one aviation, which is based there, is only with the use of drones, without the use of missiles, so isn't such an expectation a bit unrealistic, well, if it's a rocket, then again. what rockets missiles that fly at a distance of 300, 400, 500, maybe 600 km, well here, yes, here you can look with a compass and draw where we can shoot, and the missile, of course, it is more accurate, it is guided, it can be at the end section, at the end at the end of the flight, it can be adjusted and hit more accurately, well, drones too, they fly according to the inertial system, that is, according to the program prescribed in advance, but this program... if
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it deviates from the course due to a change in temperature or air or humidity, then inside there is at least a system of horoscopes that aligns it to the direction that, whatever it had to move, therefore the inertial system, yes, it is not so accurate, but to say that it is not accurate at all is also impossible, well, we shaheds see how they fly, more or less, so if you launch 30-40, there are 50 one airport at a time, then there are chances to save it... there are no planes, no russians, and the main thing is to do it regularly, that is, often, of course, you very aptly, you very aptly said a very key thing, you know how there are key words, but you said the key word, not destruction, but disorganization, about destruction air space forces, as they call themselves, the russian federation is most likely not seen, and disorganization is quite important from our side. well then, let's look at the front line and just literally walk there... from
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north to south, well, let me remind you, first of all, the words of the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, who literally said this week, kyrylo budanov, that ukraine expects russia to step up offensive actions at the end of spring at the beginning of summer, and as the main goals of these actions, he called it, well, what will be to advance in donetsk, first in... well, in donetsk region, first of all in the direction of the temporal ravine and then in the direction of the city of pokrovsk, these are the goals he named, and keeping this in mind, let's see what actually happened, well - first, if you take the kupyan direction, the enemy has clearly become more active there in the last few days, that is, there was such a respite, respite, respite, and now attempts at offensives have begun again there, they have been recorded, well, in particular there near the thorns.
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tried to advance, so far it looks like it was not successful, but here is the question, well , we all understood the goal there, cupiens-klileman, but how would you assess the goal of these offensives, is it the goal of ensuring their offensive actions in the donetsk region, or is it after all, what russian propaganda is now trying to say is that kharkiv, kharkiv, that's all aimed at kharkiv, i... they can say whatever they want, but what mr. budanov and president zelenskyi said about the possibility of offensive actions coming precisely from the east of the east, east of the east from the side of the russians, that is they had to say that, because many editions of analytical editions of our partners partners abroad, they are abroad, they constantly say about it, these are such things that, well, it seems already... is completely true, most
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likely it will happen there, and therefore , well, people who wait, well, civil servants, servicemen who are in charge of serious structures, they should say it out loud because we have all heard it, and not just look for information from different sources from different analysts, even if these are reputable publications and they are located abroad, so that , what you said is quite clear, is there an exclusively political goal to capture donetsk and luhansk regions, will it come to the administrative borders, the borders of these regions of ours, well, some political part is present, but most likely it is still a military component, because the offensive . with precisely from of these directions is the most convenient, because it is the shortest, it is the shortest logistical plane, that is, to deliver for the advancing army, you must constantly deliver something, constantly deliver ammunition, shells, fuel tanks, it cannot be brought immediately and unloaded somewhere, because it it will be vulnerable for
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the mattress, well for us, we will launch more rockets there so that it falls, so these should be small such warehouses and they should be constantly fed, for this there should be a railway and just roads. by which you can quickly bring something and constantly transfer it to on to zero to the line to the front line, it is most convenient to do it precisely in the eastern direction, in the south it is quite possible, they even almost completed another railway there, the third such logistical artery, but still a large logistical shoulder and you can't climb quickly, during the offensive you need to be very fast, well , the northern direction, it is not known whether... there will be offensive actions from that side, because after all, there are from belarus, from lukashenko, i understand, the russians , even putin has certain difficulties there, let's say that's why it remains from a military point of view, it is quite logical that they will try to advance, what exactly will be the directions, well, i think that this offensive has already begun, and it will not be
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like that at the end of may, as a bell for the lesson, and they started an offensive action, most likely they will simply reinforce them, they are mobilizing many more people... to mobilize, they are trying to create at least two more armies, not including the other brigades or corps that they planned to create, this is what their defense minister said shaigu, that is why i am sure that it will be just as long as they are forming it, these hostilities, especially during the kupinsky direction, most likely the holidar direction, it will continue and no, some kind of click and it passed and the great forces left, no, it will just constantly. to press and strengthen, well , they already use such tactics, so it is assumed that they will do something like this, well, why so far they bring little success, but they have local successes, and from their logic, from their tactics, from their military statutes, you just need to increase
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the pressure, then the advance will be more significant, most likely they will do so, so i think that these offensive actions in june... will reach their peak, at their peak, that is, it will already maximum pressure from their side, but they will not start immediately at the end of may, they will be constantly strengthened from today, depending on how much the russians manage to mobilize people and add more equipment, ammunition, well , everything that is necessary for the offensive, most likely after all, this is how it will happen. i can assume that kyrylo budanov, when he made his forecast, assumed that there is a redeployment of certain russian...
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manpower, well, forces and means, people and equipment, that is to hide a large number of troops, well, and before it was extremely difficult, now with space intelligence, well, this is almost impossible, so we know very well how they move, where they try to concentrate, well, that's why mr. budanov made conclusions based on the information he has, whether it can change , yes they, what they have learned to do more or less well with the russians, is to move a relatively large amount of news. along the front line, that is, they can transfer from city to city, and what you say, that they want to capture some bridgehead, well, a conditional bridgehead, from which they will be able to carry out further offensive actions when a large number of mobilized people join, well, that too from the point of view of the military, this is quite correct, yes, this is usually done during offensive operations,
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that is, a certain certain place is obtained, where you can then quickly pull forces and means and to keep trying to move forward, but you said an interesting thing by the way. but the fact that the russians were somehow able to move a certain number of troops along the front line quite successfully, and on the one hand, we constantly see such stories when the russians from... take a certain amount of armored vehicles there, it tries to advance somewhere in a certain direction, something break up, sometimes they manage to advance, but the very fact that they manage to gather this armored vehicle near the front line and start an offensive with it means that they in some way or another, our drones, which do not see this cluster and , accordingly, do not destroy them at the site of this cluster, are jamming. well, or we just don’t have anything to destroy it, because, for example,
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let’s look at such things, there were our statements, but just recently we destroyed their powerful rebovsky complex near some gas station, it seems, right there he was refueling there and we destroyed , this means that we at least saw him, on the other hand, the russians also said that they managed to destroy them all the way to kharkiv district, also when he stopped... our complex, and they aimed there, and it is obvious that this was not the work of the agency, but rather the interaction of an unmanned reconnaissance drone of some kind and their artillery, and here is the question, but why don’t we destroy these shock fists , well, there are still, what is your answer to this, well, here it is obvious that such questions are almost rhetorical, because they are at a distance where we cannot complete our... artillery or mlrs with drones is not an option yes no well
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drones are already destroying tanks with drones well, the armor is already not far from the front line, which , well, it is mainly the loaders that are controlled by the operator, it is far from it, it cannot fly for 100 km, well, it will simply climb over the horizon line, simply put, the signal, well, it simply will not be visible and the operator will not be able to control it, these loaders - this is a very good thing, but it’s well, but still we need artillery in any case, without it , nothing is possible, technology in the laws of physics, it’s just, well, it’s impossible to look in, so that certain frequencies of electromagnetic fields bend beyond the horizon line, well, it’s blind the so-called zone, or there is a mountain so that it bypasses, well, these are such blind zones, and there for us there is their concentration of large equipment, well, a relatively large concentration of equipment. but we know that it is there, and they begin to move according to their battle statutes, they move in a colony,
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right before the battle, they deploy, deploy there in a certain order of battle, and we, when they come to a distance where we can strike , well, remember all the latest news, how many columns were destroyed, i don't mean the beginning of the war, but a week that's why, two weeks ago, and when they come close to where we can get them, we kill them, and we know perfectly well that they gather there, we don't need to scare anyone here. that we are missing a cluster of news somewhere, no, this, it is visible, and it is visible from the satellite, the information from which we receive it, it is not impossible to hide it, let's pass the ravine for a little while, as it were, then we will return to it, but i want i still want to ask you, but now in the area there, well, actually near avdiyivka, uh, russian occupation forces have captured pervomaiske in donetsk oblast, well, that is, they are advancing further, and that is already the case... they are advancing in the direction of karlivka, well, that is, it seems to me that at least these places should be more or less
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familiar to you, and let's put it this way, this is the road to pokrovsk, and that's what budanov was talking about, the danger for pokrovsk, how is this area in general after, well, the capture of avdiyivka and their attempts to advance there, that is, what, what, what is looming there now from your point of view, it was obvious that they are there. to advance, the fact is that we and they are advancing there, in fact, they have not yet reached our line defense that should be there, there should be a line of defense 10 kilometers to the west of avdiivka, because avdiivka is a dominant height, and accordingly, what is good, what can you show the map, if there was a map where you can see the topography of the area , then we will see that the next hills are something, it is located 5-7 km from yavdiivka, where the lake is already a little bit, well, you see, there, there. it makes sense for us to build a defense line, because we use the topography of the area, this is how a defense line is usually made,
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fortifications are not built in a pit where there is dominant heights or simply heights, fortifications are being built there, building them in a pit, well , no one does it, it is not a credit to a student who would tell such a thing at some military training, so we expected that they would be asked there in order to complete these constructions for us lines, in order to pull up what is needed there to hold the defense, of course. on led hostilities, but from the very beginning it was quite clear that they would advance further beyond avdiivka, because there is a lowland there, if the obdiivka was surrounded by statues, of course, they would not dominate the heights. oh, but oh to those lines that you just saw on the map, the maximum they can reach, there we will already meet them in such a way that they will not advance by 100 to 200 m, here it is just us, we are simply organized we withdraw, there is no point there, once again, this is not a defeat, this is not something bad, we simply withdraw to more convenient positions and withdraw with battles and hold the enemy, do not allow us to quickly
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advance to those places where we have already built or are completing our apartment once again using the topography of the area, and there, i am sure that the enemy's chances of advancing into it, well, there will be, will be, will be minimal, well, if we combine the fact that they also became active in the area of ​​mariyanka, they will win, then in principle, all this is like a kind of preparation for an attack on ughledar, judging by everything, yes, that's what i wanted to say, maryanka is a little different, maryanka is already an attempt from the north to get to uglidar, it's a very convenient position for us, it's still a small height and here are the columns that were coming there from in the east several times we interrupted them there, they suffered great losses in equipment, well, in manpower as well, so they are not able to take the scout head-on, that is why they are trying to enter through marinka from the north, well , let's see how they will succeed, i think they will not succeed, thank you oleksiy hetman, thank you , who
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joined us, well, next we have to go on a break, after the break... we will talk more substantively about what is happening in the area of ​​the time ravine, so wait for this moment. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from event locations live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest. you draw your own conclusions. so, let's return to the overview of the combat operations, and we were joined by mykola raptor, the chief sergeant of the intelligence unit of the rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine.
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i congratulate you, mr. mykola. greetings from the studio, greetings from the audience. well, i want to say. that actually you are now in the bahamian direction, i urge you to help your unit with equipment for of night work for scouts of the rubizh brigade, we need, well, appropriate funds, and there is such an ambitious goal of uah 3,500,00, mr. mykola will tell us in more detail what exactly they would like, well, what exactly would they like to use these donations for? look, the moments that can allow us to fight better, to do our work better, these are fpv drones, and mavic-type drones, drones that have the ability to look at enemy
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positions at night, this is the same car repairs that, unfortunately, .. go out of order, as the enemy inflicts a very strong powerful strike, especially with kabami and his artillery along our logistics route, he blows them to pieces and it makes our logistics too difficult for us - and drags him further and further to the front-line zones, in connection with which we have to , of course much more to do now routes. on foot, than we could do with road transport, and also for night vision kits, for thermal imaging devices, laser pointer targets, it is very powerful , all this equipment, all these devices are very
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would greatly help us in the performance of our task and would improve the destruction of the enemy force, well, if you look at the statistics of clashes, the one provided by the general staff, it can be seen that almost half of all recorded attacks take place in the area, well, in the area of ​​bakhmut, around the temporal ravine, all this is happening, that is, your direction is now, in principle, the most active, and there the biggest one is going like a rush, well... this is on the one hand, on the other hand, we all understand, well, why this happens because, in principle , this is a height that the enemy is very strongly wishes well, capture it, but tell me about the last week, that is, what is it that indicates that there is more use of aviation or, on the contrary , less, what about the use of drones, well, that is, what
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exactly is happening in your country right now that is most relevant? well, over the last week, the enemy has really increased his air strikes many times over. now he is very heavy on his artillery, as i said before, breaking all the paths of logistical routes for us, because of which, in principle , it has become a little more difficult to work, but our soldiers, frontier brigades, we are doing our best, we are to some extent, maybe even doing something beyond the impossible, but we are standing and... we are working, fulfilling our duties, well, how do we make a living, but tell me, look, i also heard such a the story
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that it is in your direction that the enemy is using rap a lot and very actively, and as if this caused such unpleasant stories that in fact now our unmanned aviation has a very large problem of use and... again, in your same direction 4 in april , it was possible to capture such a t-72 with a new reb, this is literally a shooting machine, it was installed on the tower, in general, well, it’s like that , now it’s started like that, well, some kind of new tactic, when they put a rap on armored vehicles, on tanks, let them go somewhere, well, in order to land our drones accordingly, that’s how it is what is happening now, is it really decreasing... the activity of ukrainian drones in this area of ​​yours is how it is, at the moment , look at it, it is not that it has decreased, we
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work with drones as we have been working in the same way and with fpv drones at night and during the day, there is no difference we have worked and will work with drones , because now there is a technological war, and in order not to put the personnel in danger once again, it is better to work technologically, and we will do it, we can do it, the enemy really uses very many rebs, it has strengthened recently, maybe six months ago there was no such strong activity of arebu, and now it has really become very difficult, but our drones, the operators themselves... the gunners, they learn, they er, they develop, they work on themselves and they still looking for a cure, where you can fly up, where
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you can just bypass this rebsystem in order to collect as much information as possible from certain areas of the enemy and still fulfill your goal, reveal enemy forces and means you know, now... let's see, we have a plot, precisely from the chasovoy yar area, well, the russians are constantly storming there, hundreds of drones are launched at positions, on our soldiers, because of this it is difficult to sufficiently evacuate the wounded, and this is how the soldiers defend the city- volunteers of the 67th mechanized brigade dook, let's see plot, and then we can also see and discuss something interesting there, the times of yar na donechki. became a key point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut. now heavy fighting is going on there, the defense of the city is held by units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them are
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volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. as for the situation in the time ravine, it is now very tense, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions and... the confrontation is now quite aggressive, the enemy is constantly attacking the last few days, the enemy does not stand still, unfortunately, and now they have such a number of drones that our guys, who are already trained in combat, can sometimes just go from point to point for hours, because they are hanging, well, honestly, just hundreds, simply swarms, due to the constant assaults of the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade, evacuations are carried out day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take comrades from the battlefield. two of our boys recently left
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by car. to the position where they could, where they had to reach, well, rather, the evacuation point, the disembarkation point, and then they had to reach the position, then - it cannot be done by car, it has to be done on foot, and just so you understand that they were just walking, there were only two of them , so it's not a group, how we attack, it's not a technique that we attack with fp drones, they can afford to launch four drones at two people, but... so, for example, one of these guys we still can't take out, so that there is just a raging fire. so that there was an opportunity at least at night to evacuate our comrades, the soldiers of the 67th crews need thermal imaging ponchos. in chasivarytsy the dominant height, and if, god forbid , the enemy captures it, he will be able to advance very easily further, and these are konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, slovyansk, and there...
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it will be even easier for him to advance, that is , chasivarytsy is also strategically, and tactically, and generally very important for the lives of people who live behind, that is, in those cities where there is still life, because in the temporary yar, it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. well , in fact, this is the story and it is very clearly described what the ultimate goal of all this is and why it is so important for us in the time of yar, it is said about the fact that there are a lot of half-drones, here of course it is interesting, how do you evaluate the work, well, with from our side of the rebbe, because, well, there is such an impression that, after all, for example, on
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the avdiivskyi direction as it is more possible to restrain the work of russian drones, and you seem to have a somewhat more tense situation with this, this is what it looks like now, the russian drones, they really interfere with our work very much, they point in the direction where the brigade is holding. abroad, we have anti-drone guns, and that is, they even appeared some noi, with which we work, well , we will learn to work now, and we will try to do something, so i, well , there is a problem, but we will learn little by little and we will solve it, we have no other choice anyway, and what do you say now about the use
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of russian... artillery, has their activity increased, or is it somewhere at the same level, as you estimate? uh, i'm sorry, bad connection was, i say what, what do you say about the use of russian artillery, how is its increase felt there now, is it about the same activity as it was, er, that is, what, what do you see now? i don't know, my personal opinion is that i want a full-scale invasion first. it does not stop, you are already waiting for them to have this one, for when they will run out of these reserves, this is the impression that they are sitting there somewhere and stacking these shells, preparing them, because where do they have such a supply, i don’t know i know, i don't understand it, that's because the intensity does not stop and does not decrease, it is possible that they give a calm there, yes, but it is usually a calm before
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the storm. that is, they kept quiet a little, but then they pushed hard, now they work more, well, during the day, at night, now specifically, how are these attempts of theirs, well , let's say, attacks, because i say, well, they record what you have attacks the most, but when, as it happens, with what forces, in the direction, in the direction where our brigade is standing, then here, as a rule, they... attack aviation and artillery in the daytime time of day, i.e. at night, in principle, they behave more passively, but they have aggressive work during the day, that is why it is the most difficult for us during the day, and we postpone all logistical points more to the night, because it is quieter there .


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