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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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yes, well, as a rule, it is the calm before the storm, that is, they kept quiet a little, but then they pushed hard, now they work more, well , during the day, at night, now specifically, how are their attempts, well, let's say, attacks, because i say, well, they record that you have the most attacks, but when, how does it happen, with what forces, in the direction, in the direction where our brigade is standing. run, here, as a rule, they attack aviation and artillery during the day, that is, at night , in principle, they behave more passively, they have aggressive work during the day, which is why the day is currently the most difficult, and we postpone all logistical points more to the night, because it's quiet there. take it easy, and how do you ultimately
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assess the enemy's forces on this battlefield, that is, what kind of units are they, are they personnel units, are they mobilized, who are they? look, according to our observations, the enemy's tactics do not change, he remains on the front edge, that is, he puts cadre military personnel on the front edge, who are directly perform their task. this is preparation for offensive actions, yes, there are also the drippers who are coming, their task is precisely to dig out, that is, to collapse, that is , to prepare positions, arrange positions, because this is also all very important, and well, assault operations, of course they conduct, who is launched, as a rule, meat, but they already send for it. special forces, but, as
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practice has shown, their special forces die as beautifully as cannon fodder, there is absolutely no difference, well, let's wish them to continue to die there in a bigger way number, so that they were at least much less, thank you very much, it was mykola raptor, the chief sergeant of the intelligence unit of the rubizh brigade, i remind you once again to join those of our meetings that are. and on fpv and on reconnaissance and on everything that we proposed, because now really, it is now the most necessary, and what we can apply at the moment when we do not have enough artillery, fpv, unfortunately, it there is something that can help us the most, i'll say goodbye to you until next week, see you in this format next week, and watch our news and actually watch our broadcast. information
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marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine? the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who in kherson organized the celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is the motherland. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who went to serve the russian occupiers at the heart of tagaman. our next issue is dedicated to ensuring that none of the sellers who helped the scammers were tools of propaganda, surrendered our positions and welcomed the occupiers as liberators, did not avoid responsibility for treason. prepared fakes for the kremlin media and spread disinformation about... the technologies
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of the president's office are banal in their stupidity and so low-quality, recently in kyiv the security service of ukraine detained blogger dmytro korniychuk, it is reported that he denied the armed aggression of the russian federation and tried to discredit the command of the defense forces in favor of of russia he also spread disinformation about social and political issues situation in ukraine. law enforcement officials note that the blogger's posts and video comments were actively picked up by major russian television stations. channels and internet publications, which created production plots based on them. during the searches , the pro-russian blogger was found to have computers and mobile phones with evidence of his subversive activities. korniychuk has 26,000 subscribers on youtube and an audience of 5,500 on telegram, but his content spread much wider and russia actively used it. now the poor blogger is threatened with eight years in prison with confiscation of property. this is a former deputy.
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serhiy mykolayovych, cheravko, the mayor of kherson, and i will now tell you how he exchanged his political career for a minor position with the occupiers, as well as suspicion. the feeling of love for the native land unites both the soldiers on the battlefield and the people who help restore the economy and the social sphere of the new regions. serhiy, 49, is from kherson, he has devoted almost his entire life to politics, since 1998 he regularly swamped in 1998 and 2002, he tried to get into the kherson city council. in 2015 , he became a city deputy. chairman of kherson and part-time head of the regional organization of the kherson party, then he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of education issues for children who moved from the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region. there really is a problem of accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for
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children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions. but later he forgot his native language, and began to call the occupied territories part of the great russian empire. cherovko leaves the post of mayor and runs for the verkhovna rada from the opposition bloc party in the 19th year, but does not pass. in 2020 , cherovko ran for the kherson city council, headed the list of volodymyr saldo's block, and again failed. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the shipping district of the city of kherson. in his position, he takes care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass exodus of ukrainians from ukraine. the situation is catastrophic, in ukraine, let's say, over the last 10 years, the birth rate decreased by 40%. and a few days before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation , an interview was released on lyubima gorod's youtube channel, where
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cheravko convinces host yevhen brykov that there will be no war. how indicative that after february 24, these two will betray ukraine and begin to serve bloody murderers. sergey, well, now it is clear that everyone's attention is focused on only one question every day: will we have a war? i wished she wasn't there. it's clear. 99.9% will not. to everyone who bought buckwheat, matches, salt, etc., i recommend using them in cooking. for these traitors, murder and the torture of ukrainians, the occupation of cities and villages became not a pain, but an opportunity, which they gladly took advantage of. our act, a meaningful act, definitely determines how we will build, with whom we will build our future. when the kherson region was occupied, cheravko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson, with red flags of the ussr. initially, this traitor, together with
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gauleiter volodymyr saldo, participated in the creation of a kind of rescue committee for peace and order. the purpose of this committee was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. the plot about the creation of this commemorative committee was widely disseminated by the russian media to the masses, the invaders appreciated such diligent work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military-civilian administration of the region in the illegally created occupation body. russia is the motherland. people feel their personal involvement in the creation of history. we see how massively citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor along with others of his kind. with fertilizer escaped to the left-bank kherson region. it enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. now documents have been discovered there, reports on how the rashist pension system was created and the work of the post office was improved during the occupation. to this pile of symbols of the russian federation and the scenario
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of events for victory day and russia day. it's a pity that there was no script before the day of defeat and disappearance not to the state, although we are now writing it ourselves. on october 19 , 2002, by presidential decree, cherepko was placed on the nsdc sanctions list, at the end of last year he was suspected of collaborating activity each of us makes several important choices in life. and sergey made his choice. now this pesh of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied genichesk inspects pharmacies, opens schools and hospitals, organizes new activities to worship murderers. but he will not stay there for long, because soon the ssu will reach the left bank. kherson oblast and it is not a fact that cherevka will manage to escape again. sergey, don't forget the nightingale-ukrainian, because you will have to use it to justify yourself in court, and then listen to the verdict, and we hope it will be severe. and this is just another traitor already with two suspicions, serhii
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volodymyrovych mukhin, born in 1990, originally from henichesk. we were all horrified by the mass political inertia of our citizens. to his worthless when'. in this life, he was engaged in politics, was an assistant to olga mykhaylenko, deputy of the seventh convocation from the communist party, on public grounds. in 2014 , he ran unsuccessfully for the verkhovna rada of ukraine. from the already banned communist party, then in the 15th he became a deputy of the heniche city council and the kherson regional council from the left party opposition. in 2020, at the local elections, from the same party, he was again elected to the heniche city council. you have one more opportunity for 5 years to change something in our community. after that, on november 21st, he was the head of the heniche municipal service of one of the utility companies and called. to actively remove garbage, when we begin to find out where these natural
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landfills come from, they somehow do not get air by themselves, but in two years he betrayed both the local people and his voters, and the oath, when henichesk found himself in the occupation, mukhin flew to the traitors like a fly to you know what, at first he became a representative of the genetic organization of the political party just russia for the truth. our political team. from the first days, he helps the fighters in the area of ​​the special military operation, as well as the civilian population, which suffered at the hands of bander's nazism. and then he received several more bonuses in the form of positions from the invaders. in march 22, he was made the head of the fish inspection of henichi district, and from november of the same year, also the chief a specialist in air, rail , sea and road transport at the occupation ministry of transport of the kherson region. we are one people, we have a common idea, and while our brothers are fighting
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valiantly and no less bravely on the front lines. this fly diligently performs his duties, thanks russian soldiers, spreads kremlin propaganda, restores communist monuments and works on a common future with the under-state. for this, mukhin has two suspicions from our law enforcement agencies: the first was announced to him for collaborative activity, and second for public use of communist. symbols, as it turned out, he was displaying a red flag in honor of the victory day parade organized by the occupiers. serhii mukhin also published video materials promoting the totalitarian regime and depicting communist symbols on his social networks. this case is already being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. we hope that soon he will get to muholovka and properly serve 15 years for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook,
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together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, andriy smoliy is with you, and today we will actually talk in the program espresso interview on those topics that are of great concern to ukrainians, on which the ukraine of our country depends today, in principle for the vitality of our country, for the vitality of our country. of our army and for the ukrainian victory, this is a topic that concerns the actual allocation of funds
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or the blocking of funds now by the lower, lower house of representatives of the united states of america, the us congress, and today, and the previous week , prominent representatives talked about it extremely often, in fact of the republican party, and mike johnson himself, the speaker of the lower house proper. the us congress was told that maybe from next week, after all, this issue will somehow move from a dead point, right? but again, we still can't figure out whether it's going to be a vote, whether it's not going to be a vote, what bill is going to be chosen, whether it's actually going to be a vote on the bill that passed the united states senate, or whether it's going to be that a bill that may be considered separately by the republicans that... to the allocation of funds for credit, yes, that is, as far as i understand, there are now various
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options that are being discussed, the most important thing for us is that the funds are still there, here is your opinion, these funds will be available in the next weeks, there will still be some kind of agreement in the parliament, relatively speaking, of the united states of america , whether it will not be, or is it still possible for us to expect that we will not be able to receive these funds again for several months. this is a question that worries both the world community and our defenders at the front today. it is very important. i'm not going to predict when we'll get this one help because i've heard so many times directly from congressmen and my friends and republicans and democrats that it's going to be voted on, and we haven't filled in that it's going to be voted on before the new year and after the new year , and then some more, but from what i'm seeing, from the messages that i'm getting from, again, the republicans in
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the first place, and we're really close to... this decision, so they're close to a decision, and we're close to result, which this decision brings, and two weeks ago, i was at one event with of the nato parliamentary assembly and had a conversation there with congressman mike thorner, who is the chairman of the house intelligence committee , a republican, this is one of the three mikes who absolutely clearly support us among the republicans, this is the chairman of the: foreign affairs committee, mike mccaul, chairman of the defense committee , michael rogers and mike turner, this is the trio that constantly pushes forward aid for ukraine. what he actually says, he says that a compromise has allegedly been found within the republican
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party, first of all, and in principle in the middle, in the middle of congress, what will be. after all , a separate bill, not the one that passed the senate, already without a border, so that it would still pass more easily in the house of representatives, and this is one of the compromises on the part of the republicans, the republicans also insisted that at least that part , which is direct financial aid for ukraine, has nevertheless become a loan, that is, of the 60 billion, almost 60 billion dollars that are planned to be allocated to ukraine, about 12 billion can be as a loan, and the rest as an irrevocable military help, this is what is currently circulating inside the congress, regarding the terms,
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again, what he said that after returning from the easter vacation they will have... the first question is internal, the second question should be about ukraine , and there is allegedly some internal agreement within congress with the democrats including, in order to preserve johnson's position, they have promised not to vote for his resignation if such resignation is passed by his republican colleagues, from the same trumpian same... wing , therefore in in principle, it looks like we are really close to this decision, and that johnson actually depends on him to just bring it to a vote, and that we can really get this decision soon, that is, relatively speaking, sometime in april or may we should go out
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to get this aid, if everything goes well, as far as i understand, i hope so... because we have to understand that apart from this decision in the parliament, there have to be procedures for the allocation of these funds, regarding filling new packages and already sending these packages for ukraine. of course, let's actually expect that this issue will be resolved positively for our country. another very important thing, we are talking now not only about assistance from the united states of america, we are talking about... including assistance from our other key allies, that is, the nato bloc in general, and this is very important, for example , for example, nato secretary general stoltenberg, he took the initiative to create such a fund within nato for approximately 100 billion dollars now, as far as it is generally possible, so that states
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different, relatively speaking, built such a fund, created it. and yet ukraine could use these funds in the future, it is clear that we will tell the audience that there will be funds not only from the united states of america, but also from various nato countries. this is possible, and what kind of mechanism will it be this year, or will it be laid something for the future, for the following years, maybe, or maybe something will be allocated from these funds, let's say, for the reconstruction of our country. so what is your point of view and how do you do it see yourself as an expert in this field? and i think that such a proposal was dictated first of all by... nato members, that the position will change after the elections in the united states , the position will change regarding the general participation of nato in helping
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ukraine and the participation of the united states in the alliance itself. that is why, in order to somehow secure both himself and ukraine, there was stoltenberg, who absolutely clearly supports it from the first days. full-scale invasion of ukraine and is trying to do the best he can in his position, he suggested here is such an idea, to create such a fund for 100 billion dollars. so far, there are more questions than answers, because there is very little information about this idea, it is not new, they have discussed it, for example, the idea of ​​enshrining at the national level in the law. why are the levels of the member countries of the alliance spending on aid to ukraine at the level of 0.25%, this is estonia's proposal and estonia's initiative,
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well, at the same time, such options were considered by creating a special fund, but, first of all, this is the creation of a social fund of 100 billion by 5 years, i.e. 20 billion each annually, 20 billion from all nato member countries, but to be honest, it's not very much from... again, this is including bilateral aid, or separately in addition to it, because we have now on a bilateral basis aid from germany, from britain, from others, there are three, there are five, there are 8 billion a year, and in principle, these are quite significant amounts, secondly, if we are talking about the decision of the alliance and the decision. alliance is always accepted by consensus, and how will hungary behave, and how will slovakia agree to behave, for example, will they block
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here are these funds and we simply will not be able to use them? third, we currently receive only non-lethal aid at the alliance level. will these funds be directed to the purchase of weapons, and will hungary or some other countries not be blocked there. ago. there are still a lot of questions and very few answers, and even if this is still considered as an alternative, or even not an alternative, but as an option to record the obligations of all countries, including the united states, to provide assistance to ukraine through such an instrument , to be honest, and me i doubt that if trump decides something, if... decides not to help ukraine, then no matter how, no matter what, he will not help even through this fund, simply not providing money there, but thank you that at least they are looking for some
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answers, are looking for some options to get out of this situation, when with a change of governments, with a change of political teams, the position of countries may change not only in the united states, in the 24th year we have a lot of elections in europe as well, so that... but to ensure this, i understand that this fund is trying to create. another very important question, international, or bilateral, or rather, relations of our state, is a question of president macron, yes, today macron is very active in supporting ukraine, macron is very active in talking about the possible sending of troops to ukraine, and in general, in in fact, he became, well... a kind of pioneer in terms of certain initiatives, in particular aid to ukraine, those initiatives that no one ever talked about, which in fact were very often
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kept silent by other european and american politicians, in your opinion, or maybe it to be organized, should we expect, for example, this year or in the coming months, should we generally expect this help, or is it possible? become a kind of political move by macron, which will not have any definite consequences in the future? i think it is too early to make an assessment, indeed president macron has a lot of ideas, we have seen initiatives in recent years, not all of them reach practical implementation, but it is very important that such and such conversations have started in general, have generally raised the level of... discussion , this is a question that in principle has not been considered yet a year ago, as it is, we will send our
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troops to ukraine. the question is different, in which, in what capacity to send, whether for combat operations, or for training, whether there is logistical assistance there or something else, this issue is already secondary, or probably tertiary, if a decision is made to provide military aid precisely by a regular army, it will change the approach of this war altogether, and it is good that it has begun, that this discussion has begun. she, i say, she is still far from its real practical implementation, of course, including macaron it uses for its internal, promotion both domestically and as a leader, a bid for leadership in europe, because now germany has lost its leadership after merkel left, britain, if not so much in europe, because it left the eu and she has other
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these other interests. and here macron is still trying to take the lead within europe, including with such statements. and it is very telling that some countries have reacted that they do not exclude such a development of events and - such assistance, of this kind aid for ukraine. but again, let's not be deceived, there will be no french soldiers in ukraine tomorrow. well, let's assume, let's simulate, that macron does send. its troops to ukraine, let's say, to odesa, or to the west of our country, or to the northern border of our country. so, if we are talking about this, will nato's permission be needed to deploy french troops on the territory of ukraine. this is very important, because in this case there may be a certain conflict, relatively speaking, of national legislation france and international law, relatively speaking.
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because france is a member of the north atlantic alliance? why should there be a conflict between international legislation, french legislation and ukrainian legislation, which in principle does not allow the placement of bases on the territory of foreign authorities on the territory of ukraine. every time we conducted exercises, we passed a separate bill on joint exercises to allow nato ships, for example, to enter the port of odesa. and regarding nato, i asked almost the same question to admiral bauer, who is the chairman of the nato military committee, what is the chairman of the nato military committee, he is the second person after, not even the second person, it is parallel. stoltenberg is a political leader, bauur is a military
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leader, an army leader who, in the event of hostilities, is responsible for all nato forces, for the military component of nato forces. at the meeting, when he was coming to kyiv, i asked him, what nato will do in case france sends troops, decides to send troops to ukraine, will it block, will it will help, it will do it, that is, nato will. to do this together with france and under the umbrella of nato, conditionally speaking, but here it is necessary to give due credit that, after all, such positions as bauer's are not exclusively military, but military-political, he evaded the answer politically, but it is also indicative , because he didn't say no, he didn't say it's impossible, and we
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won't allow it, and and and and and it... will never be, first of all, i think for two reasons, though the national army.


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