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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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this will lead to an inevitable conflict with zelensky, and again from the point of view of management, management will not improve, because i do not imagine yermak, but the head of the cabinet of ministers, a collegial one, who will be there to listen, where they will have some meetings there, say some things , to listen to opponents, i.e. to cooperate with the parliament, it is very difficult with those personalities, look, but why exactly these changes... is it right now in the spring, yes, that is, they could have happened, i don’t know, three months ago, could postpone for another couple of months, well, but went, there was such a process and it went rather quickly, although i say, i repeat, nothing portends the possibility or perspective of the same parliamentary elections, well , the meeting of the president with his faction that you already mentioned, yes, well, it could be different, some i don't know, warmer, more promising, that is , it would be possible to somehow show those huge cool prospects. individual
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political development and so on, no, quite, quite, i would say so, it was tough, tough, and they could too, the president just had to be given the opportunity deputies to speak out, and it is very important for any politician there to learn to listen, because a person who even has complaints against you, when you start a dialogue, he somehow warms up internally, why in the spring, well , spring has come, it is time to plant, they don’t plant, so it means it's time to rearrange the partners, there are money changers. on soap, i said this proverb and thought that now, if you say awl to soap, then it is already overgrown with some additional meaning, fur, fur overgrown, overgrown, because another phenomenon has already appeared there, as as it was very discretionary for the sbu, well, that is , the sbu, which, the security service of ukraine, which has never given up on fighting not with ukrainian business, with domestic business, but... fighting with the enemy, does not leave, they
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cut this business regularly, and this fact, one of those facts that definitely does not speed up our european integration, but why in the spring, well , because, first of all, several things, president, i think that it started even with those changes, well, in particular, the factor of , i think is very present here, well, because there have been some changes, the president began to speak, because there were expectations in society based on the results of the year, we are not having a very successful year, because if the year is successful, well , who would make these changes, and since this is the price for the fact that you concentrate power, it is that , for which you are responsible for everything, even for what you are involved in, i.e. the rating of the president began to slip, there was a resignation for a bad person, there were some resignations, and some reshuffles in the government, some ministers that we have already forgotten, well and talking about what we need right now is a president, an office the president began to prepare public opinion for the fact that we now need to regroup, to reach another level. and to show everyone
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kuzkina's mother, and that's why it was very strange to show it without changes in the office, well, everyone understands that the decision-making center, the real decision-making center is on bankova street, and they are changing some shooters there, and that's why it was already very logical, i heard there have been talks about the change of two councilors there since the fall, but the surnames of these two councilors were definitely different, there was tatarov surma, this is what was expected there, let's say in the west, our partners and... journalists expected that these were the most odious, let's say, surnames, or the most scandalous discredited surnames, but these people remained, which is why i started with the fact that there is actually no tsunami there, the key players remained, but why in the spring, well, it’s such a certain cycle somewhere, a reaction to the drop in ratings, i think that this team is very carefully monitoring the mood, they need to and, although it should be given credit that zelensky for his, well , probably... presidential algorithm, he is on
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the moment there is already the last year of the presidency has the highest rating, in my opinion, of all his predecessors there, but it was necessary to do something about it, to demonstrate that it is not only about the ministers and deputies, but also about the structure of zelensky, he wants to show that he is here too understands, infuses new blood, as president kuchma once said there, you will not see another kuchma in the second term, thank you. thank you, mr. oleg, an extremely interesting and meaningful conversation. i would like to remind our viewers that oleg rybachuk, the former head of the presidential secretariat, was currently working on espresso. viktor yushchenko, co-founder of chesno movement. thank you. the time of our program has run out, stay with the spresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, see espresso. see you on air. greetings,
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today's story is about two girls and one boy who went missing. in the chaos of war at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of russia. all the children we will talk about are from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. these are snizhana almagambetova, georgy bursky and sofiyka vashchenko. snowyna is only 11 years old and nothing is known about her since february 24, 2022. a girl disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region in the city of gola prystan. and just 20 years ago , this 15-year-old boy, his name was george burskyi, lived on a bare pier in the city of oleshki in the kherson region before the war. please look carefully, in his face the teenager is missing, and maybe you will recognize him and help him
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find him. just like snizhana and georgy, at the very beginning of the war , nine-year-old sofiyka vashchenko also disappeared in the kherson region. the girl was last seen in the village. chaplinka, which is in the kakhov district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhana, georgy and sofiyka, and above all, the search is, of course, complicated by the fact that children have disappeared in the occupied territory. and, by the way, it is precisely in such situations that there is great hope for witnesses who, in particular, can see our videos about searches in the occupied territories on social networks. so, i appeal first of all to the residents of the occupied part. kherson region. if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, georgy bursky and sofiyka vashchenko, please call us immediately on the hotline number 11630. if you are unable to call at any time, you can
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write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. but, of course, children can stay both in occupied and controlled ukraine. territory or even abroad, so if, for example, you live in one of the european countries, and you see one of the children we are looking for there, or, god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call 116 /30. 1163 is the only european hotline for missing children, which works in 28 european countries, so remember, you better write this number down, you may never need it, but you need to know it just in case. i told just one of the many difficult stories of missing children. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the children's search service website. here are photos
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of children who have disappeared and need our help. so please don't be indifferent, look into their faces if you know. any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116/3, calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that now the vast majority of children whom we are trying to find have disappeared due to circumstances one way or another connected with the war, in the occupation, in the front-line cities or villages, or during evacuation, but at the same time as the supplement. staff invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home, mainly boys and girls resort to this adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search
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for adventure, independence and freedom. the children's search service has prepared a series of advice for parents from a psychologist about the first things you need to do to prevent a child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and adolescents that indicate that they need to be taken care of more, they need to be taken care of more. what can it do? be? first, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock and gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be a depressed state, when the child is depressed for most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of him. if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, or productivity, this may also be evidence that he has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if
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nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care about her, have some kind of warm trusting conversation with her, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer for help to psychiatrists. or to other specialists. there are 15% discounts on kvayt in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. big broadcast of vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics today. you and i will discuss for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets
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is with us, and how the world lives, now about what is in something happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with the economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchenko is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters, which to many... have become so-called, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together! hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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congratulations, epic floods that covered the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions, they distracted russian propagandists from ukraine a little, i won't say, something strong. they continue in their spirit, but somehow we had to pay attention to it, because
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first the town with the symbolic name of orsk went under water, then in principle the larger city of orenburg, where 600,000 people live, also began to go under water. and that's enough, they cut off water and electricity in high-rise buildings, that is , in fact, the city is absolutely... not unfit for life now, and you know, i noticed such a direct dependence as soon as russian propagandists start spouting some kind of pseudo-religious delusion about the punishment of heaven for ukrainians or americans or someone else, as suddenly a natural disaster of an epic scale fell on russia, then a fire, then a flood, then simply a mass heat shutdown, last year, well exactly such a story was, as only a propagandist. began to be upset by storms in the united states, how half of russia was first washed away, and then burned. now the situation
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is repeating itself, here again chornorodti, the evening marasmatics snarled solovyov, and that was literally on the second or third of april it sounded like this. we are more material people than ukrainian beliefs in all kinds of witches, but how did it happen? at the same moment...
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39 russian regions are in the flood zone, more than 1,000 houses are flooded, heavy water is expected in the tyumen and kurgan regions, the most difficult situation is now in the orenburg region, the water continues to remain there, the flood is expected as early as wednesday , hundreds have been affected, the water level in the ural river has exceeded 10 m, which is 70 cm above the safe level, the water has already begun to rise to high-rise buildings, almost 13,000 residential buildings were flooded in the region due to the flood , more than 7,500 people were evacuated, the water continues to remain, there was a tense situation in the kurgan region 30 years ago, during the record flood of 1994, the water rose to a mark of 10 m 30 cm, the current flood may break that record, the water level in tobol may exceed 11 m, such values
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​​have never been there, i will probably be in an hour. i will go to collect on the mountain, i will sit somewhere in the entrance, if the neighbors open the door, i will come in to one of the neighbors, in general, i do not understand at all, i even think that they did not tell me something, well, what can i tell you, it is called, the lord would regret what the russian created, and he was saddened in his heart, the lord decided, shaking the earth of these those that i created, from people to animals, because i repented that i created them and... fell slowly on the russian girl, well, you know, there would be no point in talking about all this at all, if, well, you know, really, what is there to say, well, firstly, it did not cover all of russia, yes, secondly, well, it will end, it will not be there forever stand, and not even 33 years ago, but there are a lot of such interesting things, well, they definitely
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do not agree on something, because they were told that there will be a decline, then suddenly you ... it turns out that no, it is not a decline goes, for now, at least definitely, and to this day this flood continues. today there were reports that the peak of flooding, if not behind, then the urals is retreating. now here is essentially information that refutes these data. at first they said that the flood peak could come on the 10th-12th. and today there is already information that peak. orsk has passed, but we hope that it is so, but before, from the moment the water leaves orsk, more than one week will pass, because there is a lot of water, a huge mirror of spillage, large areas are now under water, and after the water will go, it will go, it will only be possible to begin
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to assess the total damage that has been caused, more than 1200 houses from... are under water, this is not just a zone, a zone of damage, yes, this is a real flood, and this one, you know, a real flood , in principle, he also showed such an interesting thing that, actually, what happened like this happened, this is already the result of the war that putin is waging with ukraine, because this is exactly such a large flow, the first thing... it started with the fact that the dam broke, which, well, in principle , was conducted during the already war with ukraine, and eh -uh, and how it was built, and how it broke through, this is all basically also the result of such, you know, putin's kind of agreement with his population, which says that here we provide you with
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greatness, well, then figure it out as you want inside the country yourself , and... that's how it looked, well, first, let's talk about this lady, one more time i say, it was built already during the war with ukraine, at least it was built exactly when all the plans were already to fight with ukraine, and all the money was thrown at ukraine, and everything in general, everything was completely done in order to fight and completely the russian government concentrated on the war, but all this rest was done according to the residual principle, and therefore... what was built, you know, even the russian propagandists somehow begin to guess that something might be wrong there , when there is some money seem to stand out. someone is building something, and it is in as a result, it then pours like that. an embankment dam several kilometers long in the city of ors was launched in 2018. in 2014, it is not
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considered a hydrotechnical structure. its key task is to protect the highway, which leads in kazakhstan to strengthen shouting hurray one after another. the cost of the object is almost 932 million rubles. the dam was designed for a level of 5.5 returning to the orenburg region and the settlement of orsk, there this dam was built at a level of 5. meters, the water was 9 m, and before the water was 7 m, that is, if it was even like before, in the past 7 m a year, then there would still be a flood, so the question is, why did we build it at 5.5 m, if there is always seven. this money is clearly not local, it is the funds of the federation or the region, it is not a dam, it is simply called that , it's a sandy
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earthen embankment, it wasn't even filled with concrete, so the water just rose and washed the hell out of this structure, which was called the dam, and on which, with the name of the dam, someone smart spent almost a billion, but now we will not throw labels, there is an investigation, let's get out of... they definitely won't figure it out, because the first thing they started, who built to tell this dam that they built it all right, but that it was literally gnawed by rats. serhiy vasyliovych, and if the dam survived, but it began to be washed from below, probably prematurely, what is the problem here? i have a mystery, but there must be some factors. is it a human factor, someone drilled with a horizontal drilling machine? i laid
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some kind of communication for discharging sewage into the urals. but since the failure happened in such a place, this factor fell away. only the factor of rodents, which could drill holes of two or three centimeters, remained. how is this even possible, wait, i understand, wait, there is a great temptation to say, of course, how much money was allocated for this dam. once again, friends, this is not concrete, where you can check the quality of concrete, it's just pouring the earth, pouring, pouring, pouring, compacting, it's not
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reinforced concrete, there's nothing to dig into, so you have to pour it in a different way, well, actually, of course, well, of course. russia's history, someone stole something, as a result they built not what they were supposed to build, but now, russian propaganda is also trying to justify it and in general to tell that yes or no, everything was built perfectly, but here are those who used it, somehow they did not use it that way, and this is on the main federal channel, well, the first one, they literally tell in direct text, that is, well... if you say yes, well, it’s quite primitive, well, in principle, they piss in the eyes of the russians, telling them that it’s not their fault, that this dam you
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have went somewhere wrong and that it simply disappeared under the water, in relation to the dam, there are different, in particular exotic versions, beavers, gophers, rats, someone else, bad project, unworthy construction, bad materials, what is wrong with the dam, why did this happen, if there was a serious mistake in the design, then this dam would not have lasted 10 years. the second stage of the life cycle is construction. i want to confirm once again that this dam lived. and the third stage is exploitation. i would, nevertheless, probably, against the background of the fact that this dam stood for 10 years, i would have claims against the exploiting organizations. and here... what is all this said, well, all this is said in order to remove, well, the responsibility in general from the supreme power, that is, directly from the kremlin, because it is big,
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a big disaster it is clear that any country is not protected from the fact that a natural disaster can happen, but when something is done immediately, in such a way, where something is stolen, some big money, well, it does not happen at the local level, it reflects on the levels of major ministries, that is, the center of moscow, the kremlin, and so on, and on the one hand, on the other hand, and what does the kremlin do then, it only comes out with war, that is , the only thing that putin actually does, all of his ministries, all of this, they they do only one thing: they fight, they dispose of russian the population is at war, but in cases where this population needs to be protected from natural disasters, they are not here, moreover, they say right away that it was supposed to be local organizations, moreover, the whole situation is now returning in such a way that it suddenly got out of hand
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above, the story is that... in principle, it turns out that the central russian government does not care at all about these russians who live there, who have some problems there, no, it only deals with its own embodiments of its geopolitical delusions, and that's all , which ensures the lives of russians directly, they long ago and reliably relegated to the local level, which is simply not given money for anything, because everything goes to war, and their deputies directly talk about it in... problems that are obvious to some may not be immediately obvious, but still understandable. so, what concerns everything related to drainage and the construction of all kinds of embankments, dumps and everything else. of course, you need to analyze. i am not an expert when it comes to orsk or
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orenburg region. but i represent the state duma, krasnodar territory, one of his districts, and i can say that he is often in the krasnodar territory, it is a victim of various crimes, and it seems obvious that these coastal protection structures, dams, for example, are out of order, the level of local self-government, which simply does not have enough money to maintain them in proper condition, let's finally ... we will give them to those who have this money at a higher level, but it turns out that this contradicts the decisions made earlier. well, in fact, these are the previously adopted decisions, these adopted decisions that putin is not responsible for anything. putin is only fighting and, i say once again, he is embodying his own delirium. and in this way he disposes of the russians, and the problems of these russians, in principle, do not
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bother him very much. and this is what the situation has shown, and on the other hand, it also indicates that, you know, this consensus that has been around putin for almost 20 years, that putin provides stability, putin provides security, and they support him for that in all his insanities, he suddenly collapsed along with that vorsko dam, because it turned out that the russian people only provide for putin's insanities, but he does not provide them with anything, absolutely. except possibility to die in putin's next war, and here is this situation, it showed it very clearly, and well, they want to live like this, let them live. another story, which also arose around this, also showed that not only there some economic things are not provided by the center, but also by the kremlin, and putin, and everything. not only this they cannot provide to the russians, not only this they have relegated to the local level. they also don't provide basic security for the russians
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because... the main problem faced by all the people caught in this flood is no way the fact that the water came, that they died in this water, no, the biggest danger for them turned out to be marauders, and this is despite the fact that in russia there is the russian guard, there is the police, a bunch of some services in which they have, well, millions of people who just a mass, there is an impression that a third of the country, if not in the ministry of emergency situations, is in the army or... in the russian guard, and all these power structures do not in any way protect the russians, moreover, it turned out that the greatest danger is for the russians during the flood - it's the russians themselves, well, on the other hand, so what you wanted, orsk it, you know, the name hints at something, and the fact that it is really a huge danger is indicated by the fact that people do not ...


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