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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion out of spite. with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents: united by football. stronger together. every week
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, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with... good morning to those who joins eteruy espresso, today was shahed's night, 17:16 was destroyed, where one x59 missile flew, we don't have detailed information yet, but we have enough terrible spring statistics, because since the beginning of the year, the russian-fascist occupiers have fired 100 missiles over ukraine, about two 1,800
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drones of these shaheds and others and almost 700 guided aerial bombs, serhiy kyslytsia provides such information, and here is what is important, only 3% of this entire arsenal was directed to military purposes, 97 - it was for civil infrastructure, this is what a terrorist area looks like, i think that this is what this terrorist territory will be called in the future. well, it's absolutely hot at the front, but right now we can talk a little about the avdiiv direction, commander of the bpak unit in the third separate assault brigade vadim mazevich, in connection with our studio, mr. vadim, congratulations, glory to ukraine, words to the heroes, as in it all looks like this to you for a few days, that is, while they are slapping each other in the deep backs, like the front? in the direction that has been announced,
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the following is happening: the enemy is trying to use the tactics of mixed assaults, that is, it is meant in some parts of the responsibility of the defense, the demarcation line, we can observe the offensive with the help of armored formations, that is , how it happens, the offensive with the help of tanks is noted and armored vehicles, in other parts. the enemy tries infantry infantry tactics, that is, the tactics of small groups, and large groups of the enemy can advance, especially, this is noted in the dark time of day, or in gray, the enemy also began to use it on armored vehicles, it was about a week ago that we began to observe the mass use of puppet-type rebs, which quite strongly interferes with the operation of drones.
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aviation complex, but the guys are working quite efficiently, well, in this case, we only analyzed their logic yesterday, they want to break through in two. wedges, so one move to korakhov, and the other to pokrovsky, these are the two directions, that is , that is where they climb the most on equipment, eh, we can say that this is exactly the tactics they use, but the likely nature of the enemy's actions, we can note some changes in their, let's say, general, general concept of the offensive, they still try to break through. the main direction, the main direction is where there are armored vehicles, which are more directed to the side, just more similar to kurakhove, to kurakhove, well yes, that is, to enter the ugledar from the rear, this is what we talked about a couple of weeks ago, we see this logic, but from
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the point of view of deterring us, you are talking about night attacks, as far as you have now, is there an opportunity to repel them, or to see everything, whether there is, or has improved, let's say, bc for these tasks. er, the answer is in two parts: if we are talking about unmanned aerial systems that are used at night for observation and for correction, then yes, we are pretty good with it, but if we are talking about artillery equipment, abubk shells, how do we do it we define here a little. worse situation, we really do not have enough to impress, we cannot say that the situation is critical, but more is needed, more is needed, because if we see activity the enemy on such a scale with the use of armored vehicles, with the use of gradually offensive actions with such,
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let's say, secondary reinforcements of assaults, we need more bc, and the anti-aircraft missile system should be diverse, both of the cluster type and... here the logic is clear, because if they increase the number of attacks specifically on armor with radio-electronic means of combating rebs, then, accordingly, it would be arta who could help here, where you cannot get through with half a bucket, the logic should be clear here, well, we hope that as soon as possible something from czech or estonian packages will reach you in the coming days, i am now talking about another important one. moment, because against the background of everything that is happening at the front, the avdiiv direction is one of the key ones now, here things were happening deep in the rear, and they were called the adoption of the law on mobilization, which means the renewal of the law on mobilization, like your brothers, like you
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personally perceived the fact that certain changes took place in the law itself, as they say, right at the last meters before the vote, in particular, withdrawal. about demobilization and other novellas there are quite different from this law, but we have to read them one at a time in the rear, and how did your comrades read it all? if you comment on my personal opinion and the opinion of my brothers, everything is wrong, well, look, i can only comment from the point of view of my unit, my unit was going to fight before this and is going to fight, i don't have any. er, there are people who would, well , change their minds after not seeing the part about demobilization, especially since at the moment demobilization needs to be thought through and looked through, to make it clear, legal and clearly defined
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for people, so for us and for me personally, there is nothing strange here, but i would like to say that the majority, the absolute majority of comrades, especially... from other units, not the 3rd assault, with whom we communicate, uh, define this problem in different ways, some speak extremely negatively about it, but these are mainly people who want to resign or leave altogether, and people who are still working, working effectively and fighting, eh , nothing strange was seen here, and on the contrary, i would i would say, they shrugged their shoulders and said, we continue to work, that is , there are no unequivocal opinions about, say, completely negative or completely positive phenomena, there is no certainty about the mobilization course, which is described by the latest political events, well,
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it is difficult to comment, since we are still waiting for replenishment and we we need people whom we will train and prepare to work in advanced positions, so about... you have already heard a lot about the reserve from our officers and soldiers, but strange things are happening in the russian ones, i see that they are starting to throw... units from the pacific fleet are there, for example, we are not going to syria anymore from the 11th army of the air force with air defense from the pacific fleet, they are now throwing it all to replenish the units on the front line in ukraine or you with those pacific sailors i already had to fight whether they do not appear on your site in relation to similar actions of the enemy. which is used by different units on the borders of the areas of responsibility of our brigade and
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our joint ee meet differently in terms of ammunition and equipment and training and movement and types of equipment and completely different units, we know who is against us on the other side, since we have prisoners and we have good intelligence and so on, what about the enemy's overturning tactics. uh, on the other hand, from other parts of their endless regimentless spaces, i will say that on other parts of the front at another time, that is, a year ago, two years ago, we crossed paths with completely different units, uh, nothing changes significantly here , they throw additional forces, reserves, meat, as we call it, but we must understand that they they are no longer mobilized, but regular troops, and up to the prepared ones, one cannot completely write off the fact that these are
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fresh troops, well-equipped troops and trained troops, therefore, but positively, what i can say is that these are their reserves , who were held until the last, so there can be no unequivocal opinion here, but we see that, for example, 400 soldiers, from part of the 11th army of military field forces, this is khabarovsky from the khabarovsky region, so... they throw somewhere 155 and 40 brigades of marines there russia, but we have such intelligence data, in conclusion, mr. vadim, i also wanted to ask you how much you have to adjust your work directly from the air due to the fact that everything is greening, changing, let's say, with a zelenka has appeared, so there must be some correction, the correction is taking place according to the plan and according to... uh , the order of our direct headquarters, eh , this is not the first zelenka that we have seen and not
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the second zelenka that we have seen during the war, guys are prepared, guys with experience, and i would like to say that for us there is nothing strange, the only thing that is more difficult, it is clear that more effort will have to be made for the visualization picture and to better detect the enemy, but... strange, or unexpected, as they say, suddenly winter came, or unexpectedly spring has come, there is nothing like that. i hope we were heard by the general staff and the successors of the supreme, about the importance of bc right now in your direction, it was very important. mr. vadim, thank you for your service, send greetings to all the defenders, vadim mozevych, commander of the bpak unit in the third assault division brigade, was in touch with us, this is the avdiiv direction of the eastern russian-ukrainian front, which... you can't miss anything, even if you are in a hurry to work, you just need to subscribe to the youtube channel, we are on the youtube channel 24/7,
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what's more , do not miss anything, and what you missed, we will also collect for you in short shorts, so that you do not miss the most important part of the video and the most important information, so that you can see and understand everything yourself, subscribe to the youtube channel, we are making a small a pause, after which sergey with... the director of the defense express information and consulting company will be with us, yesterday they analyzed many interesting things, made defense express, in particular regarding the attack on trypilska tets near kyiv, stay with espress about all this in a few minutes. attention, move from unpack tv. sofa cape covers with a discount from only uah 590 to uah 9. your sofa is dirty. sofa cape covers. the paneling was torn. sofa cape covers. tired of
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by football. stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is alive, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who care, in the evening for... espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back. thanks for the espresso. 840 good russian women appeared at kobzon's concert. during this day, there were many combat incidents at the front, as he said. commander of the united forces of the armed forces yurii sodol in some areas and in general there are 10 times more russian invaders than ukrainian guards. this is what war is like, but in addition, it is very aggressive towards the rear. let's talk about shelling and more with the director of the defense express information and consulting company. serhiy zgorets is in touch with us.
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mr. serhiy, congratulations. good morning, i greet you. i know that yesterday you analyzed these strikes on trypilsk. the thermal power plant actually says that it, well, there is still an audit going on, they still want to find out that it will be possible to restore it, but in fact it is destroyed, you made an analysis based on your data, then maybe share with those who may not have read your portal yet, what they hit with and why they hit so powerfully, in fact, yesterday russia carried out such a massive attack on our energy facilities, they were used various means, impressions, usual... cruise missiles of the kha-101 type, shaheds were shot down with great efficiency there, more than 80% there, which indicates that our air defense is working, but when we talk about the situation from tripoli's otes, it is there on our portal we really submitted an analysis that there is a high probability of the enemy using
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the h-69 rocket, as evidenced by the wreckage, these. experts who worked there in the area of ​​these theses informed us of the flaws. what is the peculiarity of this rocket, which does not carry these risks? on the portal, we wrote the title that it is more dangerous than dagger. this name was criticized there, but i will try to explain. in fact, the entire missile 69, it has a range, as we can see, now about 400 km. although we previously believed that it was in the range of 290-300. second, it can be used with aircraft of the frontline aviation, in particular there su-35, there su-34 and in fact, if there x101 is used with strategic bombers and it is possible to determine, conditionally
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speaking, the previous time of the gold bomber and so on, then a significant number of su-35s, under the conditions, if this h69 will be produced more massively, it creates a better opportunity for the enemy to use these cruise missiles, the third component is that this missile... has a lower flight profile within 20 m, as stated in the technical parameters, we cannot yet unequivocally talk about what it is the profile is really 20 m, which is much less than the flight height of the kha101, but in any case it increases the requirements for our air defense, so that we can integrally say that the enemy used this new winged subsonic missile against trypilska tes . she proved to be quite accurate in this situation, given the lack of air defense cover covering our energy facilities, she was able to accomplish this,
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this is a combat mission that will have consequences for us in terms of energy generation, so that's the situation connected with this one history, we are now waiting for confirmation of additional data on missile breakages and so on. mr. sergey, everything here is very clear and logical, at least we have the opportunity to warn. ukrainians, when their bombers rise, there is time, as they say, until they get to the position of launching missiles, to somehow react, but with those aircraft, it is actually front-line tactical aviation , you never know when it will fly up and strike, and in this case, looking at this strike, i want to understand how quickly the russians can make raw material out of the experimental kh-69, well it's hard for me to predict now. we know that the enemy is really trying to increase the production of standard 101 rockets there, which are producing 40 or 50
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per month, i can’t remember for sure now, according to the indicators of 22, they increased the production of these missiles by one and a half times , like other models, but they relied on the restrictions related to components, because they used foreign components, now they are at the stage of ... as usual smuggling of various elements from european countries, and this story continues, which requires a stricter approach to control over the export of certain components, and secondly, they are now trying to replace certain components with products of russian, russian industry. in some rockets, we see that this dynamic is happening, that the samples are really being replaced. there for those that are made either with the help of china or in russia there from the manufacture of individual components , i understand that according to x69j, mr. sergey, according to x69j it
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is still difficult to say what components there are, we want to find more electronics because - everything burned, another important point, the president of poland, andrzej dudar, said that the prime minister urgently ... gave an order regarding the stockpiles of soviet-style anti-aircraft missile defenses that are lying in warehouses in poland to transfer them to ukraine. this was the information from yesterday, but for example, for such missiles as we are talking about, the most standard ones, x-101, 555, or even the same x-69, is this something that will help us, soviet air defense means? well, actually, uh... we know that hasto is the first missile to go off the a manpads machine gun, because conventionally speaking, a manpads can capture a cruise missile during the day and
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destroy it, such cases were not unique in our armed forces, and conventionally speaking, when we talk now about help from poland, then poland has been to us before provided significant support by transferring a significant number of polish-made piorun manpads there, when the c' complexes were transferred to us. 125s, which are used on the battlefield, missiles for the e-125 complexes, so that in fact this assistance continued and continues, that is, here it is necessary remember that indeed poland remains our important partner in the fight against the russian federation, but apart from that i think that it is possible to expand cooperation, in particular, when we talk about the fact that the enemy carried out strikes there on gas storage facilities in the stryi district, which are needed to our european... partners, the initiative is related to the fact that polish air defense systems or polish air defense systems can, conditionally speaking, expand the protection zone
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over. parts of ukraine, it can be formed as a new initiative, which, relatively speaking, will really be supported by european partners, will be another step towards strengthening the cooperation between nato countries and ukraine for the already real repulsion of real threats from the russian federation, well, this is very important, because in fact these strikes are on the streak, as we saw after the extreme strikes on the futures on gas prices immediately jumped by 8%, and up to 10 billion pey gas can be stored there, this is a very important initiative, the most important thing is for it to go from words to deeds, and now i am talking about two statements that we can take, simply, but you will analyze it for us, first with the image of yuliyan ryobke said that in fact after these last waves of missile attacks, we ran out of missiles for patriot and airesty, then there was a statement from the spokesman of the air force, ilya yevlash, who said
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that... we are 100% dependent on these air defense systems from the west, we take these two statements, they add up a little, as the situation is real now, well, i think that the general staff is unlikely to report to mr. ryobka about the stocks of missiles for the patriot or sampti complexes, at the same time, the president did say somewhere that with high intensity of enemy attacks, the need for means of anti-aircraft... defense is increasing, we are also talking about patriot complexes, where the president spoke about 25 batteries, i think these are too optimistic expectations, even seven batteries, it will not be easy to find them either, and at the same time, when we are talking about stockpiles of missiles to patriots, we know that we have 16 countries that use patriots and the rate of production of missiles to patriots, there are two types of missiles,
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so... one type of missile that is capable of hitting ballistic targets like a dagger in there somewhere about 500 or so rockets are produced per year, those rockets capable of shooting down planes there at a range of 160 km, then the rate of production of these rockets is about 240 rockets per year, if we multiply that two rockets are needed for each target, there are 500 rockets, 240 rockets, then this does not mean. the american companies that manufacture these missiles now already have the funds to increase production, and this is also understood by the balance sheets of the figures, mr. serhiu, there is literally a minute to a minute of national silence, he may not mention this, where in karakand, there kurgan mash plant says that it is the only manufacturer of moscow bmps of the third and bmd of the fourth, and everything there is slowly going under the water, there is a chance that it will sink, well... i hope that
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karma will catch up with the brains, with bmps there will be the same problems, as with the moscow cruiser, that is, they will not be able to quickly turn over this production, if this happens, it is extremely difficult, the main thing is for the wave to reach, yes, and literally a couple of seconds for this initiative, that we still have 20, f16 can be will come from the netherlands, is it theory or practice, actually. the netherlands is ready to make it happen the question is that we have trained pilots, technical airfields, i think that the bottleneck here is now behind us. mr. serhiy, thank you for your comment and analysis of the current situation. serhii zgorets, director of the information and consulting company defense express, in particular at defense express, first we analyzed the consequences of using the h-69 experimental missile, we will monitor their portal, they are gathering more and more information, and meanwhile we see that...
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it is approaching 9:00, it is all of ukraine at this moment, a minute of silence remembers those who died in russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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