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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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meanwhile, we see that 9:00 a.m. is approaching, the whole of ukraine at this moment is observing a moment of silence for those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiv, and we traditionally talk about the most important things. forced evacuation of families with... children was announced in 47 front-line settlements of kharkiv oblast, the head of the regional military announced this of the administration of oleg synigubov, we will show how kharkiv lives and does not seem to suffer from russian shelling every day. otza terenergo said that it makes no sense to restore the trypilska tes, which was destroyed the day before due to the russian attack, without proper air defense. what's next, how the destruction of the thermal power plant will affect the lives of ukrainians and whether it is worth preparing for blackouts in the fall and winter. there is a strengthening of control of those who evade, this is one of... which president zelensky said,
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commenting on the changes to mobilization. in broadcast let's analyze the main points of the draft law adopted by the parliament, which is waiting for zelensky's signature. each of your likes and comments gives this video an opportunity to become popular on the network, so subscribe to radio liberty's youtube channel. forced evacuation of families with children was announced in part of the kharkiv region. we are talking about 47 settlements in bogodukhivsk and ... koma and kharkiv districts. this was announced by the head of the kharkiv regional military administration, oleg synigubov. he says that according to ova, he lives in these settlements 182 children. the routes for their evacuation have already been determined, places for temporary accommodation have been booked. kharkiv itself will not be affected by the forced evacuation - sinyyi explains. the day before, russian troops attacked the city with ballistics. a completely destroyed transport substation, transformer substation, damaged tec, and how is life. the city that feeds
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the city, mayor ihor terekhov said. in kharkiv, there were emergency power outages, the subway was not working, and generators were brought to kharkiv from other cities. although significant inconveniences, the city continues to live, shops are open, transport is running, and kharkiv residents are adjusting to the lack of light and say they do not plan to leave. how kharkiv lives today, see oksana nechuporenenko's report. near this point of invincibility on... northern saltivtsi is quiet, the generator was turned off recently, light is gradually appearing in the area, valery rudy is in a tent. we have at least five people, let's start with you. every day valery teaches mathematics and computer science to his students here, because there is no light at home, and he also listens to lectures. the boy is studying in the fifth year of one of kharkiv universities. but while the transport is running to get home. valery
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mostly sees his students online, he has five or six lessons, and due to problems with electricity, he says, sometimes classes are interrupted, i turn on a screen display or a presentation there, but the lights are turned off, so i'm sitting here, and i don't know who when the light is turned off, sometimes i go in, there is one child sitting and that's all, but why didn't anyone say that the light was turned off at your place, or there is no one there, it's difficult to somehow track whether someone is there. someone there is no, and then there are already educational losses that no one knows anything about. after a massive attack on the city's power system on march 22 , shutdown schedules were in effect in kharkiv, and due to another shelling on april 11, they became emergency, the life of the city did not stop, some even work without electricity. and we have loaded axles, so if anyone has cash, you can buy them, we are working. of course, because people
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leave differently, there are only grandmothers left here, very few such a contingent, not young, and like her, she left without light from the seventh floor, as? which you will leave without payback. there is still not enough capacity to restore the operation of all trolleybuses and trams, so they are replaced by buses on the routes. by the 22nd, there was a trolleybus. there was a trolleybus until the 22nd, but now after my father's bombing on the 22nd, when they bombed, we didn't have electricity, and now with interruptions, trolleybuses don't go to us, now only buses. viktoria has come to the metro for her six-year-old son, now. will take a taxi home, because the subway has stopped, she says, despite the fact that they are beaten in the city almost every day, she and her husband decided not to leave, we were thinking of leaving, but my husband has a job here, so we are very tied to our work,
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we can't leave yet, so until we leave, those with whom i communicate, they usually stay, because they grew up here, this is their home, and they already... came back here and left a second time, well , not everyone wants to, but there are those who leave, leave for the west, well, more than those who stay, for a little more than a year of their life , a chick named handsome has become a legend of northern saltivka, he walks around the district every day accompanied by his mistress, me the woman gave it as a gift, then she brought a naked one from an egg, and here i grew up and such an obedient one of his home in... in the most broken district of kharkiv, the owner of the handsome man did not leave the handsome man even for a day, now he does not plan to leave either, especially when he has such company. some didn't come, and many did, then they started shooting again, they left again, somehow, we have nowhere to go, we are
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at home with the little ones. the day before, the regional defense council decided on forced evacuation in 47 front-line settlements, in a separate message. emphasize, there is no evacuation in kharkiv. in these minutes to ivan sokol, director of the department of civil protection of the kharkiv regional military administration, joins our broadcast. my greetings to you. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. thank you for joining. we know that this is not so easy to do from kharkiv. first of all, tell us about the security situation in the city, how the day has passed in terms of security in kharkiv oblast. in the morning , i want to state the fact that... there were no enemy rocket attacks on the city at night, but in general, in the region, there were shellings with anti-aircraft guns and rockets rockets, this is the izyum district, this is the kupyan region, in principle, a large number of artillery fire per day, these are
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border areas, these are settlements located near the battle line, daily artillery fire is conducted. terrorism directed at terrorizing its population. mr. ivan, the day before the regional military administration announced the mandatory evacuation of families with children in a forced manner, it is about 47 settlements, has this process already started and are its results possible and what exactly does this mean a forced method, it was taken by the silomites, they took it, is it possible to write a refusal, at the time of writing a refusal, the specified procedure does not provide for it. and it was indeed carried out, and so daily monitoring is carried out regarding the situation near the contact line of combat and populated areas that are located near the borders, and in fact every day the local bodies of railway commissions monitor this situation,
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it is determined with a plan of further actions, regarding evacuation plans, then in fact they are adjusted every week according to one or another situation. as for forced evacuation, then indeed, due to the fact that the enemy began to strike much more often with rockets and mortars, it became necessary to forcibly evacuate children precisely from those areas where it was not there before, because it was relatively far from the front line, which forced evacuation is the same, if local authorities have repeatedly done so. self-government and employees of state services appealed to parents with a request to leave for safer places, because the health and life of children in particular is the highest priority of the state, so we appeal, we hold conversations, in fact, such conversations with
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parents are held daily, and when there are no other arguments and a way out, the defense council makes a decision, which is then agreed with... the headquarters of the ministry of reintegration and the regional command of the military forces located in that territory, a decision is made regarding the forced forced evacuation of children together with their parents or with persons who replace them, well, as a rule, based on the experience that the kharkiv region already has, after all, people, when they understand that in principle they argued until the end and there is nothing to do, they just have to leave, then 99% of families leave on their own, we have such isolated cases, where the parents are, i don’t know what they are guided by, but for... even refuses to leave when there is an arrival of artillery weapons in the neighboring house, well
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, the situation in other regions was also somewhat similar, when its refusal was written, we repeatedly turned on the local authorities, let's still focus on these 47 points, we can say that this morning already this evacuation, which we call forced for children and their parents from these 40 settlements and these 182 children that the kharkiv region wants to take out, this evacuation began already before... well, it didn't just start yesterday, the evacuation, you can see me, yes , well , now we are adjusting, yes, and this evacuation has been going on for a long time, they have been talking to the parents in such an intensified mode for about two months, but this is the decision of the defense council, at the moment, it will still be approved by the coordination headquarters, i think that there will be an official order not later than monday. on tuesday, and then this entire mechanism of forced evacuation will start. currently, parents already
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understand that there is no way out for them and are already calling the evacuation hotline, already contacting the local self -government bodies with the aim of evacuating with children. they are already looking for places where the kharkiv government is located, the head of the administration has given orders to the relevant bodies and units to settle more or less. in normal, not in more or less, but normal conditions of a family with parents, that's why this one the work is being carried out, it is being carried out daily, a very large basis for this was provided by educational institutions located in kharkiv region, and it is very pleasant that parents and in fact a large number of people who are evacuating still decide to stay in the kharkiv region, and not leave not to leave the native region, mr. ivan, and here is a topic that everyone is interested in, what with the light in kharkiv and in the region, we know... that the situation was difficult even before yesterday's shelling, how much it became complicated with yesterday's events and
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in general, how does kharkiv manage to survive in these conditions and kharkiv oblast as a whole? it seems to me now that electricians are those people who work in these conditions without sleep, without rest, therefore, thanking them, we state the fact that, after all, we are not in a complete collapse, at the moment. region, there is a real power outage, according to oblenergo data, at the moment there are 17,500 subscribers in the city of kharkiv without congestion, this is the information as of this morning, as of this morning the metro is working, today the employees of the department got there thanks to the city authorities on the subway, all critical infrastructure actually works in regular mode in the event of a blackout. 100% of the critical infrastructure is provided with sources, spare sources, these are
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the generators, in particular, which are brought to the city and we talked about in the story. mr. ivan, i thank you for joining in, talking about the operational situation ivan sokol, director of the department of civil protection of the kharkiv regional military administration, the guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation in the region, as a result actually the russian patrol is ahead and in general, what is the situation in the region. if those who depend on the transfer of patriot systems to ukraine had spent at least one night in kharkiv, the necessary decisions would have been made quickly. thus , the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleva, after russia's new attack on ukraine's energy system, once again called on partners to provide ukraine with additional air defense systems. meanwhile, tablo journalist yuli anobke, who writes about the russian-ukrainian war, says that ukraine has run out of missiles for air defense systems patriot and iris. in his opinion , the stock of other means against has also been exhausted. air defense meanwhile, the european parliament is demanding the urgent transfer of patriots to ukraine,
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for this they refused to confirm the costs of the council of the eu, calling on the member states, instead, to find in their warehouses the seven air defense systems that ukraine urgently needs to protect itself from shelling. zoryana stepanenko, correspondent of radio liberty in brussels, will tell what this decision means and whether it will work in practice. an unexpected deviation from the agenda at the european parliament, all... through ukraine, which critically lacks air defense systems. during the voting, where various decisions were approved in batches, one of the meps, the former prime minister of belgium guy verkhovstat, intervened in the process. and proposed to postpone the approval of the eu council's budget until later. instead, he demanded to mobilize around the support of ukraine, which is now experiencing almost nightly missile attacks , and to find patriots who are critically important for it. he recalled the words of a top eu diplomat about a hundred such systems in european countries, in that time, as ukraine needs seven. the emotional speech caused thunderous applause and gained
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support. more than half a thousand meps voted for the initiative. thus approval. what is happening in ukraine is an unhealthy situation because, as you all saw, over the past 20 days there have been numerous russian attacks on ordinary ukrainian cities, hospitals, power plants, and apartment buildings. they consider it a scandal that europe is opening the door for ukraine, and the european council is not even able in such an urgent situation to make a decision on sending ukraine, several anti-missile systems. now to the details of what happened in the european parliament. the council of the eu is not left without money now because of the lack of patriots in ukraine. it was about approving the already spent budget for 2022 . this is a common procedure. at the end of the year, the european parliament always checks how the authorities in the eu disposed of taxpayers' funds and approves
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ex post facto expenditures. something like submitting a report on a business trip to the accounting department, which has to accept it in turn. and close, that's it this step was postponed the day before. what will happen next? the next attempt to approve the already spent eu budget at the end of april at the plenary session in strasbourg, the last before the european elections scheduled for june, what will happen if that attempt also fails? once, back in 1998, the refusal to approve the budget led to the resignation of the entire european commission, and its expenses were just approved the day before, besides, its composition will change anyway after the european elections. precisely to the eu council, which unites the member states. deputies expect that they will strengthen protection of the ukrainian sky, and the decision on this is primarily for national governments. in other words, yesterday's events in the european parliament were more of a powerful symbolic gesture and a call to action than an impetus that could actually cause them. from brussels. zoryana stepanenko, marek hayduk, radio liberty. we have
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a request from the radio liberty team. subscribe to the radio youtube channel. freedom to always be in touch with us and , in particular, to watch the videos and broadcasts that we make for you every day, in order to you were aware of all the most important, most importantly, verified events, verified information, this is important. well, in the near future, a draft law on the rotation of release into the reserve will be presented, the ministry of defense is working on it, together with the general staff, says the spokesman of the ministry of defense dmytro lazutki, promising that the public will know at what stage the development of the law is. meanwhile, president zelensky reacted to the bill on mobilization approved by the parliament, says it will strengthen control over evaders and help the military leadership? yes, there is amplification control over evaders, but i want to tell you, any person, and even without this law, who violated the law of mobilization, and was of mobilization age, and she was evaded
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there, or did something else outside of... she was already violating that or other legislation in force. my colleague anastasia potapenko will tell what the main changes await ukrainians after the mobilization, in fact, after the start of the new legislation, which will come into effect after the signature of president zelenny. men aged 18-60 must renew within 60 days your credentials in the military, in the administrative service center or electronically. office of the conscript, and those who are abroad without these documents will not be able to issue a passport or receive consular services. in addition, those conscripted for the duration of martial law must always carry a military registration document and present it at the request of the police or tsk employees. those recognized as being of limited fitness will be required
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to undergo a medical examination again within 12 months. and those who got a friend. and the third group persons with disabilities after february 24, 2022, in addition to military personnel, are also subject to a second medical examination to determine fitness for service. and now about motivation , in the case of concluding the first contract, military personnel have the right to compensation of 50% of the first installment for a loan secured by a mortgage. also, according to the law, instead of conscription, the law introduces basic military training for... citizens, it can be completed during studies at a university or in the training centers of the armed forces. such training will begin on september 1 next year. citizens who have not completed military service or. updated basic military training will not be able to work in the civil service, in the prosecutor's office or the police. also, according to the law, post-graduate students who study on a contract, as well as
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those who obtain a subsequent education, which is not higher than the previous one, will not be able to receive a deferment from the service. and who will have the legal right to postponement? the law provides for a deferment for persons with disabilities, parents of three or more minor children and... those who raise themselves a minor child. in addition to the postponement, according to the law, citizens can receive reservations from mobilization. thus , employees of law enforcement agencies, deputies of the verkhovna rada and their assistants, heads of ministries and their deputies, as well as heads of judicial bodies and judges, representatives of local authorities and members of the accounting chamber can get reservations. people with disabilities and people released from captivity have the right to be released from military service. adoptive parents, guardians of children with disabilities and incapacitated persons now have the right to postponement, and on dismissal from military service. and what will happen to those who decide
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to evade mobilization? first, the draft law provides for an increase in fines for evasion. secondly, the territorial recruitment centers will be able to deprive them of their driver's licenses through the court, and the military commander will be able to apply to the police with a request to detain the evader. anastasia. in these minutes , dmytro lazutkin, deputy head of the ministry of defense of ukraine, joins the broadcast of svoboda ranok. congratulations. my greetings, good morning. thank you, mr. dmytro, for taking the time and opportunity to join. as a whole, the ministry of defense evaluates the draft law on mobilization adopted by the council, because the draft submitted by the government was subject to some changes, in particular by the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence. well, in fact, the law is very important, as you already noted, in the version that was from the beginning, in the draft law that passed the first reading, there were stricter
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measures for people who avoid mobilization, there was also a provision on the release of military personnel into the reserve. who served 36 months, in our opinion, they were important, but those parliamentary amendments were also taken into account, which were very many, more than four... 4,300 almost, and of course the appeal of the commander-in-chief, but in any case , this law establishes the rules, in fact, for with which our state will live for the next few years, obviously, at least as long as the russian invasion continues and as long as the defense forces are forced to resist and in the future to win back the captured territories. mr. dmytro, the continuation of this issue, and whether there is an understanding of the ministry of defense, that's after when the law already enters into force and becomes a law, and for that president zelenskyi has to sign it, then there is still time, a month after it is signed, and then it will become a law, this draft law, it will be possible to mobilize the necessary number of people for the state, well, we are not talking about
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numbers now , because we understand that this is a matter of national security, but there is still an understanding of the ministry of defense, will it be possible to recruit this number of people? well, everything is being done for this, at least, and currently there are many such stimulating factors in this law, which in one way or another will encourage conscripts. go to the central committee or register in the electronic cabinet and update your data, we also know that many recruiting centers have been launched and online platforms are also working, there are many applications from people who want to join the defense forces, in fact there are a large number of ukrainian citizens, it is said about thousands, about tens of thousands of people, who want to defend their homeland, are aware of this necessity, are aware and see that in the temporarily occupied territories... they are already mobilizing in the russian army of men, therefore there is a desire to find oneself in the army, and the task, including the ministry of defense, is to create such opportunities and make them as convenient as possible.
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tell me, please, we talked somewhere, we focused a little, at least on the incentive measures that are provided for in this draft law, and about how the draft law, which has already been approved by the parliament in the second reading and is waiting for the president's signature, will be, let's say yes, limit or stimulate those who can avoid service and from mobilization, how do you, as a representative of the ministry of defense, consider the norms that were adopted by the deputies, which actually have the opportunity to enter into force, the ministry of defense in this direction is satisfied with the decision, well , in fact, it is difficult to call, for example, restrictions that men have with them carry, for example, military registration documents, the fact that within 60 days of being under... by law, you will have to appear and update, update your data in the tcc and sp, then in the court, if not will take place, may be limited by court order. right
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a person to drive a vehicle, again until the moment when it does not appear, that is, the mechanisms exist, but it is clear that , first of all, we count on motivated people who will consciously go to defend the homeland and become members of the armed forces of ukraine, members of the defense forces , because all people understand very well that the threats have not disappeared and the risks remain, mr. dmitry, you and i are reading, i am sure, and there are some... similar materials and we see comments in social networks and telegram channels, how to motivate or convince those, as you think, who, for example, appeal to the fact that politicians should go there first, the rich should go there, deputies, their children should go there, who say that the request for justice is an alleged failure in the process of mobilization, how to treat such statements and how to convince and motivate these people in general, i don't know, maybe show them the other side, that not everything is so clear-cut in reality, actually protection. from
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the homeland, well, this is the main motivation, because we understand that no one is against the occupied there is no indulgence in the territories, and if a russian military man likes your apartment, your car or your wife, it is unlikely that anything will stop him, so i think this should be the main motivation, and those mechanisms, including the electronic office and recruiting centers , they are launched and they will be improved in the future, please tell me more. regarding the incho draft law, which, according to the representatives of the parliamentary committee on defense security and intelligence issues, after chairman sirsky addressed them, regarding demobilization, or the release of servicemen into the reserve, should begin to be developed, i know that you already commented in advance that as soon as its development begins, then , accordingly, society will know about it, but at what stage it is now, i do not know, the ministry of defense is there assigned, maybe not assigned, the ministry of defense has just started this process, some working group will already eat, are there any
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changes in this direction? well, if we are talking about demobilization, then this is obviously a set of measures that relate to the transition to a peaceful state, currently the country is a little bit in a different situation, and you have to resist, you have to defend your land, accordingly , the law on the release of military personnel into the reserve, it is already being developed, well, some points that were in the draft law that passed the first reading, actually, the process is kept there. is going on and, let’s say, about how it will happen and at what stages the development will be, the ministry will clearly inform the public, because everyone understands the sensitivity of this topic, and the importance of this topic, and the fact that many military personnel who left the first day to defend homeland, they get tired and need to be replaced, rotated, although rotations certainly take place at the front, but it already depends on the decision of the military leadership in the first
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place, on the operational situation. and many other important factors, mr. dmytro, and in conclusion regarding the electronic office, please explain this rule, at least in the version of the bill that was voted in the second reading by the parliament, how will it look in practice? data from all state registers will be pulled into the general register, the military, and the electronic cabinet will be created automatically, but a person can register there at will, that is, it will not be some kind of coercive measure that is punished in some way, at the moment, at least so, but it is a convenient service, first of all, i would emphasize the word service, if a person somehow changed his life, for example, he had children, three or more, if he changed his place of residence, if he received additional education, knowledge of foreign languages, then all this data can be uploaded there and such
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way to update them. it is convenient, it will not be necessary to come to the tsk isp, there will be no need to stand in line, not all people in principle like to appear in official such institutions, and it can be done remotely from a smartphone quite easily, that is, once again i emphasize that this service is convenient for every person who uses the internet and has a mobile phone. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, guest of our broadcast, we talked about changes in the legislation on mobilization. well, the restoration of the trypil thermal power plant without providing ukraine with anti-aircraft defense systems is a futile matter - andriy hota, chairman of the supervisory board of pat centerenergo, told voice of america. the power station, which was hit by a missile yesterday, has been destroyed. however, it is still subject to restoration - added gota. according to him, the energy industry has already received proposals for the provision of equipment from


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