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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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additional education, knowledge of foreign languages, then all this data can be downloaded there and updated in this way, it is convenient, it will not be necessary to come to the technical center of the isp, there will be no need to stand in line, not all people in principle like to to appear in official such institutions, and it can be done remotely from a smartphone quite easily, that is , i emphasize this once again, this service is convenient for every person who uses the internet and has a mobile phone. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, dmytro lazutkin, spokesperson of the ministry of defense of ukraine, guest of our broadcast, we spoke about changes in the legislation regarding mobilization, and the restoration of the trypil thermal power plant without providing ukraine with air defense systems - this is a useless thing, said andriy hota, chairman of the supervisory board of pat center energy, on the air of voice of america. the power station, which was hit by a missile yesterday, has been destroyed, but it is still subject to restoration, gotha added. according to him, the energy industry has already received proposals for the provision of equipment from european countries. trypilska tes
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provided light to almost 3 million people and was the largest supplier of electricity in kyiv region, zhytomyr region and cherkasy region. de-energized infrastructure facilities responsible for the life support of the city were connected to generators. the city of ukrainka, in which tes and the community is located, have problems with water intake, because the station is out of power. the ukrenergo company urges ukrainians to limit the use of powerful electrical appliances and to be frugal with energy. food, especially in the evening peak hours. and the day before , i spoke with the communications director of nek-ukrenergo about the consequences of the attacks on the ukrainian energy industry. maria tsaturyan. let's listen to a fragment of this conversation. maria tsaturyan, communications director of nek ukrenergo joins our broadcast. mrs. maria, i congratulate you. congratulations. please tell us what consequences the morning attack has for the ukrainian energy industry, specifically for the russian forces on the territory of ukraine, which regions have the most. suffered, and what about
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the light, where the implementation, maybe there will be, or the implementation is already outages, or are there planned schedules? the main enemy targets of this massive attack, which was again combined, the enemy used missiles and drones to hit power system facilities, this time the targets were again ukrainian power plants in several regions, as well as high-voltage substations of ukrenergo, and the facilities were damaged or... damaged, in the kharkiv region, now there the most difficult situation, also in kyiv, odesa, lviv, and zaporizhzhia regions, and it is very difficult to communicate in more detail the extent and consequences of attacks on power system facilities, because the work of rescue services continues, rubble is being sorted out where necessary the fires are extinguished, after that the energy workers will be able to start the construction. inspection and
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restorative emergency repair works, and regarding blackouts you asked, currently there are no power supply restrictions under the command of the ukrenergo dispatch center, in any region, except for kharkiv region, where there are emergency blackouts caused by a massive attack by the russians. please tell me about the kharkiv region and the city of kharkiv in particular, to what extent, according to ukrenergo, the situation is so... complicated, how long it will take to correct it, and how much is possible now correct and carry out some work, because kharkiv constantly suffers from the shelling of russian forces, accordingly , the workers who should do this must also stop their planned work there because of constant attacks and air raids? indeed, the situation in kharkiv is very difficult and as a result of russian strikes, which i emphasize are carried out by the enemy almost every day. it has been combining
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mass attacks with pinpoint efforts to hit specific critical infrastructure sites almost every day since march 22, which, as you rightly pointed out, significantly complicates the work of all those involved in emergency recovery work and energy workers and other services, personally, when the ukrenergo team and i were in kharkiv, just recently, during the world day, it can be... up to 7-10 air alarms, it is clear that this slows down the pace of repair works, nevertheless, if you had asked me about the forecasts yesterday, i could have been more optimistic about the restoration, at least of the ukrenergo network, but you can see that the situation is quite dynamic, the enemy does not stop trying to knock kharkiv oblast out of power system and is trying to inflict more and more new damage, therefore, as of this...
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minute, it is difficult for me to make any predictions, we need to give time to the power engineers so that we can assess the extent of the damage and understand how we... can give more power to kharkiv oblast as a result of today's attack and then think about how quickly we will be able to restore what was damaged today. if we take the last month of time, taking into account the strikes on the power system, which were, or were injured or killed among your employees, among those energy workers who actually restored these lines, these systems in order for the country's energy system to function at the level at which it should function? we did not have any casualties in our company as a result of these massive missile and drone attacks. we, like the enemy, are also learning, and after last winter of 22, 23, we strengthened our
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security protocols, our people already know very well what to do during missile and drone strikes, where they should be in order to to protect yourself, and how to properly approach equipment that might be on fire, or when the air alert has just ended and if it's a front-line region, there's a possible fallout, there's a possibility of repeated attacks, so people are very motivated and very focused on saving their lives first, because they understand that they need to restore the power system and supply power, and i would also like to say an important detail, and we see that... that the power plant is the objects that produce electricity in the ukrainian power system, is also one of the enemy's priority goals, the enemy from 22 march does not leave attempts to knock them out of working condition, and my
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energy colleagues who work at power plants are trying to do everything to restore and reach at least the pace that was before. production, but after today's attack, we call on consumers in the evening during the hours of the evening peak consumption from 19 to 22 hours of the day, to consume electricity sparingly, this does not mean that you have to sit in the dark, it means that you just have to not turn on all powerful electrical appliances at the same time, it is possible to turn off the light in empty rooms, make sure that shift your consumption to... for example , washing there at night, it will help a lot and insure the work of the energy workers, who will now restore the damaged power plants, and our repair crews, who are repairing the network, and it will help a lot
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to speed up the pace of restoration work, if the load on energy will be lower than it usually is now in the evening hours. thank you so much, thank you for tuning in. they talked about the situation, have a good day, thank you, and almost 2.5 million uah for the first weekend at the box office and the biggest box office collections according to the results on the first day, a documentary night was shown . the documentary travel blogger anton ptushkin, we, our pets and the war, about the relationship between people and their animals against the background of the russian invasion of ukraine, broke records in ukrainian cinema distribution. the initiator of the tape is the canadian film production company yap films, which offered cooperation to the ukrainian youtube blogger. after some hesitation, he agreed to the first one. for himself the experience of creating a documentary film, and while working on a film for foreign viewers pushkin anton pushkin realized that ukrainian the audience will also be interested, they remained there simply locked in cages, without food and alone, they are different, but the same, and
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they suffer in the same way, they tried to tear the iron mesh with their teeth and escape, shells fell, the ground shook, for one and a half years filming in dozens. cities, as well as in poland, spain and the netherlands, among the heroes are domesticated animals from shelters and dogs, cats, lions, lemurs, bears and others, as well as volunteers, rescuers of the state emergency service and ordinary caring people. why should you watch this movie, what are the animal stories most affect the audience and where in the world they will see this film first, i also talked about it with zoya soshenko, the producer of the film, we, our favorites and the war. zoya soshenko. she is the producer of the film we, our favorites and the war is already on the air of svoboda ranok. congratulations. congratulations. tell me, please, which stories from this tape touched you the most? well, i want to tell you that we, we filmed this tape
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for over a year and a half, and actually, out of over 80 hours of footage, only one hour aired. it means that a lot a large number of stories, unfortunately, could not make it. to the main tape, i have several of my special stories, very dear to me, which, unfortunately, did not enter, for example, a story that probably many people know about is pes krym, where it was really very... incredible and in general i think , that this is a supernatural story, when the dog was crying and we actually got archival materials, and we went to the scene, we filmed this house, and actually the employees of the state emergency service told how it was unexpected for them and for the first time in general life to see an animal's reaction to events, so this is one of my production stories, relatively speaking, one of the stories that didn't make it, i'm very sorry about it, but we hope that we still... we see some number of plots that the so-called unpublished, which
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our viewers may later see on the network, and as for the ukrainian version, which everyone can see now, we have a dog that anton and volunteers took from bakhmut, then we did not know the fate of this city, and since the dog was taken from this city, hence its name that's how bakhmut remained, his life for two years... the lives of many people actually changed during the war, now he is abroad, and we followed the entire history of conditional evacuation of animals from the occupied territories, who then go abroad, their fate , conditions and in general over the course of two years, how events develop, so the story with pes bakhnut is one of my also very valuable stories, because it is very interesting and sometimes. and people do not really know what the fates of animals in our country generally are,
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there is one more very important story, anton and i probably defined it as the main one, it is our flagship story, which is dedicated to the soldier, because the animals are actually on the front line and currently, today, in the past, they play a very important role of mental help, because when you have a dog or a dog, a dog... or a cat with the military, it actually helps them a lot, we have an incredible story about a dog named klik e with a soldier on the front lines and i'm sure she will impress every viewer, we really didn't want to would open the curtain of our stories, we would really like our viewers and actually ukrainians to go to the cinemas and see different, different stories, because we have not only about... dogs , we also have about lions, and about the fate of the zoo, about exotic animals, in fact, please tell me
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, there is such a huge number of animals, stories, fates that you managed to cover, and did you, as a film crew, as the creators of this film, find for yourself the answer to an important and such a fundamental question, for sure the question during the period of hostilities in particular, and whether is it worth risking human lives in order to save the lives of animals, but to this question, if it can be formulated correctly, has it been possible to find an answer? yeah, look, we actually thought about this for a very long time and we thought about it for a very long time, the right way to be, and we left it open, you see, we have one story about one shelter where actually the managers of the shelter made a decision not to risk people's lives , in exchange for the lives of the animals, we found this story, we interviewed the director, who accepted it decision, so personally for each of us, again, we don't... have the right to judge people for their actions. i'm sure that each of us , there, even you, or me, when we find ourselves in such
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a situation, when really you, you risk your personal life, we never know how we are, we think that we can know how we ourselves let's lead, but again, it depends a lot on people, on the personality, and each of us has the right to make a decision for himself, the one that his person is ready to make at this very moment, but... generally speaking, all those the stories that we have seen, that we have heard, that we have worked with, believe me, it is very big , in general, we had a search and a large, large number of heroes, we were convinced that ukrainians are two people per nation, in fact, with a big heart, and our film is about the humanity of ukraine, about how people really risking their personal lives, risking the possibility of not taking some necessary devices for children in the car, they took cats and dogs. or, for example, stayed in kyiv, in other cities, because they could not leave their dogs or animals, and this is very
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it's incredible, in fact, it's about the fact that we, ukrainians, are a very, very human nation, and you will see it, in conclusion, which is very brief, if possible, when will be the international distribution and which countries are primarily concerned, look, at the moment we have already sold tape to america, the tv channel of the largest broadcaster pbs, we are planning the broadcast. on the air of the tv channel on may 15, also we have already sold to the territory of canada, these are two territories that have already been sold to our cinema distribution, and currently we are currently cooperating with a large number of countries. i thank you, i wish good luck to you, let the tape resonate with the international audience, because the ukrainian audience is really enthusiastic about the tape, in particular , the box office that is already there, this is shown by zoshenko, the producer of the film we, our favorites and the war, a guest of our broadcast. thank you
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for being with us, from the svoboda ranok team, i wish you a good day and a good weekend, see you on monday. the new kemelight metroplus mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. metrolyuks is one of the largest orthopedic manufacturers mattresses and furniture. order the camel orthopedic mattress right now. together with the mattress you. you get a 5-year warranty and hundreds of nights of great sleep. dial the number you see at the bottom of the screen, and our consultants will help you choose the right size for your bed. this springless orthopedic mattress perfectly adapts to the shape and weight of your body. and that's not all. one side of the cover is made of camel wool. and the benefit for the body of the dry heat it emits is known to
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of the ukrainian manufacturer matrolyuks, which perfectly combines innovative technologies and modern ecological materials. order now. mattress from the ukrainian manufacturer. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. in... united by football, together stronger we would like to thank our colleagues from svoboda, and moms do their part and you do yours, because we are all collecting windrows on fp together, don't forget to donate, in the meantime we will talk to a military officer, he is an officer and historian, oleksandr agarov, in contact with our studio, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine, grem. glory, mr. ramon, i congratulate you, but we will start, maybe with
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this story, it is quite resonant, i mean the center, well, the center. the center of kyiv, i.e., this is the territory of the national museum, and in general, near, well, as it is believed, the foundation of the tithe church, old kyiv mountain, and in the center first appeared a barn in the form of a wagon, then the moscow priests, uoc of the moscow order of lenin of the patriarchate , money appeared from dangerous persons. this illegal construction by the russian church was supposed to be demolished, but it was still there, and now they even started to collect money, and now the volunteers keep saying money, let's go to the front, and we will sort it all out for free,
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i have a question for you, why this the structure has a solution in its nose. but ukraine and courts, why is it so inviolable even now? you you know, well, because it was created by the obvious state itself, when we understand that the state and the church are separate, but with all possible preference, the churches of the moscow patriarchate were created, starting from, say, trade, yes, duty-free, under the guise of humanitarian aid, ending with only territorial ones. taxes, but simply directly, turning a blind eye to the fact that this is an fsb structure. and this, of course, has everything to do with the 90s, 2000s, when the presidents of ukraine went... and visited the temples of the moskovsky patriarchy, in this way, as if demonstrating their belonging to russian peripheral cultures, so the elites, or rather,
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even, well, demonstrating their unity with that old savko, who, just think, was associated with the unity of the moscow church, therefore, of course, you have to start with yourself, this is the first first, secondly, let's understand that the structure of the church. it implies some parallelism to the state, and it is clear that we must understand that the church is its own law, its own courts, that is, it is a structure within a structure, but it is worse when this structure is helped civilian people, and in particular the same elites, regarding the mafu church, i would like to say that, well, you know, there you can talk about legality , legality, the next point is that as far as there is... i know and remember that the building there the beginnings of these carriages were with the approval of the former former management of the national museum, and it is clear that at that time
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the russian elite was pressing that it could be restored, but it really all started with a carriage driver, who , you know, moved around the territory with a sausage and would probably soon occupy the entire old kyiv mountain , so here about this one structure there are many questions, there are many questions. where they got electricity, and then it turned out during the tenure of the previous director of tetyana sasnovska that it turns out that they were connected, that they dug a groove for themselves and conducted electricity for themselves, that is, there are a lot of questions in general before how they acted there, but more questions about let's say the people who defended this building, because there were many conflicts there, for example, with the community of native believers, for example, because there is also a temple there, well, more precisely, how to say, everyone thinks that there was a temple there, and the temple is actually under the museum, and a people there do their masses in
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a simple place, well, in a place that is not connected with the old chapel, but there were these conflicts, and in the end it must be said that the head of this church, the mafia church, also has his own interesting story, i am not a biographer him, but a person who has relations with various... structures, uh, well, if, but you don't know the rank, so, how many stars does he have on his epaulettes, well, you know, in every good cavalry you know how many there should be stars, no less, mr. oleksandr, here exactly, i wanted to ask about the people, because, how to explain it, very much, because here it is something irrational, there is a russian church, it was destroyed. russian bolsheviks under the root, and when the allies hit this one in the back, i mean, when
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the hitlerites, their allies in the soviet people , went on the attack, then stalin immediately began to reassemble this church, which he did not shoot, did not finish, i am not saying that this church itself is amazing even from the point of view of the history of the church, because to hold ambassadors hostage there, and in this way to get a third rome, well, it is faster hop-stop and terrorism, not about tomos, and all these are not secret, as they say, the facts of history, and they are not ambiguous, that everything is not so clear-cut here, everything is clear-cut here, even if feofan prokopovich would tell us that confirmed, and in this case, why is it so tight with the parishioners of the moscow order of the lenin patriarchate with ukrainian passports, you know, indeed , the history of the moscow church is very colossal, in fact, starting from the purchase of the patriarchate for itself, when it was in
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a split for more than 100 years, so in the official schism, recognized worldwide, the worldwide church, i will allow myself to express these moments not only as a historian, but as a person who studied at the kyiv orthodox theological academy for a while, so i can say the following that what we say about the moscow church... it was a heresy in essence from the very beginning, because they did not recognize, firstly, secondly, their church, the original russian, moscow, which did exist, these are the old believers, as you know, succumbed, in the 17th century muscovites reformed and converted themselves burned, announced the patriarch and the king as antichrists, but one way or another, this is the church that was in the komorskor, which... you know, like north korea, they said to themselves that our football team will win the championship in the world, and, yes, they, this razkov, then turned, in fact, the reforms turned into a synod, when
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the church... and then the church in the russian empire after peter was created as an institution of control, where the priest sat on the salary. and this is the structure, it essentially existed throughout the russian empire, and stalin restored this church, which already had in its 20th century in the intra-church environment, the name of the sergian heresy, that is, now one of the evangelicals. swarm of the heretical moscow church led by a secular person, the archprocurator of the holy synod, one of the branches under the name of the sergiyan heresy is strengthened in the offices of the kgb, because it is an institution of the church of russia restored by stalin, so it is one of the structural parts, let's say, in which it was always under the rulers, well, let's say an employee of the kgb and an employee of the communist
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party. and in this system, the church is not really a church for faith, but it is a church for control, and this church for control has absolutely propaganda methods and influence on people, and plus it is strengthened by the government, plus it is strengthened by business, which asks this church, not knowing any forgiveness of sins, and all this actually creates such a terrible picture of the world, which we ukrainians often do not understand. for russians, this is mental, this is their trait, these are slaves, slavery, and slavery even at the religious level, our church has been ukrainian for centuries, it is very highly spiritual, and at the same time it is open to the world, secular church, and you all know that the traditions that we see now still exist in the russian, pochaiv lavra or the mountain
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tradition of this poverty, the tradition of such, you know, deep deep asceticism, which allows boys to be raped somewhere at the same time, so to speak, yes, this is their church, the church that came out of the kgb and the party structure, in this case but we just have one more minute, because i listen to you and remember that this is the very creation of the russian church. this term is dark, but it was present in all enthusiastic laurels and temples, i even felt it physically when i visited, just to see how it looks from the inside, as far as ukrainian citizens are concerned, that is, this war will tear them away from this false church that took pictures, the boyan choir and our friends, the fascists , pichorskaya lavra and we together with germany
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are taking a picture here, she. to say, firstly, gondyaev recently announced at a meeting of their cathedral that we are fascists, secondly, the entire russian nomenclature of vladych blesses the war, thirdly, their priests fire weapons to kill civilians people, fourthly, they violate the commandments, including the apostolic commandments that... that one's own church is in one's country, fifthly, this church is located in legal, actual existence, and sixthly, this is no longer a church, but one of the annexes to putin’s power specifically, therefore those citizens of ukraine who attend moscow churches in ukraine, they agree with all these criteria, accordingly, they are also responsible for the fact that russian missiles, blessed, sprinkled
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with orthodox by water gundyaevo fly to our cities. and kill our defenders, sir oleksandr, i hope that our fellow citizens also heard you. oleksandr alfirov, military man, officer, historian, about an absolutely difficult hybrid threat, which for some reason called itself a church. the espresso team collected more news this hour, and khrystyna parobiy will now tell us what the issue is about. thank you roman. from where russia attracts reserves in the war with ukraine, i will tell in the issue, as well as about losses. do not miss the enemy in a moment. news on the air espresso. i am khrystyna parobii, i will tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. in the number of victims increased in mykolaiv after the russian missile attack. the seriously
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injured person died in the hospital. a seven-year-old man, so for now it is known.


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