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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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orthodox water of gondyaevo flies into our cities and kills our defenders. mr. oleksandr, i hope that these fellow citizens of ours also heard you. oleksandr alfyorov, a military officer, a historian about an absolutely difficult hybrid threat that for some reason called itself a church. the espresso team gathered more news this hour, and khrystyna parobiy will now tell us what the issue is about. thank you roman. from where does russia attract reserves in the war with ukraine. i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, don't miss it in a moment. news vterespresso, i'm khrystyna porobiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant at the moment. in mykolaiv, the number of victims increased after the russian missile attack. a seriously
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wounded 37-year-old man died in the hospital, so currently we know of five dead and five more injured, including a teenage girl, - reported the head of the region, vitaly kim. the day before, the enemy hit the city with a ballistic missile, targeting an industrial enterprise. almost two dozen residential buildings and cars were also damaged in the city. 16 enemy drones were destroyed at night by our defense forces on... the air force of ukraine reported. shaheds were shot down over mykolayiv, odesa, dnipropetrovsk, vinnytsia and khmelnytsky regions. in total, the russians launched 17 attack uavs from crimea, as well as an kh-59 guided air missile from occupied donetsk region. debris of the downed shahed damaged the energy infrastructure facility in dnipropetrovsk oblast. it happened in kryvorizka district. a fire broke out there, it has already been extinguished. - said the head of the region, serhii
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lysak. in general, our defenders are in the region landed four enemy drones. fpv occupiers also attacked nikopol with drones. two of them hit myrivska hromada. two private houses were damaged there. fortunately, people survived. to the international cosmonautics day. another 840 russian terrorists left our land forever. and in general, from the beginning of a full-scale invasion. 452 occupiers have already formed a space army. also , our defenders helped the russians replenish their scrap metal, destroyed nine enemy tanks, 19 armored fighting vehicles, more 30 artillery systems, one anti-aircraft vehicle and fifty cars and special vehicles. 57 attack drones and 18 cruise missiles were shot down in the sky. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and we have a new one. beer, walkie-talkies and armor plates
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are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 50,000. let's not delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. russia launched almost 1,000 missiles and 2,800 attack drones, and another 700 aerial bombs over ukraine. 97% of the occupiers' targets were civilians. this was stated by the permanent representative of ukraine at the un during a meeting of the organization's security council. kyslytsia reminded the international community that the occupiers are deliberately destroying ukrainian energy, as well as destroying peaceful cities, where
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children, in particular, are suffering. only for march, wed 57 small ukrainians were killed or wounded by the russians. the most remote reserves. russia is sending troops of the pacific fleet to ukraine. as reported by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the enemy has begun to replenish its losses at the expense of those who have not yet participated in the aggression against our country. russian servicemen from primorsky krai and kamchatka. about 400 more soldiers from the khabarovsk air force will go to fight in two brigades of marines, where the russians suffered huge losses. russian orenburg continues to submerge under water. overnight, the water level in the ural river reached more than 11 m. this is almost 2 m above the critical limit. the water continues.
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to arrive, almost four hundred more houses and about a thousand homesteads were flooded overnight in the city, the situation in the kurgan region also remains difficult, there the water level in the tobol river is rising rapidly, the local authorities have in a way intensified the work on flooding, priests have flown over the region on helicopters , they held icons and read prayers, but this did not help the residents of orsk much. norway is getting ready to hand over 22 f-16 aircraft within the fighter coalition to ukraine, the local publication reported. however, not all of them are working, probably. only 12 of the ships that norway planned to sell to the american company are airworthy. the rest of the planes can be used for spare parts and repairs of other fighters. loud applause and tears in the eyes
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of the audience. mykola kolish kherson regional academic music and drama theater visited the capital with a performance. you will be impressed like this. as the witch will say about the occupation and constant shelling about the undermining of the kakhovskaya gez people's artist of ukraine olena galsavalska said during the performance. our film crew also watched the production. hall of the national theater. named after lesya ukrainka is overcrowded, at the entrance to it is a russian tricolor, on which all the spectators trample and do not miss the opportunity to wipe their feet. the indomitable kherson theater came on tour with a play based on the play by the writer olena malyarenko, the anti-tank
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witch. the premiere took place in his hometown on december 2 last year. she was brought to life by the chief director of the kherson theater serhii pavlyuk both an actress and a director. and the writer knows from her own experience what the russian occupation is. today, they live under shelling, but they do not lose faith in ukraine and share their feelings through creativity. but it was fundamental for us that the first premiere took place in kherson. and we organized everything. the head of the minsk military administration, mr. roman morychko, gave us an armored car, we brought olena igorivna to kherson, there was just a stir, there we only have about 100 mi. but they were killed she about us, about kherson, about indomitable kherson, about the indomitable people of kherson, who have already been tested by fire and water, and there will be copper pipes ahead, and we want us to pass this test with honor. you will be impressed by the solo performance, which is closely performed by the people's
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artist of ukraine, olena galsavalska. the actress spent nine months in the occupation. in the production, her character eliminates the consequences of the flooding of her own apartment after it was blown up by the occupiers. hes tells his godmother on the phone how she lives in kherson. and already in kyiv, you understand that maybe people are not like that faced, well, anxieties, well, a siren, they understand that something, a siren, yes, as i say in the play, and you are worried that people will understand, you want to convey, this is your state of mind, you understand, because it is impossible , nine years in this madhouse, i don't know at all how i endured it, but the lord gave me strength and returned me to the profession, himself, exactly, this is the most important thing, this. today, two- thirds of the kherson theater team has already returned to their hometown. so far, the actors are working on two sites, in
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a shelter, but they do not lose hope that soon will be able to go on the big stage. well, you know, it's difficult to explain to people who haven't been to kherson, who... well, they don't understand, haven't seen, haven't felt the trash in which we have to live, but we're used to it, and since the liberation of kherson, i've been there, there are no windows in the theater, there simply aren’t any, but out of 300 windows, if you survive 20, then it’s good, it is under fire from all sides, but it lives, it works, we are waiting for the moment when the orcs will be driven away from the left bank and we can return and already open all your scenes, the free city of hepson again. congratulations tetyana golunova, dmytro nikiferov,
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espresso tv channel. next edition at 11. more up-to-date information can be found on our website and in our social networks. join in put your preferences, then ater will continue with analytics, my colleague, roman chaika, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. this is the town of baryshivka, in the kyiv region, until 2021 there was no place where teenagers could spend their free time, local activists decided to correct this situation, and applied for a competition to act ukraine from of the mhp charitable fund. community, they won one of the grants and created a fanhub youth space. we opened in the year 21,
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but in march of the year 22, our youth space was destroyed by the russians with a direct missile attack. ot. and at the end of the 22nd year, after receiving grant funding, we built and restored the youth space itself, already in a new building, in the basement. after the destruction of the hub, the activists did not get lost and submitted to the competition a second time, thanks to which they moved to another premises. in space, teenagers together with curators arrange film screenings, trainings and volunteer, weave nets and make trench candles. the children themselves say that they are very glad that there is a fan hub in the community, because before its appearance it was difficult to find a place to spend time with friends. it was a point question, because there was no room for it. they were looking for just a street and that was all, but when they built this
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space, it became very popular among the youth of baryshchyvka, i was here every weekend, friday, saturday, sunday, i was here all the time with my friends, i found here friends, even got to know many people. the chasdiet ukraine contest from the mkp gromady is being held for the ninth year in a row, during which time the charitable fund under... has supported the initiative in more than 300 communities. the organizers say that the foundation's mission is to help communities not only with grants, but also with knowledge. therefore, an important part of the competition is training. thanks to this competition, we have changed the approach to charity in communities. they began to develop skills in project management, strategic thinking, so that projects and ideas were of higher quality and were not only an expression of a single person, and it really was. public decision. this year, the budget of the competition is uah 14 million. organizers want to support
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local social initiatives from veteran hubs and rehabilitation programs to shelter equipment. representatives of local self-government, communal institutions, public organizations, medical and educational institutions can apply for the competition. you can find out the details and conditions of the competition by following the link on the screen, or by filling out the questionnaire on the chasdiya competition website. in ukraine , applications will be accepted until may 12, 2024 year yulia zubchenko, dmytro nikiferov, espresso tv channel. congratulations to the viewers of espresso. today is april 12. this is the day when we can say that it started exactly 10 years ago. the russian invasion with the capture of slavyansk and the second russian-ukrainian war, which continues to
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this moment, began. all this anger towards the russian-fascist occupier can be converted if you join the initiative, together with the organization baza ua sprotiv, we are collecting uah 2 million, this is for fpv drones, kamekadze drones, and they are not simple, but such which have already been actually tested, these are variations of drones of our own production. directly to the needs of two brigades, one qr code will take you to the bank for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade above it you can see the card number, and the second collection for the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, kamikaze drones will do what they cannot do, for example , bks shells that have not yet arrived from our western partners, and we will show you a report on the work done, so add what we have been saying for a few minutes. before the news with the historian and officer alfiorov about the moscow order
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of lenin, the patriarchate has an unexpected continuation right from today, because today the security service of ukraine came to search the deputy head of the internal department of external church relations of this russian church, which calls itself the uoc mp. this is a foreigner, nikolai danylevich, if you look at these photos, he is standing in the company of a war criminal. billionaire navinsky, to whom the ukrainian authorities once gave a passport, he also came then with novinsky to persuade not to give patriarch bartholomew, do not provide - tomos to the orthodox church of ukraine, here are the details, probably our news service colleagues will tell us later who this uncle is, and who justified russia's aggression, and whether he, like all the anufriys, has a russian passport in his back pocket, and in the meantime we will communicate with a volunteer and an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, it is now
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literally from minute to minute we will establish a stable connection, myroslav gai will be there, and during that time i will actually tell you about what is happening on outside, on the outside, in the outside world too restless, because we have confirmation that israel has actually prepared for strikes, it could be strikes from the sky, first of all, iran promised this, and they are ready for this attack in the next two days, 48 ​​hours, this is the information, another war can absolutely to seriously deploy, which is not... very good for us and for the armed forces of ukraine, since a lot of attention and resources can be redirected to another hot war, if it happens, because with those ayatollahs, you never know where they are just lying , and where they actually do, too returning to the blows that ukraine received from russia in the past two days, unfortunately,
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the number of victims is increasing, there is a day of mourning in odesa, but there are already six dead. says in the neighboring mykolaiv region, five people died as a result of these massive combined rocket, cruise and ballistic missile strikes on residential areas of odesa and mykolaiv. that's what we've got we'll stop for a moment now we'll find out if we already have it so far we can't make that connection so i'll go back to the defense as well one form defenses' this is what the president of poland , andrzej duda, said, that he will order his minister of defense to conduct an audit of the various defense structures of air defense, which were still made mad in the soviet union, because they are warehouses, and poland has already handed them over to us, this is about the protection of our objects, well, the second point is very interesting, what
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we heard from the former minister of fuel and energy, mr. plachkov confirmed that in europe they reacted quite quickly to these massive shellings, in particular, the detek company sent people to different countries to to look for the necessary power units and parts of this energy structure, but, for example, only diesel generators have now been brought to ukraine from our partners from abroad, well , if we take the total capacity, says plachkov, then these are two nuclear power units, grigoriy told about this, so, in principle, we also expect that our energy experts will be in touch with us today, in particular the executive director of detek, we will also ask about what we can best buy for this spring and summer, as they say, and prepare for a difficult
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heating season, since in fact 100% of the thermal power generation, that is, what we have on coal... has been destroyed by mass strikes from russia, meanwhile we will tell you about an interesting rehabilitation project, through a rather unexpected means, this is the brazilian ji ojitsu , they have this kind of struggle, and with the help of this they implement rehabilitation in kropyvnytskyi, they train military personnel and veterans after being wounded and after amputations, the classes are free, by the way, aimed specifically at physical labor. well, like all kinds of good wrestling and socialization, more about sports for defenders, our journalists will tell these stories. mykhailo drobotenko is 30 years old, he is a professional military man who defended the country since the time of the ato. two years ago
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, he was seriously wounded near severodnotsk, when he was blown up by an anti-personnel mine during demining. received by us. combat order for us to take a position, since i knew the area there well, we took this position, but there were anti-personnel mines, enemy mines, and in order for them to blow up in front of me, we need them i had to choose, at that time there were no engineers, i was the only person who understood this matter, and i went to clear the mines, until i was wounded . was engaged in sports, so even now he firmly decided not to stop. first of all, he wants to exercise in order to be in good physical shape, he also has ambitions to participate in competitions, and dreams of becoming a world champion. so... i was one of the first to join a sports rehabilitation project in my hometown, which interested me - wrestling is like in life, you constantly have to fight,
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it is impossible to relax here, because if you relax, you you will already lose some time and you can lose, everyone will find something for themselves in these classes, coach serhiy korkach is confident, for some it is physical rehabilitation, for some it is psychological, some will be distracted in such a way, i want to help the boys to be in physical shape, kind , yes, that is, and this is more of a goal as rehabilitation for the boys, so that they do not dwell on their problems somewhere there, yes, that is, but came here in a team, constantly developed, yes, that is, that is, they were constantly in collective of people, the project idea belongs to the organizing league competitions in ukraine, says yevhen skirda, the founder of the krypnytskyi club, classes for defenders are held three times. for a week, anyone who wants to can join, developed a methodology together with israeli specialists, specifically for training for veterans. the fact is that judo is a very
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adaptive type of struggle, and here a person, starting from there, of any age, of any build, and also here are people who do not have one or two limbs, that is, they can find under himself a certain technique and quite successfully practice and also perform at competitions. mykhailo drobotenko advises his brothers to do sports even in spite of internal resistance. then it will grow into a habit that you cannot do without. he jokes about his own motivation, he is his own motivation, he has a combative nature and is not used to giving up in the face of difficulties, and he is also supported by his daughter and his beloved girlfriend, from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. brazil doesn't help much, but brazilian helps, that's the reality. we managed to establish a connection with a volunteer officer of the armed forces of ukraine, myroslav gai with our studio. myroslava, glory to ukraine. yes, glory to the heroes, good day, excuse me on the way. well, we understand, these are the realities, but in
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myroslavl, for quite a long time and many times we looked at the fact that it was not always successfully communicated, and sometimes even resembled some kind of psychological special operation. the moment of suddenly removing the law on mobilization. another mechanism that should simply be in the body of this law, that is , demobilization, but now they say, well, there are seven or eight months, we will write something, develop something, the cabinet of ministers will submit something for which it was done, well, everything is clear here, now demobilization is impossible, even if they recruit new people, and it will take a long enough time, train them, prepare them, adjust them, arm them, send them to the front, at this moment someone has to hold the line of combat confrontation, that is , taking into account the fact that we are constantly threatened, that russia can gather new
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reserves and go on the offensive in other directions, we constantly hear this, and not only from ukrainian, but also from western experts, that is, accordingly, start now release people who have two years of experience, and that one is more war, more experienced, well, it's just... to lose the war, it's clear that we wanted to have a demobilization mechanism, but it's just not possible now, well, that's objectively, yes there is objective logic here, but they explained to us 36 months, that is 3 years, that is, there is still time, as they say, and the reserve to prepare, recruit and train it, and one and a half years straight to zero, non-stop, that was also which for which 36 months, they washed it. they recorded like that, two years already, well, people are mobilized in the army, well, another year, and it will be 30, or is it 36 ​​months from the moment the law was adopted, that is, those people who
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mobilized in the 22nd year, won back for two years and another three years, that is, it is five years, that's right, well, that's how it works, i'm just talking about , that it was obvious and clear, all the threats and challenges of wartime, then why was there six months about it? er, to write, speak, comment, sit in tv, talk about it from morning till night and at the last moment remove it, what was the point of writing it at all? well, i will say so, in my opinion, the state had all the legal grounds to conduct mobilization, all legislative acts were adopted before this, we have mechanisms for how to do it, and it seems to me that this law, it has more, let's say, political significance. first of all, to show our foreign partners that ukraine has adopted the law, and this is no longer, let's say, a factor for
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criticism of our... western partners whether or not to provide us with weapons, you heard in the united states of america all the time, especially, well , it is heard from various political parties, but why should we help, if ukraine has not yet adopted a law on mobilization, but in fact we had all the legal mechanisms for organizing the mobilization process, uh, and excuse me, in the 22nd year, how did we recruit the army without mobilized people, without this law, well, how... well , they were able to do it, well then the volunteers went first, first of all, of course, we were sought out by the military commanders, we were forced to mobilize, raised scandals, organized into groups, organized mobile, mobilization, let’s say, offices, posts, they forced the employees of the military committees to come there, set up this process, my brigade was mobilized like that,
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well... an amazing change, that is, if then they forced the tsk, but they came to work and quickly took us to the army, now it is a slightly different story, and literally, if you can briefly talk about half a minute, we look at the recruiting system, which is quite good, works properly, and there are absolutely logical things that give a good result, and why, why not include the following in the body of the law on mobilization in these recruiting mechanisms. philosophical questions for a snack, well, listen, that's all you need to work out, the law is quite general enough, i would say, because there are no answers to many specific questions, and now to include recruiting mechanisms, well, who has researched these mechanisms, how they help in the long term to really attract people, so it is necessary to research the experience of teams that,
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for example, are engaged in recruiting. like the third assault brigade, other brigades, it's difficult, it's difficult, no one will deal with it, of course, it would complicate the already difficult process of adopting changes to the law, they barely accepted him, they barely accepted him, well , look how many months they waited for him, thank god that at least in such a bunch of versions, thank you, mr. myroslav, for finding the opportunity to connect with such a volunteer, officer of the armed forces of ukraine, myroslav gai, about the eyes nuances, here there was a lot... there was already a lot of emotional and information layering, i mean the law on mobilization processes adopted yesterday, it clarified the previous laws, we will take a short pause now, after which we will analyze what the enemy has, because wise people always study your enemies and vadym denysenko, the author of the book, how to overcome this russian peace, will help us in this, then be with espresso.
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