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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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, the minister of foreign affairs actually told them, and with vadim denysenko, a political expert, journalist, author of the book how to overcome russian peace, we will continue to talk, mr. vadim, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, greetings, you see, in continuation of our previous conversations about the russian church, we somehow mentioned, maybe a word or two to you, we see that the war with this terrorist organization is on the territory of ukraine. continues with variable success, because the moscow priests, i don't know with what epaulettes, but then they go to the kiev-pochersky lavra and then they rule something, and then people go there and give money. well, i think the main problem is that their main sponsors remain and the main sponsors now continue, as far as i understand, to fund the bulk of priests, if possible. name,
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and actually speaking, thanks to this they hold on, that is, they are told, the main thing is to endure, wait, and then everything will be fine, and for now we will finance you, that is, the scheme has changed there, by the way... of support and sponsorship in in ukraine , navinsky was also involved in the transportation of calves and all other actions, and all this was financed. in russia, this is an orthodox fascist, malofeev has always been involved in this, has something changed there from the point of view of financing? well, i think that only the department of ukraine is possible, only possible the scheme has become more complicated, and as for everything else, i don't think anything has changed. mr. vadim, and you just recently... demonstrated these czech bodies that have access to the main body, i.e. to putin, there was such a top-20, but someone knew, someone found out for the first time what a trend you to see with those who actually form porridge in
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putin's head, something has seriously changed there, which will have consequences for us, well, the key change that took place during the last, last month, probably, it was... connected with two things, it was connected with avdiivka, and with the entry of russian troops into avdiivka, on the one hand, on the other hand, with a completely incomprehensible to me, but incredible euphoria that came in the kremlin after the election victory, that is, they somehow it was taken for granted simply as the end of history, as the beginning of something new, and as a matter of fact, from this moment we can say that the final total victory is indisputable. the victory was won by the so-called hawks, that is, people who, well, there are no doves of peace there, there are simply bigger ones hawks and smaller hawks, that is the group of patrushev, chemizov, patrushev is the person in charge of all the security forces, comes from the fsb, chemizov is a rostyeg, this is the entire military-industrial complex of the russian federation, and their tandem
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actually won a global victory and the rhetoric in general changed dramatically inside russia, that is, in fact, all this rhetoric, well, we... see, we hear, that is, they returned to the thesis about kyiv again in three days, only in the latest ones there are modifications, and, unfortunately, here you have to understand that all that what happens in the united states congress america, when, at the moment, does not vote in support of ukraine, in support of ukraine, unfortunately, in principle only fuels these euphoric moods that have now settled in the head of putin and his closest entourage. ugh. mr. vadim, here is another story on... the day of our conversation happened, i mean there is such a category of russians who think that if they managed to escape to europe, then they automatically become good russians, but they sit in europe, there is a new newspaper europe and they write that hey, look, the turks proposed a new peace plan for
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russia and ukraine and have already given it to two parties, it turns out that in principle , telegram garbage is growing at the feet, well, like a media killer or something. that everything is being spread, all this at least looks very fake, but the publication in principle positioned itself a little differently, and now there is even an official comment from the president's office that they were not given any such turkish peace plan, that is, we see that this kind of playing with their hands is going on those who call themselves we liberal new russian and good, why is it like that for three minutes. it's been done carefully, well, look, let's divide this question into several components, that is, the first component - it is necessary, in fact, not to forget about the level of ukrainian media, who were too lazy to look at the official website of the prime minister of turkey, that is, if on the official website
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of the prime minister - there is nothing from the minister of turkey, or statements from some press service, anything else, then surely we still need to think about the origin of this document, unfortunately... in principle, we all first quoted this document, and then, or rather a pseudo document, and then they started to tell, and they almost quarreled with turkey, they almost brought the situation to the point that we had to declare war on turkey, and then they realized that it was a fake document. the second point, which is no less important, is that it should be understood that whether similar theses are being discussed, in fact, well, the following should be translated into our discussion: are similar theses being discussed in the key capitals of the world. and in those capitals that claim to be playgrounds for negotiations on ukraine. unfortunately, in principle, one must understand that some of these theses are being discussed and debated in full seriousness, whether they will reach the final document, well, i think they will not, but nevertheless, for now, these theses
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are being discussed. i would just like to remind everyone that there were ancient times, long past, you can say the times, some 17th and 18th years, when the mala was written off here. in the city of kyiv, when marel's plan was discussed, which had no chance of being implemented, but there were hardly any revolutions here, treason, they talked about the fact that the president should be removed, because moral proposed that plan. such plans, unfortunately, as yesterday's plan was carried out, allegedly by erdogan, but in fact not erdogan, unfortunately, there will be a lot of them, you just need to understand that society, such an unelectrified society, unfortunately, is so emotionally in let's say so, not in the best situation, let's put it mildly, that's us'. we dig for all these things, we discuss them and do not include critical thinking at all, well, here besides everything
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on the other hand, i, as a person who worked in the police for many years, i think i have the right to say about it that, well, after all, it is necessary to do at least some kind of verification and look at the first sources, well, although on the other hand, this mustachioed bumblebee fragrant hops, that is, piskov once again says that we have a desire for russia. negotiation process, but at the same time we understand that three theses remain unchanged: not a word about crimea, occupied territories and occupied territories, and the subject of discussion can only be complete administrative borders, for example, from kharkiv, zaporizhzhia and kherson regions, which they already tacitly consider to be new territories, none of this has changed in russia's rhetoric. what turning point on the front could change the approach of moscow, which
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says, you can discuss whatever plans you want, without us there will be nothing that can change the approach of putin and the kremlin to peace negotiations? well, look, i think we'll stop there now, if i said a few months ago that there was a possibility of negotiations in the early part of the summer, now, unfortunately, after the elections. what i said is that they are really euphoric and they think that the states will not give us any help, they are not ready for any negotiation processes, which could be a turning point not for not for negotiations, in general a turning point for stabilizing situation, this is of course the decision of the congress of the united states of america, without it it will be incredibly difficult for us, that is, it is actually one of the basic things for us, it is the support of the united states of america, which, unfortunately, today...
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the results of the elections in america are either or trump or biden, let's take one and the second option and then what does the readiness of muscovites look like to somehow talk about the end of hostilities. i think we are betting too much on elections in the united states of america right now. ah, trump will be elected, biden will be elected, in principle, the key story, congress will allocate 60 billion, or at least 45, as was said the last time, or not, this is the basic story for us, which we need to talk about now, that's all the other is actually the distant future, it is futurology, and we have to that november, more precisely, and after november there will still be a certain time when the previous president still remains the president, and for a very long time, the key thing for us. the story now is the summer campaign and to endure the coming summer, therefore, from this point of view, the decision of the congress
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is probably no less important for us, and maybe even more important, than who will win the elections in the united states of america in six months. well, in order to finish talking about our enemies, i look sadly enough at their websites, the so-called liberal ones, because they were very upset that in fact china... well, all because of the smaller and smaller opportunity for them to work with the yuan and rubles, but the state bank of china in general now requires them to disclose the schemes of these gray supplies and everything else, plus, i am not talking about all the difficulties of interstate payments and so on, and at the same time they cultivated under the chinese brother, the chinese brother, in this case, as you can see, this year is changing, but it does not become such that trade has stopped and... everything and tomorrow china will stop to buy russian oil, unfortunately, there is no such thing.
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it is clear, but there is one more important piece of information, well, from nebenzin, the un, and the dorbi in russia, how this story is spread and spread. i'm talking about this city hall crocus and the fact that the tajik fighters were carrying out ukrainian tasks under the patronage of the islamic state, well, that's bullshit, and they continued to suppress it, and now we see it. decided that the series should be continued, and now they say that the fsb, well, they destroyed a terrorist who was preparing an attack on a moscow synagogue there. then about another group and all this is the same all the time some natives of the asian former soviet republics, but of course they are managed from ukraine, so why are they still trying to make so many stupid and stupid stories one after another, it doesn't give them anything? well, for the internal story, it gives absolutely everything,
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that is, in principle, the internal consumer dug it up, the internal consumer lives in these stories and the internal consumer. understands that the biggest terrorist in the world is ukraine, so it is more than enough for the domestic consumer, so from this point of view they have reached the audience they have reached, or it will reach the audience of the collective event, they are still sitting and waiting, it will reach at some point in a year, two or three, let it reach, it won’t reach, it’s okay, the task is minimal, it is definitely accomplished, ugh, but how about in general at the event this week, for example , russian official lies perceived? here, the one who calls himself the president of belarus met with putin, and putin said, i am such a humanist, that is why we did not shoot at the energy systems, because it was winter, so that schools and hospitals would not freeze, so we are such humanists, and when like that a cynical lie is heard, in the west it is accepted as the truth by at least someone, well
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, probably some part is accepted as the truth, but we must clearly understand that at that moment he was afraid to shoot at the energy... infrastructure for one simple reason, because this could lead at that moment to the fact that we would really be allocated eight patriots, and in principle additional weapons and the same 60 billion, when they saw the freezing cities, now he understands that the situation has changed radically, and unfortunately, the situation in congress the us is dangerous enough for us, and now he can do whatever he wants, and congress continues to talk about what is in principle. eh, it’s okay, we are for democracy, hold on, there are no weapons, but you hold on, yes, paraphrasing medvedev, mr. vadim, we want to thank you for your analysis of the situation, vadim denysenko, political expert, author of the book, to overcome the russian peace was on connection with us, yes, that's how it is, there was protection of the patriots
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and we didn't hack the power system, unfortunately, now the situation looks different, we are now we will ask the executive. dmytro sakharuk, director of children's, in contact with our studio. mr. dmytro, we congratulate you. well, it 's been going on like this for three weeks, i mean, super-intense attacks on the power system, and the last massive attack was just yesterday morning. can you tell us about its consequences, how exactly dtek power plants were affected. yes, two of our stations were damaged in western ukraine yesterday. they stopped working because of the destruction, because of the hit, and now we are sorting it out, looking at the damage, trying to somehow some part of the equipment to resume operation, but i can, i must state that the consequences are quite serious, very serious destruction, some blocks
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are completely destroyed, some are badly damaged, so a lot will be determined on this. sometimes, unfortunately, yes, but with energy supply, let's say this, in the regions, let's take the capital, in the kyiv region, but yesterday the trypilska thermal power station was destroyed, how does the situation look now, well, we already have a unified system, therefore, the physical presence of a specific station on the territory of the region does not mean that specifically in this region... it will be deficit, ah, because there is an opportunity to transfer electricity from one region to another, and yes, if we talk about the tepila station, it is really destroyed by 100%, due to the rockets hitting it, the amount of fire that you see on the screen means that recovery is impossible in the near future, and if we talk
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about the situation of consumers, then we have... restrictions now in the kharkiv region due to destruction and generation and transmission, network restrictions and consumer schedules are applied, schedules are applied to consumers hourly outages, there are large restrictions in the dnipropetrovsk region due to the destruction of transmission facilities, there are large restrictions in the odesa region, a little less. of course , it takes place in the territory adjacent to the front line. for example, in the donetsk region, there are 50 teams working every day, the average volume of our company is average. cut off, the number of those who are not cut off is about 70-80 thousand every day, also suffer from shelling and blackouts
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. therefore, in general, the system is now balanced, in the country, but it is balanced due to the fact that we receive emergency aid from europe, we attract imports. and thus , in principle, we cover the general deficit, the local deficits that i mentioned, and where blackouts are applied, due to the fact that there is no possibility to transfer the necessary amount of electricity to consumers, and we also paid attention to the fact that if earlier the russians were hit by transmission, now they concentrated all their blows on generation, that is, thermal generation, that is, for people, as they say, there is coal, but there is no place to generate anymore... it is so easy, in this case, do you have it, we literally still have a minute left, do you have any advice, because we understand , spring will pass, summer will pass, it does not change and is not done in a matter of
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months, what would you recommend to people, what to buy, ecoflau, generators, what to stock up on, well, wherever possible, of course, you need to have backup alternative sources of generation, in the apartment of course don't put the generator, because there is physically nowhere to put it, if it is. an octo generator should be, and speaking of apartments, it is an alternative source, ecoflow or ecoflow alternatives, ecoflow is one of the manufacturers, there are other storage devices, but you really need to have storage devices, and this is not a powerbank to provide a phone charge or a small light bulb burning, it is probably already necessary to think about it, and many people have already thought about it, probably even last year, but those who have not thought about it, i advise you to think about installing ecoflow and or... analogues of ecofo on with connection to apartment networks for to have power supplies in case of power outages. many ukrainians are already ready, because we have been in
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the war for two years, more than two years, so many are ready, some are not ready, we need to have alternative sources of energy, and of course, when there are peak loads, we need to save here, we need to consume less , shift consumption to the night or day when the sun is shining, so a lot of solar generation helps the system. balance and consume is not enough. well, these are the tips from mr. dmytro, that is, you must have something that can be connected there is a heater or something powerful, and at least stock up on those who don't have it yet. dmytro saharuk, executive director of dtek, thank you for your comment and analysis of this current situation, we have time to take a short break, but remember that the 11th is the latest news from the espresso team. and we will continue after the news. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. 11 o'clock. time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. in the kherson region on russian explosives two people were blown up: a 38-year-old local resident is in a serious condition in the hospital. he has a blast injury, amputation, lower legs and shrapnel wounds to his shoulder. a 40-year-old woman was also injured, olexandr prokudin, the head of the region, said. a man and a woman who were going fishing came across a mine near the river.


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