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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, it's news time on the espressu tv channel in the iryna koval studio, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. ukraine. zero 99 fallen defenders, in particular 77 bodies of fighters who fought in the donetsk direction, 20 fallen soldiers from zaporizhzhya and two defenders from kharkiv, reported the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war. the armed forces of ukraine will transport the bodies of the dead to state institutions, where they will identify the soldiers, after which the bodies will be handed over to their families. the government raised for 70 thousand uah. payments to military and
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police officers who perform combat tasks on the first line of defense. now, in addition to a salary of 20,000 uah and combat wages of 100,000 uah, fighters have the right to an additional payment of 70,000 uah. the money will be charged for every 30 days of completing tasks, noted prime minister denys shmyhal. let me remind you that the day before, the verkhovna rada by resolution obliged the cabinet of ministers to increase additional payments to the military. almost. the government allocated uah 4 billion for the further construction of defense lines, of these funds, uah 1.7 billion will be invested in the defense of kharkiv oblast, uah 1.5 billion hryvnias for fortification in sumy oblast. donetsk region, kherson region and mykolaiv region will also receive money - announced prime minister denys shmehal. in general, since the beginning of the year , the cabinet of ministers has already allocated almost 30 billion hryvnias for the construction and arrangement of fortifications. there is no
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light in the occupied part of kherson oblast, as a result of enemy attacks on critical infrastructure in neighboring mykolaiv oblast. the lack of electricity led to accidents in the water supply system, in particular, in the water supply network in the textile village, there were water interruptions. specialists until the end of the day work will be carried out to increase the pressure, and the residents will have water on weekends, the military administration promised. major repairs will begin next week. the damaged section of the water pipeline. in the morning in belgorod , an unknown drone hit the administration building of gazprom, local channels write. and belgorod governor gladkov determined that the drone was of an aircraft type. he also wrote that two people received shrapnel wounds. the russian propaganda media also claim that the novoshakhty plant was hit by four drones oil products in the rostov region. one
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of the downed uavs allegedly fell on the territory of the plant. as you know, this refinery was attacked on march 13 and had to stop work. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson is negotiating with the white house and preparing a vote on military aid for ukraine and israel. this was stated by the leader of the republicans in the us house of representatives, steve scalise. for him. johnson was negotiating a package at the white house that would differ from the one passed by the senate and would include several republican demands. however, there is no agreement achieved it is clear that agreements must be made not only with the white house, but also within the republican party, scalise added. norway is preparing to hand over 22 f-16 fighters to ukraine. the us gave permission for this, the norwegian media write about it. however. not all of these
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planes are fully serviceable, some will go for spare parts. in addition to fighter jets, norway can provide ukraine with engines, auxiliary materials, simulators, spare parts and other equipment. the exact date of the transfer is unknown, but observers are sure that it will definitely not happen before the july nato summit in washington. i would like to note that the air force reported that ukrainian pilots are already completing training for the f-16 in denmark and the united states of america. ukraine and montenegro have agreed on visa-free transportation for cargo transportation. accordingly , the agreement was concluded between the ukrainian ministry of infrastructure and the montenegrin ministry of transport. this was reported in the embassy of ukraine in montenegro. simplification of all cargo transportation between countries will take place as early as june 1, 2024. at the renamed capital station. subway square
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ukrainian heroes installed the first set of titles. a total of four are needed. one inscription has 24, 26 characters, the station name ploscha ukrainian heroes is the longest. among other metro station names. works are carried out only at night, when there is no train traffic and there is no voltage on the contact rail. during the renaming of this station, 104 characters were produced. the weight of one letter is about 3 kg. the author of the idea is the font designer bohdan gdal. become a pilot, scout, tanker or gunner. during the full-scale war between russia and ukraine, high school students are more and more frequent. choose military specialties, why they want to join the army and who they look up to, see further in the plot: on kirill bogdanov, well, he also started from the very bottom, if i am not mistaken, he also graduated from the odessa military academy, and in my opinion he can be
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such a bright ukrainian example of a ukrainian officer, that's how 16-year-old yuriy talks about the person he wants to be equal to... in life and profession. the guy has already decided to become a soldier, plans to enter the military academy in odessa and be a scout. i have good physical indicators, and i believe that the scout profession will suit me most of all. and i am ready to develop in this direction. scouts are perhaps one of the most versatile of such fighters, able to perform various types of tasks. for example, in addition to ordinary reconnaissance, they can also perform some subversive tasks, that is, in the rear of the enemy, make sabotage. high school students can learn about various military professions from the military themselves. they hold meetings with graduates in schools of the lviv region. alexei
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came to tell about his educational institution and admission experience. he is a third-year cadet at the faculty of missile forces and artillery of the petro sahaydachny national academy of ground forces. the guy also changed his... profession after the same meeting at school, i have my own impression of how the state actually needs new personnel, fresh personnel, they should be motivated ukrainians, young ukrainians who choose their choice of profession, namely defense state in such a difficult time for us, that is, this is the period when we again returned to the war, it is 400 years old, it is cyclical again, it will continue further, and now, in order for our country and state to survive, we need to mobilize our efforts not only of the military, active, not only of our... now adults, but and our youth. by his example, oleksiy motivates schoolchildren to become soldiers, explains that specialized universities produce the basis of the ukrainian army. how the armed forces of ukraine will fight in the future depends on the officers. the key thing about our youth is
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that it is a formal reorganizer of the army, that is, for now, fresh heads, fresh thoughts, fresh views, these views are exactly what helps us to switch to nato standards faster, get them faster. a new look , a modern, attractive look, that is, it is significantly different from ours, so to speak , even before the soviet times, now we, with the help of the fact that new, motivated young people are coming, who already see how it is happening in general, and where the world is developing, have more such a clear view of where the army needs to go in the future. exactly 16-year-old yuri also sees such a role in the army for himself, he says that the defense of the country is the main reason for him to choose a military profession, the military is the one... which one, well, i did not choose it because it is prestigious, but it is simply considered in society is quite so prestigious at the moment, and in principle, i believe that it should be so, because it is, after all, protection from external,
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external aggressors, a recruiting campaign for the admission of schoolchildren to higher military educational institutions and military colleges, sergeant ranks organizes and supervises lviv regional territorial center of recruitment and social support. schoolchildren are told about military specialties by soldiers who have already participated in combat operations, or are acquiring relevant professions. pilots, scouts, gunners, tankers shared stories from their own experience, motivated so that modern young men and women in the future could defend ukraine decently from the enemy. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our collection of means of communication and. security needs the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected almost uah 50,000. so let's not delay,
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because the war continues, the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the details on the screen. so join the gathering, that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, summary about the main thing in our social... well, in a moment, meet my colleagues marta olyarnyk and oksana vysychanska. information day of the tv channel in rozpal itself. in the next few hours
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, marta ulyarnyk and oksana vysochanska will be working for you in the spress studio to inform you about the most important things. there are enough events today. well, we will also analyze this whole thing, together with the guests whom we will add to our broadcast. well, traditionally, we remind you that we continue our volunteer activities without ceasing, so we ask you to join the gathering we are currently holding. 2 million uah need to be collected to purchase fpv drones, which have proven themselves very well on the battlefield, and in order to at least somehow equalize this parity, let's say, at the front, our soldiers need as many drones as possible, 2 million uah, so our goal, these drones are needed for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, and i hope that all of us together with you can close this collection soon, because the sooner we get them... guys, yes, the sooner they receive them, the better, and now we will actually
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add our first guest to the air, it will be dmytro snigiryu, a military expert and co-chairman of the public initiative right matters, but by the way, before that i would like in fact, i would like to inform you of important information: the european union has decided to criminalize the violation and circumvention of sanctions, the organization reports about this on its website. according to the website, the directive was approved by the council of the eu, trade in sanctioned goods will be considered a criminal offense in all european union countries have a maximum sanction of 5 years in prison, this is the information, well, i will add a little more to you, because besides this, the moral aspect is very important, and we also have some finances from the netherlands, because they allocated an additional 400 million euros of support, this was earlier about 2 billion euros were allocated for aid. in the 24th year, that is, it is for this year, now there is an additional 400 million, in fact, that is 20% of the amount that was before, great,
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thank you, and now dmytro snigerov himself is joining our conversation, a military expert and co-chairman of the right-wing public initiative, mr. dmytro, we welcome you to our airwaves, congratulations, thank you for the invitation, we see that the attacks on the ukrainian energy infrastructure are constantly intensifying, more and more rockets, missiles, whatever they have are being launched on... specific objects, that is, now they do not disperse throughout the country, but take and attack certain objects with a huge number of weapons, the poles say that this is all because the americans are procrastinating and putin feels completely unpunished and can to do whatever he wants, especially since the elections have passed, he does what he wants, and with the air defense, well, at the moment, neither the states nor europe, nobody particularly strengthens us. what are your forecasts, how long will we be able to last with
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what we have, because we also cannot develop our air defense systems in one day? well, let's hold on until our victory, but let's talk about the fact that the intensity of missile attacks by the russian federation on the energy infrastructure, unfortunately, the residential infrastructure, will increase, i explain what we are talking about, the russian the military doctrine clearly states the preventive nature of... striking energy infrastructure with the aim of forcing surrender, and it is no coincidence that after the missile strikes on ukrainian residential areas, the press secretary of the russian dictator pitskov announced that the russian federation is ready for the so-called of a peaceful dialogue, but accordingly on russian terms, and moreover, yesterday there was a statement by the representative of the russian federation at the un and... and all this gives reason to say that the latest missile attacks on the territory
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of ukraine were aimed at military-political pressure on the political leadership of ukraine in order to force ukraine to sign the so-called peace agreements, and let's see what the reaction of the world community is, parallel to this is the so-called erdogan's peace plan, where it is clearly stated that russia retains the occupied territories, i.e. the status quo at the time of the signing of the so-called dead agreements, which secure the territories of the occupied... districts of luhansk, donetsk oblast, kherson, zaporizhzhya, to the occupying country, and, accordingly, the occupied crimea. this is the thing about rocket launchers. regarding your remark that they do not randomly hit selected targets. i also have a specific question, why exactly are they hitting the targets for which the government of ukraine
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has allocated as much as 9.7 billion hryvnias for the construction of defense structures. as a result, we have what we have, we do not have protective structures that should protect these critical infrastructure objects, and accordingly we do not have uah 9.7 billion in the budget, instead, in the dry balance, we have problems in energy sector and accordingly the business trip of mustafa nayem and kubrakov, who did not find time, but... could not come to the walls of the verkhovna rada and explain, actually, where are the 9.7 billion. mr. dmytro, look, the head of the come back alive fund, taras chmut, gave an interview the other day the ukrainian truth, where he said very unpopular things among ukrainians, but he said that it's time to start speaking
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and living reality, an unpleasant, sad reality, we will not win this war, this is our reaction now. but not as he says, everything is lost, we still have a chance to change the situation, but for this it is necessary to mobilize ukrainian society, we are talking about the mobilization of men to the front, and about the mobilization of resources, and about the mobilization of people living in the rear, that is, we must all concentrate on one goal together, yes, it is to destroy the enemy and expel him from our country, as you think we can do it now, we do it... i mean the ukrainian society, the ukrainian government, the ukrainian military in order to change this difficult situation to our advantage. well, you too you are doing, and the entire ukrainian people are doing their best, here the question is no longer up to the ukrainian people, what should we do, everyone is helping the army in their area, you are on the information front, accordingly collecting
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material and technical assistance for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine. another question is, why are we again being called for... total mobilization, well, we carried out total mobilization, the total mobilization reserve of ukraine is 2.7 million, the total mobilization reserve of the russian federation is 12 million. that is, for each, even conditionally, one hundred percent, if carried out the mobilization of the ukrainian soldier, there will be 4-5 occupiers. we will be able to win if we are offered an appropriate solution to the issue. times of the second world war, that is, we are actually offered to face the occupying country side by side, which has a larger mobilization reserve, according to the availability of such capabilities of the ukrainian side. why were there no proposals for the modernization of the domestic military industry
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and the production of the appropriate types of weapons that would replenish the arsenal. of the armed forces of ukraine, and we are talking about missile technology even before the beginning of a large-scale invasion, it is already the third year of the war, and we hear only about the german taurs, instead we do not hear, respectively, about the ukrainian thunder-2, which have a similar range of damage, if the scum collects help, announce help for the corresponding funding of the thunder-2, if not 300 million dollars are enough for the missile program, which went to incomprehensible cover or shelter for the thermal power plant in essence 10 mirds, if the government allocates 18 billion for roads, then it does not forget, and forgets, i apologize, to finance the rocket noise , in this way, the ukrainian people still have, we have to find another 300 million, which then again
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it is not clear where they will be driven, either to the roads or to some kind of shelters. mystical, the ukrainian people do everything to the maximum. and you think that we are currently mobilizing enough people for war. more than enough. the mobilization continued, despite even the absence of the law. and here the main question is why the law was about mobilization, which was absolutely necessary for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine and would establish, accordingly , understandable for ukrainian society rules. was actually accepted. after the pressure of our western partners, we observed what was happening for four months, legislative spam, more than four5 amendments, lack of quorum in... the session hall, lack of relevant committees at workplaces, and here as it turns out,
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western partners actually and impose strict conditions, or, accordingly, the law on mobilization, or not, it is necessary to demand military and technical assistance from us, and in an instant the verkhovna rada finds a quorum and votes within an hour, you do not have this question arises, mr. dmytro, according to the accounts of our air force and military experts, about a thousand missiles, almost 3, 2,800 shaheeds, 700 aerial bombs, this is what they have launched over ukraine only since the beginning of this 24th year, and in the last three days, from april 8 to 11, we can see on the map the energy facilities that became their targets, 12 facilities, among them several large ones, including tripil. and the gas storage in dershav and a little smaller, in general we can see what is going on, they are shelling constantly, our defenders from the avdiiv direction, now we
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let's show the footage, showing the consequences of the cabs' arrivals, and what i'm leading to, what if there were air defense, which we constantly talk about, if there were not 25 patriot systems, but also patriots and everything else that can work in the complex and irst and... and the same ukrainian air defense systems, in order to protect large cities and important objects and deploy them along the front line to deter the russians, this could solve the case, many experts say, the military constantly they say that, and why are our partners, why is the west delaying the delivery of these systems, why until for example, the poles can't throw up some patriot to protect the gas storage near stryi, there's also the question of their gas, they're also interested in it, i 'm not talking about any moral aspects. colleagues, why don't any of the military experts, you
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ask the question, raise the question of where the ukrainian air defense system was, at the time of the collapse of the soviet union, ukraine had the most rogue air defense system than in all european countries combined. why is it still being raised, and the question of ukrainian soldiers is also being raised. the prosecutor general's office is not responds to my statements regarding the possible commission of criminal offenses by the ex-minister of defense hrytsenko, there is talk of selling off the ukrainian air defense system for no money, they put the statements under the rug. we should start from this, that we sold our own air defense system for nothing, which could protect, and then we reproach our foreign partners accordingly, i 'm sorry, we sold everything, and now for... but give us air defense systems, because we have nothing to defend doesn't look weird enough. and why were the prerequisites not created for 10 years of war
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production of air defense systems by the domestic military industry. 10 years of war. it is not the third year it has been going on. this is where you should start. why is the military equipment not working? as for the western partners, their position is quite clear. everyone from... is waiting for further steps, i'm sorry if stoltenberg comes out and says that ukraine should decide for itself what compromises it will make at the moment of possible peace agreements, so i understand why the further transfer of air defense systems was put on hold. we heard you, thank you, mr. dmytro, for your thoughts. dmytro snigiro, military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative of law. matter, because on our airwaves, the news arrived that the european union will deploy the entire diplomatic network to prepare for the global peace summit, this was announced by the eu representation in ukraine, it is about the so
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-called peace formula, about its promotion, and actually, i am quoting now the political the adviser of the eu representation in ukraine, ondzhey wagner, at the forum of wartime diplomats, he said that, we are ready to deploy our entire diplomatic network for the preparation of this summit, we need to report from our side. more efforts to promote the peace formula, and i will actually remind you that the swiss government intends to hold a two-day high-level conference from june 15 to 16, during which they will look for ways to achieve peace in ukraine, among the countries they want to involve in this summit are the countries of the global south, also china, and it is still unknown whether china will participate in it, at least for now china has not officially confirmed it. well, let's take a short break, so a short break, then we'll return. and we will talk about kharkiv oblast, like the past the previous day there was also about evacuation about forced evacuation from a large number
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-kept area, order easy and: for only 999 uah plantain memory and savings an unusual look at the news. my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhii ruden. from now on
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in the new two-hour format even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, adding to our conversation bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, mr. bohdan, glory to ukraine, welcome to our air. glory to the heroes,
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have a good day. good day. mr. bohdan. how does the situation in kharkiv oblast look like now, do you have schedules for power outages, what does the forced evacuation of families with children look like, do people leave willingly, do they have somewhere to go, or do they actually provide them for the first time, at least housing, the help they need? well, as for the supply of electricity, it works today... the schedules are planned, those that were approved even before the last shelling, that is, there are no emergency shutdowns, as i understand it, although there is a shortage electricity is maintained, but still the schedule will be followed, well, for the example of my second house , the electricity should have been turned off, but it is still there, in general, yesterday, for example, it was not turned off at all, well, i am talking about my house, the neighborhood is there and there are others, and on other streets, there are
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a lot of very complicated schedules. it was written out there, they turned it off.


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