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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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kikis and girls in the future could also defend ukraine from the enemy with dignity. khrystyna parobiy, volodymyr studeny, espresso tv channel. well, thanks to our colleagues for this story. well, now it's time for news on the espresso tv channel, so now we pass the floor to our wonderful colleague iryna koval, who is ready to share with us all the most relevant and important information. iro, we congratulate you, give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly about... what will be going on in this issue? thank you, marta well, about payments to the military, about money for defense fortifications and much more, just wait a moment. 15 o'clock in ukraine. news time on the
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espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers and we begin the broadcast with the fact that the air force of the armed forces of ukraine reports the launch of aerial guided bombs in the sumy region. so please, if you live in sumy oblast, stay in safe places. the government has increased by uah 70,000 the payments to military and police officers who perform combat tasks on the front line defense now, in addition to the salary of 20,000 combatants in 100,00 hryvnias. fighters have the right to an additional payment of uah 70,000. money will be charged for every 30 days of completing tasks - said prime minister denys shmyhal. let me remind you that the day before, the verkhovna rada by resolution obliged the cabinet of ministers to increase additional payments to the military. a paralyzed man who collapsed in a house was evacuated by law enforcement officers from krasnohorivka in donetsk region. half of the house where the elderly couple lived was destroyed. by russian
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shelling, it was covered with debris and injured an 82-year-old paralyzed man, he and his wife miraculously survived, police white angels took them to the hospital. the russians continuously attack krasnohorivka. about a thousand residents remained in the city. due to heavy shelling, the number of people willing to leave has increased. in three days, the police rescued seven people, including two injured people. the government allocated another almost 4 billion hryvnias for the further construction of defense lines, of these funds, 1 billion 700 million hryvnias will be invested in the defense of kharkiv region, and 1.5 billion hryvnias for fortifications in sumy oblast. donetsk region, kherson region and mykolaiv region will also receive money - announced prime minister denys shmehal. in general, since the beginning of the year , the cabinet of ministers has already allocated almost uah 30 billion for the construction and arrangement of fortifications.
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in the morning in belgorod, an unknown drone hit the administration building of gazprom. the local governor, gladkov, determined that the drone was of an aircraft type. he also wrote that two people received shrapnel wounds. russian propaganda media also claim that novoshachtinsky was hit by four drones oil products plant in the rostov region. one of the downed uavs allegedly fell on the territory of the plant. as you know, this refinery was attacked on march 13 and had to stop work. norway is preparing to hand over 22 f-16 fighters to ukraine. the us gave permission for this, the norwegian media write about it. however, not all of these planes are fully serviceable, some will go for spare parts. in addition to fighter jets, norway can provide ukraine with engines for them, auxiliary materials, simulators, spare parts and other equipment. noted, in the air force
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reported that ukrainian pilots are already completing training for the f-16 in denmark and the united states of america. ukraine and montenegro have agreed on visa-free transportation for cargo transportation. accordingly , the agreement was concluded between the ukrainian ministry of infrastructure and the montenegrin ministry of transport. the embassy of ukraine in montenegro informed about this. simplification of all cargo transportation. between the countries will take place as early as june 1, 2024. the government of the netherlands will allocate an additional 400 million euros of support to ukraine. these funds will complete the package about 2 billion euros previously allocated this year. also, ukraine will be able to count on the support of the netherlands next year as well. for this purpose, the government, which will soon resign, has budgeted 1.5 billion euros. let me remind you, in march. ukraine and the netherlands
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signed an intergovernmental agreement on security cooperation. a toyota land car exploded in moscow. the prado cruiser, which belongs to former sbu employee vasyl prozerov. the explosion happened as soon as the driver turned on the ignition. the incident happened in the north moscow prozorov survived. according to propaganda media, he suffered leg injuries and was hospitalized. according to one of the versions , an explosive device allegedly went off in the car. a criminal case has been initiated under the article of attempted murder. prozerov worked in the security service of ukraine until 2018. after his release, he fled to russia, where he admitted at a press conference that he was a russian spy. searches in the moscow church. the security service of ukraine came to the deputy head of the synodal department of external relations of the uoc mp, archpriest mykola danylevich. about this rbc
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ukraine was notified by law enforcement agencies. danylevich was distinguished by the fact that in 2017, together with former people's deputy vadym novinsky, he was in the team. persuaded patriarch bartholomew not to give tomos to the orthodox church of ukraine. he also supported russian peace and justified aggression. rehabilitation of veterans through sports. in lviv, patients of the rehabilitation center attended a powerlifting master class. this sport helps to develop strength abilities after an injury. the participants of the trainings will tell what impressions they received. my colleagues, we do with you take a breath and lower the very good day, and you, having recorded, repeated another repetition, a powerlifting trainer corrects the technique of military man andrii dashkevich, from the beginning of the full-scale
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invasion of russia, the man defended the country as part of the 107th separate brigade of the tro forces, fought on the kharkiv and donetsk directions in july of last year with... received multiple wounds, this is the chest, pneumothorax, broken ribs, there was also a punctured leg, it was quite such an urgent amputation, i was there on the battlefield for a day, my leg was already lying down already, well, she didn't show signs of life there for a long time, she had to be amputated as soon as possible, andrii is one of the patients of the superhumans center, organized in this specialized clinic. active master classes for military and civilians who are waiting for prosthetics or are still undergoing rehabilitation. periodically, i work out in the rehabilitation center, as an additional, when there is time after my main classes, which are directed to prosthetics, if there is
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still time, i add strength training, well, in general, i like sports, it helps to stay in a good mood, in good shape, another military man who... is engaged in powerlifting, konstantin kashula with the call sign hunter, he defended our borders as part of the fifth assault brigade in the winter of 2023. konstantin was injured by a mine explosion , his leg had to be amputee, already with a prosthesis, a man performs barbells lying down. the impressions are very positive, because today i was shown several warm-up exercises that can be done, i was very interested in them and... and they showed me how to work with a barbell correctly, there many nuances that i did not know before. power lifting, or the so-called power triathlon, helps to comprehensively develop muscles, increase strength, improve endurance and coordination of movements, understand the theory and
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correct technique, the military was helped by the honored coach of ukraine, maria rostorguy. to move around even in wheelchairs, you need to have sufficiently developed muscles and have a high level of development. powerlifting can be used in the rehabilitation process, as well as directly after the rehabilitation is over, boys can continue to improve their athletic abilities. as part of the city program , military personnel can visit sports halls in lviv free of charge. this option is available in 13 sports centers. this program, as it concerns free visits to sports clubs, centers for military personnel, combatants and family members of the dead, it can operate in... in any city of our country, and we encourage and are ready to share experience on how to implement this program in other cities. to get a free pass to the hall, defenders only need to submit relevant documents to the sports department of the lviv city council. kateryna oliynyk, nazar
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melnyk, espresso tv channel. and i want to remind you about our assembly, the means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is ambitious - uah 720,000. with your help we have already collected more than uah 50,000, but you understand that this is a rather small amount, so let's not we will delay, the war continues, and the help of each of us is very important, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, you can read more as always on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. and then my colleagues, oksana vysychanska and marta oliyarnyk. let's go back
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and add to what iryna said, we already have official information that the explosions took place in sumy, we also previously reported about the threat the use of aerial bombs, and in a few minutes, literally 15-20 minutes, we will have alona yatsina, journalist isum in touch, and we will actually be able to ask her what it was and what the consequences of this attack were, meanwhile we will add taras to the conversation foreigner, political technologist and managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, mr. taras, we welcome you to our airwaves, good afternoon, mr. taras, what was it, yesterday, a lot of media, we also talked about it. talked about the peace plan from turkey, and then the legs and horns started coming out, that no,
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turkey did not publish this, and already many people say that it was simply from russia that such disinformation was launched, as if the turks are offering us a freeze on the conflict, in fact surrendering the territory and so on, well, look, of course that that it was not turkey was clear. of the first paragraph, it is about the start-3 treaty, guarantees not to use nuclear weapons, and many other things, of course, it is primarily about the agenda of the united states of america and russia, and they understood that it is theirs in in principle, the story, it is clear from this document, that it was a wish on the part of russia in the first place, and of course in this case to show. it's like turkey, well, this frame, so it's clear, it's the wishes of russia, now
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russia has stepped up a lot, because they want to use this window of opportunity that they think they have, they see the wavering of the biden administration in relation to ukraine, and this russophile group in in the form of bjørns and selivan is actively pumping this entire story, also trying to force ukraine to... peace, because they also connect it already with already with biden's election campaign, they want to show what a great peacemaker he really is and so on, well, that's good, actually very good news, i'll tell you, it means that after all, the biden administration has an addiction, an addiction, which vulnerability, or rather, which ukraine can use, they... are very worried about the fact that ukraine will strike on
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the territory of russia through oil pipelines, that is why they are worried about gasoline, and they want to show what a great peacemaker biden is, so that he will sort of stop the war, well that's it very good, so ukraine should continue to hit the oil pipelines, imposing its own agenda, if you need cheap gasoline, then please give us weapons, we are all discussing now. we don’t turn to them, no, of course we have to turn to politicians too, but we have to turn to exan and chevron, the oil companies operating in kazakhstan, which pump oil and export it through novorossiysk, to say, dear, do whatever you want, yes, but to we had weapons, go talk to your president, and what you have there begins problems on oil... pipelines, yes, these are your problems, not ours, if you don't
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want to appease your own politicians, then it will be like this, we, in any case, it's good for us that russia does not export oil, and you will bear losses, so let's go faster, and in order to clearly show its capability, the first emergency drone should fly into one, one of the oil compressors, the oil pipeline. so on, if russia still wants to make ukraine unfit for life, as they are now beating on energy, yes, then well, this is very unpleasant for ukraine, but i think. what is it possible to do, well, in principle , correct the consequences, liberalize the market for energy generation, let everyone put panels, windmills, generators, bioenergy and so on, for this you need to create state conditions, you can bring equipment from the european union, i i think that
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they will not be against it either, because it is also profitable for them, and to continue to hit the territory of russia in... units and creating problems for them with their, already with their energy, that is, in in ukraine, you know, yes, winter can be warm, and it can be cold, and it can be very warm in general, in russia it is definitely winter, but then we will impose our own agenda, then, you know, stupid thoughts that sometimes enter to some western politicians that let us persuade ukraine to surrender, because we have elections there and so on, they will be... in the right direction, mr. tarasa, i would return to this story with potentially disinformation, before that, recently there was a story with trump, which sort of he said, and then it turned out that he did not say and did not propose such a thing, in general, globally, not in the context of one day of a whole war, how effective all this disinformation is now, how much those who make
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decisions and understand, probably deeper and more all these processes are for the world, which... no, what is misinformation is because it is understood by trump, because the washington post is a newspaper of the democratic party, it smears trump, it is clear that it is happening. here another statement of trump came out, interesting enough, literally yesterday, the position in relation to nato, that is, trump shows that, after all , the united states of america is personally interested in cooperation with europe, he, well, the truth is specifically him. said, but fair enough, he said that the fifth article will only work for those countries that pay 2% of their gdp to their defense, enough, by the way, fair enough, could have demanded another 3%, that's what was agreed 20 more years ago, which european countries do not follow, this is a very good sign and in fact, it means that trump is showing that he is not so scary and odious, as
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the democrats talk about him, this is the first, second, he said about ukraine, this is what we have repeatedly. discussed on your broadcasts, including that when trump says that he will decide the war in 24 hours, he does not agree on what will happen if putin refuses him, he clearly said that if putin does not agree to the terms that he will offer trump, he will give ukraine everything it needs. that is, with regard to disinformation, well, disinformation is what it is, you must understand, the main thing is actions and interests in this world, that's it we must. you know, we often also complain that ukraine is losing the information war to russia and so on, let's spend more money, yes, we, this, this is a wrong position, the world must be in a conspiracy, in a conspiracy, with concrete actions, to hit the territory of the russian federation, to destroy their mpz. belarus mpz should be destroyed
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including, then it will work in the right direction and the right people who make decisions. will understand where the case is going. mr. taras, but by the way, some western countries help them in this some western politicians are already making ukraine not a victim, but they are already starting to mold ukraine into some kind of aggressor, because the strikes on the refinery now, some, i am not saying all, but some western politicians and media, are twisting it from a completely different side, and they are for us, i will limit the service, because they are our position in front of the world... it is as if we ourselves wanted to hit there, all that, as if what russia is doing on the territory of ukraine, as if it does not exist, well, but less so, look, about trump, the situation is very important, because many experts also say that it is because of trump, a person who does not hold any position as of today in the united states, is holding the entire united states hostage, which is in principle unacceptable, but on the other hand,
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there are also certain opinions that it is not only trump who is interested in ukraine now not to provide help, what's your opinion on this or what's your opinion on this because really, is trump the mastermind behind the whole thing, let's say, who's blocking it all, is there some interest in biden, his administration, that this process now pull? well, there is a group, a russophile group biden, this selivan burns, who is pulling this story, biden can long ago give 4 billion, which is registered, well, that is, what happened. year, this time, secondly, there are examples of history that when the united states and the president of the united states of america need, no congress, no, no agreement is needed, for example, it was with israel. in the 63rd year, when the issue of helping him was resolved, this issue was resolved in 9 hours, nixon by his direct order gave the order to the american army to raise all the planes and
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drag everything that is needed to israel without any congresses, without any opposition and so on, that's why when you talk about some politicians and so on, well, when the adviser, the adviser of the defense minister of the pentagon starts to tell here that she is dissatisfied with something there, yes, that's it. .. says that this group is working, by the way, it is with the cia, there, yes, well, let him continue to say how much we should not pay attention to it, should not pay attention, we should act accordingly in our own interests, you know, as they say in israel, better let them hate the state of israel than later sympathize with the jews of vasveniks, we have exactly such a situation, and how much crap has been poured constantly on israel because it acted in accordance with its interests, including in the united states of america. who are also not satisfied with his policy, but they do not listen much , but act more according to their interests, forcing them to reckon with them, but for this we need the military industry itself, we must understand this
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again, because now the american president may not want to help israel, as there are muslim groups in the united states america, there are a lot of leftists in the democrats who do not support israel, but he is forced to do it, and you know why he is forced to do it, not because of love. to israel, and the fact that israel has already climbed into the defense industry of the united states of america through joint ventures so much that they are forced to support it, including because there are interests, so connecting with the interests of ukraine, by the way, there is a lot to learn american manufacturers, and european, in what manufacturers, this is also a weight of influence on the position of american politicians to be serious people from corporations told ee... american politicians to stop this whistling over aid to ukraine and start helping, and for this we need to act, make our own defense industry, the whole
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country should work on its own defense industry, all resources should be thrown there, credit resources, no to be distributed to various agroboronchiks and retailers and so on, to accredit the specific production of weapons, to insure not only the vessels of various international corporations that export grain to us from... our odesa , including, including enterprises in the military industry, who are suffering from rocket attacks, so that they can quickly compensate for all this, fight corruption, including, yes, recently, thank god, there have already started questions about the initial stage of a full-scale invasion, there nabu arrested some people, where there was a progress enterprise, which on 50% overestimated the prices of shells and so on, everywhere should be... work for the defense industry, the more our own military equipment, our own missiles, the less we will listen to all these conversations, who doesn't like what there and so on, don't like it, don't
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watch , and act on your interests. sir taras, we literally have a minute and a half left, and i want to ask you about this new appointment at the ministry of foreign affairs, andriy sybiga became kuleba's first deputy, er... appointed his cabin, in fact , this is a person from the president's office, this is some kind of simple reshuffling in order to take someone else to the office or hide them from the office, or some additional control in the ministry, how do you see it? well, look, i don't know what, in reality, how to comment on this, i don't know this person, and functionally, yes, well, foreign policy, defense is always a prerogative was the president, this is how our constitution is written, and who to appoint there is also the prerogative of the president, well, in this case through the cabinet of ministers,
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well, of course, if there is a vacancy in the office, then usually someone comes there, or the position is canceled, and so on this person, or someone comes as a deputy, well , probably someone else will come there, well, it is possible that kulebo will be sent somewhere to work for... maybe he, maybe it will be the next minister of foreign affairs, well, in theory, everything is possible, but this these are movements by the horizons of the executive power, it is the prerogative of the president, thank you, teras zagorodni, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was on the air from the press, we are moving on, but by the way, before going on a short break, i want to remind you that that we have our youtube, where you can actually see it live. special projects and programs, also in the broadcasts section of our ether, as well as our shorts, look for short videos on hot topics, and live broadcasts of our ethers are also there,
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you can leave yours there. cues, comments, and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube please, it's important to us, also please like, comment on the video and share the content you like, we're going on a short break now, we'll add sumshchyna after it, we will find out what the current situation is in sumy region, literally in a few minutes, wait, we are tired of heavy and bulky. saw, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient can also be used for carpentry, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, cut branches, cut a beam, chop firewood, all this will be done in one movement.
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