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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday with 20 to 22 for espresso. two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time , neither the government nor officials took responsibility for the outage. the spresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet of ministers, and the national security council and defense, the national council for television and radio broadcasting. however, we did not receive a clear answer: who and why limited the channel's broadcasting. this is pure censorship, this is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because today the espresso tv channel was broadcast on the t2 network, on the button on which it was broadcast for 10 years.
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rada tv channel is broadcasting today. the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant of the only news marathon, and instead of express, people who still use and watch ft2 television can watch, again, the only news marathon. which are broadcast today, if i am not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, and that is, they do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various mass media. to such an independent tv channel. the state intelligence service explained that the reasons for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting were the alleged implementation of the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information policy. this body and others have denied their involvement in the shutdown of tv channels. this document also does not regulate of our disconnection, because there is not a single word written there about the need to disconnect someone, re... turn it on, there is no word
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espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so this is pure manipulation, and we still do not have any explanations, justifications, why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered in april 2022, in a few months it gathered the necessary number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard, whether it will be returned tv channel on ether? u... didn't answer. a year ago , the international human rights organization reperts without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel the opportunity to fully work, because the restriction of the broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023 , the us state department rated the press of ukraine as partially free. the report discussed, in particular, the situation with the espresso, direct and fifth channels. we do not
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fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end, how we work or try to work according to those rules and laws, canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when... we do not work according to them, then of course it is us distance from the free world. the return of tv channels to the digital ether t2 now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions , our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we do our best for the approach of our victory and believe that we will definitely win. but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and ... return us to
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the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia, because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of the media. due to the disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to be broadcast on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social media networks this... already exceeds the number we lost then, but still we continue to call on the authorities, all the officials responsible for this, to return us to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they are still waiting for us on the t2 network, so it is important to return the espresso vt2 channel with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom of speech. in these european values,
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most importantly, people have the right to have access to information of various kinds, not always convenient for someone, for some individual politician, i 'm not saying for the authorities, not convenient maybe for some certain people, but this. information that is just journalism, but we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what is happening and what can be. we asked ukrainians what they thought about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon. popularity is falling, and that says it all. everything should be there. in a person there must be a choice, she must choose. i have a negative attitude. this is an alternative, different channels, different views, so i don't see any problems not to show them on t2, especially since i know the rural, especially the area, there were a lot of users, they watched expresso, i don't like it, but why?
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well, because there are channels that cover news from all sides, in fact, despite the disconnection from the digital network, the spressu tv channel continues to spell in information. the espresso team informs viewers about all important events, and war correspondents, risking their lives, document the crimes of russia, and we are still waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to be returned to the digital ether, to be returned to the digital ether. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, greetings to everyone. wishes everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. battle during the time of yar. the russians are intensifying mechanized attacks against the backdrop of a shortage of personnel and ammunition in the armed forces.
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is there a threat of a breakthrough? waiting for the brave solutions while american aid is blocked, the european union is going to expand its military. support of ukraine. mobilization without demobilization. the draft law adopted by the parliament is awaiting the president's signature. will new legislation help win the war? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, political expert volodymyr tsybulko, americanist oleksandr kraev and politician boryslav bereza. the second part of our program will feature journalists olha len. oleksiy mustafin. however, before how to start our today's big conversation, let's watch a video of repelling the attack of the russian invaders near the time ravine. heavy fighting is currently taking place there. let's watch a video of how the enemies were beaten by
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the ukrainians. the word armed. glory to the forces of ukraine, heroes. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on social networks and on the youtube platform. please take part in our survey, today we ask you about would you entrust the political power to the military
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after the war. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have a special opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you watch us on tv, take it in your hand. smartphone or phone and vote if you would trust the power of the military political force after the war (0800-211-381, no), 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have our first guest on the phone, this is volodymyr tsibulko, political analyst, writer, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. let's start our conversation with the law on mobilization, since on april 11 the verkhovna rada of ukraine approved the draft law on mobilization in general, but the parliamentarians removed from the document the provision that would have provided for the demobilization
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of military personnel after 36 months of service. we will now briefly remind our tv viewers, actually, that there is a draft law in this. the main ones provisions: limited availability. those who received the second and third groups of disability after february 24, 2022, except for military personnel , must re-pass the vlk. all conscripts must be registered within 60 days. your data in the tcc, cnap or electronic cabinet. all men must have a military registration document with them and show it at the request of authorized security forces. men who do not update their data or evade mobilization may be restricted from driving. conscripts abroad will limit consular services until they update their data. the rotation and demobilization provisions, as i said, there will be discharges after 36 months. in a separate law that will be adopted later. mr. volodymyr, what will be the consequences of these changes
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to the mobilization legislation and the mobilization procedure, well, first of all for society, and secondly for the war. well, first of all, for war, for war, constant continuous training of specialists is necessary, especially since the war is moving into a more high-tech phase, training. such specialists will have to be conducted much longer, secondly, many brigades now have, well , about 40% of combat-ready personnel, which means that they need to be replenished as soon as possible, it is desirable to preserve the professional backbone of the brigades, it is very difficult, because most of the cool specialists sit continuously at the front for two years. and, if we don't come up with at least some rational rotation, then we remember
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the 17-18th year, there for six months on the line of hostilities, and then the brigade was taken to rest. now, of course, the intensity of the war is much higher, so it is necessary to find some forms of financial stimulation, or, accordingly, er... more frequent rotations, because, firstly, it is felt that there is a lack of high-class specialists in all kinds of electronic warfare in the army, then, er, the introduction of an aviation component is expected, in a few months, in two, probably in two months , aviation will start working, it will go... aviation needs a huge infrastructure and engineering personnel, especially in the area of ​​aviation weapons, so there are a
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lot of challenges, but at the same time, the assault brigades, they are simply exhausted and need somehow understand, let them rest, otherwise people are just at the limit of their capabilities, this is simply burning out, so to speak, the most valuable personnel, the most experienced, and this... will be expensive for the armed forces, mr. volodymyr, i wanted to ask your attitude to that , that in principle all the amendments that were proposed by the people's deputies during the last two months, they were actually ignored except for the committee ones, and it looks like that the draft law submitted by the government on december 26, 2023 could be quite... voted in january, for example, or in february, and time was simply wasted on
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the development of these, and on the preparation of these amendments, and they, they, well, they just simply did not enter this law for one simple banal reason, so that the deputies representing the people's servants were not in the session hall on april 10, they did not vote for these amendments, these amendments were simply all canceled as they did not receive the appropriate number of votes, why yes... it was necessary to follow all these procedures, why all this had to be arranged and shown that the parliament was something decides, when in the end everything was actually decided outside the parliament. well, here is a very important political point. the point is that such laws as the law on mobilization should be a law on justice and a law on national unity in the face of an external threat. actually. the quality of the discussion of this law and the votes cast for this law, they are very unconvincing, 227
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votes, this is essentially a psychological experiment, even the position of zelensky himself is important here, because one of the first comments that appeared after the adoption of this of the law, zelensky himself says that the current legislation suddenly turns out to be enough to evade... to be recognized as evaders, but did this voted law bring more justice to people in the army, current people in the army, precisely in the army... for 36 months as a certain term for such a cut-off, when a person who has spent a total of 3-6 months in combat operations and at the front, he must rest for at least a year, otherwise he will simply and professionally become exhausted and exhausted
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to the extent that human psychology is human, it cannot withstand all this, but... the fact that this norm on demobilization was not included in this law is also, in principle, the absence of this, well, conditional gingerbread, that is, for those who is already mobilized and for those who are going to mobilize, because it is unclear, mobilization continues, but no one sets these terms, those who are already at the front do not understand when their service will end, when they will be able to demobilize, and those whom they are trying to mobilize do not understand either, as far as they go, or for life, or to some injury or some statue, mr. serhiu, the most embarrassing thing in this whole story is that the legislator refused to make a mandatory surcharge for being on the front line, er, well, the amount was fixed there ,
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in my opinion, uah 70,000, and the legislator refused to pay it. and the cabinet of ministers introduced it, well, it formed it in the form of a resolution, a resolution is not a law, that is, considering how non-binding the ukrainian cabinet is in relation to the military, this refusal to include financial the incentive in the law also looks like a mockery of common sense, in general , a progressive scale of surcharges should be introduced. for example, after 12 months , additional payments to the military would have to be increased by 50%, after 24 by another 50%, plus everyone remembers that in the 17-18th year there were good premiums for the destruction of enemy equipment, where now these
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premiums, i believe, that they should be entered, answer these questions. we do not have, but we see that despite all the complexity of this law, it has been passed, and obviously the president will sign it, or if he does not sign it, then he has return with the veto with your own, well, use the veto and return with your own amendments, in this process, which took place over the last few days, we still did not see these leadership positions of the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, all the same. he was not the one who convinced the people's deputies of ukraine to vote, before that he recorded a video and said: "well, we are now having conversations with the parliament so that they, so that they, that is, zelensky's distancing from this law, from the very process of mobilization, the intensified process of mobilization, because now there will be rules for all conscripts, for those with limited
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fitness, they have already been canceled, now either fit or unfit, that is, there are a lot of questions." will arise, but, well, it is not clear, on whose side these questions should be put, on the side of the leadership of the armed forces , they say, we are only the customers of the mobilized, the verkhovna rada passed this law, the supreme commander-in-chief says, we, we convinced the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i.e., why do you think there was no political leadership in this process, although the process mobilization is a matter of life and death. ukrainians, the question of the future of ukraine, the present and the future as well. well, first of all, mobilization takes place according to the political decision of the political leadership, not the decision of the military. secondly, the absolutely comical behavior of zelensky, as if he, uh, no, introducing this bill, in
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the long run he will not sign it. because he will sign this bill or he won't . here the question is also an intrigue, if he signs this bill, then he is a co-author of this bill, if they want to shift the responsibility to the military, that it was the military that ordered such a law, it is not true, the political primacy of politics is always in the management of the military, it is always preserved, the military are only... executors of political decisions, no matter how zelensky twists it, let's remember absolutely paradoxical history with lowering, with the law on lowering the bar. mobilized from the age of 27 to 25, the law was not signed by zelensky for more than a year, well, as far as i remember, the norms for signing the law
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make up a month, that is, two weeks, a month, a month, in fact, a year, the law was not signed, and in the end zelenskyi signed it, even this law is not corrupt, it really divides society into... those, well, into serfs and non-serfs, according to in fact, because it is very, very inconsistent and, i would say, anti-constitutional in its spirit, that is, perhaps there is no letter of anti-constitutionality, but the spirit of anti-constitutionality is that part of society is placed in an absolutely unequal, unequal position with the other part, here's zelensky... no matter how he wriggles out, he will have to side with the military and be a co-author and bear full responsibility for this, well, i would say not very popular law. well, while
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the people are discussing a new law on mobilization, a global peace summit is being prepared in switzerland, and putin and lukashenko, who met yesterday in moscow, complain about the world community and say that without russia, the issue of the future of ukraine cannot be solved, and... putin insists on returning to the draft of the so -called istanbul treaty, which justified the negotiating teams of ukraine and russia at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, let's hear what putin has to say about the upcoming peace summit in switzerland. the idea of ​​holding a conference in switzerland is being promoted, we are not invited there, moreover , they believe that there is nothing for us to do there. at the same time, they say that it is impossible to solve anything without us, and since we do not go there, it is already a kind of panopticon. they say that we refuse to negotiate, we are not
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invited, but they say that we refuse. it would not be so funny as sad. i want one more time to emphasize what we are for, but not in the format of imposing some schemes that have nothing to do with reality. you know, i 'll look again. on this picture and realized that the panuptic is exactly what happened in the kremlin, you saw at what distance the journalists filmed them, that is, it is not at all clear who is sitting there, or it is just a sound track, some pranksters are making this sound track, and the impression is that putin was not really there, mr. serhiu, well , the comedy is that two war criminals, usurpers of power teach the democratic world, how to act, this is it, well , this is the pinnacle of such, i would... say bullshit, the fact is that after such applications, the international criminal court must finally decide not only with
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putin, but also with lukashenka, by the way, lukashenko should have received the same warrant from the international criminal court a long time ago, but something, something somewhere is being delayed, it is obvious that our legal allies need to be legal. tried to insist that, after all, the criminal, international criminal court had already expanded the circle of announced searches from two to four, well lukashenko himself could, so to speak, appear in the gag, but something stops him from this noble gesture. at the very end, very briefly, what do you think might be the solutions at the global peace summit and to what extent will this peace... be in some perspective, will we be able to see this peace? well, it seems to me that this global peace summit, it, it is
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a development, i remember two or three years ago, and then two years ago, on the initiative of joseph biden, a global democracy forum was held, and it seems to me that this swiss summit can outline construction of security policy for... the future, for the next 100 years. thank you, it was volodymyr tsibulko, mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, and we continue our program, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please , take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, would you trust the power to the political power of the military after the war, yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion on ... please write in in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you trusted the political power of the military after the war and entrusted them
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with power 0.8 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prism, americanist. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. yes, congratulations, good evening to you. this, this week, mr. alexander, to washington, david cameron flew in from great britain and met with antony blinken and donald trump, and the main topic of conversation, of course, was the support of ukraine in this difficult situation that is developing in our country, just yesterday the prime minister of japan visited there, fumio kishida, and he called on the united states of america to support ukraine and provide the necessary assistance.
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the question is quite simple: to what extent, in your opinion, is the congress of the united states of america ready to make a decision on allocating $61 billion in aid to ukraine? if we're talking about the house specifically , because actually the senate has already shown its willingness to remove this aid, the house is only as willing as speaker johnson, speaker johnson. is ready to do it in the next one and a half, two weeks, because a vote of no confidence is being prepared against him, a vote of no confidence from his fellow party members, from the side of margerin, and therefore in order to call for a certain set of votes in order to save him from this vote of no confidence , he needs in one form or another, or with the side of the republicans, or the zamocrats , to issue a certain aid package for ukraine,
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so during our time... we can wait for an aid package for ukraine, in what specific form it will be, it will be a land list, or it will be a loan, or it will be in any other form help, we can't say yet, because speaker johnson just, well, didn't give us the opportunity to talk about it, because he didn't present the specific text of the bill, but in the near future we will see the specific work of the speaker, we will see the specific solutions that may be exhibited for voting and we will really be able to assess johnson's chances of political survival within the framework of american politics and, accordingly, the chances of adopting a pro-ukrainian aid package for ukraine. the minister of foreign affairs of poland , radoslaw sikorski, in an interview with cnn, reprimanded the congress of the united states of america for the long delay in the decision to help ukraine, which leads to the destruction, as he said, of the energy infrastructure and threatens new
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waves of running. let's hear what radislav sikorsky said. i call on the speaker again johnson, let democracy decide. the issue needs to be put to a vote so that funds and the necessary weapons can be supplied to ukraine. if this does not happen, russia will cause new destruction, and the credibility of the united states will be in question. alexander, when sikorsky and other world leaders call on johnson to pass the decision of the house of representatives, does this mean that this decision depends not only on johnson, but on the potential candidate for the presidency of the united states of america, donald trump, and precisely because of this, solely because through the prism of this, we must look at this situation,
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we must be frank here that... johnson is not an absolutely one hundred percent independent politician, in principle, until the beginning of march of this year , johnson was really just a spokesman for trump, and american political scientists also recognized this, recognized this independent political scientists, that indeed johnson broadcast exclusively trump's policy in relation to the house of representatives, in relation to congress as such. at this stage, johnson is trying to play a certain individual role, he is trying to find new allies, but basically... he continues to play within the trump cohort, and within that logic really what foreign leaders are doing, what cameron is doing, what sikorsky is doing, what macron is doing personally, all that influence, which they are doing to the united states of america, it shows that the potential future leader of the united states of america needs to pay attention to the issue of ukraine, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of aid, so if trump
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really wants to be a global leader, he wants to do really well.


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