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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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olga len and oleksiy mustafin, don't switch, stay with espresso, it will be interesting from now on. russia is targeting the ukrainian energy system. the government says the situation is in the energy sector. sha for the first military winter. how can ukraine defend itself now? we are talking about this on the bbc live from london. i am yevgenia shedlovska. the new wave of russian strikes on ukrainian energy is more powerful than the one that began in the fall of 2022. hits are more accurate, the consequences are more devastating. at night, as reported by the ukrainian military, he was injured power facility in dnipropetrovsk region. so, the day before, as the government announced on april 11, russia... attacked power generation facilities and
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power transmission systems in the kharkiv, zaporizhzhia, lviv, and kyiv regions, that is, virtually throughout ukraine. later, it became known about the destruction of the trypil thermal power plant, which in the kyiv region, one of the largest in ukraine, a supplier of electricity in kyivsk, cherkassk, and zhytomyr regions, centerenergo, which belongs to tets, announced that the russians had destroyed 100% of their capacity. but the greatest damage to the energy system. russia has hurt ukraine before. on march 22 , it carried out the largest attack of the entire war, as stated by the minister of energy herman galushchenko, the impact of those attacks on the energy system was very significant. the most difficult situation with electricity supply, according to the minister, is in kharkiv and kharkiv region, where blackout schedules are implemented, kharkiv-2 - the largest city in ukraine at some point was completely left without electricity. its supply was restored with interruptions, but according to the mayor of the city igor terikhov, it was actually destroyed there...
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all the main energy objects, and it is not only about electricity, but also about heat. bbc correspondent sarah rainsford saw what was happening there. what we are seeing now is obviously a targeted attack by russia on ukraine's energy system. it actually started back in march with two massive strikes by drones and rockets, which destroyed all the power plants here in kharkiv and basically left the city without electricity for a certain time. and it happened the day before in the morning. another powerful attack. ukrainian air defense is not coped with dozens of launched missile drones. in kyiv , one of the most powerful power plants was completely destroyed. i spoke to the manager of the company that ran this power plant and he said that it could be repaired but only if the western allies would send over the spare parts and in theory they could restore this plant and start it up again, but he asked me what the sense? if they are not able to defend it, this
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is the question: if russian attacks resume, and this obviously will happen, then the problem is air defense, in ukraine it is extremely scattered and limited, therefore it is very difficult to protect these power plants, that is why we heard again from president zelenskyy a call to the west to help ukraine with air defense. i can see the frustration with how many promises have been made and how... there's really limited help coming in, especially in terms of air defense, and that's really important because it's quite clear that russia will continue these attacks, and now they're not only getting more intense , and more accurate, and therefore more destructive for ukraine. how ukraine can protect its energy system from devastating russian attacks. this is what deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk says. to repair it, we have been doing it
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all the time since the beginning of a full-scale war, since the beginning of massive attacks, but now our main task is not only energy workers, in general, the government of ukraine, and the state leadership, it is negotiations with our partners regarding the strengthening of air defense, because better protection for our objects than there is no air defense of course... the complex with physical defenses that we also installed and continue to install, it works well, but without air defenses, the damage is still there, maybe if there were no physical defenses, they would be even worse, but we must understand that when 8-10 missiles arrive at one place, it is difficult for any physical defense to withstand such an attack and protect the equipment, therefore, of course , our number one task now is to strengthen...
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our air defense, therefore strengthening air defense the ministry of energy says that there have never been such precise and targeted strikes on energy infrastructure facilities. the beginning of the war, and according to the minister of energy, russia is trying to achieve a total blackout in ukraine, but the energy system is still working despite the strike. the day before, at the meeting with lukashenka, putin talked about the strikes on ukrainian energy, he said that in this way russia is trying to demilitarize ukraine, which , he said, is how they directly affect the defense-industrial complex. and putin told that the power plant was not bombed in the winter - i am quoting for humanitarian reasons, but after. about the attacks on russian energy facilities, putin said that they should have responded. since the beginning of the year, there have been drone strikes on russian oil refineries, and on many, in march alone, at least 14 times. these strikes disabled part of the equipment of russian refineries,
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the production of gasoline in russia fell, its prices began to rise, the ukrainian authorities do not admit their involvement in these strikes, but they do not deny it, and representatives of the united states are criticizing such tactics, as american defense minister loyt austin, according to the media, said in the us senate that this could negatively affect the situation in the world energy sector, and that it would be better for ukraine to strike military facilities. well, more about the situation in the energy sector, in the energy system of ukraine, we are talking with the columnist, the president of the dixie group analytical center olena pavlenko is in touch with us. mrs. olena, i welcome you on the air, the current strikes of russia with missiles and drones on ukrainian energy. system are called the worst during the war, but how to protect the network until air defense is strengthened? thank you very much for your question, and good evening, there are three levels of protection, a very basic level, gabions, all kinds of possibilities to physically protect some sort of facility,
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a small facility, and our government has been active in protecting as many of these as possible small objects, and gabions were also supplied to us a lot from abroad, there is a little s... new protection is called drone nets in order to somehow ensure an object from a drone, but with this you provide transformers, autotransformers, but not large objects, such large objects as tess, which, which russia is now destroying, it is impossible to build some kind of wall around it, and they can only be protected by air defenses, which is why i fully agree with the government that in addition to sending ukraine gabions, or sending ukraine... a lot of cement to build walls, it is not enough, we need, unfortunately, expensive, but a very effective defense is anti-aircraft defense in order to protect our generation. last year, russia tried to destroy infrastructure, networks, transformers, this
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year, before that, to networks that have already been destroyed, and up to 80% generation was also added, and this is very dangerous, because we may not be ready for winter, well not only genera objects are damaged. about which you are talking about and the substations that ensure the transmission of energy from producers to consumers report about it, so what consequences will this scale of damage have? i can only repeat that in addition to the ongoing ongoing renovation works, there will be a heavy load in the summer, if it is hot, hot weather, it will be hot, people will use a lot of electricity, even in the summer, blackouts may begin. in the same parallel way , it will be necessary to prepare for the winter, and if last year we were still able to reach some more or less ready ready volume of generation in order to go through this winter without blackouts, the chances that we will go through the next winter without blackouts, their little, we will have to
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import a lot of additional equipment, and this equipment is expensive, again, it will not only be transformers, it will be turbines for generation, and here i would like to... say that it is very important now that our foreign partners relax a little the requirements for ukraine in terms of what and how it rebuilds, because , if it will be gas turbine technologies, or some equipment that works on gas or even on coal, a lot of international partners forbid the use of such technologies, because it is not green energy, in the event that we need to quickly prepare for the next... zumi i think ukraine could ask, and international partners could give, for a year or two exemptions so that we could very quickly repair our main generating capacities. well, you said about the summer load, about the summer peaks, but can the summer load on the power system
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be equated to the one that occurs during the heating season? sometimes yes, if it's big, if it's a hot summer, if it's a lot of use of air conditioners, refrigerators, etc., then yes, it can be quite a load on the system. last summer, i i remind you, our transmission operator ukrenergo asked for the same. limit consumption because there could be threats of blackouts. mrs. olena, stay with us, let's listen, the government says that they won't be able to restore the power system until the summer, but they will have time before winter, that's what deputy minister of energy svitlana grynchuk told us. until the summer , we will not have time to restore to the level that was before the attack on march 22, we will try to restore all the necessary, let's say so, at least until ... the next heating season, we will try, and now is the time
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we are working on this, regarding the introduction of a new generation, we are now in such conditions when decisions must be made quickly, and not just decisions made, but implemented quickly, because we have no other way out for long, long-term strategies, we have a task number one is to survive, it is to keep the energy system working, where it is possible to restore, we restore, where it is necessary to build, new, we are building, and already now, because we understand that time is short, and all this must be done very quickly. and olena pavlenko, president of the analytical center dixie group, in touch with us, is it possible to restore the energy system of ukraine to the state it was in before the strikes on march 22, because the government says that they are assessing the destruction, but it is clear that it has already been lost. a significant part of heat generation, i see, here we need to work in parallel
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in two directions, the first direction is that we must not forget, i only support this idea, to work for the so-called green recovery, that is, we must introduce new generating capacities in the form of solar, wind farms, accumulators, in order to so that when the war ends, we still have clean energy as much as possible, and this... generation then worked with us for many years, but at the same time there are such very quick decisions that we need to make now and already together with international partners, this is where it is possible to repair the generation that has now been destroyed before winter, literally this is a year or two, while the war is still going on, and here there must be a special approach, exactly what the deputy minister said, and we will need waivers, we need there will be... an exception for some complex ones procedures, which can sometimes take up to a year
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to purchase complex equipment, so that in ukraine it was possible to install this equipment literally from the wheels and restart the test. i can repeat once again that the state energy center said that their test was completely destroyed, private companies said that they had 80% of their generation destroyed, but it is this generation that helps us cover. peaks, when we start consuming a lot of electricity in the evening or in the morning, it is this generation that helps us not disconnect people from electricity, and we will need it a lot, both in summer and in winter. i really hope that we will be able to establish a process with international partners in order to very quickly deliver the equipment and where it can be replaced, replace it there and restart the generation. well, back in march there was a russian attack on the dnipro-hess, and the hess is just such a balancing system for
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the power grid, so why are such strikes by russia dangerous? uh, because just like stes, just like hes - this is the generation that allows us not to think about what, how much i will consume in the evening or in the morning, how many of us consume this electricity in peak hours, because the system allows us to cover these peaks in... without balancing generation , it is much more difficult, much more difficult to pass such peak moments. russia understands this, russia specifically chooses such generation facilities, and if you see, now much more sophisticated methods are used to attack our generating capacity than it was before, and therefore much more, much more effective technologies and protection. ukraine needs it now, even than it was before. thank you, ms. elena. olena
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pavlenko, president of dixi group, was with us on the air. well, you can read more about the situation in the energy sector on our website in the article of my colleague anastasia zanuda, there were no such precise strikes before. what to prepare for? well, that concludes our issue. see you on monday. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, today in the program: the small constitution of martial law.
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the mobilization law provides for a new procedure reservation will it ensure fair mobilization? all-russian flood. whole cities go under water. orenburg and orsk, as an illustration of what is really happening in russia. optimism remains. ukrainians believe in victory and expect it in one or two years. whom are they hoping for in post-war politics? friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as. on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take our survey today we ask you this: did you entrust power to the political power of the military after the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up
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your smartphone or phone and vote if you would trust the political power of the military after the war. then vote on 0800-211-381, if not 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, today is a traditional journalistic one studio, my colleagues, olga len, political observer, espresso host, author and presenter of the war information program. olga, i congratulate you. congratulations, and oleksiy mustafin, journalist, publicist, television historian. manager oleksiy, i also congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. on earth well, since we are asking our tv viewers whether they would trust the power of the military police after the war. i will then explain why we are conducting this survey, referring to a sociological survey conducted by the razumkov center. i will ask you
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colleagues, and you, about this, did you trust the power of the military police after the war in the blitz format. well, you know, i would rephrase it a little, specifically, you know, a separate party of the military, it seems to me that everything is a little wrong, in principle, i would say that i would never entrust power in the country to people who have not joined in any way at all defense of the state, that is, it seems to me that we should slightly revise our certain attitudes to what citizenship is, what the opportunity to work in government bodies is. somehow correct it in such a way that it is clear that only a person who directly participated in the defense of the country can make a career in the authorities, if a person did not do this during the war for any reason, he simply cannot hold a political position, but in principle, it seems to me that it should be so here thank you, ulya, oleksiy, i also do not understand
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the political power of the military. because the military is different, they have different views on how ukraine should develop, if we are a democratic country, this is quite natural, the only thing that is obvious is that the experience of people who went through the war, and not only professional soldiers, because in we are, so to speak, a nation-wide war, and many civilians joined, but at least the experience they had and self-awareness is very important, i think that... those political forces that will take part in future competitions in ukraine , they should include in their ranks, including the military, including people who went through this war, if not to form a list from them at all, i will remind you that a very respectable person, for example, dwight isenhower, he was
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the commander during world war ii and became president, but he became president as representative of a certain political, political party. eh, why are we actually asking about this and conducting a survey about the political power of the military after the war and now we talk about it hypothetically, of course, but the razumkov center published the results of a sociological study, according to which 45% of ukrainians believe that a political force that can be trusted to rule in the post-war period, it may appear from among the military, that is , here... we are not talking exclusively about the party of the military or the party of generals or the party of sergeants, but we are talking about political power, really where is the bone. people who fought and were at the
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front will have right, it is desirable that they do not have the right to run for office in various authorities, and of course i did not get it. but some appointments, because it is clear that in this situation it is very important to participate in the current events and to give her everything that is needed by the state, another figures that have been made public regarding the trust of ukrainians in institutions, i also want to quote them right now, this is trust in social institutions, therefore armed. the forces of ukraine are now 95.6%, they do not trust 2.8%, the volunteer battalions are 86.1%, they do not trust 7.4%, well, to be honest,
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it is difficult to say what the volunteer battalions are in this situation, and they are all members of the armed forces of ukraine, or the defense forces, relatively speaking, or joined the national guard, volunteer organizations, 84.9%, do not trust 8.9 and state emergency services 80. well, olya, these are completely understandable numbers, and here actually, i do not i know whether it is possible or necessary to comment on the fact that the people on whom life in ukraine depends, the more people trust, that is, it is absolutely obvious that there are no institutions here that, let's say, do not participate in the defense of the state and well, i would rather say here. that this is just an indicator that despite all the processes to undermine the country's defense capabilities, which
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have been going on for about a year, you see, it still did not succeed in directly destroying its trust in the army, despite all reshuffles, and somehow it was not possible to knock the idea out of the minds of citizens that after all, the country must be defended... although it seems that a lot was done for this. and the fact that the country needs to be defended is a statement confirmed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, because the law on mobilization, which was introduced by the government of ukraine on december 26, 2023, was adopted by the parliament as a whole on april 11, 2024. parliamentarians removed the clause on demobilization from the document, which before... provided for the release of those who are on at the front, who are in the armed forces after 36 months of service, which is still in the law on mobilization,
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we will briefly remind our viewers, those with limited fitness and those who received the second and third groups of disabilities after february 24 , 2022, in addition to military personnel, must re-pass the vlk. all conscripts must clarify their data in the tsk or within 60 days. the throne cabinet requires all men to carry a military registration document and show it at the request of authorized security forces, to men who do not update their data or evade mobilization, can limit the right to drive vehicles, conscripts abroad, will limit consular services until they update their data, well, that's very short, the thesis, i would say, the thesis of the basic law. about the mobilization, oleksia, considering the procedure itself, how it all happened, that all 400 amendments, in fact no one
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supported it, and there were no votes for these amendments, and it was just a formal procedure for passing these 400 amendments, almost 4 thousand amendments, with the exception of committee ones, if necessary was to arrange this long period of consideration of this draft law, which is so necessary... during the war and whether it was necessary to follow the procedural norms in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, taking into account the fact that there is a war in the country, and the leader of the mobilization process one way or another, if he didn't want it, there is a supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, and all this could be done much easier and faster? well, first of all, no one, no one... has canceled the procedure, the law must be followed and the procedure, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, well, in general habit of the current government, we remember even the laws that did not concern
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the military, so to speak. issues, military issues, even in peacetime, conditionally in peacetime, since the war has lasted for 10 years, and it is obvious that the entire term of the current government is spent during the war, but before the large-scale invasion, we remember, for example, the adoption of the land law , that is, the situation was absolutely the same, speak, speak, you do not interfere with us, submit amendments, we will consider them, then no amendments are accepted, adopted... in the form in which the subject submits legislative initiative there is the cabinet of ministers or someone else, so we have to get used to it, that this will obviously happen in the future, it is obvious that it could have been adopted earlier and not delayed so much, but again, well, this is a general situation when politicians remain politicians even
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during war, we remember. how long has it been around the fact that there is no such demobilization procedure in the law, but we have to remind you that in general this issue was raised again by the same servants of the people, the same one who, excuse me, bezuz, was the first to raise it issue, although the military then said that it should not be determined by law, since we do not know the situation, we cannot predict the situation, which depends not only on us. therefore, again, it seems to me that too much time was lost precisely in view of the political circumstances, the adoption of any decisions, even in conditions where we supposedly have a parliamentary majority of parliaments, but on the other hand, what happened in the parliament , olyu, testifies to the fact that there is no parliamentary crisis if there are votes under
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the bill is... for the adoption of a law on, well , a bill on mobilization, and if the servants of the people do not go to the meeting, when they do not want these amendments to be voted on by this faction at all, well, it turns out that the office of the president of ukraine can mobilize when necessary, and there is a majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and all the talk there about the parliamentary crisis that has taken place over the past two months simply has no basis, well, they had no basis before, so... because previously, in principle, there were votes for acceptance of this law, they were there since december, when it was first introduced, they were already fine then, but since the president, let me remind you, it seems that since may 23 of the year he did not sign the law even on lowering the threshold for mobilization from 27 to 25 years old, it gave his political forces, and a bunch of others, well, i think this is a false signal, that it is necessary now at this... moment
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to literally get involved in some kind of, you know, race and struggle, for literal protection, who will better protect the evader, well, for some reason, the political power of the president and he himself decided that it was not his voters at the front, that his voters are only in the body, and they do not want to mobilize, and they must be protected, moreover, they forgot something, that in our country at the front, we have the same civilian people who are also there at the same time... pushes, also their rights must be protected, and in principle, well, somehow, this whole story, well, the government started it, the government got into it, the government as a result arranged, well, absolutely disgusting, i consider the story with this law, because to take it just drag on all this time, then, when the time is down, we could have already six months to form some new
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brigades, we could... already do the rotation, but thanks to the commander-in-chief, that is , the president, we now have a problem with the fact that we do not have enough people at the front, it is not about demobilization for a simple reason , because we don't even have enough people, so they tried all the time somehow to avoid the fact that it is necessary to attract more people to the army, that through the army... so it is necessary that several million citizens pass in order for this to be possible take some out, give them an opportunity to go home, they were talking about some kind of economic front, as if these civilian people who are now in the army, they can't go home and hold the economic front in exactly the same way as those who are holding it now, well, what's the problem, that's the same civilians, businessmen, workers in labor professions, farmers. er, well,
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they are absolutely no different.


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