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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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thanks to the commander-in-chief, well, that is, well, the president, we now have a problem with the fact that we do not have enough people at the front, it is not about demobilization for the simple reason, because we do not even just have enough people, but they tried all the time somehow to avoid the fact that it is necessary to attract more people to the army, that through the army it is so necessary that several million thunders pass. citizens in order for it to be an opportunity to take them out, to give them the opportunity to return home, they talked about some kind of economic front, as if these civilians who are now in the army, they cannot return home and hold the economic front in the same way as those who are holding it now, well, what is the problem, these are the same civilians , businessmen, workers in labor professions, farmers, well, they are absolutely no different. this is exactly
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how the economic front can hold for a while, and the economic front, i believe, will not collapse from this, if there is simply a rotation, like that. and more importantly, that has not been resolved, i believe, this whole story, still the authorities have not shown their readiness to conduct a fair mobilization, because as long as there is such a concept as reservation, according to non-military criteria, that is, there should be only one criterion. this person is simply vitally necessary to maintain defense capability at his workplace, and he must be mobilized and obliged to be at that job in the same way, well, as a military man, he cannot suddenly say: oh, i'm resigning, sorry , here i am, i wanted to go somewhere else, to bye, bye, i went somewhere, but if we book someone, then he has to be at his place of work, like a soldier, whether he wants to be there or not . well, everything should be
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fair, right, and even more so there shouldn’t be any organization of art workers, national union of journalists, these people are very much needed now to ensure something, i don’t think they are needed at all, the circus is needed, why, well, it’s us everyone, we all understand very well, defense capability does not depend on these people in any way countries because they are interchangeable in this regard. to tell some legends here about the fact that there are some very talented people who absolutely cannot, well, that's all, that's all wrong, as a result of all this, they simply forgot that we have a large number of civilians at the front, for whom all this clapping, it's just extremely, well, it just demoralizes them in the first place, and this is the main danger of the country, to demoralize those people who are at the front. thank you, ola oleksii. when this draft law
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was submitted to the verkhovna rada and even after that much has been said and is still being said about justice during mobilization, but what is fair mobilization? fair mob mobilization of everyone, everything else will always raise questions, one way or another, whether it is fair or not, but look, here is the law that in... valeny is the system that the ministry of defense and the government are proposing now, because the council of ukraine adopted a draft law submitted by the government, whether this system is currently fair without deciding on the mobilization procedure, on how it will take place, that is, whether it can be said that is the mobilization in ukraine fair now?
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i'm sorry, i didn't hear the whole question, well , it's obvious that if there is a question, then it can be called not entirely fair, which is less, of course, everyone has their own criteria, criteria, but it seems to me that there are too many political games around this, these decisions it was possible to adopt faster, more efficiently, and in the end, it would be more effective, but again they postponed this issue, because they were'. there were questions about the ratings of politicians, who, who protects people, who does not protect people, and it seems to me that this did not affect in a negative way for the adoption of this law, firstly, in terms of time, we always do not have enough time, and we have such a great luxury in the adoption of this law, this, on the one hand, and on the other hand, we see that politics has not gone anywhere, i wanted to go back to the question you asked, is there a political... a crisis or not
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a political crisis, there is a political crisis, it's not going anywhere, there's just decisions that have to be made regardless of whether there's a political crisis or not, or not, whether there is a parliamentary crisis or not. questions about mobilization is just such a question, because it is about the survival of the country, the survival of every ukrainian, and obviously these decisions must be made, regardless of whether there is a majority in the verkhovna rada or not . on other issues, such a majority, as we see, well, in many cases, when votes are taking place, and even during the discussion of this law, when we have half a room going somewhere from the meeting hall, it means that in fact the crisis is quite, quite deep, well, no you will invite military personnel who will come to each... to each bill into the hall and force deputies to vote one way or another, in fact, that's why they are military, because they perform more important duties, including at the front, so it seems to me
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that this is rather an imitation in that, as you can see, there is no crisis , there is a crisis, it has not gone anywhere, but how to deal with this political crisis that exists? or parliamentary crises in ukraine under the conditions when there are no elections, that is, the elections will not be soon, and it is clear that both the parliament must work, and the president must work until the moment when there are victory, until the war in ukraine is finished, how to motivate or how, how to properly conduct a conversation with those who are in this political crisis and deepening this political crisis, see... people need to be motivated to join the defense, that's where motivation is needed, and motivating deputies to fulfill their duties is, you know, somewhat strange, in general, it seems to me that the constitution provides several opportunities and actions for deputies in the event
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of a political or parliamentary crisis, on the one hand there are elections, this is what it is impossible now, but reformatting of the coalition is possible. a coalition is created not only once and forever, it can change during one term, it is necessary, in principle, in war conditions to create a coalition for more than a year, which would not depend, so to speak, on a few people or a few votes during vote protection, but this means definitely greater responsibility of the people who take responsibility for the creation of this coalition, the involvement, obviously, it requires more... flexibility from the political forces, primarily under from the same servant of the people, who is the leading force in one way or another in the parliament, obviously no laws should be passed, so that means you can propose any amendments, but we vote, we are only the law that comes
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to us in the first form, obviously we must to listen to people who represent other political forces, well, but again, this requires greater responsibility, but again , the question here is not that... either elections, or, or our parliament does not exist, the parliament exists, in it there are deputies, and it is necessary to create, if if one majority does not work, it is necessary to create a new one, well, it is absolutely, absolutely obvious, and everything is correct, you say oleksia, but the reality is that in the conditions of monopolies, it is probably necessary to talk about mono-responsibility, because when it comes to monopolies, then. .. everything is absolutely obvious, there is a parliamentary majority headed by the servant of the people, or rather, the servant of the people is a monomajority, and when it comes to responsibility, there is no monoresponsibility, so for some reason this responsibility is blurred in us, well, i would not say that it is unclear, nothing, sorry, but look, well, with
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the law on mobilization, it turned out that way, no matter how hard they tried to blur the responsibility, no matter how much the president tried to avoid it, as a result, his party voted... for the law that he immediately submitted, that's all, period, and as a result, we had to vote for exactly such an option, which was immediately proposed, because it turned out that there was no alternative to it, no matter how much the president wanted to avoid it, and now he himself has to speak out and say that this is how we should punish more dodgers, yes we are we have to attract more to the army, he was running away, running away from this responsibility, he didn't run away from it anywhere as a result, so again. the attempts continue, for some reason it is mentioned that the military wants this, the deputies want this, well, why is there a subject here, and he is this this this, because it reminds, you know, the well-known anecdote when the captain tells that i guided the ship through four
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oceans and 20 seas, and so on and so forth, and then he says, as a result, we ran aground, well, that is, either i, or we. responsibility is not it happens, it doesn't happen, so to speak, as the russians say, flickering. thank you oleksiy, let me remind you, friends, that we work directly. on the broadcast of the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, during this broadcast we conduct a survey, we ask you about this, would you trust the power of the military police after the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote: yes 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we let's sum up the results of the voting, a very short topic about... how in lviv the lviv beaumond justified his entertainment by collecting
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funds for drones, and how the chief inspector of the lviv customs yulia dryga was fired from her job after she was on video told that her clothes cost about 800 dollars in total, that is, a very short topic of two news items: the first is that the participants of a luxurious party in a leading resort gathered. money for only seven fpv drones, i.e. five-star edem resort, medical nspa and lviv media and our colleagues wrote about this party, so they spent much more on this party than all these people in diamonds and evening dresses collected for half drones, they collected 115 uah, and spent an order of magnitude more, but all this was packaged , of course, in this charity event, the whole
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community then reflected when they read the information on lvivmedia and scolded our colleagues for writing about it, but during the war they organized such a party, eh people, people are not poor, but collected quite modestly, another heroine is the chief inspector of the lviv customs. yuliya dryga, today she was fired from her job, after she talked in a video about how well she was dressed, she became the heroine of a story on the tiktok of blogger mykola karma, who asked people on the streets of lviv about their clothes, let's see, because it's very show this video. hat, baginsky 18, the dog's name is gutsi, she even has a leash, gutsi. then gucci is specially made for dogs, how much does such a strap cost, about 200, 200 $, a bag,
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yes, you already know the prices of all techolovitons, and if i did, everyone answered me like that, then i wouldn’t have anything to take off, maybe they bought through bayer, maybe shoes and shoes were cheaper, erm, about 800 dollars, and a watch, hours maps, and how much does this one cost, somewhere around 500, somewhere yes, yes, i took a jacket like this somewhere for 2, leggings. it is up to one and a half for sure, what do you do, a little for yourself, a little for the state, the state work process, yes, she works a little for herself, a little for the state, that is, said the chief inspector of lviv customs, olya, this story testifies to this party and to this chief inspector of the lviv customs, so that for some people there is no war as such, they go there in clothes for 800 dollars a little. for the state, they work a little for themselves, who should bring them to their senses? well, this law on mobilization should
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actually be introduced as an idea, well, and secondly, well, in fact, this is all about what we talked about, it is clear that there are women, no one mobilizes them, such a thing, but the fact that they in no way do not feel, and that they want to go for a walk and it is necessary to somehow camouflage it, well, it is so, because yes, they do not feel, well, what can i say, it is really very safe. they feel it, they don’t feel any difficulties in life at all, moreover, apparently, this is even such a phenomenon, we should talk about it, there is a section of people who actually receive a dividend from the war, because someone rents out apartments there, in three times more expensive than they could before the war, someone there still earns something, well, they pay a little for the state, a little for themselves, somehow more for themselves, as it turned out, well, this is of course... this is very bad, and this, this again brings us back to the fact that after all
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, the burden of war must be distributed, well somehow more fairly, probably it must be distributed to all, well, to everyone , and that's why we can't be talking about any reservation at all, that's why government officials should also serve without any reservation, well , because they are all interchangeable, they fired this girl, i think there's just a queue. ok, there is no problem there, you know, i think that there are just a lot of them, well, that is somewhere it must be, but these stories are not for anyone, no one for nothing. they don't teach, because we see all these stories non-stop during the last two years of the war, when the officials, the officials are absolutely disgusted by the fact that there is a war in the country, they buy themselves luxury cars, they buy a little work for the state and a little for themselves, they sew a little, steal a little, get corrupt a little,
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take a little bribes, well, that is to say, one gets the impression, as one foreign publication once wrote, that here they are... trying to gain the most, because they understand that in this story they can take everything, and then it may not be. oleksiy, in your opinion, these people should be brought to their senses and, well, i don't want to engage in moralizing, but, well, in this situation, it all looks a little very strange, when state officials behave in this way and do not... shame, and they don't even have any sense of the fact that there is a completely different life and it is not so luxurious and, it cannot be, well, so to speak, a person cannot behave one in one
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place, in a completely different way in another place, people, you cannot remake a person, we saw it during the peacetime that these people lived. and a completely different life than the majority, the majority of the country, and to expect that they will somehow change their lives in the conditions of a large-scale invasion, without talking about the war at all, then i think that this is absolutely naive hopes, it can only bring them to their senses there are real, so to speak , real punishments for abuse, because if you know, a person says that he... works for the state for a while, but now he doesn't work anymore, yes i understand the state, in general it works only for itself, well, that is, why should the state spend money on these people, you know, we have, in principle, where to put this money, the same with the so -called parties for the collection of drones, well, let's
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just collect for drones without a party, in principle, the same money will still be possible. and the money spent on the party should also be directed somewhere for more reasonable purposes. thank you oleksiy, there is actually nothing to discuss here, it seems to me that we are all united about the fact that, well, the country should live, and officials should live in the country where the war is going on and behave accordingly without excessive moralizing, if they do not understand this, then they really should work not a little for the state and a little for well, here , you know, here it is more important than ever in general, well , some example from the very top, well, that is, it should go from there, after all, because it is a vertical, which, roughly speaking, is somehow brought to consciousness by their superiors, if their superiors does not bring them to their senses, it does not show
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it to their personal example, well, then we see that such stories, well, our whole problem is that we have... literally, until half of our elite is mobilized into the army, that is , the real elite, not the creative one, the whole of which is practically fighting in our country, namely the economic one that exists, but until it is all mobilized, nothing will happen, well, on the other hand, i will remind you, i will remind you how zelenskyi’s presidency began, stories about the fact that a robber will come out of here and i will now put things in order customs, it's customs. that is, so what, that is, again, you can say anything publicly, but if it does not come to a logical end and people are not, well, at least not fired from their jobs for such things, then
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it will only be, so to speak, shaken, well, we remember. as zelensky asked a customs officer somewhere in uzhhorod where he was or where he was in the first month or the second month of his presidential term, asked him what iphone he had, what kind of car he had, and where he got his lexus, well, that is, a lot of such things were said then, which i will show you all, as it should be to live, i will show you how to live honestly, well , actually five years of the presidency, this is the illustration of this chief inspector of the lviv customs, when she does not even realize, does not even think about saying such to the camera, what, what, it's also a moveton, what, what in general, even if you have a card, it's not a joke. they should not be shown there in the center of lviv and say: i am the goddess of the lviv customs office here, and i absolutely hate all the rules, well, this is also a very big question, which
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will obviously be especially acute after the war, when people return from the war, and when those who fought will look at these ladies with dogs, with gucci leashes for $200 or for a card, i, i, i, i would not wait for them to come back from the war, because many who won't come back, you know, ah, waiting for them to abuse those people, just showing that they're all fucked up, well, i don't think that these people actually are going to wait for that, that when, when the war is over, we will put things in order, things must be put in order now, if they don't want more, so to speak, tragic consequences, thank you alexei one more short topic, i think we 're just exchanging thoughts on this global deluge, the all-russian deluge of orenburg and orsk, and it looks like a vivid
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illustration of what's really going on in russia, i know olya that you've been missing their comments there, what they say in general is meticulous enough, you also covered this topic in the chronicles of the information war, tell me how they first perceive it and how you perceive it? this flood, which reached these cities, and orsk and orenburg, there it seems to me that this water has already gone further to the mound, it is mismanagement, roadlessness, irresponsibility, everything, everything that is possible, well, there are several such layers of perception, well, the first layer of perception is actually what russian propaganda is trying to do about it there, well, it's just a natural disaster that cannot be avoided. to predict, it all happened like that, well, that’s the main thing, and woe betide, let’s save everyone and that’s it, there is such a next level of perception, it is also splashed out a little
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in the russian media, this is what, in principle questions arise, how it was possible to build an embankment, some kind of embankment, but in this orsk, in fact, a dam broke there, and it was not a dam, it turns out, but simply an embankment that was together with the road and... they filled it immediately less than possible floods , they poured without concrete, without anything, they took almost a billion rubles for it, well, in other words, they basically stole it, and this is all you, this story with this dam, it revealed such a story in russia, which in general has been relevant for them there for the last 10 years , because this dam is new, it was built in the 18th year, it was designed what... well, that is, this is a completely new story, it is precisely this indicator of russia's military economy, and russia's military economy looks quite interesting from this point of view, because it is clear that
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they pumped money from all regions to the center, spend this money or straight to embezzlement, well, that is, there are some pseudo-dump type projects, which are simply embezzled, so that , well, because there are those close to putin, there is this whole pool of rich families in russia, for which... they need to get money from where, where do they get it from , they them now after on sanctions were imposed on them, they practically cannot earn money abroad, they receive it directly from the russian budget, and this dam is such an example, one of such examples, all the money was simply stolen, poured into it is unknown what, well, and such a result, but at the same time, the entire burden of maintaining the russian infrastructure, the everyday life of the russian people there. completely dumped from the central level to the local level, there is no money at the local level, and therefore it is just such a huge run-up,
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such a gap in between everything is so strong the declining standard of living of russians, which is declining right before our eyes, that is, the collapse that happened this year with heat supply in almost all regions, it was by no means accidental, it is the result of this history. and on the other hand, this is military expansion, 6% of gdp goes to war, purely to war, and this will certainly tear them apart, and the second story, which is very surprising, is that looting became the main problem of this flood, more an ordinary, ordinary victim of the flood is not talking about anything yet, except for looting, looting is a story that all of them simply cannot handle the whole of russia. there is still time, oleksiy, this is the story of the life of the russians, well, they have always lived like this, and where, where is this border, where, where, when will they realize that they
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have left them at all. if people always live like this, then they do not see anything extraordinary in this, they have always lived like this, it is on the one hand, on the other hand, remember, this is the well-known phrase attributed to the marquis and the pompadour, after us, even if the flood, well, the flood came, but not after, during, so to speak, because it is actually the quintessence of existence. the current putinskaya russia, and maybe russia in general, somehow it will all be ruined, the main thing for us is that we live only once, let's raise money now, let's start all the wars we can, because then i won't be able to get a job, so i think that this is just a logical consequence of how is politics going, thank you, we have to finish, colleagues, oleksiy mustafin, olga len, were guests today.
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of our program, colleagues, thank you for participating in the program, let's see the results of the final survey, would you trust the power of the military police after the war, please show on the screen 87% yes, 13% - no, that 's the verdict program today, i say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00, have a good weekend, goodbye. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring, already, my son, you have dr. tice's tripe and you get up to work again, you have tripe, german ointment for pain in the joints and muscles, natural ointment with tripe from dr. tice, the quarterfinals of the champions league only for me , barcelona-psg and man city-real, who will go on and... who
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you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. congratulations, the epic floods that covered the orenburg, kurgan, and tyumen regions slightly distracted russian propagandists from ukraine. i won't say, something strong, they continue in their spirit, but still.


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