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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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the occupiers, in a word, there are a lot of questions, we hope that on april 17, where this big meeting of finance ministers of the big seven and the international monetary fund and the world bank group will be held in washington, we will hear concrete proposals, because the world is tired of russia, the world is tired of putin, the world is tired of the aggressive policy of the russian federation towards ukraine until this one. putin's terrorist activities in the world are treated with caution, and they understand what is happening in ukraine, and especially in the last few weeks, when the russian occupiers are attacking the energy infrastructure of ukraine, destroying tes and tec, trying to deprive ukrainians of heat, light, and actually everything that the civilized world is used to. er, these attacks on
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civilian infrastructure can be classified as crimes, war crimes, er, it’s true, but yesterday i had valery chala on the air, he talks about the fact that it is not so in the world international practice, it is not so clear in the legal in practice, the responsibilities of the parties who cause these are not so clearly prescribed strikes, and when, for example, the russian federation does this, it is necessary to... introduce in documentary in documents, in some certain evidence, provide evidence of what is happening, although, i hope that the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine and other investigators the authorities of ukraine are doing their best to do everything right from a legal point of view, and to ensure that the international institutions, which ...
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including the issue of war crimes, still receive all the evidence of vladimir putin's criminal activities, so that in he had more than one warrant from the international criminal court for the deportation of ukrainian children to the russian federation, but also for the destruction of critical infrastructure in ukraine, for the killing of civilians in ukraine, for the fact that they destroy our cities, for the fact that they rape women, for the fact that... that they are committing war crimes on the territory of the ukrainian state, i think that this issue, this issue will be brought to its logical conclusion, and putin will receive more than one warrant from the international criminal court and appear before an international tribunal. friends, we working live on the tv channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take part in our survey, today we ask you about ... such as,
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would you trust the authorities the political power of the military after the war? we ask about this for a reason, and in the second part of our program we will talk about a social survey, where ukrainians also answered this question, we will compare our survey results, both on television and on youtube, with what ukrainians actually say, so if you if you have a smartphone or a phone at hand, you can also vote if you would entrust the power to a political force. after the war 08021381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free call at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote further on contact us borislav bereza, politician, public figure, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, mr. borislav, i am you congratulations, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. so, mr. boryslav, yesterday the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted the law on mobilization. and put
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emphasis on the main points about how mobilization should take place, further mobilization in ukraine, because this mobilization has been going on for two years already without this law, and it is clear that the process was mobilization, it continues, will the adopted law affect your opinion, on the process of mobilization and how, well, let's take turns, do we now have a law on mobilization, yes. on the basis of this law, we are conducting a mobilization, is it effective? no, it is not effective, but not because the law does not allow, and because there are no mechanisms and no motivation among people. will the new law change this situation? no, won't change? will the provisions of this law affect the fact that the vast majority of ukrainians who are currently required to serve in the military do not want to serve. no, that won't happen either. why? well, because this... the law does not
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motivate, moreover, in order to change the situation, it was necessary to motivate, well, first of all, it was necessary not to waste time, secondly, it was necessary for the authorities not to embarrass themselves all the time on... reputational and corruption scandals, which raise more questions than answers. thirdly, it was still necessary to show the authorities how she or her close people are fighting today at ground zero and defending ukraine. this, by the way, would show, well, that the authorities consider the possibility of the participation of their close people, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, business partners, in the military, military operations, and that would also be good, but... definitely the last one, you have to was to conduct a large all-ukrainian information campaign, which should motivate people, but for that it is necessary, at least to begin with, to study the experience of countries in which this it was done, well, for example, israel, for example, azerbaijan, other countries, no
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one did this. moreover, have you ever seen the president personally lead a mobilization movement? no, on the contrary, he distanced himself, and do you think that people will be very... motivated after that, when they don't hear at all from the president that they need to mobilize, that's part of it, and there is another part: a large number of our soldiers were waiting for this in the bill such a provision as demobilization after 36 months, and by the way, that would be very correct from the point of view of mobilization, imagine that a man is in a city or village and sees how his neighbors or relatives or acquaintances and... go to the armed forces, and return only either the 200th or the third, because otherwise he will leave the army it is impossible now, and here he sees that they have started to return, and he understands that the army is not only an entrance, but there is no exit, but it is like a civilized country, for example, as in the same israel, where there
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is now a war, but there is also mobilized, who are demobilized, and others are mobilized instead of them, and this is practically implemented, why in our you can't do that, can you? and i forgot, a huge number of volodymyr zelenskyi voters do not accept mobilization, and such a story would demotivate them to vote for zelenskyi, that is why this story failed, and we see that instead of creating a motivational factor, they created a demotivational factor for the military , this is a big problem, and the president, how to solve it, they promise a new law in 8 months, that it... will be created, they do not say when it will be submitted, they do not say when it will be adopted and they do not say what provisions will be in it, ago more questions than answers, but again, any law should change the situation for the better, thanks to the provisions that are in it, are these provisions in this
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law, no, they are not, that's it, there is no stick and stick that would change the situation, unfortunately, there is no demobilization, well, obviously, when - the leadership, the military leadership of ukraine says that in 8 months, well , through the mouth of the spokesman of the ministry of defense, that the law on demobilization will be in 8 months, then obviously they have meaning that there are not enough people now, if we just say what will happen demobilization after 36 months, this means that those who left on february 24 in 12 months should be released from their duties, and accordingly... other people should be mobilized in their place, and yuriy sodol, commander of the joint forces of the armed forces , said during the consideration of the draft law on mobilization in the verkhovna rada that the armed forces of ukraine lack personnel, the occupation army of russia prevails at the front by almost 10 times. let's hear what he
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said. the situation at the front, and i am now the head of the operational-strategic grouping of troops khortytsia consists of four. operational-tactical groups, these are kharkiv, luhansk, donetsk regions. the enemy outnumbers us by 7-10 times. we are short of staff. a mechanized, infantry, motorized infantry, rifle division is usually 8 - 10 people. so now we have two, some departments... three or four men left in our departments. according to tactical regulations , this unit is given to defend a guaranteed 100 m of the defense front. if there are two men, they can defend 20 m of the front. that which speaks
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general, it is absolutely clear, but this is the scale he is talking about, that there are 10 times more of them at the front than ours. but, well, they have a bigger country. that i'm interrupting you, and you didn't hear about it, you didn't know about it before, you don't remember how the handyman turned and said that we need mobiles to mobilize somewhere in a year or so. 400,000, and zelenskyi answered him: i don’t see the need, i wasn’t convinced, now sodal comes out and says that it’s too late, indeed, it’s already too late, then recently zelenskyi says, i don’t see that someone had to be mobilized, and at the same time he says that for the month of june, the russians will mobilize an additional 300,000. i would like to remind you that last year the russians began to mobilize 400,000 and have already finished this mobilization process, 400,000, 130. these are current losses, these are the ones who were killed by the armed forces of ukraine this year, 130,000, these are one hundred percent those who
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were destroyed by ukrainian soldiers, of these 400,000, 130 will be replenishment, another 70,000 are the so-called or1, one operational reserve, they will be created and will be pulled up well, necessities, and more 200,000, these are the same two armies that shoigu said about, one army is 1,000, they are creating two new armies and... another 3,000, so zelensky does not understand how the supreme commander, when he is told this by a hard worker, said zaluzhny, and now when sodolf suddenly understood, but this is a shame, this is an open shame, let's tell the truth, sodolf is telling the truth, moreover, everyone was talking about it for a long time, zaluzhny said about it, whispers said about it, but zelenskyi ignored their warnings, he wasted time, half a year of loss in order to could be mobilized. why? because zelensky's rating is in front of his eyes,
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and he wants to win the upcoming elections more than to win the war. unfortunately it is. no, he is not against winning the war, on the contrary, he is for it, but he wants more to win the election, because otherwise he would have already made an unpopular decision with his voter, but his voter does not see these decisions, precisely because he is very cautious zelensky takes care of his own. rating, so i say once again, the situation will not change, we need to mobilize now a month is a minimum, well, at the same time it is necessary to mobilize somewhere around 150-200 00 people, and then 25-30 00 are needed per month, this is what the military says, yes, zelensky is silent about it, he does not say about it, and why does he not say, why does he name how many people need to be mobilized, again the rating, this damned rating, i forbade them, frankly forbade you are conducting a sociopathy'. according to the rating until the end of the war, until we win any ratings, because it is the orientation towards this rating that drives him
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insane, his rating is now falling, the balance of trust is not trust, now it is at the level of 25%, recently it was almost 60, trust in zelenskyi is falling, and he is trying to keep his rating at least so, not making unpopular, but state-like decisions, but this is not normal, it is inadequate, to be a state politician. presidential election, i know he's not going to win, but he's living it, you know, he, he 's in the grip of the churchill syndrome, where you believe you're going to win the war, but then it turns out you can't win the elections, yes, that's how it works in general all over the world, because in a democratic one in society, people get tired of the politician who was there during the war and want to change him, this is always the case, only in a totalitarian world the same politician remains, for example, in russia, where stalin used to... remained, or putin remains now, in any in which case there will be changes in a democratic society.
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ukraine is a democracy, there will be changes, but zelensky does not understand this, for him it is , well, the conditions of the situation are too complicated, he, you remember, is the office of simple solutions, simple solutions, always simple solutions, he believes that with such, such an effort, he will be able to convince his elector, to vote for him again, that's all. well, in the background of our mobilization problems, there is another problem with our help, or rather not our, american help to ukraine, artillery shells and air defense equipment can run out of the defense forces quite quickly without the support of the united states of america, leaving ukraine vulnerable to partial or complete defeat war, this was announced by the supreme commander of the united armed forces of nato in europe, the american general. christopher cavoli at a hearing of the house armed services committee , let's hear what he had to say.
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now the russians outnumber the ukrainians five times, that is, the russians fire five times more artillery shells at the ukrainians than the ukrainians can fire back. in a few weeks, that ratio will be 10 to one. we are not talking about months and we are not talking hypothetically. so, mr. boryslav, tell me, the internal situation, internal politics in ukraine, it influences on the decisions of the americans and on the non-decisions of the americans? no, it is not affected at all, now it is only affected by the internal games and the efforts of each of the two parties, the democrats and the republicans, to win the presidential elections, this is the main story that is now preventing ukraine from receiving this aid, but you know, i can to say something else, when we had a year of comprehensive support from the united states, did
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zelenskyy use it to get some agreements that would oblige us to provide support and weapons to ukraine also, did zelenskyi sign any agreements or anything else? no, why? because he believed that the war would last for two or three weeks, or because he believed that it would always be like this, and people would come to him? it doesn't happen like that, he was warned about it. by the way, israel will receive permanent weapons from the united states as part of the alliance treaty. and this is what an israeli military journalist told me yesterday on my broadcast. serhii auslender, they are waiting for additional money, but basic money, basic money, basic military aid, they receive because there is a contract, because they signed it. why didn't zelensky do it? because he cannot calculate the situation? well, yes, it's true. but the main problem right now is precisely that the republicans
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and democrats are fighting over this bill, because for each of them it is important as a blow to... the opponent, not as help to ukraine, for the republicans this is indicative, look, biden indifferent to domestic american problems, he does not want to strengthen the border. it's a different story for biden, look, they want to destroy ours the democratic standard procedure, how we want to give people citizenship, or a residence permit, for anything, it doesn't matter, or something else, each of them attacks, ukraine is generally taking a back seat, i'll tell you... i'll tell you more, i'm rewatching now pay close attention to american tv channels, ukraine has disappeared, and taiwan has disappeared, there is only israel, now there is an attack by iran, here is an attack by iran, but the problem is that ukraine itself refused to draw attention to itself, you have at least heard that zelensky
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addressed to our diaspora, which is huge in the united states for... for them to go to a rally, to a protest, for them to attract the attention of their candidates in the elections, no, did not hear, but why, what is preventing him, by the way, and where are the demonstrations, where hunger strike, believe me, it can all be done, and by the way, this was offered to zelensky back in november of last year, he is silent, does nothing, so it is not necessary to say that nothing depends on us, we could influence, but we did not use the window opportunities and... we don't use the tools that are available now, we're just waiting, but what 's happening in the united states right now is a total shame, because the united states is now so messed up that it's giving up its leadership function in the whole world, and that's also true, and you mentioned israel , there was information already this evening that lebanon fired dozens
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of rockets at israel, at least 40 rocket launches were recorded from the territory of lebanon at israel, and it is obvious, as international agencies predict, that something more is unfolding there than missile launches, well, we will monitor this situation, obviously, the united states of america will now react to the situation in the middle east, and again ukraine, as you say correctly, will be relegated somewhere to the third or fourth plan. mr. boryslav, thank you for the conversation, it was boryslav bereza, politician and public figure, people's deputy of ukraine, on the 8th. convocation, friends, information is emerging from the middle east, i hope that in the second part of our program we will also mention this, because the israeli system air defense, is intercepting the missiles that are now, with which they are attacking it, it from the territory of lebanon, and in principle, obviously, obviously, the situation is going to be
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tense during this weekend in the middle east. we will monitor this situation together with you. friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. those who watch us on youtube can participate in the survey, just like on tv. we are asking you today whether you would trust the power of the police and the military after the war. let's look at the interim results of the tv poll, it's probably incorrect. but 100% could agree with this, on youtube 75%, and not 25%. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel up to 30% in travel memory and savings pharmacies
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. vasyl zima's big broadcast is a big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima. we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics, today we will talk with you for two hours. to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us, and how the world lives, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postakhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, presenters, which many became natalka didenko is ready tell us about the weather on the day of the guest, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine.
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events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, it would be even better we will have a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv, and beyond, what kind of world does mr. norman dream of. we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15, at espresso. events, events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. saturdays at 1:10 p.m again at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel. the second part of the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, i graduated today. a small martial law constitution. the mobilization act provides for a new order of reservation, will it ensure fair mobilization? all-russian flood. whole cities go under
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water. orenburg and orsk, as an illustration of what is really happening in russia. optimism remains. ukrainians believe in victory and expect it in 1-2 years. who is trusted? hopes in post-war politics. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take part in our survey, today we ask you this, do you trust the authorities the political power of the military after the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you... . believed the authorities political power of the military after the war, then vote on 0800-211-381, if not 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are
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free. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, today is a traditional journalistic studio, my colleagues, olga len, political viewer, espresso presenter, author and host of the war information chronicles program. olga, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. and oleksii mustafin, journalist, publicist, historian, tv manager, oleksii, i also congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. on earth well, since we ask ours tv viewers about whether they would trust the military's political power after the war. i will then explain why we are conducting this survey, referring to a sociological survey conducted by the razumkov center. let me ask you, colleagues, and you about this, are you before the political power of the military after the war in the blitz format? well, you know, i would rephrase it a little bit specifically, you know, a separate party of the military seems to me to be a little
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wrong in the case. i would say that i would never entrust power in the country to people who have not at all participated in defense of the state, that is, it seems to me that we should slightly revise our certain attitudes to what citizenship is, what the opportunity to work in government bodies is, somehow adjust it in such a way that it is clear that a career in government bodies can only be the person directly involved. to the defense of the country, if a person did not do this during the war, for any reason, he simply cannot hold a political position, but in principle, it seems to me, it should be like this. thank you, ulya, oleksiy, i don't understand either the political power of the military, because the military is different, and they have different views on how ukraine should develop, if we are
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democratic. country, it is quite natural, the only thing that is obvious is that the experience of people who went through the war, and not only professional soldiers, because we have, so to speak, a national war, and many civilians joined, but at least the experience they gained , and self-awareness is very important, i think that those political forces that will participate in future competitions in ukraine, they should include in their including the military, including people who went through this war, if not to form a list from them at all, i will remind you that a very respectable person, for example, dwight isenhower, he was a commander during the second world war and became president, but he became he is the president as a representative of a certain political, political party, why do we actually ask about this and conduct a survey about the political
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power of the military after the war and... now we talk about it hypothetically, of course, but the razumkov center published the results of a sociological study, according to that 45% of ukrainians believe that a political force that can be entrusted with power in the post-war period can emerge from among the military, that is, it is not only about the party of the military or the party of generals or the party of sergeants, but it is about flying... people who fought and were at the front will obviously have the power, although i absolutely agree with oleksiy and olga that those who participated in the defense of ukraine, well, of course, obviously those who did not participate in defense of ukraine, they will not have right, it is desirable that they do not have the right
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to stand for election in different. the authorities, of course, did not receive any appointments, because it is clear that in this situation it is very important to participate in the current events and give everything that is needed by the state, another number that has been published regarding the trust of ukrainians in the institutions, once again i also want to quote them, this is trust in social institutions, so the armed forces of ukraine now 95.6% do not trust 2.8, volunteer battalions 86.1%, do not trust 7.4, well, to be honest, what are volunteer battalions in this situations it is difficult to say, and they are all members of the armed forces of ukraine, or defense forces, relatively speaking, or joined the national guard volunteer organizations 84.9% do not trust
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8.9 and state emergency services 80%4 do not trust 13.2% . well, olya, these are absolutely clear numbers and here, in fact, i don’t know if it is possible or necessary to comment on the fact that the people on whom life in ukraine depends, the more people trust, that is, it is absolutely obvious that there is no some institutions that, let's say , do not participate there. in the defense of the state and well, i would here she rather said that this is only an indicator that despite all those processes to undermine the country's defense capability, which has been going on for about a year, you see, it still didn't succeed in directly destroying her trust in the army, despite there are all the permutations and...


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