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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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but well, in general, the work is being carried out , yes, the local government is helping, yes, they took away from us the local self-government bodies, their biggest profit, conditionally, it is a pdf of the military, they were taken away, they became cheaper, they became thinner. local budgets are a lot, that is , so that you understand that a small community with 10,000 people is immediately minus 10 million hryvnias, that is, you understand, for a small community minus 10 million is crazy money, but at the same time , the communities help, how can they, if the brigade goes on some kind of rotation there or they pass something else, well, i'm all as much as i'm not i am satisfied with the actions of the central government and regional... military administrations there, now i am
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not only talking about the sumy region, as far as i can praise the local self-government bodies, these are great people who should be erected a monument, these are ordinary people, especially those communities that work in the front-line communities, i am sure, well, at least if it were my will, i would nominate all of these 20 front-line communities, all the heads of the communities for some orders, and military orders, for courage, because what they are doing is not put into words what ordinary people do simple specialists in these communities, this, this is very cool, this is very cool, i am proud, but i , if, well, actually there, offer only them, well , if only patrons, some help from international, from international funds, but i see their work, when i come to these communities, it is simply, simply extraordinary, how much horizontal ties have grown in us, how much ukrainians have proven that they are ukrainians, that it is... simple, well, what can
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be said that despite all efforts of the president's office and mr. yermak personally, ukraine will definitely win, i have nothing to do with it doubts, because for this you just need to come to a town near the front, such as bilopylla or krasnopillya or pysarivka, see what is happening there and simply, thank you, mr. viktor, for these words, it is important, unfortunately, but really not everyone sees it, but it's indomitability, well, in a good way, because now it's... already some people think so, you know, use it with such sarcasm, because it's him, he 's been a little bit used, yes, but it's actually, it's not from that lost its strength, indomitability and faith of the ukrainian people, this is actually what keeps the ukrainian army and the ukrainian nation in this existential war. thank you very much for your work and thanks for your comments, viktor boberenko, expert of the bureau of policy analysis from sumy oblast. they talked about the front-line region, well , the border region and the front-line region, in fact, the region that is also being prepared, because where the enemy is, where is it going. polize, no one can say for sure,
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but we will try to talk about it, tergyi zgrec, the director of the defenseexpress agency, will also talk about it, and these are the military results of the week today. vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today we really will breaking down what happened during the week on the front line, about russian attacks on our energy, how to counter it, about finding patriots to strengthen our air defense, about mobilization, about all this and more in a moment. so, the big war continues, the military results of the day and the week, and we will start with an enemy missile attack on a thermal power plant, a hydroelectric power plant, how critical the situation is, why the russians manage to destroy our energy-generating companies, well, there is 80% of the generation, so is this a bit exaggerated, i rather not a specialist in energy, they were really very good. not critical, but very large
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damage, now let's talk about why it happened. well, in fact, there was a russian alternating attack on our energy sector, different methods of striking were used , that is, different forces were used, there were cruise missiles, there were shaheds, and when we talk about shaheds and guided missiles, such as the kha-101 , then in fact the anti-aircraft defense worked quite effectively, because somewhere under 90% of the stolen missiles and shaheds were shot down there. when we speak about the daggers that were aimed at western ukraine, gas storages, those daggers are really in those areas where there are no patriots, of course, there is nothing to shoot them down, but there was indeed one nuance in this stage, which we talked about yesterday on the air , this morning they talked about the fact that there were already confirmations finally appeared, because i had certain, let's say, fears, whether the information related to the attack on trypilsk would be true. tez, when we found out
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that the enemy used this kh-69 cruise missile, it is actually a new modernized a missile with a range, as we now see, of 400 km, today... the ukrainian truth has already confirmed our information, it submitted the fragments of this missile that were actually found near trypilska tes, and this is actually our information, well, it is simply confirmed, in what the danger is the use of these x699 missiles, they are actually new missiles, they have, relatively speaking, a range of 400 km, but they are not used from strategic bombers of the tu-95 type, like these kha' missiles. one we follow because a bomber takes off, we know that one way or another there will be missile launches, and here the kha69 is used from front-line bombers, there are su-34s, there are su-35s, and in fact it is difficult to determine exactly when the launch will take place
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from these bombers, and this missile flies at a lower altitude, and it is actually, well , used for such insidious ones. strikes today, ilya yevlash, the air force spokesman, said that we need patriots to shoot down these cruise missiles, that's not quite true, because these cruise missiles are subsonic, they it is possible to shoot down even with manpads from any systems that are shot down by shaheds, you can shoot down the eyes of the kh-69, the question is that it is necessary to increase the number of different means on the cover of our gs and tes, this should be... done both independently and in cooperation with our partners, so the issue of patriots and other systems that shoot down missiles, well, on the agenda is something that is raised by both the president and the minister of foreign affairs in contacts with our european and american partners, and i am here by the way
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did not lie, in the last few weeks the enemy it was possible to destroy, well, to disable six power plants of the energy industry of ukraine, 80% of the thermal generation of tetstattest, i.e. heat, was destroyed. power station and thermal power plant, prime minister of ukraine denys shmagal stated this in an interview with estonian national television and radio broadcasting. of course, we still have solar generation, nuclear generation is the most important thing, there is hydro generation, well , we still have a lot of everything, well, not so much, but it is there, so it does not put everything, but today was the statement of herman galushchenko, i just i will say the words of the relevant minister, who said that we have to be prepared for any, any scenario, and here, you know, i'll just add, it's just interesting that... the president was saying this week that he was being briefed on the work on ukraine's missile program, and he said that there are certain results, now it is important that the armed forces of ukraine implement it at the front, the president did not reveal any secrets, and i
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am wondering if it could be about, in my opinion, grimy sabsan, this is the same thing, only that this is an export and non-export name and otrk, an operational-tactical-missile complex, i am not i think we are talking about him, although i don't know, i don't know. why did the president say that and is it really such an announcement and did the work give certain results? well, in fact, we have two government programs, one of which is related to the ammunition industry, and the second is not directly aimed at the creation of long-range impression systems, we actually understand that these two programs are secret, because the enemy is trying to spoil any proactive actions there the ukrainian... side, but when we talk about missile weapons, there were already warning statements when, in particular, if i am not mistaken, the minister of strategic industries, said kamyshyn, said that we have an 800 km missile there, which is already in use there,
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maybe these were such advertising statements, but in any case it means that development in this area is taking place, that is, if 800 km, it may be one version there, when we are talking about... uh, operational-tactical missiles like the thunder or the falcon, which were originally with a range of 300 km, now it is possible it can be more, but we understand that these projects are technologically complex, but in any case they belong to the priority and the creation of such missiles, which, in addition to long-range drones, are capable of striking deep into the territory of the enemy, or on the line of defense, this is extremely necessary for our armed forces, when we understand that already... for several years in a row, we hope to receive atakams, received 20 atakams and then again a long pause, that is, in fact, we have a distance of 300 km is not covered by anything, when we talk about missile weapons, drones yes, but we do not have missile systems of such a range, the maximum that we have is
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at 150 km, this is the diameter of the bombs launched from the hymars at a distance of 150 km, this is our longest arm in terms of destruction capabilities so far. you are the enemy here is this statement, what you talked about in your program today, also about the fact that the european parliament, setting such a condition, or at least seven patriots, well and... and batteries and these management systems for ukraine or the eurorad will not receive money, first of all, this money will go to one or other member states of the european union, as quickly as it can work and, because when the question is about money, somehow everything is speeding up, it seems to me, well , in fact, it is not, because in fact, rather , this statement is so political, and when it comes to the fact that you need to find and allocate patriot complexes from your own arsenal... give them to ukraine, there the voices of government officials, politicians, and officials are already starting to appear there, who
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can, well, not support these aspirations, who announced that at least seven systems should be found for ukraine. it's not that simple, but in any case, let me repeat, there are actually about 30 patriot systems in europe, which are used by a number of armies, and actually find the least. three or five more for ukraine, well , it is absolutely necessary, because the president spoke about 25, the minister of foreign affairs spoke about at least seven patriot systems, so, well , i still hope that the europeans understand the challenges facing ukraine, and likewise , as before their army states. dmytro kuleba, minister of foreign affairs, said that he found 100 patriot systems around the world, which are either not used there, or , well, not now, i don't think they are at all. from there are 16 countries in the world that use patriots, and indeed there are 96 of these divisions
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that perform combat missions, 96, that’s just europe, asia, the middle east, and 30 of these complexes are in europe, the rest 60 are in the americans, and there a certain part just in asia and in the middle east, if... and here, first of all, saudi arabia has about 25 of these divisions there, maybe these british will help us to convince saudi arabia, but it is all time, and we are talking about what in this time, well, there is 80% of destroyed heat generation, and the enemy has, unfortunately, this window opportunities, despite the fact that, of course , you can shoot down a lot of things, and you can't shoot down what you have nothing to shoot down with, but you can't shoot it down with a shovel, and you're unlikely to shoot down a rocket from a shotgun either, so let's believe in... you know, in the first months of this year, ukrainian diplomats appointed four
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of our partners, that's already cool, well, not five, but not three and not two, so there are certain successes, i hope that there will be for five, let's now move on to what is really happening now, the search for air defense, the logistics of delivery, this is the work of the people who are behind it receive money, which i also believe are interested in the victory of ukraine, let them do it, and we only wish them support and success, time. the battle for the city has already begun, ivanovska and bohdanivka are practically occupied settlements, what are the prospects, is it possible to compare this battle over time, which actually began with the battle for avdiivka and earlier, well, avdiivka has been a battle there for 14 years, so that we understand, not 14 , and the battle lasted 10 years, so it lasted there for the entire time of the ato, oooos, oos, and the entire time of the full-scale war, and bakhmut and so on yar times. well, actually, to be honest, it's hard to compare any battle. because each of them is unique, there are unique circumstances related to the enemy's forces,
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our approaches, the presence of certain weapons in the overwhelming force, when we talk about bahmud, what do we remember, remember waves of wagnerites, yes, when we talk about avdiivka, what we remember is the active use of aviation and the active use of cabs, which was not the case, in particular in bakhmut, when we are now talking about the times of yar, what we see, on the one hand, and on the other hand, we... approaches are similar, the enemy is trying from the north and from the south to bypass the north, using certain features and using aviation, artillery to advance, but the yar, in principle , is an area that is completely convenient for defense, it is , firstly, the height, and secondly, it is there from north to south, it is cut off from the enemy by such an obstacle, in particular... this is the siversky donets donbas channel and this channel is actually there, well, somewhere 10-15 well 10 meters of water
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obstacle, but in two sections of this channel enters the valley and there, relatively speaking, there are such pipes that pump this water and these two lowlands, one near bohdanivka, and one near ivanovsky, these are precisely such lowlands where... most likely, the enemy will try to advance along these lowlands , but i hope that these lowlands are actually mined. now throw all the enemy's efforts at those who want to enter bohdan. the information for today is that he is now completely in bohdanivka, when we talk about ivanovske, then somewhere around 20 percent remains under control there of the armed forces, and all these positions can continue to be held, when we are talking, first of all, at the time of iv, if there is a sufficient amount of artillery, because literally there the day before yesterday
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i had a conversation with my colleague, with a comrade, rather, who is now... is under bakhmutom, who is in charge of the artillery, says: there is a significant problem with ammunition, he says, we have less ammunition than there was even a week ago, and this just makes it difficult to contain the enemy, to advance precisely him in the area of ​​bohdanivka and ivanovsky. now, if there is ammunition, i think that keeping chesiviaro there will be, well , quite effective, the question is that there were also units ready for such work and... there was primarily artillery, so far the lack of artillery is covered by our semi-drones, many videos, when we see how russian equipment is being destroyed on the approaches there and in ivanivsk itself and in bohdanivka, so the area is extremely difficult, but each battle is unique in its own way, and here , of course, strategy and tactics are also important, well, the strategy of the higher command of the generals
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in fact, that's the tactical story, which goes down to... the sergeants, and, well, it's already quite small, but it all matters, and it all matters, was the statement of christopher kaboli, if i'm not mistaken, this is the head of the european command of the us armed forces, a general and in europe, a general of the united states, in my opinion, he was the one who said that if we do not actively help ukraine now, then literally in a very short time the ratio of ammunition, namely shells, and first of all everything is about them will be one to 10, i remember when there were battles for north-donets-lysichansk, we had about 15 there, even if i am not mistaken, there were more, but we should not go back to that, wait, that was at the beginning of the war, then in general germany sent us 400 helmets pieces, i remember, so now the story is a bit different, indeed, when we talk about the situation with the help of the united states, if we look through this prism, the need for ammunition from the americans is really necessary, now the europeans are trying
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to compensate for the lack of american ammunition, we know about the initiative of the czech president, so far these munitions in full... volumes have not yet reached the front line, i hope that this will be accelerated as much as possible, because now the munitions play, well, a colossal role in the situation on the front line, and the second situation - these are actually our mobilization brigades, an opportunity for the rotation of brigades, because yesterday when we watched the discussion in the parliament of the law, the package of laws on mobilization, when the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine spoke there, general... yuriy sodol, he said that , in particular, instead of 10 men, the detachment's platoon gets two there, when we talk about a brigade, the brigade should get a front width of 15 km there, and this is one brigade, but it is not enough brigades and because they are exhausted, there are losses, and in fact three brigades are forced to defend such an area within 15
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km, that is, now the need for mobilization is extremely urgent and just as important as... the availability of ammunition equipment, it is very important, i i just don't know, i can sort of empirically just to think that if there is a lack of ammunition to perform combat tasks on the front line, well , how much ammunition can there be in order to prepare the same weapons, let's say, to perform such and such tasks at the training grounds, because a person who became an artilleryman and came on a combat mission to the front, and before that she fired one and a half times, well , and no, because now, relatively speaking, when we say that there is... sometimes it happens that artillerymen are taken to carry out assault missions, because just infantry rather not enough than artillerymen, because artillerymen are actually, well, a little bit far from, well, the trenches themselves, and their profession is extremely important, but when we talk about
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ammunition, then there, in particular, there, if there is 20 per day per brigade. then i think that it is critically small, yes, that is, 20 shells per division per day, and it is difficult to hold back the enemy, well, i don’t think that these shells, this is a conventional scalibur, it is for sure, it is a standard 155 ammunition, but even in these conditions, in particular there and near ivanovsky, it is possible at the expense of artillery, using cluster munitions to destroy the enemy in other directions as well, there and krasnohorivka, there are many other examples when just the artillery... inflicts significant losses on the enemy there, as usual, we did not discuss everything, but actually, well , the key topics that i definitely think are troubling sergey and i discussed each of those viewers who watch us, thank you. really, it was serhii zurats, director of the defense express agency. thank you vasyl, thank you to our viewers, we hope that next week will be easier for our armed forces, because now our
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soldiers on the front line bear a colossal burden. thank you again, serhiy, and now the plot is for your attention: defenders of the 24th brigade named after king danylo have been defending our country from the russian enemy since 2004, actually since the beginning of the war against russia. they were among the first to liberate the southern territories of ukraine during the counteroffensive in the 22nd, therefore, the military also held the defense of the city of bahmud and are still performing combat tasks in one of the eastern directions. now the brigade is inviting motivated ukrainians to serve ukrainian women how to join this team further in our story. the 24th separate mechanized brigade is one of the most experienced units of the armed forces. forces of ukraine, it is now easier to join a professional military team, because the brigade has opened its recruiting center in lviv and invites those who are ready to liberate the country from the russian
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occupiers. our brigade, it is one of the oldest brigades, it is already institutionally formed, it has experienced fighters and instructors who can transfer a great deal of rich military experience, our brigade has been participating in hostilities against the russian federation since 2014. you can join the service voluntarily in the recruiting center or on job search platforms, where everyone can choose a position according to their experience. in the recruiting center, you can get all the latest information about vacancies and chat with fighters. now, first of all, they need electronics specialists, as well as doctors, financiers, accountants, and drivers. vacancies will be found for people of various professions and skills. assistant uav operator. uav operator, master technician, electronic intelligence operator, electronic warfare operator, and these vacancies require some knowledge, experience in
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it, for example, and there these candidates at best have better chances to be good, successful military personnel, but the same operator failed - it is often a gamer in the past , the mayor of lviv, andrii sadovy, who came to the opening of the center, emphasized that every ukrainian should now be ready to stand up for the defense of our country. we should all understand that russia was, is and will be ours enemy, and all men who have reached a certain age must have the skills of military service and must be ready to devote a part of their lives to our army, we have no other alternative. 39-year-old... evgeny is a graphic designer by profession, he designed the recruiting center of the royal brigade in lviv. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the man volunteers and helps
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his fellow soldiers, and now he himself plans to join this military team. maybe my profession will come in handy, specifically what i do, maybe not design, maybe construction, maybe some engineering structures, because i believe that it is still necessary to make some kind of boundary. which one should be used to separate the enemy, make some fortification lines, and so on. this is already the fifth office in lviv, where you can come to get information about military vacancies in brigades and stand up for the defense of ukraine. the first recruiting center of the ukrainian army in ukraine operates in the city, as well as recruiting centers of the special purpose brigade of the azov national guard of ukraine, the third separate assault brigade, the lviv 103rd brigade and
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the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, we will have a conversation about important economic topics, how to work with ukrainian business and how not to work with it, and also sports news from yevhen postakhova, weather from natalka didenko, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news i will tell russian troops. carried out an airstrike on the civilian infrastructure of the city of sumy, the sumy regional military administration reported about it. according to preliminary information, people were not injured as a result of this airstrike, all necessary services are working on the spot. consequences of the blow are being clarified, i would like to point out that the day before the enemy's troops hit the sumy thermal power plant with guided aerial bombs. the russians killed one person in the kharkiv region, wounded three others, the enemy fired artillery at the village of kupyanska nodular, a 64-year-old man died, and a fire also broke out behind.
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152 mm artillery, the invaders attacked the village of monachenivka, a 72- year-old man and a 76-year-old woman were injured. they refused hospitalization. residential buildings were damaged, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the government increased payments to the military by uah 70,000 police officers who perform combat tasks on the first line of defense. now, in addition to the salary of 20,000 combatants in ... hryvnias, fighters have the right to an additional payment of 70,000 hryvnias. the money will be accrued for every 30 days of completing tasks, noted prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal. let me remind you that the day before, the verkhovna rada of ukraine by resolution obliged the cabinet of ministers to increase additional payments to the military. the construction of the military memorial cemetery will not threaten the environment and residents of
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the gatna community. on the territory of the complex , only 10% of trees and burials will be cut down will take place 300 m from the settlement, the crematorium will be built 700 m from the residential building. they promise not to damage the emerald network. the national military cemetery is designed for a total of 150,000 burials, of which 100,000 are traditional places and 50 are columbariums. let me remind you that in the 24th year , the cabinet of ministers allocated 515 hryvnias for the construction and operation of the military cemetery. according to our calculations, with ultra-fast implementation, we plan to launch in august-september of this year. the second launch complex, where will it be the administrative building, where there will be a parking lot, a ritual hall and a traversal hall, it will be...
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spring-summer of the 25th year, the cemetery will be located directly in the cemetery on an area of ​​130 hectares, and accordingly, no more than 10% of green spaces will be cut down, i.e. on the area no more than 13 hectares, which will not be produced continuously, but will be produced selectively in certain territories, it is clear that the area of ​​influence is less than 1%, therefore it has absolutely no impact on the territory of the emerald network. the government of the netherlands will allocate an additional 400 million... euro support to ukraine, these funds will complement the package of about 2 billion euros previously allocated this year. also, ukraine will be able to count on the support of the netherlands next year as well. for this purpose , the soon-to-be-retired government budgeted one and a half billion euros. let me remind you that in march, ukraine and the kingdom of the netherlands signed an intergovernmental agreement on security cooperation. restless on the polish
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border. in two days, polish border guards counted 613 attempts to break through the polish border from the belarusian side. that is how many times illegals were detained and dispersed migrants who tried to get to the country of the european union. the border service of poland reported that branches and stones were thrown at the patrols, foreigners also used gas. one employee was injured, also these days, six people were detained on suspicion of assisting migrants, four people. whether medical care, and the prosecutor's office of the kingdom of belgium is investigating possible interference of russia in the upcoming elections to the european parliament, prime minister of the country alec alexander decroo announced this, after the conclusions provided to him by the special services. by according to him, investigators discovered that russian groups promoted pro-russian candidates, thus trying to weaken european
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support for ukraine. first of all: in belgium we have a new national law that came into force last week and it is clearly aimed at fighting interference, this is what we are doing at the belgian level, but i am convinced that we need to act at the eu level as well, we need more tools to combat russian propaganda and russian disinformation, well, actually russia, russian orenburg. continues to sink under water, sirens are wailing again in the city, an urgent evacuation has been announced, the authorities explained this by the fact that the situation is critical, and in the last 10 hours the water level in the ural river has risen by 40 cm, exceeding 11 m. orenburg citizens were urged to take documents with them, medicines and basic necessities and not...


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